tv France 24 LINKTV July 15, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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more france 24 relief -- more debt relief and that finances are worse than previously reported. iran celebrates the nuclear deal and the release from crippling sanctions. the agreement was signed tuesday after more than a decade of talks. a new surveillance video shows the moment mexico's most wanted drug lord escaped from prison. joaquin el chapo guzman slipped out of the a tunnel that began
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under his cell. also coming up this hour, french air pollution is not only bad for your health, it costs a fortune -- estimated 100 billion euros each year. a racist atticus finch? fans get a portrayal in the second book from harper lee. more on our top stories. greek prime minister alexis tsipras is facing a result in his own left-wing syriza party. the greek parliament will vote later today on the bailout deal reached over the weekend with leaders of the eurozone. tsipras was forced to accept
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harsh terms after greece defaulted on debt and closed banks. the bailout what provide 86 billion euros of financing for greece over three years. the conditions are so strict many of the prime minister's own mps say they will vote against it. for more from athens, the political fallout has already begun. we have heard one official who has released. >> the deputy finance minister's resignation letter has just become public. she could no longer accept the bailout, which she calls a tombstone for the greek people. she sees the negotiation between greece and creditors as a war. as such, she says she can no longer continue in these -- not
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negotiations -- but a bailout which essentially is difficult for the young generation. she's the first of a long list of mps we are expecting to resign today. the energy minister is also one of the hardliners who belongs to the left faction of syriza, he's also leaving. he says he cannot vote for the bailout. expecting around 30 mps to follow. genie: despite the defections, will the vote go through in parliament? natalie: now we have the special committee debating this inside the parliament behind me. we are expecting the vote to begin in around an hour or two. i would not be surprised if we
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have delays. we are expecting this boat to sail through parliament. mainly because the main opposition to alexis tsipras is his own party. he will have to rely on the opposition parties, who have said they will back this because they want to avoid a grexit, exit from the eurozone, at all costs. they will be supporting a painful austerity package which should go through parliament by around midnight. genie: reporting from athens. all this comes as the international monetary fund has said greece needs far more debt relief then european governments have been willing to give so far. the country's new deal seems in peril as the imf indicated it could walk away given what it sees as unsustainable levels of debt. let's bring in our business editor. this is the strongest warning yet from the imf over greece's ability to pay debt. stephen: two options for debt
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relief. one is that greece is given more time before it has to be given -- it has to pay back debt to the eurozone. they are suggesting at the moment greece will begin in 2023. it will be pushed back 20 years until 2053. the other option is a reduction in the amount of debt, the haircut we have heard about. both of those will go far beyond what has been discussed. the imf said it or cannot agree to pay out more money in a third bailout without some portion of debt relief in it. the imf is due to contribute 16 billion euros to the bailout package. their participation is crucial. this is what lenders in greece were fighting about, whether or not the imf would be involved. the imf is saying that greece's debt burden has become unsustainable.
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the ratio of debt to the size of the economy debt to gdp, this is the measure we used to show sustainability. it was meant to have peaked already. the imf is going to hit 200%, twice the size of the economy. that is simply not sustainable. they cannot put my money into greece without seeing the debt burden being reduced. genie: the european union is working on a plan that would give greece a short term relief until the bailout deal is finalized. stephen: we are getting some details from the european commission. to agree to the bailout, they need more time. it is going to take a couple weeks to dot the i's and cross t's with legal and parliamentary mechanisms. the commissioner is opposing that they allowed 7 billion euros out of what has been called the european stand -- european financial stability
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mechanism set up during the eurozone crisis. you have to have a majority of the european union, all 28, not just 19 member states. britain has expressed opposition in the past of the use of this fund to cover eurozone rescues. where getting noise from david cameron's spokeswoman that a deal could be found, some way of new drink -- some of maneuvering things while allowing the money to be used. we are hearing from dombrovs kis, he said greece needs that money and it has to repay the european central bank 3.5 billion euros next monday. the only way to get the money to them in time would be to come up with bridge financing. genie: thank you. next, iran's key player in the nuclear deal that was found tuesday has arrived in tehran.
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mohammed javad zarif was a force in the agreement signed after two years of talks. the streets of to -- tehran were packed to many iranians are hoping this will mean the end of sanctions that has crippled the economy for over a decade. elliott richardson has more. elliott: gridlock on the longest avenue in tehran as iranians come onto the streets to celebrate the nuclear deal. shouting and cries of joy. flags or out and cameras flashed to immortalize this day in history. a nation suffocated by years of international sanctions should now be free to prosper by this agreement. iranians can now see light at the end of the tunnel. >> after 40 years, this is the night of our victory. we are free. >> people are happy.
