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tv   Earth Focus  LINKTV  August 21, 2016 2:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> totoday on " "earth focus"... elephants on the edge of extinction--two stories from asia, coming up on "earth focus." beneath thehe canopy of indonesia's rainforest, life comes together to produce an amazing symphony of wild sounds. [whistling] [low growl] [roaring] [chirping] [bellowing] but now, , the rainfoforest's mt booming voice is increasingly hard to find. [deep trumpet] the sumatran elephant teeters on the edge of extinction, and
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there's no one else to blame but ourselves. [loud buzzing] it's here in grocery stores where thehe fate of i indonesian elelephants begins. you may have never heard of it, but palm oil, a common vegetable oil, , has been a growing presee on supermarket shehelves s since 1990s. it's high yield, versatilility, and p price maket an exceptional competitor against alternative vegetable oils. today, palm oil and its deririvatives arare present t i% of all packaged food. products like bread, cookies, chocolate, chips, and even shower soap.
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the consumer benefits, but the sumatran elephants pay a prpric. their habitat is cleared by legal andnd illegal loggers to make room for palm oil planantations. we sent ourur u.. field producer jim wickens to the aceh region of north sumatra. here the leuser ecosystem m is one of the last remaining strongholds for indonesian wildlilife. it's a 6-million-acre protected park, but it's being illegally cut down to make room for palm oil. >> wewe've e driven intnto the r ecosyststem. this is a place e f tigers, elephphants, rhinos, and orangutans. it's susupposed to e protecteded. but we'veve been td off by rangegers here that there is illegal deforestation going onon as we speak. we're going to go and try to film them and get t right up close to the destructction.
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keep going. we've been hiking for hours to get here, right on the edge of where the trees are being cut d down. i'm standnding just ters from whwhere the chainsawas are opererating. i'm whihisperig because we'veve been tolold by r guguides that these e people are highly dangerorous. [chainsaws in backgrouound] and it's likekely to get violent if wewe move any closer. [man shououts in didistncnce] you cacan hear the trerees fallg through the canopy. it's one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. [chopping]] and it's beining destroyed. every day we consume palm oil, labeled as vegetable oil. and a lot of it is coming from
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hehere indndonesia. the'vv converted t the lowlands alread. and now the palm oioil plantatis are e moving up p and up thehe , toto here, leeuser raiinforest. we've gotta go. >> leuserer isn't the onlnly ple experiencing deforestation. sincnce 1985, more than 50% of e forests in sumamatra have b been cleared, not just for palm oil plantations, but also for paper, wood, mines, , and road infrastructure. what took thousands ofof years to grow is coming down at an alarming rate. >> look at that.
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we traraveled d for over r an h, deep into t this palm o oil plantatition, till w we've got , the f front line of the expansi. this expapansion here is illegal under indonenesian law, and it's all happening for p palm oi this timbmber wilbebe shippededf to market, and in its place, in a matter ofof days, yououng m oil seedlings wiwill be planted. >> palm m oil is one of the momt widespreread vegetable oils throughout the world. within indonesia itself and also china and india, the 3 of them account for f more than h half of the, uh, the world's consumption of palm oil. but the u.s. and european unioion are also major players and can rereally, you
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knknow, set the standard fofor others to follow. >> we all know about the charismatic megafauauna that lie in africica--elephants, ons,s, hippos, thingsikike that. i guess whwhat's less knowown to the inteternational communityy are t the chaharismaticegafafaua inin asia, anand particulularly sumatra. . so here wewe have ac, 3.5 million hectares of rainforest, it contains about a third of ththe sumatran elepht population, uh, possibly a third of ththe sumatran tiger popatation.t cocontns neaeay 90% of f the sumatran oraututan poputition. 'crititilly importanfor the surviv o of rge mammals, nojust in suatra b b across asia as ll. lephants pfer lowland fore haitat. th'their primeme habita that's also t h habit oror t lananthat's most mandnd f agriculraral lantations or for gggging concesons as wl. thexpansion palm l plantions rtaiainly s bebeen
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a kecontribur to eleant fest hatat loss. at' wihout aoubt. >> the future of this mountain elephant is b bleak. it's a r ry difficicult situation. as s lons there's a demand fofor oil palm there's going to be a demand to clear lowland rainforestt in sumatra. >> the didistinct and uniquee ssumatran elephant is s now considdered critically enendangered, meanining that i'n imminent danger of extinctioion. >> you know, when you don't have governments, when you don''t hae enforcement, a y you got thehe chance to me pipiles of mononey, guess what''s ggonna happepen. right, and we're s seeing that play out. from a pure economic standpoint, you've got to sort of look at all the politicalal actors. the palm oil is generating revenue for the government in termsms of export taxes on palm oil,l, in terms of papayroll taxes and paymyments o sococial secucurity systems and all of t the government programs. palm oil is more valuable than the forest right now because of the way we value forests. >> while indonesia is looking to
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scale up its p production of pam oil, thisis will come at a great cost. it wiwill come at a great cost to o the enenvironment ande ecosystem. >> with their old homes ddeforested, elephantsts and otr wildlife have toto move somewhe. it's here in farmiming villages thaat humans a and elephanants cocollide. inin aceh, comommunis rely on agriculture, and when elephants begin eating those crops, conflicts become deadly.. >> [speaking local language]
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>> loss of life isn'tew to the pepeople of aceh. for over 30 years,s, violent c clashes occcd between rebels and the jakarta government, until 2004, when a peace treaty was signed. over 15,000 people died in that conflict. two yes after r the peace treaty, aceh was hit by a series of deadly floods, killing dozens. experts believe extensive logging in the surroundinhills causused the floods. >> [speaking lolocal nguauage]
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>> after such adversity, many commununities are e just tryingo reilild. and foror young farmer, like sabararuddin, elelephants d other wildlilife pose a threreao their livelihood. >> [speaking local language]
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>> with money on the line, it'ss oftenen hard to f find solutitis tthat are good for bototh people and elephants. but with no solutions at all, the conflicts can turn ugly. baby elephants are often cacaptured, domesticated, and used for entertatainment. >> [s[speaking lolocal language] [elephanant owlsls] >> this isis rajah t the elephan he''s been named byby the villas who found him in a trap, o on a plantationon about a month a.. apparently y he'ss just over a r old. as cute as he is, it's a really tragic story. he's on his own, chained up, padlocked, well away from his family, where he should be leararning the skis to sururvive in ththe wild. and efeffectively,y, he's s now dooo a life of... being i in a camp p somewhere. and this s is--this i is rely vy
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muchch the heaeart of the e prom here in n sumatra. t the communy are telllling us that they'y're really fed upup with the e elephants s coming in and taking food d crops everery, from the wild. and ththey feel pretetty strongly about, y you , the g government needs toto help themem, not the e elephants.s. d theyey're e refusing to let rajh go, to give him to t government vets, unntil they y t compensation f for their crops. >> that compensation never came, and shortly after these images were taken, rajah died. > [speaking local language] >> the body of an elephant lies rotting on the forest floor. a casualty of the human/elephant conflict, this elephant was killed using rat poison.
