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tv   France 24  LINKTV  August 25, 2016 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> you're watching "france 24." rescue workers in italy are battling strong aftershocks as they search for survivors of wednesday's powerful earthquake. at least 250 people now known to have died, and thousands are left homeless. the impeachment process has begun for brazil's president, doma rue saif, set to discover within a week whether senators agree that she wrote some laws by allegedly fiddling the national budget. there has been celebrations in colombia as a historic peace deal was struck with the leftist
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guerrillas. vote set to go to public within weeks, and would end 1/2 century ♪ thank you for joining us. they are battling against time and powerful aftershocks, hoping against hope to find more survivors. rescue teams and volunteers in italy continue to comb the rubble after a powerful earthquake that killed at least 250 people. powerful aftershocks this thursday bringing more destruction. michelle harrison brings us up to date. reporter: shock and grief.
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this woman, like many others in the italian town, is living a nightmare following wednesday's devastating earthquake. residents here and those in the hard-hit towns are facing a harsh new reality. many of them spent their first night in these tented camp's after the quake left them homeless. >> we haven't slept. we are very tired. we don't know how long we will have to stay here. >> i've lived through many earthquakes over the years. only every 7 to 8 years as an earthquake here. but never like this. it was long and ugly. reporter: for a second day straight, search and rescue teams considered their desperate scramble to find any signs of life beneath the rubble, using sniffer dogs, bulldozers, and whatever they can get their hands on. around 2400 rescue workers and 3000 volunteers are working
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around the clock. >> we've received information on those people who are missing and the areas they are most likely to be. that's what we're focusing on. reporter: the italian emergency crews are facing a mammoth task. in the race against time, they are painfully aware that the first 24 to 48 hours of the operation are the most crucial. burma's authorities are scrambling to assess the damage from an earthquake on wednesday. at least three people are confirmed as having been killed during the 3.8 tremors. reporter: burma's famous plane of pagodas hit by a huge earthquake, almost 200 historic temples have been damaged. soldiers and residents both helped to clear rubble and sort through fragments of murals. >> i feel sorry about the damage to the pagodas.
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he will be hard for people in the future to see how these pagodas looked originally, which are part of our buddhist culture and heritage. reporter: after assessing the quake damage, burma's president promised a thorough restoration job. >> this time, once we go ahead with maintenance on these ancient valued pagodas, we have .o make it as good as we can >> we have to record and repair the damage to the pagodas, but it will have to be done systematically. it will take time, but we will do our best. reporter: around 2500 temples wars,dotted across the pl and earthquakes over the years. they have also become a top tourist destination as the country emerges from decades of military rule.
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france, now the swimsuiter the burkini has reached france's highest court. 15 french towns have issued local bands on women wearing the garments, which is favored by a minority of muslims. two human rights groups have appealed to the council of state, arguing that the bands are simply discriminatory. the court says they will announce their ruling on friday afternoon. the row has taken on international proportions now. like" rally you outside the french embassy, arguing that women should be free to dress as they choose. --orter: bikini or burkini
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for these women, the answer is simple. let them wear what they want. turned beach party outside the french embassy in london was held in reaction to imposed by 30n coastal towns in france. for many here, recent images of a woman forced to remove her veil by policeman on a public beach was the straw that broke the camels back. >> i saw those images and i felt sick. i was incredibly frustrated and emotional. my heart went out to that poor woman. >> it's never right to tell a woman what she can wear or to take her clothes off. that's not for a man to say. reporter: the london mayor on an official visit to paris also weighed in on the issue. >> i've seen over the last few decades the amount of campaigning that women and my country have done, and around
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the world, to assure women have rights to choose what they study, to choose what work they and i don't think anybody should tell them what they wear or what they shouldn't wear. reporter: france's highest administrative court has begun to examine the legality of the burkini ban. it should reach a decision by 3:00 p.m. on friday. anchor: in brazil, the president's impeachment trial has now begun. dilma rousseff accused of spending without the approval of .ongress barriers have been directed outside the congress building, the final vote is due by wednesday at the latest. -- if it goest
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against, dilma rousseff, her vice president will stay on until 2018. expert from the brazil institute joins us. it seems like it is said to be a speedy process, a decision by wednesday. can you tell us what is actually going to happen? >> in many ways, this is dilma .ousseff's last stand she will go on monday to try to defend herself. i think she's going to argue this isn't about her personally, but brazilian democracy. she feels the process was unfair. she got 54 million votes less than two years ago. i think she will argue that the accounting maneuvers were something in which the demanding that kurdish
