tv Democracy Now LINKTV June 30, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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♪ amy: from pacifica this is democracy now! [captioning made possible by democracy now!] mr. trump: it has not been easy for me. it has not been easy for me. i started in brooklyn. my dad gave me a small loan. today a look back at donald , trump's rise to power and how he profited from government subsidies s and politicacal fav. we speak to joururnalist wayne barrett who began covering trump and his millionaire father fred trump in the 1970's.
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mr. barrett: it is so ridiculous to call himself a self-made guide. fred was biggest political -- everything that came to trump came to political connections. goer, the karenna daughter of al gore arrested with protesters including many members of clergy who lied down in a pipeline trench. mr. dechristopher: it commits us to burning fossil fuel for decades. we know every new fossil fuel infrastructure will lead to another masquerade somewhere in the world. amy: but first we go to turkey where the death toll has risen to 42 from tuesday''s triple -- from the multiple suicide bombing at istanbul's
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international airport. all that and more coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. the u.s. senate has passed the so-calleled promesa bill, which will establish a federally appointed control board with sweeping powers to run puerto ririco's economy. the bill is intended to help the island cope with its crippling debt crisis, but it has also been widely criticized as a means of removing democratic control from the citizens of puerto rico. the senate's 68 to 30 vote to pass the bill comes only two days before puerto rico is expected to default on more than $2 billion debt payment. new jersey senator bob menendez, led the opposition to the bill, -- sen. menendez: it is a vote to authorize and -- and unauthorized, unchecked control board to determine puerto rico's destiny. it is a bill to force puerto
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rico without their say to go $370 million further in debt to pay for this omnipotent control board, which they do not even want. it is a vote to cut the minimum wage down to four dollars and $.25 an hour for young workers in puerto rico, and to make puerto ricans work long overtime hours without compensation, a vote to cut worker benefit, and privatize inherently government functions, a vote to close schools at some a shutter hospitals, and c cut senior citizen pensions to the bone. it is a vote to put hedge funds ahead of the people. it is able to sesell off and commercialize national treasures that belong to the people of puerto rico. amy: demococratic presidential candidate and d vermont senator bernie sanders also o spoke out against the lelegislation. sen. sandersrs: this is a terrie piece of legislation settiting horrific prececedent and must nt be passed. mr. p president, the e united ss of america should not treat
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puerto rico as a colonony. we c cannot and mustst notot tay the democratic r rights of the 5 millioio amemericans of puerto rico, and givive virtually all power r on thatt islanand to a seseven-member boaoard, which wl be dominated, as it happens, by four republicans. amy: demonstrators have established an ongoing protest camp outside of the u.s. federal court in opposition to the bill, which now heads to president obama's desk. turkey observed a day of mourning as funerals began for some of the 42 people who were killed in the triple suicide bombing and gun attack on turkey's main airport in istanbul tuesday. turkish police say they have conducted more than a dozen raids across istanbul, detaining 13 people e in connection with e attack. initial reports say the nationalities of the istanbul airport attackers may have been
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have been chechen, uzbek, and kyrgyz, and that they may have spoken russian. the attack also wounded more than 200 people, some of whom remain in critical condition. the sister of one of the wounded victims spoke out. >> while my brother was running to help, the first bomb exploded. my other brother told him to come back. he couldn't come back. a bomb exploded. a boy was injured. because the boy was in a pool of blood, my brother ran to help, and he was also injured. he is in critical condition. they cannot intervene because he has shrapnel all over his body. amy: we will go to istanbul after headlines. in news from the campaign trail, republican presidential candidate donald trump held a rally i in maine where he , contntinued to criticize free-trade deals. he appeared on stage alongside maine gogovernor paul lepagege,o has faced intense criticism over his past racist comments, including claiming that african american men come to his state
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as drug dealers and quote "impregnate a young, white girl before they leave. .all --. leave" another speaker at the rally was hohowie carr, a conservative boston talk show host, w who refeferred to massacachusetts senatotor elizabeth wawarren win imititation n of native americar whoops. howie: you know elizabeth warren, right -- amy: whoops is widely considered -- imitating native american war whoops is widely considered to be an offensive and ignorant gesture. this comes after donald trump has spent months calling elizabeth warren "pochahantas" and "the indian." senator warren says her family is part cherokee. cleveland and a federal judge have agreed on a new plan for protests during the republican national conventntion in july. the new guidelines will permit more time for demonstrations and a march route closer to downtown cleveland. this comes after the aclu sued the cleveland over its planned restrictions on free speech during the convention. thousands of protesters are
