tv The 99 Occupy Everywhere LINKTV February 14, 2016 3:00am-4:01am PST
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prostors chting: thwhole world watchin officer:et back the sidelk! do wt i say you' get theightstic get on e sidewa! protesto chantin shoutin ofcer: bacup! backp! bacup! backp! back ! [indistit shouti] protesto chantin we are e 99%! ware the %! woman:e'veot sold t! ptestors:e'veot sold t! man: w've n sold ou prostors: 've n sold ou man:e want docracy lks ike!
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prestors: want decracy looksike! we wt democry looks ke! want decracy los like! rotestorchantingall day, all weekoccupy wl street l day, a week, oupy wall treet! jak a levellaying fld. tt's at we're here r. 's nothat we're allgainst evything tt americhas to oer and wwant to ange verythi that amica has fer. it's, we nt it toe ir. nicole: what systewe have so far om true pitalism t's azing. is notrue citalism all. i's soalism fothe bank jose: wt occupyall stre ovement all abo, it's about pele getti togethe talkingheir griances, a ifying twork togher to comeo the relve. ake: equ opportuties is at we're looki for andhat we're tryi to achie. and i hopehat it hpens becse of u we' see. well s.
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[protesrs chantg instinctl narrar: on seember 172011, peoe arriveat zuccoi park to ing atteion to t worst econoc crisishe worldas seen sin the gre depressn. thedecide tpeaceful occupy the park and create a physical presence so that the wod would ar what ny alrea knew, that ivate moy in polics has unrmined docracy a trnsferredncome fr 99% of amricans tmultinatnal corporations and the wealthy. thiis the sry of hothe 99% ark occy wall seet beca a glol moveme. liian: peoe here, the occiers, arabout th environnt, abouhousing, bout schls, aboujobs.
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and the verridincause of those pblems arcorporat greed.nd the pple see . russell: it's about faness. i's abt a couny that aows ccess, n one thaa few ar a positn to connue to xploit t middle ass and e poor--thshrinkinmiddle class ra initial i came wn here, was insred by t protests to ce down. en i waswhen i ent to tt rally wall steet, i h no inteion atsoeveof beingrrested. jeffy: if weave a prer govement thais fair, that is insisng on reonsibili by he rich d the porful, th isnvestinin the pr and th working ass, makg sure tt everybo has a cnce for educatio we' going thave a far irer andore equa society llian: t first wk you we here libertylaza,
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ias here lking, tking, you knowi talkedo everyby. se: i di't el strony as out becong an acvist yet you kn? it's almostike you' aware a you're like, man, th's ssed up.ut what can io about ? i was that oint of me that,hat can riously about i like, here's nothini can doi felt perless. russl: and pple feel lpless, t those o are inspiredo changet are ring up. n with itar: ♪ hold on old on ccupy, hd on ♪ [indistct chatt] jose: came thfirst da i reay didn't undetand the moment andhe sensef ommunityntil i actually lived he for a nth. mawith guir: ♪f i won't holon ♪ eryone ho on. jake i had aackpack th twdays woh of cloes, a tthbrush,y cell pne, at'it. when arrivedeverybodcame
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andelcomed . and sof you eded a seping ba you wen to comfort. if you eded mical atttion, yowent to t medic tt. if you were hungry, you went to the kitchen. satation wks arounand cans everinch of is park. so took myreath aw when i fst got re. jose: i knew my neighbor i spe to my ighbors. d we alconnecte and we feltike fami, and weanted to te care oone anotr, a we want to lookut for one anothe we want to shar inrmation. nicole:e'rell peopl we all should bable to late to ch her andmpathizeith each her and spect ea other. jak i learn that weay not a be richum, we d't ve thoands anthousandof dlars. bueveryoneere is ch, 'cause evyone her eats otrs how ty want t be tated. russl: the gt of givg the dring forcef occupy i's thnucleus its spit. its spirit is aut love d shari.
