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tv   France 24  LINKTV  January 4, 2017 5:30am-6:01am PST

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>> this is "france 24." these are the headlines. the israeli soldier who shot and killed an animal palestinian attacker has been convicted -- an immobile palestinian attacker has been convicted of the manslaughter charge against him. caught in thes act on video. turkey says it has identified the man behind the new year's eve attack on an istanbul nightclub. police have arrested five suspected islamic state militants linked to the attack, but the gunman himself is still on the run. barack obama heads to capitol hill to try to rally his allies
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to fight for his signature health care reforms. with the trump presidency on the horizon, his drive to extend medical coverage to tens of millions of americans is in jeopardy. also coming up, in business, we will meet some of the french entrepreneurs taking their ideas to the world's biggest technology showcase in las vegas. more on that coming up. first, our top story live from paris. ♪ >> we will start in israel, where the verdict has dropped in a manslaughter chase that has divided the nation. the israeli soldier who shot and killed and immobile palestinian attacker has been convicted of manslaughter. that case has split the country
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ever since the soldier was caught on video last march fatally shooting the wounded palestinian attacker in the west bank. this was a rare case of an active servicemen being charged and it has polarized israel. defense officials have criticized the soldier's conduct, but much of the public has rally behind him. , let'se on the case bring in the jerusalem correspondent. that therell you were women crying outside the courtroom when they heard this judgment. there were people protesting throughout the time when the judge read her judgment. the military court, the judge reading the judgment on behalf of three judges, she said she was not paying attention to anything happening outside the court. what she was paying attention to were the facts in front of her and the facts led her to believe, led to three judges to conclude that elor azaria, the then 19-year-old israeli sergeant, is guilty of manslaughter. they did not believe his first
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defense that the palestinian lying wounded on the ground was dead when he shot him. they said that elor azaria killed him, based on medical evidence. they did not believe the self-defense argument that he then ran, which was that he fear for his life. they said, objectively speaking, the wounded palestinian presented no danger, he had no nice, no explosive belt, he had been disarmed. they did not believe the soldier when he said that that was his fear. they said he was a poor witness, he changed his story many times, and they did not believe him, and there was no grounds not to find him guilty of manslaughter. earlier,were saying this is truly a divisive case in israel. hundreds of protesters were out again today in defense of the sergeant. why has this case touched such a nerve? this is a country of conscripts. many parents look at elor azaria
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and think, that could be my child. in march last year, they were still receiving attacks by palestinians. there is a feeling of identification with a split-second decision and gets it wrong. , we sees also a feeling 10 minutes in the time and have brought, where we don't see -- in hebron, where we don't see his commanders. there are questions about how the case was managed, why he was ,he most senior person there why he was doing things without orders. all of those questions are being raised by people who don't all ofunderstand perhaps the inside internal israeli military rules and that is what the israeli defense force is trying to read assert. -- reassert. when do you need orders to shoot? in this case, elor azaria did
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not have orders and was not allowed to shoot the man lying prone on the ground. >> what happens next? can the soldier appeal? >> we heard his lawyers speaking outside the court and he will appeal. the are going to study reasons. they said the court went too far in dismissing their witnesses. there are also calls for his sentence to be wiped. -- is sentencing will come later. there are already calls that he should not serve any sentence. that should it be a life sentence or wiped altogether. this controversial case, with all its twists and turns, will continue for some months to come. >> thank you. been a breakthrough in the hunt for the man thought to have killed 39 people at a nightclub in istanbul on new year's eve. turkish officials have establish
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the identity of the suspect without giving out any concrete details about the man still on the run. catherine clifford has more on what we know about the gunman so far. >> more cctv footage of the suspect in the istanbul new year's attack. the footage is believed to show the gunman walking through a bus terminal last month. the suspect was staying in a rented flat with his family before traveling to a stable to carry out the attack. those detained included woman suspected of being his wife. turkish media reports suggest the man's firing techniques show he had been trained in streetfighting by the islamic state group in syria and that he had used stun grenades to disorient the crowd while changing magazines. police were reported to have found new leads was speaking to he -- drovever that
