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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  March 28, 2016 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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[captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! campaigneve that our is the campaign of energy, of momentum, which will lead to a large voter turnout in november and victory. amy: landslide. bernie sanders pressures hillary clinton in a three caucus sweep of washington, hawaii, and alaska, winning over 70% of the
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vote in each state. next up, wisconsin. we speak to the legendary author and activist angela davis as we observe women's history month and why she is not officially endorsing any of the major presidential candidates. angela: i'm actually more interested in helping to develop vast movements that can create the kindnd of pressure that will forcrce whoever is elected, whoever becomes the candidate, to move in more progressive directions. amy: all that and more coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. in pakistan, a taliban splinter group has claimed responsibility for an attack on a crowded amusement t park in lahore that killed 70 people, many of them children. the attack in pakistan's
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second-largest city came as members of the minority christian community gathered to celebrate easter sunday. a spokesperson for the attackers said they targeted christians. most of those killed were actually muslim. haspakistani president committed to ramping up efforts to wipe out terrorism. in iraq, a suicide bombing at a soccer stadium near baghdad killed at least 41 people and injured 105. isis took responsibility for the attack, whicich came as a local mayor handed out trophphies to players. f forces backedent by heavy russian astrikes every taken the ancient city of palmyra, dealing a major blow to isis forces that seized the city last year. the u.n. secretary general
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hailed the news. >> we are encouraged and fortunate that the syrian government forces have been able -- defeat isis from palmyra and are able to preserve these cultural assets. i'm also encouraged by the announcement that they will try to preserve and protect, but also try to restore. amy: the pentagon says u.s. special operations forces in eastern syria have killed a top isis commander. the commander has been described top financierer. "the new york times" said u.s. officicials were following the commander's vehicle and
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-- in helicopters. in brussels, police fired water cannons at far rigight demonstrators who stormed a chantingfor victims nationalist slogans and making salutes.- nazi belgian authorities carried out new raids yesterday. three men arrested in the raids have been charged with terrorism-related offenses after a number were charged over the weekend. over the weekend, authorities in italy, germany, and the netherlands arrested suspects in the attacks on b brussels.s. thousands tooks of to the streets to protest the
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u.s.-backed saudi-led offensive against houthi r rebels. thee protests were said to be te largest in yemen since the 2011 demonstrations that forced the resignation of the president. since the u.s.-backed saudidi-ld intervention began, more than 6200 people have been killed inn yemen, half civilians. the u.s. launched air attttacksn al q qaeda in southehern yemen, killing 14 peoplee describib as suspected militants. vermont senator bernie sanders won overwhelming victories in alaska, washington, and hawaii. won 73% of the vote in washington, 71% in hawaii, and 82% in alaska.
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senator sanders: let me begin by thanking the people of alaska for giving us a resounding victory. campaign isat our the campaign of energy, of momentum, which will lead to a large voter turnout in november and victory. are you ready for a news alert? [cheers and applause] won thesanders: we just state of washington! amy: we will have more on his victories after headlines. on the republican side, ted cruz and hised donald trump "henchmen" of fabricating a story in "the national enquirer." cruz singled out roger stone. thator cruz: i would note
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mr. stone is a man that has 50 years of dirty tricks behind him , a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. let me be clear, donald t trump may be a rats, but i have no desire to copulate with him. this garbage does not belong in politics. amy: the accusations came after trump and cruz hurled barbs that each other's wives. an anti-trump super pac ran an ad featuring a photo of milania trump. threatening tok spill the beans on ted cruz's wife. trump a called donald sniveling coward. in mexico, people burned
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effigies of donald trump as part of an easter ritual. the incineration comes as part of a holy week tradition where effigies are burned representing judas, who according to the bible, betrayed jesus christ. the artist who made the trump effigy explained its significance. if we talk strictly about hoholy week and the burning ofof jujudas, we are burning the trader, judas, the trader area did donald trump is practically the same, right? he knows well that the workiking force of thehe united states is ththe latino people and that is why he is burned, as well. amy: in what is a growing trend of racist hate fueled by the 2016 presidential campaign, unknown attackers in burlington, vermont threw a brick through a window of a community center with a black lives matter sign displayed in the window.
