tv DW News LINKTV July 26, 2016 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT
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♪ ♪ anchor: this is "dw news" live from berlin. tonight, the islamic state says they are behind the murder of a priest holding mass, and they claimed loyalty to islamic state before slitting the priest's throat. the french president says the threat to europe by the islamic state has never been so severe.
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also, a killing spree in japan gets a man staff 19 to death and injures another 25 in a home for people with mentntal disabiliti, anand the rays have come to india. lief to millions. there is destruction in some areas. ♪ ♪ brent: i am brent goff. it is good to have you with us. the men who brought terror inside a french church earlier today. one of the attackers wore an electronic tag and was under strict release surveillance. he had served time in prison and had try to travel to syria with a fake id, and yet, police were too late stopping him and
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another. authorities say they stormed into the church and forced the priest to kneel, slit his throat, and pledged their allegiance to islamic state. the french president s says .i.. is as big a threat as it has ever been. reporter: catholic priest father jacques hamel had been retired for nearly a decade, but still, he rightly stepped in to officiate at the parishh church. he was holding mass there this morning, when two armed men entered the church. they took a hostage and forced father hamel to kneel at the altar before slitting his throat. he had recently written a
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letter, calling for parishioions to pray y for peace together during these difficult times. it was a message the attackers were determined to destroy. an official who worked closely with father hamel says -- >> attacking a priest is attacking all of humanity. i would say the same thing of another religious head being killed, an imam or another. >> father hamel was a member of the interfaith community, trying to foster understanding. he was described as a friend. among the catholic community, there are already calls for father hamel to be fast-tracked to sainthood. brent: the governor saying today that islamic terror has arrived
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in germany, and the state interior minister is saying that germany should quickly deport investigators say they continue to probe the suicide bombing outside a rock concert sunday that injured 15 people, but the town is slowly trying to get back to normal. reporter: it could be a day like any other on the town square, as locals take in the summer. but camera teams from around the world have dissentnted on thisis small, bavararian town, drawn by the violence of germany's first suicide bombing. many residents seem wary of the attention and fear it could provoke more attacks. they tell us they just want life to get back to normal. a dove hangss near the center of
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the blast, an pepeal for reconciliation, but the memorors of sunday's attack remain n fre. the city was already in m mourng after munich, but they y did not think similar violence would soon strike here. >> we are still scared. we do not know what othther peoe are thinking, and if the attacker had help, or if someone else is planning another attack. >> you just have to accept that you just cannot be safe anywhere. the children are afraid. my daughter was terrified the evening it happened. i work with refugees at my job. we have a lot of refugee children, and i have only had positive experiences. i am not going to let some psycho ruin mymy opinion of the refugees. >> i will not start to hate,
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reads this sign. around 600 asylum seekers live here, including some in a converted hotel that was home to sunday's attacker. ♪ reporter: a first step towardsds normality. heelcomes s his first guests. most are regulars, who have come to show their susupport. >> you have to keep p going. you haveve to believe in the god in life, in peace a and love, ad keep looking forward. reporter: customers are slowly returning to the scene of the attack as the town gets back to normal. brent: ok, let's pull in david,
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who specializes in global crime and security at liverpool. at the university. david, thank you very much for taking the time to talk with us this evening. we are hearing all of these headlines about a bleak week in germany, the summer of anxiety in europe. what is your read on this surgee of attacksks in germany y and france? david: the criticismss i a am heararing, they are unconvinced that the bavararian police -- tt thatat unit, not just in gererm, but t with their european neigighbors, ththe france, u.k., belgiuium, ththe other states ie europeanan union. theyey will be helping on this.
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medidia outlets i i was listenig to, we a are not lookiking at hy organized d terrorist cells l le we saw in novemberer in france d in belelgium in march. you are looking at mainly invidualss who are inspired by what they arare seeingndnd hearing, andnd they are acacting alone, andnd groups likeke the islamimic s state, like the 1717-year-old boy onon the trai, claiming responsibility for it. itit is very,y, very difficult o try toto pick up thehese indivis who are not really known. brent: you are describing their, david, these copycat attacks, and we hear all of the time that the security and police forces, they are being trained to deal with these that of -- with the threat of islamic state.
