tv Global 3000 LINKTV August 12, 2016 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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announcer: welcome to "global 3000." this week we pay a visit to the south african coast to see the only penguins at home on the continent. but their numbers are dwindling. how can they be saved? in colombia, we meet motivated young people who want to develop innovative ideas to improve conditions in their country. but first, we take a closer look at a photo series. a swedish photographer has captured arresting images depicting the lives of children fleeing war. all of our heads are filled with pictures.
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images are a powerful force, we absorb their content 60,000 times faster than information conveyed in text. pictures appeal to our emotions. they can move us, make us laugh , or feel happy or sad, but they can also deceive us. images are easy to manipulate, a process that begins the moment a subject is chosen. elements can also then be removed, or added. but there are photographs that really reach out and grab the observer, precisely because they show things exactly as they are. children sleeping peacefully. refugee children from syria rarely sleep so well. and when night comes, terror stalks them. tamam is five. she is from homs. magnus wennman: her father told
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us as soon as she lay down on the pillow, she started crying, because when she was laying down on the pillow, she remembered the sounds of the bombings. >> these children all had to flee their homes. now they rarely sleep in a proper bed. millions of syrian children have been displaced since the violence in their country began. swedish photographer magnus wennman has documented where children who have been forced to flee sleep. magnus wennman: i have a son my own. he's six years old. i put him to bed every night, so i know how important it is for him to feel safe, especially when he goes to sleep. it's a special moment, it's an intimate moment that i think most people can relate to. >> wennman works for the newspaper aftenbladet in stockholm. he wanted to find a way to bring home to his audience the kind of life child refugees are forced
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to live. he took photos in syria and in locations around europe for his project, entitled "where the children sleep." magnus wennman: they truly are the most innocent victims of this war. they have absolutely nothing to do with it. i want people to see this. i want people to know the stories of these children. >> last autumn, hungary suddenly erected a barbed-wire fence along the border to rbia, closing off the balkan route to the european union for refugees. these people arrived just a few hours too late. sham and his mother fell asleep right by the fence. this photo of lamar in a serbian forest won a world press photo award. nine-year-old fatima made it into the eu.
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wennman met her at a refugee hostel in sweden. she made such an impression on him that he also made a film about her. in "fatima's drawings," she describes what she has been through and what haunts her at night. magnus wennman: she told me that they had been going on a ship to italy. and that trip was really, really dangerous, and she had seen a lot of terrible things. fatima: on the boat, there was a pregnant woman. when she gave birth, her baby was dead. i saw two men throw it into the sea. i had never seen anything like that.
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it was horrible. >> wennman's photos reveal how the violence at home and their perilous journey continue to trouble these children even at night. when magnus wennman's son saw the photos of the children who are his age, he asked why children should have to live like that. magnus wennman: i imagine it's really hard to see these images , and at the same time, say that you want to close the borders. >> leaving borders open to refugees, that's also sething the members of sea watch advocate. in late 2014, the organization decided they would no longer sit
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on the sidelines and watch as thousands died trying to cross the mediterranean sea. for the past year, these lifesavers have been navigating the waters between libya and malta with two large ships and high speed patrol boats. what the teams experience on the open sea is impossible to forget. martin kolek: the light fell in such a way that i could clearly see something small swimming under the water. it looked like a doll, the arms were stretched out. it looked so peaceful. he wasn't right at the surface, but some way down. a little child, much lighter than the adults. as light as a feather. i instinctively took him in my arms, as you would a small child. i held him and looked at him. it was almost as if he were still alive. tiny fingers, beautiful eyes.
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i felt a surge of sadness well up inside me. i had an overwhelming urge to scream and shout, it was so weird. in the mediterranean, this tourist region, nody sees a baby sink into the water. i started to sing him a song, a melody know. becae i could not yell. i thought, i cannot howl in the presence of this child. ♪ frank dorner: we at sea watch released a photo of the dead baby in the arms of one of our rescuers. it was not an easy decision. it is not the kind of thing we wanted to do to attract attention. but these things happen every single day. it makes you want to explode and bang your fist on the table. you just want things to change,
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so that it never happens again. martin kolek: it was a strange feeling. and then, i made the decision to look at every single individual. they are not just corpses. they are people who set off on a journey in order tsurviv and we got there too late. in fact, our entire culture has arrived too late. when these people sink into the depths, they never reemerge. and ere are thousands down there. frank dorner: we are filling a gap. what we do is absolutely indispensible. many people's lives depend on it. we are not doing this because we really want to, but because it simply has to be done. the fact is, it is not our responsibility, d we don't
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want to be doing it. we'd be happy not to have to. the gap we are filling has not -- the gap we are filling has been left there put intentionally. europe's politicians are willg to let people suffer harm and die, because they think it will deter others from coming. martin kolek: first i felt pain, then rage. but i also knew in that moment that it would not make sense to be angry at anybody. we have to put all our energy into the task at hand. i can save my anger r later. that incredible rage is still there. rage at the structures that make these people drown in the mediterranean. but i can't direct that immense fury against any individuals in particular. and as to the politicians, i would not necessarily say that they bear full responsibility. but they do have the duty to address the issue, and to revise their decisions.