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the building houses organizations who work for migrants' rights. the attack was condemned late last week. >> i'm at the point where i'm not surprised that these acts of to happen, that racially motivated a attacksks a community that prirides itself n being progressive and liberal continue to happen. florida governor rick scott has signed a sweeping anti-choice bill, that prohibits medicaid from going to clinics that support abortions. newly half of states have attempted to cut money for planned parenthood since last summer when an anti-choice group released deceptively edited videos to falsely accuse planned parenthood of profiting off fetal tissue. the new florida law also requires abortion providers to
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obtain admitting privileges at a nearby hospital or clinic and have a transfer agreement. governor scott signed at the same day and admitting privileges law and alabama was struck down. a day earlier, indiana governor a law thatsigned mandated burial or cremation of fetuses. in california, lawmakers have reached a tentative deal to raise the state minimum wage to $15 per hour. the hike would come gradually over the next couple years. if approved, it would make california thehe first state to adopt a $15 per hour minimum wage. honduran authoritities have arrested a suspect in the killing of nelson garcia, an activist and colleague of an
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assassinated environmentalist, berta caceres. garcia was shot to death after returning home from helping indigenous peoples displaced in a mass eviction by honduran security forces. he was a member of the indigenous organization founded by berta caceres. the suspect has been identified as didier enrique "electric" ramirez. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. saturday, vermontnt senator landslideanders won victories in washington, alaska, and hawaii, chipping away at hillary clinton's lead in the race to win the democratic party's nomination for the white house. he won at least 71% of the vote in each state. he gave a victory speech in madison, wisconsin, head of wisconsisin's primary on april .
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senator sanders: let me begin by thanking the people of alaska for giving us a resounding victory tonight. i believe that our campaign is the campaign of energy, of momentum, which will lead to a large voter turnout in november and victory. are you ready for a news alert? [cheers and applause] won thesanders: we just state of washington! with the three state sweep, bernie sanders was able to chip away at hillary clinton's delegate advantage, but he will still need to pull off a guy big upsets in wisconsin, new york, and california to catch up with clinton in terms of pledged delegates. on sunday, he appeared on "meet the press."
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he said the vicictories off generated momentum for ththe movement. senator sandeders: i think wwe n wiwin the pledgdged delegates.. if we e continue thehe momentume have now, we will. the issues t that wewe are talkg ababout, a corrupt campaign finance system, the disappearance of the american middle clalass can, the grotesqe , climateequality changege, kids graduating collee $50,000 in debt. those are the issues that the american people want to hear discussed and want to see acted upon. amy: well saturday may have been the biggest day of the sanders campaign, the corporate media largely downplayed his victories. we will begin with part of sanders' victory speech in madison, wisconsin. senator sanders: we are doing something very unusual in american politics. i know my republican candidates think that what elections are about are attacking each other's
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wives. [booing] senator sanders: for behaving like they were 10-year-olds in a food fight at a cafeteria. [laughter] senator sanders: these republicans, let me tell you, are not just an embarrassment to the american people, they are an embarrassment for sane republicans. [cheers and applause] know, in aders: you democracy, people can differ with each other. we all have friends who differ with us, but the conduct of this is literallyocess beyond belief. can you imagine, with all of the crises that this country faces, a disappearing middle class, income and wealth inequality, all of the other problems, what they are spending their time on
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our attacking each other's wives? how crazy is that? [booing] senator sanders: but the reason we are doing well is becaususe e are talking about the real issues facing america and we are telling the truth. [cheers and applause] and here is the truth. president,s that no not bernie sanders or anybody else, can do it alone. we need a political revolution. [cheers and applause] senatotor sanders: we need millions of americans to begin
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to stand up and fight back and demand a government that represents all of us. whether you are a conservative republican or a progressive, nobobody believes that we should have a campaign finance system which allows billionaires to buy elections. [cheers and applause] sanders: democracy means one person, one vote. whether governor scott walker likes it or not -- [booing] that is exactly what we are going to bring to every state in this country,
