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tv   France 24  LINKTV  March 16, 2016 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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isherine n.: hello there, it 94 in the french capital. you are watching "live from paris." police identify another man killed in a police raid on tuesday. kalashnikovs and an islamic state group leader found with the body, a man who was previously unknown to security services. syrian kurds say they are ready to break away from the rest of the country. the powerful faction also predicting the failure of ongoing united nations peace talks that they were not invited to.
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and then there were three. the latest round of nominating contests in the race for the american presidency sees the republican party field narrow, while hillary clinton looks to be on course for a clean sweep for the democrats. thanks very much for being with s here on "france 24." the manhunt is continuing in belgium for two suspects who fled this of an antiterrorism red -- raid. one man has been identified as an algerian illegal immigrants, someone previously unknown security this is. >> -- unknown to security services. >> born july 9, 1980.
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this person was in the country illegally and was unknown to case ofexcept for one theft in 2014. , aherine n.: kalashnikovs stash of ammunition, and in islamic state group leader were among the items found in the apartment. minister said that the current security hello -- alert level will not be raised for now. >> our national security body has decided to maintain the level three alert in place across the country, which means that there is an existing possible threat. i would like to underline that level three is not an ordinary state of affairs. we had first seen for some time that level three was going to have to stay in place. yesterday's events show that level three has to stay in place.
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let's cross live to brussels and our correspondent there. the security alert level not being raised for now. what's the atmosphere in brussels tonight considering two suspects are known to be on the run? reporter: the headlines are very disconcerting. .ife is going on as normal -- it isg like that nothing like back in november when the belgian authorities told able to stay in and lock their doors as an armed gunmen was on the loose -- armed gunman was on the loose. harles michel said they are doing everything they can to restore the situation. the threat of terrorism is the reality -- a reality. there was an editorial today that said that it could be
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worse. such as, november 13 -- tragedy could happen any day here. they welcomed the fact that the belgian authorities have carried out more than 100 raids and that they are working hand-in-hand with counterparts. catherine n.: we are working -- waiting for more tea investigations come out -- key information to come out of the investigation. reporter: two people are still on the run. belkaid managed to flee the apartment. these two men are unknown to authorities. they encounter him in 2014 for
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some petty crimes. of mostot on the list wanted, like salah abdeslam. there was suspicious black clothing and kalashnikovs found in the street nearby. the investigation is very much ongoing. catherine n.: thanks so much, meabh. we were having a couple of technical issues with the line. we can move on and look closer at the implications of the ongoing investigation european -- investigation for european security services. expert from with an the royal military college of canada. france and belgium were both involved in this investigation, which we know is linked to the paris attacks in november. how much of a challenge is it to conduct this kind of security operations across international borders, even between close such as france and boredo
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-- france and belgium? >> we don't have a lot of precedent to work on. much of the legal freeway -- framework is new. whole lot of complexities. we have various privacy legislations at the national and supranational level that make it challenging for organizations to share data and intelligence amongst agencies within the same country, let alone across boundaries. ways that they are trying to overcome this is by embedding members of other agents these or other countrie'' police forces with the task forces. this is why french police were operation,ing this
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so that they could liaise with their counterparts in real-time back in their country, being able to exchange that information on site with their belgian partners. catherine n.: on a similar note, legally speaking, are there limitations to the kinds of data, the amounts of data that can be shared internationally? >> the main challenge is privacy the nationalt level, plus legislation that imposes clear restrictions on what various agencies can do. that legislation varies from one country to another, plus there is the inherent reticence within the intelligence community to share any kind of intelligence because of trust issues. you never know who's hands handsigence -- whose intelligence might fall into. when they asked to quickly and somebody -- when the act too
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quickly and somebody ends up being arrested unjustly, the forle will criticize them it. if something happens, they will criticize them are not having done enough. it's a difficult thin line on which the folks on the front line, intelligence, national security, policing work on a daily basis. it's a challenging new security environment for them. catherine n.: it certainly is. thanks for your time. moving on now, peace talks over the future of syria are continuing in geneva. today, it has been a key player that is not at the negotiating tables that has been in the spotlight. syrian kurdish faction has declared they want -- autonomy in the north of the country soon. they have said that these talks will fall apart because they were not included.
