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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  March 11, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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03/11/16 03/11/16 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! >> last night you told cnn "islam hates us." did you mean all 1.6 billion muslims? >> i mean a lot of them. amy: in the final debate before tuesday's five key primaries, republicans spar in miami on trade policy, israel-palestine, cuba, torture, and donald trump's comment on islam. two host a debate between
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to muslims. we will also speak with historian greg grandin about how u.s. policy in latin america is impacting the presidential race. we will look at cuba, who are clinton support of a 2009 coup in honduras, and bernie sanrs critique. then to vulture funds in argentina. >> i've never had anybody be angry. >> [indiscernible] amy: journalist greg palast will join us to talk about how billion republican party donor paul singer has just made billions of dollars by profiting off argentina's economic crisis. all that and more, coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. japan is marking the fifth anniversary of the meltdown of the fukushima nuclear plant.
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on march 11, 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami hit the northeast coast of japan, killing 20,0000 people. another 160,000 then fled the radiation in fukushima. it was the world's worst nuclear disaster since chernobyl. at least 100,000 people fr the reon have t to retn to their mes. a full cleanup of the site is expected to take at least 40 years. a representative of the families of the victims spoke during friday's memorial ceremony in tokyo. >> for those who remain, we are seized with anxieties and incentives beyond words. we spin life away from our homes. families are divided and scattered. as our experiences continue into another year, we wonder, when will we be able to return to our homes? will a day come when our families are united again? amy: the fukushima nuclear
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meltdown sparked massive anti-nuclear protests across the country, and led to a four-year nationwide moratorium on nuclear plants. the moratorium was lifted, despite sweeping opposition, last august. meanwhile, in florida, the turkey point nuclear power station appears to be leaking radiation into the waters off the coast of miami. a recent study by scieientists t the university of miami found tritium levels up to 215 times higher than normal in the water of the biscayne bay. tritium is a radioactive isotope produced by nuclear reactors. the site's cooling canals, which are the part of the facility that appears to be leaking the radiation, are currently permitted to operate at 104 degrees the hottest in the , nation. the four remaining republican presidential candidates squared off in a debate in florida thursday night. among the topics of debate was the war against isil. candidates texas senator ted cruz, ohio governor john kasich , and billionaire donald trump
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all said they would send additional u.s. troops to iraq to fight isil militants. trump said he'd send 20,000 to 30,000 u.s. forces. florida senator marco rubio didn't have a chance to answer the question, although he did join other candidates in calling for the imprisonment of isil fighters at guantanamo. we'll have more on the gop debate after headlines. meanwhile, a white donald trump supporter who punched an african american protester during a trump rally in fayetteville, north carolina, has threatened the protester, saying next time, he might kill him. video footage shows 26-year-old protester rakeem jones being escorted out of the trump rally when a white man in a cowboy hat steps toward the aisle and sucker punches jones in the eye. the attacker, john mcgraw, has been charged with assault. speaking to a journalist after the event, mcgraw threatened the protester's life. >> did you like the event? >> you bet. >> what did you like about it?
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>> knocking the hell out of that big mouth. >> we don't know who he is, but we know he is not acting like american. >> so he deserved it? >> yes, he deserved it. the next time we see him, we might have to kill him. meanwhile, "the washington post" is receiving criticism of in 16g negative posts hours. they ran more than a dozen articles criticizing sanders. this follows a trend of mainstream media coverage either ignoring or scorning sanders. data from the tyndall report, which shows donald trump received up to 25% -- 23 times as much coverage as bernie sanders in 2015. in news from flint, michigan, mayor karen weaver has announced
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residents won't receive any more water bills until the city can recalculate costs, in efforts to avoid billing residents for lead-poisoned water they can't use. flint is in the midst of a water contamination crisis that began when flint's state-appointed unelected emergency manager switched the source of the city's drinking water to the corrosive flint river in an apparent bid to save money. flint's water bills are among the highest in the country even , though the water is unusable. last week, the state of michigan has approved a $30 million plan to help flint residents pay a portion of their water bills. the mayor has been demand and far more money from the state to replace the city's aging lead service pipes. meanwhile, in newark, new jersey, officials have blocked access to water fountains in at least 30 school buildings after annual testing recorded elevated levels of lead in the drinking water. united nations investigators say
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dozens of companies, countries and individuals have violated an , arms embargo against libya -- including at least two u.s.-based weapons companies. the u.s. companies, turi defense group and dolarian capital, are accused of brokering an arms deal in 2011, after the u.n. security council's arms embargo took effect. the u.n. report also accuses countries including united arab emirates, egypt and turkey of selling military equipment to various warring factions inside libya. a new u.n. report accuses south sudan's pro-government forces of crimes against humanity and war crimes, including systematic rape of civilians. the united nations high commissioner for human rights zeid ra'ad al-hussein called the ongoing conflict "one of the most horrendous human rights situations in the world." tens of thousands of people have died since 2013.
