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tv   DW News  LINKTV  July 7, 2016 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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♪ ♪ anchor: this is "dw world news," live from berlin. tonight, a new definition for the crime of rape in germany. parliament closes loopholes in the country's rape laws, expanding the legal definition of rape to ensure no means no. also on the show, theresa may may be britain's next prime minister. she's now the favorite in an
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all-female runoff for the tory leadership. and, another fatal shooting of a black man at the hands of a white police officer in the u.s. this time, the tragic aftermath is live streamed on facebook for all the world to see. it is good to have you with us. tonight, germany is getting a new legal definition of what constitutes rape. the aim is to modernize the law to codify the principle of no means no. the old definition only applied if the victim, believe it or not, tried to physically fight off the attacker and could prove that. the campaign for change gathered speed earlier this year after new year's eve attacks in the city of cologne and other towns across germany, where many women
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were sexually assaulted by refugees. today, the city of cologne -- in the city of cologne, an iraqi man was given a one-year suspended sentence for sexual assault for his role in those attacks, but he is one of the few to be convicted. in fact, he's the first. campaigners hope that by bringing convictions for sexual assault and rape in line with modern definitions, it will be easier when the new law comes into force. >> the law was widely supported in the german parliament. opposition parties raised some concerns, but almost all lawmakers welcomed broadening the definition of rape. the german minister of family affairs said the changes were long overdue. >> the passing of this law -- bill today in the bundestag is a huge step forward. if proven guilty, all rapists in
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germany will not be punished. that was not the case previously. now victims will be encouraged to file charges. they will be taken seriously. >> until now, the victim had to have used force to defend themselves in order for rape to be punishable as rape. saying simply no was not enough. as a result, very few reported rapes are investigated in germany, and only a fraction of those cases actually lead to convictions. that's why activists like christina have fought for years to have the principle of "no means no" included in sexual offense laws. >> compared to many, many other countries, germany has an unbelievably old-fashioned and backward law on sexual offenses. that's why no means no is a great solution. >> one of the triggers for the reform where the new year's
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eve attacks in cologne, where dozens of women were sexually assaulted and hardly any of the perpetrator so -- so far have been punished. the new law will take effect this fall, when no will indeed mean no and sexual groping will be punishable. some say there is still work to be done. >> we want to empower women, by expanding the law, but we still need to do a lot more. that -- better counseling, better support,, for every victim of a sexual offense. it's a horrible experience, often with a lifelong trauma, and that's why it's important that we lawmakers enact appropriate legislation. >> counselors at centersor women around the country say it's about time something was done. they hope the new law will mean victims of sexual assault in germany will finally have the confidence to come forward. anchor: britain's next prime minister will be a woman. the conservative mp's eliminated
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the last man standing in the race. it happened today in their second round of voting. >> votes in alphabetical order. michael gove, 46 votes. andrea leadsom, 84 votes. theresa may, 199 votes. therefore, michael gove, having the lowest number of votes, has been eliminated from the ballot. reporter: so interior minister theresa may seen here is way out in front. she campaigned for britain to stay in the eu, and will now take on brexit. she and andrea leadsom will face a final vote by the party's wider membership in september. anchor: let's get our correspondent in london. good evening to you. here we are. theresa may is the front runner. she had strong majorities in this vote today. does she have the b in the
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bag? reporter: no, she does not have itn the bag. she is the clear favorite. with her experience as home secretary for several years. but then again, the tory members are the ones to decide, and they may want somebody else, somebody who campaigned for brexit, which would be andrea leadsom. also, she is socially quite conservative, for example, she does not support the gay marriage bill. this is something that a lot of conservative party members are actually, really quite like. it's not yet over, this race. anchor: it's not yet over. i have to throw this curveball that you. there's been some speculation today that theresa may might actually be the one to keep britain inside the eu, that once she is prime minister, she will delay the whole process, and
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eventually no brexit will take place. what is your read on that? reporter: i'm not sure this could take place. she has so far side, brexit is -- said, brexit is brexit, and she would not advocate for a second referendum and would not advocate early elections. if she was elected prime minister, she would trigger article 50, which would start the negotiations by the end of the year. so she has given a fairly clear timeline as to what would happen, and starting negotiations at the end of the year, beginning of next year, so it would be quite surprising if she did change her mind. anchor: speaking of changing their mind, what about michael gove? he is now out of the race. that's a big surprise, if we consider what wealked about a week ago. reporter: well, mp's have really had enough of this backstabbing, and michael gove would have been
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seen as somebody who is not trustworthy. he has maintained for years that he does not want to become prime minister, that he doesn't have it in him, in his own words, and then he changed his mind at the last second and did not support boris johnson, who from party members, as well as mp's, would have been the clear favorite. that sort of shakespearean move eliminated one of his closest allies and closest personal friends, and i think a lot of mp 's, though they rate s skills highly, he's one of the big intellectuals of the conservative party, but they thought this was a step too far, and now somebody is needed who did not take pt in al this political assassinations, if you want. anchor: a lot of skulduggery. rumor has it, boris johnson said today was one of the happiest days of his life. as always, thank you very much.