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llian: ts is theanest ac on thplanet. russell: and it's brinng dialoue aboutmportantubject matter the forront. stf that h been swt under e rug d has be hidden. nicole: e 99% versus the 1%, inequity in arica wasever someing thateople taed aboutit was t most onarget kind ofdemonstrion prott i' ever wiessed. [protests chanti indiinctly] jefey: whatccupy wa street is sing whenhey say e are the 99%and whenhey are pointi to the , it's not envy. 's nosaying, ll, they're rich,hat'bad. it'saying tt peoplef wealth this cotry haveot taken the resnsibilits at they ed to, eecially the poweul corpote interest especiay wall treet. jak i woulday corpotions aren controof our docratic proces lilian: i've been visiting here, , severatimes a ek
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becse i wanto show e young people tt there e older peoe who age with tm and who areeally dending on hem. se: the vement ia rebirt f ameri's see of comnity and see of, okthis is ere wcan comealk. telme what's wrong. wt's ing on iyour life? jake: y i cames, the fst videi saw waof 3 innent women beg corrald with a orae net byolice. snding there pcefully d then we mace woman scaming] jake:'m noanti-pole, i'm nti poli brutali. i had tcome herto not oy otest thcorrupti of our overnmenbut alsoo protec the peoe from t police, becausei mean--work camas all e time. d that's your best dense agast polic 'cae, a, its peeful. an b, youee how iis. offer: plea... man in d shirt: have do nothinwrong. jakei just wted to me it
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pulic thatrutalitys happeng in amica. main red srt: i ha done nothi wrong. have don nothg wrong! ndistincshouting ohh! jfrey: thoccupy wl street movent is awithout estion, chnneling elings tt run throughmerican ciety. this is not just a small group of young people who are out in the park. this is reflecting feengs of uappiness aniety, anr, that rmeate erican siety, anfor good eason. narrat: the diarity of inme and wlth in t united stateis the west it h been sincehe greatepressio a rge mide class undation a stab democra has bee shrinkinat a rap rate. ssell: pple are greedy. younow? it's so--ey' so eedy. a, you kn, it
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doesn't haveo be thaall of he 1% isreedy. ihas to b hat the ople whore fightg for the--for evy penny o he the mo power a who are the mostnfluenti are movg the meter, and people are qet. t's the silence that's deafeni, of allhose peoe o want more faisystem. and t way theoney--thway the mon is beintaken aw from e poor, t of the ands andut into e hands the ric is unbeevable. jeffr: we gotax cuts r the rich, dismantlg of govement fothe workg class and thpoor, a ttering the soal safetnet. rusll: 400 ople in is country ve more ney than 150 milln. it's--it's--it's-- it's very htful to ar these kind ofhings. jeffrey:uper weah at theop and tremendo amount pain r a largpart of erican siety, escially tse ffering the wor poverty athe bott. jake: oufinanciasystem i
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uh, is kindf loopy.m, you t peoplehat are king llions, ndreds omillions of dolrs, and en you g peoe that d't en get aot meaa day. a this isit' unjt. russel i saw aamily th were homess and re not part ooccupy, at joineoccupy. ffrey: n in amera nearly oneut of twamericanis in a w incomeetting n. 'sxtraordiry for aountry at prid itself being t midd class siety. ra now, wh kind ofystem would allow that dispaty? lilan: who n affordruit? who can afford fsh vegetles? jefey: thatigher li, twice t povertyevel, ishat we ca the lowncome bodary. oughly 4000 or sfor a famy of 4, en you're consered in e low inme. yo're struggling, yet maybe you can meet the basic needs, but wh a lot struggland a lot insecury. raycommon sse tellsou that tre'somethinwrong th a sysm that aows that
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jeffy: it mes a tremdous mount ofnsecuritin this couny. russl: wealtis not tckling dow povertys gushinup. llian: t problems, who c afford t good fo? i knoi can't. jeffreyroughly e in 6 americs right w, whichs roughly millionut of ou 310 llion pulation,at with theelp of fd stampsn ameca. it's stunng, uh, how ericans w are so ueezed,o vulnerle. llian: ion'have fru in the use. [disnt siren narrat: over t last 4 ars, 30ajor corrations id no tas, even ough the cbined u. profit s over $0 billio
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an orwhelminmajorityf america believehat corpotions anthe wealy suld pay least t same ta ratas the mdle clas nicole: it would be incredible f there be tax ndistinc le unifiefront agnst thes orporatis. russel it'not a redistrition of alth. i's st a fun way of aming it tse guys e reallyeniuses at--a-of diseowering e poor, mang peoplfeel--an e middlelass, anall of americfeel thathey've been selling their case so well. jeffrey: we have to revisit why we havehat budgdeficit, becausehe wealthas goneo the top,ut so ha the tax baks. so ve the lpholes. o has thprivilegof ompanieso park tir money inermuda oin the cman isnds, evewith thenowing cceptancof the i. nico: like, family from this ti island.ike, anguillait'like 3 mes by
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7 mile and thiis whereo manof theseorporatis, like,et up fa offices sohey can ep theironey offshorand not taxed f it. li, i' seen itlike my aunt woed in onof those offices ffrey: se of ouriggest compaes use tnsfer pring and otr mechanms to bo theiprofits tax havs, andhe irs ss, no prlem. th's fi. we agr to that ay: it's just obvious that this sysm is totly, totay uide down. russe: i--i tnk that e tax syem is unalistic, nreasonae, and 's obvisly paidor by the who have--virtually the ha-nots. e fact tt i pay ss money thn my sectary in rtain inances, itaxes, a the way the bkers areaying le moneyhan theisecretars, it's obvisly out whack. lillian:t's t easy, d it's gettinharder. 's tting much,uch hard to, uh- if i n't ve pensis, i hav socl securi, and i ve some