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including wisconsin. [cheers and applause] senator sanders: and i say to governor walker and all of the other cowardly republican governors -- [cheers and applause] senator sanders: if you cannot win or participate in a free and fair election, where everybody votes, get out of politics, get a real job! [cheers] >> bernie! bernie! bernie! senator sanders: at a time when this country as one of the lowest voter turnouts of any major country on earth, the idea that governor walker or any
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other governor would make it harder for people to participate in the political process is beyond comprehension. together, not only are we going to overturn this disaster us citizens united supreme court decision -- [cheers] but we areders: going to create a situation where everyone in this country 18 years of age or older will have the right to vote. scott walker. [cheers] senator sanders: when we have, nationally, a situation where the koch brothers and a handful of other billionaires --
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[booing] senator sanders: i hope i did not offend the governor. [laughter] senator sanders: i understand that he and the koch h brothers are good pals. when you have the koch brothers and a handful of billionaires prepared to spend $900 million in this election cycle, that, my friends, is not democracy -- that is oligarchy. and we will change that. [cheering] senator sanders: i know that our republican friends and elected officials tremble at the idea of large numbers of americans participating in the political process. i've got bad news for them. that is exactly what is going to
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happen in this country. [cheering] amy: bernie sanders giving a victory speech in madison, wisconsin after r his landslide this weekend. the corporate media hardly paying any attention. winning all three caucuses in hawaii, andell in in washington state. we will have more on his campaign in a moment. when we come back from break and women's history month, we will be speaking with angela davis about the race and much more. stay with us. ♪ [music break]
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amy: "waking up" on democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. in this women's history month special, we turn to angela davis. she has been one of ththe most influentiall a activists and influentials in the united
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states. an icon of the 1970's black liberation movement. gender, centers around race, class, and prisons. she has influenced thought across several generations. she is a leading advdvocate for prison abolition. 1944, she was born in birmingham, alabama. the city would become known as a result of so many ku klux klan bombings. the ku klux klan blew up the 16th street apt his church -- baptist church. i spoke to angela davis after donald trump waffled over his refusal to condemnmn an endorsement by david duke, the prominent whitite supremacist ad former ku klux klan leader. angela: it didn't really
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surprise me. ofh have seen the development a kind of fascist appeal over the time that donald trump has achieve theing to republican nomination. that it would have been extremely difficult to imagine someone like this having a legitimate claim to the republican nomination even at the time that we thought it was totally amazing that george w. bush might eventually become the president of the u.s. offink this is an indication the extent t to which conservatitives and the repepubn party have been creating this serve as can, indeed,
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support for someone like donald trump. meanshat the ku klux klan , , it is hahard to ask that question -- you think everybody knows, but i think it is very important to talk about their historical significance and the violence thahat they rot. -- wrought. course, we are still witnessing the legacy of the ku klux klan today. which is not to say that the ku klux klan has and put to rest. that organization still exist. the two clubs clan evokes the racist, terrorist, violent with the eraiated following slavery up to the presesent. to be anot seem to me question whether one would disavow the ku klux klan. but of course, the extent to
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which donald trump was beating , seemingly, in an effort not to alienate those who might support the klan today is a an indication -- amy: and it was right before super tuesday which had a number of southern state. when he came out in the debate to say he was disavow and, that was after super tuesday. angela: it is interesting that those states below the mason dixon line that have been historically associated with that kind of violent racism. amy: let's go from the republicans to the democrats. during a recent private hillary clinton fundraiser in charleston, south carolina before the primary, a black lives matter act to vest named ashley wililliams held up a banr reading "we have to bring them to heal.l."