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him to the club. a dozen people have been arrested in connection with the investigation, including two foreign nationals at the ataturk airport on tuesday. let's go live to jasper mortimer. the turkish prime minister, what did he have to say today? >> he said the nightclub attack was aimed to set turks against each other, aim to divide the nation. this is no doubt true. erdogan's critics would say that he is an extremely divisive president. the second thing he said is that nobody's way of life is under threat in turkey and that those people who say that must prove it. that as president, it is his duty to ensure that everyone's rights are respected. a lot of turks say his
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government is curbing secularism , which is a strong tradition in turkey. on sunday, hours after the attack, people in a community club in a lower middle-class suburb of istanbul made speeches condemning islamic state for the attack and championing set clear is the wayecularism out of the terror campaign turkey has got itself into. their speeches were posted on social media. a twitter user who saw the video called them traitors and reported the video to the interior ministry. two of the speakers at that community club have been detained and charged with provoking public hatred. you know, president erdogan says one thing, but his government does the opposite. >> late last night, the
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parliament voted to extend the current state of emergency that is on now in turkey. what will that mean for the country? >> that means that the state of emergency that was due to expire on january 19 will be extended until april 20. have been in a state of emergency for nine months. the government has justified this, saying it is necessary to curb terror. , the terror campaign has been going on for 19 months and, in that time, about 330 people have been killed and hundreds more have been wounded, but the state of emergency was imposed on july 20, five days after the coup attempt. in the six months since then, 165 people have been killed in the terror campaign.
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to attacks by the islamic state, , and by kurdish insurgents the assassination of the russian ambassador in ankara last month, which the government blamed on the kurdish. half of the fatalities have been incurred in the past six months, the last third of the terror campaign -- as you might put it. thatt does not seem to me the state of emergency has managed to curb the terror campaign at all. what has happened under the is whyf emergency 100,000 civil servants have been suspended from their posts. 40,000 civil servants, many of them police officers and soldiers have been detained. critics accused the government of abusing the state of
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emergency to crack down on their political opponents. >> jasper, thank you for that. now to syria where at least 30 people were killed in an airstrike on a building used by an islamist militant group. dozens more were hurt. it is unclear whether the strikes had been clary doubt -- carried out in relation to the airstrikes by the u.s. coalition. syria is in the six days of a cease-fire, but that does not include the islamic state or the group formally known as the nusra front, that target of the airstrikes. there has been an accidental water outage for nearly two weeks in damascus. here is more from the u.n. spokesperson. >> obviously, it is a humanitarian emergency and a
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contaminated lack of fresh water leads to waterborne diseases, particularly among children. response inur syria, the u.n. has already rehabilitated in number of wells around damascus to cover about one third of daily water needs in the city. since the 22nd, those wells have been the sole source of water for the entire city of damascus. >> donald trump's inauguration is less than three weeks away, but the u.s. president-elect is raising doubts about u.s. intelligence. he tweeted tuesday without citing any evidence that the timing of an upcoming intelligence briefing on suspected russian interference in the election had been delayed. his tweet, in line with repeated criticism of his nation's intelligence leaders, cause confusion among intelligence officials, who said there was no delay in the briefing schedule at all. all that comes as the republican party was forced to back off on its attempt to got an independent congressional ethics
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committee. it was forced to reverse its decision after trump condemned the move on twitter. >> it was a political u-turn sparked by addressing -- a dressing down via twitter. the republican party prepared for its first session in congress, but before it started, party members held an emergency vote behind closed doors to weaken the office of congressional ethics. the independent watchdog investigates political misconduct, including anonymous tips about potential ethics violations. the move would have meant shifting accountability for such cases to lawmakers. the body was set up nine years ago by the house democratic leader nancy pelosi following a lobbying scandal. after learning of the vote, she took to twitter to criticize the attempt. she called republicans out on the slogan "draining the swamp," which had been championed by their leader donald trump during