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expected to travel to cleveland -- including the white nationalist group the traditionalist worker party, which has confirmed it will be heading to the rnc to quote "make sure that the donald trump supporters are defended from the leftist thugs." the group held a neo-nazi rally in sacramento, california, where five people were stabbed on sunday. in afghanistan, as many as 30 afghan police officers have been killed after taliban suicide bombers attacked a military convoy outside kabul. this comes about two weeks after president obama approved giving the u.s. military greater ability to conduct airstrikes and assist afghan forces fighting the taliban. meanwhile, in iraq, unnamed u.u. officicials have told reuters tt u.s.-led airstrikes have killed at least 250 people around the city of fallujah. the officials identified the victims as m members of the
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-- isis. this comes three dadays after iriraqi prime minister haider al-abadi says iraq's military -- backed by u.s. airstrikes -- retook control of the city of fallujah, after it was captured by isis in 2014. in news on honduras, six national police officers have been indicted in u.s. federal court traffic cocaine into the u.s. the conspiracy allegedly involved the son of ex-honduran president porfirio lobo, who took power after the u.s.backed coup in 2009. the indictments come amid mounting scrutiny of the honduran military, following allegations by a former honduran soldier that murdered environmentalist berta caceres appeared on a hit list distributed to u.s.trained -- u.s.-trained special forces before her assassination. georgia congressman hank johnson has inododuced a new bill to stop allll u.s. mililitary funng to honduduras. in denver, a woman has been shot and killed inside the alliance center by her estranged husband,
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-- by her estranged husband. 53-year-old cara russell was the executive director of the colorado association for recycling, and former mayor of one of the still, colorado. she was shocked by her ex-husband from whom she had , recently filed for divorce.. her murder comes after the massacre of 49 people in orlando by omar mateen, who also had a history of domestic violence. meanwhile, "the orlando sentinel" is reporting that the fbi has asked d law enforcement agenencies to withholdld public rerecords in the wake of the pue nightclub massacre. in a june 20 letter, the fbi asks other law enforcement agencies to quote "immediately notify the fbi of any requests your agency receives so the fbi can seek to prevent disclosure through appropriate channels, as necessary."
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more than 2 dozen media outlets, including the orlando sentinel, has requested public documents, and a federal lawsuit has been launched to demand their release. two transgender woman have been elected by democratic primary voters in utah and colorado to challenge republican incumbents for u.s. congress in november. 30-year-old misty snow, of utah, and 33-year-old misty plowright, of colorado, are the nation's first openly transgender candidates to win a major-party congressional primary in u.s. history. in west roxbury, massachusetts, 23 protesters were arrested protestiting the conststructiona spectra energy gas pipeline. among those arrested was tim dechchristopher, who spent close to two yeaears in prisonon whene posed as a a bidder at a an oild gas auctioion in utah. the protesters lay down in the trtrenches of the spectra pipele -- drawing a connection to the mass graves dug in pakistan in
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anticipation of a climate-fueled heat wave in may. tim dechristopher spoke out. mr. dechristopher: this is not just a pipeline trench. what they are digging is a mass grave. anticipatory mass graves, we know that every new fossil fuel development that commits us to burning fossil fuels for decades when we put in this infrastructure. we know every new fossil fuel infrastructure will lead to another mass grave somewhere i n the world. tim dechristopher and karenna gore will join us in boston before their arraignment. -- supreme court's ruling that blocked the obama administration's dapa program, which would have shielded up to
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5 million people from deportation. in philadelphia, five people were arrested tuesday for blocking the off-ramp to highway 676 by locking themselves together using pvc pipes. among those arrested was 13-year-old erick perez-hernandez, a u.s. citizen whose parents would have been eligible for dapa. ahead of the action he said of the ruling quote "it is unfair, wrong and now i have to wonder if my sister and i have to worry about being ripped away from our parents." and those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. funerals have begun in turkey for some of the 42 people killed in a triple suicide bombing tuesday targeting turkey's main airport in istanbul. the attack also left 239 other -- the attack injured more than 230 people. authorities said three attackers arrived at the airport's international terminal by taxi and blew themselves up after opening fire. the airport is the 11th busiest in the world. no group claimed responsibility for the attack but turkey's prime minister said the initial probe pointed to the self-proclaimed islamic state or daesh.
