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tv   France 24  LINKTV  May 18, 2016 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> welcome back. you are watching "live from paris" on france 24. one of the schoolgirls captured by the islamists in nigeria has been found. the 19-year-old was discovered wondering with the baby in her arms. hundreds of girls are still missing. policelace -- white fired tear gas -- riot police fired tear gas at protesters in venezuela. and french police are weary of bearing the brunt of antigovernment violence, taking to the streets themselves in paris this wednesday. hundreds of officers have been wounded in the demonstrations.
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laura: first, though, one of the schoolgirls kidnapped by the nigerian islamist group boko haram has been found alive. she was taken along with more than 200 others from a school in the northeast of the country 2 years ago. she was found with a four-months-old baby girl. >> she is saying that at least 6 of each about girls who were with her have died. the rest, looking at at least 200 girls, still in the sambisa. sambisa is a huge forest reserve in northeastern nigeria and that is where boko haram has been hiding.
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-- it is quite difficult for the nigerian army to actually penetrate into sambisa, but hundreds of girls have b been rescued from sambisa. none of those girls have been the chibok girls. this is the first time we have heard that there finally -- potentially finally freed. the girls went missing on april 14 and there was a video released allegedly by boko haram that allegedly displayed 15 of the chibok girls come and this video, called the "proof of life" video, sparked some hope. this story, people are really trying to hang on to this nugget of truth, hoping that it is true. i spoke to several members of community and they are really overjoyed and are trying to draw out as much information from amina as possible, in a safeway, not to
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traumatize her but to find out where the rest of the chibok girls could be. laura: several thousand protesters marched in caracas today by their progress was blocked by officers firing tear gas. they call for the removal of president nicolas maduro. maduro has imposed a state of emergency, something the opposition says is unconstitutional. howard came to this in a country with the world's biggest proven oil reserves. reporter: venezuela is in trouble. basic goods have become scarce. the economy is shrinking. and it is all down to oil. the country has the largest oil reserves in the world, nearly 300 billion barrels. when global oil prices are high, the socialist state reads the benefits. gdp comesezuela's from welcome and sales of heavy
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crude account for about 95% of export earnings. but when prices tumble, the knock on effects are disastrous. they now stand at one third of what they were a couple of years ago. an unfortunate side effect of the staggering economy, hyperinflation, where currency inflation becomes less and less valuable. fundnternational monetary would expect venezuelan inflation will go to 727% this year,up from 180% last the world's highest rate of inflation even then. officially one u.s. dollar trades for 10 venezuelan bolivars, but on the widely used black market, it is one dollar per 1000 bolivars. companies cannot get a hold of currency. it means empty shelves in supermarkets and pharmacies. and then there is the country's ever-changing cash reserves. venezuela has burned through nearly 4 billion u.s. dollars
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over the past four months from and its stock has shrunk to one third of where it was in 2009. a sorry state of affairs that led to president woodrow announcing a 60-based data of emergency -- resident maduro announcing a 60-day state of emergency. in a recall referendum to duro'sine whether a -- mau favorite laura: in france, unrest continues. rail and transport workers extended a strike today that . hundreds of police officers have been wounded and police say they are facing unprecedented hostility. reporter: the charred remains of a police car satellite in the special set alight -- the charred remains of a police car set alight in the streets of paris.
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2 officers managed to escape from the vehicle before it went up in flames. >> didn't attack the police, not at all. they heckle them, and once they were out, they attacked the car itself. reporter: further down the street, police unions had organized a demonstration calling for better material and more support in the face of the spiking anti-police sentiment and increasing amounts of violence directed at security forces. they say they have become the scapegoat for protesters' anger and the target of hooligans. some of the hundred 50 police officers had been injured the last two months. 350 police officers have been injured last two months. >> we are here to protest the generalized violence against the police. following various demonstrations. reporter: the square has been the focus of rolling demonstrations prompted by the
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all-night movement, and despite on wednesday, something hundred people staged a counter protest which ended in scuffles. >> it is a real provocation from having the police occupied for protest anti-police violence. noticedrch we have that it is them in spreading violence. it is scandalous. reporter: protests started labor reformsll's in early march and then grew to encompass other issues. demonstrations in keeping with the movement have since spread to major towns around france with tensions between police and protesters on the rise. sri lanka isl reeling from days of torrential rain. nearly 200,000 people have been forced from their homes and at least 37 have died.
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officials warned the number will rise as search and rescue efforts continue. scores are feared dead after the rains triggered the will to landslides. emergency teams were able to rescue 350 people. the queen has laid out the government's plans for the next session of parliament. at the heart of the government's plan, the biggest shakeup of the prison system in decades. other policy proposals include requiring foreign nationals to pay for the treatment on the national health service and a speeding up of child adoption. elizabeth: my lords and members of the house of commons, the government will use the opportunity of a strengthening economy to deliver security for working people, to increase life chances for the most disadvantaged, and to strengthen national defenses. the legislation will be introduced to preven tackle extm in all its forms and promote community integration.
