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tv   France 24  LINKTV  June 6, 2016 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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genie: "france 24." you are watching -- ne you are watching "france 24." a former wall street investor looks to win the presidential election in peru. rome looks on track to get its first female mayor, who would also be the first from the antiestablishment five-star movement. a win for that candidate would be a blow to italy's prime
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minister, matteo renzi. river in paris starts to receipt after the worst floods in 30 decades pushed it to burst its banks. other regions around france are still at risk. also coming up this hour, in business, we will take a closer look at the cost of the flood damage in france that could run into billions of euros. and what did you do for your 90th birthday this year? his 90-year-old celebrated the day by jumping out of a plane. more on that on the way. now our top story, live from paris. genie: the presidential runoff in peru is still too close to call, but it does look like
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petro publicly since he has a his rival'sw -- trailing at the moment after being ahead in the polls two days ago. our correspondent has the latest. >> she may be behind her rival in the presidential election count, but kate: fujimori is not showing any signs of disappointment. are seeingesults we on tv show a technical time. we are going to wait prudently secause all night long vote will be coming in the region. the daughter of roberto fujimori won the first round with a 20 percentage vote margin over her rival over kuching ski, a center-right economist. -- over the past days, her
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advance melted away. her rival changed strategies, attaching -- attacking fujimori over her father's legacy. the former president is serving a 25 year jail sentence. the strategy seems to have worked. kitchen skilts show has a slight lead over fujimori. >> we love dialogue. that is why once the results come in, because we are conciliator's, we will be able to govern peru toward a better and brighter horizon. peruvians have aed good opinion of her father, who say -- are they say fix the economy.
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genie: italy also went to the polls sunday in municipal elections there, and there could be a major shakeup on the way for rome or the antiestablishment five-star movement looks set to win in rome, meaning the next mayor there could be a 37-year-old lawyer virtually unknown to the public last year. our correspondent explains. raggi was virtually unknown months ago, but a high-powered lyrical campaign made the 37-year-old lawyer a permanent presence on the streets in the run-up to rome's local elections. now she stands a good chance of becoming rome's first female mayor third one of her main pledges is to tackle corruption, appealing to those who are increasingly fed up after the that saw local
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politicians with links to gangsters profit from millions of euros to rigged contracts. >> it was a disaster from every point of view, and any politician with an ma be has contributed to this system. >> she wants to capture the public fed up with privilege. >> i am disgusted by how much wealth you have. and 25,000 euros per year. >> she talked of banning credit asds among city counselors well as vowing to invest in the crumbling infrastructure and public transportation. voters returned to the ballot box for a second round on june 19. genie: the south china sea is one of the biggest diplomatic hotspots in the world are it some $5 trillion in shipping
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trades pass through there every year. most of the sea is claimed by china, but other countries have overlapping claims, including the philippines, that has close military ties to washington. in beijing today for a conference on ties between the u.s. and china. covering that is story for france 24 in beijing and joins us from there. things that were very tense going into these talks -- tell us more about that. >> tensions between the u.s. and china going into these dialogues were brought about by an international court ruling, involving a case by the philippines against china. the u.s. fears the outcome a of the trial could lead to china bringing in an aircraft identification zone, and meaning any aircraft would have to identify themselves to chinese officials per john kerry, the secretary of state
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chinae u.s., from outside before these dialogues, said this would be destabilizing. genie: how have things changed since the talks actually opens today? mark: after the talks have opened, john kerry is taking a slightly softer approach. to come to a diplomatic resolution. also,ecision paying -- decision paying, the president of china also said that only so many problems can be resolved through dialogue in the country, and that some issues have to be worked through. that, markk you for masterson reporting from beijing. in jordan, five employees of an intelligence office near oman have been killed in what a government is calling a terrorist attack. attack took place in
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the palestinian refugee camp of boaca. no group has immediately claimed responsibility for this attack. ourmore now, let's bring correspondent, gail sunderland. tell us what happened. gail: what we do know is that a on anof men opened fire intelligence center, killing at least five people, including three intelligence agents. one of the largest refugee camps in jordan. it is important to note also kilometers away from the capital, amman. no one has claimed responsibility for this attack. genie: jordin has played a major
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role in the us-led coalition against the islamic state group. to moreat be open attacks? it was very tense because just a couple of months ago a major terror plot was spoiled new the syrian border. 12 hours in the middle of the streets before it could be neutralized by the police. they had claimed to be long to the islamic state group. a member of the world guard has opened fire on a military , taking twoter american instructors. it has come under increased pressure. it is home to more than one million refugees.
