tv Global 3000 LINKTV December 2, 2016 7:30am-8:01am PST
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>> this week, global 3000 focuses on global warming as climate change threatens our planet. at november's u.u.n. conferencen marrakech, p participants must w decide how best to implement climate protection efforts. we head to the conference's host country, morocco, one region that is suffering the effects of drought. people there are finding inventive ways to cope. and we go to hurricane-struck haiti. a country whose very fate could be decided by climate change.
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it has been nearly a year since paris agagreement. historic for the first time ever, leaders of all countries were united in their battle against global warming, resolutely determined to save our planet. but now the agreement needs to be implemented - and fast. climate change marches on. rising temperatures and extreme weather conditions are causing flooding and droughts. one study estimates that global warming could cause losses of over 2 trillion euros' worth of property worldwide. the caribbean is particularly hard-hit. there, tropical storms are doing increasing amounts of damage. in haiti, the results are nothing short of catastrophic. >> hurricane matthew raged here for 12 long hours. when it finally moved on, it left southwestern haiti in
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ruins. many houses that survived the storm itself were carried away by floods or mudslides caused by the torrential rains that fell in matthew's wake. the town of port salut once had a pretty beach with a small promenade. one of the hotels here belongs to jean louis. he had 10 bungalows directly on the shore. five of them were washed away, the others are no longer inhabitable. >> my best house with five rooms was over here. it passed through here -- now there's nothing left but a couple of stones on the ground. >> while some of his neighbors are still assessing the damage, jean louis has started rebuilding. he says he has no choice, because he has to pay back the loan for his hotel. if he can't re-open for business within six m months, he'll be bankrupt.
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>> i hope i'll be able to manage. whether things turn out well again -- that's in god's hands. >> jean louis is part of haiti's small middle class. so, unlike many others here, he's not starving. haiti is a bitterly poor nation. in the countryside, most of the population live in wooden huts. their drinking water comes from rivers polluted by human waste, and their diet depends on staples like rice and bananas. matthew destroyed the harvest, which is now causing widespread hunger. these people cannot manage without outside help, but it's been slow in coming. roche jaboin was flattened by the hurricane. the village is an hour's drive from the nearest main road. we were the first foreigners to show up since the storm struck. fisherman gilbert conseillant said no aid had arrived.
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the village's 1000 residents were living outdoors. the hurricane destroyed all the houses and knocked down most of the trees. well water had turned salty. food supplies were used up. and people were still coping with the trauma of the storm. >> the water came past the church and rose up to those hills. when we realized that our village was being flooded, we all ran up there and stayed all night. >> when they returned next morning, the village was simply gone. the foundations of the church show t that the stororm surge carried away one and a half meters of topsoil. what wasas formerly a beach is w naked rock. three residents died, including the fisherman's mother. and without help, he says, the death toll is certain to rise.
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haiti has a long history of suffering -- not just from natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes. most haitians are the descendents of slaves. their oppression did not end with the revevolution thatat frd the country from french rule more than two centuries ago. it was followed by dictatorships and occupation by the united states. the current haitian government , on holiday, is considered one of the most corrupt in the world. hundreds of aid organizations provide emergency help, but many are said to profit from the country's problems. >> the person giving, or the nationon giving, does s not take time to find out what the real struggles are, what the real needs are. and to make matters worse, there is a culture in this country where people have enriched themselves from the poverty of others. it is a conspiracy of powerful
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individuals to make moneney from the misery of the poor. >> that is especially bad for the people affected by the hurricane. such allegations of fraud have made donors less willing to give money for haiti. but the country's president denies that the rich are making a profit from poverty. >> who creates employment? those who have the means. those who invest. if everyone thinks jobs need to be created -- if some people have taken the risk of staying in the country and investing in the country, what they want is to improve living conditions. >> but in fact there is little work in haiti, and what there is is badly paid. if the poor earned more, they could build more stable houses that would be less vulnerable to natural disasters, and they'd be less dependent on foreign aid. but right now, aid is sorely needed. not just food, but sustainable
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aid -- to help people help themselves. seeds so they can grow crops and feed themselves. not tents, but construction materials so they can rebuild their homes. and money to buy new fishing boats. a number of people in gilbert consaillaint's village don't want to stay. some say they won't manage to rebuild. others are afraid of the sea. the fisherman sees it as a challenge. for him, running away is out of the question. >> i'm not afraid of the sea. it has given me too much. all i need is a new boat so i can feed my family. i know it will take a long time, because this time it was really bad. >> for him and more than a million other haitians, all that's left is hope. without house, work, mononey, or aid, there's not much else to sustain people here for the future.
