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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  May 2, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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05/02/16 05/02/16 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new orleans, louisiana, this is democracy now! >> because before us, that thing to not happen, you know? but there was a nonviolent explicit attack upon property as of,ttempt -- in a midst say, the idolatries paid to property and the absutely eapeningf human life. y:egendaryntiwar pest acvist andoet fatr dan
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rrigan has dieat the a of 94 along with his late brother phil, he played in his terminal role in inspiring the antiwar and anti-draft movement during the late 1960's. he became the first catholic priest to land on the fbi's most wanted list. father berrigan once said he a been arrested more times than he remembers, but if your times than he should have. , and sixdan, phil others broke into the ge nuclear theile plant, launching plowshares movement. cracked the weapon. it was very fragile. it was made to withstand the heat of reentry into the atmosphere from outer space, so it was like eggshell. we had taken as our model, the great statement of isaiah. amy: today, father dan berrigan
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in his own words. we will also speak to his knees frida berrigan, his former attorney bill quigley here new orleans, fellow priest father close friend dan's the actor martin sheen. all of that and more coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. in iraq, hundreds of protesters have left baghdad's heavily fortified green zone after taking over the parliament building saturday and staging an overnight occupation of celebration square. it was the latest in a growing number of protests demanding and end to corruption in the appointment of new officials to parliament. before the protesters withdrew, spokeswoman threatened future demonstrations if the changes
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don't occur. >> if this demand is not met, the people would then use all legitimate means, beginning with storming the headquarters of the three executive branches and going on strike. amy: meanwhile, 32 people died in the iraqi city of samawa sunday after isil militants carried out two suicide bomb attacks. the pentagon has released its report on the u.s. military's bombing of a doctors without borders hospital in kunduz, afghanistan, last year. the attack killed 42 people, including patients and staff. the report claims that the bombing was a mistake caused by human errors andquipment failures. the head of central command general joseph vortel said the pentagon does not consider it a war crime. >> the fact that this was unintentional, and unintentional action takes it out of the realm of actually being a deliberate war crime against persons or
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protected locations. that is the principle reason why we do not consider this to be a war crime. amy: a number of people disputed general votel's argument, including patricia grossman of human rights watch, who tweeted -- "it is established principle of customary international law that war crimes can be committed through recklessness." 16 u.s. officers have received administrative discipline, but none face criminal charges. ctors wiout bords, amnes inteational and othersave , lled foan independent investigation. secretary of state john kerry is in geneva today to try to reestablish the partial ceasefire in syria. at least 250 people have died in aleppo during more than a week of bombing by the syrian regime, including the bombing of a doctors without borders-supported hospital that killed as many as 50 people, including doctors and patients. puerto rico is slated to miss its biggest debt repayment thus
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far after governor alejandro garcia padilla declared a moratorium on a more than $400 million payment due today. padilla spoke out sunday. >> we have asked congress over and over again to approve the measures so that we can restructure our debts. we don't want to have a bailout and we have not been offered a bailout. what we want is a restructuring process that will not cause the united states anything. we simply need legal tools that will allow us to confront this crisis and are sure that puerto rico will have a viable future. amy: the cia has sparked widespread criticism by marking the five-year anniversary of the u.s. killing of osama bin laden by live-tweeting the operation as if in real time. for six hours sunday, the cia tweeted play-by-play details of the raid on bin laden's hideout in the pakistani city of abbottabad. the reaction on twitter was overwhelmingly negative, with people calling the move
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"grotesque" and "embarrassing." the obama administration has been accused of giving a false account of the hunting and killing of osama bin laden. greenpeace has leaked 240 pages of the latest negotiating text of a trade deal between the u.s. and the european union known as ttip. greenpeace says the documents shows u.s. is pressuring european countries to loosen environmental and consumer protection, and include provisions to give corporations such as nestle and coca-cola more power during trade talks. in los angeles, a top sheriff's department official has resigned after the "los angeles times" published a series of racist and sexist emails he'd sent. tom angel was the chief of staff to los angeles county sheriff mcdonnell. his published emails showed he'd made frequent derogatory jokes about muslims, catholics, latinos, african-americans and women during his previous job