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the uned stas backed south sudan's independence in 2011 and the country's president salva kiir, whose troops are now accused of carrying t the majority of the crimes in the oning civiwar. oil git bp hasnnouncedt is endingts sponsship of e te, lond's estigioufour art initutionsafter fang massive position. activists with the art collective liberate tate has staged a series of protests demanding it end its contract with bp, which has been funding the tate for more than 26 years. this comes amid international campaigns demanding scientific and cultural institutions cut ties with the fossil fuel industry. in pennsylvania, a court has ordered fracking company cabot oil and gas to pay more than $4 million to families whose well water was contaminated by fracking. the landmark legal ruling comes after an eight-year battle between residents and cabot.
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filmmaker josh fox, who featured some of the families in his film "gasland 2," said the case sets precedent for holding fracking companies responsible for water contamination. and in montana, arch coal has suspended its application for a major necoal minin the powderiver bas, followg years resistae from t northe cheyennnation a local rahers. the ve comeswo monthafter arch coal declared bankruptcy, admits -- amid the decline of the u.s. coal industry at large. the construction of otter creek mine, which would have extracted up to 20 million tons of coal, was delayed by years of legal and political opposition, which was featured in naomi klein and avi lewis's film, "this changes everything." this is a clip from the film of cheyenne environmental organizer vanessa braided hair speaking at a hearing against the mine. she begins by speaking in her native cheyenne language. >> my name is vanessa braidedhair.
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i requested this conference. last night over 200 shines through affiliated tribes gathered to oppose any development of the otter creek until river valley. we do not want cheyenne to take over public meetings, then listen to us. if you do not want anger, then hear us. amy: and those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman with juan gonzalez. juan: welcome to all of our listeners and viewers from around the country and around the world. in the final debate before tuesday's primaries in florida, ohio, illinois, north carolina, and missouri, the four remaining republican candidates sparred on thursday in a cnn debate on -- in miami. they discussed trade policy, immigration, cuba, israel and palestine and more. front runner donald trump, who has called on a van -- on a ban
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from muslims to the u.s. came , under criticism for his recent comments about muslims. this is cnn moderator jake tapper. klux last night you told islam "islam hates us." did you mean all 1.6 billion muslims? >> i mean a lot of them. i mean a lot of them. >> do it to clarify the comment at all? >> i have been watching the debate today and are talking about radical islamic terrorism or radical islam, but i will tell you, there's something going on that maybe you don't know about and maybe a lot of other people don't know about, but there is tremendous hatred and i will stick with exactly what i said to anderson cooper. >> senator rubio, your supporter, jeff sessions said in response to the comments last night -- i'm sorry, jeff flake, response to said in that comment, republicans are better than this. do you agree? >> let me say, i know a lot of
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people find appeal and the things donald says because he says things people wish they could say. the problem is, presidents cannot say anything they want. it has consequences. talks about consequences. we have had a lot of consequences, putting airplanes flying into the world trade center and the pentagon and could have been the white house. there have been a lot of problems. you can say what you want and you can be politically correct if you want, i don't want to be so politically correct. i like to solve problems. live a serious, serious problem of hate. amy: to talk more about last night's republican debate and the 2016 presidential race we are joined by two guests. from dallas mohamed elibiary is , a homeland security expert who has advised the u.s. government on counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism issues. he also identifies as a "proud texas muslim republican" who has been involved with the gop for over 20 years. and here in new york is linda sarsour, director of the first muslim online organizing platform, mpower change, and co-founder of the muslim democratic club of new york.