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it was reference to controversial statements hillary clinton made in 1996 about some youth who she called susuper predators. wilson then confronted clinton. >> i'm not a super predator, hillary clinton. >> can i talk? maybe you would know what i think. thanks very much. there are e a lot of issues in this campaign. >> [indiscernible] you said this in 1994. please explain. you owe an apology. >> that is an inappropriate -- [indiscernible] you know what? nobody has ever asked me before. i'm happy y to address this. you are the first person to ask me. ok, back to the issue. hillary clinton
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saying, you are the first person to ask me about this speaking to ashley williams, the black lives matter at best who confronted -- .ctivist who confronted clinton the protest was in response to these controversial comments hillary clinton made was speaking at kean college in new hampshire in 1996. >> they y are often the kinds of kikids that are called super predatory, n no conscience, , no empaththy, we can talk about why then did up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel. in: thahat is what she said 1996. on super tuesday, she was confronted by a young somali-american woman who asked clinton about her super predator comments. the quiet back-and-forth ended with clinton growing frustrated and telling the young woman, "why don't you go rununning for something then?" angela davis, if you could respond. angela: i think it is wonderful
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that black lives matter activists are participating in this electoral period. forcing candidates to speak about issues whichch they might not speak. of course, hillary clinton should have said, i was wrong to use the term super predators. what i know now i did not necessarily know then. there are many ways in w which e could have disavowed it. the clinton administration was responsible, at least in large part for the buildup of what is now called mass incarceration with the passage of the 1994 crime bill.. it seems to me that if she is interested in the votes of not only african-americans, but people of color and of all people who are progressive and attempting to speak out against the racism o of over incarceration, she would simply
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say, i was wrong then. that super predator is a racially coded term. isis so interesting that she relying on a universalism thatt prevents h her from acknowledgig how much racism is a force and influence in this country. primary aftern caucus after primary, when there is a large african-american population, she wins that vote. over bernie sanders. angela: of course, if we look at the historical situation, we know that her husband, bill clinton, was extremely popular in the black communities all over the country. he w w one of ththe most popular presidents before obama, perhaps
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the most popular president in the history of the country, except perhaps abraham lincoln. toni morrison called her are for -- in our first black president. angela: she did not exactly say that. what she was referring to wawas the fact that he did acknowledge black culture in ways that other presidents had not. a sense, you can say that there was a conscious appeal to in a way thaties his wife hillary clinton is not capable of developing. but yeah, we find ourselves in a very difficult situation. with bernie sanders being the alternative -- and bernie sanders, declaring himself a socialist and r raising a whole
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number of absolutely important -- putting pressure on her is good. on one hand, you have a candidate so relet to address -- reluctant to address racism. said inoint, she response to the slogan black lives matter, "all lives matter." if all lives did matter, we would not have to say that black lives matter. on the other hand, you have bernie sanders, who engages in a kind of economic reductionism that prevents him from speaking, from developing a vocabulary in waysows him to speak that enlighten us about the persistence of racism, racist violence, state violence. amy: what would you say bernie sanders would say that would satisfy you and how he under the issue of racial and economic oppression? i would think that
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he might recognize the extent to which capitalism is racial capitalism, as cedric robinson pointed out. on built throughout the history of capitalism, we see the extent to intertwined with economic oppression. it seems that he does not have the vocabulary that allows him to see the role that racism has played. he seems to think that economic justice will lead us to racial justice. amy: who are you endorsing? angela: endorsing? i don't endorse. , well, to beat
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voted i've actually never for one of the two major parties in a presidential election before barack obama. i believe an independent politics. i still think that we need a new party, a party that is grounded in labor, a party that can speak to all of the issues around racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, what is happening in the world. we don't yet have that party. even as we participate in this electoral process, as it exists today, we need to be looking ahead toward a very different political process. time, we put pressure on whoever is running.
