tv United Nations 21st Century LINKTV August 19, 2016 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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luis: [speakiking spaninish] [drums and cheering] narrator: the mapuche, not only chile's largest indigenous group, but also known for their courage and skills as warriors. they are one of the only indigenous peoples in latin america, which during centuries withstood total domination by the spanish conquistadors. their downfall came later. elisa: [chanting]
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narrator: elisa has traveled 700 kilometers south to her ancestral territory, where to this s day the mapuchan are engaged in a bitter struggle to recover lands lost to both the spanish and then the chileans. her focus now, though, is to support her people in the rival of the language and culture both closely linked to their access to land. [both speaking spanish] elisa: [speaking spanish]
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class: kinturay. elisa: kvyenx. woman:n: [speaking spanish] elisa: [speaking mapudugun] narrator: but these are courses at a private university. says elisa, to really increase the number ospeakersall mapuche children should have the right to study in school in their language, which is not currently the case. elisa: [speaking spanish] narrator: in rural areas, this may be possible, but in the city, now home to some 70% of the indigenous population of chile, it's rare. elisa: [speaking spanish]
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narrator: scattered across a sprawling city, the indigenous are also among the poorest and most marginalized in the country. and says elisa, frequently subject to discrimination. elisa: [speaking spanish] narrator: consequently,y, only some 4% of young mapuche speak their language, a problem recognized by the government. marcos: [speaking spanish]
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luis: [speaking spanish] narrator: for decades, indigenous peoples have been organizing to make their voices heard globally. here, elisa speaks at the united nations in new york. elisa: [speaking spanish] man: dos votos. narrator: in 2007, thehe united nnations dececlaration on indigenous rights was adopted.
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simson: we have to move backwards. we have to move backwards. narrator: solitary and sometimes aggressive,e, the black rhino is onon the critically endangered list.t. simson: if they kill 1,000,0, 60 per year, that's the end of the rhrhinos in namibiaia, actu. narrator: the black rhino's twin threats, poaching and drought. narrator: namibia, southwest africa. its landscapes, mostly uninhabited, haven't changed in millions of years. hollywood movies have filmed these mountains to depict pre-historic life. talking of pre-historic, there's an animal that traces back to those times still living in this area, but it's
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endangered. and in the semi-desert wilderness of northwest namibia's kunene region, it's not easy to track down. simson: that's where he was walking. that's the spore. see 3 toes. narrator: meet simson uri-khob. he's head of the save the rhino trust. simson: i lovove my work. t th's why i am here all the time.. narrator: simson is a legend in rhino conservation. he started repairing cars for the save the rhino trust before working his way up, becoming a tracker and studying conservation biology. simson: this one young calf, he will run. bloody run off. narrator: today, though, we missed what we're looking for, a black rhino,o, a species at serious risk of extinction. in this case, a young calf who ran off at the first inkling that humans were in his area. we'll keep trying. simson: well, there's quite a rhino activity here. you can see
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the spore where they have been browsing on the trees and also on the shrubs. so, yeah, they are around. the wind is ok. we don't know what's going to happen on top there, but so far, as you can see, the e wind is going this wy and the a animals are up here. o we have to go o is directition. narrator: black rhinos have poor eyesisight, but if they get the faintest whiff ofof you, and they're also very sensitive to noise, this is all you're likely to see. after the first day, we literally had 10 secononds of useable footage. but then on the second day, finally. simson: yeah, gone. i haven't
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seen the ears yet, but i think thisis is a young cow called tuh becauause this is her t territo. she used to live hehere. wait. narrator: but then0-0-year-old tuttah smed to hear r something. simpson: whwhat happened was during the relocatioion... ops. ops. ops. we have to move backwards. we have to move backwards. narrator: tutah begins to charge. we retreat in disordede. and simson, knowing what to do, throws a stone into tutah's path. simson jokes with his fellow trackers. simson: [speaking native language] i aiaim for it. i know if it''s coming there, it's s really coming. it's coming like on 45 kilometers an hour. so it's fast. you'll never outrun it. narrator: you see, that's the thing about the black rhino.
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it's mostly a solitary beast.. it''s nervovous and aggggressiv. look at these incidents from national parks in southerern africa. nnote the blbloody wound on thehe backside of the rhino o on the rigight. [rhinos grunting] ththe 140 black rhino livining n the kunene region, an area larger thanan portugal, are unique. simson: this is actually the e last vast area, open area, free, where you find free moving black rhinos on earth. nnarrator: unle in the n nationl parks with theheir numerous tourists, black rhinos in kunene are nonot fenced in. they're t y wild and very wary ofof human contact, although many of have been dehorned to protect them againsnst poacaching. on the rit is a bull called don't worry with a cow, mara. it's day 3.
