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tv   Democracy Now Special  LINKTV  November 9, 2016 9:00am-12:01pm PST

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by: narrador: bienvenidos a otro episodio de destinos: an introduction to spanish. primero, algunas escenas de este episodio. ino me grites así, juan! ya traté de explicarte los problemas de la producción en nueva york. no entiendo por qué actúas como un niño mimado. sólo roberto podría escoger una profesión tan peligrosa. ¿por qué no estudia para ser un médico, ingeniero o abogado como tú? en este episodio vamos a aprender vocabulario relacionado con las profesiones y las carreras. consuelo: ¿y sabes qué profesión tiene
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esta señora? maricarmen: esta es dentista. y ésta es enfermera. mira, y éste es un maestro. y éste ¿sabes qué es? es un veterinario. ¿y éste, qué es? este es un periodista. trabaja en los periódicos, ¿no? sí. y ésta es actriz. y éste es actor. ¿y sabes qué profesión tiene este señor? no, mamá. es un hombre de negocios, como tu tío carlos. tío carlos es profesor. no, es un hombre de negocios. es un hombre de negocios. también vamos a aprender algo
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sobre otra civilización prehispánica: la civilización maya. los mayas habitaban la parte de méxico que se llama yucatán. también vivían en las regiones de chiapas, tabasco y campeche. lo mejor será que yo me quede aquí en el hotel por si raquel llama. sí. y yo debo ir a casa. también podría llamar allí. seguramente llamará. si tengo alguna noticia le aviso inmediatamente. captioning of this program is made possible by the annenberg/cpb project and the geraldine r. dodge foundation.
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en el episodio previo raquel y angela todavía esperaban saber algo de roberto y conversaron sobre su interés en la arqueología. angela, háblame un poco más de tu hermano. ¿sabes qué civilización le interesaba tanto a roberto? ay, pues no sé. nunca le pregunté. sabemos que excavaban una tumba. me pregunto qué clase de cultura indígena le interesaba tanto. mientras tanto la familia castillo recibió noticias del accidente. hablé con arturo iglesias. dice que recibió un mensaje de raquel. roberto, el nieto de fernando y rosario estaba trabajando en una excavación arqueológica. ha habido un accidente. icuidado! ah sí, eso estaba viendo
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en la televisión. ¿y cómo está roberto? no lo sé. por fin arturo y pedro se conocieron. arturo le contó a pedro lo de la búsqueda de angel castillo en buenos aires. arturo: finalmente llegamos a la boca y allí en la calle caminito encontramos a un marinero que nos dio ciertos datos de angel. en los angeles, maría, la mamá de raquel recibió una visita de luis el antiguo novio de raquel. ¿y cómo está raquel? está bien. trabaja demasiado. acaba de llamar para avisar que... que va a posponer su regreso a los angeles. mira... estas fotos son recientes. ¿sí? era evidente que luis tenía interés en ver a raquel. entonces maría le sugirió que fuera a méxico para visitarla.
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claro, méxico es muy bonito, muy romántico y... y raquel está allí. y raquel, quien espera ver a arturo no sabe nada de lo que su mamá acaba de hacer. roberto... iroberto! ( gruñe ) ilo tengo! ilo tengo! iestá vivo! ilo tengo! ilo encontraron! iencontraron!
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ayúdenme. ¿quién gritó? ay, no puedo ver bien, ¿y tú? yo tampoco. debes tener paciencia, angela. todo saldrá bien. ay, todo eso porque a roberto le interesa tanto la civilización maya. no comprendo. aquí no vivían los mayas. lo que quiero decir es que de niño roberto leyó un libro sobre la civilización maya. y allí comenzó su interés por la arqueología. ah, ahora comprendo. como ya sabemos los indígenas que vivían en el centro de méxico y que gobernaban un vasto imperio del este al oeste eran los aztecas. los mayas habitaban la parte de méxico que se llama yucatán. también vivían en las regiones de chiapas, tabasco y campeche
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y en partes de centroamérica. los mayas nunca formaron un gran imperio con una ciudad capital. lo que existía era una serie de estados autónomos con sus propias ciudades centrales: mérida... uxmal... chichén itzá... copán y otras. según los datos entre los años trescientos y novecientos después de cristo la civilización maya llegó a su máximo apogeo mucho antes que la de los aztecas. durante esta época, los mayas hicieron grandes avances en los campos de la astronomía y las matemáticas.
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en templos como los de chichén itzá los astrónomos mayas por ejemplo calcularon el número exacto de días y horas que tenía el año. también sabían todos los ciclos de los eclipses solares y lunares. hasta la época merna ninguna otra civilización del mundo ha mostrado tanta aptitud para las matemáticas y la astronomía. en la casa de ramón, pati y juan siguen discutiendo sobre el regreso de ella a nueva york. pati, ya te lo dije. ino puedes irte justo ahora! ino me grites así, juan! ya traté de explicarte los problemas de la producción en nueva york. no entiendo por qué actúas como un niño mimado.
