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tv   France 24  LINKTV  August 3, 2015 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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ur -- barack obama's after america pot biggest polluters, slapping mandatory carbon targets on power plants, saying climate change is the greatest threat facing the world. 1700 migrants tried to cross the channel tunnel as cracks begin
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to show in a joint effort to ease the crisis. one french mp says british policy is squarely to blame. and the greek stock market plummets on its first open after its five-week close -- stocks in acids plunging a record 16% on this monday. first, more and more migrants are attempting to reach the united kingdom through the channel tunnel. 1700 people reached the barriers last night. both france and britain are stepping up efforts to deter the migrants, but cracks are beginning to show. yesterday, a french politician said the best way or france to deal with the problem is to waive the migrants on to the
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u.k.. reporter: a game of cat and mouse has turned into a cross channel a lyrical hot potato. the issue of what to do about the migrants has dominated the front pages of the british press. both the "daily express was quote and "daily mail" are calling for the army to be sent in. this has politicians in france crying foul. former -- a former government us are standing for reelection accused the u.k. of not pulling its weight. >> so long as the british failed to explain it is up to them to change regulations were undocumented migrants, nothing will get done. we are doing voter security for the british in place of the british, and now to top it off we are being bashed by the
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british. reporter: it is a sentiment at goodbye the deputy mayor of calais who says his city is at the breaking point. >> we have the impression this city is being annexed by britain and the government. here is a fortification in which we should force the migrants to stay. reporter: what is threatening to become lost as the problem turns political is the personal suffering of those risking it all in search of a better life. having come so far they are stuck between a country that wants them out and and other that doesn't want to let them in. laura: john kerry has won the backing of arab allies after signing a nuclear deal with iran. the u.s. secretary of state today was in qatar where leaders agreed the agreement would make
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the region safer. john kerry says washington remains well aware of a ron pasta stabilizing influence in the region. secretary kerry: our goal is to fully implement this agreement and hope that iran's behavior will be better. obviously, we all know about the support for shia militia other involvements in the region support of terror historically that we have opposed. laura: john kerry has also been meeting russian and saudi foreign minister's to discuss the situation in syria, where a civil war is in its fifth year. russia supports president bashar al-assad whereas the saudi and americans insist he must set aside. in syria, a government war plane crashed in a northwestern town hitting a crowded market and killing at least 31 people. the town on the border with
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turkey was seized by islamists last year. meanwhile, iraqi troops are preparing to retake the town of falluja from the islamic state group. the city fell two months ago. our reporter's with the group as they prepare for the offensive. reporter: in the crosshairs of these shiite fighters, islamic state positions just west of baghdad. is that falluja? see the canal over there? we have already arrived. how far are we from the city center? we are here. we just have to cross this farm. iraqi security forces and allied militia have launched a prolonged assault on territory controlled by the so-called islamic state. if they succeed in taking this
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city back some 60 kilometers from the capital and held for the past year and a half, it would be a triumph. >> that is the line between anbar and falluja. over here, it is the islamic date. you see how they fled? they ran away. reporter: islam or it -- islamic state has weathered fleeing and casualties as well as fighting back a militia to take key territory. these fighters dread the desperate attack of the fighters but are confident falluja will be liberated in mere days. >> there are still families in falluja. they are surrounded, prisoners of islamic state troops. if god so wishes, we will fight them in the suburbs to free them from the dirty grip of the jihadists. reporter: surround falluja, hit
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their positions before launching a final assault. such is the strategy that allowed the coalition to conquer to crete last april. they hope it will work -- to conquer tikrit last april. laura: forces loyal to the president recapture the largest military base this friday. dozens of fighters were killed or captures. it is another blow to the rebels who captured the southern port of aden last month. to israel, for the hunt for those behind a deadly arson attack continues. citizens suspected of violence against palestinians -- the head of one extremist group arrested in northern israel today is not accused of involvement in friday's attacked that left an 18-month-old baby dead. reporter: israel will fight
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extremism in any way it can and whoever the perpetrator. after last week's attack by suspected jewish extremists on a palestinian home that killed one toddler and a knife attack by an orthodox jew that killed one woman, the israeli prime minister was unequivocal. >> in the past days, we have witnessed to despicable crimes. our policy toward these crimes is zero tolerance. i have instructed security services and law enforcement authorities to act with all the legal means at their disposal to catch the murderers and bring the stabber and arsonist to justice. reporter: those legal means now include what is known as administrative detention for israeli suspects. after the security cabinet approved new measures to tackle jewish extremism on sunday night. the move, under which detainees
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can be held months or years without charge was previously reserved for palestinians and has been internationally condemned as a low to legal due process. but in a region were the vast majority of palestinian reports of violence from jewish israeli citizens go uninvestigated, this latest controversial measure is likely to be welcomed by palestinians. >> it depends on the israeli government. if they try to be more serious in putting an end to these provocations and attacks, maybe things can calm down. reporter: according to the israeli human rights group 391 palestinians were in detention without trial as of may. laura: barack obama hasn't bailed tough new plans aimed at cracking down on carbon emissions. the u.s. president has ordered power plants to slash emissions by more than 30% by 2030. it's the first time a u.s. president has brought in
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mandatory levels on carbon emissions. opposition republicans have reacted to the plan with fury calling them heavy-handed. obama says climate change is a threat to the health and security of america. president obama: this is one of those rare issues, because of its magnitude, because of its scope, that if we don't get it right, we may not be able to reverse. and we may not be able to adapt sufficiently. there is such a thing as being too late when it comes to climate change. [applause] laura: let's head over to washington. our correspondent is there. obama was very vocal on climate change in 2008 and seemed required on the issue since then. why this tough approach right now? guest: all sorts of reasons.
