tv Newsline LINKTV October 20, 2015 5:00am-5:31am PDT
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you're watching nhk world, i'm james tengan in tokyo. here's the stories we are following this hour. the japanese government has confirmed the first diagnosis of cancer related to work at the fukushima plants. and people in canada have voted for change ousting the conservatives with a liberal party sweeping to victory.
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japanese officials have confirmed the first diagnosis of cancer related to work at the fukushima nuclear plant. the ministry of labor made the announcement on tuesday. the male worker was employed at several nuclear power plants including fukushima after the 2011 meltdown. he started in his late 30s and worked for a year and a half and later was diagnosed with leukem leukemia. experts confirmed the man was exposed to 19.8 radiation mainly at fooukushima and cannot deny e relationship between the exposure and illness. they approved workers's compensation. radiation exposure has been linked to the onsets of leukemia. officials with the power company say 45,000 people worked at the
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crippled plant since the nuclear disaster. they say more than 21,000 of them were exposed to 5 mill sooefrs reduati sooefrs radiation, and the number is still increasing. the ministry officials say ten others filed for work related compensation. they denied seven of them and are still examining the other three cases. the professor of the university says based on his analysis, the likeliness of exposure causing the man's illness in this case is not high, but he says the company has to keep watching the radiation exposure of the workers. a tight election race in canada ended with voepters casting ballots for change. the opposition liberal party won the majority in monday's general election ousting conservatives from power for the first time in nearly a decade. >> canadians from all across this great country sent a clear
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message tonight. it's time for a change in this country, my friends, a real change. [ cheers and applause ] >> at 43, trudeau is the second youngest prime minister in history, he's center left liberal winning 184 of the 338 seats for an outright majority. the conservatives led by steven harper gained only 99 seats. and here in the studio, we have our kimberly gail who hails from canada and has been watching the developments like a hawk. kimberly, in your eyes, why did the electorate go with the liberals? >> i was surprised to see the wave of liberal red wash over canada. no one thought they would clench the majority. the liberal leader justin trudeau promised changes people respond to. one hear he's promising change
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is immigration, a hot button issue in the election. he promised to lead a more generous, tolerant, and inclusive government compared to harper's conservative one. canada is a country of immigrants, and the plight of syria refugees was a focus of debate in the campaign. his father, pierre, was in power for 15 years before retiring in the mid-80s, and his legacy is that he embraced multiculturalism. he passed a key immigration act in 1976, removing restrictions on new canadians so that image helped justin trudeau as well. >> what are the challenges he'll be facing? >> well, you know, like any new politician, the question is, will he, can he deliver on the promises? people are expecting a lot from him becae of his name, because of his legacy, but he's young, like you said, he's only 43. some people consider him perhaps too inexperienced in politics. he promised sweeping changes to
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immigration policy. he says he will double the family reunification limit allowing people to bring parents and grandparents into canada and sparked uncertainty whether canada ratifies the transpacific partnership. he says he supports free trade, but critical of the tpp deal saying negotiations on canada's part have not been transparent, so that might not only affect canada, but all other member countries including japan who agreed on the deal. >> for us in japan, let's hope he forges good ties with tokyo. thank you for the insight. that was kimberly gail. you're watching nhk world live from tokyo. officials with the u.s. cyber security firm believe the chinese government had a role in hacking attempts on american companies' computers, detecting suspicious activity even after washington and beijing agreed to halt industrial espionage.