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working for the burbank police department. in louisiana, gary tyler has walked free from the angola prison after serving 41 years for a murder many believe he did not commit. tyler, who is african-american has been jailed since he was 16 , years old after an all-white jury convicted him based entirely on the statements of four witnesses who later recanted their testimony. his case has been called one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in the modern history of the united states. sunday was may day, and workers took to the streets in dozens of cities across the world, including in havana, paris, santiago, istanbul, seoul, and across the united states. in los angeles, organizers marked the 10 year anniversary of the historic 2006 may day, when 1.5 million people marched for immigrant rights by demonstrating against donald trump. this is organizer juan jose
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gutierrez. >> he is threatened, should he become president of the united states, in his first 18 months in office, he intends to support all 11 million undocumented persons in the united states. we don't take that lightly. we don't think he is the clown that everybody said he was. this is a very dangerous individual, and we must stop him. berrigan died just short of his 94th birthday. he was a playwright and lifelong resister to what he called american military imperialism. we will spend the hour remembering his life and legacy. and democracy now! co-host juan gonzalez has penned his final column for the "new york daily news," where he's worked for 29 years. over the years juan has used his , column to break major
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corruption scandals and cover-ups, including the attempt to conceal the health impacts of the toxic dust released on 9/11. in his sign-off, juan wrote -- "i opted to become a voice from another part of urban america. not writing about outcast neighborhoods, but from them. not simply to entertain, but to change. not after the fact, but before it, when coverage could still make a difference." those the words of juan gonzalez in his last column for "new york daily news." but he stays with us at his other dn, that is democracy now! and those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. we are broadcasting from new orleans. we spend the hour remembering the life and legacy of the legendary anti-war priest father
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dan berrigan. he died on saturday just short of his 95th birthday. berrigan was a poet, pacifist, educator, social activist, playwright and lifelong resister , to what he called "american military imperialism." along with his late brother, phil, dan berrigan played an instrumental role in inspiring the anti-war and anti-draft movement during the late 1960's as well as the movement against nuclear weapons. in the early 1970's, he became the catholic priest to land on first the fbi's most wanted list. georgetown university theology professor chester gillis once said of father berrigan, "if you were to identify catholic prophets in the 20th century, he'd be right there with dorothy day or thomas merton." in early 1968, father daniel
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berrigan made international headlines when he traveled to north vietnam with historian howard zinn to bring home three u.s. prisoners of war. in the documentary "holy outlaw," father dan recalled spending time in vietnamese shelters while being bombed by u.s. jet so were inhis slter anunexpectedly came out three childr, whwere crohing in the, too, ainst al expections. anone of t elder childre feedinrice to e of the younger es. i wrotthis lite verse thin a couple of days andried to read it ter at o trial lled "chdren in e shelte [captiing madeossible democracy now!] imine three of them ithose suival orats with inhe rats deathwaited tre at th end. and must havin the cturies boneyardalf of fsh and be in my ms. i cked up e lt -
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little, a boy. sier calmly eding hias we imb down in my arm fallingn a momes grac assigne of all my reborn -- amy: on may 17, 1968, father dan berrigan, his brother phil, and seven others took 378 draft files from the draft board in catonsville, maryland. then in the parking lot of the draft bod officethe activis set thdraft rerds on firusing homade napm to protest e vietnawar. they bece known the tonsvillnine. the act civil dobedienc was chrocled in e 2013 documenty, "hit stay: a histy of fai and restance." this begins with daniel berrigan. >> we make our prayer in the
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name of peace and decency in unity and love. >> people throughout the world -- these files are also napalm. >> amen. >> napalm, which was made from information from the formula in the united states special forces handbook published by the school of special warfare of the united states. we all had a hand in making the napalm that was used here today. napalm is a very old weapon. it goes back. a really came to public attention during the war in vietnam. pictures of napalmed people. that was a quintessential civil of the war, burning babies --
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literally -- in vietnam. that is what we wanted to, not with something symbolic and something that would destroy the files. >> we feel that as individuals, we're going to have to speak out in the name of catholicism and christianity. and we hope our actions to inspire other people who have christian principles were a fate similar to christianity will act accordingly to stop the terrible destruction america is wreaking on the whole world. >> we regret, all of us, being inconvenienced. >> was sincerely hope we did not injure anyone. thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. >> we have chosen to be powerless criminals in a time of criminal -- byhave chosen to be branded
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we crimina. amy: fher berran and oer members the catsville ne re arresd at thepot. e draft ard raid reinvigoted the tiwar moveme by insping over00 simir acts oprotest. it ao shook e foundaon of the adition-und cathic church. in 10, fatheberriganpent fouronths ling underound a fugite from t fbi. while his conviction was under appeal. was inng the time he hidi, father berrigan changed his location often. he stayed with 37 different families intent eastern and midwestern cities -- in 10 eastn the a midwestern cities. what is it like to be underground? >> it looks useful enough for the movement to go on forever. he was everywhere.