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as more palm oil is planted and more habitat cleared, more elephants will find a similar fate. conflict elephants that aren't poisoned are often capturured ad placed in government-run camps. forcibly taken from their herds, these elephants now face a lifetime of captivity. despitite the best effort of government employees at the camps, the i issue of what to do with these so-called problem elephants remains largely unsosolved. one e nonprofit organizatation, fauna & flora international, , is trying g to help. theheir conservatio response uninit, or cru, made up of 14 elephants, is being dedeployed to o prevent human/wildlifefe conflict. in communities where conflicts
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exist, the cru will push elephants back to remaining forest areas away from villages. >> [speaking l local language] >> these approaches can be very effective on t the small scale,
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um,m, and also in the shortrt t. at the end of the e day, a as elhahant habitat shrks,, elephphants are g going to spend more and more time coming out of the forest. so the lonong-term solution is not community based initiatives to drive elephants back to the forest. the long-term solution is to make sure there's enough room for the elepephants to live in t the nal habitat without t having to come intoto human hababitation. >> the best h hope to conservee tthe sumatraran elephantnt is actualally to o conserve t the n aceh, because that's where the bbiggest populatations are.. so in order to conserve the eleephants, we've got to consere those lowland rainforests, which means conserving leuser. >> graham usheher is trying to o just ththat. he is s a man on aa mission.n. he is using new technology to capture an aerial view of ththe illegal logging opererations. he h hopes it t wl help protect elephphant habitat.
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>> we've been flying a uav, unmanned aerial vehicle. that gives us the capacity to fly program missions over a set route with cameras anand other sensors on n board, s so we can basicically get a an aerial vie what's gogoing on on the ground. >> [indistinct] >> ok, can you hold this? ok, she''s on course. good airspee ground speed's ok.. today we saw that a very large areaea of regrgrowth forest in e leuser ecosystem has been cleared and is being replanted with palm oil. this sort of work, collection of evidence, provides us with a much stronger case when you go to decisionmakekers and sayay, , this is what's s going on. . the are your laws. whwhy isn't actin
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beingng taken? it's very likely that palm oil from these, uh, illegalllly logged areas wililld up onon supermarkrket shelves unless we are very, very careful. >> as consumers, we need to be far more wary of which products contain n palm oil and putt pressure on the retailers and the food indudustryo o ensu that thosose products contain p palml that comes from sustainable souources. >> > we do haveve an opportrtun. previous to all of this, it was really a seller's market, although there was much more demand than there was supply. an so this i is really the time to really push hardrd aund d the palm issue, because it is gonna be about access to o markets. so we''ve got a littttle bit of leverage, but t we really soso hahave to takeke the fightht ane conversation to the chinas, the indiaias, and thehe indonesias, becausehehey have a g great, grt role in terms of being able to put market pressure and t try to change it.
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>> [speaking local languagage] >> whenever i go to sumatra, whenever i walk into the forest in sumatra, it's like walking into a wall of diversity. it's incredible. if we coould save sumatran elephants in t the lowwland areas of sumumatra, we we would be saving so much moree than elephphants. that to me is the crux, is this huge amount of bibiodiversityty that you'u'e saving by protecting the--this mamagnificicent creature that ie sumatraran elephantnt.
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>> if we don't takake urge action, a fefew years down the roroad we willll be looking at e leuser ecosystem and d saying, my god, why didn't we do more when n we had the chance? >> for baby elephants like this, the future remains uncertain. if deforestation continues, it is unlikikely the susumatran elephanants will survive. but people can make a difference before it's ttoo late and the elephants disappear forever. whwhile elephants in susumatra e habitat loss from palm oil, elephants in thailand face e a completely different set of problems.s. here, tourism is ffueling the illegal trarade of baby elephants. >> [speaking thahai] >> elephant rides, festivals,
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and camps are a must for thousands of tourists who flock toto thailand each yearar. but beyond the happy smiles, there is a dark reality behind the origin of these elephants. a brutal trade that experts claim threatens the survival of some of the world's last remaining populations of asian elelephants. >> we traveled to the region of chiang mai in northern thailand, home to many of the elephant camps enjoyed by tourists. >> there have been recent sites basesed in africa watching elephantnts, among other t thin, for a veryry, ryry lontimeme, whereas in asia there's very little e research has been n do. very little has been said about the dramatic drop in population.
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no one would have any idea that this species isis also endanger. >>ohohn roberts s runsn elelepht camp. he was one ofof the firsto recognize the link between the supply of elephants for the tourism industry and elephant hunting in the wild. >> we've beenumpiping up andd dowwn saying, , if you buyuy an elephant, you''re prprobably tag ananother elepephant out of thte wild. we realized very early on that buying elephants was causing a problblem and hururtig the wild popululation or a at ls thee burmese p population. >> the hunting of wild elephants is illegal in thailand, but experts claim the practice is widespread in neighboring burma, and itit threatens the lasast healthy popopulations s of asian elephants that reside there. baby elephants are particularly sought after. >> it's very attractivive to totourists or thaiai people, so evererybody wants baby elelepha, and ththey are worth a lot of money. you don'n't need any documents, no microchip, so it's super e easy. you go into t the jungle, you catchch an elephant, you trtrain them, , and a mononh later you can get likeke 600,000
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baht, and if you can imagine how much money t this is in n thaild and d how easy it is to dodo... >> teams of hunters surround herds of elephants, killing the parents and other adults who try to defend their young. investigations have revealed that as many as 5 adults m may e slain for every calflf captured. the defenseless calves are then smuggled across the border. these e rarely seen images s shw elephants being forced to endure a cruel spirit-breaking ritual known as the fashong. these activities take place in remote camps on the e burmese boborderr fromom the publilic eye. >> in thailand, they use sharp things to stab them. theyey use knives, they use axe, they use a stick to beat them. anything that will make the elephant painful and afraid of people. a lot of them die. we have a
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record how ththe elephantnt die. die e from suffocate, die e from ststarvation, die from m the st, and somme of them diee from the heartbreak because they y uldn't accept it. >> while the lucrative trade in wild elephant smuggling is illegal in thailand, lekek alles that it involves corruption on various levels. >> have the police involved, have thehe militarary involved. you know, if you want to make birth certificate or i.d. card, you can fake it. big money for the e official t to issue the p. >> once you are confronting these infnfluential p people tht are abobove the law, it can g gt quite dangerous. there were some camp owners that like told me literarally that i if i was a ay i would be dead a already. >> shortly before the making of this film, a local informant in the area disappeared. activists fear the worst but carry on nevertheless. >> people who work with the animal in this coununtry, t th'e afraid. myself, i afraid, , too,
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but to be honest, the animal are more afrfraid. >> we put these allegations to the deputy director of the nattional parks authoritity, whe remit isis to protect and police the coununtry's wildlife. >> [speaking thai] >> but despite such assurances, evidence suggests trade in wild calves is still ongoing. >> investigations in ththe last 6 months and conversatitions hae beenen had with tradaders and elelephant owowners have e showt least 14 w wild-caughtht calvese bebeen traded d across the boder from burmrma into thahai camps. aand we believe this is justst a fraction of the numbers. >> elephant advocates claim the
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presence of scarreded baby elephants at the recent surin elephant festival also hihighlight ththe need foror urt action. >> the world has lost u up to 9% of its asian elephants in t the last 100 years. and unless actualally more isis done to prt this species and stop activities susuch as thee illegal l live t, then we're g going to lose the asian n elephant in the wiwild foforever.r. what we're e askinr is only a registration of captive bull l calves so o that they're actuaually registstered within two weeks of f birth. and to makeke thievenen songer,r, we're also o callining for a dna ddatabase. >> nowow, with allll this prooot we have, is rereally the m momen to form a an internatational ccommunity to, y you know, push thailaland to realally enforcece lalaw a finally realllly protect the wild elepephants. >> until then, the plight of burma'a's wild elephantsts conts to hang in the balance. ññ
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announcer: this is a production of china central televisision america. lee: even though it's 2016, girls' education around the world is still a pressing problem. but some people are takiking matters i into their on hands. they're using social entrepreneurship, opening up access to technology, and providing connections with female role models. this week on "full frame," conversations with people who are committed to providing an education for girls and women no matter what their circumstance. i'm may lee in los angeles. let's take it "full frame."