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the italian government has condemned the killing of an asylum seeker from nigeria, and urged italians to stand against racism and hatred. 36-year-old emmanuel namdi came to italy with his girlfriend to escape the nigerian islamist group boko haram. the local town has held a visual for him -- a vigil for him. he was beaten to death on tuesday by a soccer hooligan who had a history of violence. the man has been arrested and charged with murder. here in germany, parliament has approved legislation to integrate the one million plus refugees who have settled here, including funds for job creation and language courses. chancellor angela merkel is hailing the law as historic, but opposition groups say the law may end up alienating the very people it is designed to help.
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reporter: the reception center at the temple half airport -- templehof airport is the largest in germany. 12,000 refugees are living here. , for months living here in cramped conditions, it only makes it worse. some are here alone, and the parents here are often preoccupied with their own suffering and the process of applying for asylum. >> the children cannot protect themselves. they cannot always tell who has the best interests at heart, and who might represent a danger. this makes refugee shelters a prime target for pedophiles and sex offenders, or slave traders. reporter: at templehof, a lot of care is taken to protect women and children. the wall in front of the showers is cut off so no one can hide
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their. , there are separate showers for women and places which often can play with staff to look after them. still, there is an acute lack of resources here and at other shelters. >> anyone involved with child protection on a daily basis knows the situation is critical. reporter: the problem lies with the finance ministries and the interior ministry's, at both national -- ministries at both the national and local level. the experts are calling for more funding, personnel, and new legislation to protect women and children. otherwise the consequences, they say, will be devastating. anchor: tonight, racial tensions are high yet again in the united states following two police killings of black men this week. the justice department has joined the investigation of a tuesday shooting outside a convenience store in baton
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rouge, louisiana. the second incident occurred in minnesota, during a routine traffic stop. the victim's girlfriend live streamed the aftermath of the shooting on facebook. >> no justice, no peace. >> what do we want? . justice. when do we want it? now. reporter: outrage and anger after yet another killing of a black person at the hands of u.s. police. outside the minnesota governor's mansion, these protesters want justice for philando castile, shop four times in front of his daughter and -- shot four times in front of his daughter and girlfriend. >> they killed my boyfriend. he is licensed to carry. he was trying to get out his id, and his wallet out of his pocket, and he let the officer no that he -- know that he had a firearm and he was reaching for his wallet, and the officer just
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shot him. reporter: philando castile, who was 32, worked at a local school cafeteria. he was later taken to hospital, where he died. >> during the stop, shots were fired. one adult male was taken to the hospital. we have been informed that this individual is deceased. no one else was injured, and the pca has been called in to investigate this officer-involved shooting. a hand gun was recovered from the scene. reporter: castile's girlfriend, who made the facebook video, says her boyfriend was shot for no reason. >> the police officer stopped us for a busted tail light that was not busted. they pulled us over on the side of the road, asked for license and registration. as he was reaching for his license and registration, he told the officer that he was licensed to carry and had a firearm. as he got that, the police took
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four or five shots at him, for no reason. they took his life, for no reason. they did this to my daughter. they did this to me. and i want justice. i want peace! reporter: minnesota's governor has asked the justice department to investigate castile's death, as the u.s. comes to terms again with more police bertelli against black americans -- brutality against black americans. anchor: still to come, the european commission moves to punish portugal and spain for, you guessed it, their budgets. that could cost them. we will find out in just a moment. don't forget, you can always get dw news on the go. download our app from google play or the apple store. that will give you access to the latest news around the world, as
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well as push notifications for any breaking news. you can also use the dw app to send us your photos and videos when you see news happening. when we comne back, more news, plus daniel will be here with the latest business headlines. stick around.
