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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  November 29, 2016 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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11/29/16 11/29/16 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: frorom pacifica, this is democracy now! sen. sanders: the message mr. trump loudly and clearly is, we're not going back. we will not accept president who tries to divide us up by race, by gender, by sexual orientation , by nationality. we are not going back. we have struggled too far for too many years, too many people have died, gone to jail, and we're not going to retreat back
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into bigotry in this country. amy: today in a democracy now! special, senator bernie sanders for the hour. in one of his most extensive broadcast interview since the election, sanders talks to democracy now! about donald trump, the future of the democratic party, the death of fidel castro, and his message to supporters. sen. sanders: nobody in this room or in this country has a right to say, "i give up." on the other hand, you have to jump in and start fighting. amy: all that and more, coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. in syria, government forces aided by kurdish troops launched a major ground offensive and seizeded control of f northeast aleppo monday from t the rebels. the offensive appears to be a major turning point t in the wa, with the syrian government now poised to reretake control of al of aleppo, which was o once syria'a's largest city and its commercial center. the u.n. humanitarian envoy said
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as many a 16,000 people have fled eastern aleppo in recent days amid the offensive and heavy bombing. anti-government activist zaher al-zaher described the scene as doomsday. if thehe syrian government retas all of aleppo, the antigovernment rebels will be left with little territory, only the northern proper desk province of idlib a and some around damascus. the effects came after eastern aleppo has beeeen besieged for weeks by s syrian government forces and under aerial attack by the syrian air force and russia. cuba has begun its nine days of mourning following the death of revolutionary leader, the former president fidel castro, who died friday at the age of 90. in havana, tens of thousands of people lined up to pay their respects to castro, who launched the cuba revolution to oust the u.s.-backed cuban dictator, fufulgencio batitista, and wentn to lead cuba for nearly a a half century. this is one of the mourners, professor maydelis savon. >> before anything else, i am a
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revolutionary. i am compelled to be here because i am part of the people. also, fidel castro fought so that all cubans could have the same rights. amy: bolivia h has declared d ak mouourning for cacastro, whwhoe revolutionon inspired revovotionary effoforts across latin america and the g globe, d lead castro to become one of the archenemies of the united states. on monday, president-elelect donald trump thrtetened to undoo president obama'ss retablishmenenof fororl didiplomatic relatations witcuca and re-impose the crushing econonomic sanctions against cu. trump tweeted -- "if cuba is unwilling to make a better deal for the cuban people, the cuban-american people and the u.s. as a whole, i will terminate deal." donald trump has picked georgia congressman tom price e to be sesecretary of healtlth and humn services. price is the chair of the house budget committee, a member of the tea party caucus, and one of the leading opponents of president obama's affordable care act.
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price supports privatizing medicare and opposes abortion and has voted to cut all federal , funding for planned parenthood. he's also an opponent of marriage equality with a track record of voting against measures to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. texas a&m university is under fire for allowing white nationalist richard spencer to speak at an upcoming campus event, despite major opposition on campus to his vocal white supremacist views. spencer was recently the lead speaker atat a white s supremact gathering in washington, d.c.c., where he recited nazi propaganda in originanal german and spokeke openly about white power. multiple people performed the nazi salute after hihis speech d chanted "h"heil the pepeople! hl victory!" spencer has said he e and donald trump have a psychic connection. he i is one of t the leadersrs e so-called alt-right movement, which embraceses white supremacy and espouses racacist, xenophob, phone phobic - -- homophobic, ad sexist views. on monday, the associated press
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issued new guidelines for using the term alt-right, writing -- "avoid using the term generically and without definition, however, because it is not well-known and the term may exist primarily as a public-relations device to make its supporters' actual beliefs less clear and more acceptable to a broader audience." in colombia, a charter plane carrying 22 players from a brazilian soccer team and more than 20 journalists has crashed en route from bolivia to the medellin airport, killing at least 76 people on board. the majority of the players of the chapecoense soccer team died in the crash. the team was headed to medellin to play a finals match in the copa sudamerica tournament. tens of thousands of fast food workers, home care, and childcare workers in 340 cities are slated to protest today for a national day of disruption. the protest marks the fourth anniversary of the movement to raise wages known as the #fightfor15. in chicago, hundreds of janitors, baggage handlers,
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cabin cleaners, and wheelchair attendants at o'hare airport are slated to strike to demand a raise to $15 an hour. hundreds of uber drivers in cities across the country are also slated to join the protest. this is michael velasquez, a wheelchair attendants at new york city's laguardia airport. livings not a livable wage, especially if you have a family. after working over 40 hours a week, you cannot barely make $1000. we are here trying to make a better living for everybody. i am here on my day off. i am not just doing this for me. it is about all of us. me, we're allhind here fighting, sticking together. amy: this comes as german airliner lufthansa has canceled 1700 flights for today and wednesday amid an ongoing pilots' strike, which has seen a series of walkouts and strikes since last wednesday. in north dakota, a group of lawyers from the national