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his election campaign. shortly after, the u.s. president-elect took to the social media site to criticize the move. this came as paul ryan was newly reelected speaker of the house, promising to work with democrats to honor his oath. >> i now pronounce you the speaker of the house. >> i want to say to the american people, we hear you, we will do right by you, and we will deliver. [applause] >> ryan had initially opposed the measure, then later defended the change. but just hours later, the republicans called an emergency meeting and abruptly decided to undo the vote. an embarrassing turnaround for republicans on the new congress's first day in session. president obama is due to make a short, but politically charged trip to the white house -- from capitol hill -- from the white house to capitol hill to rally lawmakers to keep republicans from repealing the
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affordable care act. his eight-year drive to extend medical coverage will come under sustained assault when donald trump takes office january 20 with the republican majorities in both houses of congress. here in france, the far right national front party leader marine le pen gave a new year's press conference today. she is gearing up for the french presidential election this spring and is trying to imitate the success of donald trump in the u.s. by making the most of social media to get out the vote. media teamsher new today at the press conference. let's listen. i want to thank our team in charge of social media because i believe it is a complementary channel of information, a way for politicians to speak directly to the people. my campaign will be quite innovative in that respect and will be driven by new technologies. help reach andll
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convince as possible. marine le pen is gunning for the presidency, but she says she needs more money to run her campaign, some 6 million euros more. claire williams was at the press conference and told us more about what the head of the national front had to say. >> it was in this room that marine le pen gave her new year's wishes to the french press. she outlined her campaign strategy. she has been closely watched by journalists in france. the room was absolutely packed. she took the opportunity to outline her three fundamental principles. number one, french prosperity. number two, french independence. number three, read -- respect for national identity. she haslast few months, been reasonably discreet, but her campaign manager said earlier on that from february on, the campaign will really get going, so respect to see a lot
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more of marine le pen. >> that is claire williams. in brazil, the justice minister has announced plans to overhaul the country's penal system in response to sunday nights bloody prison riot in which 56 inmates were killed with some beheaded before being thrown over the prison walls. the government hopes to tackle the chronic overcrowding. it is time for our business update. you are going to start in the bowingstates with ford to pressure from president-elect donald trump. >> the u.s. president-elect claims credit for a decision by ford to scrap plans for a business in mexico and invest in operations in the u.s. instead. it made the call based on tax and regulatory reforms proposed by donald trump.
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the carmaker will have to pay back any subsidies it received from the local government in mexico. a doubt, we would have loved the investment to come to fruition. we understand that the market and business plans of companies very according to circumstances. >> in the united states, in las vegas, lots of techies have their eyes on the consumer electronics show. >> the show is in its second day, open to the press today for showcasing new technology in the world. for many companies, it is a chance to unveil latest innovations, artificial intelligence, and voice control expected to feature prominently. 275 french firms are among those attending. it is a big challenge for them to attract investment. >> it is the holy grail of tech showcases, the las vegas consumer and electronics show kicks off the new year in technology. it is also a chance to show off french innovation.
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275 french companies will travel to the u.s. in the hopes of peaking the interest and deep pockets of american investors. is one of las vegas the most important shows of the year. it is a chance to present our products. and get an idea of how the market is progressing. >> one company specializes in digital libels. the user can control the luminosity from a tablet or smartphone and pick among colors to set the mood. the french government has invested heavily in startups, providing tax breaks, help with loans, and subsidies. in 2016, a total of 1.4 billion euros was invested in startups in france. there were 368 fundraising rounds in just the third quarter to 215 in the entire year of 2015. among those taking part, this
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company that has created real-time augmented reality in which objects interact with the user's environment, technology they hope could be used by architects. these young entrepreneurs are heading to las vegas in the hopes of wooing people with their concept of a digital travel journal that can be sold to other users. first, they might need to brush up on english. news for theive euro zone economy. annual inflation hit its highest level in more than three years. consumer prices rose by 1.1%. increase is driven by more expensive energy, food, alcohol, and tobacco. inflation is still far off the european central bank's target. prices fell in italy by 0.1% according to new national figures. >> how are the markets taking all of that? >> not much excitement about