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ther ince. occasnally i work. uh,ut it's veryvery diffilt. jeffy: the mey that e rich and theompaniesught to pang rightow but d't y ecause othe looples and e tacuts andhese vaswealth acculationsthis giv us hudreds ofillions dollars more, noonly to the this e need tdo to inst in ou fure, but close t budget decit. narrar: if thwealthy id the samtax as t middle clas.. the united states represents 5% of the world's population but is responsible for 20% of t
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world's pollutn. it's estimed that ,000 america and morthan two million ople arod the wod die eac year fr polluti relatediseases. nico: the coorationsre respoible. the corporions that li say, ohno, let's ust likeot--not ke rticipate in like the kyoto agreemen like, l's st not dress anhing havg to do th the a, are qte litally ruing the wld for huge nuer of itpopulati and fure generions. se: we a need toake up. we all ed to kn what's going on. we nd to edute urselveswe need stand ogether,nd we ne to figh this. jake: tt tree imoney toe. theun is moy to me.nd these ys are gna soon reize thatithout tes, witut sun, thout war... u can't eat moy. jeffrey:he u.s. a socie s been uer-invesng in ou fure for cades. hseholds we borrowg ratherhan
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aving. t governmt was slashintaxes fothe rich and cuing publ investmts r all ofociety. tting ba on en maintaing our infstructur-our roa, our damsour wateays, ourevees. cuttingack on iesting i renewablenergy, r exampl hich is tal for r securi in e futurend for eironment securit nicolewe are ming oursves extin right n. and th ealitiesf that a not persive becse we d't wa ttalk abt it. nrator: ecation ithe fndation democra and ecomic groh. llian: myrandson ll be getti out of gh schooin ne, and certain won't be abe to affd to go a 4-yea accreded colle. nole: i d't derstandhy
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we're puing monery, um, prohibitns on edation. educatn shoulde somethg we wt for evyone. weant an educad societ we all benefitrom an ecated populati. jo: of coue, like,e're told in school, you know, go get your edation, gto colle, so thatou can g that drm job thatou want. lilli: we had wonderf city colle, and tt was fr. nicole: i did have to take out loanso go to llege, a i was ao on verserious finaial aid ing to clege. totall $34,000all my lns. which rlly isn't evenhat much, in the seme of h much debt ople do aduate fm collegwith. budefinite it'somethin and somhing that 'm noat all ae to pay off ght now lilln: i wou like toee a free public edution sysm startingrom earlchildhoo through colle and unersity. nicole: sohere's two miion jobs in erica th we can't
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even fi becauseur educaon system iso broke jeffre we shou have be vesting re in edation, one ofhe--perhs the mo vital iestment at any society eds to me for th 21st cenry knowlge econo. liian: i tnk it wod lead tard a beer world jak i' always en a lite erepreneual. when was 8, iold fireod. when was 9, iold lemonade. at 10 i sold power rangers. i've always been trying to get up in the world, but it never seems to work. so i figured i got aegree, i wld have ough knoedge and ools to rther mylf in th biness wod. jo: my maireason f joining the mare corps s becausi wanted to go to school, and i could't ho a job a afford school. je: and 's stl really expensive, and i'm in debt up to my in. joseso i hady plan, u kno militar school,ream job, le in pea, retireyou knw?
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jak a huge estion iwar. jo: i thout marinewere co in genel. they re the waiors of erica th brought peace to americans, and, you know, i've alws felt le being patriot s somethg cool do. and i sawhat wasoing on there.e surroued everyarge esourcef oil. 'd ben to questioour govement. trusme, a loof veters are ake to at'going on th's whwe have e vetera aginst thear. theynow wha's gog on. you knowthey knothat it's for--focorporatns to ma money. r the corol of t
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naturaresourceof these countrie jake: 're t "world's police" look h--how had we are in other couries. nicolewe go toar becau there's profitn it. liian: whais goingn all over t world.. n our mitary bas-- theoung peoe are nofools. jose: you looat whereur litary iat, we've surunded very lar resourcof oil. jeffre first whave to t asteful ending. at start with thmilitarywe have wastefuwars thaare costg usrillions of dollars, and we till havmilitaryases defendi against soviet invasionn europe0 years after thsoviet uon ended we coulsave at ast a coupleercentagpoints o tional iome by cs of the mitary budt. y: we cod have fe colleg ecation, could he so muc ney if just to a look e milita alone.
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ssell: ient to city college. i came from the hood. iwas, ain, the roin capal of quee. the whe neighbhood wasestroyedi was ve lucky. i caped. mfriends e dead a in jail nicol you're much ss likel to d up in ison if u have a pre-hool edution. rsell: eay educatn will me all thdifferen in the rld. so ch cheap than tting pele in pron, maki em prodtive memrs of societ and justhis lite lobb this sml amountf moneyorrupts r systemn such a y that tse peoplend up in heir prin cell vsus our higr institions of lening. lilln: all t questions we are till askg, but wknow a t more swers toy. jeffr: we colct 1% of natiol incomewe' talking about 50 billi that cabe milized tinvest i childre's edation, re-schoo a saferatural enronment,ew energsystems, and the ke. and en we ta abouthe facthat we cld cut two rcentagpoints o
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nation income om wastel litary snding, tt's 00 bilon a yeathat we n gain for al invesents in r future at wouldeally imove our tional surity. narrar: $300 llion a ar wou provideree pre-hool throughollege ecation f all amicans anrebuild e infrasucture wh a greegrid that uld crea between-4 llion jo. in many stern cotries, les come bere profi nicol present i do ha some ki of healcare. and 'm th like inpendent contracr that h to liverom aycheck paychec and i he toay $300 ery time want to gto like dermatolist, you now, or ke gener physici.