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available to everyone except the fbi. amy: that is liz mcalister, phil berrigan's wife. that is from the film "hit & , stay." the berrigan, brothers and six others broke into the nuclear facility in king of prussia, pennsylvania. the activists hammered nuclear -- nuclear warhead nose cones and poured blood onto documents and files. they were arrested and charged with over 10 different felony and misdemeanor counts. they became know as the plowshares eight. i want to turn to a clip from the from the film, "in the king of prussia." this scene features dan berrigan reciting what he told the judge and jury during the trial. >> you have heard about hammers and blood in this room. these are the hammers of hell. these are the hammers that will
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break the world. flingare the hammers that the end of the world. the judge knows it. the prosecutor knows it. we have seen people walk away from these things. we have seen them disclaim them. we have seen them say they are not responsible for them. we have seen all sorts of language, like a dance of death. they are murderers. he knows it. he knows it. you must know it. we ate --en trying -- to take responsibility for these things. to call them by their right .ames, which is murderers
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debt. genocide, the end of the world. their properties is known to the judge and the prosecutor and to yo weould likyou to know the name of our crime. we would like to assume responsibility for a world, for children, for the future. and if that is a crime, then it is quite clear that we belong in their jails. where they will long is something else. but in the name of all the eight i would ke to lee with you , friends and jurors, that great and noble word, which is our crime, "responsibility." amy: an excerpt from the film "in the king of prussia" directed by emile de antonio.
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in the film, the actor martin in thelayed the judge trial. martin sheen became close friends with father dan berrigan . on sunday after he learned of dan berrigan's death, he offered these thoughts on his passing -- >> before he went into prison for the catonsville nine action, he gave a series of talks. he would surface, you know, he was underground and he would surface every now and then. he was holding a kind of a press conference. he was just about to be captured and sent away. thatne -- was advocating all of us should risk arrest and prison if we really wanted to stop this war because that is what the government was doing with young men's lives, so we
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had to step up. and someone in the of in said, well, fine, father berrigan, it is all well and you to advocate going to prison, you don't have any children. what about us? we have children? what is what happened to our children if we go to prison? and dance at, what is going to happen to them if you don't? and that had a most profound effect on me. i thought, oh, my gosh, we are called to nonviolent resistance that is very costly. and if what we believe does not cost us something, then we're left to question its value. dan forl i did not join protest until 1986. i was in new york doing a film and at a day off. i heard about a demonstration over at 42nd street, trying to block the entrance to the mcgraw-hill building where they were planning basically to place nuclear weapons in outer space.
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this was the so-called -- strategic plan, star wars. andnt to that demonstration dan was there. arrest for ast noble cause, and it was the happiest day of my life. i will never forget it was so disarming. dan was kind of leading the .roup in prayer and singing the police finally arrived and said, come on, you have two minutes to disperse. and then said to the presiding officer, come on, officer, you believe in this cause. get in here and join us. and he backed away said, no, no, father, please. [laughter] he made it so human, so down to earth, that the world has lost a great peacemaker and
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and suchian and poet an inspiration and such, you know, hard to describe the withoute has had becoming -- i don't know. it is like you're describing someone that could not possibly have lived, and yet we knew him and loved him and worked with him and celebrated with him. and in a few days, we are going to gather to celebrate his life and to send him on his way. any code that is the actor martin sheen remembering his dear friend father dan berrigan who died on saturday, just shy of his 95th day. we will hear father dan in his own words in a minute.