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born in tehran, shohreh aghdashloo began her career acting in iranian films in the 1970s. after leaving iran, shohreh moved to the uk, where she began a promising career as a journalist. eventually, she immigrated to the united states, moving to los angeles and returning to her first love, acting. and she made a very good choice. she has been nominated for an academy award and has won an emmy as well as several other awards. she starred in more than 25 films and currently plays the lead role in an american tv series on syfy network called "the expanse." shohreh: that's another thing. i want evevery martianan weapons fafacility undnder a microscope. man: they are. you know, your belter wilill like graravity ona betttter. shohreh: that's the only thing he'll like. i'm afraid for him.
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man: heaven help your enemies, chrisjen. shohrereh: heaven help us alallf mamars and t b belt cidede to share a otothbrush. bobold move, i'll give him that. man: why? shohreh: the cold war is over. this is something new. lee: recently, shohr s starr alongside rgrgan femanan a clive enen in e fifilmlast ightht" and shshe haa starring rolinin thepcomomin feature filmththe prise,e," whicich buts thiyear. ww ofscreen, ohreh suorts mother miracle, a non-profit organization in india that works to improve theheuality of life for children and families by providing a chance at quality education. here to sharare her story about her amazing career and to tell us more about mother miracle is shohreh aghdashloo. welcome to the show. thank you so much for being here. shohreh: oh, you're so kind. thank you so much for having me.
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lee: and, i mean, let's be straight here. you have had an amazing acting career so far. you've won an emmy award, nominated for an academy award, multiple other awards. you can stop here and be really good, but is it still fresh to you and new to you and exciting to you? shohreh: it is always fresh, new, and exciting. i'm learning like a good teacher. lee: yeah. shohreh: i used to tell my mother that--which one of my teachers was the best? and my mother would ask me, "why do you think this is the--that she is the best?" and i said, "because she keeps studying when she goes home." it's not like that she knows everything now and she's trying to teach it to us. lee: right. shohreh: every time she goes home, she studies herself to make sure what she is teaching us is... lee: and you appreciated that even then... shohreh: absolutely. lee: the idea of continuing education. shohreh: absolutely. especially in this business, in my business. lee: yeah. shohreh: it's like an ocean. the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know about this business. lee: wow. well, for you, though,
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because you grew up in iran with traditional parents... shohreh: yes. lee: probably wanted you to do something much more traditional, conventional, right? like most parents want their kids to do. shohreh: modern thinking, yes. lee: something safe. shohreh: my mother would have loved for me to wear a--she said it, "why on earth don't you become a secretary, wear a nice st. laurent or cartier scarf, and a nice cartier--drive to your work every morning and come home early? why do you have to do this and work until 4 a.m.?" and i'm like, "ma, i love my profession." lee: right. so when did you know that you had this acting bug? shohreh: 16. lee: ok. so young. shohreh: i was already acting. lee: right. shohreh: for the members for the family. lee: oh, ok. shohreh: i started when i was 7. i would mock my family beautifully. the way that my uncle asked my mother--called my mother and said, "ask shohreh to stop it. i don't like it when shohreh..." lelee: oh, really? shohreh: and my mother told me and said, "why do you think is
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that? " i said, "'cause i do a good job." lee: yes. shohreh: and--but i didn't know it was acting. lee: huh. shohreh: we were at the caspian sea with my cousins... lee: ok. shohreh: they used to live there. it's in my book, in my memoir. beautiful, beautiful part of my life. and one afternoon, we decided to go and watch--and see "gone with the wind." lee: oh. shohreh: what had--recently, came to the--to the theaters in the caspian sea. lee: you must have been blown away. shohreh: after the movie, i came out, i told my mother, "i am becoming an actress no matter what." and she said--she looked at me and she said, "none--not under our roof." lee: oh, no! shohreh: and she was right. lee: really? shohreh: they didn't allow me. lee: yeah, so you had to kind of--not really sneak around, but you did things that-- shohreh: no. but i really liked the man whom i married. lee: yeah. shohreh: he was an artist. he was a painter. he has studied in switzerland and france, very modern thinking. and i knew he was gonna let me do it. lee: yeah. shohreh: and i asked him, i didn't fool him. i didn't marry him first and then ask him. lee: right. and he was really
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supportive, wasn't he? shohreh: he was. as soon as i said--i said, "do you mind if i become an actress after we get married?" and he goes, "hmm, i don't see why not." and, "when would you like to marry me?" lee: i have to--i have to stop for a second right here because--and just talk about your voice. you have the most amazing, exotic, like, unique voice. i thought i had a deep voice, but yours, it just puts mine to shame. shohreh: thank you. lee: has that been an advantage to you or has it-- shohreh: yes, especially in theater. lee: yeah. shohreh: my mother has the same voice but she's not... lee: does she? shohreh: she's not happy with it. lee: oh. shohreh: she was never happy with it because when people call home they were like, "hello mr. vaziri," she would say, "this is mrs." lee: oh, no! shohreh: she had to. but i don't like to correct people. i love it when they take me for a sir. lee: because when i was growing up, i had a low voice as a kid and my mom hated it, because it's--it wasn't feminine enough and she would always try to change my voice, say, "make--speak like this, a little more like this." i'm like "no." shohreh: use your head voice. i know. i've heard that. i've
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heard that. lelee: oh, my god. shohreh: ok, here don't laugh too hard-- lee: yeah. shohreh: because, you know, when you have a thick voice--my mother when we're going to the parties, "oh, you don't look presentable. you don't look right. what is this hair? and by the way, please don't laugh loud." lee: oh, my god. shohreh: just--you know, "you have a thick voice," and i'm like, "yes, i do know. don't worry." lee: it sounds like you didn't really listen to your mom so much there. you kind of just did your own thing. shohreh: never. i did my own thing. lee: which is a--which is... shohreh: it's just the generation. lee: but the--that's why--it's a good decision that you did because you've been so successful. and what i love about the roles that you've taken over the years is that you've been very bold and courageous in the roles that you've taken, and they're very diverse. shohreh: i'm very choosy. lee: sometimes controversial though, right? shohreh: yes. lee: sometetimes you choose e se controversial-- shohreh: purposely. lee: yeah. shshohreh: eveven controversiai. lee:e: o of them beieing "24." shohrereh: "24." yes. lee: right. great series. huge hit-- shohreh: yes. lee: that series was, but you played a middle eastern terrorist. shohreh: yes. lee: and some people criticize you for doing that.
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shohreh: they did. some did. lee: but you totally disagree with their take, right? they were different. shohreh: i did because my point was the fact that i'm an actor. lee: mm-hmm. shohreh: and i gave an arm and a leg for a complex character like her. lee: right. shohreh: she was a mother, a lover, a woman, a believer, a follower. i mean, layer after layer after layer, and the way the brilliant writers of the 24-- lee: yeah. shohreh: wrote these pieces she started revealing throughout the season. it wasn't like at the very beginning, or she makes the arc in the middle. it was very smooth. lee: mm-hmm. shohreh: they have amazing writers. lee: yeah. uh-huh. shohreh: and very smoothly, she was--she revealed herself throughout. and this is an amazing role-- lee: uh-hmm. yeah. shohreh: which every actor, again, would give an arm and a leg for. lee: sure. shohreh: that was my answer to them. that, and also the fact that there weren't any iranian names under terrorist lists. lee: right.