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anchor: welcome back with "dw news" live from berlin. german parliament has approved major reforms aimed at closing loopholes in rape laws, expanding the legal definition of rape to uphold the principle of "no means no." until now, victims had to physically resist an attack and prove that. theresa may takes another step
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to becoming britain's next prime minister after a strong lead in a second-round vote for conservative party leader. she will take on andrea leadsom in a vote put to the tory rank-and-file in september. bad budgets. two eeu nations are -- eu nations are being brought to task for spending too much money? reporter: big budget deficits and loose pursestrings. spain and portugal's budgets are out of control. that's the verdict of the european commission. the eu's executive committee started disciplinary procedures against the two countries. neither of them have put in place robust enough measures to cut spending. now the countries are at risk of being fined. the commission says both spain and portugal's budget deficits were over the eu's limit of 3% of gross domestic product. the eu commission responsible
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said the countries made progress, but were behind schedule. >> both spain and portugal have veered off track in correction of their excessive deficits and have not met budgetary goals. reporter: but the commission will not decide if fines and other penalties will be applied until after an eu finance ministers meeting next week. >> today is not about sanctions. not at all. today is about correcting the past. the next step is for the council to discuss, as per the said. so no speculation today, please, from anybody. reporter: last year, spain had a 5.1% of gdp deficit, higher than the required 4.2% target set to get it on the path to compliance with eu rules. portugal was required to cut its deficit to 2.5% of gdp in 2015,
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but instead had a 4.4% deficit. but both countries could be granted more time and escape sanctions if they are able to prove exceptional economic circumstances led to their pre dicaments. reporter: french yogurt maker danone agreed to make u.s. -- to buy u.s. company whiteewave for $10 billion, enabling danone to cement its foothold in the u.s. health food market. shareholders and regulators are expected to approve the deal by the end of the year. let's talk now to jose, who has more of this from wall street. why has danone chosen whitewave? reporter: well, it seems that it is a match made in heaven, if you like yogurt and soy milk. not only does it increase the
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presence of danone in the u.s. market, but it will help them gain consumers by adding whitewave's popular health food offerings. this seems to be a good strategy to deal with other challenges in markets like brazil, for example. unlike many large food companies, sales of most whitewave products are growing right now by double-digit percentages, and the combined company could become a global leader for healthier food options. reporter: moving on to u.s. jobs. some positive employment data came out today? reporter: yes. private sector in the u.s. added around 172,000 jobs, above expectations, and jobless claims have fallen by 16,000 last week. we also learned, layoffs have remained well below the 12 month average, so now all the attention is on friday's jobs report.