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i'm actually more interested in helping to develop vasast movements that can create the kind of pressure that will force whoever is elected or whoever becomes the candidate to move in more progressive directions. amy: i want to ask you about your new book -- "freedom is a constant struggle." talk about these coming together of movements. , there well, often times are historicalal conjectures tht one cannot necessarily predict. but there were moments when thingsgs come together in such a way that no possibility -- new possibilities arrive. when the ferguson protesters refused to go home after protesting for two or three days, when they insisted on continuing that protest, and -- when palestine
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activists, palestinian activists in palestine were the first to tweet solidarity and support for them, that opened up a whole new realm. people knonow whether mamany are aware of the extent to which palestinian-american activists were involved from the very outset in the protest against the killing of michael brown in ferguson, but it has been absolutely inspiring to watch the development of young activists. i have to catch myself when i and blackmovements youth movements. i have to catch myself and recognize that these are the movements of our time. they are not youth movements per se. becacause the youth have always led radical movements.
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exciting to live during this era. it must t be extremely excxcitio bebe young now. it is s also exciting for thosef us who are older to see this promise that has emerged in such powerful ways for the first time since perhaps the 1960's and 1970's. so much talk about not the intersection of lily of identities, but the intersection analogy of struggles. angela: that is characteristic of the work that young organizers are doing. not recognize that it is possible to effectively create radical consciousness by focusing on a single issue. movementsny of the that chahallenge police killings in the past focused in a myopic way on the prosecution of the individual perpetrator.
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now, movements, these movements, -- taking on larger western institutional racism, state violence, the connection between terrorism and racism, the x and to which -- extent to which the counterterrorist ideologies and approaches are transforming the way racism functions, transforming state violence. so, it is so exciting to see the facility with which young engagets are able to with this intersection of struggles. about racism and it is also about homophobia, transphobia, addressing able-ism. ofis about creating a sense international solidarity.
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the extent to which palestine effortsme central to against racism in this country is an indication of how important international solidarity has become. write on palestine and the prison industrial complex. explain what g4s is. angela: it is the third-largest corporation in the world. it is a private security operation that engages in the ownership of p private prisons, private policing, and many other activities related to policing and surveillance. it is interestingly the corporation that hires s more people on the continent of africa than any other
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corporation in the world. it is looking at the work that this corporation does -- it gives us a sense to which the extent that security, security as propoundeded by those who believe that security can only be achieved by violence, whether structural violence or actual violence. role inlayed a major upholding the occupation of palestine. we can see from palestine to private prisons all over the world to deportation, this company also provides transportation for the deportation of mexican immigrants. if one looks at the corporation, i think that all of the issues that we are addressing can be
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.een in a sense, the privivate corpororations recognize the inintersectition analogy of isss and struggles -- the intersection of issues and struggles and we have to do that. amy: you right at the beginning onthis essay, "as i reflect the legacies of struggle we associate with mandela, i cannot help but think about the struggles that helped to forge his freedom and the arena in which south african apartheid was dismantled. what you bring to so much of an in-depth look of so much of what is happening here, but globalizing it. angela: and i think that we have to have a global perspective. we need to create a 21st-century internationalism.