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¿cómo puedes hacerme esto? ¿ves? todo te lo hacen a ti. tus problemas son los más graves. a veces dudo que a ti te importen los demás. me importa mi papá. ah, sí. entonces, ¿por qué no estás más tiempo con él en el hospital? te la pasas aquí peleándote conmigo cuando él te necesita. sin saber ni oír nada de la discusión entre juan y pati consuelo y maricarmen miran un libro sobre las profesiones y las carreras. y éste es abogado. y ésta es médica. ¿y sabes qué profesión tiene esta señora? esta es dentista.
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y ésta es enfermera. mira... y éste es un maestro. y éste ¿sabes qué es? es un veterinario. ¿y éste, qué es? este es un periodista. trabaja en los periódicos, ¿no? sí. y ésta es actriz. y éste es actor. ¿y sabes qué profesión tiene este señor? no, mamá. es un hombre de negocios como tu tío carlos. tío carlos es profesor. no, es un hombre de negocios. es un hombre de negocios. tío pedro es abogado tío juan es profesor
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y papá... tu papá es un hombre de negocios. ¿tú también eres una mujer de negocios? no, yo estudié para maestra. yo cuando sea grande voy a ser médica para cuidar al abuelito. ohhh. mi amor. en el gran hotel, arturo y pedro siguen conversando sobre roberto y el accidente en la excavación. debe haber alguna oficina la universidad algún lugar donde tengan algún dato sobre el accidente en la excavación. seguramente. pero ya es tarde. lo mejor será que yo me quede aquí en el hotel por si raquel llama. sí. y yo debo ir a casa. también podría llamar allí. seguramente llamará. si tengo alguna noticia
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le aviso inmediatamente. por favor. aunque sea tarde a cualquier hora. lo mismo ud. a mí. por supuesto. ha sido un gusto, doctor. el gusto ha sido mío. espero que pueda conocer a toda la familia una vez que esto ya haya pasado. bien, debo apresurarme. estamos en contacto. buenas noches. en miami, ofelia está trabajando hasta muy tarde en la oficina de carlos. ella revisa un informe sobre la condición económica de la oficina. ay, iesto no puede ser!
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pronto lo van a saber... me pregunto si el señor castillo ya lo sabe. iay! en la excavación, un trabajador ya ha encontrado a roberto... ilo tengo! iayúdenme! pero nadie oye sus gritos. miren. deben sentarse para no estorbar. yo las busco tan pronto como sepa algo. pero... nada de eso. vayan a sentarse. raquel, llévala, por favor. sí, vamos, vamos.
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sólo roberto podría escoger una profesión tan peligrosa. ¿por qué no estudia para ser un médico, ingeniero o abogado como tú? es curioso. ahora que lo dices recuerdo que de niña yo quería ser profesora. sí. yo también. después pensé en ser actriz. quería ser rica y famosa. si supieras las carreras y profesiones en las que pensé yo. a ver... bueno, una vez pensé en ser profesora de historia. y luego pensé en ser veterinaria. ¿tú? ¿veterinaria?
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( ríe ) no te burles. es en serio. me gustan mucho los perros y se me ocurrió que ser veterinaria podría ser interesante. pues, yo nunca pensé en eso. como sabes, finalmente estudié computación y ahora soy programadora. mi papá esperaba que yo fuera abogada o mujer de negocios. ¿mujer de negocios tú? ( ríe ) mi mamá quería que yo estudiara para ser abogada. "raquel", me decía "estudia para abogada. es una buena profesión". parece que seguiste los consejos de tu mamá. mi papá nunca le dijo nada a roberto.
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aunque yo sé que él prefería que estudiara para ser médico o para ingeniero. ahora comprendo por qué. aquí, en la excavación hay ejemplos de varias de las profesiones de qué hablaban raquel y angela. claro, está presente una abogada. también hay una programadora de computadoras. hay un médico... una enfermera... un ingeniero... y una profesora de arqueología.
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en la familia castillo hay ejemplos de un hombre de negocios... de profesores... y también de un ama de casa. bueno, volvamos a la excavación. posiblemente pase algo importante.
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iroberto! no se preocupe señorita. está inconsciente, pero parece que está bien. ¿no está seguro? aparentemente está bien.
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respira normalmente, no tiene fracturas la temperatura y la presión son normales considerando lo que ha pasado. de todos modos es necesario llevarlo a un hospital para hacerle un examen completo. veré que lo llevan a méxico directamente. venga, acércase. ¿estás bien? sí. raquel, lo más conveniente es dejarle sola. ( suspira ) bueno... por fin sabemos algo. y roberto parece estar bien.
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pero al principio, no sabíamos nada. roberto estaba atrapado en la excavación y los obreros gritaban. cuando llegamos angela y yo ¿entendíamos lo que pasaba? ¿podíamos ver lo que ocurría? ay, no puedo ver bien, ¿y tú? yo tampoco. no podíamos ver nada de lo que ocurría. para no estorbar a los trabajadores angela y yo fuimos a sentarnos. angela comenzó a hablar de su hermano y dijo algo sobre su profesión. ¿recuerdan? sólo roberto podría escoger una profesión tan peligrosa. angela dijo que roberto había escogido una profesión peligrosa.
