tv France 24 LINKTV December 21, 2015 5:30am-6:01am PST
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genie: hello, everyone. you are watching "france 24. these are the headlines. ,ootball's world governing body fifa, slept an eight year ban on suspended president sepp blatter, and michel platini. the ruling conservatives win the election in spain, but they lose the majority. anti-austerity party comes in a theng third, upending
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two-party system. forecasting tough negotiations ahead. and the father of a student who died after being gang raped in new delhi three years ago says ,ustice has failed his family this after a court sets free the youngest of her attackers. hour, sharesp this spain's cost of borrowing rises as the country faces an uncertain political future. we will look at the economic challenges ahead in our business update. a dramatic miss up that a dramatic mix up as a host gives the wrong name for the winner of the miss universe pageant on live tv. first, our top stories.
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committee has banned sepp blatter and michel platini from all football related activities for eight years each. that ruling looks to put a certain end to platini's did to tter.ed bla fifa a suspension for the president himself, who says he will appeal the bland. -- appeal the band. he feelster says betrayed and apologize for the effect on football. sepp blatter: as president of fifa, the fact that i am this punching ball, i am sorry for football. federationfor the and the football association. i will fight. i will fight for me and i will fight for fifa. suspended eight years for what? his years asn ends
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president, in disgrace. it also upends platini replacing blatter. our correspondent has the details. >> a 1.8 million euro payment triggered the scandal surrounding football's most powerful leaders, sepp blatter and his one-time intended successor, michel platini. -- it was only paid in 2011. the men have denied any wrongdoing, claiming they had a contract and a gentleman's agreement for most of the payments to be made later. but the timing has raised some questions. in 2011 sepp blatter was seeking reelection for a fourth term as president against qatar's mohammed bin him him. vote forging voters to
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him, though he denied links between payment and the election results. enough for the fifa ethics committee to accuse both men of mismanagement of funds. sepp blatter is facing criminal charges. swiss authorities have opened an investigation against the fifa president for what they call his disloyal payment to platini, a payment that was revealed by wider u.s. and swiss investigations. so far, dozens of current and former fifa officials have been arrested for bribery and money laundering over tv marketing andts, as well as the 2018 2022 world cup bids. genie: that story from our sports editor. earlier today she was with us on the set and told us a bit more about who is in the running to be the next fifa president. >> there are still several people in the competition. nal had stood
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up to him in the previous election, taken him into a runoff. a lot of them, half of them have said that they would stand down if michel platini was clear from any wrongdoing and would give him the place. but now, all these people are going to be running for the fifa presidency, and all of course are running on the same platform, cleaning up fifa because that is what is needed. but the problem is, the president will have a very tough has because the corruption shown that they have arrested ,bout 40 people, 40 officials former and current, who chose the extent of the problems that fifa -- which shows the extent of the problems at fifa. is facing somen
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tough negotiations to form a new government. sundayislative elections resulted in a fragmented parliament that has put in end to the country's traditional two-party system. they lost the overall majority. the socialists came in second, and two newcomers , the podemosning udadanos took third and fourth. podemos was -- came as a surprise. more now on where they most came from and where it is headed. >> chanting yes we can, supporters of podemos had much to cheer about thursday night, coming in third in spain's
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legislative elections. they are now a ledge -- they are now a major political player. dark of a new political era against today and in the two-party system. anti-austerity movement marked the beginning of a transition our country, led by the people. having toppled spain's traditional two-party system, leader, pablos iglesias, has come very far, very fast. the party was founded in january 2014. it loomed on the spain's anti-austerity movement. five months later in may last year, 1.2 million spaniards group in the leftist european elections, electing five mp's. in this year's municipal elections, podemos' allies won the mayors offices of barcelona and madrid. politically, podemos is above all anti-austerity, anticorruption, and
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antiestablishment, campaigning hard to wipe out the widespread corruption that has plagued spain's mainstream parties and its monarchy. following in the footsteps of the series a most is trying to a -- of of the series greece, itparty in promises to radically overhaul the state. this is the first time podemos has entered parliament. with a whopping 69 seats, it is now a powerhouse. its mp's will have to prove they know how to govern. genie: the top court in india says it has no power to detain the youngest person convicted in the infamous fatal gang rape from three years ago. the man who was 17 at the time of the crime and who had been in custody since then was released yesterday. , andase shocked the nation his release push people out of
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the street to protest, saying india is too soft on young offenders. for more on the story, the spring in our correspondent or how did the supreme court justified the decision to release this man? theirically they said hands are tied the way the law stands at the moment. under the juvenile justice act, a juvenile conflict -- agent a lot -- a juvenile convict can only be sentence for three years. he has served three years in a correctional facility, so it is time to release him. that is what happened yesterday, and then last night there were protests around this issue. but the supreme court said they cannot do anything about it. genie: tell us a bit more about reaction to this case, which truly shocked the country. protests ine been delhi last night, in front of the india gate. scuffles between protesters and police broke out.
