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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  May 9, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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05/09/16 05/09/16 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from portland, oregon, this is democracy now! .> we should build safe zones seriously. but we can't bring them to washington state. and you don't even know where they are going. you saw what happened in paris. you saw what happened at the world trade center. amy: presumptive republican presidential nominee donald trump, campaign for the first time in washington state this weekend. but at his second stop of the
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canadian border, traffic was shut down on the way to the rally when activist locked themselves to ladders to brawl -- block the highway. democracy now! was there. farmworkers led an international day of action boycotting driscoll's, the largest berry distributor in the world. >> the demand is that they sign a union contract with us and give us good conditions for housing and work, better salaries, medical plans, pensions. and that they remove our children from the fields. we don't want our children working in agriculture, picking fruit and vegetables for this country. lst 16 yesare at old. amy: ove800 peop packed a new york church friday to remember the life of father daniel berrigan, the legendary antiwar priest. >> dan often worked with dust was deeply influenced by dorothy day in this work of war resistance intending to the poor
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and making the connection that war makes people poor. amy: all of that and more coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. north carolina governor patrick rory faces a deadline today to renounce the state's anti-transgender law after the justice department warned it violates civil rights and gender discrimination statute. the governor has signaled he plans to defend the law despite risking billions in federal education funding. a new cnn or see poll finds americans probably oppose laws like north carolina's that are transgender people from using the bathroom that corresponds to the gender identity. presumptive republican presidential nominee donald trump refused to rule out a bid to remove house speaker paul ryan from his post as chair of
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the upcoming republican convention. ryan, the nation's most powerful elected republican, has so far declined to endorse trump. speaking to george stephanopoulos on abc's "this week," trump said the republican party does not necessarily have to unify for him to win. >> does the party have to be unified? i am very different than anyone else, perhaps, that is ever run for office. i don't think so. i think it would be better if it were unified. i think there would be something good about it, but i don't think it asked a has to be -- >> [indiscernible] >> because i think i'm going to go out and get millions of people from the democrats. i'm going to get bernie people to vote because they like noun trade. i am a conservative. but don't forget, this is called the republican party will stop it is not called the conservative party. amy: donald trump also shifted his stance on economic issues
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over the weekend saying the rich should pay more taxes. he also suggested the minimum wage is too low for said states should decide whether to increase wages. >> i think people should get more. i think they're out there and working. it is a very low number. with what has happened to the economy, with what is happened -- i don't know how you live on $7.25 an hour, but i would say let the states decide. amy: the pentagon has acknowledged it quietly deployed u.s. troops to yemen. where u.s.-backed saudi led coalition is fighting houthi rebels. a pentagon spokesperson provided few details, saying a "very small number of u.s. troops" were on the ground to support an -- to help fight al qaeda militants. critics have blamed the u.s.-backed, saudi-led campaign in yemen for helping fuel the militant's spread. the greek parliament has approved a new round of austerity measures seen as among the harshest to date demanded by international creditors. the passage came amid mass
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protests and a three-day general strike. on sunday, thousands gathered in athens where threw stones and molotov cocktails while police fired tear gas. teacher nikos dardalis took part in the protests. >> date, the working class, send a message with this unemployment and part-time work, the low income workers, the self-employed, the unemployed cannot live on salaries and pensions up 300 to 400 euros. amy: in brazil, a senate committee has recommended president dilma rousseff over allegations she tempered with public accounts to hide a budget deficit. brazil is engulfed in a corruption scandal, but rousseff herself has not been accused of corruption. the full senate is expected to vote wednesday on whether rousseff should face trial. if a majority sides against her, she would be suspended. her potential replacement, vice president michel temer, was ordered last week to pay a fine
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for violating campaign finance limits. after friday's committee vote, president rousseff vowed to continue fighting. fighting,stay here fighting because i am the proof of this injustice. they're condemning an innocent personnd there's nothing more serious than condemning an innocent person. in the philippines, the polls have just closed in the presidential election. the leading candidate is rodrigo duterte, whose controversial rhetoric has drawn comparisons to donald trump. duterte is mayor of davao where he has been accused of running death squads. he has periodically admitted his role in the death squads, even bragging about how they killed 1700 people. he recently joked that as mayor, he should have been first in line to rape an australian missionary who was gang-raped and then murdered in his city.
