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tv   France 24  LINKTV  November 15, 2016 2:30pm-3:01pm PST

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french president france holland has warned the u.s. president-elect donald trump against tax tracking on america's commitment to fighting climate change. trump has called global warming hoax and said he wants to withdraw from the agreement that was signed last year in paris. -- re speaking thatnde said he hoped would not happen. >> i so badly wanted the paris accord, your -- you will remember it took place in a particular context after the
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november 13 attacks. all the world leaders were there. there was a decision to make, a decision on the future of the planet, the environment, and avoiding climate change. is irreversible and that is what i wanted to indicate very clearly in marrakesh. our correspondent told us that people are worried that the u.s. pledges looking less than solid following trumps election. >> people here are worried, it is not exactly a party atmosphere but there is defiant and there is some optimis. people are trying to stay positive about the future of the paris deal. we had -- francois holland said that the paris deal was irreversible, he earned a round of applause from the delegates. it.eans it when he says
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donald trump means it when he says he believes global warming is a hoax. he could decide not to live up to the u.s. from us is, the commitment to cut back cover and omissions and invest in a green economy, he could boost investment in: oil, all those things he could do when he becomes u.s. president. that is a big worry for people here. the u.s. delegation as it is right now says the obama administration is going to do all it can in the months that remained until donald trump is all i can toto do make sure the u.s. can live up to the promises it made a year ago in paris. what is the next step in implanting what has already been reporter: the marrakesh call is what it is being called and all the countries, over 190, signed up to this call and it is a reaffirmation, reaffirming
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their commitment to the paris deal that was struck a year ago and clearly, the marrakesh call is a strong message to donald trump saying we are still behind the promises that were made in paris a year ago. the idea is to now, paris was like a roadmap. now marrakesh is about breaking out how the paris still can be implemented. it has to do with measuring progress. people are worried but they are defiant and they are trying to stay positive. anchor: a new report by the world bank said natural disasters have a more devastating impact on the poor than previously thought. acts of god pushed 26 million in two -- into poverty each year. we have the details. a thai fundars ago -- a typhoon inflicted $13
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billion u.s. in losses plunging one million people into poverty. all this from the world bank report. wherever they strike, natural disasters leave behind more than ruins. the world bank has warned the titan poverty's grip on committees worldwide. in this video, the message is loud and clear. natural disaster losses average more than $300 billion a year. this is how we measure the devastation of floods my earthquakes, droughts, and storms. their financial cost. the dollar amounts do not tell us the whole story. as it stands, natural disaster is the equivalent of 520 billion pushing 26 million people
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into poverty each year. the world bank publish these findings at the conference change conference -- at the climate change conference in marrakesh. the international body calls for early warning systems that could being -- bring benefits of 100 billion u.s. dollars. president barack obama is in greece this tuesday on his final foreign trip before he leaves the white house in january. obama will visit germany and peru as he seeks to reassure america's allies in the wake of donald trump selection. speaking in athens alongside the greek prime minister obama admitted he had been surprised by trumps victory but he also said america would stay committed to nato whoever was in the white house. >> with doubts mounting, barack obama arrived in greece.
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it is the first leg of his last foreign trip which has one goal to reassure america's allies. willis because the man who replace him has called nato obsolete and made overtures toward russia. obama said the u.s. will not abandon the decades-old military alliance and will continue to honor nato's all for one can -- principle. natodent obama: the strong relationship between the u.s. and graces of the utmost importance across democratic and republican administrations, there is a recognition that the nato alliance is vital and the transatlantic relationship is the cornerstone of our mutual security as well as prosperity. traced greecea for its compassion with refugees. over 60,000 people are stranded in greece after it there onwards journey was sealed off as orders
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were shot in the falcons. >> it is important we do not have any single country bear the entire burden of these challenges. reporter: as barack obama heads to germany on wednesday, the u.s. leader has warned against the rise of populism in europe. in greecet everyone was pleased to see barack obama today. they were violent scenes outside that meeting. police fired to gas on protesters who were demonstrating a short distance from where the greek government is hosting president obama for a state banquet. around 7000 people took part in anti-american demonstrations, many of them allied with communist movements. protesters tried to reach the greek parliament and u.s. embassy and some hurled petrol bombs at police. there have been near daily protests in the u.s. against donald trumps election. others have started to take closer look at his finances. the president-elect's far-flung
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business interests mean he is tied up with multinational corporations and even the u.s. government itself and that means potential conflicts of interest ahead. mark thompson explains. mr. trump: the total is 8 billion -- over a billion dollars. mark: the size of his fortunes and when that is giving him problems. his empire includes golf courses and luxury hotels. providing trump with the comforts of interest minefields. deutsche bank holds more than $300 million of the incoming president's debt. the bank is facing calls from the u.s. justice department to overp a $14 billion claim its mismanagement of subprime mortgages prior to the financial crash. in all, trumps reach stretches across around 500 companies including in countries which have conflict's relations with
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the u.s. including china, russia, and saudi arabia. his empire is also undergoing new projects in turkey, azerbaijan, and indonesia. the u.s. constitution prohibits any government official them taking payments, gifts, or sharing in profits in a company with ties to a foreign government. , trumps hotels benefit from government subsidies which can be increased or decreased by the white house. his new washington hotel is built on federal land. the president-elect is interesting his business to his children, a decision that received criticism even as they were named as part of his transition team. as president, trump will have to annually disclose his financial interests. during the campaign, he became the first candidate to the white house not to release a summary of their tax returns in 40 years. troops to erect where
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battle islamic state fighters in the city of mosul. they have you been jihadists out and is making gains in the south. reporter: iraqi special forces say they have gained a foothold in the east forcing islamic state fighters out. they say more than one third of the eastern half of markus: mosul is under control. -- are islamic state cells there which we target from time to time. >> residents caught in the battle are anxious to leave, fearing reprisals.