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militia fighters in the same region retreat, and is giving them one week to do so. ryan quinn tells us more about turkey's aims in this region. reporter: jarablus, syria, near the turkish border. syrian rebels celebrate their victory over the islamic state group. in these images, purported to have been filmed inside jarablus on thursday by rebel forces, all that remains of the once dominant presence of the jihadi organization is there flags. >> god has blessed us with freeing jarablus since yesterday, and we won't stop working to free this country from the tyranny of daesh forever, and eliminate them from forever, and eliminate them from syria. morning, syrian rebels, backed by turkish ground forces and turkish and american ground strikes, launched a lightning raid across the syria-turkey border to drive out the jihadi's, who had held the town as one of their last order strongholds. within hours, the rebels claimed victory, retaking the town with little resistance. a few kilometers from the border, jarablus had been held by the islamic state group since 2013. it was a strategic transit point for moving weapons and fighters
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into syria. turkey's first major ground assault into syria since the start of the country's civil war. driving the islamic state organization back from the border is not its only goal. turkey also seeking to prevent fromn-kurdish ypg forces creating a unified autonomous territory along the border. all the more urgent now, as the kurds have been making their own advanced towards jarablus in recent days. the u.s. navy has confirmed it fired three warning shots towards iranian vessels in the persian gulf this week. officials say they fired the shots after the fast attack approached american navy vessels. they say they were in international waters at the time.
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china is continuing its to fire defense of territory it is claimed in the south china sea, sending the first group of lighthouse watchmen. top military officials vowing that beijing will never stop building in the sea. this propping criticism from the united states and others. i woman who survived a month-long in snowy wilderness in new zealand is been rescued. the hiker from the czech republic is now in hospital. her partner fell to his death during what was meant to be a three-day hike. police finally found the woman sheltering in a hut. now, the president of colombia has declared it the beginning of
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the end to the suffering, pain, and tragedy of war. celebration across colombia as a historic deal was reached to end two years of conflict tween the state and the notorious guerrillas. a reporter tells us about the accord and what might come next for columbia. reporter: their prayers for peace have finally been answered. gathered in a bogotá park wednesday night to witness history being made, as their final peace agreement with rebels, ending five decades of war in the country. >> i think we have won the most beautiful of all battles, for peace in colombia. the conflict began in 1964, when the revolutionary armed forces of colombia took up arms to fight against social and economic inequality in the country, funding itself through the drug trade and kidnapping ransom, the group hit its peak in the 1990's. three piece deals failed in the past, but after an intense government offensive halved
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their ranks, the group returned to the negotiation table. the new piece deals calls for fighters to hand in their weapons and reintegrate into civilian life. a historicit's moment. it gives us a possibility to real and build and make what so many people have been working for, for a long time. agreement must be ratified by a public referendum on october 2. while polls show positive outcome, the opposition says the deal goes to easy on the rebels. anchor: if you fancy a change of scenery, scientists may have discovered the place for you. it's a new planet, described as a second earth because it is so similar to our own.
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our reporter tells us about the snappily named proxima b. reporter: scientists have discovered a planet that could be similar to ours, circling a neighboring s
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>> we have no clue whether this atmosphere has a planet or atmosphere ---- planet has atmosphere or not. the spectacular thing about it, that proxima is very close. proxima centauri is 2.5 light years away. reporter: thanks to advances in telescope technology, astronomers noticed shifts in the color of the light coming from the star caused by the gravitational tugging of the planet. thought to be at least 1.3 times the mass of earth, the planet lies within the potentially habitable zone of the star. it's the closest exoplanet discovered to date. >> we
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launch now would take 70,000 years to reach the planet. anchor: no cristiano ronaldo has been named france's best football player. ronaldo was the strong favorite. a reminder of our top stories, rescue workers in italy are battling strong aftershocks as they search for survivors of wednesday's earthquake, police 250 people now named to have died and thousands have been made temporarily homeless. the impeachment process has began for brazil's president, dilma rousseff, set to discover within a week whether senators agree that she broke the rules by allegedly fiddling the national budget. and, a historic peace deal has been struck in colombia with the leftist guerrillas.