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illian: fortunaty, publi opti on healcare nev even goto the tle, whici think a disace. wheas if pele really uerstood at it met, thewould beor it. imeans heahcare atffordablprices for evybody. iyou had at in competion witthe hh-pricednsuranceompanies it rtainly uld sendharges down. rusell: puic optiowas the nly way go. it ves tonsf moy for evybody inlved and it ves live and it kes aore huma societythat's thright thg to do.
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nicol i was sk for abt a mth and aalf aftejust gettg a litt cold, bause i cldn'go to thdoctor a just kno out this cold that i had to l stew iny body. much wor happensithout healtare. younow, tha hpens wh people nd out hey haveancer inike fulln develoent. russellit costs fortuneo , the xpayer, take ca of peoplbecause didn't give them prer healtare, preventave work,nd reonable aess to hlthcare. jakebut i digree wita lot of theealthcarsystem ao, evenhough myom is a rse. >>he healcare indtry is payingur politians to keep hlthcare om us. nicol and if can't make a profit,ou' just goa have to die.ike, i alogize. it'morally nkrupt. llian: ty know 's rporatereed thaoverride allf the pblems. offir: get bk on the siwalk, plse. ssell: we spend way more mon on althcarehan any her country, byar. we're notne of t top 30even, cotries regarding infa mortali.
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we arearely onhe bottoof theist of t free wod. lilli: it hasade, in rtain areasa third-rld couny out of us jeffr: if we nt to th pulic opti on healcare, we could save one percentage point onationalncome. tt's another 150 billion, and said we're not just turning everything over to the private health insurers and this incredibly expensive and wasteful system. doctor: we support healthare for alin the uted stat. protests: we suort health care r all inhe unite states. docr: as a man righ prottors: as human right. doctorwe need be insud from birth until death. prostors: wneed to be inured frobirth unl death. docto like evy other stern country protests: like ery othe westercountry. narrato the pubc option uld be aot for pfit feder insuran plan enrely nded by e peopleho wante to be iured. th would aow
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reater aess to hlthcare becau the pri of insunce wou be lowe more th 40,000 amerins die eh year bause th lack acss to hethcare. nicole: there will be a general assembly... ptestors:here wilbe a neral asmbly... nicole: libertylaza... protesto: at libty plaza. nice: aka.. rotestor aka... cole: zcotti pa. rotestor zuccottpark. nicole: 7:30 toght. proteors: at 30 tonig. nico: you cago there. protesrs: you n go the... nicole:fter youinish th your her actities. ptestors:fter youinish wi your otr activies. nicole:ll are iited. protests: all a invited nicol bring yr hearts prostors: bng your arts. nico: there's a woing grou directction th has bee empower by the neral aembly too directctions n behalff occupyall stre. the actn's en organing
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with a w frame which i ings inedia and.r. and gal and dical and all these groups that ineeds. jos i was--was therfor jusabout evything, st abouevery bimarch. nicole: was a ptty big y to bright the, becau i thi there we somethg le 3,000 ople on at march prottors chaing: taxhe ch tha's whwe' here, e'veot to st. end e war, t the ric tha's whwe' here, we've got tstay, e the wartax the ch, that's why we're here, o we've got tstay, e the wartax the ch... [protesrs shoutg] [office, indistct] jose:here washildren. there w elderly d they we arrest. prostors chting: thwhole worlds watchi! the whe
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worlis watchg! jos but eacnew depiion of lice dispating o first amendmt, the me peopleill jo us. prottors chaing: thehole worlis watchg! the wle world watchin man:he wholeorld is watchg! proteors: thehole wor is watching [shoutin police istle] choir: ♪ power to the people pow to the ople poweto the pple por to theeople powero the pele, righon ♪ protestors chanting: this relution i't ne, take itp, get idown his revotion is't do... speakerour marcwill be leaving om here. prestors: r march ll be aving fr here...
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speaker:arching times uare... rotestor marchinto times sque... marcing to tes squar nice: we alcame togher in, , washinon squarpark, tn we mared up fr there t times sqre, and st took e entirequare. a there w like 20,0 peopleit was he, yoknow. prestors anting: are unstopple, anotr world possible je: it wabigger tn my hometowwhat wasn times squareand i sakids, i w fa paint, saw everaspect life, a coming gether. nicolethe 15throught pple togher fromll over e world. t 99%, iny mind, s nev been anmerican ing. [dru beating liian: it's not st an amican dre, that's a drm f the wod. jake: gbal revotion goe worldwid [indtinct cht] [chantin whistleblowing] prtestors anting: are 99% yo are the%.