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we will prove who we are to the world. the economy will improve. anything can happen and everything will change. elliott: despite enthusiasm some people are more hesitant to support the deal. lifting of sanctions will not start until the beginning of 2016. the economic kick might not be felt for several months afterwards. >> there are a lot of people who expect their problems to be solved quickly. i think it needs more time. elliott: as celebrations continued, morality police indicated they will not intervene as long as a religious laws are respected. according to certain iranians, police should be participating in the festivities. genie: to yemen, military forces there have recaptured the airport in aden. backed by air support from the
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saudil-led coalition, they took the airport back from houthi rebels. this comes after months of a stalemate with houthi rebels allied with iran. the fighting follows the collapse of the humanitarian truce brokered by the united nations. now, the former ss officer known as the bookkeeper of auschwitz has been sentenced to four years in prison. oskar groening is accused of 300,000 accounts of accessory to murder in cases of deported hungarian jews sent to the gas chambers. as the proceedings wrapped up yesterday, he again said he was sorry for his time in the nazi death camp. it is thought that this will be one of the last german trials of its kind. for more, our berlin correspondent. >> it's certainly symbolic. this 94-year-old man handed a sense of 4 years in prison.
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groening was 21 when he served in auschwitz in may-july i 1944. he was charged with greeting the victims as they arrived and seizing their belongings and money. he has over the years says he was never directly involved in any crimes and has denied guilt. he's always selke felt moral guilt. kept -- many have kept quiet about their involvement, groening has been open in an effort to silence holocaust deniers. at his trial he said that he was very sorry. he said he agreed with the prosecutor's word that auschwitz was not somewhere you did have to take part. he said he wished he had realized and apologized to
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survivors. oskar groening has been handed a sentence for four years. whether or not he's able to serve this remains to be seen. genie: reporting from berlin. protesters in budapest demonstrating against a fence the country is building to keep out migrants. hungary started putting up the fence along its border with serbia in response to a huge increase in migrants from the middle east. >> after hungry's attempt to stem the influx of migrants around 1000 people in budapest made her feelings clear. protesters against the fence held banners. a 15 foot mock fence symbolizing the one on the border was put up outside the parliament building. and then shredded. >> 80% are -- situations that are absolutely
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horrible. life-threatening situations. to treat them this way is absolutely inhumane. >> i think defense is a stupid idea. if the migrants want to come through, they will. we should be looking at why they are leaving and giving them help where they are coming from. >> many migrants are using passed through macedonia and serbia before entering hungary. the government said 70,000 migrants have entered the country this year. compared to 43000 and 2014. >> we have an important message for the public. the hunger in military -- the hungarian military will build the final fence. >> causing problems with police using tear gas last month to subdue fighting in a migrant
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shelter in the eastern city. defense will measure four meters and stretch 175 kilometers around the border with serbia. genie: britain says it is creating a secure zone in calais that will sequester british-bound trucks in hopes of stopping migrants. the british home secretary says the move would provide a secure waiting area for vehicles and stop truck drivers from becoming targets for those attempting to illegally enter the u.k. with more on that. >> sporting a truck for a better life in britain. thousands of migrants from sudan, eritrea and syria attempt this crossing every day. climbing into one of the vehicles at the french port town of calais. britain has had enough. a secure zone equivalent to removing the last four
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kilometers of the way. >> this should transform protection for lorries and their drivers. the problems in calais are symptomatically wider issue that needs to be tackled. >> it has soured relations between france and britain. truck drivers traumatized. >> are prime concern for the safety of drivers. there is a valuable load on the back of everyone of these trucks. sometimes it is a few thousand pounds of perishable food. it will be written off because of hygiene rules and all that. >> so desperate for a better life in britain. 5000 migrants live in a refugee camp near calais known as the jungle and keep trying until they make it. >> i hope to go to britain.
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every day i try four or five times. every attempt takes two hours to get there and two hours to take back. >> the secure zone hopes to bring down the number of attempts that can be made per day at least. genie: surveillance video shows the moment the country's most wanted drug lord made his second escape from prison in 14 years. watching -- joaquin el chapo guzman slips out via a tunnel under his cell. >> a modern-day prison break turned to perfection and orchestrated without a flop. cc tv footage taken from a camera in joaquin el chapo guzman cell shows the convict putting on his shoes. he goes behind the blind spot of his shower before disappearing. by 8:50 2 p.m. saturday, the
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mexican drug lord is the most wanted man in the country. >> all the security forces in the state of mexico are coordinating closely. to try and recapture guzman. >> a hold measuring around 50 centimeters squared. footage has emerged of the tunnel leads to. a 1.5 kilometer tunnel that contains lighting, as well as a motorcycle to move building materials. the convict fled up the other end, going to an abandoned construction site in the middle of the field. the moment the guards noticed he was gone, the prison was placed on lockdown. too little, too late. the mexican government has offered a $3.8 million reward to capture him.