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the situation was so bad, so difficult in terms of food, there were shortages, there was no work, we were all very tired. every young man was out of work. nothing seemed to be getting better. fighting is also taking place to the south. this helicopter is pounding jihadi positions as forces advance on the ground. houses are retaken one after the other. the sonic state fighters are using car bombs and drums -- drones loaded with explosives in response.rea -- let's have established a seed -- we have established a siege around this village. iraqi forces are attempting to wrest control from the airport. anchor: across the border in syria the city of aleppo has come under attack for the first time in a month. activists claimed regime and
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russian planes have been bombarding the rebel held eastern district with barrel bombs dropped in a number of neighborhoods. calm for period of people living in the city. the international criminal court says u.s. forces and the cia may have committed war crimes in afghanistan. a report from the court's chief prosecutor lists various allegations including torture. the claims go back to 2002. the first time, the international criminal court has stated sites on the united states and its actions in afghanistan and elsewhere. in the report by the icc, they cia saying syria or does may have tortured 27 detainees in afghanistan or lithuania, poland, and romania. it's his u.s. armed forces appear to have abused 61
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detainees in afghanistan between 2003 and 2014. the chief prosecutor spoke to france 24 about the alleged war crimes at the hands of the u.s. >> we have advanced significantly in the preliminary examination in that particular situation of afghanistan. reporter: all of the trials have dealt with crimes committed in africa. and it is eager to silence its critics that say the court is biased. prosecutors are to decide imminently whether to seek authorization to open a full-scale investigation in afghanistan and that could lead to war crimes charges. some experts doubt it will come to this. >> this report really serves as a document which aims and shames governments and double sizes -- publicizes crimes. what they're trying to do is engage with the u.s. in order for them to start prosecutions themselves. reporter: the international
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criminal court has been ratified by 123 countries. the u.s. is a notable absence. after taking absence, president barack obama moved to ban torture as an interrogation setod in 2009 while the men to replace him, donald trump, feels otherwise. during his campaign, the now president-elect suggested he would push to change laws prohibiting waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques saying torture works. mr. trump: i think it is just fine. anchor: the french government will seek to extend a state of emergency for the second time. next is presidential election and france's part in the fight against islamic state in syria make france and ongoing target for terrorists. president to launch -- hollande said he would like it to run until next year's presidential vote in april. the state of emergency was invoked following the paris attacks and it has been extended once already.
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brexit plan, what brexit plan? the british government after a leaked memo suggested there was no official take britain out of the european union. the document said divisions in prime minister theresa may's cabinet could delay negotiations for months. mark thompson has more. mark: as they approached number after the street one other, british cabinet ministers were asked the same question. >> is the government's brexit plan and chaos? -- and chaos -- in chaos? mark: none responded. and leaked in title memo claims that -- internal memo cleans there is no strategy for leaving the eu and key ministers are split about what the u.k. is negotiating -- about what the negotiating strategy should be. it may take six months before a plan is in place and suggested
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around 30,000 extra staff might across 500o work projects. the government responded by saying it does not recognize the memos claim. >> it is not something that was commissioned by government and it is not in keeping with my experience. i'm a member of the brexit committee. i do not recognize the things i read in the paper this morning. we have got some hard work ahead of us do that hard work it has been done, it is being done effectively and we have a team effort to deliver it. mark: theresa may was singled out for keeping details and plans to herself. she will -- labor says the memo confirms their suspicions. people are waking m2 to the fact that there is no plan. there is no vision for the future and we have got ministers falling out on a daily basis. mark: the government is appealing a high court ruling that mp's should have a vote.
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work has begun to install a large shield over the nuclear reactor in chernobyl, the scene of the worst ever nuclear disaster. will cover what remains of the reactor which lost its roof in the accident in northern ukraine back in 1986. it is a move to prevent further fallout from the worst nuclear disaster of all time. 257 meter was wide, 162 meters long, 108 meters tall. weighing around 36,000 tons. chernobyl's new safe confinement arch is the largest movable land-based structure ever built. at a cost of $1.6 billion u.s. , built away from the scene of the accident which is still too radioactive, began moving over the reactor on monday. on a system of over 200 hydraulic jacks.
