tv France 24 LINKTV November 21, 2016 5:30am-6:01am PST
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genie: you are watching "france 24." these are the headlines. nicolas sarkozy's comeback comes to an end. the former french president is eliminated in round one of the conservative party primary, ousted by his own former prime minister, francois fillon. french anti-terror police arrest seven people suspected of planning a new terror attack. the majority of the suspects were not known to intelligence services before now.
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chancellor angela merkel says she is going to run for a fourth term in office. amid a rise of populism and her unpopular open immigration policies in play, she expects her toughest campaign yet. also coming up this hour, british prime minister theresa may unveiled an ambitious strategy, but what exactly does it entail? we will give you the details in business on the way. first, our top story, live from paris. genie: we will start in france with the result of the country's first ever center-right residential primary. the big winner is the former french prime minister, francois fillon. he brought in 44% of the vote on
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sunday, far ahead of the rest of the pack. that means next weekend he will face up there with the second place winner, alan juba -- alain juppe. the big shock on sunday, of course, was the elimination of the former president, nicolas sarkozy. it was hoping to make his political comeback. he got 24.6% of the vote. sarkozy says he will vote for francois fillon in the final harry -- in the primary second round. my campaign is going to continue to gain momentum. i have one week left to complete, so whoever you support, i tell you, together we will build a stronghold for change in this country. long live the republic, long-lived france. genie: campaigning continues between francois fillon and alain juppe.
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at theirll take a look policies. the two foreign -- the two prime minister's will share common ground, but when it comes to foreign policy and the economy, they are worlds apart. our correspondent explains. >> francois fillon, a staunch conservative, and alain juppe, a center-right moderate. they want to increase working hours, abolished wealth tax, and increase the retirement age. but francois fillon has taken his policies a step farther. an admirer of margaret thatcher, he wants to cut half a million public-sector jobs, whereas alain juppe wants to scrap 200,000. alain juppe wants to bring back a 39 hour work week. illon wants to bring it
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to 48. when it comes to foreign policy, the two candidates are worlds apart. he wants to cooperate with the kremlin on the syrian wall and work together on the ship -- on the syrian war and work together with bashar al-assad to defeat islamic state group. alain juppe assists there will be no times of peace in syria with bashar al-assad in power. today, ourier correspondent was on set with me to talk about the surprise first place win of francois fillon. he was here to talk particularly about his relationship with vladimir putin. >> he says he does not have an intimate personal relationship with vladimir, what he does say i have seen him 15 times. they were both prime minister
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from 2008 to 2012. i remember when vladimir putin came to the prime minister's office here. they had joint press conferences. they know each other well. what francois fillon is about is pragmatism. he says it is a giant country, you cannot treated like luxembourg or hannah montana you have to have dialogue with it. he frowns on what he sees as a naive and counterproductive policy of the u.s. and france, this hostility to bruton over his policies in ukraine and the annexation of crimea and the actions -- to putin over his policies in ukraine and the annexation of crimea. he says you have to deal with russia on a diplomatic level. you cannot pay attention of the domestic picture, the human rights picture. separate the issues. you need to speak to putin. he has called him on occasion "dear putin." he does not love putin, saying
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at times that he is like a bulldog, but he has a sensitive side. he says pragmatism is naivete because it is hypocritical to do with putin purely on a diplomatic level and say nothing about what is going on internally because that is the bigger picture of the pigeon regime. genie: russia is a big player in syria. and the position for francois fillon on syria is controversial as well. he says he actually welcomed the russian intervention. he said of all the powers out there, russia is the only one who took a realistic approach to syria. what does he say, make of the fact that right now syrian planes, russian backed syrians planes are bombing aleppo to smithereens? once again, he puts political pragmatism above all else. say that in the larger picture, if you are going to end the conflict, you have to have
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some sort of dialogue. he sees bashar al-assad as an interlocutory. echoing the opinion of the conservative french in the national assembly. we have seen a french part of the french conservatives going, in one case, meeting with an going to crimea -- meeting with putin and going to crimea. it is a policy that obviously you can imagine a lot of people will frown on and see as dangerous. and seeing this as ignoring some of the brutal realities of this war and of the intervention itself. he sees it as realpolitik, pragmatism, and sees the current policies getting us absolutely nowhere. he also sees russia's bolstering army making him more effective genie: that is
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douglas herbert. also in france, the interior ministry says it has arrested at least seven suspects who are planning a new potential terrorist attack. those suspects are of french moroccan and afghan origin. two were arrested in our sigh -- in marseille, and one in the eastern city of strasbourg. >> a counterterrorism operation led by the interior ministry under a judicial mandate to play saturday night. it has enabled the arrest of seven french, moroccan nationals. among those, six were unknown to intelligence services. whoa moroccan national lived in france had been flagged by a partner country. we successfully foiled another
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terrorist attack. arrestsor more on these that were announced today, let's bring in luke schrager, who is at the interior ministry. what else can you tell us? luke: well, information that only now is starting to come to light after those seven arrests this weekend. what we do know is that they followed eight months of investigation by security services. toy have been connected raids that took place in the run-up to the euro 2016 earlier this year. that was in june. the premier football tournament at all of french more enforcement is on high alert across the country for potential attacks. what we do know is that one of five of the arrests took place in the eastern town of strasburg . a source close to the investigation indicated is not sure that strasbourg itself was the target, that there could be have been a target in the paris region.