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earlier today turkish police raided 16 locations in istanbul and detained 13 people on suspicion of involvement in the attack. turkey has seen an uptick in bombings since last year when the united states began using turkey's incirlik air base to carry out bombing raids in syria and iraq targeting isis strongholds. tuesday's attack came just one day after turkey restored diplomatic ties with israel after a six-year rupture. on wednesday, i got in touch with -- chalishkan, associate professor of political science at buazichee university in istanbul. we reached him at his home by democracy now video stream and asked him to respond to the attack. : it isssor chalishkan really sad this happened. we know there is a threat of terrorism, but this was internalized more in turkey.
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in the last 12 months we saw 17 bombings that cost the lives off and94 people, wounded 1009, not even one single official left office, resigned. and the islamist authoritarian government did not acceptt that there was a security breach in turkey. three isishat these terrorists entered istanbul airport passing a security check a.k.a. -- aknades, guns, handguns, and to airport building after the first security check, and began shooting at people during and after the second check. this is a great problem, and i -- eve because no one
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rdoganan -- theyey have not bebn woworking well to take care of security messasage -- messieurs- measures, anand take aim at thee heheart of the terrorist organization. learn of the most t importantt sources fofor open source secury and intel -- intelligence, is twitter, facebook, and internet correspondence, right? in turkey, twitter is blocked right now. facebook is blocked. we can't talk to each other through twitter. we can't talk to each other through fafacebook. why?y? because the government and president himself do not wantt peopople to criticize them, criticize their weakness. i will give you another example. we had another unfortunate bombing in brussels a few months ago. you would remember.
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authorities to open the airport six days because they studied every security breach in that airport, and fixed them, and open the airport. six days. in tururkey last night, only six hours after the bombing, despite the unacceptable security breach in the gate of the airport, the government decided to open the airport. it cost 41 lives. not even a single elected ofofficial resigned or forced to resign. nothing really works in this country. the economy is going bad. democracy -- we lost it -- technically, turkey is a regimetive authoritarian ruled by authohoritarian islamis . in terms of security, you see what is going on. no one really feel secure in this country anymore, and
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because of the increasing terrorist activities of pkk, the governrnment does not know whato do other thahabombing people, shutting down train -- twitter, what authoritarian regimes do from north korea to syria, from russia to turkey. amy: what about the warnings that had come in a few weeks ago of something like, 30, or so, isis fighters coming over the border from syria -- the turkish government very much understood the popossibilitity of an attack during ramadan, especially in these last days where people are traveling. prof. caliskan: there has been intelligence about it from u.s. embassies, french embassies, german embassies -- our government doesn't tell us
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anything about it. the u.s. told about the possibility of bombings, and there has been close to 30 terrorists entering turkey planning a attacks. we did not hear anything from our government. this happened before. was an attack and a german embassy asked german schools to be emptied, told citizens nonoto go to the avenue and around it. less than 24 hours later, we had a bombing. our government is not telling us anything, because first, in their mind, if they warn people, they think peoplple will think they are not doing their job, but on the contrary, if they won us -- if t they take intellilige seriously, you would think they are doing their job.