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now, more about who they are, what they want, and how they are hoping to gain more freedom after five years of civil war. reporter: a call for autonomy as syrian peace talks continue in geneva. have announced plans to declare a federal region within syria. serious permanent representative to the u.n. immediately syria'sd the call -- permanent representative to the u.n. immediately dismissed the call. >> we are talking about how to respect the unity and independence and dignity of syria. i will not comment on unilateral statements coming from here and there. are the largest ethnic minority in syria, making up more than 10% of area's prewar -- syria's prewar population. there is a stretch of territory
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controlled by rebels and jihadists. a federal region would be a first step towards creating advertisements region, similar to -- creating an eponymous autonomousreating an region. they want to build a secular democracy that would give each will write to men and women -- that would give equal rights to men and women. the move could have wider consequences for the region. it could trigger similar demands for elsewhere in syria, leading to an effective partition of the country along ethnic and religious lines. in turkey, too, kurds are hoping to gain more autonomy, but ankara is firmly against it. pyd as a branch of the pkk. while turkey is fighting against the pkk on its soil, it is also bombarding pyd positions in
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syria. ankara's opposition to syrian syrian kurdsant have not been included in the peace talks. to convince allies that a federal system could be a solution to the ongoing conflict. catherine n.: your leaders are getting ready for what could to be -- europe's leaders are getting ready for what could prove to be a key moment in the migration crisis. on the need of the summit today, angela merkel called the plan the first real chance to end the crisis. it is controversial. the front line may be increased right now, but the consequences of this humanitarian situation -- maybe in greece right now, but the consequences of this humanitarian situation stretch across the continent. anncellor merkel:
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implementation of the proposed uld provideeal wo opportunity for refugees. reporter: turkey would accept more refugees fleeing syria and would take that migrants who had been smuggled illegally into the eu via the agn see -- the aegean sea. easing of include the restrictions for turkish citizens visiting the schengen zone. this issue is unlikely to be on the agenda for now. some member countries have concerns regarding the human rights situation in turkey. deep and like the one we want with turkey is always a eneder of -- a deep
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connection like the one we want with turkey is always a matter of -- we stress the importance of the freedom of press and the treatment of cards. -- kurds. reporter: merkel party -- merkel's party is under a lot of pressure. many in germany are concerned about the integration of these new arrivals and this rain on the country's resources. despite the drubbing at the polls, angela merkel is pressing ahead with her policy on refugees, a policy she will have to sell in both early and brussels -- both berlin and brussels. catherine n.: residents of one of paris' newest -- she kissed -- paris' chicest neighborhoods are being told they have to accept a homeless
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shelter being built in the 16th arrondissement. is one of the wealthiest parts of paris, but it has been on the verge of revolt since the city announced it is building a homeless shelter there. hundreds came to a meeting held by city wall -- city hall, showing their postal to the plan. -- showing their opposable to the plan. their opposition to the plan. many are worried migrants would flood the district. >> what happened in cologne? >> you are afraid rapists will come here? >> we are not afraid. we think it is possible. reporter: city officials told migrants -- residents that no migrants would be housed in the center, but the association chosen to manage it says no one will be denied access. >> i'm not exaggerating when i say it's going to become a
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refugee camp. how will we stop refugees from settling around it? reporter: the 16th arrondissement offers only eight beds for homeless people. the capital has over 10,000. 13th, 18th, 19th, 10th arrondissements, there are a lot of homeless shelters. it is only normal that others should share the burden. reporter: they suggested other sites for homeless shelters. according to the city hall, other options were to extensive -- too expensive. there were.: then three in the republican party race for the white house. senator marco rubio was left in no doubt that he will ever catch up on the front runners, failing to win even in his home state, dropping out soon after. tea leaves donald trump,
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party favorite ted cruz, and ohio governor john kasich in the running. for the democratic party, former secretary of state hillary fouronwon -- clinton won out of five. our correspondent gave us more on how donald trump has been reacting to his latest successful round of binaries. -- primaries. reporter: donald trump is as smug as ever. he has said he will not take take part in a planned republican debate. he has said, "we have had enough debate. -- debate." he is saying if he falls short of getting the required number clinchgates in order to the republican nomination, there will be riots, he says, outside the convention in july in cleveland. more rhetoric, very typical of
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donald trump today. he has been accused of sparking protests and violence at his rallies through his rhetoric. he is also taking aim directly at hillary clinton as it looks increasingly as though he and clinton will be facing off against each other in the general election in november. he has posted a video on his instagram account, which, to cut it short, basically shows clinton barking like a dog and putin laughing at her. viewed totally out of context and with the foretaste that donald trump has shown -- the poor taste that donald trump has shown as he attacked his opponent can't -- his opponent's camp. catherine n.: she has won four
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states by very narrow margin over sanders. -- close can we should see how close can we say she is to the overall nomination? like it: it is seeming is over. it is almost certain that hillary clinton will end up in the nominee, unless there is a major upset. she really seems to be on track to getting the number of delegates and superdelegates she will need to clinch the nomination. bernie sanders would need to get major wins with big margins over hillary clinton in several primaries in order to catch up that seems highly unlikely at this stage. he was hoping he might get ohio. he did not. that was a big upset for him on that tuesday. clinton, like trump, is now focusing on donald trump as her major opponent as she appears to think that she will be up against him for the election in