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♪ >> increasingly, climate change is shaping people's lives around the world. morocco, for example, suffers from regular periods of extreme drought. the area around mount boutmezguida is one of the most arid in the land. but necessity is the mother of invention. our reporter, mabel gundlach, travelled to the region, which is not only dry but also often foggy. and people there are turning that to their advantage. >> jamila bargach often drives up this windy and bumpy track to mount boutmezguida. she is an anthropologist who focuses on development and human
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rights issues and runs dar si hmad. the moroccan ngo is behind a water project up on the mountain. that is why they have placed these nets here, at an elevation of 1200 meters. the nets catch the fog. drops of water form on the mesh. today it is sunny, but fog often envelops the mountain. >> it comes from over there. it comes in waves. it rises higher and higher, until it is all around you. you could even die here because you can't see where you're going. >> the climate is very dry here in southwest morocco, on the edge of the sahara desert. rain rarely falls. climate change is bringing more frequent periods of drought. people travel up to three hours
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to fetch water. most are farmers. they are at the mercy of the soil and the weather, as are their livestock. harvesting fog should make life easier. three years ago, dar si hmad entered into a partnership with a german ngo called wasserstiftung, or waterfoundation, to pursue r&d to optimize the harvesting technology. industrial designer peter trautwein tested a range of net materials. the mesh has to be tough to withstand strong winds, has to trap a lot of water, and be easy to install. >> we use rubber expanders, hook them in, stretch them a little, and the whole construction is in place and stable. and it moves with the wind. >> the test phase is over. next year, a larger fog harvesting installation will be built. it will consist of 31 collectors.
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the project will receive an award at the upcoming global climate change conference in marrakesh. >> i am in love with this kind of approach to look at our environment as a living entity and not simply as a refuse or for a garbage dump or for a place where we get our resources for our own advancement. and that's it. and the tale of progress is today in a crisis, and we know this and we see this every day with the pattern of climate change. >> the fog-harvesting project includes a delivery system -- piping the water down from the mountain to the homes of residents in the area -- like the soussane family. they have had piped clean water for a year now. leslie dodson knows the family
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well. she is an american researcher who focuses on communication, technology, and development. here, she has worked a lot with women. >> ok. how do you say it? >> the new water supply has changed women's lives dramatically. instead of spending hours and hours fetching water, they now have time to learn to read and write. >> the changes are expansive. so the programming should meet people in the community beyond just the water infrastructure. so there is the pipes, there is the technology, but then there are women's programs, which might be literacy, which might be numeracy, children's
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programs, that is the water school. there is work for men. so i think that what this water project does is set in motion really big changes in the community. >> it's foggy up here about half the year. wateter vapor condenses onon pls and on the nets up on n the moununtain. a single square meter of mesh can yield up to 22 liters on a foggy day. that means the new complex could produce as much as 37,000 liters of water a day for the surrounding villages. for mohamed hamouali, this means he has a job again. he helped set up the test installation. now he will work on the permanent one. mohamed and many others here were skeptical at first --
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they never thought that fog could prove to be useful. >> before i saw it, i thought the idea was very strange. i asked d myself, "i"is it realy possssible to turn fog into o w? " i had never heard of such a thing. i couldn't even really picture it. for mohamed growing up, water was always a scarce resource. for his young siblings, drinking water out of a tap is the new normal. when it grows thick, the fog that often enshrouds boutmezguida can make the mountain terrain dangerous. but it now also brings a blessing.
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♪ >> in our quesestionnaire,e, wed to canadada and meet an extremy relaxed young man. >> my name is paul bilewicz. i am 30 years old, and i live in the pretty river valley in ontaririo, canada.a. ♪ my occupation -- i live and work at an inn that is family-owned. a bed and breakfast with 11 guest rooms. and i am also a yoga teacher and meditator. ♪
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the benefits of technology and science and then also, i think, the disadvantages of cultural erosion of language and other previous cultures. ♪ >> ♪ smiling from her head to her feet ♪ mr. trump: our leaders are stupid people. >> i thihink, generally the american election. i am an active, avid meditator, and i like to go and sit by a stream.
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♪ i think i would like to visit iceland, because i hear that it has a -- the culture is very much intact. ♪ >> many people are on the move in china. the big metropolises -- mainly in the east of the country -- have an almost magnetic draw. in fact, the number of migrant workers heading to these cities rose to 277 million. most of them in search of work and prosperity. but they pay a high personal price. >> huang yen is nine years old.
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she lives with her grandparents in a rural area of china's hunan province. her mother and father are migrant lalaborers. it has been n three years since huang yen has seen either of her parents. >> i often cry. but only in secret. i don't want grandmother and grandfather to know. they don't like it. >> the coastal city of wenzhou in zhejiang province is a 17-hour bus ride away. it is a magnet for laborers. the city's factories produce a multitude of products, including textiles, sports shoes, and glasses frames for the world's markets. the parents and their second daughter -- who huang yen hasn't met yet -- live in this room without water or sanitation. >> we have no vocational training, and there aren't any factories in our home town. we're forced to find work in the cities.