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luego, angela y yo empezamos a hablar de diferentes profesiones. yo le dije a angela que de niña había pensado en varias profesiones. ¿recuerdan cuáles eran? yo pensé en ser profesora y también en ser veterinaria. angela se rió al oír eso. entonces, ella me habló de profesiones en que ella pensaba de niña. ¿recuerdan cuáles eran?
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pues, angela pensó en ser profesora también. y también en ser actriz. iqué curioso! de niños pensamos en una profesión y de grandes nos dedicamos a una profesión totalmente diferente. ¿no es así? ojalá roberto esté bien. angela y él tienen mucho de que hablar. y también tienen mucho que hablar con su tío arturo. ¿y qué pasó con arturo durante este episodio? ¿con quién hablaba arturo mientras raquel y angela esperaban que rescataran a roberto?
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si tengo alguna noticia le aviso inmediatamente. por favor. aunque sea tarde a cualquier hora. lo mismo ud. a mí. en la casa de ramón, juan y pati seguían conversando. ¿qué problema tienen? ¿qué conflicto hay entre los dos?
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pati, ya te lo dije. ino puedes irte justo ahora! ino me grites así, juan! ya traté de explicarte los problemas de la producción en nueva york. no entiendo por qué actúas como un niño mimado. hay problemas en la producción teatral de pati en nueva york y se necesita su presencia. juan cree que la familia es más importante y no quiere que pati se vaya. es un conflicto difícil de resolver. ¿qué piensan uds. de este problema?
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( suspira ) pronto esta familia estará reunida angela y roberto con arturo y ellos con don fernando. y entonces yo podré volver a los angeles. voy a entrar para ver cómo está roberto. captioned by the caption center wgbh educational foundation
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you look tired, katherine. have a late date last night ? no such luck, jess. the only man in my life is a teenager th an eightear-old sister. you want to hear about my date, jess ? he was a ballroom dancer who loved to tango. in my dreams. how's david coming with my model airplane ? hasn't he fixed that for you t ? no. - i'll ask him about it toght. - don't bother. he's probably got a lot of other things onis mind. the only thing on david's mind is how to get out of doing his homework. it's not funny, jess. i just got a second note from his teacher about his math and english grades. - that bad, huh ? - don't worry. it's only a passing phase. - he'll get over it. - but when ? i don't know if i can live that long. - hasn't he got a birthday coming soon ? - next month. he'll be 14. fourteen ? he's practically a man. at 14 i was working in my father's shop. would you like me to find him a jo?
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the only thing i want is for him to finish school without failing. finished my deliveries mr. brashov. do you want me to do anythi else fore i go home ? i can't believe i'm hearing this. what's the matter with you, henry ? oh, i was just wondering if i can be of help. - doesn't sound like the henry i know. - hey, i'm feeling good, okay ? does this ha anything to do with your date last saturday ? - it might. - well, i'm glad one of us has a love life. congratulations, henry. what's the young lady's name ? oh, sara. she's in my social studies class. they went bowling saturday night. that's what i call a hot date. meaningful relationships have started with a lot less. my goodness. how serious is this ? it isn't serious. we're just starting to get to know one another. that's the spirit, henry. don't rush into anything. a bowling date is hardly rushing things, jess. - are we keeping you up ? - oh, i'm sorry, mr. brashov. - do you suppose i could leave a little early tonight ? - by all means, leave early.
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perhaps you'll feel better tomorrow. jamal, what do you know about computers ? i know that ey're very expenve and that i can't afford one. but prices are coming down. lo at this. this is a closeout. it's on sale because it's last year's model. but it would work, wouldn't it ? sure but it would be slow. and it might be totally outdated in a couple of years are you thinking of buying a computer ? i'd be glad to help you choose one. no. i was just curious, that's all. oh. it would be nice to own a compur. but unless mr. brashov suddenly decides to give me a raise it's a luxury i can't afford. that makes two of us. - jamal, do you like to dance ? - not with you. that's not what i meant. do you and jihan ever go dancing ? oh, no. not anymore. with a baby, that's another luxury i can't afford.
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whdo you want to know ? i was just curious that's all. this is a very strange day. - i want to watch cartoons. - no way. we're watching the game. - you change that, and you're in big trouble. - what's going on here ? all david wants to watch is that stupid game. it's not a stupid game. it's the cowboys. they're the best. so, just because the cowboys are good doesn't mean it isn'stupid. besides, if they're good at something stupid, that makes this game more stupid. - now, that's stupid. - i'm not stupid ! - that's enough ! i'm too tired to listen to the two of you argue. david, why can't you letour sister watch what she wants once in a while ? because all she wants to watch is cartoons. besides, i'm tired of having to come straight home every day to baby-sit her. i'm not a baby. you don't have to watch me. i never get to see any of my friends anymore. how come you have to work this second job anyway ? i told you, david.