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22 prison officials have been remanded in custody amid suspicions of an inside job. genie: one of the most a books of the year went on sale tuesday. that is " "go set a watchman" from harper lee. 20 years after "to kill a mockingbird." this book was written first but forgotten. it has become a hit. the popularity of "to kill a mockingbird" sending it to the top of the bestseller list. >> the wait is over for these book lovers in harper lee's hometown of monrovia alabama. at midnight, the copy of her second novel "go set a watchman" went on sale in cities around the world. >> when you have waited 55 years for another novel to come out how can you not be there from the very beginning? >> widely considered to be a
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literary masterpiece lee's first and only other book "to kill a mockingbird" has remained a favorite. guaranteeing the commercial success of its follow-up. >> as preorders go, it is our highest pre-ordered book since 2009. the preorders are very high at barnes & noble and we believe the book is going to be number one today. it is going to have high sales and it's initially. we think the book will have staying power. >> the decision to publish the book had been controversial. many questioning whether the 89-year-old had been coerced into doing so. it is not the only criticism the book has attracted. "go set a watchman" has received mixed reviews, particularly for its depiction of atticus finch. >> that is not who he is in my head. or four generations of students who i have taught. i painted him as a different character. >> the release comes at a time
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when a nation is in the grip of confronting racism. for the residents of harper early's hometown, an opportunity to pass a love of reading to future generations. genia;e; yet -- genie: yesterday in french was the still date -- bastille day. in paris they eliminated the eiffel tower from all sides. that was a beautiful demonstration. you are watching france 24, time for today's press review. ♪ florence is with us. lots of focus on the historic nuclear deal with iran. flo: that is the key word.
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let's look at "the wall street journal." simple in its headline -- it talks about how powers reached a nuclear deal with iran. they make it sound so simple. not as controversial as it is. the independent sums up the mixed reactions to the deal. there was jubilation in tehran. relief in the white house and dismay in israel. genie: let's look at how the press in iran is reacting. flo: lots of celebrating. the front page of one newspaper uses the catchphrase "the historic agreement." tehran times talks about a deal. iranian papers are echoing what president hassan rouhani said yesterday, that the islamic republic achieved all the objectives at the table. "the washington post" put iran as one of the winners in the
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agreement. this article talking about the winners and losers. the ostracized nation is back in the world's business and stands a good chance of being the planet's economic prom queen thinks to sanction relief. who are the other winners? according to "the washington post," barack obama, john kerry. as for the losers -- israel, saudi arabia and potentially the middle east. genie: getting back to israel. papers are very alarmed about the deal. flo: lots of papers are echoing what benjamin netanyahu said yesterday. said the deal was a jackpot for iran and a mistake for everyone else. this is a piece by a writer who is very critical of barack obama. essentially what obama is doing is establishing a legacy for foreign policy.
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he dishonored his allies in the middle east and persian gulf state spirits saying obama has essentially chosen this honor and now we will have a war. lots of alarm in the israeli papers. lots of alarm in regional papers as well. if you look at a cartoon in a saudi paper, it is talking about fears that the deal will open up a cash flow into iran that will be fed into the mouths of terrorist groups. other saudi papers are afraid this will delay a nuclear weapon for iran. this is a cartoon in another paper, a jordanian paper. it fears that the deal is going to shift the geopolitical balance in the middle east. should physically -- specifically between she is an -- specifically between
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shias and sunni. carving up iran like a wedding cake. genie: francois hollande on his bastille day interview. flo: speaking about the role france played in getting the greek bailout deal move forward. he says i hope you will know future presidents who are as bold as i am. critics of francois hollande such as "le figaro," pounced. it says hollande gives a thumbs-up to hollande. "hollande is he bold?" he's a serious optimist. he has been seeing the light at the end of the tunnel that we in france are still waiting. genie: a note about pollution.
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one paper has an alarming report about the cost of pollution. flo: this is the focus of that paper. it is talking about a senate inquiry committee that evaluated the yearly cost of atmospheric pollution for the french economy. it is really staggering. roughly 97 billion euros a deal. a huge amount of money, 1600 euros per citizen. talking about a stratospheric bill. who is to blame for the pollution? is essentially the tiny articles which largely come from diesel fuel. here in france, diesel fuel is subsidized by the state. you can see where all the pollution comes from. it comes from roads, trucks and french industry. there's a human cost. this paper takes a closer look at -- 42,000 early deaths linked
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