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[nsemakers illian: it'really a intnationalovement.t's t just e unitedtates. i's gat. russelloccupy wl stree's alover theorld. i's a eat movement. it has lots of legs. nicole: if we talk about e 99% of t world, t just whin americ you kno we' all sufferg at theand of tse same institutis and syems. no just he, you kn, but thre. but , you kn, madrid but in, uh, bangladeshlike all over t world. 's ese same systs, the se concenation of por that iruining ves, thais makinpeople pr. lillianyou real have gin me reason r comingut every day, and either marching or doing sething. jake: ialked mo than 10 milesfrom tim square zuccot and bac you kno that's--it's a lo distanc so i- fell asep. i need my
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buty slee je: that s a greamarch. t was... owned t streets at day. was incdible. [drums ating, iistinct chting] nicolethe inteet rightow is the st dangeus threato ny kind system at there is, beuse you uld hearhe oices que clearlof someo across e world d say, o wo yeah, igree. yoknow? like tally, i'm on t same page asou. that's what makes a % like gbal upring. jerey: thrghout 20, from tuniso cairo tel avito santiagto zuccotti park to oakland hundredof citie aroundhe unitestates t moscoat the e of the ar, the call for true democratic representation, a true governance by the people and not by corrupt interests, not by
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the autocrats. this has been a worldwidcall, anit'a rldwide ruggle. news commentator: half othem say ey want turn th into a sociast-commust partynd have t countryun like at. seco commentor: potmoking, sex-dicted mons, youompare at... lillian: they weren'being fooleby all t slanders this that we said aut em. hoard: the's lot of fthy, dirty hpies hanng arounwho havno clue at'going on whatsver in t world. jos people,hey' hooked medithat's owned the 1%, d they're telng theiride of t story. ey' telling youhat theyant you hear. they're telling you that we're a nuisance down here at zuccotti park. ey' tellingou that we pisall overhe placend that we're just a buh of ppies, d that wdon'know whate'realking aut. radio ta show ho: they're actuallyalling f the viont overrow of t united ates govnment. ray:orporateedia is ying o marginize us, t when y
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see a these, ote, "relar peop," it's makingheir job real difficu. and th's e reason came dowin unifo. 'sike, tryo marginize me as a weio. [indistit chanti] [noimakers, ums] prostors chting: pee now! womachantingno mattewhat! prostors: nmatter wt! [drumming] josei speak the copand i telthem thasince weere kids,e'veeen pledng alleance to e flag othe unid statesf americ puttig it on r heartsto the replic for ich it snds. je: i've met aew cops at e on ouride. nicole:he policthemselv, we're all othe sameide. jake: the's lot of pple
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in hererying torotect policem's peions andther governmt suppord pensio. nicole: d i--i mn whenev i'm th cops, always y to askhem to le reallyelve into thselves a evaluat- do you rlly feelappy abo what y're dng rightow? like,s this rlly the b you signed ufor, to ke--do i look ike a that? rayminorityfficers,hey' the oneshat are owing me supportyou knowthe litt ns of theead, a ltle wink they n't me up anshake my hand, t they a showinge support.nd i reaze why tt is. 'causthe minoties of e polic departmt have sfered. they late to ffering re so thathe whitofficers. subquently,hey' more behinme becau they reize his is a about iustice. jake: e policere peopl too. th have falies als they're tryinto pay tir bills. iren] d it thi it's people above thpolice tt are sang, lten, if u don't want tdo this, ifou don't want to arst thoseids, we'll fin
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somebodylse to fl your j. think ty'recared toose theirobs. nice: you're pusng us ofof e sidewa, which 're allod to walon as pestrians.or no reon, asi for theact thate're protestg here. you' basical infringg upon r first endment ghts. ere'really nother reon f you to that. >> 're n perfectuman bein. some ous are gna le our teer. but,hat' wre you nd the survision. nd that's one the this tt amazede when iaw all the pictes with l the whe hirts aually beg involv n the fiting. anwhen yo're in the ontline ghting aa white sht, who's supeising? now youave nobo superving. that's whenou have aos. shoutin whistleblowing] [indistit shouti]
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[horns blowing, drums beating] protestors chanting: this is whatemocrac's alabout, ll me wh democra's l abt, this what decracy's all out... naator: twmonths aer occupy ll streebegan, mors icities aoss america executed coordinated police actionto end t occupy moement. jak i was alock dowthat way wn 1 a.m.appened. josei was ju about tenter mytent, an uh, the trucks ame in wh these g lights andhey lit the who park. jake: en all oa sudden4 brht lightwent on,n each corner of the park, lights i've ner seen bore, lik.. jo: they weren't here before. and we saw cops startg to oanize byhe massewith rio gear. ofcer, oveloudspear: any le behind ll be tan to the to e departnt of satation gara... ose: thegot on t megapho and started sing thate were evict, callinus a fir azard and that we needed to leave iediately oicer: lee the pa.