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amy: dar williams, "i had no right." this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. we are broadcasting from new orleans and new york. the legendary antiwar priest, activist, and poet father daniel berrigan has died at the age of 94. today we are remembering his life and legacy. over the past 20 years, father dan appeared on democracy now! many times. in 2002, he joined us for a four-hour special marking the first anniversary of the september 11 attacks. >> and anniversary like this induces silence rather than a
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lot of words, but i will try. a few minutes after this horrid event a year ago, the phone rang. i was working at something. and a friend from north carolina said, something terrible is happening in new york city. i said, what? was, ifirst reaction guess, right out of the gut rather than the heart, and i blurted into the phone, so it's come home at last. super the and tears came later, but that was the beginning -- sympathy and tears came later, but that was the beginning. that came from a very deep immersion in what i might call a hyphenated reality of america and the world. i was under american bombs in
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1968. we spent almost every night, howard zinn and myself, in bomb shelters. it was quite an educated moment to cower under the bombs of your own country. there was a period of very intense reflection after that in february. three months later, i brother and seven others, we went to catonsville, maryland, and burned the draft files. i have seen what napalm did to children and the aged and anyone who's in the swath of fire in hanoi. seen what happened to just what priest who get in the way -- jesuit priests who get in the way in salvador in 1984. i met with the jesuits who were later murdered at the university
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there. i had tasted american courts and american prisons. i am trying to explain my first reaction. so it has come home at last. openeda week or so, i the hebrew bible to the book called the lamentations of jeremiah. and i found their a very powerful antidote to the poison that was running deep in the feigns of authority here -- veins of authority here. evidently, this bystander of the destruction of the holy city was giving us permission to go through an enormously redemptive and healing labyrinth of emotions. emotions that one would think superficially the bible would not allow for. but he allows the bystanders and the survivors to speak of
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enormous hatred of god. a spirit of events against the enemy. guilt in view of one's own crimes and inhumanity. broughtf those who have this upon us, etc., etc. these are -- the very deep tunnel of psychology and spirit that the bible opens before us them up i begin to understand that unless we went through that, we would never come out to the light again. and that that would be troop myself as well. i began to understand the shortening of that lonely and trek was amotional clue to mr. bush and the war spirit. and that unless one were allowed
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the full gamut of human and inhuman emotions, one would come out armed and ready with another tat for tit. amy: father dan berrigan speaking on democracy now! on the first anniversary of the september 11, 2001 attacks. he joined us again in 2006 to mark his 85th birthday. that firstk about decision you made in catonsville , before catonsville, to do it? what you are doing at the time and how you made the decision? >> i was teaching at cornell and philip came up. he was awaiting sentencing for a prior action in 1967 and baltimore were they poured the draft files in the city. he came up to cornell and announced to me very coolly that he and others were going to do it again.
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by the courage, the flattery, really come of my brother, and not just submitting to the prior conviction but saying, we have got to underscore the first action with another one. and he says, you're invited. so i swallowed hardnd said, give me a few days, i want to talk about pros and cons of doing a thing like this. so when i started meditating and putting down reasons to do it and reasons not to do it, it became quitelear that the option and the invitation were outweighing everything else, and that i had to go ahead with him. so i notified him that i was in, and we did it. amy: this was after you had been in north vietnam. >> right.
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this was may of 1968 and i had been in hanoi in late january, early february of that year. >> with historian howard zinn, freeing prisoners of war? >> yes, three flyers who had been captured and imprisoned it was kind ofesture o peey the vieamese ding th scalled t holidaywhich s traditional a time union of milies. so theyanted tse flyerto be rnited wi their filies. catonsville, was this the first time you are breaking the laws of the united states? been at thead pentagon in 1967, and i think a was in october, and a great number of buzzwords arrested after a warning from muslim era todisperse -- mcnamara
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disperse. we spent a couple of weeks in jail will stop it was rather rough. and we did a fast and we were in a d.c. jail. i'd had a little bit of a taste during the prior year. amy: you and your brother phil berrigan had an unusual relationship with secretary of defense mcnamara. you met him? at a socialt him evening with the kennedys in about 1965. dinner,is very posh which was welcoming me home from latin america, one of the kennedy's announced they would love to have a discussion between the secretary of war and myself in front of everybody, which we did start. initiateasked me to the thing. and i said to the secretary something about, since you did
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not stop the war this morning, i wonder if you will do it this evening? so he looked kind of past my left ear and said, well, i will just say this to father berrigan likeverybody, vietnam is mississippi. if they won't open the law, you send the troops in. and he stopped. the next morning, when i returned to new york city, i secretary and magazine we were publishing, i said, would you please take this down in shorthand because in two weeks, i will believe that i heard what i heard. the secretary said in response to my request to stop the war, "vietnam is like mississippi. if they won't obey the law, you send the troops ." anthis wasupposed be the brightesof the bght, onef the izids, rescted by all in the cabet, etc.etc., an
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he talike a shiff outf so mhlabama. whos law? won't obey whose law? well, that was a level at which the war was being fought. amy: after the trial, you would underground. why did you decide to do that. worsened in the spring of 1970, the campuses were aflame. nixon had invaded laos. there was sigrid bombing going on. the war had widened. it was a bad time to turn oneself in, and we were comparing that order to military induction. it was like saint, well, i'm going off to war. i'm going to obey them and go off to war. and when it take a penalty for what we did to make the war evidently, evidently unwinnable and an wage of all.