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right now, n nobody reallyly ths they are doing their job. they are shouting at journalists, academics, intellectuals, for criticizing them. again wanted to ask you about the timing. on monday, israeli prime minister benjamin then yahoo!o! unannounced d restoration of tis wiwith turkey,y, includingng ind announcedn netanyahu restoration of ties with turkey. mr. netanyahu: : israel has reached an agreementnt with a gs supply to supply the egyptian market, which we i intend to wok with, and also the turkish market, and the supply of gas the a turkey to europe. this is a strategic manner for the state of israel. this matter could not have been advanced without this agreement, and now we will take action to advance it. amy: you have the reestablishment of ties between turkey and israel this week, and also turkey seeing an uptick in
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bombings since the u.s. started using an airbase to carry out bomb raids in syria. on tuesday, secretary of state john kerry spoke after the deadly attack. kerryry: we are still trying to ascertaiain infororma, what happened, andnd who did it. i will not comment further o on it, except to say this is daily fare, and the first action we need to take is combating nonstate violent actors for a host of reasons. amy: can you respond to both erry and tieies with israel. if you t think they are related. prof. caliskan: i do not think the bombing is related d to the establishing of the dramatic relations with israel and k
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erry's comments, because first, you do not have time to react, and two, inin the past month, there have been 17 bombings in turkey. you're talking about one terrorist attack every three weeks. this is another thread. there is a war against turkey that the president and thehe government of the islamist takeritarian akp do not seriously. i think it is very sad that turkey stepped back from its principles, its foreign-policy principles. a against the were blockade, the embargo of palestinians, and they by a gimmick -- by giving aid to israel so they can
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diststribute aid to any palestinian anytime at once. ninegot the money for people that is really dispense -- defend -- that israeli defense forces killed in international waters, and accepted they won't be sued in turkey or taken to court in an system.ional justice that was attempting to break the blockade of gaza. for twoliskan: yes, reasons, they are not related. see he hase realizes made a lot of mistakes. russia claims they are bombing .rish -- isis in turkey, they say they didn't apologize.
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pay are planning to play -- for the downing of the plane, and they are planning to get the money from israel. i don't really undnderstand what principles are changing here. on one hand, they are , on theining the military other hand they are willing to make peace with them. on one hand, they pretend as if they have principles. on the other hand, they do their best to violate those principles. i think they are losing control of foreign and domestic policy because of one reason, erdogan's dream of becoming a president of a presidential system. amy: professor, earlier this year, more than 1000 turkish academics signed a peace position.
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can you talk about erdogan's reaction, and how that relates to the climate in turkey right now? prprof. caliskan: i signed that letter, too. it was signed by m more than 100 academics. called a terrorist, or voices of terror, more than 1000 more signed it. since then,n, more than 100 lost their jobs, fired from public universities. four academics were jailed for more than a month. and many academics are being prosecuted just because they of --ized akp handlining this is another move of erdogan to silence civil socociety. he silenced the media. -- was about to be killed less than two months ago
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targeted him. they just began shooting at him, and the journalists wife prevented him from taking aim. so, the press is being silenced. the academics are being silenced. havean academics, who phd's from the states, europe, terrorists? erdogan what -- what erdogan criticized,is being if he does not agree with academics or journalists, he accuses them of being with terrorists. he is another strategy in addition to that. when you criticizeze him, he , or aers it as an insult rivaval agagast the preresident.
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i have a court case. my next hearing will be in september, and the prosecutor general wants me to be jailed for eight years for criticizing , and it did not evenn mention n his nameme. there are hundreds of court cases like that. he is winning them. he is making money on them. people are being jailed. what we see, unfortunate, is the following -- turkey is leaving democracy, and the united states is just watching it. you cannot have a secure world with authoritarian leaders. remember what happened in cold war -- we were at the break of worldr war, and right now democracy has been threatened by terrorists,nd d by mostly organized by organizations like isis.