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>> the global shapers community is a worldwide collaboration of young adults whose aim it is to use their ideas to make our world a better place. suz is dedicated to helping children in her home country of myanamar. franklin, from panama, works together with young people to improve health care in his country, and elaine from vietnam wants to beautify her hometown ho-chi-minh city. and today, we introduce you to a global shaper from colombia. >> medellin's metro system is modern and efficient. the first line opened in 1995. these young people are visiting from all over south and central america to attend the conference of the global shapers initiative. they are interested in learning about how medellin managed to
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modernise and upgrade its infrastructure. the metro links outlying neighbourhoods, or comunas, that were once the domain of drug lords, to the city center. vigilant staff help keep the public transit system safe and clean. camilo ruiz is one of the organizers of this special sightseeing trip. this is the first time the annual meeting of global shapers is being held in his home town. they are going to visit comuna trece, neighbourhood 13. built on a steep hillside that was once a slum, notorious for squalor, drugs, crime and brutal gangs. jeaneth perez holguin: there are many things that stay with you for life. such as losing family members, friends and neighbours in the
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conflict we had here. i myself lost an uncle, a cousin and a brother. it is really rough. >> comuna 13 is changing fast. infrastructure investment is helping to revive the district and the entire city. kids can play outside without fearing for their lives. esteban jaramillo: we want to make things better for society. there aren't just bad guys living in this neighbourhood, killers and dealers. there are people who hold down jobs, who work as cooks, actors, or dancers. they have a perspective and prospects, a way out of the violence. >> in 2011, escalators were inauguarated that connect comuna trece with the city below. there's a drop of more than 380 meters from the top to the bottom. it is hard for outsiders to
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appreciate how bad things used to be. andres ramirez: try to imagine this without the escalator, or even proper steps, just dirt. well, that is how it was. people often had to carry their children on their backs to get to their homes up there on the hillside. >> global shapers learn from each other, their aim is to help drive social change and innovation. but not all activities are socially oriented or deal with urban planning. the conference is being held downtown. the participants come from all walks of life, law, business, the arts. they want to promote access to education and modern technology for all. latin america is the most unequal region in the world.
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the municipality is continuing to invest in comuna 13. and the local global shapers want to contribute to the transformation of their city. camilo ruiz: everyone keeps saying young people are the problem and not the solution. we have to realise that we are in fact the solution. and on top of that we always see , ourselves as the future. but we should actually see ourselves as the present. >> medellin has undergone an astounding turnaround, from the most dangerous city on earth to one that is more peaceful, more liveable, and more prosperous. but there is still a long way to go. >> our next report is part of our global ideas series. scientists estimate that 100 species disappear from the planet every day. we're interested in meeting people working to maintain biodiversity and nature
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conservation. this time, we have traveled to south africa. our reporter jurgen schneider went to the coast near stony point to speak with conservations there who are trying to prevent africa's only penguin species from dying out. reporter: these penguins are having a rest after a long day looking for food. they spend hours out in the ocean every day hunting fish, to feed themselves and their children waiting near the shore. the biggest colony of african penguins lives at the stony point nature reserve on the coast south of cape town.
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it is home to about two and a half thousand breeding pairs. cuan mcgeorge is a marine ranger and looks after the colony. he works for capenature, the conservation authority for the western cape. cuan mcgeorge: at this locality, it's the only colony that is actually growing. most of the other of the 27 colonies penguin colonies on our , south african coastline, most of them are in decline and some of them are even extinct. reporter: he counts the penguins every week, and takes a look at the chicks and the nests. the species is endangered. every penguin counts. cuan mcgeorg: the species is struggling. the species, we call it a sentinel species, an indicator specie of how healthy our ocean is, basically looking at the biomass. if the biomass is poor, the
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species is going to struggle. currently we are looking at 2%, 2.5% of the original stock of african penguins. we are down to, i think it is about 20,000 pairs, breeding pairs. reporter: a huge problem for the penguins is overfishing. they don't find enough to eat. many are killed by ingesting plastic rubbish, or by oil in the water. most colonies are on islands. stony point is only one of on two the african mainland. and they are both in coastal towns. penguins appear to like gardens. this one has set up home under a grill. leopards and other predators are evidently wary about entering developed areas. marine biologist dr. katrin ludynia and her colleague collect data about the health of the birds.
