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tv   France 24  LINKTV  March 2, 2016 2:30pm-3:01pm PST

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seven states have left his party in somewhat of a dilemma, whether to get behind a man openly shunned or looking for other options. a new development in the race
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tonight. let's get the latest from philip who joins us from washington. it seems donald trump has one less opponent as of today? reporter: yes, this is ben carson, the retired neurosurgeon who says he sees "no political path forward for him." ben carson says he will not be taking part in the next republican debate on thursday in detroit, but that on friday here in washington, he will be speaking at a conservative conference and will be talking about what he will be up to in the next few months. ben carson was not close to donald trump in these super tuesday primary elections. indeed, he didn't take many votes away from anybody really. this comes after a few months ago, he was right at the top of the polls with donald trump battling over that top position. he had a lot of support from conservative voters and indeed got quite a lot of money together from donors.
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that is still the case. the money is still coming in for ben carson, but, of course, he won't be able to fundraise any longer if he is not part of a presidential campaign. so that's the end of ben carson. might make it that little bit easier for the republican establishment to get behind one candidate, but there are of course, still four in the race all together, marco rubio is still there, ted cruz is still there and john kasich is also still in the race. anchor: donald trump's closest rival ted cruz has publicly appealed to the other candidates to throw in the towel and get behind him. nobody heeding that call so far? reporter: no, certainly not. everyone wants to stay in the race for as long as possible. the republican establishment called for somebody to drop out of the race, they are going toward john kasich because he is the one who is taking away a few percentage points from the likes of marco rubio or ted cruz. there is no way that the senator from florida, marco
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rubio, will be listening to ted cruz, his colleague in the senate because marco rubio still believes and indeed large parts of the republican establishment believe that he is the best opportunity that the republican party has of getting somebody into the contest with the presumptive nominee, hillary clinton, in november, that is not donald trump. ted cruz might not be as feared or hated by the republican establishment as donald trump, but it's a pretty close call. ted cruz is not a popular man here in washington. he is not a popular man with the republican party establishment. indeed, he has some people, some insiders here in washington call him "the most hated man in washington." this is a very bad time for the republican party. it's very close to imploding, basically, because it's all about the presidential election after all and the republican party establishment does not want to get behind donald trump who is after all now won 10 primary contests.
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anchor; thanks so much from washington, d.c. and sticking with this story on the democratic party side shall the battle for the nomination has been more cordial. the former secretary of state, hillary clinton, is seen as having a solid lead now over her rival bernie saunders. he is showing no sign of giving up his ambitions yet. reporter: momentum is building for hillary clinton. she has won seven states in the talk primaries this super tuesday including the delegate rich southern states of virginia, georgia, alabama, tennessee, and arkansas. at her victory rally, she looks ahead to the race to the white house and the potential showdown with donald trump. hillary clinton: we have work to do but that work, that work is not to make america great again.
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being never stopped great. we have to make america whole. reporter: the key to her victory was the black and hispanic vote who rejected her for obama in 2008. her main competitor, bernie sanders is still putting up a five winning colorado, minnesota, oklahoma, and his home state of vermont. bernie sanders: this campaign is not just electing a president. it is about making a political revolution. what a political revolution is about is bringing our people together. reporter: his win are in states with much fewer delegates. he has vowed to continue his campaign and will focus on the more liberal leaning state, michigan, washington, wisconsin and new york. without the support of the minority votes, it's unlikely he'll take over hillary clinton as the democratic candidate for the white house.
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anchor: catholic bishops in the state of pennsylvania have been accused of covering up decades of child sex abuse by priests. a new report released by a state grand jury lists accusations from hundreds of children implicating hundreds of priests. it's also found that a former bishop covered up the abuse and alleges that local law enforcement agencies or some of them also avoided investigating claims. reporter: the pope vowed to put a stop to it when he visited the united states last year. he said priests found guilty of sexual crimes will be held accountable. >> god weeps for the children. the crimes of sexual abuse against children will no longer be tolerated. is rter: pope francis looking into the abuse.