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linda sarsour, why don't you respond to what donald trump said yesterday and repeated the day before as well. commentary hasis been consistent since he started running for president. it is absurd and ridiculous. islam hates us. who is islam and who is the us he is talking about? he disregards us as american muslims. he is talking about a religion that is any geology, not a human being who has feelings. -- ideology, not a human being who has feelings. not a reality television show. these are people who are trying to be the next president of the united dates and we are outraged as a muslim community. juan: mohamed elibiary, your response to some of the comments of trump in the last debate? >> well, good morning, first of all. i partially obviously feel just
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as bothered by trump's comments as any other individual, including linda. across the political aisle. phase inis kind of a the nomination process that i don't think the whole republican party should frankly be held responsible for. trump is trying to appeal to a certain demographic in the correct world base -- electoral base, and that is the basis, frankly, feels more than it understands. and he's using imprecise language on purpose. amy: who are you supporting of the republican candidates? >> i endorsed jeb bush back in 2014, stayed with him about two years, and then switched to marco rubio about three months ago. and that is who i voted for during the texas primary. amy: what is your response to linda sarsour singh the head of
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the gop should be condemning what donald trump says about muslims? understand the condemnation thing, technique, sometimes it is more effective than others. as an american muslim, i want effectiveness more than, frankly, making me feel comfortable. and right now if rains pre-bus was to condemn, condemn, condemn every silly statement that has come out of weather trump or other candidates over the past eight months, it would actually end up empowering those individuals in the party and weakening the more moderate and balanced more sophisticated nuance voices. lindathe trum supporrs, i kn you hav expresd yourore afra of hisupporte than yo some of his statements, what is your sense of what is happening in terms of the ang and the fury
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he is unable to marshal at many of his rallies? >> you're watching people cheer on an american fascist. he has asked people to pledge to him. we have seen this publicly. i don't think there are rallies, i think our racism summits. we have seen a black woman shoved aggressively and assaulted. we watched people being removed just for the virtue of who they are, for peacefully expressing their freedom of speech. the irony about what mohammed, who is a colleague of mine and definitely a member of bike community, the irony around the condemnation is that when something happens and muslims do it, everyone wants the muslims to condemn it. everyone calling on the moderate muslims, where are they when the muslims perpetrate violence were saying outrageous things? but here we have a person calling for shooting muslims with will let soaked in pigs blood. he is telling america that islam hates us all.
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he is advocating building walls and banning muslims and all of these outrageous things. no one -- it is acceptable and no one seems to be up in arms about it. his supporters are coming out into robes come in the thousands . they're going to the polls. we might come out in november the next president of the united states as donald trump, so the republican party needs to understand he could be president. moderator,apper, the asked trump about the growing number of reports of violence at his campaign rallies. and man was arrested charged with assault after sucker punching a protester in the face at your rally in fayetteville, north carolina. this is hardly the first incident of violence breaking out at one of your rallies. do you believe you have done anything to create a tone where this kind of violence would be encouraged? >> i hope not. i truly hope not. i will say this. we have 25,000, 30,000 people. people come with tremendous passion and love for the country.
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when they see protest -- in some cases, you're mentioning one case, which i have not seen, i heard about it, which i don't like. it when they see what is going on in this country, they have anger that is unbelievable. they love this country. they don't like seeing bad trade deals. they don't like seeing higher taxes. they don't like seeing a loss of their jobs were jobs have just been devastated. i see it. there is some anger. there's also great love for the country. it is a beautiful thing in many respects. i certainly do not condone that at all. >> some of your critics point to quotes that you've made at these debates, including february 23, "i would like to punch him in a phase," referring to a protester. old days,7, "the good they would have read to him out of the sea so fast [captioning made possible by democracy now!] 18, "not the crowd out of him, would you? seriously, ok. not the hell.
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i promise you i will pay for the legal fees. i promise. i promise." >> we have bad dudes and they start hitting people. get a couple of big strong powerful guys doing damage to people, not only the loudness, the loudness i don't mind, but doing serious damage and if they're going to be taken out, be honest, we have to run something. amy: and that white donald trump supporter who punched an african american protester in the north carolina rally saying next time he might kill him. this is a video clip of the footage of the 26 euro protester being escorted out and then secretary by this protester. when the protester was interviewed by inside edition afterwards, the attacker, john mcgraw -- this is what he said. >> you bet i like it. >> what did you like about it? thatocking me hell out of big mouth. we don't know who he is, but we know he is that acting like american. >> so he deserved it? >> every bit of it.