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officials with crowd strike say they confirmed numerous attempts on clients three weeks following deal. seven of the targets are involved in science, technology, and medicine. the firm says one attack happened the day after the agreement was reached. >> relevant agencies and the united states government are closely monitoring china's actions. this is, obviously, a priority. >> u.s. president obama and chinese president ping met last month agreeing not to conduct or knowingly support cyber threat of corporate secrets. japanese government officials reveal the contents of the pacific rim free trade pact. gene otani has the details and a round up of the latest business headlines, gene? >> thanks, james. the officials say japan is ready to abolish tariffs on 95%
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of imported items as part of the tpp deal, it represents the country's highest level of liberalization in trade deals with other kris. the officials say japan is scrapping tariffs on 95% of 9,000 products on the list of traded goods. the country will phase out levies on all industrial items while 81% of seafood and agricultural products will be tariff free. the other tpp countries abolish countries on 99 to 100% of imported items. for japanese made exports, the other countries eliminate tariffs on 87% of industrial products immediately after the pact takes effect. the rate will be raised to almost 100% gradually. the united states imposes 2.5% tariff on japanese passenger cars, removed over a 25 year period. in key areas of agricultural
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products, more than 400 items were exempted and not tax free. japan maintains the existing tariff on rice of 3 dollars per kilogram and sets up new quotas after 12 years on 70,000 tons of rice brought in from the u.s. annually and 8400 tons from australia. the 38.5% tariff on beef goes down in stages to 9% after 15 years. the head of a manufacturer apologized for a subsidiary sub standard piling work in data fabrication for a condo complex. the president says the company will publish results of an interim probe by the end of the year. >> translator: we deeply apologize to all of the residents. >> data at the builds found
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have. fabricated and eight of the piles were not buried deep enough, and the construction materials fabricated data for piling work using numbers from other buildings. the parent company president said the subsidiary is covering all the costs for inspection as well as reenforcement and repair of the condo complex. >> translator: we will consider the safety of residents. the top priority, and promise to take appropriate measures. under the direction of the authorities. >> this subsidiary is examining data on other piling work carried out over the last decade on 3,000 buildings across the country. the land minister has ordered the contractors to report the location of the buildings by thursday. markets in asia pacific region showed mix performance tuesday. some investors were cautious after lackluster gdp data from
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china. shares in tokyo rebounded. we go over to the tokyo stock exchange for more. >> decent gains came through in the telecom sector on positive headlines, but concerns over a chinese slowown capped gains here in tokyo. let's see how they performed. nikkei rose .4% to close at 18207. the broader topix added .3%, and they are on track to post the best monthly gains since may. big gains in all three mobile phone carries with kdi rallying 5%, and ntt and softbank rose as well. this has worries about rate cut, but monday's meeting emphasized the need to improve services so there was a relief rally in the companies. on the other hand, though, companies are sensitive to economic slow downs abroad like raw materials producers and education porters who struggle.
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daido steel slumped 2.1%, and exporters like mazda and sharp fell 2%. it's now difficult to buy further with big market events ahead like central bank policy meetings both in japan and in the u.s. lingering concerns over china's economy are also weighing on the overall market mood. at the tokyo stock exchange. >> aika, thanks. moving on to other markets in the region. in china, the shanghai surged in the time trading hour rebounding more than 1% to a two month high. some investors pinned hopes on government stimulus measures ahead of a key policy meeting starting next week. hong kong slid.had% after three days of gains, shares sold on profit taking before the holiday. the jakarda gained .5% stretching to a fourth day, and sydney shed .65%, mining shares sold on concerns over slow downs in china. and seoul added .5% leading in
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electron ics and pharmaceutical shares. here's a look at the other stories. sales at more than 200 shops nationwide last month reach over $3.7 billion, up 1.8% from a year ago and marks the sixth straight monthly rise. the officials say foreign shoppers in particular went on a buying spree. domestic shipments of home appliances in japan last month rose by 3% year on year due to strong sales of high end goods like air conditioners and refrigerators. looking ahead, they predict shipments in object are no less than the level from a year earlier. that's all for business ne. i'll leave you with the markets.