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simson telells me he once had to stayay up a tree for two and a half hours after don't worry chased hihim there. here, he sprays to markrk out his territitory. sounds effects courtesesy of simpsonon. mpson: [making sprpraying soundd narrator: overall, there are fewer than 5,000 wild black rhinin in existence,llll in afrfrica. they're officiaially classified as a crititically endanangered species. black r rs here are specially a adapted f r thehe semi-desert conditions.s.y can go for 3 or more days without t water and they eat plants where they can draw sosoe moisture, such as the euphorbia damarana, that are poisonous to most other animals. simson: he''s a cow. and you can see the scratch mark on the back. see that scratch mark? why this--they are mating. it''s the bull'l's hooveses, when he climbed up.p. see, that scratch up there l le ththat? narrator: mating i is obviously vivital if the species is to
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survive. b black rhinos couple p for justst a few days at a a ti. simsonon: then, like, 17, 18 months later, , then the cow wil have a calf. narrator: but even if the calf is born, that's not the end of the stotory. there are still plenty of chalallengeses. simson: we've been facing drougught in this area forr the past 4 years, i would say. this is the worst i have everr seen in my 25 years of workingng in this area. yeah. therere shod be water here. not even sisingle sign of water here. human threat is there, but now the drought is also another threat. so we f facing two thres at once. and they both hammering us, actually. yeah. narrator: in a severe drought lilike this, a cow may well l ne able to produce enough milk and the calf will starve to death.
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the second threat, the human threat, is poaching. so far namibia has not been as badly affected as neighboring south africa. illegal hunting is driven by the huge demand for rhino horn in parts of asia where it's sold quite falsely as a cure for diseases like cancer. [indistinct chatter] rhino horn is literally worth more than gold in this market. simson: it stararted off in souh africa, and the numbers just rose there until 1,000, 600, i think, a year.
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[gunshot] ifif that happenened in namibiaf they killed 1,000, 600 p per ye, then that's the end of the rhinos in namibiaia, actual. narrator: rececently, poachers have moved across namibia and eventualally found their way to kunene. pilot: we are approroaching... narrator: as welell as surveillance from the airir, sae the rhino trust trackks are out every week monitoring and photographing bckck rhino andnd enteriring them intoto a databa. they also look out for sususpicious vehicles anand activitieies. 30 years ago, there werere only 60 b black rhinonos in successfuful conservavation eff, that tripipled. but now, in thee last few years, that number has been dropping again because of drought and poaching. so what is the way forward? simsmson: i guarantee you iif yu don't have the support of the community on community land in conservation, then yoyou migt as well foforget. it's not
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working. narrato the most t effective way to prorotect the black rhino iso bring in the local commumunity. bondnds roman has been locally rrecruited aa guguide forr ourists whwho come to desert rhino camp at the heart of kunene. the camp is run by wilderness safaris, who in turn collaborate with the save the rhino trust. it's s a win-win-win. a limiteded numberf tourists bring in money, which finances the momonitoring and protection of f the black rhino and also creates jobs for local people. bobonds: this community system r conservation system where by you, the local, make a decision. you are involved with the things you love together. and thatt makes it actuallyly a succccessu tthing, you know. the ownership that you feel.. narrator: and so s simson and hs tteam can keep on tracking. simson: as you can see here, black rhinos tend to usee
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the samame dung pile as they go into the water or coming fromom the water. this is very fresh. it's still wet wet. therere's quite a lot of fiber n it here. and then you found sticks 'cause theyey browse and they browse quite a lot on trees and shrubs. narratator: it's day 4 and we're on the right path. simson has founund fresh rhihino dung. andw a surprise, tutah, the cow seen on the right who c chased us off jujust two days s ago, has been joined by 33-y-year-old ben forr mating. with ben's protection, she's wary, but not so nervous. simson: our r goal, actually, is to have as many a as possibible black rhinos roaming in nthwest kununene region in ththe future. that's what we want.
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hello. i'm james tengan in tokyo. welcome to nhk "newsline." an online video of a bloody and shocked boy has gained attention in syria. the boy was rescued from rubble in aleppo. the video shows the 5-year-old being taken to hospital by ambulance on wednesday. he was pulled from t the remain of a building destroyed by an air strike. covered d with dust, he looksks dazed and shocked to see blood
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