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tv   France 24  LINKTV  December 16, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PST

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is "france 24," time for 60 minutes live. headlines.the the u.s. and russia agree it orge ahead with talks to stop syria's brutal civil war but there's no clear answer as to syrian president will stay as the russians want or go. violence breaks the cease-fire in yemen one day after it came into effect. the government and rebel groups ay each other is to blame but
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peace talks with switzerland are still under way. donaldore diplomacy from trump in last night's republican debate but the frontrunner still provocative call to ban muslims from entering the u.s. also, will they or won't they? we will tell you about the chance of america a's central bk rates and what it might mean for the rest of the world. in france as ens fans line up to see the first screening screenings of "star wars." first the top story. >> the u.s. and russia have they will both attend a new round crisis talks on syria this week in new york.
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announcement came after u.s. secretary of state john vladimir down with putin in mrs. could you. kerry says russia and the u.s. see eye to eye on the syrian crisis but admitted enoughositions are close to work together. ground theye common managed to reach was just quite simply they are happy to put major differences dossier to move forward and scheduling the peace step s can go to the next which is that meeting in new york on friday, a very important looking at we are as well. let's see what the two issues both sides decided they can put to one side. is whatas you mentioned happens to assad what happens to post-conflict syria. to his said
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the u.s. isn'tat fighting change but assad can't be part of the syrian political no movement the second aspect is terror which militant groups should be considered terrorist groups and which can take part negotiations. it was thought russia was willing to derail this peace process process, this fledgling peace process if there was no if there was and no black list drawn of which could take place in negotiations. that hasn't happened. the meeting is going forward on friday. anchor: peace talks are under way in switzerland to ends in yemen.fighting that left close to 6,000 people dead. was put in place ahead of the talks but broken almost immediately by ground
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day after it began. there repois report. reporter: blaming one another cease-fire. the seven-day especting a troops but the rebels have continued shelling and firing. here on the front line we respect the decision to week-long truce. unfortunately they didn't respect this decision and they to cheat. reporter: witnesses and security forces have reported ground in and around the area in the southwest of the country. saudi led jets striking back with air strikes. u.n. tzerland where the responsible sored peace -- heldor the talks are being they say cease-fire violations will not impact the talks and closed door negotiations began a special envoy said ending the civil war
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as it is increasingly pro tered between rebels, government, political lisch former supporting the president and islamic state group. at a meeting comes crucial moment if which threats and dangers abound and both nges are increasing locally and regionally. the failure to reach a solution stkrdisastrous consequences. to rter: previous attempts end the civil war have failed. the conflict has killed nearly march.ince when saudi led air strikes began sunni nations me to stop the shiite and iran hu different rebels. carter made a surprise visit to baghdad trying to the sify the fight against islamic state group. carter's trip is just after the to send elitelans
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american troops to iraq to onduct raids against the islamic state there and in syria. as air strikes against the islamic state group continue in syria they have lost patches of mportant territory. one is sinjar. forces have merga discovered a network of und underground couples that were the i.s. group. we have more. the iraqi town of sinjar seems to be little more han a pile of rubble but jihad eurtss were able -- jihadists were able to hold out despite pounded by air strikes. these kurdish fighters liberated town. they show us around one of many ouses left in ruins where the islamic state group left their trace. their graffiti.