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,o a group of us said, no, go and went underground. amy: what does that mean when you go underground? >> it meant the fbi was on your tail and outraged and angry and saying, get him, get him, and scrawling all of these orders. putting extra people on our tail. amy: but you are showing up in the strangest of places. >> including getting on national television with a good interview and so on and so forth. it really increased the edginess of the whole thing. amy: canoe explain what happened at cornell, they almost caught you there? >> that was at the beginning of all of this. in early spring of 1970, they favor at rally in our
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cornell. and i showed up unexpectedly and got away again, in spite of the presence of fbi all over. amy: how did you get out? in a puppet of the 12 apostles. that had a beautiful mime onstage that night showing the last supper. some but he whispered the darkness, wouldn't you like to go out? i said, let's try it. amy: so you went out as one of the apostles? and you slipped past the fbi. >> got away from months. amy: how did they catch you? >> there were letters exchanged between philip in prison and elizabeth. amy: your brother and his -- >> his wife or fiance the time. they gave up a hint that i would be visiting friends, which proved true, so we had birdwatchers out there and they
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got me. amy: there was a famous picture of you with a peace sign and the authorities on either elbow taking you in. how long did you serve then? >> i think of was two years. amy: with your brother phil, he founded the plowshares movement, your first action in 1980, king of prussia, pennsylvania. explain what you did at the ge plant. >> we had meetings all that spring and autumn. the people about the production of entirely new weapons. mark 12a, which was really only useful if it initiated a nuclear war. fabricated in this plant. huge, huge factory in pennsylvania. there had never been an attempt in the history of the anti-nuclear movements, never an
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attempt with the new weapon. with the help of daniel ellsberg and other experts, we were able to understand that this was not corrosion my-type on, but something different. it was opening -- opening a new chapter in the chamber of force. so we decided we would go in there september 1970, and we did. 1980. ptember of >> 1980, sorry. amy: what did that mean? >> we are to trust in providence that we would come upon rep and rate, which we did in short order. -- weaponry, which we did in short order. got it was really no security were talking about, very easy entrance. in about three minutes, we were looking at doomsday.
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the weapon was before us. it was an unarmed warhead about to be shipped to emerald, texas, for its payload. so it was a harmless weapon at that moment. we cracked the weapon. it was very fragile. it was made to a stand the atmosphere from outer space, so it was like a shell, really. -- eggshell, really. we're taken as our model, the great statement of isaiah. we poured our blood around it. we stood in a circle. i think reciting the lord's prayer until armageddon arrived, as we expected. amy: you have continued to get arrested. do you think these arrests, what you have engaged in, protest, people not being arrested or jailed, have an effect? you have gone through a number
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of wars now. do you think things are getting better? or getti worse? >> no, thiis the wst time my lonlife, rely. i ha never en such be, ny kdy viotion of of hum bd that ian respt. the people appear the uritten, unspokenotto see to be methingbout we espise you, despise youlaw. weespise yr order,e despe your bibe, we deise yo cscience. killnecessa, we wil u to sayo. i never reallyelt thateep oftpt before y kind tenant or tradition of the
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human. amy: what you mean, we despise your bible? is often said it is done in the name of the bible. >> yes, these people are making a strap -- scrapbook out of the bible in their own favor. they are omitting all of the passages that have to do with others,on and love of specially love of enemies, or the injunction of peter, put up your sword. those who live by the sword will paris by the sword. all of that gets cut out in well, a god of vindictiveness, i got of the empire, a god who was rejection of our will to dominate. amy: father dan berrigan speaking on democracy now! in 2006, marking his 81st -- 85th birthday. he was born may 9, 1921. he died on saturday just shy of his 95th birthday. we will be back in a minute.