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mr. brashov had to cut my salary, and there are bills to pay. - why is he so mean ? - he's not mean, honey. it's just for a while, until business picks up. i won't have to keep this other job forever. have you done your homework yes. - david ? - i'll do it later. - you know what the teacher said. - mom, don't start. just try to get along. david, set the table. suzanne, help me make the salad. what about tv ? okay. tonight david can watch football. and tomoow you can watch whatever you want. how's that ? hi, everyone. weather's rning chilly. it's not so warm in here either. you're right. where'vior ? he and jamal are checking t heater. did you get a little rest last night, katherine ? i was up late with david helping him do his homework.
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a parent's work is never done, is it ? oh, and spoke to david about your model airplane. he says it should be finished soon. that great. so let's take a look at it. - how about finishing our chess game, victor ? - in a moment, my friend. i ve to check the thermostat first. you see, it is still 68 degrees. good eating weather ? you'll sell a lot of soup. i already sell a lot of soup. are you sure you put a clean filter in the heater ? absolutely. then what is the problem ? remember when i told you you might need a new blower ? i remember the word "might." well, i'm afraid it's time for the word "need." are blowers expensive ? is that good or bad ? well, not good. okay. get the blower. i didn really want to make a profit this month ay. - henry. - sara, what are you doing here ? i wanted to tell you i've been appointed. to the decorating committee r the holiday dance at school.
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yes. well, i can't talk now. i'm at work. i've got things to do. nothing urgent. take your time. he's a bit too shy to introduces. i'm rosa. - hi, i'm sara - that's mr. brashov and mr. washington. that's katheri. hi. and jamal. hi. hello. so, what are you doing here ? that's the second time you've asked me that. aren't you happy to see me ? oh, sure. i'm glad aren't you excited about the dance ? oh, sure. the decoting committee's going to be a lot of work, but we have some really great ideas for the gym. would you like to help us ? oh, well, i'm not very good at that sort of thing. but it wouldn't be that hard-- look. i better get back to work before mr. brashov gets mad at me. he seems like a sweet man. yes, well, you don't know him like i do. okay. well, i'll see you in school tomorrow. -good-bye, everybody. it was really nice meetg you. -bye.
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even you, mr. brashov. ev me ? don't mind her. she's just being funny. - i thought she was very nice. - so, did you ask her to the dance ? no. [ sa ] what are you waiting for ? - she wants you to. - no, she doesn't. are you kidding ? that's why she told you about the decorating committee. - she was just making conversation. - that's not what i heard. look, i-- i have a delivery to make. i've got to go. you know, if he had a deliry he really should have taken some food. oh, there's a terrific sale at the main street emporium. why don't we go after work ? no, thanks. i can't. come on. forty percent off on nylons. you know you need some. i can't go today. could go tomorrow instead. no, i'm busy all week. you can't be that busy.
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look, rosa just fget it. all right okay, okay. you don't want to go you don't have to go. [ narrator ] today, one out of evfour families in the united states... is a single-parent family. many live in poverty struggling to find acceptable child care... and pay for housing and food. money is always a concern. there's ner enough. never enough. [ narrator ] it's not easy providing economic support for the family... and nurturinchildren. single parents oft feel sttched in many directions... with no one to turn to. it's not like working at a department store, where you're just making some extra money. it's, it's exhausting. and it is difficult to face a small ild and all of those demands
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the home demands when you're alady tired to the bone. i mean, everything fell into my hands. everythi from making sure the bills are paid... to transporting the children from one point to another. [ narrator ] the challenges of being a single parent are not new. they're just more prevalent in tay's society. years ago, maria jesus moz found herselin a similar positn. when her husband died suddenly she was left with three young daughters to raise. she went to the united states to find work... and enrolled her daughters in a boarding school supported by the mexican government. i think we used to find comfort in that all the children...
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in the boarding school were in the same situation that we were. and then we had each other. [ narrator ] it took more than ten ars fomrs. munoz... to earn the income necessary to bring her daughters to the united states. the problems we had, or whatever we went through-- that's not pleasant. it wasn't pleasant for me. i'm su it wasn't for her either. but i'm glad i'm where i am now. and guess twas the only way to get where i am, i'm glad she did it. just a minute. be right there. henry, have you rented that tuxedo for the dance yet ? no. good. i saw a place near here that has a special price for new customers.
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thanks, but i don't need a tuxedo. formal dances are for losers. i'm planning somethipecial for that night-- ride in a hot air balloon. oh, sounds very romantic. -how does sara feel about that ? haven't told her yet, but i know she'll go for it. what about all thek e's doing to decorat the gym ? - don't you think she'll want to be at the dance ? - ro has a point. - when i tell heabout the balloon ride, she'll flip out. - maybe not like you think. have you decided yet ? not quite. - how's the tuna - veryood. made fresh every day. i don't know. i'm not really in a mood for fish. - how's the meat loaf ? - excellent choice. no, i need something lighter. let me see. look, i haven't got all day. pick something. well, if that's your attitude, i will. anoer restaurant.