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if the number comes up closer to 200,000 jobs, it could push markets higher, and put a rate hike back on the table. for that to happen, we will also have to see a sustained increase in salaries, which will signal inflation is picking up in the u.s. reporter: what else move markets in thursday trading? reporter: it was a day of trading on thursday where oil prices fell over 2%, closing a little over $45 as oil reserves decreased by 2.2 million barrels less than expected, a situation that sent stocks tumbling. the yield on the two-year u.s. treasury kept moving toward record lows, 1.38%. reporter: thanks for that update. it sounds too good to be true. a brand-new smartphone, for just
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four dollars? except many have criticized the indian firm behind the device, saying the claim is overblown. the freedom to 51 is -- 251 is causing a sensation in t world's fastest-growing smartphone market. e compansays they wi not make profit from the sales, but expect to generate money from advertising and marketing. the phone is finally ready to be sent out to customers. joining me to pick this apart now, an editor at gigatech. thanks for coming in. there has been a lot of skepticism about this phone, so how believable are the manufacturer's claims? >> at the moment, they are quite unbelievable. the phone was announced a few months ago, and they were quite some scandals. a member of the indian parliament even called it a scam -- they were rebranded phones from taiwan. until i see the phone, i am very skeptical. the specification same -- seem
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real, but the price is far too low. reporter: they clearly do want to sell the phone to poor people, at that price point, and they say they want to break even by selling advertising through the phone and also putting apps on the phone, but advertisers don't really want to aim at poor people. so what's going on here with this business model? >> the advertising idea is just one idea. the real idea, the real business model, would be to put very cheap apps on the phone, to sell cheap apps to owners of the phone, for something like one to three rupees, which is almost nothing, and through the mass they would reach to, 750 million people using the phone, in their ideal idea, they would make quite some revenue by selling these apps. reporter: journalists have only had access to about five of the phones so far. for four dollars to be possible, to breakeven, they need massive economies of scale. they need to supply a lot, and
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they need a lot of demand for that as well. so, can they possibly make enough, deliver enough, to be able to make this possible? >> i think they could do it. not all at once, not in the first batch, but what they would probably do if they get funding, they could let the phone manufacturer, maybe different companies, from china, to scale, and then over the next years they could probably come to what they promised, to gi every indian a smartphone, but not at once, and not with their own capacities. reporter: to finish on, if this is perhaps less believable of a smartphone, what is a more reputable, cheap smartphone? >> google, samsung, and other big players are selling cheap smartphones to emerging markets in india, priced around $40 to $60. we saw some at $35, but at the moment it is not possible really to go below the price of $40. reporter: thank you very much for talking to us. that's all from me for now.
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anchor: thank you very much. six time wimbledon champion serena williams is through to the final at wimbledon. she secured her spot in saturday's final after making light work of world number 50 elena vesnina, from russia. serena dropped only three points on her serve in a match that lasted 48 minutes, the fastest in my final on record at the all england club. 6-2, 6-0 was the final score. she will play germany's angelique kerber in sunday's final. stage six of the tour de france, a 190.5 kilometer route won by mark cavendish. he bested marcel kittel in an exciting finish. reporter: sweltering temperatures in southwestern france made for an uncomfortable
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ride and a bunched sprint at the finish. two competitors got ahead of the pack, but they were reined in 22 kilometers from the end. marcel kittel opened the sprint, but mark cavendish used his impressive tactical sense to race past him in the final 200 meters to beat him by half of a wheel. britain's dan mcclay took a surprising throug -- third place. this is cavendish's third stage win in this tour. the belgian remains the yellow jersey. anchor: a reminder of the top stories. german parliament has approved reforms aimed at closing loopholes in rape laws. it expands the legal definition of rape to uphold "no means no." until now, victims had to physically resist an attack for it to count asape.
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theresa may takes another step towards the common british prime minister after a strong lead in a second round of voting for conservative party leader. she will take on andrea leadsom in the final vote in september. and, a video emerged showing the dying moments of a black man after he was shot by a white police officer in the u.s. state of minnesota. it comes as an investigation launches into the fatal shooting of another black man in louisiana. i will be back after a short break to take you through the day. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪ ♪
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anchor: welcome back. the u.s. president deeply disturbed after the shooting at another black man by police. he was killed after he was full over for a traffic stop. his death streamed live by his wife on social media. another black down was shot by police on tuesday. two women in the race to replace david cameron and become britain's second female prime minister in history. she has more than doubled the vote of leadsom. can france change their luck tonight and beat


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