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yes that he deserved it. the next time we see him, we might have to kill him. amy: he was arrested the next day. mohamed elibiary, on the same issue of whether the republican party, the head of the republican party should condemn this kind of violence, the fact is he did address the audience last night before the major debate. >> i was a little disappointed that reince did not include at least one sentence about the republican party being a big tent party, which would have been a good signal to put out there that only the candidates, but also the audience. in the debate and those watching on tv. amy, i would like to kind of explain something. i personally the this issue through -- my experience, working counter radicalization issues for the past dozen years or so, is that i see the trump
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phase as a politically radicalized, not a violently radicalized, but a politically radicalized, which means there toward the extreme on the political spectrum. the more you move toward the edges of the political spectrum, the more you're going to end up finding the people are more emotionally charged and they're not really thinking rationally. they are not civil. they're not looking to compromise. they are extremely frustrated. all of those attributes. i saw that segment as existing and more than eight months ago, was one of the -- a very early vocal critic of trump from the first day he announced, because i was encouraging the jeb bushes of the party to come out and challenge him from day one, because i saw him as a businessman -- he looks at this as a marketplace he can capitalize on. i don't look at trump and say, he created this constituency, i
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saw that it existed with all its hate and xenophobia and anger. but he is coming to lead it. ideally, i would have preferred for this constituency to not find a leader and to fragment and have to support multiple leaders, multiple candidates like the ted cruz and others, basically, fragment even further. that would have been better for us in the political system. but as a consequence of the party elders making the miscalculation he was going to flame out, he is now kind of solidified that based and it is going to move most likely board accepting -- toward excepting the nomination in a few months. juan: linda sarsour, i would like to talk about the democratic race and especially what happened in michigan recently in the primary, the surprise when of bernie sanders in michigan has a large muslim
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community. your sense of what happened there and how the muslim community responded to the race between hillary clinton and bernie sanders? >> i think michigan sent a loud and clear message never to underestimate our vote. bernie sanders was not even one polled said he was anywhere near winning michigan, and he won big. i think that is credit to the civic participation of the american muslim community. dearborn, the most highly concentrated arab-american county, came out in full support for bernie sanders. i have hope in illinois and florida. i think the party establishment is saying, maybe this is a community we need to start paying attention to. and bernie sanders did. amy: let's go to bernie sanders in virginia after a student started questioning him about islamophobia. sanders invited her on the
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stage, gave her a hug, then allowed her to speak from the podium. >> as an american muslim student , currently majoring in international conflict and solutionajor, i pe to be human rits aorney, aring e rhetor going oin the dia makeme sick because i am an individual costly trying to raise awareness and make sure everyone is treated equally in this country. of thenext president united states, what do you think about that? [applause] >> this is what i see. this is what i think. let me be very personal, if i might. i am jewish. [applause]
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father'samily dd in coentratio cam. i will d everying that can to rid ts count of the uy staiofacism, which has existed for far too many years. amy: linda sarsour? as you said, he was talking there in virginia, but dearborn, the largest arab-american population in the country, voted overwhelmingly for jewish democratic socialist. >> it broke down stereotypes that i think should never have that the arab american muslim community would not actually vote for the first jewish president of the united states, and he is carrying the muslim vote across the country. in new york, i think we might surprise, maybe we won't take it, but we will surprise the establishment. i will tell you, it is not just in virginia.
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he was in tampa. he allowed muslims to be surrogates and speak at a large rally with about 10,000 people, meeting with people from multiple segments of the muslim community. he is finally saying, you are part of the community, part of our nation and i want to your what you have to say. , yourohamed elibiary response to this kind of arab-american support for bernie sanders? well, my response as a i am acan is, obviously, little disappointed because i would rather have the arab-americans voting -- that community was doing, what, 12 years ago, more toward the republican party. but it is not really just their fault. i think republican party during the previous reign of michael steele, i want to the circuit training program at the rnc. there was a big effort to try to expand the base, to grow the
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party, to bring in a lot of diversity and inclusion and i saw a lot of outreach in the arab-american muslim american community back and. but today, there is a whole different case. right now, the campaigns themselves are actually the ones leading. we have a party and name only, so to speak. most of what is generally called establishment party structures across the country in the gop are not in a position to really do anything. they are just kind of sitting on their hands i waiting for this big food fight to end at the national level between the presidential campaigns. and the arab-american community doesn't have an opportunity to plug into these campaigns at the moment. or so far, at least. juan: you mention 12 years ago there was a big difference. there's a difference between george w. bush has president. what is different in terms of how the republican party approached the of american or muslim community that you're not
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seeing now in the republican party leadership? base wasd say that the not thinking for itself. we did not have the internal revolutionary fervor that we have today in 2016 back in the 2000 campaign. back then, we did not have as much of the manufacturing laws, the small-town economic collapses that of happened around the country, a lot of rural counties. we did not have large government programs -- at least to our base in the republican party. you look at obamacare, a lot of other things, and me since in the gop base is that these are overreaches by the federal government. there is centralization -- they are centralization solutions. while people would like to see more localized.