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she decided she wast hungry. see you tomorrow, rosa. henry, is something wrong ? sara doesn't want to go ballooning. she wants to go to the dance. see ? i told you. so no big deal. - take her to the dance. - i can't. why not ? - i can't dance. - come on. all you have to do is move with the music. anybody can do that. yes, that may rk for fast dances, but at formals they play a lot of slow songs. i' never danced like that. i'd just embarrass myself and sara. it's easier than ilooks. i'll show you. see come on. follow me.
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see ? you're daing. that's it ? this is easy. so far. b the man is suppod to lead. try it. hey, this is fun you' a good teacher, rosa. i saw gene kelly do this inn old movie once ready ? - sara. - just forget it.
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- who is it ? - hi, suzanne. it's rosa. remember me ? i work with your mom. sure. hold on a minute. hi. come on in. is your mom here ? no. do you know when she'll be back ? soon. she isn't home from work yet. but the ca closed over four hours ago. not that job. her other job. oh. how long has your mom had a second job ? ever since mean old mr. brashov cut her sala. - you won't tell h i told you, will you ? - i won't y anything. - where's your brother ? - he's out are you all right byouelf ? sure. i'm used to it by now. - what are you drawing ? - a picture of me and david. may i see it ? sure.
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rosa, what are you doing here ? i was at the emporium for the sale, and i bought you some nylons. i thought i'd drop them off on my way home. thanks, but i ally don't need them. that's okay. i can take them back. so, what are you really doing here ? i was worried about you. worried ? why ? because you've been acting weird. i've just been a little tired. yes, i know. she told you. it's all right, honey. i'll explain it to you later. i'd like to hear. maybe you should take a look at your daughter's drawing. i'd better go now. where have you been ? t. i can see that. i want to know where. just hanging with some of my friends. i'll see you in the morning, okay ?
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do you want to tell me what's been going on ? david, i thought we were trying to work together. is that why you're never home ? do you think i like having two jobs ? then go back to dad. that's not an option. well, maybe it should be. i don't like your attitude after all i'm trying to do for you ! what have you done for me, mo? it's all right, honey. would you like me to tell you what this word play is about ? it's all about making offers. here, i'll show you.
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as we've seen, an offer often begins with the wd "i'll." but you can also use the phrase, "would you le me to ?"
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would you like to know what happens in the story ? i'll see what i can do. now that you have fixed the heater, jamal, it is very comfortable in here. actually, the heater isn't on. what do you mean ? it isn't working ? no. it's a beautiful day. we don't need the heat. oh, but when we do need the heat, will work ? you know, mr. brash you worry too much. that's what you do when you run a business. you worry. well, the heat is fine so you are free to worry about something else thank you. i will. are you all right ? not even close. after you left last night, david locked himself in his room. he sll wouldn't talk to me this morning. i left without seeing him.
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i think i'll call home and see if they're all right. is it all right if i use the phone in your office mr. brashov ? i'd like to check on my kids. of course. is somethingrong ? i'm not sure. henry, are you all right ? yes, i'm okay, mr. brashov. what in the world is the matter, then ? - it's sara. she won't talk to me. - did you try to explain ? i keep leaving messages, but she won't call me back. i think i'll go wash some dishes. when he is happy he wants to work; and when he is uappy, he wants to work. that's callelove victor. i have to leave, mr. brashov. there's no answer in my apartmen david and suzanne should have been home om school by now. - did you call the school ? - yes. they left almost an hour ago. - where could they go ? - i don't know. i'm sure they're all right. you saw what happened last night.
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david's still rting because of the divorce their therractically deserted us, and i know david blames me for that. you should have said something. if there w a problem perhaps we could have helped. it's my problem, mr. brashov, not yours. why ? we are all like family here. and if something is wrong, everybody is affected. dad's schoolwork sfering and i can't seem to communicate with him. i thought if i could buy him a computer for his birthday, maybe that would help. so that's why you were king me about computers. yes, but all the computers i looked at were so expensive. i had to get an extra job in the evening just to earn enough money to pay for it. my children needed me. and now they've run away. - no, we haven't, mom. - oh, you're all right !
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where have you been ? what are you doing here ? david came and got me after school. i wanted to give mr. washington back s airplane. sorry it took so long. that's okay. i also wanted to tell you... that i'm sorry about last night. you know what i was thinking ? -how would you like to celebrate your birthday a little early ? -sure ! we could go up to the lake just the thr of us spend a long weekend together. cool ! can we go fiing ? i think so. david has to clean the fish. i think this calls for a celebration. how about some ice cream ? my treat. if you don't mind, mr. brashov, i'd like to take david and suzanne home. how about it ? see you all tomoow.