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he's in his last one year and a half of his presidency, meaning this is a white house that is increasingly thinking about the barack obama legacy and something had to be done in his view in terms of climate change. that is why this is happening now. also this is a president who has been on a roll recently who has a lot of the things he wanted done very much done over the last few months and he thinks he can get these carbon emissions through without too much of a problem by the end of his presidency. he also wants the united states to be in a leadership position going to the climate summit ring held where you are, in paris before the end of the year. this is a president who showed himself ring passionate about climate change in his speech just a short while ago. he is presenting an adjustment in terms of what he wanted done earlier. he's giving some states, the
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states that rely on the coal industry, for example, he's giving them a little bit more time to adjust to these new rules. but the rules themselves are harsher than the ones he wanted to introduce earlier. there's another reason he's doing this now -- he knows if he sees his successor in the white house that he wants to see there, the democratic front runner, hillary clinton, he knows she is also on board meaning she will be able to force this through. this is a president who thinks he is in a winning position at this point. laura: there is a lot of opposition in congress. will obama managed to get this bill through? guest: the short answer is yes. these are federal rules and this is pretty much executive action. these are rules that will be taken up by the epa, the environmental protection agency.
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these will become rules straight away and there cannot be congressional opposition. if there is, republicans will have to create a bill of their own and get it through, then there's the risk of a veto from the president. in other words, this is pretty much done now that the president has presented it. it doesn't mean there won't be all sorts of opposition. they're all republicans -- there are republicans in congress and running for president who don't believe in man-made climate change. there will be court challenges against the epa from some states that rely on the coal industry more than anything and from companies that are part of the coal industry. but there is a lot of support from solar energy companies that have said they are on board and pretty much every democrat as well. this is not a bill, as such. in other words, this is a much done. laura: thank you very much.
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for more on that story, i'm joined by the vice president of the intercontinental panel on climate change. thank you for joining us. are you optimistic this renewed effort by the u.s. president will have solid impact on reversing climate change? guest: climate change is a global problem and the participation of all countries of the world, of course according to their responsibility, is very important. when you know the united states alone is responsible for about one quarter of world emissions to have a plan such as this one addressing emissions on the powers that your is very important. it can serve as an example for other countries and contribute to the movements leading to a successful agreement in paris. so it is very important, i
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think. laura: the americans are very big looters on this planet. why has it taken so long to tackle fossil fuels? guest: they are a big economic interest and there is a big coal industry and oil and gas industry. they have not seen up to now the interest for them to reduce emissions because it means selling less coal or selling less gas ultimately. so there's a lot of resistance in the u.s. against reducing emissions. ultimately, if emissions are not reduced, the u.s., as all countries of the world will see for themselves what the impact are of climate change, what is happening in california with all
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of the wi-fi that has taken a large extension is an example of an indirect impact of climate change through the severe drought that has hit california and that is an example of the effects of climate change. it takes time sometimes to realize it is in one country's interest to reduce emissions. ultimately, every country will understand that and that's why i am relatively optimistic that there will be an agreement. laura: if america hadn't enjoyed a recent boom in fracking looking for natural shale gas, it would not be able to afford this crackdown on the fossil fuels industry but that brings with it its own environmental problems, doesn't it? guest: yes.