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representatives from more than 190 countries are trying to hammer out an agreement to stop global warming. they've ga they've gathered in germany for a meeting on greenhouse emissions, but eothers rejected the draft proposal wanting more help from industrialized nations. the discussions compromised the talks before the climate change conference next month in paris. delegates talked about a proposal for reaching a new agreement to fight global warming. it calls for all countries to make concrete efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emission, but some delegates said that the text lacks details about
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specific responsibilities. they say industrialized countries need to be clear about offering financial support. >> it jeopardizes the interest and positions of developing countries. >> other delegates urged for talks to go forward. >> we have to advance as much as we can on the text. >> the chairperson of the working group is expected to come up with a new version of the draft by the end of tuesday. at the negotiating table of developed and emerging economies remains wide. here's more. >> reporter: a u.n. panel on climate change warns that global warming leads to a higher risk of severe and global impact. if the international community does not commit more resources to mitigation efforts.
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this diagram shows changes in the global average temperatures overa number of years. japan's meteorologist agency says the temperature rises .7 degrees over the last century. the panel on climate change say greenhouse gas emissions should be cut to zero to keep the rise in the global temperature to within 2 degrees of the levels observed before the industrial revolution. >> if it is to serve -- >> concerns growing among delegates at the talks. >> they all see the urgency we have to act. we hope they will be small and surgical, that we can have a text and really negotiation in this session. >> reporter: negotiators are trying to agree on a new international emissions reduction frame work. the protocol, adopted 18 years ago, only obliges some
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industrialized nations to cut their emissions, but now 149 countries have proposed emission reduction targets. their greenhouse gas emissionsing the for 90% of the world total. although many developing and emerging nations are positively reducing their emissions, there remain obstacles. one of them is india, which comes third in the amount of its greenhouse gas emissions. earlier this month, the country presented a reduction plan to the united nations. it plemgs to cut emissions by 33-35% by 2030 from the 2005 level. the country's rapid economy growth is not felt in rural areas. more than 300 million people or 30% of india's population live without electricity. india prime minister is taking steps to tackle the problem.
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>> translato cables will be installed within 1,000 days to start providing electricity. >> reporter: his government is planning a five fold increase in power generation from renewable energy resources. india says this sew lal project costs $167 billion and asks for financial and technology assistance from developed countries. japan is offering technical assistance for the construction of a coal bed thermal power plant in indonesia. with the high level of energy saving technology, japan is helping developing nations to achieve the goals of fighting global warming. japan has pledged to provide more than $1 billion to an international organization on climate change. the second highest amount after the united states. some developing countries are calling for more.
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participants are aware that this is going to be the best chance for them to reach app agreement. at the u.s. and china are now showing positive stances towards reduction efforts. global warming continues to develop and time continues to tick. the focus is on how nations can come together to agree on how to reduce total emissions worldwide. nhk world. >> workers involved in decommissioning the foouk she that plant will be getting some high-tech help. a new research facility will develop robots working in places where radiation is too high for humans. [ applause ] the japan atomic energy agency is building the complex in a town near the plant at a cost of some $84 million. prime minister abe attended the opening ceremony for one of the buildings. people wearing special glasses
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could see a 3-d image of the inside of a nuclear reactor building. they also saw where the remote controlled robots are developed. researchers test the robot's ability to negotiate debris inside the reactor using up even surfaces in the lab. and prime minister abe is speeding up preparations to expand the role of the self-defense forces. his government enacted new national security legislation one month ago. the changes are not welcomed by everyone. nhk world explains. >> reporter: japanese prime minister abe climbs aboard the warrior sunday and addresses the crew. >> translator: we'll secure the ves and ensure the peaceful exist epence of the japanese people. the new legislation is a legal basis for that purpose.
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>> reporter: the laws will come into effect in march. government officials are eyeing a united nations peace keeping operation in south sudan at the fdf's first mission under the new policy. the area is not new to them, though. japanese unites have been there since 2011 to help build infrastructure. this mission will be different. the restrictions for use of weapons will be relaxed, and they can help foreign countries peace keeping units using arms. they can also take part in pa trals with foreign troops. those opposed to the changes say they will continue to rally. the protesters say the laws violate the constitution and put personnel at risk.