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investigation is moving forward. we will seek to identify whether there was a single target or multiple targets at the same we remind you at this point there have been 418 arrests this year. this all coming as france moves into the second year of its state of emergency, just one year on from the devastating attacks here in the capital last november on the 13th. genie: luke shrago reporting there from out front of the interior ministry in paris. now to germany, were after much speculation, the chancellor, angela merkel, says she will run for a fourth term in the election next september. but with the rise of populism and her unpopular open immigration policies in play, europe's longest serving leader looks set to face her toughest campaign yet. here is more from chancellor merkel herself on announcing her bid to run again. merkel: this election
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will be more difficult than any before it. at least not since the national unification. we are facing struggles in europe and globally, for our values and our interests, and, simply, for our way of life. jessica saltz joins us from berlin for more on this story. angela merkel has been chancellor for 11 years now, and the last time she ran concho years ago -- still asked him she ran four years ago, germany was in a different state. how will she run differently? jessica: in the 2013 elections, angela merkel won her conservative party, and this off the back of a strong german economy and lowered unemployment. this time around, the country faces different challenges, and angela merkel herself yesterday acknowledged that when she
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announced that she would run for a fourth term. actively addressing very real concerns by the german public. angela merkel said yesterday that the refugee question, as she called it, remains a defining issue, and that is certainly true. she will definitely need to prove to concerns germans that integration of the refugees into europe is proving to be a success and that she is working to cut the numbers coming to europe. germany has made the link and threats ofs terrorism, so i think nationals set -- national security will be an issue. also internationally, with the politicization of germany, angela merkel talked about this yesterday, about how this is a concern. also, angela merkel is a head of
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a very strong, robust economy, but one that is given by exports, and this at a time when european economies are faltering slightly, and given the fact that there is a trade deal that angela merkel wanted to forge with obama, it looks like it is not going to happen. that is also a concern for the german economy. genie: as you mentioned, angela merkel is facing an increasingly fractured political landscape, but it seems like regardless what happens next year, the far right party that you mention will definitely be getting a seat at the table. jessica: it looks very likely. last time around, the last failed toection, it get the 5% needed to get into central parliament. however, they have reinvented themselves as an anti-migrant party as a reaction to angela merkel. we have seen them grow exponentially. they now have a seat in the local government here in peaked innd they
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opinion polls yesterday at 16%. this is the concern that angela getting votes from conservative voters, following an alliance with other far right wing policies across europe. it will remain a concern. all german mainstream parties have ruled out any coalition, so they would not get a chance to rule but they were still remain -- they would still remain a fine article -- they would still remain a formidable opposing force. becoming more radicalized is certainly a big concern, especially given german history. jessica, thank you for that. jessica saltz reporting from berlin. the pope has just extended a special permission on the forgiveness of abortion. but frances will now allow all catholic priests to absorb what womenled the grave sin of
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who have had abortions. he first granted that special permission in 2015 for the just-ended holy year of mercy. now pope francis has said that there is no sand that god and mercy cannot -- that god was mercy cannot reach and wipe away when it finds a rip pendant heart. that's when it finds a repentant heart. he still called it a grave sin because it puts an end to an anderson life. -- to an innocent life. people were killed in a , a suicideing attack. no group has yet to claim responsibility for the blast. india, rescue workers have ended their search for survivors from sunday's massive train wreck. at least 142 people were killed
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in that disaster, and more than 200 hurt when a train derailed northern region. this is one of the worst train accidents in india in recent years. it is the fourth-largest in the world, carrying 23 million people every day. but it is a highly saturated system that is aging badly. you are watching "france 24." it is time for businesses with delon of desousa -- with delano desousa. >> ambitious is the keyword. theresa may says her plan will be ambitious for britain and for business through the prime minister pledged to billion pounds in spending on technology and research. this as she addressed company executives at the annual ministry conference. she hopes they will back or plan to create conditions where winners can emerge and grow in
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britain. the prime minister also announced a desire to cut corporate tax rates to the lowest among g 20 nations. aim is not simply for the u.k. to have the lowest corporate text rate in the g 20 but also a tax system that is profoundly pro-innovation. this is a comprehensive package designed to set us on the path to becoming one of the best places for research and development in the world. our modern industrial strategy will be ambitious for business and ambitious for britain. it is a new way of thinking for government, a new approach about government stepping up, not stepping back. building on our strengths and with the long-standing challenges in our economy that have held us back for too long. to ourmore we can go correspondent, who is covering the cbi conference for us. you are standing by with the
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u.k. president of the airbus group. the company that employs some 15,000 people in the country. what is his take on the prime minister's address? president of the howindustry is here with us do you rate the prime minister's speech, gingerly making sure that the u.k. is the best place for innovation, r&d. these are words, but how strong are they and how much do you believe in? >> certainly we welcome the prime minister's speech this morning, which was very positive on industrial strategy. strategy.eds a new she announced funding for research and technology, which we appreciate. at the airbus group, we are ambitious for britain as well, for the british economy, where airbus group is a large part of that. we employ 15,000 people in the u.k. >> five months after the
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referendum, the uncertainty remains the same. how positive are you that the forrnment does have a brand its position, post brexit. >> it is certainly in the early days yet. we are waiting to see the outcome. we are very much a long-term business, committed to our operations in the u.k., which are a very important part, an integral part of airbus' operations. >> i understand that all the planes are made here in the u.k. what form of trading do you need with the e.u.? >> we are looking for unfettered, unrestricted access to the single market. wings,irbus has british british fuel systems. they are designed here. many of them are manufactured here. that aircraft comes together around the world.