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in london, sadiq khan has become the first muslim mayor. he celebrated the election results after being sworn in on saturday. >> i think we should be really proud, really proud that record numbers came out and voted on thursday. record numbers, in my view, hopes of a new decision and helping -- i believe bringing people together and making sure we grapple with the problems facing our city and a positive way. amy: climate activists have launched mass acts of civil disobedience in two cities across the world from each other -- newcastle, australia, and philadelphia, pennsylvania. in newcastle, more than 1000 protesters shut down operations at the nation's largest coal port. a group of "kayaktivists" blocked the entrance to the harbor in what activists called the largest flotilla to date, while dozens blocked the coal transport train line into the port. more than 60 people were
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arrested. australian green party leader richard di natale spoke out. >> here we are, talking about an issue youon'hit eith of e parties talk about any day on this election campaign, and that is how n coal min, more coal expts are destroying the great barrier reef, howew coal mines ardestroying precious wilderness, and how they're holding us back from making the transition to a new 21st century clean economy. amy: the ptests co as part of an international campaign to "break free from fossil fuels." in philadelphia, meanwhile, hundreds of people rallied outside an oil refinery to protest air pollution and plans by philadelphia energy solutions to expand operations. the social media platform twitter has reportedly barred u.s. intelligence agencies from
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using a service that analyzes all of its user posts. the "wall street journal" reports twitter cut off access to dataminr, a company that mines twitter feeds for information because it was , concerned about the "optics" of appearing too close to u.s. spy agencies. the west point military academy has launched an investigation into a group of african-american women cadets after a photo surfaced showing them posing with their fists in the air as they were set to graduate. the gesture was seen by some as a sign of solidarity with the black lives matter movement. tommie smith and john carlos raised their hands in a similar gesture, the black power salute, at the 1968 olympics in mexico city. but a west point graduate who spoke with the cadets told the "new york times" -- "these ladies weren't raising their fist to say black panthers. they were raising it to say beyonce. for them it's not a sign of allegiance to a movement, it's a sign that means unity and pride and sisterhood.
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that fist to them meant you and your sisters did what only a few people, male or female, have ever done in this country." the photo showed 16 cadets, all but one of the black women in the graduating class of 1000. in new york, more than 150 activists gathered at the brooklyn museum to protest a photography exhibition they say normalizes the israeli occupation of palestinian territories. the protesters say the exhibition entitled, "this place," is backed by funders who also support the israeli military. the action also targeted the museum's role in gentrification and displacement of people of color in brooklyn. protesters draped banners that read, "decolonize this place" and "displacement destroys culture," and affixed new labels to photographs with the indigenous arabic names of the locations. amin husain spoke out inside the museum before being escorted away.
