tv View Change LINKTV December 12, 2016 6:30am-7:01am PST
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woman: the following p program is an original productction of linktv. narrator: next up, an all new mothers daday special.l. being a nenew mom is r rewarding and d challenging, but what exta burdens do mothers in poor countries face?? come take a tour of the world's best and worst places to be a mom in this new reportrt from "sasave the childreren" and man: "viewchange" is about people making real progresss in tackling the world's toughest issues. can a story change the world? see for yourself in "viewchange, the mothers index." narrator: you've heard the term lottery y of birthth. more often than n not, children
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born in rich countries win it, while those in poor countries lose. a child's life expectancy, health, education and so much more hinges on where he or she happens to enter the world. but there's also a lottery of motherhood, and expectant moms in developing countries are facing the toughest odds. every year more than 350,000 women die e from complicatioions of pregnancy and childbirth, most simply because they don't have access to basic delivery care. and the ripplele effect is dramamatic. when a a mother dies, her children are morore likely to be pooror, more likely to die befoe the age of five, or to drop out of school if they survive. but private aid groups and governments are working hard to change the odds in the l lottery of motherhood. in sierra leone, a place that "save the childrenen" ranks as onone of the very worst places o
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hospital in the capital of freetown services a population of over 400,000 people. ibraham thorlie: good afternoon. narrator: though the hospital is severely understaffed, it is not the only reason so many people are dying. [ibraham thorlrlie] narrator: and often, those patients who come too late are very close to death. [ibrbraham thorlie] narrator: rathther than wawatchg their patients die, many doctors and d nurses likike reba pay for the e worst cases fromom their owown small salariries.
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narrator: so where are the best and worst places to be a mom? for its state of the world's mother's report, "save the children" studied 164 countries and compiled a mothers index. at the top of the index, women have what they need to thrive: excellent medical services, plenty of skilled health workers, and opportunities for education and advancement. but the gap between the top and bottom-ranked countries number 31. america's maternal mortality is the highest of any industrialized nation. but the study is also clearveryr
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helping moms and children: more health workers on the front lines. the equation is simple. more doctors, more midwives and community health workers means more mothers and children surviving childbirth and the early years of life. nowhere is this more clear than a place like nepal, which is ranked 133rd on the mothers index. this "viewchange" short film from "living proof" tells the story. [boy sinngng]
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translat: : my ne isis heheswor i'm m 19 yrs o old myususbandent t tondia to wor here the i is noood.d. rice, no nothing. arndnd herthere's nono wk. i very, very scar. everyone has bn asking about it, and th m makese evevenore scared. my firsthild wasreach bo, d i might just d this time. if i willilive, willll le. if i wildidie, iill l di me said ke her to the hospita some saidrive hedown. evyone hadpinion but how would u u get car without ney?
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indukaari: s was complely unare of the facthatat s uld nene medical care, beuse hehefirst child wabreachchorn. ifhe hadn't goen prope carerey a trained birth atatteant, s s would h he died. maheorori: 'llest r r sevedadays, t then i's ck t to rk. i have tpopound e riricecarryy wate c cut gss, , anchop w wd. fefe is ugh h he.
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narrat: don'go away. when wreturn, e couny's child health success story that has the rest of the world taking notice.e. narrator: if there's one overwhelming success story in maternal and child health, it can be found in malawi, where almost half the country, 40%, lives in poverty. but for years, the government has been investing in all sorts of new plans for life-saving care. the result? the number of deaths i in chilildren under fivive has beet in half over the past 20 years. malawi's striking results are strongly linked to efforts on the ground, house by house, community to community, to give
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man: m my name is s laitom chaha and i have six grandchildren. i was boborn at home in 191948. in previous days, pregnant mothers wewere using unsafe meththods. some would have their r babies in grass h huts. afteter giving b birth, they wod leave babies on ththe ground in the cold. we didn't knknow better. we hadad a lot of f deaths. onone day, h hospital woworkers asked usus to be a p part of t the agogogo program.
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deaths have decreased, diseases have decreased, and life h has improved. i am very happy bebecause if the student fails, you are not a good teacher. i see e fruits of what i t teac, and i'm proud that i am a good teacher. narrator: : access to healthcare isn't the whole story, of course. helping women must include
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an investment in education. in rural bangladesh, communities are learning the real value of empowering wom. this film from "save the children" shows that giving girls a voice can be the most powerful solution of all. woman: shilpi's father died when she was very young. her mother worked as a maid to support shilpi and two younger
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sons. she earned only enough to feed them one meal a day. when "save the children" started the "girls' voices project" nearby, shilpi joined. she met with other teenage gigirls to build self confidence and learn new skills like making a budget and saving money. shilpi realized she could help support her family even without working outside the home. she started her first business weaving mats.
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narrator: around the world, communities are coming together not only to save the lives of momothers and children, , but to improve them, to give women real opportunities to change the courses of their lives.. basisic healthcacare can solve the e most urgent crises, , but a bigger sea change, one that empowers womenen to learn, to marry laterer, and to decide when to have children will
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armene mod f for aut a a cple ofofears, wenly focud ondult wom and literacy forhehem. and i notid d manyf ththe rls who ca to the asass were very, very youngigirls with mamangaltra, whicisis a gd anand ack beaded nklklace oundnd tir nes,s, whi in n ina is s symboof m matmony.. and they hadababies theheir psps, ani ststard to a a
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what's s goinon a andhy e such yngng gir marrd d off readady? modiin many llagages ththere rere onlschohool to theevenenthrade. the e wereo hihighchoolslsso w workein 1 10 llagesest that poininin tim andnd tre werer only teeee higschohool so thei asked,ou know, asasked e e pares, t theothersrs well, at h happe to o thboys?? you know, w w do y send the boyso o scho? and eyey sai welell, g give em b bicles. and i sa, well, atat abo thgigirls? and eyey sai oh,h, n it's s a wae ofof mey to o ve
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man:ike what y saw? then vit, link tv's brand-new multimedia website. watch over 200 stories about new solutions to the developing world's biggest chchallenges, geget involved w with the issue, share the storories with friend, and help change the woworld all at narrator: to read the full 2011 state of the world's mother's report and to learn more about "save the children," visit qéa?ó]
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