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none of the past struggles in this country took place in isolation from what was happening in the rest of this world. movements liberation helped to move struggles against racism in this country forward. palestine represents what it seems to me south africa represented in the 1980's and up until the end of apartheid. while we need to focus our attention on what is happening in latin america and asia and europe, of course the immigration struggle there, the racism that is so attached to europe,f refugees in
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palestine seems to be that have enlarge,llows us to broaden consciousness. amy: angela davis, professor university ofe california, santa cruz. her latest book, "freedom is a constant struggle." when we come back, we will talk with angela -- davis about president obama's trip to cuba. ♪ [music break]
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amy: this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. history months special, we continue our conversation with angela davis. last week, president obama became the first sitting u.s. president to visit cuba in 88
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years. he met with cuban president castro and delivered an address to the cuban people, the first ever live address by a sitting u.s. president to cuba. one thing not discussed was the shakur. of asada she was shot twice by the police during a shootout in an incident. in 1979, she escaped from jail and fled to cuba. proclaimed her innocence. in 1998, democracy now! aired her reading an open letter to john paul the second. this is an excerpt. >> in 1977, i was convicted in a trial that can only be described
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as a legal lynching. escape, i was able to with the aid of some of my fellow comrades. step,this as a necessary not only because i was innocent of the charges against me, but because i knew that the racist legal system in the united states -- i would receive no justice. i was also afraid that i would be murdered in prison. where iarrived in cuba, am currently living in a silent as a political refugee. amy: that was assata shakur speaking in 1998 in an open letter to pope john paul. our guest, professor angela davis, has been a longtime supporter of assata shakur. i asked her about assata shakur 's case and the thawing of u.s.-cuban relations. angela: i've been involved in the campaign to save assata shakur's life for all of those
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decades. now that there are new openings with cuba, we welcome the e endf the embargo, but at the same time, we have to be attentive to what this might mean for assata shakur, given that there is a $2 million reward on her head, that she has been designanated as one of the 10 most dangerous terrorists in thee couountry. amy: and a former republican presidential candidate, chris christie, was really leading that charge. angela: absolutely. i think that now is the time to focus on assata shakur. we were talking about popular culture today. there was an episode of "madam secretary" in which a character like her was approached by the secretary of state and the
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secretary of state acknowledged that she had been wrongly convicted and the issue is resolved by promising to provide the support of the state department in a new trial in the u.s. amy: and it was part of the process of normalization in "madam secretary." --was part of normalization when she goes down to cuba and her situation, they said cacase was instrumentatal in nonormalizing rerelations. lelet's go to a clipip of that. > t there are p people w w wu to come back to o serve yourur sentntence in the uniteded stat. what i if i could ensure thatatu woululd be in a a minimum sesecy prisison andnd that you would be eligible for parole e in three years?s? >> that would be convenient for you. i simply turn myself over to the
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feds and you get whatever it i s that y you want. wiretaps your defefense team and they y ppressed forensicic evidence that made it clear ththat you didid not firee mumurder weapon. based on these findings, the atattorney genereral is offeferu a new trial. thesel make suree that files are splashed a across evey newspaper in the country.. dramahat is the cbs "madam secretary" doing their own kind of take on a kind of assata shakur, who ends up agreeing to come back to the and the secretary of state saying g she would geta fair trial and something to do with time served. angela: well, yeah. assata shakur has not seen her grandchildren. extent tond this, the which the repression associated with the era of the late 1960's
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and the 1970's that continues to this day. the factalso mention that vast numbers of people are still behind bars from that era, members of the black panther , my codefendant fore has been in prison over 50 years. when we put all these things together, they create a kind of invitation for increased radical activism, for trying to resolve these issues that have been decades in the making. amy: angela davis, professor emeritus at university of california, santa cruz. her latest book is "freedom is a constant struggle." as we turn back right now to the race for the white house, again, on saturdaday, vermont senatator overwhelmings won
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victories in alaska, washington, and hawaii, chipping away at hillary clinton's lead in the race to win the democratic nomination for the white house. 73% of the vote in washington, 71% in hawaii, 82% in alaska. clinton now has 1243 pledged delegates to sanders' 975. they are less than 300 delegates apart. in addition, clinton secured support from an overwhelming number of unelected superdelegates made up from the party establishment, , though ty cod d chan theirir allegiance at any point. joining us now is the press secretary for latino outreach for the bernie sanders campaign. she is based in new york for the election. erika: thank you for having me. on our had a clip of you
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show in colorado. can you talk about the significance of this landslide this weekend? the corporate media hardly paid attention. erika: of course. amy: but it was a three state sweep. all threeere caucuses. why does bernie sanders do so well in these caucus contests? course.f bernie, we see in the media, when we had arizona, when we had -- manyious elections people in d.c. were asking him to drop out. he said we are still going to fight for the nomination. washington was one of those key states. we thought we were going to do well and we absolutely did. we did well in alaska and hawaii. amazinge us this momentum for our supporters and for the campaign to push forward. in washington state, more
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than 200,000 people participated, which was close to the record set in 2008. erika: absolutely. the turnout was amazing. one of the things that is really amazing about our own supporters is that bernie supporters are very pumped up. they are very excited about going out to caucus. it is a lot of young people, a lot of new voters. for us, that gives us an advantage in the caucuses. it helps. it is people going to cast their ballots, going to rally, going to make a difference in how we can turn out the different precincts. talk about the significance of what happened in your state of arizona? you had people waiting on line for five hours. it turned out the massive cutback on polling places in , in maricopa county, 200
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down to 60. they said they were e saving money? ererika: it was very unfortunat. we don't know what would have happened if it was different. for us and bernie said it, it really is a form of voter suppression. it is a form of disenfranchising voters. it was a very high turnout and we ended that seeing lineses around midninight. go for a moment to bernie sanders talking about arizona. senator sanders: democracy is the foundation of our way of life. people should not have to wait five hours to vote. what happened yesterday in arizona is a disgrace. i hope every state in this country learns about that and learns how to put together a proper election, where people can come in and vote in a timely manner and go back to work. amy: your response to what he said, erika andiola. erika: it is very unfortunate. i'm from arizona.