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water quality for example and a number of environmental issues but there are other factors explaining the possibility of having such a plan now. the price of energy generated by renewable, wind and solar energy in particular, has so much decreased that it makes such a plan where the contribution of coal is reduced in the future easier to afford. the plan as president obama explains will lead to a decrease in the cost to american consumers on their energy bills on the order of $85 a year. to a large extent, it comes from the decrease in price of renewable energy over the last 10 to 20 years. laura: we have a big paris summit at the end of the. are you hopefully deal will be
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signed and do you think the other polluters in the world will come on board? guest: last november, the u.s. and china signed together a common declaration saying they want to really lay their role in paris and reduce emissions. china is also moving. many countries are moving, and china is moving because of air pollution concerns. it's not only climate change. they understood burning so much coal as they do not only affects the climate that produces a lot of air pollution which is directly affecting the health of their citizens. many countries have understood that kind of thing and that's why i am optimistic there will be a deal in paris. we will have to see whether that agreement will be ambitious enough to really solve the problem and maintain the warming
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below the two degree target, the warming limit that has been agreed to two years ago. it will be important to have in this it treatment -- in this agreement, to prove ambitions so emissions can be produced even -- can be reduced even further. laura: thank you for joining us. as obama talks about fighting climate change, more than 120 people have been killed in heavy monsoon rains in india. the worst hit state was west angle. tens of thousands of people were forced to take shelter in state run release centers. heavy rains have been causing havoc in burma. 46 people were reportedly killed there. the final death toll could be much higher. dozens of people have been killed in the flooding there.
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reporter: a devastating week of floods and landslides across parts of asia. in burma, four areas have been declared disaster zones by authorities struggling to deal with the scale of the ongoing crisis. hundreds are thought to have died and over 200,000 people are affected across the country. many of them were forced to abandon their homes to the rising waters. >> this year, the waters moved so fast that people didn't notice until it was too late. the monsoon has been bad this year. people just flee for their lives, leaving their belongings behind. reporter: this year, the annual raining season has been worsened by a cyclone in the bay of bengal. in the indian state of west bengal, tens of thousands of taken shelter in camps. authorities face a lack of resources and have struggled to
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reach most areas. >> the government has done nothing. no one has been here to see how we are doing. reporter: pakistan suffered deadly floods every year in a monsoon season since 2010. this year saw hundreds of villages inundated, leaving tens of thousands homeless. laura: let's get some business news. taking us first to greece weather was able lead bath in the stock markets today. guest: there were no buyers but a lot of sellers as the greek stock market reopened for business. stocks closed down 16% after plummeting at the open with a 23% loss. without a bailout deal inside, the uncertainty on the index is likely to continue. reporter: mondays trading represented the first chance in five weeks for investors to react to recent events and a steep early plunge followed.
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some stocks recovered slightly by the close but financial stocks were hit hard. the day played out even though restrictions and capital controls remained in place, including a ban on short selling. greek investors cannot transfer money from their bank accounts into the stock market. no such restrictions for foreign investors as long as they were trading in athens before the markets were suspended. >> the inequality between greek and foreign investors is going to deepen the already existing divisions between the two investor categories. greek investors are going to be swept away. reporter: meanwhile difficult talks continue over greece's bailout deal. >> the imf is calling for debt relief, that is something germany is opposed to. and later this month greece
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estimated a 3.2 billion euro repayment to the central bank. despite the fact the stock market has reopened, the remain significant obstacles to any sort of bailout deal between now and the end of the month. reporter: later this week, negotiations will be held over the recapitalization of greek banks, seen as vital for any sustained recovery. guest: let's get a check on the market action -- in europe, the main indexes shrugged off the freefall in athens, the dax closing up over 1% and in france, ending the day up .8%. the footsie in london closed ever so slightly in the red. in the united states, the main indices are trading to the downside. the dow jones, s&p 500 and tech heavy nasdaq are all in the red. apple shares trading down over 2%. the court in london has sentenced tom hayes to 14 years
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in jail. he was found guilty on all counts of conspiring to rig the widely used in #interest rate known as libor. he formally worked with ubs and citigroup and says his former employers knew what he was doing. both tanks have refused to comment on the sentence. the prosecutor in london said his motives were simple -- greed. some commodity news now and crude oil fell to its lowest level in six months. rent crude traded down, dropping to under $50 a barrel. oversupply and fears of a slowdown in china are weighing negatively on prices. in july, out what from opec companies reached the highest level in recent history. a lack of a plan to accommodate iran is also fueling supply worriers -- supply worries.
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>> we predict i late november or early december, we can see all the sanctions lifted. the first thing we need to do is reclaim the market and the market share we have lost. we have already begun the process to sell our oil. we will add at least 500,000. -- 500,000 barrels a day and will achieve production of 3.8 million or 3.9 million barrels a day. guest: french car maker renault is wanting to take advantage of the largest carmaker in the middle east. they spoke about their ambition for the future. reporter: just a few months ago these car parts cannot have an
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imported to iran. but today, they are being used to make the iranian version of the logan model. the french firm maintained a presence in iran through its local partners but restrictions on business saw the company suffer losses of over 50 ccccc
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♪ is democracy now! >> i don't think it is a big problem. >>


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