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if we honestly have in this country a little bit faster but a 2%,ic growth instead of make it 3% or 4%, i honestly think a lot of this anger will diffuse and the gop itself would go back to the days of george bush in 2000. amy: i want to return to the issue of israel palestine they came up in the republican debate in the line of questioning by hugh hewitt. this exchange begins with marco rubio. he referred to the occupied west bank as judea. >>. interested in a serious deal and there are now in union with hamas, whose specific purpose is the destruction of the jewish state. every time that israel has turned over territory of any kind, be a gaza or now in judea and samaria, it is used as a launching pad to attack israel. that is what will happen again. these groups are not interested in a deal with israel, but interested in ultimately removing the jewish state and occupying its entire territory. maybe in 30 years the conditions will exist, but they do not
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exist now as to how the president is forcing the israelis to the table. it is harmful to the -- [applause] >> if i become president of the united days, one of the things that will be an absolute priority is number one protection of israel but also seeing if a deal can be made, the toughest deal, the toughness -- toughest negotiation a matter where you look, no matter how hard you look. but i would like to give it a shot. very pro-israel. nobody more pro-israel, but i would love to give it a shot. i have to tell you, i have friends, israelis, not israelis, people from new york city that happen to be jewish and love israel. some are very cap people. every single one of them -- they know it is tough, but every single one of them wants to see if we could ever have peace in israel and some believe it is
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possible. it may not be, but it would be a priority if i become president. >> do a group the israeli government the palestinian authority is inciting violence? >> there's no question, they were saying the israelis tended to go to the desk intended to go to the dome of the rock. thank goodness we work with the israelis to give them the iron dome. where they can protect themselves against all the missiles that were flying. could you imagine living in miami and having people shooting missiles in. i have to tell you, i don't believe there's any mall -- long-term permanent peace solution and i think pursuing that is the wrong thing to do. i believe every day we can have stability in that region by supporting the israelis and making sure they have the weapons and the security they need with our 100% backing as the way to proceed in the middle east in regard to israel. amy: that was john kasich, and marco rubio. linda sarsour, your response? and particularly attacking donald trump saying he would not want to be a neutral broker when
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brokered the deal, but said, i very pro-israel. like, don't tell them, but that is what is going on behind closed doors. >> donald trump comes off the most reasonable but is the most interesting. as a palestinian american myself, i wish for the day i live in a country where pledging allegiance to israel is not the litmus test a running for political office. this was absolute pandering. there was a time when rubio talked about palestinians being terrorist, that they china children to bomb jews. anti-air, anti-palestinian, absolutely no inclination anyone in the republican party would ever help -- no one has been able to broker any deals. i wanted a president that says and military occupation, that sees the opportunity for sovereignty to bring peace to the region. these are warmongers, people who support torture.
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amy: do you think bernie sanders has laid out his support on israel-palestine? >> i don't think he is been super clear. i think is a realist. he understands the challenges. but i think he is open to the conversation and at least understands that we must end military occupation in palestine and an opportunity for us to continue the discussion with him as the next president of the united states. juan: mohamed elibiary, your response to the exchange between the candidates over israel and palestine? >> well, i would disagree a little bit with linda. i don't see it as anti-arab or anti-muslim. i see it as pandering, that is for sure. she is right on that. i don't do so much pandering to our base voter. me being in the party for more than 20 years, the base is not really voting on this issue. on the base does have a bias
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the issue, culturally, just like most americans. i see it as pandering to a certain donor segment in the gop. this is the kind of rhetoric that a sheldon adelson and that wing of our donor community has been demanding as a litmus test for a long time in order to throw a lot of money at these campaigns. and prove that it is not really anti-muslim or anti-arab in whole is because the same people that you saw saying that same stuff about the israeli-palestinian issue or the same ones that were turning around, like marco rubio, and defending muslims and islam and challenging donald trump on that just a few seconds or a few minutes earlier. amy: we're going to leave it there but i want to thank you both for being with us, mohamed elibiary, holland to get expert speaking to us from dallas, a proud texas muslim republican. and linda sarsour is the director of the first muslim online organizing platform, mpower change, and co-founder of
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the muslim democratic club of new york. when we come back, we are going to look at some other issues that were raised, particularly, around cuba. republicans and the democrats. stay with us. ♪ [music break]
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amy: this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman with juan gonzalez. juan: as we continue discussing last night's republican debates, we turn to the issue of cuba, which was an interesting interchange or exchange between. this clip begins with dana bash.