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they also built tunnels to bombs.t themselves from reporter: the tunnels are almost bolstered by h sand bags on the sides. further three meters underground the women are tread. where at the jihadists are known to leave land mines behind them. a bedroom like in a real house. reporter: an underground city ooked up to the grid with makeshift electricity installations. this brings ventilation from above and network of shelters the inhabitants to stay alive while the town came under attack. >> this is their kitchen where they prepared food for themselves. reporter: in the kitchen you also have all the necessary
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explosives to make material required to set off bombs. >> they got in position here. they were shooting at kurdish just in front. and, look, here the koran. on the floor. to the islamic state group. they have no respect for the koran. they did they would not have left it lying around in the dirt. inscriptions on the wall included advice on how a good muslim and so left behind. >> we have the sniper land munitions. there's so much we cannot count it all. eporter: it is through these same tunnels that around 100 the ists were able to flee
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town. >> today pakistan is refreshing by the orist attack taliban one year ago. hat attack in a military academy was the worst in pakistan's history. 150 victims were children. a number of people have been entenced to death for their part in the kills but relatives of victims say they want those for security to be brought to justice, too. as an air of normality school yet to this just a year ago was the scene of a massacre. stormed the gunmen building throwing grenades and opening fire on terrified staff.s and over 150 died in the blood bath, 134 of them children. and a chemistry teacher survived 16-year-old son was among the victims. we can't predict a single
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of december 16, 2014. the life is cut. don't even have the hope for our future. we don't plan for our other kids. in t was the worst attack pakistan's troubled history. on as prompted a crackunder extremism as well as greater prosecution of hate crimes. found guilty of links to the kills have been sentenced to already executed. but it still is not tphufb for victims' parents who demand an inquiry. we want those people to be .rought to justice responsible for the security of this area, responsible for the security of
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province. this happened because of the negligence of those people. reporter: a year and the whole ation honors those killed on december 16, 2014, a day which eft an indelible mark on pakistan. >> thousands of protesters marched through the streets of today demanding the president jacob zuma resign he tricked economic urmoil by firing his respected finance minister. he fired him last week in favor bencher le known back who was removed only after four days in office. debacle triggered a market created opposition to zuma who has a number of changes against him. in the united states there was a more diplomacy from donald trump in last night's republican residential debate but the
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front-runner is still standing by his provocative call to ban entering the u.s. most of the other eight candidates on stage in las vegas away from tangling with trump with only jeb bush locking security. national our washington correspondent has more. donald trump very much sticking by the controversial proposal that says he would like ban all muslims from entering the united states. hat proposal has been rejected by all other republican candidates who were on the stage tonight.egas but rejected more forcefully by others.n jeb bush the former governor of of george w. tter bush called donald trump a chaos would be a chaos president as well. onald trump also sticking by that proposal that he came up with at the start of his ampaign that he would be
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building a wall between mexico and the united states along the between the two countries. so, in that sense not many hanges from the current front runner donald trump. but you mentioned that slightly ore diplomatic approach, something we have not heard from donald trump was this. he said he is honored to be the now and most ight importantly for the republican party right now he promised that not be making a third party independent run if he feel nicely handled by the republican party. something the party is very afraid of because if donald leave the o republicans he would split that party in two and take a lot of votes with him. he promised not to do that. that report from washington. the new "star wars" films is planet and that's the case here in paris. he force awakens opened in
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france this morning much to the delight of french fans. e went it meet some of them before the first public screening began. > we are not completely in the mood yet because we are still in the queue. it is scheduled. that's part. excitement will build. >> everyone is talking about this. i felt like i had to see it. that way it is done and no issue spoilers in interviews that i could come crass. -- across. >> 30 minutes before it opens i'm a bit surprised by the queue is ok. it has been quite fast, really. you can't do an interview now, we are heading in. waiting for this 31 years and you are saying hello. hello after. >> you are watching "france 24."
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look at the top stories. the u.s. and russia agree to try tohead with talks it stop syria's brutal civil war. here is no clear answer as to whether the syrian will stay as or go.sians want violence breaks a cease-fire in yemen one day after it came into effect. the government and rebel group buteach other is to abraham u.n. backed peace talks in switzerland are still under way. more diplomacy from donald trump in last night's republican by te but he still stands the provocative call it ban muslims from entering the u.s. this is news now with steven carroll. really one big story in the business world and that is the federal reserve. won't they. or america's central bank will nnounce whether it will raise interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade. expected after
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they have kept rates near zero for the past seven years. what would it mean for americans and the rest of the world? find out. >> the federal reserve do hike it will be the first time since 2006. it can be taken as an indicator country's economy is finally returned to form ollowing the 2008 global financial kraoeufpls. rates are often raised with nflation to keep it under control. however analysts urge caution. >> there's a lot down side risks. the economy into a recession if markets believe this will be the first of a hikes.of we don't know what the impact will be. negative impact. the federal reserve has two main reasons. unemployment has fallen to 5% and increasing confidence that steady at 2% next year as forecast.
