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tv   France 24  LINKTV  May 13, 2016 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> everyone, a very warm welcome. you're watching "france 24" live from paris. hezbollah's top military commander is killed in an explosion near damascus. it's not sure who was behind the attack. he had been conducting activities in syria. his funeral took place in beirut today. perhaps one of the biggest doping scandals now revealed. dozens of athletes in the winter sochi games were allegedly part of a state-run drawing program. and critics moved to tears at "i cannes film festival with
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daniel blake," which dissects the struggles of britain's working class. he funeral of mustafa, badreddine, the coffin of hezbollah's top in command was moved through the streets hours after it was announced he'd been killed in an splotion near damascus. the biggest blow to the lebanese movement in eight years. who the t revealed tacker was, although one did say israel. >> mass tafoya badreddine killed by a bomb in syria.
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>> may he rest in peace. we glot him his martyrdom. >> the 55-year-old lebanese national had been leading the militant group's orioleses in syria supporting bashar's regime. the circumstances sound -- surrounding his death remain unclear. they're working to establish how he was killed. even if screamists were to blame, hezbollah claims they only have one enemy. >> we will continue to confront israel and we will continue to extremists. sunni for us there is only one enemy, israel and whoever sides with them. >> badreddine spent several years in a jail. he was suspected in involvement in the bombing of both u.s. and rench ambassadors in 1983. as well as a u.s. marine corps
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barracks in bay route. in 1990.d imprisonment he stepped up as hezbollah's military commander in 2008. his brother had been assassinated. badreddine was also indicted for involvement in the 2005 killing f the former len knees president. > the number of migrants crossing illegally from turkey into europe is down 90% from april compared to the previous months. for now, the deal between the european union and ankara to stop the flow is working. ankara is still refusing to comply with some of brussels' demands. >> refugees and mike rants are still heading for -- migrants
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are still heading for european shores but in much smaller numbers. as a result of stricter border policies and other elements. people e preventing trying to leave for territory in the europe and take back thousands already there. turkey wants incentives for its services, specifically 6 billion euros to help them deal with the refugee population of 2.6 million. and also visa-free travel for its citizens. europe insists turkey meet the remaining five of 72 preexisting conditions. ankara, which had been cracking down on kurdish rebels says that's a nonstarter. >> during the process, turkey is
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going through in which we lose many lives in terrorist attacks and while we're carrying out perations to eliminate these terrorists in turkish town is, it is out of the question to amend the anti-terror law. >> that is an impasse the controversial deal left hanging in the balance and the fate of more than 50,000 people still stranded in grease greece alone unknown. >> vladimir putin reacting strongly to a defense system that the united states enacted yesterday. it's a mitchell defense system but for the russian president it's a little too close to home. >> it's not a defense system. it's part of a strategic nuclear capability the u.s.a. transfered into the periphery. the periphery in this case is
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eastern europe. the people who are making such decisions should know that until now they've lived in calm, comfort, and security. now, after the play. of these mitchell definition elements, we have to think of how to neutralize the threats for the security of the russian federation. >> and dozens of russian athletes at the 2014 sochi olympic games were allegedly part of an elaborate doping scheme sponsored by the state. the story is taking on a whole new dimension, why? because the men now providing the details about the scheme is the one who helped set it up. the russian doctor who ran the testing labs says the athletes' samples were swapped with the help of the secret service. >> the specter of state-sponsored doping returns and this time it's the 2014
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sochi games under scrutiny. the "new york times" has published claims that dozens of russian athletes, including 15 medalists owe they olympic success to banned substances and a system that endorsed their use. he man behind the regulations, until last year the head of russian's laboratory. >> look for yourselves. everything is ultramodern, state of the art. >> himself a major actor in the operation, he says athletes were given a three-drug cocktail of performance-enhancing substances combined with alcohol to boost absorption. the whistleblower now lives in the u.s.a., faring for his life. he claims up to 100 samples were swapped with clean ones collected months before. the operation conducted through a secret hole in a wall with the help of the russian secret
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service. all this in a drug lab that has been accredited by the world doping agency. the agency has been asked to investigate. ong those, the winner of the 50 klammers in men's country skiing and this athlete, seen here with president putin after winning two gold at the 2014 games. the mini destroy for sports agrees. >> russian sports, the russian federation doesn't have any kind of doping program and there has never been one before or during the olympic games in sochi. >> this as russian athletes remain suspended from the upcoming olympics in brazil. punishment for a previous mass doping scandal. >> another country that's been in doping dub trouble is kenya. they got good news today. however, it seems it athletes
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will be able to take part in the olympic games in rio. they were cleared by the olympic athletic commission. athletes worried they might be banned after learning that the world anti-doping agency had suspended the country's drug testing agency on ground that it doesn't meet strict international standard. >> i came leer like a king and live as a legend. is not so humble world on twitter confirming that the paris will not return next season. just last week testifies -- he was crowned france's player of the year for a record third time. this friday zlatan's jersey became an icon and some didn't think twice about bumping off school to buy one. >> he left class and i left home