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the parents of the rape victim were part of the protests. the mother has said she is disappointed at him being released, human the heinous nature of the crime. she says hisage -- age should not be considered. the law house of parliament is debating the issue, whether 18eniles between 16 and should be treated as adults, given the nature of their crime. if the crime is of a heinous nature. but as i just found at the moment, he is going to work and he has been given a new identity. he has released -- he has been released to an ngo for his own protection. yes, a lot of anger, given how extremely brutal this crime was. genie: thank you for that. least 91 people are still missing in the wake of a massive landslide in china.
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the ec of mud buried more than 30 buildings in an industrial park in the city of shenzhen. thomas waterhouse has the details. thomas: it has been an exhausting day and night for these rescue workers at this industrial park, but that is no let-up. continue toiggers sift through the piles of red earth. these experts use special light detection sensors in the hope of finding survivors. >> we are putting all of our efforts into the rescue, but the amounts of mud and rubble is huge. at least 500 firefighters are working on the rescue. thomas: 33 buildings were smothered hereafter mountain of excavated soil and construction waste swept through the factory should a -- the factory city of san jen. singin --
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at such a rate that storing the waste has proved problematic, crews are pointing the finger of blame at authorities. >> heavy rains and avalanches are natural disasters, but this was not a natural disaster. this was man-made. >> if the government had taken proper measures in the first place, we would not have this problem. we have been down this road before. it is crazy. >> some 900 people so far have been evacuated from the area, and as the injured are treated in nearby hospitals, medical staff remain on high alert for new arrivals. in the meantime, all the friends and loved ones -- all they can do is wait and pray. next to the vatican and frances is given of christmastime catalog of virtues for his collaborators. excoriateder having last year for a host of since. the own -- the pope has urged showing more honesty, humility,
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and sobriety. our correspondent joins us from rome. pope francis repeatedly referred to the scandal hitting the church, managed to get a point's cross even though he appeared to be suffering from a very bad cold. >> yes, that's right. pope francis apologized, saying he was suffering from the flu and he would therefore deliver his speech sitting down. but he delivered it in a very firm voice, and he had a very strong message once again. last year, it was the spiritual .iseases that he spoke about this year he decided to concentrate on its needed virtues. but of course, the virtues on so flipside of the diseases, -- he talked about sobriety. they need to see things from the point of view of the poor.
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he said it was no good opening holy doors if we did not also open our hearts and our homes to the poor. and he also mentioned the importance of respect for confidentiality and privacy, and this was a clear reference to which seizedandal, five people on trial in the vatican for stealing and leaking secret documents, which were the basis of two new books, and two italian journalists in fact on trial in this quite unprecedented judicial action within the vatican. the pope also equated a prayer coded -- quoted a prayer by oscar romero, hoping he would live to see the good work he had done. you so much, reporting from the vatican to we
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will leave you now in the united states where this was a major mix up at the miss universe pageant after the host, steve harvey, mistakenly announced the wrong winner on live tv. announcing colombia, she said she was the winner. she had her crown on her head before he announced to the audience that that girl was indeed the real miss universe. the philippines. he went on twitter afterwards apologizing for making a huge mistake. steve: it was an honest mistake. card, youreading the know how you do that. know.e on tv live, you
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it was an honest mistake. genie: steve harvey, that is a big -- a bit awkward for him, isn't it back out it has happened to the best of us, but that was a particularly bad mistake. let's come to your specialties, stephen, business. election result in spain. stephen: we have seen the bear markets tumbling at the open today in spain, down 3% after the results of the election did ,ot get the conclusive winner making the market narrow somewhat. bankshares, the markets do not like uncertainty in the situation. whoever does eventually emerge as the next prime minister will have to focus on securing the country's economic recovery, as
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kate moody now reports. kate: an inconclusive result that rattled the markets. -- stock exchange's library a stock or change's lower from monday. the government's cost of borrowing rose on the international markets. the conservative party took a hit as voters expressed frustration with years of austerity. >> people have been suffering for a very long time. the cuts have made people's lives agonizing, so this really needs to change. rajince reggie -- since took office, there has beeno 3.4y -- the unemployment rate decrease from its all-time high new 27% but still topped 21% between july and september. the second-highest in europe.