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lawyers guild has filed a class-action lawsuit against morton county sheriff kyle kirchmeier, morton county and other law enforcement , agencies, arguing they are using excessive force against native american water protectors fighting the $3.8 billion dakota access pipeline. in recent weeks, police hahave attacked the protectors with rubber bullets, bean bag rounds, water cannons in sub-freezing temperatures, sound cannonons, explosive tear gas grenades and concussision grenades, injnjurig hundreds o of people.. one wateter protector, s sophia wilanskyky, was critically injud during one police attack after her father says a police concussion grenade exploded and nearly blew her arm off. to see our full interview with sophphia's fathther, wayne wila, go to this comes as north dakota governor jack dalrymple has issued an executive order declaring the land where the main resistance camps are located is now an evacuation area. the north dakota department of emergency services has confirmed the police and national guard will not move to forcibly evict
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the water protectors from this land, but the order does mean -- does not mean the state will not provide emergency services to that area. the land is unceded sioux treaty land that is owned by the u.s. army corps of engineers, which has said they'll close public access to that area by december 5.5. more than 2000 u.s. military veterans are planning to arrive at standing rock on december 4, one day before the army corps' scheduled closure, including hawaii congresswoman and combat veteran tulsi gabbard. meanwhile, opposition is also growing across canada to kinder morgan's proposed $5 billion trans mountain pipeline expansion, which would carry oil from the alberta tar sands region to ports in vancouver. this is reuben george of the tsleil-waututh first nation. >> this has been consistently voted the last 20 years as the most livable place in the world. it is becaususe of places like this, because of the mountains,
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the waters, because people get something when they come to the water, up in the mountains. i know they will want to protect it, too, because it does not serve as canadians. it does not serve as jobs are help our economy. it is to serve a greedy 1%. our plan, of what we do using our own resources, is for everybody. amy: the south korean president has offered to r resign amid ongoing corruption scandal. earlier this month, as many as 1 million people took to the streets of seoul to demand her resignation over claims she helped a close friend embezzle up to $70 million. she said she had -- would let the national assembly decide if, and when, she should leave office. thousands protest monday against the recent decision to pull 500 circulations out of overnight, causing havoc for more than one billion people who savings are entirely in cash. the move affected momore than 8%
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of the country's money supplyly and led to m massive lines at as and widespread e economicc hahardship. this is the leader of a regional pay. here ande blocked burnededn effigy inrotest of his vevement t w withdw 150000 rupe bills, which s caud great ininnvenience to the poor, farmers, those who have wedding find up. if they do not roll back their decision, we will continue our education. amy: in columbus, ohio, university police officer shott and killed atudent on n the campus o of ohio state universi, after the ststudent drove a car into a group of people and then began attacking them with a knife. 11 people were injured in the attack, one critically. police identified the student as abdul artan, a legal permanent resident of the united states who was originally born in somalia. police say they do not know the motive of the e attack, which is being investigated by the fbi. on monday, the university's emergency management agency tweeted -- "buckeye alert: active shooter
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on campus." although, in fact, the only shots fired were by the university police officer shshooting and killing artan. and former u.s. president jimmy carter is calling on president obama to join 137 other nations in granting palestine diplomatic recognition before he leaves office. the move would help palestine when full united nations membership. published monday, carter writes -- "the combined weight of united its recognition, united nations them are shipped and the security counsel resolution solidly grounded in international law, would lay the foundation for future diplomacy. this is the best, now perhaps the only means, of countering the one state reality that israel is imposing on itself on the palestinian people." and those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. today in a democracy now! special, we spend the hour with
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vermont senator bernie sanders, in his most extensive broadcast interviews since donald trump defeated hillary clinton two weeks ago. in the wake of the election, sanders has emerged as one of the most powerful voices in washington. during the democratic primary the independent, self-identified , socialist shocked the nation by winning 22 states and about 45% of pledged delegates, while challenging hillary clinton who began her campaign with the support of the entire democratic party establishment. many sanders supporters now wonder if he would have been the stronger candidate to go up -- face donald trump in the general election. while sanders lost the primary, he hasn't given up the fight. he has now launched a campaign to rebuild the democratic party from inside and out. earlier this month, he was elected to a leadership position in the senate as the new chair of outreach for senate democrats. in addition, sanders is leading the push for congressman keith ellison to become the next head of the democratic national committee.