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of openinghe concept cuba is fine. you said the concept of opening cuba is fine. with president -- >> i think i'm in the middle. i want a much better deal. right now cuba is making, as usual with our country, we don't make good deals. we don't have the right people negotiating. we are people that don't have a clue. i heard recently the threat was made that they want reparations for years of abuse by the united dates and nobody is talking about it and no end up signing a deal and then we will get sued for $400 billion or $1 trillion. >> are you saying if you were president, you continue the diplomatic relations or would you reverse them? >> i would want to make a good deal. i would want to make a strong, solid good deal. right now everything is in cuba's favor. every single aspect of this deal is in cuba's favor.
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the same way as the iran deal. do is keep giving. we give and give. >> just to be clear, there is an embassy you would have to decide whether he would be open or whether you would close it. which would it be in havana? >> i would probably have the embassy closed until such time as a really good deal was made and struck by the united states. >> first of all, the embassy is the former consulate. we don't have to close it. second of all, i don't know where cuba is going to sue is, but if they sue us in a court in miami, they're going to lose. issue of a good deal, i know it a good deal is. cuba hasgood deal, free elections. cuba stops putting people in jail for speaking out. cuba has freedom of the press. desk stopsout the help in north korea invade human sanctions. cuba takes all of those
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fugitives of american justice, including that cop killer from new jersey, and send her back to the united states and to jail where she belongs. then we can have a relationship with cuba. correct senator cruz? [applause] quick senator cruz, if you become president, would you reverse course and once again break democratic relations with cuba? >> yes to i would. i think this exchange highlights -- when it comes to foreign policy, do you want to continue on the same basic trajectory as the last seven years of the obama foreign-policy? juan: that was ted cruz in the exchange between the three of the candidates over the issue of cuba. as linda mentioned before, this debate, there were few areas were donald trump seemed almost like the most reasonable one on cuba come on israel and
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palestine and also one social security. you also was the only one defending or preserving social security as it is. greg grandin, your response to this cuba exchange? isseeing donald trump challenging the orthodoxy by the republican and also the clintonian orthodoxy about neoconservative is and militarism and cuba has collapsed because the obama administration and raul castro have moved to normalize relations. nationalize in the question, so no more two candidates have to go to florida and prove they might be tougher than the next on cuba. now whoever wins the republican primary will have to go to iowa or ohio and say why they want to go back to the past and not be able to trade with cuba. i think it is completely shifted and i think trump is ahead of the curve. as i think the demographic changes in florida. and just the complete collapse of neoconservatism interventionism and militarism, of which cuba was one particular
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plank that platform. just the ruins of that and whether a candidate of the visual have to figure out a new policy, i think trump here is speaking the language of the future, as on the democrats. amy: i want to turn to the democrats on cuba. wednesday, bernie sanders was questioned about comments he made during the 1980's about cuba and nicaragua. said ortega was an impressive guy. this is what you said about fidel castro. >> you may recall back in 1961 they invaded cuba. everybody was totally convinced castro was the worst guy in the world. all of the cuban people were going to rebel against fidel castro. totally transform a society. south florida, there are still open wounds among some
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exiles regarding socialism and communism. please explain, what is the difference between the socialism you profess and the socialism in nicaragua, cuba -- >> let me answer that. what that was about was saying that the united states was wrong to try to invade cuba, that the united states was wrong trying to support people to overthrow the nicaraguan government, that the united states was wrong trying to overthrow the 1954 governmentemocratically elected government of guatemala. throughout the history of our with latin america, we have operated under the so-called monroe doctrine. and that said that the united states has the right to do anything that they wanted to do in latin america. and i actually went to nicaragua and i very strongly opposed the reagan administration's efforts to overthrow that government.