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in particular in france and germany. it is important that we can work -- n efficient no: it appears we are having technical problems, so we will have to leave it there for now. genie: let's look at the stock market and how it has been reacting. delano: it is currently trading up .4%. elsewhere in europe, all the main indices are trading in the green at this hour. investors are also keeping an eye out for remarks by ecb president mario draghi as he addresses the european parliament in shas party later -- in strasbourg later this monday. genie: we will try to get back to that later in the day. for the moment, let's check out the press review. we have a corresponding with us
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to take a look at what the international papers are saying today per lots of focus today on france's first round of its center-right primary. >> that's right, a surprise winner, francois fillon, somewhat of a dark horse in the first primary election held by the conservatives in france. let's take you through some of those headlines. "liberation," the french meaning -- the left leaning french paper, says "francois takes off." a very defeated sarkozy there. the fillon calls in tsunami wave. 4 million people turned out to vote. genie: i do not know how many people outside france are
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familiar with francois fillon. how have the international papers been reporting on this? >> there is huge focus on sarkozy's defeat, they be even more than francois fillon's first victory. fillon, the belgian paper, they called him the man who nobody expected. "the daily mail" talks about him, saying that the 62-year-old was sarkozy's prime minister for two years. who projectedlist himself as a margaret thatcher person.ed he also wants to do away with the 35-hour work week, as well as calling for tougher crackdowns on sympathizers with islamic state. about francois fillon has been overshadowed by that of nicolas sarkozy, at
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least in the foreign press. >> you see similar headlines from the spanish daily. to right eliminates sarkozy another candidate in the first round. a lot of the international press have almost consider this a foregone conclusion. the next year's election will inevitably be the -- will be between the far right leader, marine le pen, and whoever is selected to be the center-right leader. genie: talking about the german election coming up next fall, particularly chancellor angela merkel's bid to run again. >> she is running for a fourth term. this is what "the wall street journal" reports on its front page. her announcement and is speculation that came as little surprise for the center-left german daily. a decision not to run would have thrown her party into deep crisis.
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angela merkel isngel truly seen as a source of stability, particularly in that prove your with the given client. she is seen by some as the most powerful world leader in the world, particularly after president obama steps down in january. he gives her a chance to slip back into the role of chancellor, a role that many feel she may have abandoned, especially with her stance on .efugees her biggest crisis with the way she handled -- was the way she handled that crisis. genie: it does seem like the german people are still behind her in large part. >> "the telegraph" reports 59% of germans would actually back her running again in the election. if she reaches a fourth term, she would equal helmut kohl as the longest-serving postwar
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chancellor. many of her key pledges were leaked to the press. we see the way she is approaching the campaign. she is heartening some of her policies, perhaps in a bid to attract more of the hard right voters who feel alienated by her stance. genie: let's wrap up with something completely different. the u.s. women's soccer team is on a historic battle for equal pay. >> the u.s. soccer team has threatened to go on strike if their pay conditions do not improve or this is according to an interview with u.s. network cbs. you will remember that the women's side one day last year, mostost ever final -- the ever watched final. hope solo was paid $366,000 in 2015 in comparison to a usa men's goalkeeper who played fewer matches in her, paid nearly 400 thousand dollars.
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it is not just paper the women say their conditions are also inferior. for instance, they do not see why they should have to travel coach to their games while the men get to travel first class. they are, after all, world champions. genie: thank you so much for that. if you want a closer look at "the press review," make sure to check out our website at france has foiled a new terrorist attack with seven arrests in marseille. or details coming up after this. -- more details coming up after this. >> "frenchch connection." dark of they are known for their cuisine and saying hello. they only work 35 hours per week. when they are not o on strike, that is. villeminot florence
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ruben martinez: los angeles, from the early 20th century all the way until today, is a city defined by immigrants arriving here in wave afafter wave. we're a cicity of immimigrants. it's all coming in a a human migration, a human journey, ultimately. tthat's how food gets around the world. we carry it with us in our stomachs and our bodies and in our culturere. those kinds of journeys, those kinds of migrations, are very los angelino. so, stuff starts to shift cculturally in all kinds of different ways. people start learning the language... but it's not just the immigrants that are changed. the immigrants are changiging the natives. and you can literally track a people's history and the history of a city and the
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