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it is expected to take five days to complete. the structure is designed to prevent more radioactive material leaking out so -- over the course of the next century. work will begin to dismantle the reactor which is being contained inside a hastily built sarcophagus in the aftermath of the disaster. on april 20 6, 1986, a blast at the nuclear plant in the far north triggered a plume of radioactive smoke which dispersed across europe and the then-soviet union. nearby towns were evacuated in the immediate aftermath and the exclusion zone with a radius of 30 kilometers around the plant was created and still exists today. behind remain deserted. ukraine says the operation was a 30eginning of the end of year it long fight with the consequences of the environmental and human catastrophe. anchor: a quick reminder of our top stories.
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no backtracking on commitment to fighting climate change. france will on his told this channel that donald trump must honor the agreement signed last year in paris. barack obama has been warning against crude nationalism to my kicking off his last foreign to her as -- to her as president to greece. brexit plan, what brexit plan? a leaked memo suggests the british government is yet to drop a strategy on how to withdraw from the european union. may's government is divided on the issue. let's get an update on the day's top business news. we're going to go back to egypt and the government has secured a huge international loan. there is a lot of opposition. lawsuit has been filed amending that parliament have a say on this loan from the international monetary fund and the economic reforms ago with it.
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among the tough measures, the egyptian government has floated the pound allowing it to weaken against the doctor -- a against the dollar. officials say the reforms are worthwhile because the loan will help build up the economy and encourage international investment. some argue the move will raise the cost of living for ordinary egyptians. our correspondent in cairo has been finding out more. reporter: egypt has received the first installment of the imf's massive bailout. -- and 12ion over billion total. further payments will depend on the country's economic performance and how well it implements for the reforms. cairo took crucial steps to qualify for the loan including cutting fuel subsidies and lifting controls on the egyptian pound. the bailout is expected to pull back private investors who have turned their backs on the country after the 2011 uprising. for many egyptians, it means rising prices and widening inequality. >> the government is focusing
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heavily on subsidies to help people who do not have social security but these measures are not enough area the government is not doing enough for the middle class. they are losing purchasing power because of the economic pressure. reporter: the government says the imf loan will enable the country to bring down its public debt and control inflation. worry it wills not be enough to revive growth and raise the country's foreign reserves. an important problem remains. egypt's private sector is heavily dependent on imports that are financed i dollars but on the black market. lu ofraise or lower the the dollar is not the question. what is important is to make sure that there are dollars in the national reserve and that investors are forced to go through the banks to get their money. have criticized the government for not passing the loan through parliament. it is said to have a important social impact in the country.
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slightly in the country. economists had been expecting the headline rate of price increases to rise last month. inflation is one of the big concerns in the u.k. after brexit. the weaker sterling has made imports more expensive. in germanyowth slowed down in the three months to the end of september. europe's largest economy grew by just 0.2% during the quarter. the slowest rate in a year. foreign exports are being lamed for the sluggish expansion. analysts also say that -- confidence in the germany -- in the german economy was hit. let's see how effective -- how that affected the markets. stocks in europe on a slight upswing. dax is lower but still in the green.
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wall street is trading mostly higher. the dow jones is crossed above the flat line. the nasdaq performing very well. the tech sector doing very well. the energy sector is doing well this session, brand and the vti crude are trading up 5%. the chinese yuan hit an eight year low in the session. aging allowing its currency to drop to eight .6 against the u.s. dollar for the central bank stepped in. the day'sto some of business headlines. google will nearly double the size of its london office and create 3000 jobs by 2020. the expansion involves the addition of a 10 story telling near kings crossing, north london. google announced -- it was a big vote of confidence in britain's position as a global tech hub. the uk's exit may cost of to 60 billion euros according to financial times. the newspaper
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sites senior officials in brussels and indicates london may be presented for bill for its gas with a bill for its liabilities. that could include loan guarantees and spending on u.k.-based projects. lines continue to grow outside banks and atms outside india week after the government pulled 5000 rupee notes out of circulation. many were not able to exchange the note for valid currency. many indians have complained they are not able to get enough money because of restrictions or shortages. lock couldnce, a new be set to change the pay packets of bosses at some of the country's biggest companies. the average pay of the chief executives of a firm listed on the index rose by 18% last year to 5 million euros. executive pay has been a major matter of public debate. the government wants investors
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to have more control. the looming executive pay has been causing frictions in france. in 2015 the bosses of the country's biggest publicly 18%ed companies took home more money than the previous year. and third place, carlos gomes took home 50.5 million. at the top -- and with almost 17 million euros. even in companies where profits fell, pay packets increased. his earnings jumped by almost 90%. some analysts say this is regular practice. gooden the results are not the ceos say it is not their fault. reasoning causes a sort of [inaudible]
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reporter: investors were ignored pay the ceoted to 7.3 million euros for 2015. the french government reacted with fury and drafted legislation. in 2017,ws passed shareholders would get a vote on the ceo's pay packet which the company would be obliged to pay. >> it could be difficult to be a ceo in france. anchor: thank you. we are taking a short break.
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11/15/16 11/15/16 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from marrakesh, morocco, at the united nations climate summit, this is democracy now! >> climate denial has been one of the most powerful positions in the world, of course, it is a major setback. it can't be setback to the global world. ultimately, the united states and donald trump is one country and one president. the rest of the global community cannot allow donald trump to poison these negotiations.


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