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tv   Earth Focus  LINKTV  August 11, 2016 1:30am-2:01am PDT

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>> today, on "earth fococus," food and social justice, human rights abuses and financial speculation in the food industry. thewedish society for nature conservation and swedish ecologists look at how lives and livelihood are destroyeyed in bagrgram-, mexico, -- i in bangladesh, memexico, and i ita. >> offered in restaurants, sold in stores, t tropical proms area popular choice for food acrosos
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the weststern world today. how did this become affordababl? at what costst? naturedish socociety for conservation travelled to bangladesh to find out who is really paying the price for our new standard of tropical prawns. the region in southwest bangladesh is the country's leading producer of pprawns for export. it is at the center of f a struggle, pittingng thousands of impoverished people who are fighting to conserve the natural reresources and livelihood agait the might o of the prawn indust. a fafarmer by p profession, like countless o oers, she l lost her familyly's land to shrimpp farm.
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flooded with salt water to aggressive shrhrimp farmers, families once fefertile land lis under a pond. she e is not alone. >> [speaking foforeign language] >> it is not just the communities where they are cultivated that it is ththreatened. the rivers of this regioion flow a placeorest, proroviding for riviver dolphins and
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crocodile, and a local resource for the community. most shrhrimp farms in bangladeh stuff themselves, caught i ithe rivevers using very fine and ne. for every share of cox, a an average of 50 juvenile fish will die. this practice isis deciimating e marine environment. [speaking foforeign language] >> embankments are used d in ths region to protect farmers and communities from storms that regularly h hit this cocoastlin. illegally billeled through the embanankment. itit has proven to be catastropc
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during times of extreme weather. striking bangladesh several years ago. [speaking foreign languagage] > during the course of the
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investigation our team also uncovered disturbing evidence to suggest that illegal chemicals are being regularly and routinely used in shrimp farms destinined for european markets. >> [spepeaking foreignn languag] >> the household namof the chemicalale is referriring to is elba, banned in bangladesh, and 18 o other countries a around te
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world. >> a broad spectrurum insnsectie that has been a around for year. it is a very old calico aimed at killing in sex and preventing them from becoming pests. the effect on the envirironments disasastrous. it is an incredidiy toxic chemical that affectsts nearlrly every elemenent. amphibians,to fish, all the way up ththe food chain. it is banned in a huge number of countries around the w world foa reason. it is dangeroususnd damages thee environment. but my message for consumers? do not do it. thet is not just unregulateted use that consumums should be woworried about.. in 2010 theyey uncoverered evide
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of shrimp destined for factories that supply the european union. traders demonstrate hush them from this region are sececretly injected with dirtrty water befe they are sold on to the factories. some aid agencies have often aremed that exports necessary for development in bangladesh. movementator in the for landless people are affececd byby commerciall from agricultu. people w who are living in eas w where shrimp is being cultivated have been complpletey deprived of their livelihoods, the livestock.k. system that is nonot
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sustainable. in theso that people northern countntries can have something cheap? investigation found that those who go up against the shrimp industry arere met with violencece and far -- anand fale charges, with aa localal governt that supportrts the shrimp farmers. > [speaking g foreignn langu] >> allegegations of sexual harassment towardsds women in
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rural communities, likeke those employoyed by the shrimpp indus, are also commonplace. she is one of the few who has spoken out against thehe employs that raped her in 2008. language]king foreign >> our research into bangladesh shows that the bangladadeshi shririmp industry is a brutal pt of the ecological destruction and human rights abuses for the last two decades. thousands of people hurt by extreme poverty, potentially undermrmining thehe health in
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humans. but it does not have to be like this. where a few areas mamanagement couldd get rid of rimp farms. the e difference is striking. language][foforeign >> the message from thee community protected b by shrimp farming is clear. >> [speaking foreign lananguage]
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♪ >> the cost of food across the world was on the rise and many have blamed the price hikes. food speculation for the global finance market. ecologists travel to mexico, the birthplace -- birthplace of corn, to find out more about these effects that were being felt across mexican society. in the mountains in southern mexico, coffee production fuelled the economy. these rural communities and not self-sufficient on food, making them vulnerable to sudden crises.