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the cost of borrowing in the u.s. has been kept near zero the years and raising interest rates will push up loan costs. leading dollar is the reserve currency and raising rates will almost lead to a dollar.r this could have huge impact on the global financial system in icularly with growth china's huge economy slowing down. a stronger dollar will mean exported from the u.s. will be more expensive. will see businesses their products cheaper for u.s. pushing potentially untheir profits. the federal reserve is a major stock nfluencing the market. european shares up ahead of that impressive as yesterday paris and frankfurt up some 3% reasonably respectable rises on the european. ritish stock market and japanese u.k. employment fallen 5.2% in october. efore we leave the fed to see
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how much things has changed in 2006 there was no cell phone, no no netflix. lehmann brothers was one of the biggest investment banks. a lot of changes in nine years federal reserve will do we will bring you that. next the slightly less rosy picture for the economy of some european countries. >> despite a new economic survey the eurozone will the strong quart in 4 1/2 years the purchasing manager he is index france's growth was grinding to a halt. output slowedctor down at the end of the year with some in the service sector attacks to the terror having hurt their businesses. the business headlines company that owns dominos pizza australia are buying their biggest rival in
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45 milliondeal worth euro to create the biggest group. dominos has been struggling to grow in germany. rolls royce is revamping management with two senior figures leaving. spearheaded by the new c.e.o. is trying to restore of finances after a series profit warnings. they want to simplify the including separating the aerospace divisions. rench national train company has abandoned plans for a partnership with air b.n.b. it came under pressure from hoteliers that the railway operator with offer them the opportunity to rent out while away. >> just to wrap up it looks like mansion outside paris has broken the record for the most expensive home ever sold. >> the price tag was 275 million
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blagojevioomberg. e paid inner it near versailles. don't be fooled by the name. in 2011 ly finished although built in the style of a 17th century chateau. you see the fountains and ardens and staircases but porpbd editions the nightclub been involved has you can criminontrol the lights mobile phone and o outdoor sound system. so, take that. >> i like the old one better i have to say. for that.ank you that look at business. now time for the press review. at what are the grabbing head lines. saudi arabia on and the announcement it is
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rming an islamic military alliance it fight terrorism. a mixed reaction. london and sed in financed by saudi arabia are excited by the alliance that irad indicate terrorist organizations that have horrified the world and islam. the image of if we look at another arab paper a lebanese paper hezbollah they are not convinced by the coalition. led by the powerless were the words that accuses audi arabia of throwing oil on the fire in the well region all his to preserve saudi arabia's bloody and backwards regime. ow are papers outside the region reacting? > there is a lot of september
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simple like the catholic paper focuses on the fact there will in the slim countries alliance but is it credible because there are some major currents missing. mainly iraq, iran and syria. big are three of the countries missing from the alliance and the guardian, the bishop paper, says -- the omissionsper says the are worrying and hard to swallow begs the question is saudi arabia's antiterrorist alliance real? independent robert fiske about a coalition full of holes heads by the defense youngest minister so perhaps he doesn't have that was experience. issue.s an there are gaining questions. who is the coalition going to fights? it will fight terrorism but that could mean a lot and how much paid and oldiers be why is this a largely sunni rather than just a
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muslim coalition. >> let's move to something biggest perhaps the story of the day nor many people out there, the release of "star episodes seven. >> in france and many places "star the world have wars" fever today. here in france 500,000 tickets advance "the force awake wakens" has already broken records. everyone is crazy about "star wars." president ifen the we look at the cartoon. hollande wearing a motorcycle helmet talking to the alle minister saying cancel my appointments i'm tkpgoing toe "star wars." franceway who la -- who wilhollande with the otorcycle helmet was going to see his girlfriend. you see him saying aren't you you ed people will mistake
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for darth vader in your helmet. laugh.oes make me who are the g at most ardent fans. vaders are legion 501 or the biggest association of "star as you can nd imagine they love to dress up. you can see some storm troopers here. 7,500 known members across the world including 140 and le monde went o meet them and they talked about how they got the "star wars" fever and i guess you more say they are focusing on the dark side of the force. they are talking about the "star wars" system. the film is breaking all records but it is completely over the top including in the it has been very protective of the film ahead of its release. are all sorts of rules about journalists who went to see it before they r it came out. could not take cell phones.
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mysterious. it seems like disney may have slipped down the dark side of with these conditions it laid out for journalists. monde they refused it prereview it. of you won't see a review the film today. they said they wanted to wait to the cinema like the rest of mere mortals. so they will have a review when seen it. >> a quick word on u.s. politics following last night's presidential debate, the last one of this year. >> that is right. analysis trickling. "washington post" has summed up the debate this way. g.o.p. candidates have an unruly fight over serious issues winner.e was no clear but let's go back to "star wars" one more time. is the daily beast that
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lin american politics and this. oung american millennials prefer obie one kenobe to any my idential candidate and favorite detail sexual this. you can see in the headline that young americans prefer darth to donald trump. they had this head on head race first.rt fader was what is interesting is the journalist contacted the trump who didn't respond to a request for a comment and the ader campaign that doesn't exist similarly couldn't be reached for comment. >> that is great. thank you. that is a look at the news. thanks for watching "france 2.". get up hour you will
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close and personal with pablo picasso. ó
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