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laura: and to the race for the white house now. democratic candidate kelly clinton is that hillary clinton is still struggling to shake up left wing rival bernie sanders. in kentucky last night but it was sanders who took our again. mathematically it is almost impossible for him to beat clinton, but he insists he will state in the race until then. senator sanders: many of the pundits and politicians, they say bernie sanders should drop out. [crowd boos] sanders: the people of california should not have the right to determine who the next president will be. [crowd boos] well, let me be as clear as i can be. i agree with you. we are in until the last ballot is cast. laura: while the deciding votes
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in the democratic race will take place in california and new jersey on june 7. lots of delegates up for grabs them. ones inho lost loved the 9/11 terrorist attacks could soon get the go-ahead to sue saudi arabia. senators have passed a bill which ends the royal family's immunity. there have long been suspicions that members of the saudi regime finance terrorism. president barack obama opposes the move. reporter: a move to compensate grieving relatives that could prompt the end of cordial relations between riyadh and washington. families of the victims of the 9/11 attacks may soon be able to sue saudi arabia in u.s. courts for its alleged participation in terrorism. both democratic and republican senators behind the justice against sponsors of terrorism act as a it is a long overdue measure. the lot needs approval from the house of representatives. >> this is sadly designed to
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provide these families access to that every other american conceit in a court of law. when a schumer: government participates in terrorism, they should pay a price, and it is worse if they are not brought to justice because it will encourage others to do it. reporter: the kingdom of saudi consistently denied sponsoring the terrorists in the attacks that killed 3000 people. many have referred to a classified report on 9/11 that could include important details. saudi authorities say they could pull billions of dollars in u.s. securities and chelios and if the law is passed. is doing is stripping the principle of sovereign immunity, which would turn the world of international law into the law of the jungle. reporter: concerns shared by president obama, who has expressed resistance to the move and could veto the bill.
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earnest: this bill would change long-standing international law regarding sovereign immunity. the president continues to harbor serious concerns that this legislation would make the ulnerableates v in other court systems around the world. we havee concerns expressed, it is difficult to imagine the president signing this legislation. certain senators have express their fears that the law could backfire on the u.s. in the long-term, not to mention the diplomatic consequences such legislation could have, denting already fragile relations between the u.s. and saudi arabia. laura: let's get some business news now. markus karlsson is with us in the studio. we will start in japan. the nation's car industries facing some pretty tough questions about allegations of cheating in carbon emissions. markus: some might say the japanese car industries in the spotlight for all the wrong overns once again hit this
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fears that a fuel economy scandal at mitsubishi motors is spreading elsewhere. the rival brand suzuki said it used the wrong methods to test if you economy of its cars in japan. at the same time, it is trying to play down the consequences of that, saying the difference between what it reported and real life isn't that big. in the meantime, the scandal and mitsubishi has claimed a high-level scalp with the company president resigning. reporter: japanese carmakers in a monthlight less than after admitting it had many belated fuel economy data for the past 25 years, mitsubishi is now desperate to turn the page. >> i have decided just of down and take full responsibility because inadequate fuel economy test methods and data manipulation were discovered in cars that were developed while i was the head of the research and development department. sharesr: mitsubishi's
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have dropped 50% since last month's announcement, and it is unfair what penalties the company could face. mitsubishi is not the only carmaker suspected of breaking japan's fuel efficiency laws. nissan has been accused of having its cars fitted with so-called commission -- emission defeat devices. suzuki is also in the spotlight. the company has admitted that it's testing methods for 60 models were not in line with government relations, and that is up to 2.1 million vehicles affected good suzuki, however, denies cheating. after verification, there was almost no difference to what we announced in our catalog in terms of fuel consumption. in that sense, we did not deceive our clients. reporter: global carmaker s have come under scrutiny when volkswagen admitted it used
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illegal software to cheat on emissions tests. governments around the world have white in the investigations to other carmakers, fearing that the practice could be widespread across the industry. markus: staying with japan from its economy. sure recession in the first quarter, growing by more than expected. the compan economy -- the economy was propped up by higher government spending, enough to offset weaker investment in january and march. the japanese economy expanded by and in 1.7% growth rate in the quarter, the strongest pace in a year, significantly stronger than expected. despite the figures, analysts say the japanese authorities will have to continue supporting the economy with various policies. spain and portugal have want to keep her brief from the european commission -- have won a key reprieve from the european commission. whether to take is that our
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action against the countries for violating rules. speed and portugal have repeatedly posted budget deficit s above 3% and the commission has the possibility to fine offending companies. by the economic commissioner says it is not the right moment economically and politically to get tough. >> we are therefore today proposing new deadlines for both countries to correct their excessive deficits while delivering a structural effort that is demanding but that we believe the list --but we believe realistic. markus: the commission says it will revisit its position in july. the federal reserve has sent a strong signal that it may raise interest rates next month. minutes from the central bank latest meeting indicate it wants to raise rates in june if the economy remains steady. but fed officials also cautioned that market emanating from china
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referendum could complicated matters. there are concerns that another hike too soon could destabilize markets. fed, if webout the take a look at the latest figures from wall street. the united states did take a hit and went into negative territory in the immediate aftermath of the fed minutes. however, since then we have seen the nasdaq go higher once again, of .3% this session. the dow jones industrial average and the s&p 500 still in negative territory. in europe it was more of the next picture. overall european shares ended higher. however, we did see the ftse ever so slightly below the flatline, this as investors were waiting with bated breath, some might say, for the fed minutes.