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>> [speaking foreign language] >> lorenzo and his wife look after their grandchildren during the day, while the rest of their famimily worked in the fifields. >> [speaking foreign language]
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>> fooood price volatilitity ons scalale has been linked directly to speculatition. >> speculation is s the way that large banks can conceptually bet on the price of food and happeps through what is s known as futus markrkets, setet u up to h helps managege the risk of pces changing over time. instead will we are seeing now is people coming in with no connection with the food supplpy whatsoever. >> thiss speculation is growing stronger and s stronger. think aboutut 20% off ththe tal is in the area of investor financials, financial investors, w who are just making not need, that they do
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the grain for any other purpose. prices riseave seen in recent months. he kind of waiteted. states is the principal of production, of course. , half of thefrosts children we expected went down. t the u.s. andfrom sosouth africa.. >> in a fistfight mexico,o, whn there is a low harvest and there , we see our poor
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harvests from mexico with the board relied on by food from abroad. this hits them hardest. >> for mexicans this means higher prices. >> something nice in the culture. [speaking foreign language]
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>> hunter is not thehe real problem here. it has massive impact. we've found that where food prices have risen, families have less s fruit anand berry ad have far less healthy dieets. taking out loans just to be able to afford food, cutting back on expenditures like health care and education, all of which has a much longer-r-term impact.
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>> the impact of higher prices is feltt thrououghout the expenditures of mexico and in terms of lower demand for other things. the mexican economy is the real concern because we do not see demand growing fast enougugh and we could b be next.. >> fooood spepelation iss rampat because of deregegulation of the markets. it was seen as big investments, banks moving into commodity markets, with $100 billion pouring into these markets. markets were overwhelmed, that is why it has become such a problem. >> the mexican government itself has begun to speculate on the market in an effort to counter the volatility. but many believe the only answer
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is regulation. >> they are looking at some kind of regegulation or action. it will diminish volatility in the future. i am not really worried about the large money coming in. >> we arare looking f for a limo the markets s at these e traders can hold. much more than t the other t tds who o rely on it d day in anand. nenew rules f for you, living involvement, allowing our prices to be more fair, stable, and transpsparent. ♪ >> southern italy. this is the center of the italian orange grove industry.
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thouousands of tons of fruit a e cultivateded from the surroundig countryside and brought here. sale then shipped off for as fruit or deep fruit, used in drink and manunufacturing. it is the ecologigistsscalationn ththat reveals a hidden sidede. >> [speaking foreign language]] >> citrus fruit cultivation is vital to the economy of thehe
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region, but rivalries abroad and a price crash have taken their toll. >> [speaking foreign language] >> each winter, thousands of migrants worked, hardly
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scratching a living harvestingg oranges. arerere from africa, some from eastern europe, many are in the country illegally. can be 25 euros for four days. but it can be much less. many migrants living in appalling squalor in rundown farm houses or makeshift salon is on the edge of town. -- slums on the edge ofof town. the ecologists had to go in after dark after being told that they were not welcome. >> i can see 2 200 people.
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>> there is no running w water, electricicity, or anything? >> no. when you u see the conditions, t is not rigight. >> mainstream hospitals often refuse to treat migrants.s. >> [ [speaking foreign language]
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>> some migrants are in temporary refugee camps. daniel's story is typical for many migrants arriving from africa. > [speakingng foreign langua] some rocks?? what happened? a lot of people? >> three people died. >> three peoeople died? > in 2010, they rolled over after two migrants were killed. many migrants will bust of town will that refresh your own safety. beenocal a authorities have trying t to tackle the problblem ever sincece. - -- [speakingus
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foreign language] >> is s due to be opeped by the authorities shortly after our visit, workers continued to rise each year. quick to hire. today manany want to return home but are trapped with no money, no documements, and no means of
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escape. there is growing anger and resentment. >> i am not criminal. i am workiki. we do not have no one to help. appetites. silence, poor vision. no future. ♪
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[cheers and applause] paul: woof. [laughter] well, i'm greatly honored to be here. thank you, kenny and ina, and thank you, all bioneers. it really feels like i've come home. i really have some groundbreaking newew research, never beenen revealed to an audience like this, only in the past several weeks, that i'm gonna reveal at the end of my talk. now, i'd like to start off my talk, because i'm wearing my favorite hat, it's a very cool hat, made from the amadou mushroom. it's a birch polypore mushroom. this hat is actually made by some ladies


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