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ellison is the first muslim elected to congress, and he's the co-chair of the congressional progressive caucus. meanwhile, some of sanders' top campaign staffers have also launched a new political action organization called our revolulution to fight for progressive change. "our revolution" is also the name of bernie sanders new best-selling book. well, on monday night, i had a chance to interview senator bebernie sanders in front of a live audience at the free library of philadelphia. where were you on election night? sen. sanders: home. amy: and talk about what you went through. sen. sanders: when the results came in from indiana, i was very nervous. we had an outside chance with the conservative democrat to win that seat. nervous. getting it was downhill from there. thinkingto the evening that it was about a two to one
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shot that clinton would win. i mean, i was not shocked that trump one. surprised, but not shocked for some of the reasons that i gave. it was a very depressing evening. i did not want to deal with the media. on a million to be different things. i did not even show up at the state event. so i will not deny it was a depressing evening. since then, i have been thinking as hard as i can, with other people, about what the best response is. amy: this catapults you into the position of the most powerfuful, nondemocratic democrat in the country. [laughter] sen. sanders: there are not too many nondemocrat democrat in the country. so that doesn't say much. [laughter] i think your point is, last week were two weeks ago, chuck schumer, who is now the leader of the democrat in
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the senate, put me on leadership . and he gave me a position that i wanted. and that is to be chair of the outreach. what i'm going to do is use that position, with your help -- all of your help -- to transform the democratic party. i think -- [applause] you know, it is easy to beat up on people when they are down, and that is not my intention. secretary clinton, her supporters are hurting now. it is not my intention to be beating up on them. it he well beyond the presidential race. right now in the u.s., you should know mr. trump will be inaugurated. right now the republicans control u.s. senate. democrats, we thought we had a better than even chance, gaining control. we did not. we will end up with 49 seats.
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democrats picked up a few seats in the house, but t the republicans will continue to control the house. not only that, in about two thirds of the states in this country, there are republican governors. and in the last eight or so years, democrats have lost some 900 legislative seats in state capitals all over this country. so i think any independent assessment, without casting any blame, says the current approach has failed. when you lose -- we save of the football coach. if you are at zero and 10, you're not doing well. the current approach really is not succeeding. we need a new approach. the new approach, i think, is due,a, create a 50 state strategy. that means we start playing ball in states that the democrats have conceded decades ago. but more importantly, we create a kind of grassroots party were
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the most important people in the party are not just wealthy campaign contributors, but working people, young people, people in the middle class who are going to come in and start telling us what their needs are and give us some ideas as to how we go forward. i accept this responsibility as outreach chair with a lot of trepidation, but also excitement. i'm gogoing to be going around e country to try to do everything i can to create a party that represents working people and not t just the 1%. amy: and the issue of who will head the democrat -- the dnc? sesen. sanders: i'i'm strongly susupporting keith ellison. [applause] sanders: i have known keith for a nunumber of yearars. he is the chair -- cochair along with raul grijalva woke him of the progressive caucus, which by definition is the most progressive caucus in the u.s.
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house. ith phenomenally believes we need to make a major transformation of the democratic party and make it into a grassroots party and yes some specific ideas as to how to do that. and strongly supporting keith. amy: in the significance of his being the first muslim congressmember at a time when the president-elect says he wants to set up a muslim registry? sen. sanders: obviously, there is great symbolism in that. but to me, to be honest with you, a summit who is not a great fan of identity politics, and supporting keith because he is a strong progressive whose whole life has been about standing up to working families and the little class and low income families. but your point cannot be denied. and that is it will be a statement to the entire country that the leader of the democratic party is a muslim, that we want a party of
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diversity, that we will not accept for one second the bigotry that trump has been espousing during his campaign. [applause] amy: what do you think donald trump represents? i mean -- : amy: and who do you think he represents? sen. sander: that is a good question and i don't know i can give you a definitive answer, but this is what i think. campaign, what he did is as indicated in my remarks, he touched a nerve. it would be wrong to deny that. there are some people who think that everybody who voted for donald trump is a racist, sexist, or homophobe or xenophobic. i do not believe that. all of those people in his camp? absolutely. it would be a tragic mistake to
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believe everyone who voted for donald trump is a deplorable. they are not. these are people who are disgusted and they are angry at the establishment. and the democratic party has not been clear enough, in my view, about telling those people whether they are white, black, latino, asian-american, whatever -- women, gay, whatever -- that we are on their side. and too often, but we look at is identity. you are a woman. well, that is good, but we need more women in the political process. we need more african-americans in the political process, more latinos. no question about it. but we need people who will have the guts to stand up to the billionaire class and corporate america and fight for working families. amy: former presidential candidate senator bernie sanders of vermont. more of him in a minute. ♪ [music break]
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amy: this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report.