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a grand jury has revealed that hundreds of children were abused by more than 50 priests and religious leaders in the dee diocese of johnstown. the trail of accountability led to two bishops who were accused of covering up the crimes, paying off the victims and intervening in police investigations. the offending priests were often transferred to other parishes. despite the grand jury finding, no criminal charges will be filed because the incidents happened too far back to be prosecuted, while it could take time before the victims come forward. >> if the abusers are allowed to escape from this trap of a statute of limitations, why do the victims live with it their entire lives, why are we protecting the abusers. why aren't we protecting the victims. >> the numbers clearly indicate there was senior clergy involved. reporter: the pennsylvania report comes days after the oscar's best picture win of
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"spotlight" a film about the "boston globe"'s investigation into the widespread cover-up of sexual abuse by catholic priests. >> we need to focus on the institution, not the individual priests. reporter: the globe's report et off a wave of inquiries that included patterns of concealment across the world. anchor: someone has worked on behalf of victims for more than a decade and is an expert in these kind of cases, thank you for being with us. can we first get your reaction to these new allegations of abuse and also new allegations of course of a cover-up. >> the allegations from johnstown altoona are consistent with what we have been finding across the u.s. and in ireland and in various countries we have worked on these cases, that 6% of roman catholic clergy in their lifetime will sexually offender against minor children.
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of this cover-up shall the filing system is absolutely consistent that the secret archives are maintained, that the litigation files are maintained in perpetuity so that, for instance, if prosecutors and detectives in leon are interested in going after the cardinal and what he knew, all they really have ood is look at the grand jury report, especially in the first 10 pages and they will be able to see what they need to do to do a warrant to go and get those documents because the pattern, the roman pattern that you see is consistent across the world. anchor: we have been told by the state's attorney general that criminal lawsuits are not able to be filed because the allegations go back too far. that is something we heard in plenty of other cases of child sex abuse. do you think it's likely that law the in the u.s. could be changed to extend the statute of limitations in cases like these? >> moving forward, of course,
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because of those arguments, you can't do anything criminally, but you can do things civilly in opening up windows to be able to create civil litigation options for survivors. at a minimum, of course, is to eliminate the criminal statute of limitations moving forward for perpetrators. that's the absolute minimum that needs to be done. anchor: being much more open about this issue than it once was and tackling it much more publicly, the response to these allegations are somewhat muted. the current bush on saying the allegations are very sad. how do you feel about the allegation from the roman catholic church in this case? >> again, the bishops honestly don't care about the children. they don't have any empathy. anyone who has ever worked with families or worked with survivors who were raped and
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sodomized as children should feel an absolute anger boiling out of their skin, but the bishops have no empathy, no compassion. there is absolutely no sympathy for anyone in this process and i think that is the real sadness that's there and unfortunately until we get to have those documents produced and until authorities go and force those documents to be produced, this institution, the bishops are not going to change. anchor: what do you think it will take for the church to prove that they do have some empathy and they do feel some genuine sorrow about these cases? >> first of all, they need to sit down and actually meet with survivors. second of all, they need to turn over all of the files that they have to civil authorities because one of the things that the grand jury reports do time
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and time again is that they prove that there are perpetrators in ministry. so one of the great tragedies from the johnstown grand jury report is that they found, even though there has been a zero tolerance policy in the united states since 2002, there were perpetrators in wintry i industry until october of 2013, 13 years after the zero tolerance policy was supposed to be in effect, proving that two different bishops didn't even follow their own policy. anchor: it's interesting, you mention that you think meeting with survivors could be a key development. there is another case, a card knell being held by a commission in rome at the moment. survivors that he has been implicated in, they don't want to meet with him anymore. they want to go straight to pope francis. pope francis is being known as