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to come and buy his jersey as a souvenir of everything he's done. >> but not everyone is such a fan of the swedish player. known to face often offensive claims. >> i think he's a bit too much. like saying he put us on the map. he's nice but we didn't need hit. >> his coach has a different story. for him it's impossible to resist zlatan's talent and charisma. >> for all those who love football and french football, we talked about it a lot. we needed to become better, more competitive, more attractive and more powerful and now we're living through the last moments of arguably the greatest player wwe had in the league these past years. >> the club's president, meanwhile, took the opportunity to pay credit to the man we credits with bringing new life into the club. >> zlatan has written a very
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long page of the club's history. with all his titles, records and ub his popularity, ibra gave our club a fantastic international image. >> he hinted at returning at a management level once his career as a player is over. >> bra still is moving -- brazil s moving into the post ruzek era. the new head of state is expected to launch urgent economic measures. he also held his first cab neat meeting today. louis joins us from rio de janiero. michelle is in a tricky situation given he hasn't been elected to office yet plans to put the office through tough economic changes. does he have enough backing
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politically to implement his policies? >> hi, that's the major question everyone is trying to answer here. said sident before this to core dozea. michele needs to make a miracle nd we have this feeling. the country has been turned down several times and it's really bad. any sector you look at and he's immediate jobs. his official statesman said he will target tex, which is a very delicate issue here.
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basically the country doesn't have money in cash to pay the services and to develop projects. so he will attack the tax side of it. e's said he will cut expenses. which his pred saysover were -- was saying for several months and never did. basically he's saying he'll cut axes and fix the tax system. but he said they're temporarily raising taxes somehow and then attacked by the opponent saying a good ministry is not
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one. he told all the politicians, -- e are no scholars or [indiscernible] he needs to make a miracle and we are hoping that he'll at least get close to it. > luis, thank you very much. we'll continue to cover the situation in brazil and see whether he gets anywhere close to securing that economic miracle. let's talk more with cash us carlson, who's on it is. let's start with the business news in brazil because the government says and knows it has to clean up the country's finances and that's what luis was just telling us from rio. >> indeed, the state of the
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brazilian economy is a big part of this political crisis we've seen rumbling on in the past few months or so is the new government is promising tough measures to reign in the deficit. the government citizen the -- says the deficit is key. this is something that the new finance minister appointed by temer spoke about earlier. maras is a central bank governor and he's now in charge of overhauling an economy that shrunk by 3.8% in 2015 and that's expected to contract again this year. the minister said that tax hikes may be necessary in order to close brazil's budget deficit but he said they would be put in place on a temporary basis only. let's listen into the new finance minister.
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>> the priority today is fiscal balance, that is, to stabilize the growth of public debt. if needed a tax will be applied on a temporary basis. >> that was brazil's new finance minister peeking. -- speaking. we're going to turn from the economy of brazil to the economy of the 19 country that is use a single currency. growth in the eurozone during the first quarter was slightly weaker than first estimated. they say the economy expanded by .5%, less than the 0 .6% estimated in april, but nudges it's better than the 0.1% growth achieved by the united states between january and march. germany led the way in the first quarter as domestic consumption
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from the eurozone's biggest economy quadrant increased. car sales in the european union rose by % from april on the same month last year. spain was second with sales there growing more than 20%. ompanies -- companies like others posted and double-didn't growth. speaking earlier in london, i.m.t. -- i.m.f. chief la guard waded into that debate. she said wading into the e.u. would be very bad for the u.k. economy. it could lead to lower economic growth as well as lower house prices. that sparked comments saying
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she's been wrong about the u.k. economy before. >> arrangements with the european union and other trading partners could in our view take years, leading to a protracted period of uncertainty and the longer this uncertainty goes on, the more heavily l it will weigh on investment and growth. >> breaking news coming in we are hearing that the former chief executive of the french nuclear company areva, anne lauvergeon, is being placed under formal investigation. this in connection with a deal to buy uranium mines in africa back in 2007. hat deal is seen to be part of areva's difficulties at this stage. remember that areva in the past few years or so have been losing billions and billions of euros
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and we've been talking about how e.d.f., another state-owned french power company may have to come to areva's rescue. the latest on this story, as i say is that anne lauvergeon has been placed under formal investigation. this according to judicial sources speaking to the news agency reuters. we, will of course, be looking at this story because anne lauvergeon has been a towering figure when it comes to french industry in the past decade or so she was known as atomic anne when she was the head of areva. she's been an important figure in french city and business so we'll be bringing you more details when we get them in the next hours or so we have to finish up this business update with a quick look at the stock market. and over in the united states, we are seeing shares trading mostly to the downside as you
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can see right here. the indexs have been seesawing as investigation -- investors or digesting better than expected retail sales but the energy sector is lagging as oil prices are heading south. european indee says followed on a high note. the health on the eurozone economy. gained. aris, shares and that is the business news for now. back to you. >> thank you very much. your daily dose of the cantnes film festival. -- cannes film neville. two films in the running for the palma dora today.