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i'm amy goodman. as we returned to my conversation with the former presidential candidate senator bernie sanders of vermont, wheeze vote last night at the free library of philadelphia. you were considered a fringe candidate. maybe yourself considered yourself a fringe candidate. when did the moment, when you actually felt the burn? [l[laughter] sen. sanders: this is what i thought -- you know, it has been a crazy two years. what i thought is, look, i wasn't born yesterday. i didn't just get involved in politics two years ago. i have been representing the state of vermont for 25 years in congress. i was mayor of the city of burlington for eight years before i took on democrats and republicans to win election. and i knew, you know, that the message that we had -- i could the in vermont. by go to the rural areas,
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the way, where people are not necessarily pro-choice, were they may not be enthusiastic about gay marriage, where they may or may not believe that climate change is real, but they are sick and tired of having to work two or three jobs, not being able to send their kids to college, worried about their own parents. i picked that up. in vermont. i thought the message that resonated in vermont, and i won my last election in vermont four years ago, with 71% of the vote. i did not believe for one minute that vermont was any different than the rest of the country. to answer your question, what happened is, before i started to run -- and the book goes into it -- we went around the country. politicians oh say, well, the people asked me to run. after they had a ready-made the decision to run. [laughter] sen. sanders: the truth is, i did not know. how responsive would people be to our message?
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beautiful sunday afternoon in los angeles -- maybe the weather is always beautiful there, i don't know. but anyhow, i thought no one would show up. we had the musicians, union hall. we had 500 people coming out "run, bernie, run." minneapolis, a funny story in the book. we did not know our way around. we drive around and we see this long line of people. i said, i wonder what concert is going on? it turns out, 7000 people were there for any event. this is early on. what we were beginning to see with the turnouts at our rallies more and more people coming out to my more and more excitement, more working people, more young people who indicated to me in a million different ways they were sick and tired of establishment politics and establishment economics. they wanted real change. i will tell you, as the campaign
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progressed, that it was in on sparringng moment, something moment to be walking out on a stage. i think it was in oregon with the trailblazers playing, nba, 28,000 people at a rally. one 5000 in seattle, 27,000 in los angeles. so people were starting to come out. the word was getting around. it was especially gratifying to see so much beauty in the faces of young people who want real change in this country. yet, who heard you were the people in that room in each place, you're having the largest rallies of anyone, including donald trump, certainly far surpassing hillary clinton, but what donald trump had that you didn't was media. that was repeated over and over by those that owned the media. he is good for us. so it wasn't just fox, it was
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all of the networks that were trump tv. he did not have to travel. he was piped into everyone's homes. , was 15, super tuesday iii a night when rubio gave his speech and ted cruz gave his speech, clinton gave her speech, and donald trump -- they waited for half an hour for him to give his speech and show the "young. they s showed more of the open podium waiting for donald trump then ever playing your speeches. those were all of the candidates that night. they played all of their full ages. they did not play one word of your speech. you were speaking in phoenix, arizona, to the largest rally of any of those people that night. they did not even speculate where you were. sen. sanders: i wish i could disagree with you. [laughter] sen. sanders: no, amy is -- i was stunned. in the middle of the campaign,
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thinking about it. it turns out from january 1, 2015, i think through november 15, 2015, abc evening news had us on for 20 seconds. amy: what was it that you did that was so newsworthy? [laughter] sen. sanders: and wasn't much better on nbc or cbs. the simple just truth. there are a couple of points. amy, correct me if i'm wrong, but i think the guys in and said, trump is fantastic for us. literally said that. making huge profits from trump. the point to be made, we had the misfortune of actually trying to talk about the problems facing america and providing real solutions. trump was tweeting out about how ugly or horrible or disgusting were terrible his opponents were. in really ugly terms. perfect for the media. that is a great 12 second soundbite.