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november. she is calling him a bigot and a bully, saying that he would be "unpresidential." really focusing her attacks on him now. now, if you want to be happy, it seems it is best to live in cold, wealthy countries in northern europe. the latest world happiness rankings are out. they showed denmark to be the most contented country in the world, closely followed by three of its nordic and scandinavian neighbors. france only came in at number 32. , the u.k.,onal rival taking number 23. the u.s., number 13. they see no room for complacency for the u.s. >> there is a very strong message for my country, the united dates, which is very rich
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, has gotten a lot richer over the last 50 years, but has gotten no happier. the message for the united is clear to a society that aims to just chase money -- we are chasing the wrong things for what the public really needs and wants. our social fabric is deteriorating. social trust is deteriorating. faith in government is deteriorating. catherine n.: so, having and chasing money might not make you happy, but perhaps talking and listening about money will. markus karlsson is up just to do that. you seem like quite a happy person. you are going to tell us about janet yellen, the head of the federal reserve. she's had a few things to say today about cash. markus: i am nordic, first of all. that's the reason why i'm happy. markets are pretty happy after janet yellen and the latest policy-setting meeting at the federal reserve. the fed kept its benchmark
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interest rate steady this time around. the same time, fed chief janet yellen said that the central bank could raise rates twice this year. that is seen as a cautious message from the fed chief, who had previously signaled they would raise rates four times this year. there are concerns that higher rates too soon could damage the world's biggest economy. janet yellen says the u.s. economy has been resilient in recent months. yellen: since the turn of the year, concerns about global economic prospects have led to increased financial market volatility and somewhat tighter financial conditions in the united states. economic growth abroad appears to be running at a somewhat after peace than thanously -- pace
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previously expected. these have not resulted in material changes to the committee's baseline outlook. markus: we will take a look at the close to look for market reaction in a moment. first, the u.k., where the finance minister has warned that the leading global economy is making the outlook for the u.k. economy more difficult. as he unveiled his yearly budget, george osborne said the growth in britain will be weaker than previously expected as a result. reporter: george osborne has now presented six annual budgets to the house of commons. every year, the keyword has been "austerity." the economy is strong, but the storm clouds are gathering again. our response to this new challenge is tap now so we don't pay later. this is our conservative budget. so that the next generation does not have to pay our debt.
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reporter: osborne pointed to external factors, a week global economy -- weak global economy. he announced revised figures for low -- for british growth. it is set to stagnate at 2.1% for the three years after that. reason for the conservative government to keep cutting spending to the tune of 3.5 billion pounds by 2020. this caused anger in the opposition's ranks. the chancellor just delivered is the culmination of six years of his failures. >> order! reporter: the upcoming brexit referendum is also looming large. osborne and the government defended their position to stay within the european union, explaining that leaving the eu would create more uncertainty. >> britain will be stronger, safer, and better off inside a reformed european union.
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i believe we should not put at risk all the hard work the british people have done to make our economy strong again. reporter: a case the chancellor of the exchequer will keep making until the referendum on june 23. markus: let's take a look at the stock markets. in the united states, shares started in the red but turned around on that dovish message from the federal reserve a little bit earlier. up. is how they shot the dow jones and the s&p up by about 0.5%. it was a mixed bag at the end of the european trading day. the ftse got a boost. all shares rising on the news that the government in the u.k. is cutting taxes on the north sea oil industry by about one billion pounds over the next five years. that boosted oil shares in the u.k. that's part of the reason the ftse 100 ends up in positive
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territory. let's talk you through another stock market story. the operators of the london and frank for stock exchanges have agreed to a merger deal. set to joins are forces. the combined value of this new company is around 26.5 billion euros and it would create one of the world's largest extremes -- exchange operators. almostlders would hold 46% of the new company. which of course -- deutsche borse shareholders would hold the rest. self driving cars are being tested in several parts of the world. they are being billed as the next big thing. there is a legal question mark hanging over the industry. self drivinggulate cars? american lawmakers have been meeting with those in the field to talk about the issue. the industry is calling for standards across the united states. mark thompson reports. going for a spin with no
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hands on the wheel. self driving cars are fast moving from science fiction into reality. some politicians are already seduced. >> it was great. we drove down constitution in full autonomous mode. the car drove itself and get between the lines. it was quite a ride. it is the future for automobiles. step,er: next legislation. carmakers are urging american politicians to ensure states set consistent laws across the country. 23 states currently have around 53 pieces of legislation related to self driving vehicles, some of which are contradictory. >> the worst possible scenario for the growth of autonomous vehicles is an inconsistent patchwork of local, municipal, and county laws that will hamper efforts to bring autonomous vehicle technology to market. google says it will be
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safer if passengers were not able to override their vehicle'' autonomous systems. >> self driving cars could bring every day555ñññ1
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