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shohreh: and i said, "do you see any iranian names?" and i don't understand why every time i'm good for a role, to portray this role, i look better than my fellow american or, you know, fellow actor who's blonde. why does it--why, all of a sudden, it is considered as a stereotype? lee: mmm. shohreh: 'cause i truly believe that if i'm good in doing this, i should do it. lee: right. right. yeah. yeah. why not? shohreh: it's not a stereotype if i--if i'm good in doing this. lee: but i guess in a respectable way-- shohreh: it's not typecast anymore. lee: to a certain extent. yeah. what--i think it's... shohreh: it's about acting. it's about quality. lee: but boy, it must be so challenging though because of the politics and the issues and the cultural issues... shohreh: it is. lee: and social issues to be able to try and marry all of that into a role and do it well and have people believe you, right? t that's--welell, that's acting. that's a gogood actor.. shohreh: t the acting, you know, so the politics surround it. lee: right. right. shohreh: what you have to be careful of. lee: well this, again, also
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about you is that you're very vocal about various issues, world issues, current events, politics, and i love it when i see high-profile people, celebrities, vips who use that--their platform, their fame to be able to talk about issues that are important and, you know, educate the public that way. that's really important to you, isn't it? shohreh: absolutely. the platform which you beautifully refer to is the essence of my work. i started it in the uk, london. hyde park. right after i migrated to london, drove to london, drove myself to london from tehran to london, having--i had to go through istanbul, yugoslavia, italy, south of france. lee: how long did that take you? shohreh: got--12 days. lee: wow. ok. shohreh: got myself to london and started studying--went to hyde park corner, speakers' corner-- lee: mm-hmm. shohreh: saw people standing on boxes, fruit boxes, giving
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speeches, talking politics. and i said, "everybody can do that?" and my friend said, "yes, of course. whoever would like to talk, they--all they need to do to bring a box with them." as of then, i took a box with me for a couple of weeks, stood on the box. lee: did you? shohreh: and started... lee: wow. shohreh: it's in the book. started talking about iran and what was going on in iran and all the injustices, and the fact that thousands of people are now being displaced and... lee: yeah. shohreh: so it started with that platform. lee: and you continued that. shohreh: and it continued-- lee: yeah. shohreh: and every time it got bigger, they gave me an inch, i took a yard. lee: oh, good for you! shohreh: because--yeah. because i was in a hurry. lee: right. shohreh: and i wanted--and i really meant it. it wasn't like i was trying to make myself famous or--i wasn't trying to become rich. in fact, every time i give classes, free classes to underprivileged children only. the first thing i say, when i walk into the class i say, "if you're here for fame and fortune, you're in the wrong class."
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i didn't start it that way. lee: right. right. right. yeah. shohreh: because you want to be useful to your people. lee: yes. exactly. and but in-- shohreh: that's why i need that platform. lee: with purpose, right? with genuine purpose. shohreh: genuine. lee: you know, speaking of another platform, and it's a current issue right now in hollywood, the whole controversy over lack of diversity, right? we're hearing a lot about that in films and television--more in films than on tv. i think tv is doing a little bit better job, but when it comes to minorities, when it comes to women--and you're dealing with both. you're both. you represent both. what are your thoughts on what the current situation is like in hollywood? shohreh: hollywood or the american film industry in general, all industries are about numbers. lee: yeah. shohreh: it's not about gender. lee: yeah. shohreh: it's not about you and me. it's not about the color of my skin. it's about how much you and i make. how many followers do we have?
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when we make films, how much does it sell here in the united states, 20, 25 million? when it hits the far east, 370 million. lee: right. shohreh: let me pay you 20 million so i can take you to the far east and make 300 million. lee: but do--you really don't--you don't think that it has s to do o with gender and ethnicity at all? shohreh: not anymore. lee: really? shohreh: people don't have time for that. and all the luxury-- lee: but don't you think they're still--don't you think there's still a fear, a conservative mentality thinking that if we go this route with a minority or a female lead then, "oh, we're taking a risk." shohreh: no. no. lee: we're taking a risk. shohreh: no. then it's a--it would--it may sound like there's a conspiracy theory here. lee: hmm, you don't think so? shohreh: there isn't. this is the american film industry. mainstream. it's not about me. it's not about the immigrants. it involves me in beautiful ways. it talks about me and, i mean, people like me, but it's not about me. it's the american
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main film industry. lee: yeah. yeah. shohreh: sometimes i'm in it, sometimes i'm not in it. sometimes i do a good job, so i'm nominated. sometimes, i'm--i haven't even done anything. i remember, i met with this gentleman at universal once. really nice man. he was--we were passing through the corridor. he looked at me from far away and he said, "woman, you know, how to choose your roles." i said, "sir, believe me, i do. i pick them up with a pair of tweezers." and he goes, "why don't you come around? we missed you once, we wanna give you the oscar." you know, and i said, "i don't have any materials to come around. i haven't done anything..." lee: right. but... shohreh: worthy of the academy." lee: right, but is that a part-- problem that there's not enough of those materials, there's not enough--the roles being created? shohreh: this is--no. . no, it's not even... lee: well, not for you right now 'cause you are busy! shohreh: not even--not even when i wasn't working for two years. lee: ok. shohreh: industry didn't have any job for me. lee: yeah. another passion of yours is mother miracle.
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shohreh: i love mother miracle. lee: now, tell me a little bit about what they do and why you decided to become involved. shohreh: i am--i've sponsored kids since i first saw oprah's, uh, early afternoon show. lee: mm-hmm. shohreh: it was 27 or 28 years ago. lee: ok. shohreh: she was asking us to join world vision. and she was showing us these hungry kids and, you know, with deformed faces and stuff asking us to help them. and i started crying. lee: mmm. shohreh: i was pregnant. and i started crying, watching this program. and as though it was talking to me, she looked at me--she looked into the camera and she said, "don't cry. pick up the phone." lee: oh, she did? shohreh: pick up the phone-- lee: oh, she's...right. shohreh: and get one of these kids. sponsor one of these kids. lee: and you did. shohreh: i started then. lee: really? ok. shohreh: but then one of my best
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friends, shahla--childhood friends--went to india, year 2000. she came back, she was, you know, rich. she had a beautiful house in san rafael, we called it shahla's castle. sold that one--sold a couple of properties, went back to india, started mother miracle. lee: oh, wow. shohreh: educate underprivileged, poor children-- lee: right. shohreh: who live in slum areas. she now has 257. lee: wow. shohreh: 8 of them are mine. lee: oh, my gosh! shohreh: yeah. lee: so what has that experience been like for you, sponsoring children? what has that done for yoyou? because, you know, they always say, you give-- shohreh: [coughs] i'm sorry. lee: when you give, you get more back than you ever thought you would, right? that idea of giving. you get so much out of that. shohreh: it's so true, tenfold. god will give you back tenfold. it's unbelievable. it's very rewarding.