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and i strongly opposed earlier henry kissinger and -- to overthrow the government of salvador allende in chile. i think the u.s. should be working with governments around the world, not get involved in regime change. and all of these actions, by the way, in latin america brought forth a lot of very strong anti-american sentiment. that is what that was about. >> i just want to add one thing to the question you were asking senator sanders. i think in that same interview, he praised what he called the revolution of values in cuba and talked about how people were working for the common good, not for themselves. i just could not disagree more. if the values are that you oppress people, you disappear people, you imprison people, even kill people for expressing their opinions, for expressing
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freedom of speech, that is not the kind of revolution of values that i ever want to see anywhere. amy: that is hillary clinton and bernie sanders and a clip of bernie sanders from the 1980's that univision plate. goingon't think that is to work. i think the demographics have changed. i think people's concerns are changed and the generations have changed. i think clinton was going for an old-fashioned redbaiting a bernie sanders. what is interesting about the bernie sanders clip, is from 1985. back in 1985, it was a mainstream establishment liberal position to be opposed to contra funding. liberal mainstream support. jim wright, the speaker of the house in texas who used to be a money man, had close ties to nicaraguan dictatorships, he a good things to say about the sandinistas. and hillary clinton's worldview, interventionist worldview, she has come so far that to say good things about the sandinistas in
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1985 is supposedly outside the mainstream, i think she's completely wrong. i think it is going to backfire. notbernie sanders, by feeding ground, by not apologizing, i think he is doing a service. he is educating the electorate once again about not interventionism. juan: it seemed to me he was doing a history lesson to the audience about the nature of american interventionism over the past century. is ans primary campaign education, especially for many of his mental o'neill -- millennial voters. in his interview with chris allhews, he named dropped of these people. he is trying to insert the importance of history, of cause and effect, lowback at if the s. does mething,t mighactually have an effect -- a negative effect, and might actually have consequences. clinton, i think, lives in that world in which we can act and
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the negative consequences of that action, whether it be the rise of radical islam or the destruction of honduras, does not matter, we can just act again. amy: i want to go to hillary clinton in the 2009 2 in honduras that ousted manuel zelaya. in her memoir meant she wrote about the days following the coup. she wrote -- "in the subsequent days i spoke with my counterparts around the hemisphere, including secretary espinosa in mexico. we strategized on a plan to restore order in honduras and ensure that free and fair elections could be held quickly and legitimately, which would render the question of zelaya moot." it's the coup, honduras has become one of the most dangerous places in the world. in 2014, honduran environmental activist berta caceres spoke about hillary clinton's role in the 2009 coup. this is a woman who was assassinated last week in honduras. she spoke about hillary clinton's role in the 2009 coup with the argentinean tv program resumen latinoamericano.
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>> we are coming out of a coup that we cannot put behind us. we cannot reverse it. it just kept going. after, there is the issue of the election, the same who are clinton in her book "hard choices" practically said what was going to happen in honduras. this demonstrates the meddling of north americans in our country. the return of the president manuel zelaya became a secondary issue. they were going to be elections in honduras and here she, clinton, recognize they do not to themanuel zelaya presiden. therwere going to be elections. the officials, the grand jury accepted this, even though we warned this was going to be very dangerous and that it would permit a barbarity a not onl in honduras, but in the rest of the continent, and we have been witnesses to this. amy: that was honduran environmental activist berta caceres speaking in 2014. she was murdered last week in her home in la esperanza in honduras.
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last year, she won the goldman environmental prize. leading environmentalist in the world. >> and she criticizes hillary clinton's choices where clinton was holding up her actions in honduras as an example of a clear i pregnant is a. that book is effectively a confession. every other country in the world or latin america was demanding restitution of democracy and the return of manuel zelaya. it was clinton who bary -- bacally regated th to secondary concern. creating the nightmare scenario that exists today. it is also in her e-mails. the real scandal about the e-mails is not the question about process. she wanted to create off the books communication that cannot be foia'ed. the real scandal is the content of those e-mails. she talks about the process by which he works to legitimate the elections, which caceres talks
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about they took place under extreme village rest conditions, fraudulent, sick leave of democracy. they are all in the e-mails. juan: in particular, what es she say in them? >> trying to work toward a movement toward legitimating, getting other countries, pressuring other countries to except the results of the elections and give up the demands that manuel zelaya the return. amy: let's go to march 2010, this is hillary clinton traveling to meet with honduran president porfirio "pepe" lobo, whose election was boycotted by opponents of the coup that overthrew manuel zelaya. she urged latin american countries to normalize ties with lobo's government. >> we think honduras has taken important and necessary steps that deserve the recognition in the normalization of relations. i have just sent a letter to the congress of the united states
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notifying them that we will be restoring aid to honduras. other countries in the region while,y want to wait a don't know what they're waiting for, but that is the right to wait. and that was secretary of state hillary clinton endorsing the coup. what is the trajectory of what happened then to the horror of this past week, the assassination of berta cacers? >> that is just one horror. activists have been killed. it is just a nightmare in honduras. there are ways in which the coup regime basically threw up to names trek -- transnational village. berta says wh was inslled afr the cawas someing lik -- that would not have been possible if it were not for who clinton's normalization of that election. amy: greg grandin, we have to leave it there, his most recent
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ok "kissger's shadow: the , ng reachf america's most controversial statesma" will lome back, w at argtina andhat is t billionaire republican donor hedge fund financier to dwith argentina. stay with us. ♪ [music break] amy: this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman with juan gonzalez. juan: argentina has reached an
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agreement to pay u.s. hedge funds that have sought for 14 you're stuck profit off the country's economic crisis. the hedge funds bought up argentina's debt for bargain prices after its financial crisis, then demanded full repayment. former argentine president cristina fernandez de kirchner had refused to pay the firms, calling them vulture funds. but under the new right-wing president mauricio macri, argentina has agreed to pay $4.65 billion to four hedge funds, including elliott management, run by billionaire paul singer. the deal would see the hedge funds take about 75% of what they demanded from argentina; several times more than what they actually paid for the debt. singer's fund itself netted $2.4 billion -- 10 to 15 times its original investment. amy: paul singer is a the long-time republican fundraiser and has endorsed republican-establishment favorite marco rubio in this election cycle. for more go to los angeles where we are joined by journalist greg palast. he is a puffin foundation fellow for investigative reporting.