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but to talk about why the middle class is in decline, massive levels of income will inequality cannot be done in 12 seconds. second of all, it is not something they are terribly interested in. amy: it was less members of cbs who said it may not be good for america, but it is good for us. sen. sanders: cbs? i think the guy at cnn said something similar. if you say outrageous things, this is what cnn lives for. then i say, did you hear? oh my gosh, terrible. they go on and on. here is something, during the primary campaign, somebody i think it was the short stints: media -- sure and steam school of media, they said something like 90% of media coverage during the primary, and i don't think they got any better during the general, was all on gossip. 10% on issues. 10%. not even think it was
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amy: you recently gave a speech in washington around the to cut access pipeline. do right now? it seems -- i want to ask a question about the peaceful transition of power that president obama has been talking about. i thought that meant that people won't take up arms. event does seem to be that proposals that would be put forward now -- we just came from the human climate summit -- the u.s. pulled back the plan that it was going to put forward their that to ease thee -- theion, they will obama administration will go in the direction of a trump administration. on the dakota access pipeline, president obama, who visited standing rock in 2014 -- i think the only native american reservation he visited, with michelle obama. so he knows the standing rock tribe in north dakota.
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after the video of the dogs came out that we filmed labor day weekend, dogs were there withh their nose and mouth dripping with blood after biting the native water protectors, at least by the pipeline guards, president obama returned from asia. when a judge ruled on behalf of the company, 15 minutes later, an unprecedented free agency letter came up from the army, from the interior and justice going towe are not issue this final permit, but the latest we have heard this week, the army corps of engineers has people have got to get off the property. what did you do as a senator, even in this time of the peaceful transition of power? sen. sanders: i trust most people here know about the dakota access pipeline.
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the issues are threefold, and i will tell you what we're trying to do. i think your description of the situation is correct. number one, we're dealing with sovereignty rights of native american people, and invasion of their own property. in violation of treaty rights, which is an endemic problem in this country. number two, you're talking about an area where if the type verse , clean water that goes to lead the people to be severely impacted at a time when we are concerned about the amount of clean water that we have. thirdly, and most importantly perhaps, you are talking about whether or not we should be in any way supporting a pipeline which is hyping and filthy oil at a time when we need to transform our energy system away from fossil fuel for energy sufficiency a sustainable energy. i think what we have done is,
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number one, demanded the president do what he did with keystone. a lot of people put a lot of pressure on the president, and he finally did the right thing. and that is to kill the keystone pipeline. which, by the way, under trump may be reopened again. that is what he should be doing. in certainly, the demand must go to the north dakota authorities that the kind of military e isence that exists ther simply not what is acceptable. we are written to the president and we will continue to put pressure on the president to do everything he can to protect the native americans of the area and the protesters in the area. amy: let me ask about the famous moment in one of the debates with hillary clinton were you said you did not care about the damn enough. do you feel the same way today? sen. sander: what i said, sometimes it got taken out of was an, is that there
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investigation going on and that i wanted to spend -- history 10 years from now, trust me, no one will remember these damn unidos. they will worry about people not having health care, climate change, worry about poverty, worry about infrastructure will stop and my point was, and then be often doesn't play the whole statement, i said, i'm sick and tired of hearing about your damn enough because that is what the whole campaign is about. why don't we talk about income and wealth inequality, education, how to move the country forward? that was the crux of my point. it was not my style. amazingly, i get criticized for it, for running ugly and negative ads. i prefer to stay on the important issues facing the american people. there are other areas we could have gone that trump went into, that we chose not to do. in my own state, i contend that
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people do want to hear a serious discussion on serious issues. that is what we try to do. amy: the reason i ask this now, this issue that was hijacked by the right-wing media and trump comes out, but the issue of the secretary of state setting up private female server and she has her husband who is the former president and running a multibillion dollar foundation, meeting with heads of state as well and yet they don't have accountability here. what this means, not only for them, but if this becomes a model, for example, for president trump -- he runs a vast business empire -- sen. sanders: absolutely. amy: he is the top government official. if he decides to set up his own private enough server and decides that he can disappear tens of thousands of you knows, there won't be a government record of what is actually going on. sen. sanders: right. that is a fair point. with trump, the major point is
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he has business all over the world. you are looking at immense conflict of interest. every decision that he makes is going to impact his bottom lilie of some business that he owns all over the world. i got your point, too, obviously, you know, and that is a valid criticism of having a private female when you're doing government business. amy: and now his cabinet appointed. your thoughts on the direction -- [laughter] sen. sanders: i think this is -- our job is, as i mentioned earlier, i'm going to be in indiana on monday night. we're going to go to the carrier plant where you have a situation where carrier -- you will remember air-conditioners, they make for us is in indiana, actually. they announced last year they're
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going to shut down teedo planes in indiana, 2100 workers out on the street. this is a company that pays top dollar to its ceos, the head guy makes $40 million. couple of years ago that a severance package for former ceo. you do you know what he got? 171 million dollars. now they want to shut the plants down to move to mexico and her people for three dollars an hour. it become symbolic of the disastrous trade policy. we are going to be there. to answer your western, what we have got to do now to those people who voted for trump because they said well, this guy sounds reasonable, trump sent out a tweet or he says, i'm the only republican candidate for president who will not cut sosa security, medicare and medicaid. american,, every every person in this country, if i have anything to say about it, will know precisely what is going on with social security, medicare, and medicaid.