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there is only one way to deal with this double trap -- democracy now.. makinge you afraid to be comments like that, speaking to us from istanbul, where you teach? prof. caliskan: i am not afraid because my job is to tell the truth. i don't tell the truth, i don't do my job. how do i expxplain this to my children and my students in the future? am i afraid? i think right now intellectuals in turkey are not afraid. they are concerned about turkish democracy,y, but they will continue to tell the story of democracy, freedom, and liberty. , associatecaliskan professor inn istanbul, turkey. we were speaking to him at his home. when we come back, we go home to -- we go to the home of wayne
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"yaz gazeteci yaz" -- "right, journalists right, by turkish singer selda bagcan. this is democracy now. we turn now to donald trump. mr. trump: it has not been easy for me. my father gave me a small loan. i bought a construction site. i was told that what network. even my father said you don't want to go to m my -- manhattan, it is not our territory.
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he was from brooklyn and queens. he was very proud of me, but all my life i was told no. those were his -- those were the words -- amy: those were the words of presumptive republblican nominee donald trump during a town hall event last yeaear in newew hampshire. today, we look back at his past -- his father was a prolific real estate developer. -- -- freded trump trump made news when he was arrested at a ku klux klan rally. earlier this week democracy now! cohost juan gonzales and i visited wayne barrett, considered the preeminent journalist on donald trump. wayne has been tracking trump for decades. his 1991 biography of trump was just republished as an ebook with the title of "trump: the greatest show on earth -- the deals, the downfall, the
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reinvention. we spoke" 2 -- we spoke to wayne barrett at his home in brooklyn, where he is confined due to his battle with lung cancer. i began by asking barrett why he has tracked donald trump for so long. mr. barrett: when i started in the 1970's, he was this golden boy. he had not had much press, but it had all been very supportive because he was doing the grand hyatt, his first project in manhattan, and the city was down in the dumps, near broke duringg ththe 1970's, and he looked like the embodiment of a rising city, and he was getting that kind of press, though not much of it. soas at "the village voice," i took on -- i was a rookie, he was a rookie. we are about the same age. i'm a little older. notionook on this whole
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of, well, let's take a look at this guy who appears to be the answer to the city's very great financial-- grave problems at the time. i started working on him in the 1977 period. i worked on him intensely in 1978 while the hyatt was under construction. it had not completed yet. that is when i first got to know him, and i did abobout 10 hoursf taped interviews with him as a young guy, and wrote a two-part series that led to the impaneling of a federal grand jujury, actually, because he was engaged in all kinds of machinations, even as a rookie. i mean, he startrted out playing games. there was a federal grand jury here in the eastern district in brooklyn that did not lead to an
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indictment, but might have been the toughest ride he has ever had, really, with a prosecutor. juan: one of the points you made in the original book was the amount of -- he had always projected himself as a self-made millionaire, and then alien her, but the amount of support that he got from his father, also a real estate developer -- that his father was really crucial to his rise. mr. barrett: unbelievably crucial. when he opened his first office in manhattan, the rent was paid by his father's company right here in half -- on avenue z in brooklyn. everything he did, whether it be the grand hyatt -- the grand hyatt for example, to get the financing, he got the financing from two banks his father had used, he used his father's relationship with the bankers, and his father had to sign the banking agreements. they are not going to give a 30-year-old kid $35 million in 1978 to build a hotel.
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it has to be done with fred's resources, and fred trump was a great outer borough builder, and he built good housing all over queens, brooklyn, some of them towers, like trump village. many of them single-family homes . he had a great reputation as a builder. he was as politically wired as his son was. they played political games -- both of them, expertly, but fred trump was indispensable. even trump tower, which comes along later in donald's career, could not have been done without fred coming in and supporting the financing of it. when he opened his first casino in atlantic city, when he bought the first properties for trump plaza, his casino in atlantic city, fred wrorote down in the
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limo with him, andnd signed all the leaease hold the documents. nobody was going to be financing this kid developer, kid casino operator. it was fred who was the key to all. it is ridiculous for him to call himself a self-made guy when fred was critical at the political end, , too. everything that came to donald came to political connections, and they were political connections forged by his father over decades with brooklyn politicians. he came from the same political club as the then mayor of new ank, and when he had to get option for the grand hyatt and westside yards from a bankrupt railroad in philadelphia, penn central, the people selling the assets of the bank and the railroad had to make sure the option they gave, they were giving it to a developer that would actually developed because that is when the real payment
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comes to the railroad. so, they came up from philadelphia, and fred trump greets them. fred and donald get them in a limo, takes them down to city hall, and there is abe being standing on the steps, "anything you want, we will gigive youou." juan: in the book you referred to both of them, fred and donald as state capitalists. he talked about the political connections, and the degree to which they depended on government officials were connected leaders to build their empire. juan: that is the irony -- mr. barrett: that is the irony of this current run. i interviewed a guy named joe sharkey for the book, and this is not in the book because i am not in the book and i do not tell this tale, but sharkey was the county leader of the democratic party years ago.