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i love hap endings. oh, may i help you young lady ? - yes. is hen here ? - he's in the kitchen. i'll get him for you. - would you like something tori ? - no, thank you. sa. what are you doing here ? you left a message that you wanteto tell me the truth... about her. it's not what you think. rosa and i are just friends. in fact, we are hardly even iends. we just work together. - you two seemed pretty friendly to me. - look, sara. the reason i didn't ask you to the holiday dance was because... i can't dance. and rosa was teaching me. i thought you were dancing pretood. really ? yes. so you'll go to the dance with me ? i don't know. i was hoping to go with a really good dancer. but i thought you said i was pretty good. maybe you should show me
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hey, look what i caught. a photo wasn't good enough. - he wanted everyone to see it in person. - welcome back ! that's a whopper of a fish david. did he givyou a good fight ? - he sure did. - what are you going to doith ? maybe we could serve it as special. this is a marveloucatch. i think we should have a special feast just to celebrate. oh, how ce ! well, what do you think ? nry, you'll be the most handsome manat the dance. i'm going to take a picture. [ rosa ] take it of everydy. - come on, jess. ja you t. - l right. excuse me. would you mind taking our picture ? t at all. [ katherine ] smile, hen.
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closed-caponed by ptions, inc. los angeles
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crossroads cafe is a series that teachesnglish... to speakers of other languages. for more information call toll-free
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funding for this program [with captioning] was provided by: additional funding is provided by:
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and: narrator: each video episode has three parts. watch the program, read your book discuss the program and... rebecca: ♪ that would be enough, enough for me ♪ ♪ everybody needs a dream catcher ♪ ♪ catch me! ♪
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let's hope these cards and letters will persuade mr. wang to let vincent come back. i've talked to him several times on the telephone. he's very polite. he's just not ready to change his mind. he knows vincent loved the program. maybe the cards will convince him that the program's good for vincent. well, let's keep our fingers crossed. ah... hello, mrs. washington. and hello, ms. casey. hello, mr. wang. the children from the after-school program made these cards for vincent. we all want to say how sorry we are about what happened. i see. we also held a prejudice- awareness workshop. a policewoman came in to help the children understand what happened and why it was wrong. we're sorry about what happened. we miss vincent very much. and we hope you'll let him come back.
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thank you. vincent will be very happy to see these. i want to apologize again. i feel partly responsible for what happened to vincent. i also want to say how much we want vincent to come back to the program. thank you. i know that vincent misses his friends, too. but we don't want him to get hurt. some parents don't teach their children how to behave. it's a problem in this country. emma: may i speak frankly? yes. i'm an african-american woman. all my life i've had to deal with prejudice. when i was a little girl kids made fun of me. they called me names. it hurt a lot... especially as a child. but i got through it and so will vincent. i understand that there is hate in this world but vincent is just a child. parents must protect their children. now, i know you love your son and i know that you have to do what you think is right for him. but we think it'd be good for him and the other children if you allow him to come back.
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it'd teach them that it's possible to overcome prejudice but only when we work together. thank you for your concern. i know that you both care... but th is a very difficult decision for our family. mrs. washington and, uh, ms. casey brought these for you. look... this one's from alex. "vincent, you have to come back. "we are a team. "i miss you. alex." "hope you can come back soon. steven." dad, can't i go back?
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we'll see. so you think you can handle it? we'll do it nice and slow. i'll count you off: one... two... one, two, three, four... ( student begins to play )
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do you think vincent's coming back? i'm sure mr. and mrs. wang gave it some thought but i'm not very optimistic. good afternoon. hi, alex. hi. is vincent coming back? oh, we don't know yet. why don't you go in and sit down. i'll be right there. egypt, come on honey, come on. how are you today? good. good. good to see you. ♪ oh, look who's here puncinella, puncinella? ♪ ♪ look who's here puncinella in the shoe? ♪ ♪ oh, what can you do puncinella, puncinella? ♪ ♪ what can you do puncinella in the shoe? ♪ ( all mumbling the song ) ♪ oh, who do you choose puncinella, puncinella? ♪ ♪ who do you choose puncinella in the shoe? ♪ ( from distance ): ♪ oh, look who's here puncinella, puncinella. ♪ ♪ look who's here puncinella... ♪ ( rebecca teaching children a song )
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good afternoon mrs. washington. vincent! mrs. wang! come in. have a seat, please. i'm so happy that vincent is back. i'm sorry about my english. um... my husband and i have... zuo chu jue ding. made a decision. ...made a decision. vincent not coming back to program. we want to return guitar. i'm disappointed to hear that. i'm sorry vincent won't be in the program. vincent... we were happy to have you here. we'll miss you very much. it was nice here. i liked it a lot. ( mrs. wang speaking mandarin )
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i'm sorry, mrs. washington but my mother says we have to go now. thank you. rebecca and children: ♪ ...laugh, kookaburra, laugh, kookaburra ♪ ♪ gay your life must be. ♪ rebecca: one more time. all: ♪ kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, ♪ ♪ merry, merry king of the bush is he, ♪ ♪ laugh, kookaburra laugh, kookaburra, ♪ ♪ gay your life must be. ♪ you definitely got it. alex... i have some bad news-- vincent's not coming back to the program. his parents think it's the best thing for him. we're going to tell the other students tomorrow. i knew it. alex, is your father picking you up today? yeah. hi, alex. how was your day? hello, rebecca. hi, ramón. do you have a minute?