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a more radical figure in the catholic church than his predecessors. could he prove to be a reformist in terms of cover-ups of child sex abuse? >> he sure has the power and he has the right time in history to be able to do something. however, if the past is a predictor of the future, roman pontiffs have said many things but have acted and done absolutely nothing. if pope francis starts to fire bishops and remove bishops beginning with cardinal pell and various others, then possibly we'll have some hope, but until there are real severe consequences for bishops, they're going to continue to make the same decisions on not calling police and not children. anchor: thank you for giving us your time, talking about the
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new allegations of clergy sex abuse of children in the united states. a humanitarian disaster is brewing on the border of greece and macedonia, that's according to the head of amnesty international in greece. more than 11,000 people are now gathered and calling to another charity, doctors without borders. they are opening the crossing for a few dozen people at a time. reporter: we are right next to the border between greece and macedonia. as you can see, hundreds of migrants have been waiting here for hours, since dawn to try and go through that brorte. we also saw a woman fainting because she was so tired of waiting. she probably has not had enough food. there are food shortages, water shortages, medical supplies are lacking and people are really struggling to try and remain
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patient. now, once they actually go through that border, they are checked by the mass don'tan army who goes through their bags, checks their identities and then they go to another camp five minutes away from here so that they can continue their journey towards the rest of the balkan countries, possibly towards germany where most of them want to end up. anchor: a development from brussels today, europe is useos to the 00 crisis. it's a plan that would see money spent on food, and other kinds of aids for places feeling the biggest impact. well over 100 million have flocked to the european union in the last year alone. reporter: an emergency response from brussels as greece struggles to cope. >> we provide 700 million use euros over the next three
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years. it allows the european union to complement activities in member states whose administrative and financial response capacities are overwhelmed. reporter: thousands of migrants have been stuck in limbo as balkan states to the north of greece tighten their imposed. the european commission says the new plan is intended to prevent human suffering. they are hopeful a summit with turkey on monday will take steps for migrant setting off to europe in the first place. >> it will reduce human suffering in europe, but we should have no illusions. to bring sustainable solution to this crisis, we must address its root causes in countries of
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origin. syria, iraq, afghanistan. reporter: the european president is visiting the austria this and week. they want the zone to remain intact with the future teetering on the brink of collapse. anchor: residents of the turkish town are spending their first night in 2 1/2 months caught a curfew. restrictions were lifted today after authorities imposed them back at the end of last year fighting a kurdish militant uprising. reporter: the sun had barely risen, but hundreds of cars re already lining up outside this bordertown. residents rushed back to check on their home after turkish authorities partially lifted a 24-hour curfew on wes, but expectations remained low. we're not happy, we're going home apparently. we're not sure if we even have a home. we don't know whether we'll have a place to sleep tonight.
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the predominantly kurdish city is seen as a bass shan for the p.k.k. and became the target of military operations in december. forces claimed victory against the p.k.k. on february 11, but after two months of fighting, this town has become a ghost town. torndown buildings rippled with bullets and piles of rubbles for where their home should be, for many of the residents, there is nothing less. >> the building across the street was targeted. there were bombs and gunshots. the shrapnel hit inside. the coolers and all of the machines are destroyed. reporter: the turkish army has claimed it has killed over 600 kurdish rebels here but they weren't the only victims. turkish rights groups say
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dozens of civilians also perished in the clashes. anchor: north korea is facing its toughest sanctionses yet. the united nations security council has unanimously agreed banning es including coal, gold, fuel and other materials to the state. this comes after new nuclear and rocket tests by pong yang, the united states and china spent seven weeks negotiating the new sanctions, a do par tour from beijing's position as the biggest ally. parts of a plane have watched up in mozambique. experts close to the investigation have tentatively identified the parts as being similar to those from a bogey 777. it disappeared two years ago this month. 239 passengers and crew were onboard.