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here in jordan, 40% are unemployed and 2000 have already joined jihadist groups in iran and syria. that. thank you for a french man arrested last month in ukraine was reportedly planning an attack on the euro 2016 football tournament. that begins later this week here in france. the suspect was detained in late may on the ukrainian polish border or if he had some 125 kilos of explosives with him at the time. the head of ukraine state security service has been following the man since december, allowing him to purchase five machine guns, two rocket propelled grenades, and other weapons before he was finally arrested. a train crash in belgium has left three dead and several hurt . the accident happened in these late sunday
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evening. a passenger train traveling at 90 kilometers per hour ran into the back of a stalled freight train on the same stretch of track. the railing two of the passenger train' six carriages. the car was a badly damaged, it was curled back onto itself. in france, several regions are still at risk of flooding, but here in paris things are slowly getting back to normal. the exhibition hall has reopened after being shut temporarily due to the floods. the worst flooding in three decades caused it to burst its banks three days ago. several roads are still closed. we take a look at what went wrong in paris and how a few more days could have made the situation much worse. >> the seine river water level is receding, leaving destruction in its wake. paris proved more vulnerable to flooding than expected. what went wrong?
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authorities did not know what they were dealing with. readings were taken, the water continuing to rise by another 70 centimeters. -- orities admit of subsequent lack preparation was compounded by the fact that emergency services were unprepared for floodwaters to swell so quickly. police are trained to respond to a gradual flooding over five days, but the seine river rose to over six meters in just 48 hours, meaning all scenarios had to be updated. lastly, the control mechanism of dams, locks, and reservoirs failed due to the rainfall coming so late in the year. controlled the flow, and three of its major tributaries.
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in late spring, the dams take on large reserves of water that can be released in the drier summer months if necessary. that meant the reservoirs were only -- were almost completely full. genie: residents and local authorities are continuing to see the damage done by weeks of heavy rain and flooding across france. authorities are taking stock of the physical damage, as well as the financial toll carl brown has more. karl: residents of this suburb south of paris are still cleaning up coming up but up and down the country it has attended -- it has forced many to evacuate their homes. locals are throwing out belongings that are beyond repair and taking stock of what is left. >> you can see the floods reach up to 1.8 meters in the garage and in the basement. as for the damage, there is furniture, and my car which was outside has left the parking
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spot for the direction of the junkyard, i imagine. the river seine, which has risen to the highest level seen for more than 30 years, has stopped rising. firefighters are pumping water out of flooded roads, which have been impassable for days. but alerts continue to be issued for the greater paris area, as well as central france and normandy in the north. france's insurance association estimates nationwide losses at more than 600 million euros, but as the waters in some areas begin to recede, the damage will become clearer. president francois hollande has said that the government will formally declare a natural disaster wednesday. genie: after all the destruction from the skies, here is something more lighthearted for you. a 90-year-old woman jumping out of an airplane. she decided to celebrate her 90th by doing just that. she is a german senior citizen,
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who is also a former gymnastics champion s she said she was expired that she was inspired to carry out the -- she was inspired to carry out the tandem jump by queen elizabeth three she says she cannot ever imagine -- ng up a former washington investor looks set to win the presidential election in peru. uczynskiblo is ahead of his rival. win as mayor of rome would be a blow to her rival. other regions around france are still at risk from flooding. business news now with stephen
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carroll. were stay in france, insurance companies are meeting with the government today to discuss the impact of the floods. stephen: prime minister manuel valls says the damage will run into hundreds of millions of euros, and some insurance companies are putting a higher figure on that. the government is going to declare a natural disaster this week. insurance claims are very important for those being affected. france's major insurers are asting with officials today many sectors of the economy are counting the cost of the damage. >> bars, restaurants, and nightclubs, all submerged by the seine river in the center of paris. the city's tourism sector among those hardest hit by six-meter-high floods. companies just off the riverboat tours say they are losing around 250,000 euros a day, a big blow to an industry still trying to recover after last november's
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terrorist attacks. those who used the river for trade have also been hit. >> overall im losing around 1000 euros a day. >> the agricultural sector has also been hit hard. this land is located just a few kilometers outside the french capital. the farmer who owns it says 80% of his produce has been destroyed. he lost everything in the space of just a few hours. it has made him consider his future in the business. bankrupt, or i might just just decide to stop working myself, or i will have to rely on some sort of aid from the local community to help me get things going again. >> french prime minister manuel valls says the overall cost of the damage so far runs into the hundreds of millions of euros. one insurance company has estimated it could reach as high as 2 billion euros. the government is now set to
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declare the floods a natural disaster, unlocking compensation payments for homeowners and businesses that have been affected. genie: we focus now on the eu referendum in the u.k. and the effect it is having on the pound. stephen: we have seen -- surveys published over the weekend showed an increase in support to , justthe european union under $1.44 to the pound. it is the most volatile in seven years, and we can expect that to continue. genie: what about the stock market? stephen: we are seeing some gains in london, mainly driven by mining companies, trading up after an increase in the price of copper. pretty flat in paris and in frankfurt. where let's go to china, there has been some strong words from the u.s. treasury
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secretary. it was said that china's overcapacity would have a corrosive impact on the country's economy and distort global markets. european and american producers have suffered as china dramatically outpaced their production recent years. jack lew also said the regulatory environment is becoming increasingly difficult for foreign investors. seenlew: as we have business concerns about china have risen. find china's regulatory environment harder to negative -- harder to navigate. increasing transparency and openness -- stephen: saudi arabia has finalized its economic reform plan, trying to wean the country off oil revenues. the national transformation plan is set to be approved this monday. details will be announced later.