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they're beginning to appoint people who are typical right-wing republicans who want to privatize and cut social security. we have got every statement that trump made during this campaign. and we are going to hold him accountable. every person in this country will know what he said and what he is doing. trump said, one of the issues i think, i will let people are deeply concerned about, is the high cost of medicine in this country. trump said during the campaign was going to take on the pharmaceutical industry. he was going to allow for medicare to negotiate prices with the drug companies, allow people to importrt medicine from canada and other places where the price is often half as much as it is in the united states. you know what? we're going to remind the american people of the cicely what donald trump said about that and many other issues. amy: now you have someone like betsy devos chosen to be the new secretary of education, sister ef their prints -- erik princ
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from blackwater. sen. sander: and a multimillilionaire, multi, mului billionaire i think, very active in politics. amy: a massive supporter of voucher system for education. flynn,n you have mike the national security advisor nominee. and this goes to another point, though it is critical to hold trump accountable starting with the democrats, on the issue of the kill list. president obama's kill list. powersng extrajudicial come executive powers, to kill people -- can be americans -- without a judge, jury, without them being charged with a crime. that is president obama, and he
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is extending those powers. your thoughts on president obama's use of the kill list and then the idea of president trump using his kill list? sen. sander: look, when we talked, august the, i disagree with obama using unilaterally deciding who is going to live or die. it goes without saying. we are concerned, i am deeply concerned about virtually everything that trump is talking about and has talked about in this campaign, the kind of people he is appointing. but what is going through my mind right now is to figure out the most effective way that we can fight back. that is really what i am focusing on right now. what i will say and what i believed to be the case, the republicans are many things, but they are not dumb. is millions of people begin to stand up and fight back, are they going to be thinking twice
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about doing very bad things. i will give you one example. a couple of years ago, sad to say, notot -- virtually all republicans wanted to cut social security. there were a number of democrats who did as well. some of us in the senate organized a caucus, worked with senior groups all over the country, got millions of signatures on petitions. you know what? they backed off and they did not cut social security. i think if there is a lesson to be learned right now, we are fighting for the future of the planet in terms of climate change, the future of american democracy. we have got to mobilize people and rethink our commitment in terms of what our role is in the political process. the message i want to make here in philadelphia and across this country is that itit is not good enough to say, well, hey, i voted. every four years. that is fine, but not good
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enough. what we need to do is to be thinking every day the kinds of role we can play in educating and organizing and mobilizing people to defeat this horrific agenda. and i do believe that if millions of people do stand up and fight back, we can stop him from doing some really awful things. and that is what i'm trying to do right now. we have to mobilize -- amy: we will be back with bernie sanders, senator of vermont, former presidential candidate, in a moment. ♪ [music break]
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amy: this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. as we returned to my conversation with senator bernie sanders of vermont, we spoke monday night at the free library of philadelphia. of jillyou think stein's demands for the recount, the green party's demand in michigan and p pennsylvania? sen. sander: they are exercising their rights. amy: and now the clinton
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campaign supporting it. sen. sander: i think it is fine. amy: what can happen? sen. sander: you want me to o tl you exactly what can happen? [laughter] no, i think most people expect not much will happen, but we will see. all that they are doing is what happens all of the time -- nothing new about that, recounts take place when i was elected mayor. right now in north carolina, the republican governor who appears to be losing once a recount. not a new idea. i will tell you what it touches on, why it is touching a nerve. it is not because i believe that it is going to reverse the results -- i don't think that is the case. but people, especially with all onthis barrage of attacks websites and so forth, are really wondering whether when they vote, is there vote legitimate? there is talk, have the russians interfered in this thing? which takes us to another issue.