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rotesto looks le it's going wn. jose: 's gog down. 's going wn. the're he. they're abouto raid . and likewake up, wake up, evybody. a like geing everybo togethe n: hey, ys! we fgive you. wlove you women: love yo jakei saw a ne of photograers walkut 10 nutes bere i dida line o hem. allf them lt. otograph: i'here filng. ficer: o of the rk. hotograpr: i'm filmin i ave dcpdress pass. oicer: l's go otograph: relax,elax, relaxrelax, rax. i wa oing. rex. officertake car hotograpr: relaxrelax, relaxplease. u don't have t put youhands one. i'm just doing myob. i ha dcpd prs sses. officernot anyme. supervor: if y harm my officersgain, y're gting arrestedout of t park. t out ofhe park. hotograpr: i'm more tn legall- jake: th they we threated with aest. andhese guywere just tryg to suprt their amilies d make aiving an mae spreatruth, a they're beinthreaten with arst for takg pictur? when ty have ress bads? oicer: gein there
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jake: started nning. bthe time got ba to the rk, whicwas 10 sonds aft these lits went , it waslready mplete cos. chao [shting andcreaming h, peoplhad theilives in tir tentsand theyame in re with regard r that. thewere thring tentlike ty were rdolls. protestor: they w't defeat us. jakethey werusing foe on gls sitti there wh their ms linkepeaceful around the tchen. [alshouting je: and tse are t people thatre suppod to be otectinus that e comingn th park a rippings out of ouhomes, peacefuprotest. [indiinct chaing] jose: th were grbing peoe andrrestinghem, thring themut. theyere treang us like raglls, picng us up draggi us on t floor. jake: iaw a feme, young
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she h to weig115 poun max soakinget, beindragged her et out oher tent and heread was uncing off t sidewal and s was bleing everhere, screaming, and they continueto ag her t. i saweople beg peppesprayed.his is n war. his is arica. se: i wagetting bbed in the stoch with eir, uh, with tir stick and peoe were getng hit w were li justolding hds, and ey wereust puncng theirands. [all shting] jakeand nobo even kns becse it wa't levised. the relution wl not be levisedyou know nice: i wast the baicades. i gotushed ba by riotops, like shed agast wallskind of ushed beeen plexlas and stone. ias peppesprayed ouple tis. they entually marched from [iistinct]o greenwh villag and it sn' like wwere maring of o own votion. th got behd us
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and wereushing ufor like 2 1/2 hrs, at 20 in the morning ray: i s just scked at e way theyid it. prottors: sme, sham shame. jake: wt i saw s enougho brinthe avere millioire out ohis housand downo ese stres to prost with s. it wathat bad russellif you d't fight equally r the rits of others,hen you're noto horable, you wanthem for yourselfif you te anythi or grant, then y should ve it tothers. a that's he only y to proct it. if you're selsh and small, you etter geout therand figh or the pr, becau your da of reoning isoming, t. liian: theare allod to conduct emselvesbsolutel outragesly in aemocracy otal disgard of e bill o rhts. [outing a screami]
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[eplosion] man:hat happed? what ppened? otestor:e got sh! man: wt's ur name? what's youname? what's your name? jose: blding crinal recds on peoe, proteors, i w not awaref the syem until came o here torotest. he has aecord. mking hims a riminal.ut what's his reord? peaful protting. jakethe law plies to everne, not st the protesto or the or. jose:hy can corporations viote as ma laws ashey want and simply receive a fine? something's gotta give. jake: you got people geing awayith murd if theyave mon. it's sad. ose: it's a buness decion. if thfine is't asuch as t profitshey' receiverom the operatn that ty're undeaking, tn they'll jus do .
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and tha's lucrous. tt is unsustnable. y know? tt is crimil. jeffreywall strt, which througnot onlyad practes but finaial frauhelp to bringown the s. econo and theorld ecomy and t financi collapsin 2008 and thenot baileout, wit taxpayer money. and then after gettg bailedut said,ell, we deser everythg we get of cose. why e you comaining? 'reonna contie to takour bonus. h, yeah,ven if whave to take th from taayer mon. y: sec, o superves wall- pposedlsupervis wall stet, but t one peon got fed. theris no coorate aountabily. jeffr: even t compani that he been l by the os when the nancial aud was king placcontinuen good snding, contue to beowerful
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siders iwashingt. those rema in plac and notnly do ty remainn place,hey' e guestat the ste dinne athe whiteouse. th is what cupy iseally alabout. i's tt sense impunit at the t. the feing thate can eak the w, we caengage ifinanciafraud, wcan mand theailouts.o much f free rkets. yh, give the mon. give uthose ze interesloans fr the fedal resere, a triion dolls-- whnot? jos the fedal reser controls e money pply. hwho contls the mey conols the rld. ando i feethat theederal rerve is rgely reonsible r the rruptioin corpotions an igovernme. ffrey: ts systems rigged this stem is n working thisystem inot the mocracy thaamerica eds, wan, pects oftself. wcan do
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better. lillian:ou have e banks that he failedecause o the policieand becae of e lack ocontrol,he lack supvision, e lack o accotabilityand the ople w have be responsle for e condu of the nks and e large cporationare runng th again. jeffrey: what's more shocking than theailout ielf is h the nks thenent on tsay, lea us alon why areou blang us? w do you ink we have anyulpabili or reonsibily? how de you sa word abt our coensation packes. ray: ofll the dage wall street s done, e--the absute minim, maybewo, ree peop have be arrted, perps. and pay--