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>> i'm nnot convinced the law i necessary. we have to keep raising our voices. >> translator: i'm termed to make sure our children and grandchildren will never be sent to war. >> reporter: others are trying to deepen their understandings of the new policy. in tokyo's bookstores, the security legislation and democracy books are selling well. >> translator: we don't get inquiries about whether we have a dedicated section that shows a high interest in the subject. >> reporter: nhk conducted the cross country survey earliieier this month. pollsters asked whether they would lower the risk of japan being attacked as the government states. 34% of sprespondents are convind while nearly of 60% say they are
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not. japan's top government spokesperson says he wants to help change their minds. >> translator: we will careful explain the legislation including why it's necessary and what it's for to gain better public understanding. >> reporter: people are watching whether the leaders keep their word to work hard to gape their trust in implementing the new policy. nhk world. >> thanks for updating us. it's time now for world weather. people in the northern philippines are still having to deal with stormy weather because of the slow moving system. give us the latest. >> kuppo weakened, however, you can see the satellite image, it's not moved a lot. windy and rainy conditions are occurring north of the philippines. they are 775 millimeters of rain in 24 hours, two to three times
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more than the monthly rainfall for october. now because of the slow movement, it's dumped 800 millimeters of rain in several areas so the land is well saturated, and additional rain is not good news, but it's likely moving slowly and more rain is expected for the north at least into thursday, so flooding and landslides will be a continued concern. the next targets are taiwan in the southwestern islands of japan. the areas will feel stormy conditions over the weekend. some areas will see an additional 100 millimeters or so for the north. we are looking at continued thundershowers and also stormy conditions, at least into thursday, and possibly into friday across the north of the philippines and taipei islands seeing stormy conditions saturday. now, a high pressure system's in place bringing gorgeous weather across china, the korean peninsula and japan, and
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temperatures are pleasant, 24 degrees, but nice blue skies and tokyo at 22 degrees for the high on wednesday. mexico has been dry in the south of mexico so drought is occurring. look at the video coming out of this region, the lack of rain and continuing drought in southern mexico caused an abdon building of the past to reappear. the 16th century church structure known as the temple of santiago was visible after the reservoir water submerging it receded. the levels dropped by 24 meters. the last time this happened was back in 2002. very good news, there is rain because rainmaker across the peninsula, the rain will likely improve the situation across the south of mexico, and due to the system, flooding is already taking place in el salvador. rain is expected for the next several days across the south of
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mexico. now, let's go to europe then. there's this disturbance over the siberian peninsula and another over the balkan peninsula, there's a risk of thunderstorms, large hail, damaging winds, and tornados in places like the south of spain and italy as well as greece in the next 24 hours or so. going to new zealand. severe weather warnings in place for the western areas of the south island because a cold front is expected to move through south island as we go into wednesday, and possibly thursday as well. quite a heavy rain is anticip e anticipated. areas will see 150 millimeters of rainfall plus 140 kilometer per hour gusts. stormy weather is expected for the south island. watch for flooding and landslides wednesday and thursday. that's your weather, and up next is your three day forecast.
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here in japan, 27 minutes past the hour of 7:00 p.m. time is ticking for london's big ben literally. the iconic clock needs huge repairs, but there's a staggering price tag. a committee is looking into the cost of repairs likely to reach around $60 million. the clock's gears and 4 meter long minute hand require particular attention. big ben was built in 1859 and is a land mark of the capital city, but in august, the clock started chiming e radically, and experts say authorizing the fix could be controversial. they cite the country's current
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>> welcome to the newsroom. it is 1:00 p.m. in the french capital. out with the old and in with the new, candidate elect a new leader. -- canada elects a new leader. reunite on thes korean peninsula. hundreds of south koreans crossed to the north for an emotional reunion with lost loved ones. oscar pistorius is out on
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