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katrin ludynia: we tag the birds to get basically an id for each bird to see how long they survive. so we calculate survival of the species, because the species is decreasing dramatically, so the number are going down, and by seeing how often we're going to see the birds through the years, we can calculate what their survival rate is and what their chances are to survive in the wild. reporter: indirectly, tourism helps the penguins. visitors can take boat rides to dyer island. it used to be the biggest breeding ground for african penguins. in the 1970s, there were 25,000 breeding pairs here. but the population has shrunk dramatically. a long-term problem has been the harvesting of guano, the penguins used to make burrows in it. income from the boat trips helps fund a penguin and sea bird sanctuary at gansbaai on the mainland, with a rehabilitation centre for the injured and sick.
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xulani lawo: he's got a seal bite wound. and then now we've just cleaned , the wound. so he's going to be with us for three weeks, and then we'll release him as soon as he recovers. now we are going to feed him. reporter: when he is fit again, he can go back home. penguins play an important role in the region's ecosystem. other sea birds often settle near their colonies. like these cormorants.
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this interrelationship, interconnectivity. we find that the penguins are plunge diver who then coopt and hunt in packs to actually bring the food to the surface and allow the other seabirds to feed. this dependence is very important between all seabirds. if you lose the one, you lose the others. reporter: at stony point, the public can observe penguins up close, and learn about their life and the region's biodiversity. on the boardwalk, humans can observe them without getting in the way. tourism needs to be carefully managed. tourist: i think with the correct education and information given to people, you know, if you go tourism -- it go -- ecotourism is balanced properly, yes, it will have a
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massive impact both positively , but it can also have a gative impact as well if not controlled properly. rerter: out in the ocean, the penguins are on their own, and are nearly impossible to protect. the fishing fleets are not concerned about the penguins' fate. if fish stocks continue to be depleted, the penguins will face starvation. cuan mcgeorge: it's only us as humans that can become part of the solution. we're the species that can make a choice. these guys don't have a choice. big sea, big swell, they must go out and go and forage for their daily bread basically, regardless of trawlers, plastic, debris in the water, the challenges faced with sharks and seals. these guys are dedicated to survive. so yes, there is always hope.
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i think if we lose hope, we lose the essence of live. philippines to try a traditional snack. it is considered a delicacy there. reporter: this is negros oriental province in the philippines. the country's colorful history is reflected in its cuisine. there are spanish, mexican, chinese, indian, japanese and american influences. fish and rice may be dietary staples, but we want to focus on something sweet. leliosa redira has been making and selling local specialities at her stall for more than 45 years.
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leliosa redira: this little pastry is called shakoy. to make it, you need five ingredients, rice flour, eggs, lard, milk, and brown sugar. reporter: the 75-year-old prepares seven kilos of a dough daily to make these twisted doughns, as well as another philippine speciality. leliosa redira: these are called butchees. they are filled with the meat of a young coconut and caramelised brown sugar. reporter: she leaves the dough to rise for an hour, then deepfries her shakoys and
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butchees in coconut oil. after the excess oil has drained away, leliosa redira sprinkles them with sugar. leliosa redira: my shakoys and my butchees are the national delicacies. reporter: and what do her customers say? >> i buy five or six a day. every day. reporter: ms. redira still has to make another batch for the afternoon. shakoys and butchees are a popular snack any time of day. >> ♪ tell you what you want really, really want >> ♪ i'll tell you what i really, really want ♪ >> ♪ i really, really, want someone to say aa ♪
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reporter: what do girls really want? two decades have passed since the spice girls shot to fame with their hit wannabe. now the song has been reissued by project everyone to increase awareness of the united nation'' global goals. and gender equality is among them. >> ♪ i'll tell you what i really want, what i really, really want ♪ >> ♪ i really, really, really want ♪ reporter: the video has already been viewed on the internet over 1.4 million times. it also appeals to women and girls to share their wishes and hopes in the social networks using the # whatireallyreallywant. these will then be presented to the un general assembly in september. >> and that's all from global 3000 this week. we love hearing from you, so send us an email, or visit us on
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08/12/16 08/12/16 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! as republican presidential nominee donald trump lays blame on obama for the wars engulfing the middle east, we'll look at a remarkable new report on what's happened in the region since the u.s. invasion of iraq in 2003. '
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