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fewuld not have said it a years ago, but i will say it tonight. in canada, they still do their voting with paper ballots. and maybe it takes an extra hour or two to get the results out to the media, they manage to survive. i kind of think we should go back to paper ballots, lock them up -- [applause] sen. sander: but i think what it is about, it is touching on the issue. surprise to see the results and of being significantly different than what were announced on election night. amy: i know we just have a few minutes, but this is an historicperiod, fidel castro just died on friday at the age of 90. during the campaign, hillary clininton tried -- by raising yr support of the sandinistas and talking about you b being favorable toward fidel castro.
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i was wondering if you could talk about the significance of the life and legacy of fidel castro, and talk about the u.s. in relation to latin america today. sen. sander: it is not just latin america. i have been to cuba two or three times. i think jane and i went in 1989 for the first time i have been back couple of times and jane had some educational work in cuba. a lot of positive things can be said, the health care system for third world country is quite good. the last time i was there i visited a hospital where they do very, very serious and good work. they come up with a lot of new drugs, actually, in cuba. their educational system is strong. but in truth, the economy is in pretty bad shape. in truth, you do not do very well if you dissent in cuba.
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castro overthrew a terrible dictator supported by the united states, batista. we can argue until the cows come home to what degree american interference created the kind of society that exists in cuba today. you could say that arare some positive things and some very negative things. 50 years after the revolution, the economy is terrible. but i think -- i was on a sunday show yesterday and somebody was raising a quote i made about castro 30 years ago. [laughter] somehow, they decided that fidel castro is the only -- cuba is the only nondemocratic country in the world. [laughter] is. sanders: saudi arabia fine, many other countries in the middle east are fine. and what we need to do as a nation is really start educating the american people.
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you know, amy, i'm sure, in 1954, we overthrew a different -- democratically elected government in guatemala. unleashed decades and decades and decades of horror in n the country, supported terrible people in el salvador. we engineered the overthrow of salvador allende in chile. the first time the democratically elected person was overthrown in chile through the e united states and the cia. of those issues somehow don't quite make it on to abc. i think it is understand -- impoportant to u understanand oe in i iran. in 1954, we overthrew -- amy: 1953. sen. sanders: in 1953. comedy people are familiar? -- how many people are familiar? at the request of british oil companies in 1953, the us government helped engineer a coup of a guy who was democratically elected, who is
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thinking about nationalizing some of the oil industry there. he was replaced by the shah who turn out to be a very brutal man that resulted in what we have i coming tokoemeni power. correct me if i'm wrong, d.c. many shows about that -- do you see that many shows about it on abc? amy: june into democracy now! [applause] amy: the electors, the electoral havege, do you think they a special role to play given that hillary clinton -- and looks like we'll have something, as you pointed out, 2.5 million more votes than donald trump. sen. sanders: i think it is an archaic concept. nobody voted for the electors. 99.9% of the people do not even know who they are.
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they voted for hillary clinton. they voted for donald trump. that obligation is to support the candidate that the people in the state voted for. amy: and your thoughts that donald trump said he would have won the popular vote, but for the millions of people who voted illegally? sen. sanders: i know this will shock you, i personally do not believe every single thing that donald trump says. [laughter] sen. sanders: but i did mention in my remarks that that was -- we can go back and look at all andhe totally absurd nonfactual statements that trump made. i am not a guy in politics who attack viciously my opponents. it is not my style. but i felt obliged in a campaign to say something that is just passively true, and that is that trump is a pathological liar. is --, and the danger
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everybody lies. you know you lie. but i feel very much you may not even be knowing that he lies, that he believes -- the only person in the world who saw new jersey muslims on a rooftop celebrating the destruction of the twin towers. feeling person in america. he is utterly convinced he saw it. and he may very well be convinced of that. he may believe he saw that. at this statement, as i mentioned earlier, the danger of this statement -- it is not just that it is delusional and incorrect -- is that it sets -- if you have a president who believes that millions of people voted illegally, your telling every republican official in this country to suppress the vote, to make it harder for people to vote. whether they are immigrants, whether they're people of color, whether they are poor people, young people, or old people --
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that is the danger of that statement. that is something we have got to fight tooth and nail. amy: will you be running for president again? sen. sanders: now you sound -- [applause] [cheers] you waited until the end of the program to sound like a mainstream media person. [laughter] amy: do i continue to sound that way if i ask you, would you ever consider leaving the democratic party, that you're actually not a part of? [laughter] sen. sanders: let me answer your question. four years is a long time. i'm going to be running for reelection most likely in two years for vermont to the senate. there is just an enormous amount of political work that has to be done.