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i interviewed him. he was in his 80's, and a little hard of hehearing. i sasaid to him when did you fit -- thee trump at the fha fha is the federal housing administration that had financed virtually everything that fred trump ever built in the early phase of his career. he later latched onto a state subsidy program similar to fha. him, when did you first see fred at the fha -- he said "i went down to roosevelt's and all girl -- inaugural. after the inaugural, i would over to the fha, and fred was already there." these guys were living at the trial. they had been living at the trial their whole lives. amy: explain what you mean by that.
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everything they did was built on connections. bonnie lindenbaum was the most wired lawyer in new york. he had a locker in the basement of city hall where he would keep a bottle, and if there was an overnight meeting, where they made all the big zoning decisions and dispositions of city property, and all of that, he kept the bottle in the locker. amy: and the fha and the --where subsidies? mr. barrett: subsidy programs. these were things that donald learned at the foot of the master. fred was a master at this. there were two different investigations -- one by the state investigation commission of new york, and one by the congress of the fha program, and ind figured prominently national scandals of the misuse of fha funding, and he was the
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number one target of the state investigations commission for ripping off the mitchell lama program here in new york. they had a long histstory of th. juan: you also talked about the political leaders, donald manis and stanley friedman, and their role in the rise as well. freedom --: stanley friedman was a deputy mayor. he did the legwork. abe said ananything you want, yu got, and stanley friedman, thehe deputy mayor, shepherded right until the last day. on the last day of the administration stanley friedman personally approved the award of the garden room, which hangs over 42nd street, which was unprecedented at the time they something that's a
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very controversial decision. on the final day of the administration, he walks out of the office, and the next week he starts at roycroft's law fir stanley freeman ultimatelely is rudy giuliani, became the most powerful democratic boss in the state of new york ended all kinds of things for donald trump. the queenss, who was president, whose brother-in-law had a lighting company. --n you looook at trump powower trump tower every daday, he did all the lighting in the lobby. that was the brother-in-law. sorts ofld stir up all business for his brother-in-law. puts of putting a kitchen
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knife through his chest and killing himself when rudy giuliani is after him, and these are the guys that are absolutely japan's to donald trump -- absolute linchpins to donald trump's early career. amy: speaking of that unfortrtunate term, linchpin, wt you know of fred trump's involvement with the k ku klux klan? mr. barrett: i d did not know about it at that time. i have read it sit. i didn't -- since. i do not understand how donald trump says it is not true -- there are washington post clips. what i wrote about in the book and what i wrote about at "the voice" in the 70's was the race extermination case that richard nixon's justice department brought against fred and donald trump for racially excluding blacks and latinos in a
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if a blackway where came in seeking an apartment, they got a certain color for -- folder. if the latino came in, they got a different color folder of where the application was put. the easiest way to exclude people, and the federal government established that during the course of protracted hearings, and ultimately fred and donald settled the case, and donald does an affidavit in the casing which he claimed he didn't have anything to do with the actual rentals, personally. but i found, and wrote it in the "voice" and examined it more in the book, that he was simultaneously seeking a real estate broker's license in new york state, and that he had to file sworn statements, and in his sworn statements, he claimed he was in charge of all the rentals of the apartments.