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i really care about the fact that our people are excited about voting. we do have the general election coming up. we are putting out this message that says, don't be discouraged, this is about fighting back and making sure we do have voters who are abable to do this fast. amy: you are a well-known immigrants rights activist. you were undocumented. your house was raided, your mother and your brother were both taken by ice. you had to fight to hahave them released. erika: that's correct. amy: talk about that happening in 2013 and how you ended up working for bernie sanders. erika: it was definitely an eye-opener for me. i have been organizing immigrant rights for a couple of years, but i think that year, it was definitely -- it came home. ice came to my home. i really realized that i have daca now but many people are
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still vulnerable. how can we make sure that we .eep families together other dreamers, he was willing to bring us and to help us to create a good platform. amy: earlier this month, we spoke to the civil rights , she hasdolores fuerta criticized bernie sanders record on immigration reform. >> we are completelyly in suppot of hillary simply because bernie just has not been there for the latino community. he had a really good opportunity in 2007 when senator ted kennedy , hillary clinton, senator durbin from illinois, when they proposed a good immiggration reformrm bill and we had all of
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the momentum behind us at that point because we had all of these marchches all o over the cocountry. bernie, unfortunately, came out against that bill. amy: can you respond to this? absolutely. it is unfortunate that they do not put the entire story out there. this bill was one of the bills that, yes, a lot of people worked hard for, but they did put an amendment that literally allowed for workers to be able to be exploited. one of the things that bernie has fought for for so many years is making sure that workers, whoeoever they are, are treated the way they are supposed to be treated. they want to make sure we are and it -- paid fair wages are not paid slavery wages. bernie sanders was not going to support that and he was backed up by many organizations that support migrant rights. in 2013 come he came back again,
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the bill was much better, he voted for it. he has called many times to make sure that families continue to be together. we want to make sure that when he gets elected we continue to push for strong reform and that they stop deportations right away. he asked president obama to stop the raids. don't do what is done my own home, which is, it is not right. amy: you are here in new york. you have flown in. the next major races are wisconsin, california, new york on april 19. what are your plans? these are absolutely key for bernie sanders' success. to continues, it is to excite the community to go out and vote. wisconsin is going to be a key state for us. we do know that it is an open primary. people cante where actually register on the spot. people can register to vote there. for us, turnout is very important.
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we know that when there is a high turnout, there is a big possibility of us winning the state. we are making sure we are mobilizing. we have thousands of volunteers across the state. we have thousands of volunteers calling in and that is key for us. that has been what has pushed bernie sanders forward until june. we are not going to stop. it does not matter what pundits, it does not matter what the establishment tells us. we are going to continue. amy: what do you say when people say he won in white states? washington state. ,rika: right, in washington there is a community with in that countyty of latinos. it was an amazing turnout of 7000 people at a rally. it is a very diverse community.
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it is unfortunate that there is this narrative. the reality is -- amy: we have to leave it there. i want to thank you for being wi
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