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-- artdays in which are and artists christian moralizing -- instrumental i think [indiscernible] are over. amy: and in the latest act of ethnic or racial profiling on u.s. airlines, an italian man was removed from an airplane and questioned after the woman next to him raised alarms about cryptic messages he was scrawling on a notepad. the scribbles turned out to be mathematical equations and the man turned out to be guido menzio, a prominent economist. he was ultimately allowed to reboard his southwest airlines -- american airlines flight which departed more than two , hours late. and those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now!,, the war and
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peace report. i'm amy goodman. we're on the road in portland, oregon. on saturday, presumptive republican presidential nominee donald trump made his first campaign visit to washington state where he addressed thousands of supporters in spokane and later in lynden. he decried the loss of manufacturing jobs and vowed to win washington state in november. he also warned of the threat posed by syrian refugees. >> we should build safe zones for syrians, but we can't bring them to washington state. and you don't even know where they are going. you saw what happened in paris, what happened at the world trade center, you saw what happened in california with a 14 people they worked with were shot and killed , many people in the hospital. right now, many people in the hospital. these are people that nobody knows who they are, and they're going to be in your community. you can't do it. amy: meanwhile, outside the
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rally, dozens of #stop trump activists blockaded a highway in lynden as trump held a rally in the rural community near the canadian border. three activists were arrested after they used chains and pvc heights and ladders to form a human chain across two lanes of traffic. they said their action was a protest against what they described as a campaign rooted in fear and hatred. the protest held up traffic for more than a half hour, delaying many trump supporters. democracy now!'s laura gottesdiener and john hamilton were there. >> and digest rights are under attack. what do we do? >> sound off, five back. >> we're in the middle of a two lane highway and about a less than a mile that way, there's a big trump rally just about to start that right here in the street, pretty much the main thoroughfare headed to the trump rally, there are protesters
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and undocumented persons. in twove my arms and -- tubes. on my right, nia is chained to a ladder as is thomas. we are blocking about 80% of the street. we have a couple of vans that are blocking the road. we are getting pretty mixed reviews, i guess. mostly negative. not surprising for lynden, washington. >> we are from bonney lake, washington. my husband and my daughter and her friend. we have come to the trump rally. this is what we find. and now we cannot get across. it is going on as we speak. we are over here stuck. >> some people have criticized where people are blocking the route you're trying to take. they then criticizing his solutions to the immigration issue that he would deport 11
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million undocumented immigrants. what are your thoughts? his don't know what all plan is. i think he is kind of going as he is going along. yes he's really super advisers and intelligent people like himself that are going to help them solve some of these problems. but the way it is going now is disastrous. it is just a matter of time before we have a paris situation here because our borders and the drugs and every thing else are a mass, and never coming over faster now than ever since they have heard donald trump -- i think quite a lot of people getting behind him, democrats included because of his plan to stop that because of what has happened all around the world and recently, the paris thing. so i think -- you know, i think -- i don't know why these people will -- i think their pay probably by the powers that be just to cause this so we cannot support donald trump. what is there substance?
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>> you can see there is about a dozen of not more law enforcement officers. we have state patrol, county patrol. we have people in slightly more heavily riot gear-type equipment, and they have removed -- they are in the process of removing the chains from some of the protesters. it looks like they're having trouble removing them from her neck because she keeps saying "ow." >> we love you so much. >> one of the women's arms is being bent rack right now. regardless of whether you vote for trump or not, doesn't matter. >> where are you headed? >> to the trump rally. that is not the point. >> gmi introducing yourself? >> no. in my opinion, ernie and hillary do not care about veterans. trump cares about veterans.
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trump's tax plan is a lot better than everyone else. i don't want to pay more taxes. who don't for people have jobs. if you don't have a job, he should not get free handouts. you should not get anything. we don't need you. ask their protesting right now saying they are against donald deporting 11for million undocumented immigrants and say the total ban on those loans entering this -- muslims in this country would not be help full. what is our response? >> theater roosevelt said if you want to come under the country, fine, the have to come in to be an american. it is a melting pot. you cannot community mexican or the pakistan you're anything like that. i don't care where you're from. if you come into america, you're coming to be an american. like everyone else, you need to contribute to society. if you come in and you want to say, fly the mexican flag, then go back to mexico. [indiscernible]