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it's 20 past 9:00 in the evening in paris. we'll move on with the business headlines. one word lead the up, china. >> let's talk about china. there are fresh concerns that heading e economy is in the wrong direction. this follows a warning from moody's, the credit ratings agency that it may down grade rating on china bringing its outlook from stable to negative. moody's cites uncertainty over the capacity of authorities to implement economic reforms. the agency also has concerns over rising government debts and falling reserves. chinese markets shrugged off this bad move with the shares in shanghai jumping 4% on wednesday. markets may be hoping for fresh measures when china holds its annual national people's congress later this week. the warning from moody's,
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though, highlights the challenges ahead for chinese officials as cheans growth shows. many workers say they are having trouble finding jobs and the steel and coal industries in particular have been hit by job losses. there are warnings that more are on the cards. reporter: china's steel jobs under threat, across the factory, a dozen factories like this have shut down. with international steel prices hitting an all-time low, jobs are at risk. among the worst hit are young graduates and internal migrants to help them find new jobs, the cheans government has announced a 14 billion euro fund but it won't be enough. >> work is difficult to find for the industry that i want to go into. there aren't any jobs here. the work is mainly concentrated in the south, but my home is in the north. i really don't want to go to the south and look for work.
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reporter: growth in the world's second largest economy slowed to a 25-year low of 6.9% in 2015 and is expected to decline further this year as cheans authorities are desperate to restructure struggling industries, massive job losses seem inevitable and providing new opportunities for all is likely to prove challenging. >> whether job seekers find more highly qualified job in beijing or look for jobs in other parts of the country, i don't know. there is a clear discrepancy of what the government adjusted job market has to offer and what individuals are looking for. reporter: up to 1.3 million jobs will be lost in the coal sector and 500,000 in the steel industry. that is 20% and 11% of china's total coal and steel jobs. to revive growth, the government wants to move away from an export-oriented economy and invest in services. anchor: we are taking a look in
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the stearkts. shares had a blowout session on tuesday, but the mood isn't as upbeat today, although the s&p 500 has made it into negative territory in the past hour or so. we see the nasdaq and the dow jones pulling on a little bit of gains in the past hour or so. a report shows that private businesses in the u.s. added 214,000 jobs last month. that's a solid figure that is providing some support for wall street after some wobbling oil prices settled higher on wednesday which is helping out energy shares state side. in europe shall the major indices closed mixed with losing some esteem, auto stock helped and we also saw the european indices getting a little bit of a boost from asia after we saw the shanghai composite ending higher on wednesday, up more than 4%. let's bring you up to date with some other stories that we are
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watching for. a competition case in germany, a german watch dog is investigating whether "the social network" is abusing its dominant market position. it revolves around human data and if they know how they're personal details are shared. facebook is confident it complies with the law and will cooperate with the probe. exxonmobil is struggling back due to oil prices. it will slash capital expenditure about 25% this year in comparison to 2015. at the same time the company is opening the door to scooping up its competitors. the c.e.o. says it's interested in acquisitions while oil prices are lower. and olympus has agreed to pay $614 million to settle bribery allegations in the united states. the japanese electronic maker is best known for its cameras but under investigation over kickbacks to doctors over its medical equipment. it has acknowledged its
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responsibility and promises to comply with all regulations. here is a question for you, could you have forgotten about one of your bank accounts? french authorities estimate that dormant bank accounts in france could hold more than 1 billion euros. what happens to this money if nobody claims it? >> so here we have a team of more than 100 investigators. these investigators are on a mission to find dormant bank accounts or when necessary, potential heirs. >> usually the death of the account holder goes back many years, so we look for relatives and their place of birth or in the cities where they lived. people call the neighbors if they know of any children orciouses living in the area. reporter: it's estimated dormant bank accounts in france could hold up to 1.2 billion euros. customers in their heirs for
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get about their money after moving out or the death of a relative. basics are required to check if inactive account holders are alive or dead. they also have to notify potential beneficiaries. as a result, more and more banks are turning to private investigators. >> banks rely on our services. over the past two months, we have received 250,000 cases to investigate. reporter: banks aren't able to find an heir, they must freeze the account for 30 years, after which the funds become state property. anchor: i'm going to rummage around to see i can find any of those bank accounts. >> a mini windfall for you. if you find money, let us know. >> we can only hope. anchor: time to take a short break.ñaw=>>>>>>>>>>q
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03/02/16 03/02/16 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! >> what a super tuesday. all across our country today, democrats voted to break down barriers so we can all rise together. this country belongs to all of us, not just those at the top.


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