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>> but huang yen can't go to school here. unlike in her home town, here she would have to pay around 430 euros a month in school fees. that's as much as her father earns in the same time workingng 15-hour days. it's a nearly unbearable reality for huang-yen's parents. >> it's like torture not being able to see our other child. when i see other people with their children, it makes me feel really bad. >> there a are over 60 million boys and girls in china who share huang yen's fate. that's every fifth child in the country. many suffer from depression, have problems s at school, or en become involved in crime. a significant number also commit suicide. >> no, i am not jealous of the kids that get to live with their parents. there are some kids that haven't even seen their parents.
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>> village leader huang shijian knows all about the suffering of the abandoned children. he offers nightly tutoring sessions. more than half of the students here live alone or with their grandparents. >> when they come here to the school, it's like they have siblings, they feel a bit of warmth. >> the root of the problem is that china's economy is concentrated in individual economic hubs. parents are forced to choose between earning money or spending time with their children. huang yen says she wants to do things differently when she grows up. >> when i have my own children i will be with them every day. so that they can be happy every day. huang yen is able to find some solace in place. she says that sometimes she's even able to forget that her
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parents are so far away -- at least for a few moments. >> the problems of those in industrial countries might seem rather luxurious in comparison. thanks to good health care standards, people in germany, japan, and the usa are living longer and longer. for many, retirement is anything but a sedentary affair. it is all about staying fit, mentally and physically. and as one impressively youthful american proves, music can play a central role. >> alice donahue discovered funk late in life. in her youth, she played classical piano, but then had no time for music. >> i got married very young. i was 19, almost 20 when i got married, had children -- i think it was actually four and five years. so i couldn't do too much playing piano. and for many years i was raising just the children.
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>> later, she took care of herer terminally ill husband until he passed away. he encouraged her to take up music again. >> because he knew it was a part of my life before he met me. and he really felt it would be something that would help me after he passese >> so at 62, alice took up ststudies of classical music at the university of maryland. >> i never in my wildest dreams thought of managing a band. you have to understand, i was all classical. band music? i mean, funky music? come on. >> now when alice drives into washington, d.c. on the weekends, she's no longer just a grandmother of 6 and great-grandmother of 3 -- she's "granny and the boys."
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they play every sunday night at the showtime bar. the boysn alice's s band are mere spring chickens -- most are in their early 60's. it was band member richard who turned alice into a funky grandma. his apartment is directly above the showtime bar. he first saw alice -- a student 20 years his senior -- at the university cafeteria. >> i was 44 years old at the time. and i saw her, and i said, "damn i want to meet this lady." i asked her if she h had ever managed a band or been in a band. and she said no. and i said, "good, you're going to manage mine." >> alice does more than mamanage the band. ever since the keyboard player dropped out, she's been filling in. richard and alalice have been a couple for the past 20 years. they are soulmates when it comes to music as well. alice wrote this song herself. ♪
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everybody in the trendy d.c. neighborhood of bloomingdale has heard of granny and the boys and their legendary lineup. but it took alice's family a while to get with the act. >> in the beginning, they thought i was insane.. and i actually had a sister-in-lalaw who said, "s"shs going through what teenagers go through. it's a latent problem with her." ♪ >> at 83, alice is living proof that it's never too late to start again and do what you really want in life. and there's no trace of the rising u.s. racial tensions here. alice says musicians don't recognize skin color, and her presence in the band is an inspiration to audience members.
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>> it's just a reminder that age is just a number, and that you can have as much fun as you want as long as you want. >> yeah, i hope i don't make it to 83. but if i do, i hope to be doing something neat. >> it looks like a steady gig for alice at the showtime bar in washington. she will keep on pounding the keys as long as her fingers -- and the boys -- plplay along. >> they're just so professional. i don't know why they're playing with me. but i'll fire them if they don't! >> when granny and the boys play on sunday nights, age and skin color no longer matter. the only thing that dodoes -- is the music. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> and that's all from global 3000 this time! see you again next week and do write to us. send us an email or post on our facebook page -- dw global
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12/02/16 12/02/16 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! mr. trump: : united technologies andd carrier stepppped it up and now they are keeping -- acactually, the number is over 1100 people, which is so great. which is so great. amy: is president-elect donald trump kicks off his victory tour, by celebrating his involvement in carrier's decision to keep some jobs in the united states instead of moving them all to mexico, we will speak with public citizens robert weissman
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