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the taxpayers paid to bail them o, and th'retill getng their million-dollar bonuses. nico: my moment intoeal estat when myom was hping peoe find hes, she me across aot of pele that banks we offeri adjustae rate rtgages . she defitely noted that e loans th they we getting di't mah up wita sustnable inme that ey were ceiving.ow incom peoplwere bei forced to the mortgag. sinr: ♪hey' pushin' the pap, but th don't know jk buyin' and sellin' it just like crack now we're gonna find out where it's at fhin'ith the it 'cause ofhe dreamollapsed bank of erica, h's go? ught up ryland a... bill you for the office f the cp.. ♪
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jeffrey: it was found out afterrds thathe goldm had teed up wi a hedgeund o sell xic secuties owingly one of ldman's own clnts, leang to maive loss to germ banks a others o boughtad securities tt goldmawas peddng so thatts partn, a hedg fund, cld bet ainst tho seurities d make aot of money this ismerican capitalism? this is what's called the free market? i think this is what's called financial fraud. lillian: i would certain like toee them osecutedand i don't meann the jas that re callecountry ubs. would le to seehem prosecud. i wou like toee them wk for a ving whethey get o. reallyork. and moly i wou like toee
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lawchanged manding acuntabili. ja: these rporatio, they nd to be ld accouable for steali from amica. jeffrey:he justi departmt has be essentily sitti on its nds. we d need apecial prosetor fromhe beginng ofhis cris to taket out of potics anto give e wherewial to ha a massi undersnding aninvestigion of whareally hpened. bause it sn'just golan sachs we know at citigup was involvedn this. know jp morgan. we know that most of thearquis cpanies owall street kw in theater stas, at lea, of thibubble, at thingsad turneseriousl southnd they epped ov the lin that's what t sec has said. jo: and th led to e great instabity andhe finanal cris that exts today jfrey: weeed the stice
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dertment tcome in d take a al look who bro the law, w didn't break e law, wherthere's responbility, ere werehe boardof these comnies? whe is som accountility to get this right? glass-stgall, thbanks, you codn't have an investment bank anthe regur checksnd savingsanks opeting in e same siness. effrey: rious annecessar regulati, includg renacting e glass-eagall act, wch forcethe sepation of thcommerci bankingrom the cino. liian: youonder... ho long wi we acce this wildns, this-his... what doou call,iving itp, athe expee of the9%. narrator: over the last 30 years
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corporations' sharef the nati's x revenuhave clined aut 30%, whi spendinon lobbyts and litical mpaigns ve incrsed over00%. in 10, the s. supre court deared thamoney isree speech, and that corporations can contribute unlimited amount this desion is own as tizens uted. lilan: i wa't interesd icampaigninancingntil citizens uted. ray: yeah, the corporations now can contribute unlimed amous, and ty were vy uccessfu by the y, in contriting before this. can you imane how scessful the're gng to beo ntributenlimitedmounts? llian: coorationsll of a suden are man bein, indivuals, ancan spen
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witut limitation to suprt their ndidatesnd their progrs. th is verycary. narratorsince the privatizing of prisons ben in 198 prisonopulatiohas incrsed morthan 500 and inccerated drug ofnders ha increas me than 100%. rusll: mostf my frids, uh, wento jail asome poi, overrugs. ju as thespeople who arlocked u the prin- industal compl pays th bills ofhe politians, so mucho that ty either turnheir heaor they ame it that we're soft on crime if we do't lo these pple up. we t to gethe moneyut of pitics. e prisonndustria complex,he gun lby, will have lespower, tre'no
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rson to r around th auomatic wpons in e hood. thonly wayhat'gonna haen if we ange theystem. narrator: over the last decade, more than 100,000 americans have en kill by gun olence. the gun lobby has spent 10 times re monein campan coributionthan gunafety groups. jefey: we nd to getoney out opoliticsmoney ha ablutely orrun wasngton. i's tough camign contribions. i's thugh ssive, blions ofollars o spenng on loying. i's thugh the volving or, it's thugh insir tradinby politicis in wasngton wh t insideinformatn and tde on thr person accous. shockg how raightfoard the rruption is as we. rsell: none shoulpay a politian to ma a choic ithould bellegal. gal bribe is ridilous. jake: wh's ary is t intertional cporationare bng unaccntable tanyone.
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th'reble to b politicns. thy'reble to b freedom i meanthey're able buy anhing thewant, anwhy we're anwhat we're tryg to do is ve accouability. jeffrey: americans foughtor morthan twoenturies ago and believe in, and i certainly believe in the power of democracy and the power of true reprentation ere eacherson do have thr vote a does ve theiray. and order t t that, have toove from e dollarote to t people ve once ain. se: allhey see the mon geting putn front their faes by loyists. and that is the wrld thathey liven. and tse are t people at are fincing theand those are the people that they're in cahootwith, anthat is e wold that ey live , and it's separa and apa from you a i.