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lee: mmm. shohreh: it's very heartwarming, knowing that there are other people, you know, in another place of the world--in the other half who are depending on you. lee: right. shohreh: and you're helping them out to become somebody in this life. my eldest sponsored child, whose name is monta, is now a nurse. lee: wow. shohreh: she turned a nurse a couple of months ago. and thank god for that, because last month, her father, who was a bricklayer, fall off a scaffolding. lee: oh, no. shohreh: he cannot work now, and monta is paying for the whole family, 6 members of the family. she's a nurse and she makes-- lee: so that's got to--that's got to be so rewarding for you to see that. shohreh: that's... lee: yeah. shohreh: that brings me, you know, the smile that i wear every morning. people keep telling me--because i always smile, no matter what. i wake up and i'm like, "good morning." "what are you--my--especially my husband is like, "what are you so happy about?" i'm like, "i'm healthy, i have a job, and sun is out, it's beautiful. no bad news so far, so i'm happy." lee: well, you should be smilining for a lot t of reans
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because you arare a busy lady wn it comes to working. shohreh: e exactly. lee: you know, you have a lot of jobs going on. right now, one of your roles is in "the expanse." shohreh: yes. i love this show. lee: which is the syfy tv series. shohreh: it's a strong female role. lee: i was just gonna say. shohreh: because people keep asking me. lee: yeah. so you play this strong political leader. this is, you know, obviously 200 years ahead in the future, right? when the solar system is colonized. so what is that like for you to play this hardcore, powerful w woman? shohohreh: this s is the ultimi. lee: is it? shohreh: i think--no, i think--i'm thinking, can any other, sort of, portrayals of other characters top this? no. lee: really? shohreh: she is--first off, 200 years from now, she is under deputy secretary of the united nations, but her knowledge exceeds her title. lee: ok. she knows everybody's names at the un. apparently, this is a--this is something--a gift that people have, that you
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remember everybody's names, you know. she knows everybody's profile, psychological backgrounds, pay rates. she even knows who is sleeping with whom. i mean, she's amazing. she's a master manipulator. lee: oh... shohreh: and so powerful and amazing, she--and also, you know, she's a woman and she's from far, far, far east or never, neverland. and... lee: right. i can tell you love this role. shohreh: love it. lee: you're so excited just talking about it. shohreh: yeah, because the--i can create her from scratch. lee: right. boy, you have--you are one lucky lady. you have had some great projects going on. so what's next for you? shohreh: welell, next--rigight , i'm reading a book on tape, you know, i do--i do books as well. lee: yeah. shohreh: which i'm very, very proud. lee: well, with that voice of yours, you should. shohreh: thank you. i'm very proud and i would like to announce it. i'm reading a nobel peacprize winner's s book lee: o shreh: ms. shirin adadi fr iran. obvislsly, 's in
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englh.h. 'also worki on two lms right now. unfortunately, you know, the kind of films i work on, i can't talk about the subject matter. lee: ok. shohreh: but i can tell you, one is light comedy. it's my first light comedy, which i loved, and i want to do it because i want to prove to my audience--not only m my audienc, but also the producers who are working with me, who would like to work with me, that i can do comedy for christ's sake. just don't give me tragedies-- lee: ha ha! ok. shohreh: and dramas. but the other one is again a very, sort of, political, pretty serious, and it's devastating. but it's a story that has to be told. lee: mmm. well, it sounds like you are just--action-packed days ahead for you and now and just going forward. and of course, the work with mother miracle. thank you so much for coming in. it was a pleasure talking to you. shohreh: thank you so much f for having m lee: all right. we' s see you
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again. shohreh: likewise. really enjoyed this. lee: thank you. thank you. shohreh: thank you. it feels like home. lee: i know. well, we try to make it home for everyone. shohreh: love it. lee: but thank you so much. and we'll see you soon, i hope. shohreh: absolutely. lee: all right. shohreh: i would love to. lee: well, coming up, educating and empowering girls in afghanistan by teaching them to code. yeah, we're talking about computer coding. that story when we come back. in 2015, fereshte forough founded code to inspire, a nonprofit organization committed to educating female students in afghanistan by teaching them how to code. fereshte says she's on a mission to empower young women in afghanistan by improving their technical literacy. now, to achieve this, code to inspire provides a safe and secure place where women can learn, increase their confidence and self-esteem, and
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gain marketable skills. fereshte also cofounded and served on the board of the women's annex foundation, an organization established to financially empower women and children in central asia. now, she hopes code to inspire will serve as a launching pad for afghan women to explore and excel in both entrepreneurship and technical innovation. joining us now from new york city is fereshte forough. welcome to the show. so glad to have you here. fereshte: thank you. pleasure to be here. lee: well, let's talk about education in afghanistan. you know, in the past, obviously, we've all known that it's been very tough especially for girls and women, but i know that things have improved. tell me about how things have changed for the better. fereshte: during the taliban, only 900,000 students were at schools with zero participation women-- lee: wow. fefereshte: in education and in workforce. but one decade after that, right now, we ha around 9 million ududentsn
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afghanistan at 42% oththem, it's 4 mimiion of them arwowomen and girls. andhis is auguge acmplishshme. we dhave 4 misters, wen minister out of 2 28% of rliamenteat acally belg to wom. so we did lot of progress.o o i think we had auge e imovement in ce of notnly educion, but alson heal sector, i econy, and eeciallwomen's partipation workfor. le and that's amazg, fereshte, at you're sing at this ppened in e last decade rlly, but2% participatn of gir and wom in edudution is now-hat--th's an iredible statisti well, y have sothing too with tt, and u'rebviously tryinto push that forrd. let's talkbout code to spire. ts is trying--you're trying to bridge that education gap but you're also trying to get more girls into coding. which again, we said this at the beginning of the interview, that is not easy for anyone. so what's the
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mission here on your part? fereshte: sure. so i founded code to inspire in january 2015 and the reason that i founded is that as a--as a woman who was really involved in technology, as a student, as a computer science student, and when i became a mentor in my faculty, and then when i went back after i mastered and i taught as a computer science professor for almost 3 years in computer science faculty, i saw a lot of challenges especially for women in tech. definitely in case of looking at the tech market in afghanistan, it's not a huge market for women. and if a women wants to find a job employment especially in technology, again, the culture issues, the social barriers the safety security, all these reasons make the women not to be able to travel from one city to another city. not a lot of family allow their daughter to travel from one place to another place because of the security. some, they can't--they can't afford the financial situation
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to pay, for example, the tickets for their daughter to travel by plane because she can't get the road and it's unsafe. lee: right. fereshte: so, on november 2015, we--with code to inspire actually, we established the very first coding school for girls in afghanistan. so, we are going to build afghanistan 2.0 by teaching girls how to code. and we have right now 50 girls in our coding school from high school to computer science backgrounds, and we teach them different classes which is websitite designing, html, css, to more ad ones which is mobile application development. lee: fereshte, you know, you mentioned a little bit of the cultural differences and the traditions that i think probably get in the way sometimes with especially things like computer science and coding. probably traditionanalists are resistant to the idea of girls and women doing this, and they actually want to push back. have you
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dealt with that and how do you continue to deal with that kind of resistance? fereshte: sure. so the most important thing for women's job employment and education in afghanistan is the security concerns and also the traditional issues. majority of the families, they prefer their daughter to become a teacher. why to become a teacher? because it's a well-respected job in the society, you get paid, and you only deal with women. but with code to inspire, what is really our mission to empower women with education and technology and to make them financially independent is that, right now in this world, the only thing you need is a computer and inteternet connectionsns. so, with that two things, you can do a lot of works online without even traveling. so once the family, which a lot of them actually, they have the approach of internet and looking at internet, "oh, internet? it's a devil," like, they think if you come online, it's just like you--you're not a good person. but once we tell them that, "no, actually with a
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computer and an internet, your daughter can find a job online and can make money and not only support herself but also the family," then the people and the community become more willing to support your cause and send your daughter to a center. lee: i know though that your intention also with code to inspire and all the other organizations you're involved with, you want to be able to advance education and to allow these girls and women to move forward, but you also want them to hang onto traditions, too, right? so it's that bridging of culture, tradition, but also modernization. fereshte: yeah, because, again, coming from afghanistan, it's a country which is very--has a very male-dominated culture and sometimes the e families when--n a--in rural places like villages they don't like that their daughter even become educated. forget about it if they wanna learn computer and coding. so that--so it was a reason
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that i established code to inspire as a place that it's a very safe, secure environment, so we provided only for women and girls so they come to our coding school and they have their mentors, so they feel more comfortable in this educational environment that there's only girls. and the family are going to be happy that they send their daughter to a place which is only for the girls. so we just try to have the support of local community as much as we can because our success is actually in the hand of the support and in the hand of the support of the local community for sure. lee: fereshte, i think what's really fascinating about what you also are doing is you're advocating the idea of digital currenency, right, and the use f digital currency. that's a very advanced kind of idea and that's not even being adopted really by the western world too much at this point. why did you decide to do this in afghanistan already?