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amy: phil ochs, "when i'm gone." this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. from newoadcasting orleans and new york.
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the legendary antiwar, priest, activist and poet father dan berrigan has died at the age of 94. we spend the rest of the hour with three guests. in new york city, we're joined by frida berrigan niece of , daniel berrigan, and a longtime peace activist. she writes a regular column for waging nonviolence. also in new york, father john dear is a catholic priest and long-time peace activist. of daniel berrigan's closest one friends and worked with him for 35 years. austria's -- he is bothered and's literary executor and the editor of 5 books of his writings, including "daniel berrigan: essential writings" as well the poetry collection "and the risen bread." here in new orleans, louisiana we're joined by bill quigley. one of dan berrigan's attorneys.
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loyola for a time. we welcome you all to [captioning made possible by democracy now!] democracy now! frida, your uncle passed this weekend. you saw him the day before he died. our condolences to you andour wheamily. can u share ur thougs with us today? >> amy, the first thing i want to say is thank you. you and democracy now! have given him back to us. to see his face, to hear his voice is an extraordinary gift. i am so grateful. my family is so grateful. so just to be sitting here with his extraordinary legacy is overwhelming. so thank you. on friday.
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i went to the bronx where he had been for a number of years. he was very weak and frail. i sell them for about two hours and not knowing what else to do, i read to him from his autobiography, which was kind of soarious because he is profound. his words are so profound. his vocabulary is beyond. so i faltered often reading to we read about healing. we read about some of his favorite people. we read about his experiences as a young jesuit. i kissed him and said goodbye. and i said, i will see you soon. i will see you on sunday. i will come back. and then i was with my family, with my brother jerry and my sister kate, and our mother liz
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mcalister. by happenstance, happen to be gathering as a family on friday night and saturday when we received word from close friends who are gathered around dan's bed that he was failing and that his breathing was labored. and we came. we arrived -- we were crossing the george washington bridge, that infernal bridge, when we received word that dan had taken his last breath. then we were able to be together the rest ofhim for saturday, to be with his body, to be with his spirit. except such words gratitude for his life and for how special he was to each of us
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. remember seeing you, frida, many years ago, covering you being arrested at the los alamos nuclear lab as well as martin sheen, who we heard from earlier in this broadcast. and as martin sheen crossed the line at the lab about to get arrested protesting nuclear said, i work for ge to make a living, general electric owned nbc. he said, i work for ge to make a living. i do this to stay alive. and then you walk across the line and you put up your arm. your holding flowers. the influence of your uncle, father dan, not to mention euro and father, phil berrigan, on
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your own life and your own activism? >> well, i think they and my mother in the extraordinary community, the peace community, the catholic worker community gave me a sense that anything is if we act inthat conscience, if we act together, if we are moved, we can accomplish extraordinary things. and speak with power and conviction against the powers that be. that half of it is about showing up will stop you know, just being in the streets, being with , it is about -- it is about showing up. and then berrigan showed up. he was there. all of the pictures you are showing, so many of them are in
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the streets. there holding signs. they are in the bitter cold. there in extraordinary heat. it is about standing up and showing up. so he taught us that. i think he also taught us that we do all of that with the spirit of joy and without -- as much as we can, without ego and attachment to the outcome. that we can't control most of it, right? we don't set the policy. we don't write the laws. we don't control how the media sees us or how other people see us. we can only really control spirites, and we go in a of joy. we go in a spirit of surrender. we go holding the hands of those closest to us. so he taught me that.