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his recent article is called, "rubio's billionaire wins ransom from argentina." greg, explain. >> what happen is that paul the vulture singer, and i've been following him for bbc and democracy now! for about nine years, this is a guy who has -- he is called the vulture not just by argentina, but by his friends in the banking industry. dyingbs hold debts of nations, dying, it is, even dying people, when there's a famine or war, for example, in argentina, during the military dictatorship when argentina went broke, he bought up old lawns for -- bonds for $50 million can't just hold them back to argentina, a government he helped place and power, for $2.5 billion. he did this through what the argentine government and the united states treary cl extoion. m iaid you do't pa
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am gng to st you fro borrowg money. i'm going to choke your nation to death. even seized and argentine naval ship on the high seas. he's basically a pirate. what is important about our what is coming up in this election, the reason he influenced the argentine election was to get a puppet president who would write him a check which would give him a 10,000% profit. he is looking for the same in the united states. is thee vulture singer number-one one donor to the republican party. not the kochs, paul singer. he is the number one donor to american crossroads. what is involved in the u.s. elections? because during his attack on argentina, the secretary of state working with the president, the secretary of said -- state sent her lawyers enter yes federal court and said,
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don't force argentina to pay off this guy. she tried to stop the extortion on argentina and the president joined her and the u.s. justice department, and she even said -- her lawyers said that hole singer's business model is a threat to the entire world financial order. this guy is like a kind of financial theorist, actually. and that is what flurry clinton accused him of. bernie sanders has taken a similar deposition against these vulture financiers. paul singer, this issue of argentina is coming home to roost literally because he has got to make sure that there is no hillary president or president bernie that will put him out of business. costry's actions probably him close to $1 billion and he wants blood.
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he wants his guy in the white house, which means anyone but bernie or hillary. juan: greg, why did he come behind marco rubio? obviously, and donald trump, trump is a candidate who is never seen a bankruptcy he did not like. on what basis did he go behind rubio? >> rubio did his work for him. -- anmade an ethical ethical approach to the state on behalf of top of - his top donor. rubio cap banging on the state department to back his vulture donor against our ally argentina. this is way out of line, this was money screaming in a country where money talks. another thing, for example, rubio was trying to help puerto rico by allowing puerto rico
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allowing them to have bankruptcy rights like any american state, and then suddenly, another vulture financier friend of singer called air and steam, held a big fundraiser for rubio. rubio flips around his position on puerto rico and said, no, they should not have any rights. they should fire teachers and firemen and policemen and cut pensions rather than cut payments to vultures like singer and aaronstein. flipped literally within days of being funded by these guys. rubio showed he was the perfect puppet. do you understand, i don't think they expect rubio to pull it off. that would be their dream. they are happy with a trump who is a member of the club and happy within the republican at this point, mainly, because both democratic party candidates have not only said they are not going to do what singer once, they might actually put him out of
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business. and he is not going to tolerate that. that is why he is backing karl rove and american crossroads because no matter who is there, -- if all ofe sure the votes are counted in you cap the puerto rican american vote in the united states and if you count the progressive vote and the minority vote, they cannot win, so yes to come up with other ways of doing it. singer -- it is not just backing rubio, it is backing the holdouts oppression machinery that is being run by the republican party diamond investigative reporter. amy: greg, thank you for being with us journalist and a puffin , foundation fellow for investigative reporting. we will link to his recent piece "rubio's billionaire wins ransom , from argentina." that does it for the show. democracy now! has three job openings. visit for more information. democracy now! is looking for feedback from people who appreciate the closed captioning. e-mail your comments to or mail them to democracy now! p.o. box 693
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in 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami struck japan. the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant, run by the tokyo electric power company, was plunged into an unprecedented crisis.


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