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it soundnds like what youou're saying is they n need to be prepareded for thingththat we cannot be prepared for. david: yeses. if you look around m many states inin the u.k.,., it was set at i five months ago, it is virtuauay impossible to stop every kindndf attackck, like the o one inn ni. it is vevery difficultlt if thte nonot i in the system.. and today y with the attack in france, father hamel, could be difffferent, because onene of te individualals was known n to the police. but again,n, you look atat theh. the e security andnd police coopoperation, , and one e probm wiwith france isis the bureaucry
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with the security services. brent: what does that mean? what does that mean, david, in terms of moving forward, because you know that people all across europe are going to demand that the government's -- govovernmens do somethihing about whahat is becomiming a daily a attack in eurorope?? what c can be done?? dadavid: there i is a more posie sidede. theyey have c counterterrorism. their idea a is to beef up intelligencece sharing, and we w ththat at the eueuropean footbtl championshipips. ththe treaty off lisbon. sharing. strangely enough, france was one of those who did notot want to o it, andnd thehey have to o get togethther and statart lookingnt increasing c cooperationon,
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increasising intelligegence sha. it also, andnd more flexibible ststrategy at the pre-criminal stage, tryrying to identntify individuduals who arere prone t violent extrtremism. it is onone way forwaward to tro identify t these individuals before they take part in criminal activity. obviously, in the meantimime, increasing uniform presence. brent: all right, david, in liverpool, we appreciate it. thank you for your insight. by any measure, it has been a harrowing few weeks, from the truck driver who barreled down the people in france to munich, and then the bombing in southern germany, and now the murder of a catholic priest in his own church. the world is taking notice.
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reporter: the initial shock is over after the four deadly attacks, and the media are now focusing on the political impact of all of this, but what about international media outlets? how have they been in germany? in france, for example, they looked at the german reluctance to play a role in the middle east is one has to look that germany, with its economic power, does not project itself as the role of simple observer in the fight against international terrorism, writes one newspaper. and then there is the angela merkel refugee policy, and there is a high gary a newspaper. the whole of western europe has to face the reality that the idea of a multicultural society has failed. reporter: not only did the media outlets analyze what happened in germany last week, from
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australia to argentina, from chile to china, media outlets analyze the fear that many germans have felt him a but also the impact this could have on angela merkel, and there was also criticism, like, for example, what "the washington post" wrote. how do they allow in thousands of asylum seekers without a firm plan for managing the potential circumstances? most paint a gloomy picture. when talking about it, they describe germany's dark week and the summer of anxiety in europe. brent: in japan, the worst murder in decades, the killing of the mentally ill. the assailant turned himself in after the attack.
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reporter: blaring sirens in the usually quiet town of sagamihara , as they arrive at a care center for the mentally disabled, where a former employee killed at least 19 people and injured 25 others. he apparently broke into the facilility andnd attackeked the residents s as they slept. >> this is a very tragic and shocking incident. many innocent people became victims. i sincerely pray for peace, for the souls of those killed, and extend condolences for the brief families, as well as those wounded. reporter: the suspect turned himself in at this police station with the murder weapons after the attack. police say he has confessed. the murder is not yet known --
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♪ \ ♪ ♪ brent: all right, welcome back. you are with "dw news" live from berlin. the long-awaited monsoon has arrived in india, bringing relief from the heat, but the monsoon has its own challenges and some serious health dangers, to some simple things like wet feet. our reporter put on her boots and headed out into the streets.
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reporter: they have waited patiently for the monsoon. it rains recently -- briefly once or twice a day. if youou leave the house during those times, you're bound to get sosoaked. having the best shoes is the best. one man insists they are not waterproof. >> during the muslim, i wouldld rather stiti with these boots. reporter: during the monsoon, the rain is expected to be heavy, enough to flood the streets of the capital. that causes traffic congestion it takes hours. the traffic is nerve-racking, but most indians still love the monsoon. >> it is really nice and romamantic. it i is really h.
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the monsoon brings happiness to everybody, and we are liking it. you can see everybody is out nowadays. reporter: the monsoon also brings risks. monsoon season is also the mosquito season, and that makes it the season for diseases, like dengue fever. mosquitoes especially like to breed near water. a professor of public health, our reporter takes him to look at some e ssible mosququito hot spots in thehe neighborhood. the inns of t this -- b bins ofs rubbish dump have not been emptied for weeks. in new delhi alone, 15,000 people are infected with the dengue fevers -- virus, and the consequences could be deadly. >> if you havave a wealthy
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population, even if yoyou get de ngue you don't get dengue deaths. the fact that we have dengue dea ths means we do not have a wealthy population.. >> it is also a problem for crop growers. there is an organic farmer about 70 kilometers outside of the city. she has been waiting two years for this raiain. >> if therere is no rain, you cannot grow anything on this sosoil, so we had no crock. even the beans were not growing. this year, farmers are there he excited. you can see. brent: all right come here are some stories making headlines around the world. and pakistan, searching for a gunman who killed two soldiers in a motorbike drive-by shooting.