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fereshte: sure. so, majority of the people are unbanked in afghanistan which definitely a lot of women are unbanked. majority of the transactions are cash-based and because of the weak financial infrastructure that we have and also e-commerce, we don't have these culture of using credit cards. lee: right. fereshte: and also, on the other hand, a lot of people, they don'trtrust e babank so morority thehe pple, t ty put thr r monein c casby themlvlves. d ababouthe women, againbebecausif, , as woman, i wan g go ancashsh o some mon, , and st o of e time, lot of fililies,heyy want you to w with male cocompanion,o you can't sisily travel byoyourse. lee: rig.. fereshte: sohahat's a a litation for u. and a o of the isissu de me tohink abo, "ok, thk about men, thi about loof peoplwho are splaced and th don't have documentto show e banks and theyan'create bank count." , with bcoin, which is crypturrency or gital currcy whiche call
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it ch over iernet. sthe only thi you need an emai addrs to cree your wlet anyou inantly can nd or receive ney. the'actually alst zero e that ty charge y for traactions. and e most iortant tng that i tnk abo the bitco a crypturrency that i's anmpowerg money thatan empowereople veloping cntries. especily for wom, it's ally imptant thathe wome be finanally incded in t global enomy. as thinki also as e girls o are in our cong schoo imaginef yowanna fi a job f them line andajority them, ey don't have aank acunt, that wld be a go option at they ceive thr mittanceand salaes thugh bitcoi so i's an empoweri tool fome and i thk it's also very gooday financily include women into t economy. le what out the erall potentl for theswomen th you' traininthrougcode to inspe? i mea these a
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skillsets that really could take them pretty far, not just in afghanistan but around the world. so, what's your vision there for what they could possibly do? fereshte: so definitely, there are two different aspects. one asaspect is the educationall aspects of code to inspire that we want to encourage the girls to become interested to computer science, so we try to eliminate the gender gap and increase the number of women in tech. the other aspect is entrepreneurship aspect. we try to help the girls to be an entrepreneur, to be creative, come out--come up with their own idea and develop any products they want and we help them to introduce it to the market. but also, one of our ultimate goals and important goal is that to find job employment for them. again, this is a very important issue that majority of the women in afghanistan, they have a lot of challenges, job opportunity. we want to create--give them these certain skills that they feel
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comfortable to apply to any job online, and they can work as freelance online and get paid online. lee: that's fantastic. fereshte forough, thank you so much for sharing your story. it's incredible work you're doing over there. so keep up the great work. fereshte: thank you very much. thank you very much for having me. thank you. lee: you're welcome. well, coming up next, could the cell phone because the classroom of the future? you'll find out. stay right there. according to the united nations, as of 2013, 6 billion of the world's 7 billion people have access to cell phones. now, that's more than the number of people who have access to toilets around the world. mobile phones have not only revolutionized the way we communicate. in many classrooms around the globe, mobile
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technologies are increasing the power of learning. scott himelstein and steve vosloo know firsthand how these technologies are impacting education and improving learning opportunities. scott is the director of the university of san diego center for education policy and law and mobile technology learning center. steve is an expert in mobile learning with the specialization and information and communication technologies in developing countries. now, in 2009, he launched the m4lit or mobiles for literacy project. it demonstrates the potential of mobile publishing to support teen reading and writiting in s south africa and kenya. steve currently serves as head of mobile at pearson, south africa where he's responsible for setting ththe companany's mobile learning strategy and delivering key projects. scott himelstein is here with us in the studio and joining us from cape town via satellite is steve vosloo. welcome to you both. thank you so much for being here. scott: thank you. steve: t thanks very much.
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lee: now s steve, let me begin with you. the number i just shared, 6 billion people worldwide have access to cell phones. that is a staggering figure. you have been quoted as saying--i'm gonna read this-- "mobile e learning i is no longn innovation with an institutional learning but a reflection of the world in which institutional learning takes place." what do you mean by that? steve: well, absolutely, you know, the way that mobile technologies have been taken up is really staggering, as you said. it's unprecedented that the world is so connected and can so easily cocommunicate and socialize and do business and learn. and what's interesting with mobile learning is ththat because mobile technologies were taken up really by people outside of the 4 walls of the classroom, now, for the first time, the education system, which is usually quite resistant to change and quite slow to change is catching upp
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and realizing g the potential of having learners and students and teachers connected and having access to information. and it's almost trying to retrofit how we teach and how we learn i in this new and connected world. lee: that's so interesting, scott, isn't it? the idea that we're trying to retrofit and try to piece together and schools are a little bit behind from what the rest of the world is doing with technology. scott: exactly. so we are working--our mobile technology center are working with many districts here in southern california and across the nation. and probably the most interesting thing we've found is that our students are entering the schoolhouse doors knowing how to learn through mobile technology-- lee: right. scott: whether it's through videogames, their mom or dad's phones, some kind of device-- they expect to learn this way. and it's our school systems that are now trying to catch up because many of those school systems contain
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teachers that are ststill there from when you and i went to school. lee: right. we didn't have computers back then. scott: right. and some of them adapt to technology very well, some a little bit, and some don't want anything to do with it. lee: right. scott: so it's a herculean effort to try to get these systems to catch up. lee: that's so interesting to try to bridge that huge gap. you don't really think about it until you see a system that's so antiquated-- scott: yeah. lee: as the school system vevers the outside world. steve, you're obviously working in south africa a k kenya, as i i mentioned inin the intro. what are you seeing in those communities when it comes to mobile learning because here's a system where, really, they're sort of jumping over the gap, aren't they, in many ways? steve: in many ways, they are, and i think that what everybody is beginning t to see is the massive potential for technology to support education. so in many countries arouound the world and especicially in developing countries, we know that education systems are under immense pressure. there aren''t
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enenough teachers. there often aren't access to textbooks. there are learners in large classes, 70 or 80 students in a class.s. and so how can n we strengthen the education system to help it develop and help it to serve and to operate most efficiently in thosese very constrained environments? lee: rightht. steve: so, we see it across the board, across assessment, across providing access to information and to content, and also really connecting people who otherwise have not been connected. so whether it's teachers who are in rural schools, who, for the first time, ininstead of being isolated, can now talk to other teachers, even v via facebook or via whatsapp and share resources and support each other. so we see it across--we've s seen the impact of mobile technologies across a wide range of, kind of--of points within the education system. lee: steve, whatat about somethg even more basic than that in terms of just being able to
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reach kids in areas where normally they might not even be able to get to school because of geographic challenges? steve: well, absolutely, you know, obviously mobile technology, as you said earlier, especially in africa has totally leapfrogged traditional technologies of landlines. lee: right. steve: so for example, in nigeria, 27% of the population now owns s smartone,e, a therere are 15illion mththly aivee users on facebook. inigeria, 1% of housolds hav a--have a ndndlineelephone so they'veve--mole t tecologyy has kind of enened uneww conntition oortutunies thaha wer't ssibibleefore,e,nd so by being able to rea p peopl in a new w, , you n dedelir content and yocacan al intera with th.. lee: right. right. steve: i must just say, though, that it's not all--it doesn't-t--it doesn't mean that there's a level playing field now. there also are a lot of people that are disconnectct,
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and much of the technology uptake has been in, um, urban centers. so, a lot of worork still nenees to take place to get rural communities connected, um, and to get good, sustainable, scalable, and robust, you know, internet connectivity to them. lee: scott, the--it's a veryry different story obviously here in the u.s. i mean, everyone's connected. every kid seem to have--seems to have a mobile phone or some sort of computer device, right? scott: right. lee: so, what are the challenges for you in terms of trying to push the mobile learning? we talked earlier about the fact that schools need to catch up. but i got to--i got to be honest, when i hear about stuff like this, i'm like, "it's a great idea but is this--could this be detrimental because kids are already so addicted to their gadgets, they might not use it for that purpose of educucation but rather just having fun?" scott: well, look, some of the time, they aren't gonna be using it for educational purpose. i mean, that's a good thing-- lee: yeah.