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so there was a sworn statement saying from him they -- "i don't have a to do with it," an animal simultaneously a sworn statement saying " i run it." also, the racial dissemination pattern at fred trump's apartments was extraordinary. amy: he was found guilty? mr. barrett: he signed a consent decree. he and donald signed the consent decree. they violated it, were not in compliance, and they had to go back, the feds did, in 1978, and do it a second time. about trumplk towers in the new introduction to the book as basically housing for a rogogue gallery of felons that has never really been touched upon. can you expound on that? mr. barrett: you know, in the book itself -- i added to the list that is in the book. i have a couple dozen felonons
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that want up getting apartmentns inin trump tower. in fact,t, one of the remarkable is how heut donald has avoided being indicted in his career. one of the tales involves a guy named robert hopkins, who was then running the biggest illegal gambling operation in the bronx, ray: -- column. he is one of the buyers. d -- who young, te must remember, the city planning commission from the bronx, appointed by stanley friedman, 's lawociate in roy cohn firm, he is representing this guy hopkins at the closing, and hopkins is sitting there with trump in the room, mind you, with a briefcase filled with
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cash. amy: donald trump? mr. barrett: yes. hundreds of thousands of dollars, paying for the apartment in cash. mortgages thatl a guy named robert, a guy, whoguy kind of gets subsequently prosecuted in the eastern district of f new yk -- hopopkins was under indictmet .or murder of another mob guy that case long duck going nowhere, but he was convicted in the. -- that case wound up going nowhere, but he was convicted in them. that was one of the many tenants. for bad guys.t amy: dr. duvalier? amy: while he was still in office, in haiti, the dictator. yes, he was looking
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at some place to dump his booty from haiti. it is a long list. joe work so bond -- he not only has an apartment in chopped tower, he has one in trouble plaza, and he is a several times convicted felon as a cocaine trafficker, and he flew donald's high rollers down to his casinos in atlantic city. he has an apartment there. it is a laundry list of bad guys drawn to this temple of greed.. amy: investigative journalist wayne barrett wrote for "the village voice" for 37 years and continues to write as an independent reporter. his 1991 biography of donald trump was just republished as an e-book, entitled "trump -- the greatest show on earth -- the deals, the downfall, the
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reinvention." we will continue with part threes and four of our conversation with wayne barrett from his home, as he is now confined by lung cancecer. we will be joined by karenna gore, the daughter of f former vice presisident al gore, , whos roxbury,sted in west massachusetts, protesting against climate change. stay with us. ♪ [music break]
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civil disobedience on climate change in the west roxbury gorore wasrenna arrested. severaral more were arrested for trtrespassing onon privaterorop. tim dechristopher spoke before the action. mr. dechristopher: this new age we are entering, the age of participatory mass graves requires something new of us. it requires that we know love pretend that things are ok. >> yes. mr. dechristopher: it requires that we no longer act like we can just turn away from what is happening in other places in the world. >> yes. requiresistopher: it that we no longer pretend that
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what spectra is doing here in west roxbury, it is anything other than digging a mass grava. go to boston,we massachusetts, where we are joined by karenna gore, director of the center of earth ethics, and tim dechristopher joins us. he spent 21 months in federal custody for p posing as a bidder to prevent gas drilling on thousands of acres of land in his home state of utah. he is the subject of the documentary bidder 70. karenna gore and tim dechristoper, welcome to democracy now! karenna, why were you arrested yesterday? ms. gore: i was part of a local group in the west roxbury, the
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boston, area, and we were arrested because the laws for protesting ourselves out of step for what is required to meet this step, and in the tradition of nonviolence, cicivil disobedience, we wanted to draw attention to do the right thing. amy: explain what this pipeline does, where it goes from, where it is headed to, and what is supposed to be unit? -- in it? frackre: it would carry gas,d and it -- fracked and it is part of this spectra a pipeline system. i was previously part of an effort to stop the constitution pipeline in new york state, and that was originalllly my entry point into learning more about these pipelines, and where they are going in all across the eastern seaboard. amy: you havave been involved wh