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the agreement set to go to a public vote within weeks. it is designed to and 1/2 century of war. -- end 1/2 century of war. time for a business update. they were of words between the united states and europe. >> the u.s. treasury department has lashed out at the european over its treatment of american companies and their tax arrangements in europe, national -- super national tax authority. reporter: amazon, apple, google, and starbucks -- these four american
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investigated by european authorities for their tax arrangements with certain eu number states. the u.s. treasury department warns the eu commission against taking action, saying brussels is becoming a super national tax authority that threatens tax agreements on tax reform and countries' ability to set their own tax policy. the treasury warns -- >>'s investigations have considerable implications for the united states, in the form of potential tax revenue and increased barriers to cross-border investment. reporter: the criticism comes as the eu is expected to deliver its decision on apple the next monthnp13avoidance. >> a deal has been reached to compensate 650 called dealers -- car dealers in the u.s. affected by the cheating scandal. the figure put at $1.2 billion. a judge ordered vw to move quickly to decide whether to buy
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or fix about any size -- 85,000 vehicles. more than 11 million cars were affected by the cheating software worldwide. the pharmaceutical giant smile and has been forced to offer discounts on the esipen, -- e pipen. -- giant mylan has been forced to offer discounts on the e pipen. the chief executive has come emerged thatter it she herself had received a 671% salary increase over the same period. hillary clinton weighed into the debate on wednesday, calling the price outrageous and asking mylan to reduce it. that hasn't happened yet, but in the wake of that call, -- announced that patients with be able to cut in half the amount that they pay out of pocket by signing up for a payment program
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. european indices recorded fairly sharp losses this session. weighed downing, by falls in the auto and mining sectors. there's a little less movement on wall street. we had a mixed session, although the indices have dropped into negative territory there, down about 1/4 of 1% each. u.s. investors are honing in on the meeting of the country's central bankers. the health care sector in general has been dropping since the mylan controversy erupted. the mobile messaging service whatsap announced a shakeup. it will begin sharing users personal information with
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facebook, allowing for ad targeting on the social network. tiffany shares have risen more than 5%, despite reporting a drop in sales for the seventh quarter in a row. the strong dollar made foreign buyers less likely to shop at the new york chain. uber is reported to have lost dollars, 1.25 billion according to bloomberg, which
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says driver subsidies have taken a toll on the ridesharing service's bottom line. separately, the company said he would begin allowing users in london to book journeys up to 30 days in advance, which would make the app more competitive in the business travel market. is facingd, uber stiff competition as it tries to break into the cutting-edge world of the self driving cars. pilotnounced plans for a program last week. but a small american startup has beaten it to the punch by singapore, offering select users the chance to take a free ride in a new feet of autonomous taxis -- fleet of autonomous taxis. arrived: the future has and it wants you to hop on for the ride. a taxi service in singapore is the >> i was kind of shocked. as the car moved forward, it was quite smooth. reporter: the new models have been launched by new time he.
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the manufacturer was confident that the technology is safe. every day,hallenged we see something new on the roadway, whether it's a forklift onoading a truck, five buses a narrow street. there's always a new challenge to the technology. reporter: six cars currently on the there may be even more competition for lyft, who is working to create self-driving vehicles. i think i would like to let some other guinea pigs try before i do it. in that particular trial, there is a backupx
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08/25/16 08/25/16 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! mr. trump: hillary clinton ran the state department like a failed leader in a third world country. run like a third world country. accccess inors and exchange for cash. she sold it. mrmrs. clinton: what trumump has said i is rididiculous. my work as secretary o


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