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are efforts to push private sector investment. it appears even the boss of facebook is not immune to hacking. a group invited mr. zuckerberg to contact them to talk about his online security. aldman sachs says it had quarter million applicants for summer jobs. there is a 40% increase in applications from students and graduates since 2012. this after banks like goldman were forced into more employee friendly policies over fears of a brain drain to technology sectors. genie: just to wrap up, staying with goldman sachs, a slightly different theme, the bank has apparently already chosen a winner for the european championship. the bank -- stephen: the bank came up with
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its provisions for the tournament. france came out on top with a 23% probability of winning. do not go placing your bets yet. genie: i know quite a few french people who would be happy to hear that. thank you, stephen carroll, for a look at business news. it is now time for the press review. ushave catherine viette with to take a look at what is in the papers today. lots of focus still now on the life of muhammad ali, who died over the weekend. catherine: yes, indeed. i want to start with the front pages of some of the papers. we will start with usa today, an american paper. all these front page of others -- all of these front pages are featuring images of the iconic muhammad ali. with thes a triumph title, "we care about mom at ali
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because his greatness went so far beyond the ring." if you look inside the paper, they are reporting on all the tributes that are pouring in for the sports star. even here in france, the press this feature him on its front page. this is the image of his mighty fist, another iconic image of ali, gracing the cover of "liberation," the headline there saying, "he was a king." genie: many are saying he transcended the boxing ring, that he truly became an inspiration to many people. but he was also very famous for his wit. had a nickname, "the louisville lip." i will leave you with this one. if anybody has ever heard any of his, this one for sure -- it is
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"float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." muhammad ali had also talked about how he would like to be remembered. this is from courtesy of -- it goes back tonight and 75, an interview in "playboy," where he was asked if he was thinking he would be remembered as the greatest boxer of all-time. this is where his wit comes in. he did not give short answers. reply, "i would like to be remembered as a black man who won the heavyweight title and who was humorous and two treated everyone right." genie: let's move to the latest on the brexit. a new poll in the u.k. showing support for the leave campaign is growing. this point is showing a four-point lead for the leave cap and 45% want to go, as opposed to 41% who want to stay. this is with over two weeks
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before the vote. 11% remain undecided. this has the country's trade unions very worried as "the guardian" is reporting. the toryworried that party would dismantle hard-won rights for workers. remaining in the eu far outweighing any the of the advantages for leaving. genie: another poll shows most of europe wants to see the u.k. remain within the union. catherine: this is from "le thirds" showing that two of people do not want britain to leave. want to see the union fall apart. what is also interesting is that the poll also asked whether people think that the u.k. voters themselves will vote to leave.
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they believe when push comes to shove, it is time to get out. many europeans do not want to see this, that on the fateful day of the vote the british will vote to leave. genie: let's back up to the united states and wrap up with "the new york times," looking at gun violence through the lens of one weekend in chicago. a veryne: this is interesting report, in-depth reporting on this issue of gun violence. memorial day weekend is sort of the unofficial kickoff to the summer season in the united states, and they found that over the course of the three-day holiday weekend, 64 people were shot, six of them died, and the headline in the paper says it all, a weekend in chicago, where gunfire is the terrifying norm for it then it also goes on to say that despite having fewer residents, chicago has more homicides in los angeles or new york. one mother who was interviewed in this in-depth report said she was actually glad your son was in jail because otherwise he was
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bound to be shot the summer. -- she was actually glad her son was in jail because otherwise he was bound to be shot this summer. interactive maps show where the shooting has occurred. these are issues they will be following throughout the summer. catherine viette with today's papers. you can always take a look at our website. the address is coming up in the next half hour, a hospital for cobol was in australia. stay tuned. koalasco-op was -- for in austrtralia. stay tuned.
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