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jeffrey: we need to get money out of politics, but we have to understand that it's gonna be a hard struggle. these incumbents know what they're doing. many of them are getting quite rich, and hey' turningo the wethy tokeep thein powerand the wealthundersta that th're getting good deaby makin ose invements, bause the rules the gam the gulation or the deregulions, ashe case y be, e set toheir benit. sohis is aig struge ahead, to reve all othese soces of mon that haits holdn pow in amera. and cpaign nance rerm wouldefinitel e part oit, lobbng refor stoppi the unaountabily anonymo corpora spendin russell: just like we have church separate from the state, we should have money separate from the state. and business and special interests should be separate from the political system. nile: i wa public nancing of caaigns, aolutely. jak i do age with plic campaigfinancin nicol that wod solve ch of at' going o ake: i jt want tmake sur
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at the plic knowexactly where thr money going. i need ito be trsparent. jerey: we're gon have to elect prressive litician wh are theelves goa say, i' gonna r for offe withou anybody ying me d withou self selng my vo or anying elseo any spial terest. cause thincumbents today aren't gonna do it on heir ownthis is nna be a massivemassive cial efft to g this do. proteors channg: telle at democcy looksike. his is wt democry looks ke. jose: dinitely need ultiple rties. ts two-pay stem, i's--idoesn't work. proteors channg: thiss at democcy looksike. tell mwhat demracy loo like. this is at democcy looks like ke: i acally misd my par you kno that dathat i dn't ve it, physical missed it. e sense of community, the sense of lo, the see of understanding and psion, it
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was all here. everything was in is park.ou can fl like a outsider two streets down, then you'd come back here and you' be lcomed uonditionly. no maer what lk of li you wererom, whoou were,ow old u were,hat yourace was, you were welcomed. and that's rar a lot opeople hen' evr seen tt. nice: i thi we' soon goa haveore thaone. we're gon ha a plentul occupion. buthis movent'already en ming onward. jos we needo occupy everhere, alover thenited stas. jak even thgh we d't ha park toive in, 'retill here. w're sll aroun this iphase twof the mement. houtingnd indisnct channg] y: theyere beinarrested r otherthey wergiving u theirfreedom r other ople, for jusce, for erybody se. andhat so ipired meat that moment made thdecisiono be aested. protesto chantin peacefu
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protest,eaceful otest, peacefulrotest, aceful protes.. jak peacefuprotest, peacefuprotest.verybodyas chantinghat. um,he cops stillidn'listen. ey still attackedhis kid thin the par itself,nough toake him need aambulancride on e way ot. and ihink it ally fuel the intsity on e march after tt. [drs beatin protetors chaing: allay, all wee occupy ll stree all da all wee.. nicol on loudeaker: a righ so the st tool have he is our ices. sohat we' gonna right n is we're gonnaractice e peopl's mi until t people all the way in the back can hear what we have to say. jos there w over 3200 people o here, eecially ter theviction. got otionathat dayi could't help it. nicole: at was azing to e
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all thospeople ifoley square.t was rely good ergy thatight, anit was rlly like a sign of relief, li a kind beginni to heal rom the auma a ltle bit a realizeok, actuly eryone's behindou. jake: itas just eat to s nefaces o in the reets th us, cnting, "we are the 99%. ose stres? our seets. this is at democcy looks like."he foleyquare, w- it was e first me that reized thaeveryones in this movent togeer. um, matter at your lk of li, whereou came om, wheryou live. jo us in t streetsnd try to g your voe heard. hat'all we're tryg to do. ray: at i'm lookinforward to in th movemenis getti instreammerica, cause they're suffeng the se hings. ty'reosing thr hos, they're losg their peions, th'reosing thr js, they're losg their- ey are a feelinghe same way we're feeng here. bu they d't wa--they c't qui relate,ecause t media
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displayg the pele here not onef them. i'm hoping to get me and mo people reali, hey, tt's-'m ke th person,'m ke that rson, i'm like'cae they are the me hardsps. and once weet thoseeople involve that isoing to when e moveme really kes off. jake: ts moveme is only going get bigr. and obvusly th're sred, 'cause yogot poli beatingeople up you gothe mediaagging the vement. e facts en' beng shownso they're scad. what i ve to sato the hier-ups, stead ofsing forcend violee and thvery to winwhy don't you y to chan why w're ptesting. lillian: i support so wholeheartedly the occupation vement. beuse the ung peop were able immediately to grasp what was imptant. jake:ou can't killn idea.
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at' what thoccupy i it'an idea.ith a loof suppoers. glol supporrs. nicol you rea people, u engageeople, a then th ome backnd they're on ur side. jose:ecause oy communies n fix amica. it's not nna e politians. th're bght off by the lobbyists that work for the corporations that work for the banks, and we need to get thvoice ofhe majory to rulehis landgain. protesto chantin we are stoppabl anotherorld is poible! ruell: i wt to be rt of a system at'just andair and promot more eqlity and oppounity. tt's at occup s about. ffrey: we have proper overnmenthat is ir, thats insting onesponsibility by the rich and the powerful, that is insting inhe poor d the woing clas making re that everody has chance f ucationwe' gonna he a far irer andore equa sociy. but n a hando socie. a sociy where verybodyas the slls, the wherewhal to me forwaron
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thr own beuse the've bn help, they've beebacked b educati, they've beebacked by frastruure, th've bn baked by sence andechnolog that wcan all prodtive ande can alshare oncegain in at reallis he greatss of amica, a middlclass soety in wch erybodyan be prperous, respoible, fa to thei neibors, anaccountae and stainablfor the ture. nicole: think the's very strong terpersol elemento occupy ll stree which i just kinof askinfor compassn and emthy and understanding of your llow hum being, ether th're acro the tae or likacross t world. jake: ght now ... we le thingsnd we us pele. whate need tlearn is tuse thin and lov peop. and wh we undetand that, 'rento someing, let me ll you. lillian: i think the occy wall strt moveme is just breath of life jos we' told th once a
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