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then he also taught me, taught my family how -- how to step appreciate life, how to appreciate beauty. his world was always filled with such beauty. the walls of his apartment were crammed with you to full works of art. he appreciated a delicious meal. he loved a drink, kind of late night joking and telling stories that can happen after somebody has had a drink or two or three. in his presence, my parents phil and liz, these serious, intense, heavy people, is where i saw
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them lay it all down and take it all off for a minute and just enjoy being together, enjoy one another. guestat was a significant in our lives. amy: the funeral for your dear friend father dan berrigan. in a nutshell, if you can share the description of dan's -- thet and religious trajectory of his life? >> thank you very much, amy. i always considered dan to be in a league with mahatma gandhi and dorothy gray and the greatest people. he was the first priest arrested
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in u.s. history against war, maybe the world. he certainly changed the church in the united states and the world. we never had this before. that is what is so amazing about speakinghil, priests against war. and now that is kind of normal for a lot of people. for them, it was so groundbreaking. spoke to me all along about resistance now as a way of life. that we as people of peace and nonviolence have to spend our lives saying no to the culture of war and working for the abolition of war and poverty and nuclear weapons and as frida talked about, one of the first things he said to me 35 euros ago was talking about resisting debt as a social methodology. if you're going to spend your life resisting debt, you're going to learn to live life to the full. if you want to be hopeful, yet to do hopeful things. and he said, don't just do
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something, stand there. he was faithful. early on he was saying, make the connections between all of the issues as activists. rootscover the spiritual of our work for peace and justice. very beautiful. and he said, we are trying to be a human being in human time. in the last where were him talking early on, too, about what he learned from howard's then. things changed by bottom-up grass-roots movements, from jesus to dr. king. and the movements need something on the front lines. his phrase was, good people who break bad laws and accept the consequences for their actions. to stop the killing and injustice done in our name. so is a great saint and a great prophet and one of the great peacemakers of our age, and we're celebrating him and it is not the end of an era.
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we have to carry on the life and witness that he gave us into a war and to work toend nuclear weapons and poverty. amy: bill quigley, your thoughts on your representation of dan berrigan here in new orleans where we are together at the public television station wlae? >> dan had a big history at new orleans. he taught at loyola and his brother phil taught at a high school here. i represented him when he wereted after the jesuits murdered in el salvador, part of a nationwide civil disobedience. amy: the six jesuit priests and a housekeeper murdered in november 1989. >> direct. he was a person at peace. he was a person calm. he was hilarious as well because
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he really did not accept the force that was attempted to be brought on him by the legal system. he was arrested, released, and refused to come back to court. he wrote a letter to the judge and said, this is ridiculous to come back for little thing like as blocking elevators. he was arrested. ramsey clark called me and said, we have to get him out of jail and get him back here. he came back to court here. martin sheen came as a character witness for him. it was a beautiful event. the thing that i think for our listeners, for your listeners, the movement, is that i remove or interviewing him once in front of a auditorium of people and i said, you're the hero for so many people. who are your heroes? he said, i don't believe in heroes. i believe in community. and it is in the community, it is in the movement, it is in the plowshares movement, it is hundreds of people who are resisting around the world. amy: i want to end withdan in his own words, in 2006, hundreds
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gathered in new york to mark his 85th earth day. father dan recited one of his best loved for once, "some." dedicated to all of us, all of us who come here and will keep at it. some stood up once, and sat down. some walked a mile, and walked away. some stood up twice, then sat down. >> i've had it" they said. some walked two miles, then walked away. they," some stood and stood and stood. they were taken for fools, they were taken for being taken in. some walked and walked and
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walked they walked the earth, they walked the waters, they walked the air. "why do you stand?" they were asked, and "why do you walk?" "because of the children," they said, and "because of the heart, and "because of the bread," "because the cause is the heart's beat, and the children born, and the risen bread." thk you. amy: father dan berrigan on the occasion of his 85th birthday. he died this weekend just shy of his 95th birthday. and that does it for our program. a very special thanks to frida berrigan's needs, bill quigley's former lawyer, and his dear friend father john dear. we will continue our conversation and post it online at we're on a 100 city speaking
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tour. i'm speaking tonight in sarasota, florida at the human a terror in church. tuesday night in atlanta. on wednesday in spokane. you can check our website at democracy now! is looking for feedback from people who appreciate the closed captioning. e-mail your comments to or mail them to democracy now!
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[men singing in foreign language] >> there we are, there we are. [men grunting] [indistinct chatter] [gorilla groans] >> two blackbacks showing off. just basically teenagers feeling their oats. all is fine. gives you an adrenaline rush,
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