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scott: right? i mean, there's a lot of fun with devices. there's a--we want kids to explore, create things. so that's not all bad. i'd say some of the challenges are, while districts are in the process of catching up, building their infrastructure, in a recent survey, about 80% of the superintendents across the countrtry were very concncerned about equity of access to the internet at home, away from school. lee: oh. scott: so, maybe not everydydy s the type of brdbdband access th we would like. me paparents, due to economic reasons, worry about the cost of data plans. lee: sure. scott: so there's some challenges there. how are we gonna make up for that gap? lee: i was actu--yeah. scott: out of school, right? lee: that's true. because i was gonna ask you about the issues of infrastructure. right? about broadband, about data plans, about costs. i mean, we still have those issues here in the united states, too. sometimes, the system doesn't work. we make fun of it. "can you hear me now? can you hear me now?" yeah. so with those types of
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issues-- scott: right. so-- lee: you've got to address that. scott: right. absolutely. and look at, you know, our school systems across the country. we have many classrooms that are 40 and 50 years old that actually can't carry the kind of pipes that you need-- lee: oh. scott: to get the broadband access. lee: sure. makes sense. scott: so this is about financing school construction, building classrooms that can use mobile technology efficiently, and then asking ourselves the question, "if we expect this of our children, do we have a dutuy to provide that access 24/7 outside the classroom as well?" these are tough political-- lee: yeah. i was-- scott: and economic questions. lee: i was just gonna say, you knowow, that takes money. scott: it does. lee: that takes resources. so, where do you get that? and that also then takes agreement on the part of local, state, federal government. scott: absolutely. and that's where, you know, these policy discussions, uh... come in. we, as a nation, need to decide if that's
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important. and if it is important, to what extent can we afford that? lee: that's right. that's right. steve, let me you ask you the same question. you know, when it comes to fundamentals, we are talking about infrastructure issues, too. i'm sure in africa, that's probably even a bigger issue in many ways. steve: it definitely is, yes. and, you know, there are--there are innovative ways to get around that. there's a great project in south africa a where we--we've implemented--not we, i mean, the project has implemented-d--with 26 schools n a deep, rural area, a tablet were allowed. those schools don't even have electricity, some of them. they certainly don't have internet connectivity. but they've put down local servers with local content and created local networks so o at those s schools can talk to each other and at least begin to create content and access that local content that's been produced there. we're also doing--pearson is doing a project with one of the departments of education at
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also very rural schools, but there, we are working with an infrastructure partner to get connectivity to those e schools for their learning management system in those tablets. so, i think it's really--it's about partnerships. and as scott said, it's really about policy. lee: right. right. steve, can you give me an--a specific example of maybe a student or a school that has been positive--positivelympacacted by the use of mobile learning technology? steve: sure. you know, i'll give you a personal exaxample. the project that you mentioned earlier where there are the mobiles for literacy, we really wantnted to publish short storis and poems and even classic literature like "macbeth" and make those available on mobile phones, knowing that books are very rare and very expensive--printed books-- in many--in many countries including south africa. and i received an email from a teacher to say, you know, "thank goodness that you put 'macbeth' on these phones because our kids--our kids are
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studying 'macbeth' this year and they don't have the textbooks." you know, they don't have enough to go around, and so they could access the, you know, those books in digital format. lee: that's great. steve: now, that was a good few years ago. you know, now we're working closely with the government. obviously, pearson has a strong publisher history. and so we're working with the government to get tablets out there, to o t e-books,s, you knknow, onto tablets, and to try and kind of complement the print and digital. and i think--you know, i don't think we alwlways need to haveve an either/or scenario. sometimes, print and paper is great, sometimes digital and mobile is grgreat. lee: all right. steve: and we--we can kind of leverage the best of both worlds in different scenarios. lee: totallyly agree with you, steve. well, scott, i know here, one of youour programs is s using minecraft, the videogame-- scott: yeah. lee: to teach students about coding. scott: uh-hmm. yes. lee: and, again, i have to be that cynic that's like, "wait a minute. well, you're talking about videogames with kids. are they gonna really focus on learning something?"
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especially something as advanced as coding, but how is that working out? scott: so, it's great. this is a kind of a medium-sized district in san diego county and the district really has set up one particular campus called a coding campus. the kids come in during school, before school, after school, and through the use of minecraft, are learning to code computer language. lee: wow. scott: they're learning about spatial relationships on a commuter--computer. so, it's a way to attract these kids-- lee: yeah. scott: to learn coding, math, science--all of the things that we want to teach. the only difference here, may, is we're delivering content through a mobile device. lee: right. scott: where, as we said, sometimes, yes, print is good, but as we move further down this roroad, kids are devououring cot through a device. lee: that's all-- scott: and we have to realize that. lee: that's so commonplace.
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i mean, that is what feels natural to them, which is pretty incredible. scott: right. lee: final question to you both, and we'll start with you, scott. scott: ok. lee: how do you see mobile technology developing in the next 10 years? i mean, what do you--if you look down the road 10 years ahead, what do you think we're gonna see? scott: well, i think we're already seeing it. so, across this country, school districts are passing policies that says, "we are no longer buying textbooks." lee: yeah. scott: "all of our content is gonna be delivered to our students through their devices." lee: device, yup. scott: right, it's just--it's--we're gonna continue on that road. i think teachers are gonna get much, much b bettr at teaching that way. so, whereas before, a teacher stood before a class, 25 students in rows-- lee: uh-hmm. with a chalkboard. scott: with a chalkboard. that's changing. they're putting students in groups. they're moving around. they're letting kids work as teams on projects. the kids use all sorts of sources for their information, not a textbook. lee: right.