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sure. mrs. wang stopped by today and told us that vincent is not coming back to the program. that's too bad. but i have an idea: i think i'll ask the wangs if i can give guitar lessons to vincent and alex at vincent's house. what do you think, alex? yeah! i'd like that. that way, they can keep up the friendship while they learn to play the guitar. i'll throw in the lessons for free. great idea. but i must pay for alex's lessons. no. they're free i insist. i feel so bad about what happened, this is my way of doing something about it. you can do whatever you want with the wangs but, please, let me pay for alex. but i don't want you or the wangs to pay. i insist. listen, vincent is alex's best friend. it's the least a father can do. right, pal? so, when do we start? i don't know. i have to ask the wangs first. today, right? take it easy, champ.
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mrs. wang ( over intercom ): hello? hello, mrs. wang. this is ms. casey from the after-school program. yes, ms. casey. i'm coming down. o.k. hi, mrs. wang. ms. casey, very nice to see you. please, sit down. thank you. rebecca and emma washington brought the cards to mr. wang
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at his store. ah... hello, mrs. washington. and hello, ms. casey. hello, mr. wang. the children from the after-school program made these cards for vincent. we all want to say how sorry we are about what happened. i see. we miss vincent very much. and we hope you'll let him come back. thank you. vincent will be very happy to see these. mrs. wang and vincent come to the after-school program to say that vincent is not coming back to school. um... my husband and i have... zuo chu jue ding. made a decision. ...made a decision. vincent not coming back to program. we want to return guitar. i'm disappointed to hear that. i'm sorry vincent won't be in the program. vincent... we were happy to have you here. we'll miss you very much. rebecca tells ramón her idea for keeping vincent and alex together.
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she is going to give vincent free guitar lessons. mrs. wang stopped by today and told us that vincent is not coming back to the program. that's too bad. but i have an idea: i think i'll ask the wangs if i can give guitar lessons to vincent and alex at vincent's house. well, mr. wang is obviously very upset and rightly so but i think he is beginning at this point to put his wishes above those of his son. i think he should give vincent another chance to go back to school. if... he can't keep vincent away from that other kids forever. i approve mr. wang's behavior. well, i don't think it's a very good decision but that's what they decide to do because they are hurt. and at this point, the only one who's paying for it is the little boy. you have to know when to step in and when to let it go.
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rebecca: mrs. wang... here's what i'd like to do: give guitar lessons to vincent-- free of charge. guitar lessons? can i, mom? uh, this is very kind of you. but why? i feel responsible for what happened to vincent at the picnic. you did not make vincent cry. eh, you, uh... vincent... ban le yi jiao. vincent ( whispering ): trip. you did not trip him. you did not call him names. bad boys did that. i know, but i didn't protect vincent, either. the guitar lessons are my way of apologizing to your family. uh, this is very kind. but first, i must speak to vincent father. he'll say it's o.k.
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vincent... ( speaking mandarin ) i'd like to give the lessons to vincent's friend, alex, too. yes! alex? vincent likes this boy. he will take the lessons, too? i will call vincent father. rebecca: i'd like to have the lessons here if it's o.k. with you and mr. wang. yes, here is fine. i'll bring alex here and take him home after each lesson. how much will the lessons cost? oh, nothing, free of charge. vincent... ( speaking mandarin ) my mother says we must pay. oh, no, really, i don't want you to pay. uh, vincent... ( speaking mandarin ) o.k.? she said "wait a minute." she'll be right back.
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( phone ringing ) hello. mrs. wang: hello, shi wo, mei-lin. hi, mei-lin. ( mrs. wang speaking mandarin ) o.k. ( mrs. wang continues ) mm-hmm. ( mrs. wang continues ) is that o.k.? o.k., o.k., for vincent, fine. mrs. wang: yes, bye. o.k. bye-bye. please, for you. oh, it's beautiful but i... i can't accept this. vincent... ( speaking mandarin ) my mom said she wants you to have it. thank you very much, mrs. wang. vincent's father is very happy about the guitar lessons. vincent: yes! vincent... ( speaking mandarin )
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( continues in mandarin ) vincent: my mother says you're a very good person, and she's happy that you came to our house today. thank you. i'm happy to do something for vincent and alex. it's important to keep friends together. my mom says we can do it! alex: cool, when? starting next tuesday, after the program. alex: great! hey, tell everybody the cards were great. some of them were so cool. alex: i will. i can't wait till tuesday! yeah, me neither. i kind of like it here at grandma's house. how about if we get a new house, just for us? we can't stay here forever, you know? mom says she's going to get a house with a pool. is it hard living in two places--
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every other weekend with your mom, the rest of the time with me? sometimes it's hard. sometimes i like it. i know what you mean. dad? do you like ms. casey? everybody likes ms. casey. why do you ask? are you and ms. casey going to date? alex, where did you get an idea like that? i don't know. jimmy peters at school-- his dad is divorced and he goes out on dates. i don't have time for dates. anyway, ms. casey is going out with uncle alberto. you know that. do you have any homework? uh-uh. that's what you always say. i'll put the rest of the dishes away. you start your homework. no guitar until your homework is finished. you hear me?