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>> it is pretty much security as when to be the republican nominee. what do you think that says about the country at large? >> i think the country is at a standpoint. we now see republican party has been this way for a really long time. actually saying it. they are bold about it. they don't care anymore. a big fraction of the people in the united states that want to stand for that, and that is why this is not the first action against donald trump and won't be the last. >> passing is now is one of the cars leaving the trump rally. it is a very big confederate flag displayed on top of it. [chanting] this will be a free land. amy: democracy now's laura gottesdiener in washington, just
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down the street from where donald trump was speaking. this was trump's first campaign trip to washington state. when we come back, another protest here in the northwest. we will be back in a minute. ♪ [music break]
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amy: workers and employers. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. we are broadcasting from portland, oregon. as we turn to another protest that happened here in the northwest on saturday, this was farmworkers leading an international day of action calling for a boycott at driscoll's, the largest berry distributor in the world. about an hour north of seattle
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in burlington, washington, berry pickers have been organizing for three years at the farms. one of the farms where driscoll's buys its berries. since 2013, they've launched a series of walk outs, picket lines and lawsuits over alleged , labor violations. in 2014, one of their lawsuits went all the way up to the washington supreme court, where won a unanimous decision that set a precedent ensuring paid rest breaks for farm workers statewide. that same year massive protests , broke out at driscoll's farms down in san quintin valley in mexico. since then, driscoll's farm workers have been organizing together on both sides of the border. democracy now!'s laura gottesdiener caught up with some of the farm workers at a costco not far from the sakuma's fields. >> boycott! >> driscoll's! >> we are here in burlington,
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washington, were behind us, almost 100 people have gathered and people are marching on costco to demand they drop driscoll's products from their shelves. it looks like people are just about to march. just behind us, you can see on most a dozen workers who work at farms which is one of the farms that driscoll's sources its products. berry he is with families united for justice. >> we have 41 committees, so in addition to this action, we're going to have about 40 other picket lines today. it is an international day of actions, so we're going to have actions in mexico also. the demand is that they sign a union contract with us in that they give us good conditions for
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housing and work, better salaries, medical plans, pensions, and that they remove our children from the fields. we don't want our children working in agriculture, picking fruit and vegetables for this country until they are at least 16 years old. that is what we want. >> i'm here to support the of driscoll's berr >> my name is maggie sullivan. i'm a costco member and stockholder. those guys treat their employees really well. they have a lot of integrity. i think they can do the same with the people who pick their food. >> wage theft is not ok! >> the people elected me as the vice president of families united for justice. in 2013, we decided to go on strike because they stole from us. they stole our wages. they cheated us on the pounds of
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berries. they mistreated us. the required us to work in the rain. they threatened us. they intimidated us. we were opposed to all of this. for these reasons, the people decided to stand a rather than stay on their needs. -- knees. [cheers] >> in recent years, farmworkers have been organizing against driscoll's that only in washington state, but in mexico were driscoll's and other major companies source berries and vegetables. in 2015, some 30,000 farmworkers went on strike to demand better pay and conditions. >> boycott driscoll's1 >> osaturdayuring international day of action, a representative of the farmworkers spoke out at a protest isan dieg
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california. i am here at whole foods in sa diego with people for supporting the international boycott against driscoll's becausdriscoll's is exploiting its wkers in n quintin mexico and also washington state. we are asking for your support because workers there in mexico are earning between six dollars and seven dollars for 12 to 15 hours of work. back outside the cost gone washington state, he explained he and his coworkers have been coordinating the farmworkers in mexico. workers. the same where the same people. until finally we reached an agreement to work together on the boycott. we are in charged of the boycott throughout the united states. send quintin will run the boycott in mexico and other countries as well.