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we saw banking shares in particular trading higher in europe on hopes that interest rates could had higher, because higher interest rates is seen as a good thing for banks. laura: ok, thanks very much indeed. markus karlsson with the business. filmto head to the cannes festival, time for the daily rendezvous. genie godula has spoken to hollywood legends -- steven spielberg, woody allen, to name a couple. tonight's show is no exception. robert deniro is talking about his new film.
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robert deniro is back in cannes this week for a tribute to his career, and the man who won an oscar for "raging bull" is stepping back into the ring. he stars as the manager and coach of a panamanian boxer in the new movie "hand of stone." we met up with the acting legend and his classmates from the film. >> i have trained more world champs than anyone else in boxing history. in 66 seconds, roberto changed my life. reporter: 40 years after "taxi
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driver," which won the top award here in cannes, you are back and you say you are excited to be back, especially with that movie. white? -- why? robert: yeah, it's great. this was in here 40 years ago. reporter: you have a passion for boxing. robert: yeah, i mean, it is a great exercise i try to do from time to time. i wish i did it more. i'm a boxing fan but i don't go to fight a lot unless it is summary i know or they asked me to go where it is a real temperature fight i want to see -- or it is a real temperature fight i want to see. reporter: why do you all think that boxing movies are so great? >> it is a primal thing. it goes all the way back to ancient times. there is something very epic about boxing. there is mystery. it is a sport it is a science him and it is an art. playsaracter that robert
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used to call it a sweet science. it is more of a mental sport, projects and it just through your face and your body but the fight is here. if you lose, you win the fight in your head, and it is a primordial thing. duran should fight no one but me. reporter: usher, we know you for your music, honestly, but we see more into theaters. how did you feel when you found out you were going to be in a movie with robert de niro? usher: i mean, what a treat to be able to articulate something that has been a classic, legendary fight. i felt honored. the first thing i wanted to do was get prepared mentally and physically, and, you know, i , int a lot of time studying
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spent a lot of time looking at the fight, both fights, actually, 1 and 2, and analyzing what took place within mentally where he chose to abandon the idea of being the sugar right we all knew and -- the sugar ray we all knew and loved, and that i obviously wanted to speak to ray , and i took a lot of information, the little small nuances and things that were not necessarily written, and just -- i think the hardest part was really getting into shape, losing the weight, and holding it. >> we were starving, we were very hungry. hungry for victory, but also hungry for pasta. we are half of what we are now, half of our weight. robert: i would come out with trays of food in front of the
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door. [laughter] reporter: thank you very much. 2 actors part of the new generation of hollywood stars. chris pine has lit up the reboot of the "star trek" franchise with his steely blue eyes and his take on captain cook. ben foster has been in blockbusters as well like "x-men ." but they left of the big-budget pictures behind to play bank robbing brothers in "hell or high water." >> just enough to keep your mama poor. thought they could swipe her land. >> a big bank. >> that is what she said. on friday. foreclose come hell or high water, get the money to the bank on thursday, and then you are free and clear. genie: the two of you play
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brothers and i can see the camaraderie is already there. was it their right from the start or did you have to do something in particular to get feel?otherly >> tattoo his back. we have spent quite a bit of time together. it was pretty easy, it was a lot of fun. stars jeff bridges also in the movie and you have one scene with him, very pivotal one. what was that like? he has great, everything you want him to be. knew all his lines. he is just the dude. genie: how is this style of film different from the en big hollywood blockbusters you have done? coming up star trek" and you have " war craft" coming up. other than money, what is the
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difference? ben: you are responsible for a different value system and the collaboration can be refined. you don't corporation. you are able to collaborate on , i go it i'm sure with chris don't want to speak for them, jonesrking with duncan on "war craft," for simple, he comes from an independent spirit. genie: chris, your fans are called pine nuts. ben, do you have a nickname? ben: going to bite my tongue off. by the way, you are never going to stop hearing that. [laughter] genie: your film on lance armstrong was supposed to be in cannes and at the last minute it was not selected. do you feel this is vengeance on your part? >> absolutely not. genie: does the choice of the films sometimes arbitrary?
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how much attention to you pay to the choice of the film being picked for a festival or not? film,y're not having your not survey. chris: i was super happy to come here and spend time with ben and have the film in a prestigious festival but i don't pay attention, really.
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05/18/16 05/18/16 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pbs chicago this is democracy nonow! >> if i don't go all the way and i don't win, i will consider it to be a total and complete waste of time, energy, and money. amy: as donald trump moves closer to securing the republican nomination what will , it mean for the future of the gop? we speak to rick perlstein, author of "nixonland: the rise of a president and the fracturing of america."


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