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heat? >> for 40 years director james ivy and producer merchant made a series of films you could describe as being merchant/ivory and everyone would know what you meant. one of their masterpieces was howard's end, about the injustices of the class system was based on the involve by ian forester. a newly restored version is being screened in the cannes classic selections. i went up with ivory and star and legend vanessa redgrave. >> rate, wait, it's over there.
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>> where? >> vanessa redgrave and james ivory, hello. it's such a pleasure to meet both of you. >> good morning. >> this film was made almost 25 years ago. >> oh, wow. >> what sticks out of -- to you the most? mast what's your favorite memory of that time? >> well, i came to cannes before that. >> best actress award. i came to cannes first with antonia. but i will never forget and i'm really thrilled that "howard's end" is being filmed. i will never forget making the film. we were all there.
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emma and james bilby and tony. >> when he learned which was the right airport in berlin. >> tony, of course, anthony hopkins. >> that was his first flight. hey couldn't remember or told him -- anyway, he got here. >> a wonderful, wonderful time. i said to james wilby don't forget this. just enjoy every minute because it doesn't often happen that you're very happy to be where you are in the film world. you know. [laughter] >> it's so true. >> you mentioned sir anthony hopkins. i heard when you were trying to cast him in the part you had an unusual way of getting him the script? >> yes, a talent editor of his who was working -- we were editing another film "mr. and mrs. bridge," we were in the next editing room and i learned that the sound editor on his
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film that were putting together -- >> "the silence of the lamb." >> it was "the silence of the lamb." >> this film was a huge success, nine oscar nominations. best supporting actress for you, best director for you. three wins. one of those was for emma thompson, who you mentioned. james, was she your first choice for that part? >> absolutely. yeah. she was wonderfully easy to be with because she's sane. >> not a lot of actress is are sane? >> she's not crazy and she also has a great sense of humor. immensely talented, of course, and fun to be with. >> vanessa, you're one of the few actresses in history, i think there are 12 of you, to have won the triple crown of acting, an oscar, emmy and tony. you got two best actress awards here in cannes. are those awards important to you looking back? >> i don't want to get
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complicated. it's always terrific like in the case of "howard's end" when a film you're in gets the recognition you think it deserves and if that include an extra little puppet, why not? how lovely. >> you and your producing partnerish male merchant worked together for some four decade until his depth in 2005, which i think is unheard of in hollywood. you made so many great films, howard's end, room with a view. what was it about "merchant's ivory" that worked? >> i think the three of us, including our screenwriter, we all had a respect for each other's work and the particular thing we had to do. i was the president, ismael was congress and roucht was the supreme court. it was kind of balanced. >> vanessa, you're from such a
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great acting family. parents, siblings, children. why do you have you have such this wealth of talent in your family and do you have a memory of working with one particular family member? >> my father. it was very hard working with my father. he was very severe and very demanding. i very often wished i was a million miles away, he was so difficult to work with. because he was very demanding and mostly as far as pointing out this, that, and the other. of course that meant i learned a lot so while i squirmed and took deep breaths and range my mother and said come for a walk in the park. just can't take it anymore -- know what i'm grateful for. james, do you feel that
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"howard" for many people is such a classic. but for you as a director, is there something when you watch you say that was a goof or i wish i'd done that differently? >> that's true in every8úxú
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05/13/16 05/13/16 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from new york this is , democracy now! >> i did not commit an impeachable offense. there is no reasoning for an impeachment process. i don't have offshore accounts. i never received kickbacks or condone corruption. this is a delegate process. -- delicate process. amy: in brazil, the senate removes


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