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>> on saturday, felimon remote and others took me to it workers camp where in 2013, workers walked out due to the pay and housing conditions. >> here we are in the fields in the red camp, which released on yearly basis for the workers. >> here is one of the cabins. it is not been in use for about three years, but you can still get a pretty good sense of some of the conditions. here we see bunkbeds with rusted .ed frames, a wooden roof you can see some of the nails exposed and gaps in the roof. the walls are wood. there is no insulation. now there are some holes in the exterior of the walls. we don't know if they were there in 2013 or not, but certainly, there is to with elation on either of the internal me you
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know, or external walls. this wall is really just a piece of plywood. other workers say they have been the night housing altogether -- denied housing altogether. womens one of the affected. >> i want to ask for a cabin but they did not want to give me one because i am a woman and i have chdren. ey said ey want workers, not children. i had been working for sakuma since 2002 picking blueberries. there was not a scale in the fields, so i just tried to where the berries in my back. but when i want to deliver the fruit, sometimes my bag had extra blueberries, two or three pounds more, but they would not pay us for the extra pounds. they just took them. in 2014, sakuma settled a lawsuit alleging itad stolen
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wages and denied worker breaks. they did not admit guilt, that paid out $850,000. margarita workers said it is what inspired him to start organizing. >> they paid is $.25 a pound the first day. that day we arrived and worked and picked for about eight hours more or less, maybe 8.5. many people earned $40. reeve and $30 all day because the blueberries were not right and there wasn't a lot of fruit. we arrived the next day and began to ask them to pay us five cents more so it would be $.30 a pound and they did not want to pay. >> i also spoke with sakuma ceo and richard brehm. they said sakuma no longer
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leases where we were earlier this day and that sakuma workers are all well paid. they took us on a tour of the fields. >> i am the president and ceo of sakuma brother farms. right now we're standing in front of one of our organic blueberry fields. nothing happens around here without people. life is about people. families are about people. i kind of see this like a family. the family housing is right next to our offices. i want to create that family vironmen him ad not on with our harvest workers, but all of our workers. >> i am vice president of the washington operations for sakuma brothers farms. >> where are we right now? >> and i teorary worker housing complex at the main office. these units are all insulated. of course, they have cooking facilities and running water. there are four bonds in only three mattresses. because of the requirement for space, there only three
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mattresses. this room can only have three occupants. sense, i know some of the workers have called for $15 minimum wage. is that on the table for the upcoming growing season? >>o. but if i can tell you, the average harvest workers in blueberries and black berries last season made more than $15 an houon avera. and ny made er $20 an hour. but it is a productivity-based system it creates the opportunity for younger am a the younger am a s to learn that scale and get up to those high wage earning levels. >> do you have an age limit on either side for your workers? >> we do. 15 yearss the minimum. e reasone offer 1 years and ther is that it is because
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rkers, wn they ce iwith their families, if they have a 15-year-old or 16-year-old or 17-year-old, they would like them to be out in the field working with them. >> with some workers say sakuma has not had a minimum age requirement and that the housing, even outside this camp, has not been so good. i caught up with a 16-year-old alfredo and his 10-year-old brother at a nearby park. i asked afraid of how old he was when you first started picking for sakuma. >> i was 13. >> how old are you now? >> 16. >> are you in high school? >> yesa juniort burlinon. >> howany yea have yobeen woing for kuma? fou one ofhe challges that ces in t summer was having to leave school early. i remember one day, i think it was a sunday, when we were picking strawberries and it wa raining.
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it was super cold. the wind and stuff like that. i was feeling a little sick. it was like aund 100. i nted to home, so i asked my mom. said, if i'm not feeling well, i should go home. then my mom told the supervisor. the supervisor said, if you , yourget back to work parents will get fired and you will have to find someplace to live. like the same day, you have to find a place to stay. >> becae you were living in e camps? >> yes >> what s the ca lik >> iwas terrle. yoonly hadwoedshat were connecteback to ck from ch othe stu.d't ve any new e same stuff or five or six years, maybe older. the roof when it rained,
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sometimes water gets in. it was pretty cold. >> what was it like -- were you there also? what was it like for you? >> iwas pretty cold. en it wareally h inse, therused to b water dripping on our heads when we were trying to sleep in the night. >> freda said he and his family have been with the group since the 2013 walkout and he has been at protests ever since. but when he is not protesting, he is at home singing. >> i like to seeing. act.d - right now i'm learning to play guitar. i have been practicing for like a month now. ♪ i still want to be part of the
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organization. from a career, i wanted to be acting and singing. hopefully, that works out. pick you think you will this summer? >> i know i'm going to pick this summer. it is like the only way i can get a job and the only way i can help my family. so, yes, i will be picking this summer with them. >> i am also calledcy now! driscoll's and asked its executive vice president of the americas soren bjorn about the farm workers call for driscoll's boycott. he said, "we feel it's really unfortunate, because some of the allegations are simply not true." he said driscoll's was not considering dropping sakuma as one of its growers, saying -- "since 2013, when these issues got resolved, sakuma has done nothing but to improve their operations every single year."