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>> they say getting better, but the young people are all leaving. they cannot find jobs here. there are no good jobs. this is not a good way to relaunch the country. you whoever does take power will have to keep the economic recovery on track and stabilize the economy. the rest of the stock market at lunchtime in europe -- at 12:00 gmt, maine european markets were trading up. france making big gains. we are seeing somewhat of a recovery there on the european markets. to check on oil prices for you as well -- the brent crude index hit an 11 year low earlier in trading to just over 30 six dollars a barrel. this is the international measure for the price of oil. the warm -- over $36 a barrel. this is the international measure for the price of oil.
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genie: you have the latest twist on a story about an american entrepreneur who faced criticism after raising the price of a life-saving drug. >> this summer he announced he would increase the price of the infection tofight 5000%. he was arrested last week, accused of -- he pleaded not guilty to charges at a previous job pending trial and also executive, butef he has given his first interview since his arrest to the wall street journal. he says he thought he was being targeted i authorities because of the drug price controversy, -- he says the government is trying to find argumentbut that the does not lack rigor. genie: let's go to japan with the company that is not having a great day. stephen: toshiba fell to their
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lowest level in three years today. ofy expected record losses $4.5 billion in this financial year. the firm also plans jobsucturing, cutting 1000 , putting 6800 at risk. the company has to do with the accountingf problems. genie: on the flip side, it was an incredible weekend for one company. disney with the latest star wars film. awakens""the force broke box office records, taking in $238 million in its first weekend, beating the record held by "jurassic world," said earlier this year. it took in $517 million, slightly behind the dinosaur epic's performance. record set by
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avatar is almost $2.8 billion. so a bit of a way to go just yet, but disney's expected to open up by 2% according to premarket trading on wall street. genie: did you see it yet? stephen: not yet. genie: i did not either. it is on my list. we will change things up for this christmas week, now with a closer look in focus. we are going to look at france's state of emergency, which has been in place for five weeks. people suspected of posing a threat to security here can be put under house arrest without trial, and police are allowed to search anyone's home without a warrant. public demonstrations have been banned, and while many rich people agree with the government that such measures are necessary, rights groups have expressed concern. catherine norris-trent reports.
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catherine: since mid-november, french police have carried out more than 2500 raids. antiterrorismed , and 300 suspects have been arrested. 400 western have been received. this is france under a state of emergency. but some say the measures have been too heavy-handed. in the round up, there has been a handful of arrests, seemingly not at all linked to the november attacks on paris. such as this environmental activist.
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>> my restriction order contains no specific charges apart from the fact that i am meeting in the runoff to the cup 21 summit. doug: but for the french government, all these measures are necessary and legal. based on accurate intelligence. >> we are casting the net very wide, and it is an obligation for the state. none of these are based on rumors. elements have several before we carry out these raids. >> but no details profiling who is the subject of the crackdown. but several have been targeted. >> i am living between my apartment and this police station. i feel like a criminal but i
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have not been judged or sentence. ilal is now under a control order. he is to check in with police three times a day. he is well-known to french intelligence for moving in islamist circles. it he has never actually been charged with an offense. >> i have asked them to let me wear electronic tags so i can go out to work, but i have told me that it is only for felons, and my record is clean. was a question eight years ago over his links to jihadists who left him to fight in iraq. -- s also had >> today my life is in pieces.
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i do not know how i am going to pay my rent or support my children. if the aim is to steer people away from radicalization, the government is doing exactly the wrong thing. >> so this police unions post button says, -- union spokesman says france has no choice within a security context. and must keep its eye on all authorities cases that are curious. >> most of these suspects are already well-known. this is a part of the population i would call borderline, people who do not live a normal way of life. >> but how far should such preventative measures go? during the state of emergency, french authorities have for the first time closed three mosques because of fears over radicalization. this mosque just outside paris was under construction when it was shut down. >> one of the former mosque leaders is calling for jihad, so
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they closed it for security reasons. >> this man tells us the mall is in the spotlight because of its former him him would be radical but he left france in 2014. the market is under new management. >> for me, the raids were all justified. we wanted to check what is going on, if there is anything strange or not. that is fine. this was to check whether people .till have links they carried out a large number of raids, so now we are waiting to see whether anyone would be charged or not. >> to date, despite numerous raids and control orders, no one has been charged in connection with any activities in the mosque. amnesty international is concerned about the current climate in france. they have said the state of emergency has done away with the right of french citizens to be perceived innocent.
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