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they were patrolling the area when they were attacked. that area and pakistan has seen years of sectarian violence and crime. at least 10 people have died in somalia a after a a suicide bomr detonated a car packed with explosives at a building belolonging to the e united nat. a second attacker was shshot de. seven u.n. guards are dead. the islamic militant group al-shabaab said they carried out the attack. and removing a vice president and rival, a move that could disrupt the country's fragile peace process and reignite civil war. now taking on the rolol the chief negotiating for rebels in last year's peace deal. all right, the big news of the day for the business world. >> volkswagen. thank you very much, brent.
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they have given you living area approval for their settlements for the owners of the dirty diesels, whose -- they have given preliminary approval for their settlements. authorities are still in the pipeline. >> under the deal, vw have to spend some $10 billion repairing or buying back some of the so-called. they were fitted with software which affected results. they have also agreed to pay all owners compensation. it will also spend $2.7 billion to support invited to projects and an additional $2 billion o n researchininemissions s reducti. the judgment led to three u.s. states announcing lawsuits against the group. they say the company undermined
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u.s. environmental standards, and more is pending. but this adds to recent successes. their s sales are oututpacing ta and geneneral motors i in the ft half. last week, it also released stronger than expected preliminary earnings for the first half, as well. anchor: let's bring in our financial correspondent on this topic. finally some good news there for vw, but is this enough to restore the image? reporter: well, that remains to be seen, but overall, what i am hearing here in america is that this offer from volkswagen is very generous. i mean, you can sell your car back to volkswagen for more money than he would have gotten even before dieselgate started, so we will see how fast the
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wounds will heal. for sure, the whole case is not over yet. this one is the big one, but as we heard, there are other lawsuit running from some states here in the united states, and they are looking to get some of their money back. volkswagen also needs to come to an agreement with the car dealers in the united states, but it is an important step forward for vw. anchor: and if investors are looking forward to their calendar, it is report season. what do those numbers tell us? >> well, what we do see, especially those multinational corporations that make a big chunk of the revenue in overseas markets, they are feeling the heat from the dollar. that is one story that we see. also, the troubles in the oil
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market is being felt. one stock traded to the upside, but especially the outlook was pretty negative because of the dollar, because of the trouble in the oil industry, and the biggest loser was mcdonald's. their sales in the united states. there is this big debate going on about how popular fast food still is here in the motherland of fast food. anchor: thank you very much. a stock exchange megamerger is one step closer. looking voters to tie up the stock exchange. this is one of the hurdles and forming a giant in the training sector. authorities still need to approve it, but supporters say it would make economic sense, and it would be the fulfillment german exchange operator. >> the shareholders' green light
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came when the number supporting across the 60% threshold. however, the deal still have to get the nod from regulators in both countries, as well as at the european union level. if the merger goes ahead, it will be the fulfillment of a dream long held by the german operator, who initially try to take over the stock exchange in 2000 but was rebuffed. the germans came courting again in 2004, but that also fell through. >> there are several reasons why ththe merger did not worork out. in part because the offer was not attractive enough. attempts in the past were rejected by german shareholders as well as the exchange. report: this time round, the marriage could go ahead. early in july, shareholders approved the merger plan. now, others have fallen sick. the deal seems them owning 54.4%
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of the new holding company, while others will get 45.6%. -- others have fallen in suit. anchor: trying to up sports popularity and maybe get some new fans also. >> munich may not be a famous name here, but they are hoping to change that. they are looking to prepare and earn new fans on the way. >> the united states is an important market, because it is the world's biggest economic power. football is getting more popular, and so is supporting the efforts of football here in
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america. >> expanding the popularity of soccer and their brand at the same time is made easier by its upcoming schedule. they will go head-to-head against italy and then face another before heading back him to spanish giant rio madrid, matchups that could attract some casual sports fans. brent: all right, after a short break, i will be back to take you through the day. stay with us. we will go live to philadelphia for the latest from the democratic convention. we will be right back. ♪
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