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the driscoll's executive vice president also called on the state of washington to strengthen its worker protections, saying -- "from international standards, this is really weak child labor law." while washington state allows children as young as 12 years old to work on farms, driscoll's says its recently revised its own standards, saying workers on the farms it buys from must now be 15 years old. special thanks to laura gottesdiener and john hamilton. this is democracy now! a reportome back, dan berrigan'ssvill funeral. ♪ [music break]
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amy: performing in democracy now!, "strawberry fields." to see the full performance, go to this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. we are broadcasting from portland, oregon. more than 800 people packed into the church of st. francis xavier in new york friday for the funeral of dan berrigan the , legendary anti-war priest, poet and activist.
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,he died on april 30 at the age of 94. dan and his brother the late phil berrigan made international headlines in 1968 when they and six other catholic anti-war activists burned draft cards in catonsville, maryland to protest , the vietnam war. there's a two hour per session beginning at mary house, catholic worker house in the east village. mike burke was there and spoke to participants. >> i believe we're going to start our march now and so i would think that we would want to create some space here, maybe walk together arm in arm, linked again with great energy, with chanting, with song. this is a celebration of dan's life and of life itself. ♪ >> if you could tell us your
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name. >> i am dar williams. i wrote a song that had to do with the catonsville nine and then every thing changed. as soon as i wrote that song, and that all of the people who are part of that song and here i am 15 years later. >> do you think you could sing a verse of that song right now? >> sure. ♪ god of the poor man this is how the day began eight codefendants, i daniel berrigan we pulled the draft files out we burn them in the parking lot better the files in the bodies of children i had no right before the love of few i had the right before the love of you it is like a prayer saying to god, they tell you had no right
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to do this and i had no right to do this but for the love of god. what's i am john deere and walking year-long the streets of manhattan to remember daniel berrigan that we're just passing where dorothy day lived and worked, dan's great friend who will soon be canonized. i'm here with all of our friends on the way to the funeral to commemorate dan, one of the greatest peacemakers of our times. my great friend who called us to take to the streets and assay to war and to say no injustice and nuclear weapons and to put nonviolent into action. quite how did father berrigan influenced both the peace movement as well as the catholic church? >> daniel berrigan has fired williams upon millions of people after the catonsville nine action -- inspired millions upon millions of people after the catonsville nine action. he and his brother as priest, this is never happened before and it was so shocking, but it led to millions of people taken
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to the streets and inspired the peace movement. you could argue there were 300 draft board raid that helped end the draft and helped end the war. the name changed in the process the catholic church in the united states, actually, all of the christian churches and the church around the world -- we never had a priest so publicly actively against war. now it is normal. a priest going to jail and prison for peace? now that happens all the time. and he broke new ground. in fact, helped get rid of the return usheory and all back to the peacemaking life of jesus, which was the point of the church. so he is not only a great saint and a great profit, he is actually one of the great revolutionaries who inspired the movement and changed the church. it is quite an accomplishment. ate gonna pay for war no more ♪
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>> tell us how unit father berrigan. >> i am daniel berrigan's niece, frida. it is raining and we are on houston street and remembering all of the times you'd stood on the street and there weren't 300 people and there was in a band and there wasn't all of this joy. and we are reminded that this is where it happened. it doesn't happen in the classroom. it doesn't happen at the altar, it happens in the street. ♪ ted i met daniel berrigan in an anti-or movement him of the draft resistance movement. i got to know him in prison. we're both in prison and then very, connecticut for draft war
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rates. the catonsville rate in 1968 for him and me for draft board raid in 1970. >> can you describe what happened in catonsville and the significance. >> nine people when into a draft board in catonsville and took the files of young men who are liable to be drafted and sent to vietnam. they took them outside and they put homemade napalm on them and burn them. there was one other small action before that in baltimore and a follow 1967, this one in may of 68 was the one that got lots of attention and lots of publicity. i started a movement that ended up getting involved with, people who went into draft boards all over the country as well as corporate offices, fbi offices a couple of times, and took direct action, nonviolent direct action, syria's direct action against war and injustice, particularly against