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at this moment. moment, i think, never having been recently appointed a member of the democratic leadership, my job with the help of everybody -- here's the bad news, we don't want just your money. one of the things that bothers me is that i will take this on, democrats spend an enormous amount of time raising money. to those people who were kind enough to donate, and we appreciate it very much, i have got to ask a favor. do not take up so much time -- i mean this seriously -- time of the candidates. if i have anything to say about it, they're going to be going to kansas and mississippi and alabama, not raising money, but talking to working people. we need financial support, but we don't have the time to spend an evening with 10 people. we need your financial help, but you have to allow serious people
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in politics to go out and start talking to working people so that we can transform the politics of this country. [applause] amy: is that a yes for 2020? [laughter] sen. sanders: no comment for 2020. it is a statement that we have to worry, believe me, about 2017 and 2018. let me repeat what i've said throughout the campaign and believe absolutely from the bottom of my heart, politics is not about a person. country noted this by electing some guy or woman to be president, we transformed this country when millions of people stand up and fight back. that will result in good leadership on top. the goal right now is that worried about who is running in 2020 or 2080, the goal right now is to mobilize millions of people around the progressive
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agenda. [applause] and finally, many people are deeply concerned about the two-party duopoly. you are so far in independent -- or socialist. would you ever consider a third-party run, like joining with the green party? , andsanders: i did that vermont as many know, i defeated the democrats and republicans to become mayor and two negative the congress. have beendemocrats more sympathetic and i've been a member of the democratic caucus for 25 years. so right now i would not have accepted a position of leadership if i was not serious about fundamentally reforming the democratic party. that is were my head is right now. [applause] amy: thank you. , the last question is --
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sen. sanders: this is your fourth last question. [laughter] amy: for people who are feeling deeply discouraged right now, what did you learn from your campaign this time around? where you almost won. sen. sanders: let me just say this, and the feeling -- i would not use the word "discouragement," but the feeling of maybe frustration, depression -- all of which is valid. but here's what i hope everybody remembers, anybody who knows anything about american history, think about what this country -- and i don't mean to be ultra-patriotic, but think about the issues that we had to confront. think about 120 years ago, there were children, kids 10 and 12 years old, working in factories, losing their fingers. people thought to create unions. think about the women's movement. think about the civil rights movement. think about the gay rights
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movement, the environmental -- think about all of the hurdles that those folks had overcome. during the course of the campaign, amy, i don't know if you know, the last year we were in birmingham, alabama, and all of you -- you probably remember the horrific bombing that took place in birmingham. 12 children were killed? i did not know until i was at that church that that month in birmingham -- you how many bombings there were? amy: 200? sen. sanders: no, but there were a lot. [laughter] thereint is, i thought was one terrible bombing. there were 13 bombings. the city was under siege by terrorists who did not want to see the voting rights act passed. and people fought back. so where we are now is a difficult moment. i don't want to minimize the difficulties facing us, but throughout history, serious people have fought back.
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that is where we are now and that is exactly what we have to do. it is not acceptable, it really is not, for people to throw their hands up and say, "oh, i am depressed and giving up." it is not about you. it is about the future of this planet. it is about your kids and your rain children. it is about american democracy. it is about some very fundamental issues. and nobody in this room or in this country has a right to say "i give up." on the other hand, you have to jump in and startrt fighting. amy: that his former democratic presidential candidate vermont senator bernie sanders, now in the leadership of the democratic party in the senate, even though he is an independent socialist. he is author of a new book called "our revolution." i interviewed him monday night at the free library of philadelphia. to watch bernie sanders full speech before we actually spoke, you can go to
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tune in wednesday to democracy now! when we will speak with dr. jill stein about her efforts to force recounts in wisconsnsin, michigan, and pepennsylvania. also join us next monday, december 5, at riverside church in new york city for democracy now! 20th anniversary celebration featuring phil e-verify day, known trump you, patti smith, danny devito, danny glover, one gonzalez, and many morere. you can visit for details. love to see you at riverside church. we have job openings. democracy now! is hiring a senior tv producer host of details on our website as well as interns and fellows. check out a very happy birthday to deena guzder! democracy now! is looking for feedback from people who appreciate the closed captioning. e-mail your comments to or mail them to democracy now! p.o. box 693 new york, new york 10013. [captioning made possible by democracy now!]
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earth treks s made possisie by the generous suprtrt of iloo inns, wi l locatns t thrghout the westn unitedtates. this is mount kinabalu, the highest pepeak in all of southet asia. hi, i'm joni ravenna, stay with us as we s show you this and may other places on this episode of "earth trek."


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