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dad, do you think i could be a rock star? i thought you wanted to be a baseball player. i think i'd rather be a rock star. well, my son can be anything he wants to be but first, he has to do his homework. now go. mrs. mendoza: alex you're getting popcorn all over the carpet! please, pick that up right now. i'm supposed to do my homework. first, pick up the popcorn, then do your homework. i bet rock stars don't have to pick up popcorn. rock stars? where is your father? in the kitchen. alex is getting popcorn all over the carpet. you should teach him to clean up after himself. he was just in here helping me clean up the kitchen. alex, turn that television off this minute! that boy watches too much television.
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i know, i know. ramón, look at you digging through laundry. you need a wife to take care of you and alex. i had one wife. that was enough for a lifetime. christine was never the rght woman for you. look, i was young. i made a mistake. are you going to see her tonight? yeah. we're going to try to settle this l.a. business. you're not going to let her take alex to los angeles, are you? not if i can help it. look, mama, i'm sorry. i've got to go. go, i'll finish this for you. thanks. go on. ramón... i wish you luck.
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come in. thank you for picking up the popcorn. what are you studying? science-- all about cells, how things grow. i can see you are growing. look at your pajamas! they're too small for you. stop, stop. ¿abuelita? uh-huh. do you think mommy and daddy will ever get back together again? i don't think so, alex. your mother remarried. she's living with her new husband now. well, is daddy going to get married again? i don't know. maybe... if he finds the right woman. i know somebody he likes. who's that? ms. casey. i'm sure he likes her
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as a friend, that's all. ( chuckles ) let's go over your homework. tell me what you know about cells. o.k., you see this? this is an animal cell. animal cell. and this is a plant cell. plant cell. they both have cell walls... hey, dad. hey, buddy, let's go. get your things. just a minute. hi. hi, hi... are you o.k.? not really. i had a talk with alex's mother last night. you know she's moving to l.a. i remember. how'd it go? not very well. she still wants him to go with her. of course, i want him to stay here. it looks like we'll have to go back to court over it. i don't know what i'm going to tell alex. it's terrifying. the judge may ask him to choose. how horrible.
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but wait a minute. you spend more time with him than his mother does. true, but who knows what the judge will decide. i'm not looking forward to telling alex about all this. just tell him the truth and that you love him. i got my things. go get in the car, please. i'll be right there. bye, ms. casey. bye, alex. don't forget to practice tonight, o.k.? o.k. sorry to bother you with all this. that's what friends are for. bye. bye. rebecca offers to give the guitar lessons to vincent for free. so that vincent and his friend alex, can be together. here's what i'd like to do:
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give guitar lessons to vincent-- free of charge. guitar lessons? can i, mom? what rebecca did is a wonderful thing. mrs. wang then gives her a very nice-looking chinese vase. please, for you. oh, it's beautiful but i... i can't accept this. ( speaking mandarin ) my mom said she wants you to have it. by offering this she will feel much happier. alex told his grandmother that ramón likes rebecca. is daddy going to get married again? i don't know. maybe... if he finds the right woman. i know somebody he likes. who's that? ms. casey. i'm sure he likes her as a friend, that's all. ( chuckles ) alex asks his father whether he's going to date rebecca. are you and ms. casey going to date? alex, where did you get an idea like
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that? i don't know. ramón now lives with his mother in her house because he's divorced, his wife is gone. ramón, look at you digging through laundry. you need a wife to take care of you and alex. i had one wife. that was enough for a lifetime. christine was never the right woman for you. ramón is not too happy. he found out that his ex-wife, chris, wanted to move to l.a. and chris wanted to take alex, their son, to l.a. with her. i had a talk with alex's mother last night. you know she's moving to l.a. i remember. how'd it go? not very well. she still wants him to go with her. of course, i want him to stay here. it looks like we'll have to y; back to court over it. i don't know what i'm going to tell alex.
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just my opinion but if you're going to give up custody of your child so easily what kind of parent are you? i really think the father has... should have the custody of the son. we don't have enough facts to say whether the child should stay with his father or with his mother because at this point we can only see that the child is living with his father. we don't know anything about his mother-- how affectionate she is. it would be very difficult for alex to accept another man. the only solution is to go to court. isn't that even worse? divorce is a very, very difficult and very complex thing especially for the kids. n center wgbh educational foundation]
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n center funding for this program [with captioning] was provided by: additional funding is provided by: and:
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