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the vietnam war at that time. so the significance was that for the antiwar movement, it gve a re shot inhe arm to that movement at that point in time. it continued to do so with a growing number of these types of actions that seem to multiply over the next three or four years. ♪ >> my name is anna brown. i am here primarily first of all because i loved dan very much. i've been a member in a community with them for 25 years. because it was such a great force of love in this world, and the catonsville nine, he talked about the creation of a new kindness,entleness, a of loving community. that.t don't do
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we just don't do that. i think that is why there is in th incredible response this death. because really, he is all about life. and at a time or we're watching children drown in the a gnc and climate change is barring down upon us at we remain in denial and we're fighting war after war , some who speaks about 11 summon who we need to listen to but not only spoke about it, acted on it, did it. so consistently. i can tell you dan was doing civil disobedience almost to the end of his life. >> tell us how you knew father berrigan. >> i am joe cosgrove and i have known dan berrigan for more than 35 years. dan was my pastor. in the allergy and law. gee, what better subjects than to produce for dan berrigan? i was his lawyer for almost 30 years in all sorts of matters arresteds where he was
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, many times in new york and other civil rights issues. >> can you describe some of the more memorable cases that you represented father berrigan? >> as i said last night at his wake service, dan turned everything into liturgy. so for me, i'm litigating, but for him, it was a sacrament. to see that contrast -- his statements and his testimony in court, everyone of them were scriptural. i think in particular at the resentencing of the plowshares eight, which after this decades long appeal process when the case was overturned, the conviction was overturned and reinstated but then the judge was removed and finally after 10 years, it seemed there was an exhaustion in the legal system and the resentencing was ordered with a new judge. because of my work in the system, houston most of the work at the resentencing. n's atement the cou is one of the most pround this i have ever heard from a
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historical, from a legal, and from a theological point of view. he combined all three. it is poetry. dan was a scripture scholar. it is beautiful. i think that really is one of -- crowning moments dan maybe in american legal history, to have that statement read in court, stated in court. >> you remember any of the lines from the statement? >> he said, if you think that putting me in jail will help end the war, then take me away. >> ♪ >> if you could tell us your name. >> art with the dorothy day catholic worker and washington, d.c. what i'm holding, i hold every monday morning at our pentagon peace vigil 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. since 1987.
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>> what does the sign say for our radio audience? >> is says no cause however noble justifies the taking of a single life, much less millions. it is a quote from a talk that dan gave on the ethics of resurrection. it sums up his unequivocal commitment to nonviolence, which is rooted in the scripture. his life was based on the kill"d "thou shall not and "love your enemies." >> idle remember the first time i met dan. i know it was somehow connected to covenant house when i worked there years ago. he made an enormous impression on my life and many -- in many, many ways. i think one of the things that sticks out for me is my brother
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was killed on september 11 here in new york city. in the shock of all of that, it was in the first week, i went to go see dan and talk to him about this tragic awful thing that was so income principle and impossible to understand. -- incomprehensible and impossible to understand. i don't really get poetry all that much and dan was a wise man and i can't tell you a wise phrase that he told me that night, but i can tell you his heart just came and enveloped my heart. i knew at that moment, not at that moment, it was just having dan's backup and loving compassion, it made a very good the only way to respond to the violence that it happened was nonviolently and with justice and it feels like dan helped me
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understand that in ways i never thought i would think really have to understand -- concretely have to understand. i'm so glad he was a part of it, that he was there, in that really awful, awful tragic moment. us your name, how you met father berrigan and why you're here today. >> my name is john bach. i was a draft resister during the war in vietnam and i first met and in the dining hall of a federal prison and did very, connecticut. it was love at first sight. >> what you think is most important for people to know about father berrigan? >> the freedom and liberation are things you can declare for yourself. when you do that, you never lose a step and you help your community move forward into the light. >> how long did you spend in jail? >> 35 months, just under three years. i can say because of dan,