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scott: but can go anywhere, anytime, anyplace. lee: it's amazing, isn't it, how far we've come in just like a couple decades? and, steve, i'm gonna ask you the same thing. when you look down the road 10 years ahead, what are you gonna see, especially where you are in africa? steve: well, you know, i--i i he that we go the same route as--as scott just described. and i would really l like to see mobile learning becoming much more personalized and learning systems becoming much more adaptive. and i think that mobile i is so personal inin so many ways. it's so intimate because you take it around with you not just at school, but at home. that if you could get a truly personalized learning systems, an adaptive systems 10 years from now, your educational experience would be much more--much richer, and i think much more effective. lee: yeah. well, let's hope so. but i think we're on the right track. as long as kids are learning, that''s a gogood thin, right? so, gentlemen, thank you to you both for being here. it was a great conversation. scott: yeah. great. glad to be here. lee: all right. . ok. we'll be
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right back with this week's "full frame" close-up. you stay right there. the state of maine historically is known as a majority white state. but the state's largest city, portland, is home to resettlement communities for families across the globe. as the city's demographics shift, one tiny non-profit arts group is reaching out to help immigrant and refugee teens feel part of their wider community. the telling room runs an after-school program that gives these new students a place to practice english and share their personal stories through writing. in this week's close-up, "full frame" takes a look at this unique educational program. boy: i heard heavy knocks on the
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door that would wake a person from a coma. girl: nobody was home. the candle was out. boy: the rage, son, the rage. that's the rage. can you feel it? can you feel it? d damn it. girl: when approaching someone, we don't smile. we wondered whether we deserve any hellos. we started to question... girl: [indistinct] feelings is burning, but it's protected from the sun, but my mom working anand getting tirered is not. mom, i wonder what you felt when we were laughing. girl: a lovely 14-years-old bride, but in my eyes' reflection, all i saw was frightened, happy, worried, perplexed 14-years-old girl. boy: my whole family was under the threat of being killed. until this day, i could still feel the warmth of my grandparents' tears on my face when they kissed my forehead for the last time. those were my last moments in iraq, and that was the last time i everer got o
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see my grandparentnts. [woman crying] salim: i was born in mosul, iraq, , and i was raised there r most of my life. in 2008, we seek refuge in t turkey, and we began as refugees for the united natitions there,e, then came to portland, maine, in 2010. a a lot of the challenges that, um, i faced when i moved here was adapting culturally, and that's--obvbviously, like, that soundsds really cliche, , but, u know, there is a lot that goes into it. when i was in 6th grade, i became labeled as a joke to my mainstream classmates due to my
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lack of confidence, my limited english vocabulary, and my newness to the country. in 8th grade, i had heard a lot about telling room, and i actually went on a field trip and i came here to this building. people from different ethnic backgrounds, people from different races, um, religions, and, you know, i realizezed that i wasn't the only one that had a story.
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woman: you've been working really hard for the last 8 weeks to get thehe storiesusust right, and you have one day, next thursday, to stand up in front of an audience of people you know and people you don't know to share that story with them. sonya: there will be tears or goose bumps from several audience membersrs, and i love that you're gonna get that feeling reciprocated back to you and know what that feels like to share that. i'm so excited. boy: i wanna thank molly and sonya to give us opportunity to tell the--our story to the people to give--to teach them our culture. uh, we are ready. we can do it. thank you. all: yeah! woman: so, once we get the kids excited about telling a story and we start getting it out onto paper, then the mentors are asking them to consider "how could you make this more vivid?" or "how can you slow this down and reallyly bring your reader into this moment?" "what
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techniques do you have to use?" man: so, i do a lot of work with actors on how w to present themselves and how to speak well. the idea is to make it sound as real and as true to yourselflf as you cacan and reay speak from the heart, and it will--it will gogo well. girl: and this m moves right ovr here. boy: that's fine. it's double space. girl: so, that's gonna be the same page. boy: double space. salim: these stories have so much value, and giving the minorities a a voice in n the community, that's what the telling roroom is alall about. woman: oh! boy: how's it going? good to see you. molly: hi, everybody. this is an amazing crowd. thanknk you so much for coming today. i'm molly haley anand i'm so fortunate to be able to workrk with the 15 students in the young writers & leaders program and co-teach it with sonya here. sonya: hi. i'm sonya. i'm, like, forgetting my lines. this is so
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exciting to look out at you. for those of you that this is your first time to the program, it is our yearlong writing program open exclusively to international students. molly: it means so much to us and the students that you came out to support their voices and their storytelling today. woman: one of the basic human needs is to be able to tell your story and to comome to a c couny where you may not speak the language because you speak 3 others before you learn english. to have a place where you can be heard is about the greatest gift that a place to be listened to and to tell their stories. please, welcome her, atani abdullahi. [applause] atani: i am a strong young lady who loves to be with people and who knows one day she will achieve her dreams. boy: but, , son, learn before 's too latete and rigight before yu make misistakes and acactually
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prevent them from happening. girl: and i saw that she cared because i actually saw her smile.e. [applause] chris: thihimentor/mentetee relatitionship.... [laughter] is very tricky, you u know, like, it getets stood onon its head evevery time. i i mean, jut whwho is doingng the teachching? so--so, thank you for all that you've taught me. boy: buildings fall down. blood street is bleeding. i combat in my heaven. [indistinct] girl: i see my mother baking bread under the... salim: having a program like this can be very, very effective to teach others about, you know, where we come from, why are we here, why didn't we end up in other places, and what choices did d we have toto make endnd p here. i lived inside a category for years, but i wanted to be more
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than just a category. i did not want to be known as the immigrant kid. i did not want to be known as the iraqi kid. i did not want to be known as that kid who doesn't know what's said to him half the time because english wasn't his primary language, because that kid has a name. his name is salim aman salim, so i took a risk. i took the risk of stepping out of my comfort zone and exploring what's outside e y circle. taking risks has brought me from mosul, iraq to portland, maine. it has brought me from being a joke in middle school to getting elected as school president. boy: salim! [boy talking indistinctly] ok, salim! salim: the advice i would give to a new immigrant that's living here is definitely don't be afraidid to explore. the opportunities won't come to you. you have to go looking for them and one thing will lead you to another. and eventually you'll start building your life here, but it takes time, and it
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takes a lot of effort at the beginning. lee: and that's it for this week. join the conversation with us on social media. we are cctv_america on twitter, facecebook, and youtube. and now you can watch "full frame" on our new mobile app available worldwide on any smartphone for free. get the latest news headlines and connect to us on facebook, twitter, youtube, and weibo. search cctv america on your app store to download today. and, of course, all of our interviews can still be found online at and let us know what you'd like us to take "full frame" next. simply email us at until then, i'm may lee in los angeles. we'll see you next time. ññ
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>> hello, i'm john cleese. do you realize that n native peopoples are largely responsibe for the e survival of the plane? yes, because it's their forestss that are still managing to offset some of the greenhouse gaseses from the major polluters like us. but although native peoples have the e smallest ecolological footprints, they unfortunately manage to suffer the worst impacts s of climate change. it is their islands that are sinking, and their glaciers that are melting, and they are not happy about it. soon, we wiwill be hearing directly f from some of them, as almost 3,000 indigegenous delelegates f from around the wd strugglele to have their voices heard at the united nations permanent forumum on indigenous issues. so, settle back and tatake a deep breathth,


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