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eurozone inflation or consumer confidence in france is at a nine-year high. all things are fairly soft in today's trading. up in sweden, it sounds like a dream, a six hour working day is turning out to be a bit tougher than what people might thought. >> it is one of those big social innovations. companies and organizations are trying out the six hour working day. at a state results owned retirement home found that employees felt healthier, had fewer sick days, and patient care is improved, but the 68 -nurse facility had to hire an extra 17 staff to cope with reduced working hours at a cost of more than 1.2 million euros. that has led to local officials concluding it is too expensive to implement in the long-term. >> the situation on socialism in two seconds. [laughter] >> it is now time for the press review. ♪
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we are taking a look at what has been grabbing headlines today. let's start in france, where a farmer who lives near the italian border is on trial for helping migrants illegally cross into france from italy. the border has been blocked therefrom the spring of 2015. >> it is an incredible story. if found guilty, he risks being sentenced to five years in prison and the 30,000 euro fine. a openly recognizes being citizen smuggler. he says he has helped 100 migrants since the spring. in his view, he has done nothing wrong. you can see a quote from the interview. he said, it is the state acting illegally, i'm not acting illegally. he said, i do it out of love and compassion and the respective people and these are values of the french republic. >>'s case has gathered a lot of
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public support. papers interviewed other citizen smugglers. >> how far would you go to helping migrant? that is on the front page today. they interviewed a handful of locals in this region in france near italy. a lot of people have decided to open their homes, offer sanctuary to these refugees, even though they are well aware that it is a risk. what does the law say about this? you can read more about it. it is a little bit complicated. is helping illegal immigrants a crime? what is a crime is helping illegal immigrants enter the country. there are judicial risks if you do that. but helping refugees once they are in france, even if they are illegal, is a little bit more complicated. there is something called humanitarian immunity for those who help foreigners achieve a decent life without monetary compensation. there is a lot of legal jargon and it is a little shady. >> one of france's most popular
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newspapers has made an unprecedented decision in the run-up to the presidential election. >> fascinating. they have decided to take a break with opinion polls. it comes in a very particular context. we sell brexit, the surprise victory of donald trump. no french papers saw the new prime minister's election either. they were surprised by this, so they have decided to put a pause when it comes to polls. instead, they are going to focus on grassroots reporting. the media and pulling institutions drew a lot of criticism for not seeing it coming and not understanding france. >> let's move to brazil with that awful story that happened on sunday, a riot at a prison in northern brazil that left some 56 people dead with some of the bodies burned, decapitated, thrown over the wall. >> the details are really grim
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and you can read about it in the brazilian paper. half of the victims were decapitated. grewrities say the riot out of a fight between two of the country's biggest gangs, essentially, fighting for control of the drug routes in the north and control of prisons. this is something that has come out a lot in the wake of the story, that gangs control prisons in brazil. gangove and beyond the war, brazilian papers are outraged over the lack of money that these brazilian prisons have or don't have. >> this reminds readers that this is not the first time this has happened. 111 people died at a similar prison riot in são paulo state. the government is increasing budgets for brazilian prisons. they want to bring in scanners to stop weapons from coming into brazilian papers -- prisons, rather, but papers say that is not enough. they say what is needed is a coordinated effort.
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they say they need intelligence officers in prisons. they also need to change the law. " says a lot of people are in jails. violent criminals, petty criminals, and people just awaiting trial. >> the opening of the 115th u.s. congress, which was overshadowed by a bit of an embarrassing turnaround for the republicans. >> it was supposed to be a triumphant morning for the republicans and according to "the washington post" it was a day of chaos. on monday night, house republicans voted to curtail the powers of something called the office of congressional ethics, an independent body. they override of the objections from the house speaker paul ryan . they arrived to work on tuesday. this was supposed to be the big, triumphant homecoming and, instead, they were faced with a amiority of outrage -- tsun of outrage.
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president-elect trump also tweeted out against it. "the new yor8úxú>fssssssss[[[[[p
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[atmospheric music] ♪ - because i saw that my country was running instead of, you know-- instead of developing, we are undeveloping. we are just t going backwards. - there are some who will be president, who desire to be president. there are some who desire to be journalists, like me. there are some who desire to be doctors. - because we are very young, we can do nothing. but maybe if we had the power... - and that's why i know, in jesus' name, that my generation will change that,


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