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because what he taught me, most of the time i was not with the berrigans, that it was three of the most formative spiritual, educational, and at some ways fun years of my life. i've no regrets whatsoever. >> do you know of any other draft resisters who spent longer. until then you? >> only one. >> what are your thoughts as we move -- march through the rain streets of new york to the church? working's a spirit among us that strikes is free. as we work together on behalf of other people. the best we can do at the end of our lives is ask ourselves two questions -- or we well loved? and did we serve other people? for dan, there is a rousing affirmative about that. >> and kathy. i am a catholic worker from washington, d.c. i was 24 years old they 17, 1968, turned on the radio and --
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i don't think it was wbai, but i was in new york and i heard the story of catonsville. i was already the mother of two little children and had a baby on the way. i described myself as standing up a different person, one with a view of taking responsibility for trying to end the war in vietnam. the day before i did not think it was my responsibility. so i first met him in the story on the radio of catonsville -- of the catonsville nine action. but then i got to meet him. ands in the prison yard then bury in 1972 with dan when believe released -- i he got a six your sentence or catonsville. from 1968 to 1972, i was already part of the community. " in theeard dan say
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isaiah scripture, they shall beat their swords into plowshares. he said, who are these "they" that are going to do this beating swords if not as? -- to hammero swim on various influence of war. i've been arrested. i am so happy, i'm so blessed. it was miraculous a listen to that radio program on may 17, 1968. my whole life is different because of it. ♪ down by the riverside ain't gonna study war no more respect and out of
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appreciation for dan bergan and the wonderful community that is come together to remember his life and be grateful. >> what impact has dan had on your life? >> as a teenager, if i got on the express bus early, i could get downtown before starting to work and read about dan berrigan. tim i was tee imessed tt a 1991 when a group of people fm the uned andes assemed too inrpose oselves bween waing partiesn iraq. people said what mivated them, ov half armotivate by da berrigan's stories. likewise in afghanistan, young kids now know about his work and read his poems. it is pretty wonderful to hear a whole group of students stood up
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and cheered after a poem identity and was read. >> tell us how you knew father berrigan. about 40 years ago exactly this time of year 40 years ago at mary house or we began the walk this -- where we began the walk this morning. it has guided and influenced the following 40 years of my life in a major way. my wife met dan when she was 16 years old. that, too, was an informative influence in our entire lives. that led to jonah house and ultimately to nuclear resistance , then forming a community to go into the nuclear weapons factory, general electric in pennsylvania september 9, 1980. >> can you go back to that day
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in 1980 and describe what you did and why you did it? beenll, the community have vigilant at plant number nine where there were 600 workers making the nuclear warheads, the first strike nuclear warheads. , and i camed there up from jonah house and vigiled with them, we realized that we cod get in that plt. trueat we understood was that this was a crime, that this was the manufacture of genocidal nuclear weapons, each warhead 35 hiroshimas, and there is no such thing as a non-genocidal nuclear , ison, each 135 hiroshimas it enough to stand outside and vigil? we decided it really wasn't,
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that we could go in and stop production. we decided we would enter with peak of theat the morning rkday. tnk about 7:00 a.m.r 8:00 a.m. father carl cavett and sister in montgomery would talk to the guard, distract the guard while the rest of us went into the plant. as it turned out, we found two warheads in the early stage of production, took hammers to them, rendered some of the manufacturing equipment unusable to stop the manufacturing process. port our human blood, which we had brought from ourselves, on the work orders and the detailsts in the office of this genocidal work. >> could you describe the influence of father berrigan on your life and what you feel is most important for people to know about him? >> first of all, going back to
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vietnam, here the powerful influence on me. at the time of plowshares 8, taking dish it led to the founding of the house of peace for refugees and people of -- ildren owar. he was always asking about the children. he asked a couple of months ago, how are the children? summit who had such unbreakable, unrelenting moral awareness and direction encourage and the ability to affirm everybody that was in it with him. he loved people. he loved the people of this city. he loved -- he loved. from a procession heading to father dan berrigan's funeral on friday.
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he would have turned 95 years old today. for today'ss it show. i will be speaking tonight in minneapolis and tomorrow in cameras, massachusetts. check our website ú
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