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father of these prorotests, karenna? msms. gore: i have not been involved in nonvnviolent civil disobedidience before now. i'm when a people seem to need to step up in that way. amy: how did it feel to be arrested and described exactly what you did going into the trench yesterday in west roxbury. well, what we did is we went in in a nonviolent and peaceful way, and the intention is to stop work on this pipeline. by the way, the city of boston is litigating against this pipeline. this is an area where there is an overreach of federal power against the will of the local community. every elected official in that community is against the pipeline. we were standing with the people who are objecting, not only because of climate change impact, but also because of concern for their own communities, so what happened was we were asked whether or not we would walk out voluntarily,
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and several of us said no, we are staying here because our intention is to stop construction of this pipeline. at that point, when the firefighters arrived, we, of course, complied with what they needed to do to remove us from the trench. you are the director for at center of earth ethics union theological seminary. what role did the clergy play? many diverse clergy did you live drawing the connection -- it is time, we dots to connect the between our energy policies, our systems building more fossil fuel infrastructure in this country, and those hurting the
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most vulnerable people in the world. they gave those eulogies, making those points. the reverend said this was a time to remember reverend martin luther king, and what he had to say when he entered into the debate to and the vietnam war, the role that nonviolelent civil obobediencnce -- cil disobediene played in the civil rights movement, and what can we -- how can we exercise our voice. amy: what did your father say -- in 2008 he said if you are a young person looking at the future of the planet, and looking at what is done and not done, i believe we have reached the stage for civil disobedience. yes, he is very supportive, not only of me, but of all the activists putting their bodies on the line, saying we really need to shake up the system. it is not working. if there are too many elected officials that take so much
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money from fossil fuel interests, and that is why the laws and policies are not changing. we have all the information we need. now we need to do is press for action. tim dechristopher, you initiated the action. you gave the speech, an excerpt of which we just played, where you compared the trenches to the mass graves in afghanistan. explain. mr. dechristopher: i think as you, and probably a lot of your listeners know, i have been doing climate work for a long time and have been following a lot of the escalating disasters that we have been witnessing and have spent a lot of time thinking about where we are headed, and i consider myself to, just, the level of hardship and suffering that we are moving towards, yet when i read the article last month about digging anticipatory masquerades in pakistan, which, to my mind, is the first case of anticipatory mass graves, just,
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kind of, excepting that we know we are going to need mass graves because we know we have entered this age where these disasters will happen. amy: mass graves for people dying in heat waves? mr. dechristopher: yes, and that just broke my heart in a whole new way after having it broken so many times from the news of climate change, and it just really weieighed on me, and wowouldn't let go. itit was one of those things tht just settled deeply into my heart, and i felt really compelled to take action connecting thohose dots, b becae whwhen i looked at thosese picts of t this long, m mass grave trh they are digging in pakistan, one of my thoughts was my god, that looks exactly like what they are digging in west roxbury to lay a pipeline, and these are connected, not just in their ship, but in one causing the other. shape, something very --
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but in one causing the other. it felt something very personal and emotional for me, and in that speech i got emotional, and in the workshops and trainings they do with activist around the countrys, i tell people we are at our most powerful when we are sharing our personal truth, when we are most authentic. this, for me, was something that i was genuinely torn up about, and that is why i felt so called for this to be my first civil disobedience action after i just got off probation a couple of months ago. amy: after you served almost two years in prison. he just got off probation in april. are you willing to go back to prison again? mr. dechristopher: yes, i am. i don't know how likely that is in this case. we did get charged with a few charges, including resisting arrest, but at this point, there has been almost 150 people
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arrested in this ongoing sustained resistance campaign against the west roxbury pipeline, and all of those charges have been reduced to civil infractions, or dismissed, you know, because the city of boston is actively opposed to this pipeline, and that is whose court we are ending up in. mentioned, literally every elected official at every level other than the president and the governor who represent the neighbor are opposed to this and the boston c city council unanimously opposed it. amy: we will have to leave it there, but we'll continue to cover the story. "trump -- the greatest show on earth -- the deals, the downfall, the reinvention -- tim rechristopher and karenna go thank you so much. i will be speaking in chicago. congratulations to the general manager julia crosby and rebecca on the birth of their daughter. born june 24. welcome to the world. democracy now! is looking for
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