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tv   Newsline  LINKTV  January 5, 2017 5:00am-5:31am PST

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welcome to nhk newsline. we start off with stories we're following. refuelling drills. it will once again conduct midair refuelling exercises less than a month after an osprey
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aircraft crash landed during one of them. new year, old location. tokyo's main food market holds the first fish auction of the year because safety concerns delayed relocation plans. and filling in the blanks. computer graphics seizing data from the latest research are giving a prehistoric beast a modern look. the u.s. military will resume midair refuelling training as early as friday. they were suspended after an accident involving an osprey aircraft taking part in the training. the aircraft made an emergency crash landing last month in shallow waters. less than a week later the u.s. forces restarted flights. it was retriggered hitting the
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osprey's propeller and there was no problem with the aircraft itself. american forces conducted an on the ground simulation and informed crews on possible effects of turbulence. in a statement the defense minister says her ministry has confirmed that the safety measures were effective. she will work to win the understanding of local residents by giving them a full explanation of the accident as well as measures taken to prevent similar incidents. the first auction of the year has taken place at japan's famed market. the auction was originally planned to happen at a new location but on going safety concerns prevented that. >> after the traditional ringing of the bell thursday morning, dealers got to work yelling their bids. a 212 kilogram blue finn tuna fetched about $630,000.
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the second highest price in the last 20 years. >> i want my customers to eat it soon. >> in november the aging market was supposed to be transferred to a nearby waterfront district. but tokyo's governor suspended the relocation process following a scandal. a government panel is revealing how soil contamination was dealt with and the government is reviewing the safety of ground water at the location wholesalers press officials to set a time line. >> we're in the middle of a confusing issue. workers are asking the government to quickly settle this. >> tokyo's governor suggested
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preparation could be completed before spring 2018. the operator wants to restart the facility north of japan but the government there says it will take years to make an effective evacuation plan. he met executives on thursday for the first time since he took office in october. he says the plan should not go back online unless a study is done on the causes of the 2011 accident and it's impact on people's health. he also says the government needs an effective evacuation plan in place for possible nuclear accidents. >> we have to create a plan and verify it's effectiveness with other municipalities. we have to revisise the plan accordingly. usually such a procedure takes
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several years. >> we put first priority on the opinions of local people no matter how harsh they are. >> tokyo electric says restarting the plant will help improve the companies finances. >> compensations from the accidents are looming. u.s. president obama has called for a smooth hand over of control of the u.s. military to his successor donald trump. the outgoing comments came from his last meeting with top officials of the department and armed forces. >> we have to make sure that during this transition period that there is a seamless passing of the baton. >> obama spoke about conflicts that trump will inherit including the fight against the islamic state militant group in iraq and syria. he said the u.s. has an impressive military that recognizes constitutional
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structure and maintains strict adherence and respect for civilian authority. his remarks came amid concerns of trump's nomination of foreign military officials to key government posts. later on wednesday obama spoke at an armed forces fairwell ceremony. he said it must be remembered that when facing threats values such as the rule of law must not be sacrificed. time now for a look at business headlines. on wednesday investors cheered a strong start to the year for the tokyo market but today they have seen a different picture unfold. we have all the details on that. >> the nikkei average jumped more than 2% on the first day of trading in 2017. largely due to the stronger dollar but since then the release of minutes from the federal reserve caused the u.s. currency to retreat and dampened sentiment on thursday. more from the tokyo stock
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exchange. >> the weaker dollar was a major driver on the market here in tokyo. those minutes from the fed's december meeting suggest donald trump's policies could raise inflation and that's dragged down the dollar. let's see the closing levels for thursday, january fifth. the nikkei 225 lost about .4% ending at 19,520. the broader topics finished slightly in the positive. on currencies the weakened against the yen falling from a high above the 118 level. >> shares will lower as a result of the stronger yen. it advanced 4.7% over reports of padding and looking ahead to fridayay the release of payroll data we'll be keeping an eye on
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those numbers as they come in. >> moving on to other markets in asia. the shanghai composite added 0.2% to finish at 3165. that's hitting a four week high. after service sector activity in december climbed to a 17 month high. hong kong's private sector activity was also encouraging. growth for the first time in 22 months. rebounds sharply by 1.5%. 22,456. the biggest one day rally in nearly two months. singapore advanced more than 1%. financials lead the rally there and sidney ended supported by an overnight rebound in oil prices. a who is who turned out to discuss the year ahead. 2,000 people attended the event in tokyo organized by the top three business groups. many were keen to share their views on the incoming trump
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administration.. he spoke on behalf of the organizers. >> we should pay close attention to the economic policy. his approach i is consisidered risk. for at least t the next two or years i expect there to be more benefit than harm and the growth rate will increase. >> u.s. auto maker ford said on tuesday it was cancelling plans to build a plant in mexico. decisions follows repeateted criticism by companies that send u.s. jobs overseas. nhk asked business leaders for their thoughts on this and other aspects of the incomiming trump administration his firm hopes to keep enjoying a strong business in the u.s.
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>> mr. trtrump's policy for mag america strong is i in line wit our desire to be a good corporate citizen. he'll understand that as long as toyota keeps on creating jobs and paying taxes. >> they have ruled out a passenger car plant in mexico. the plant is due to be completed in 2019. financial group president and ceo also commented on trump's policies. >> the most uncertain factor is mr. trump's policies. it's not clear what trade and foreign policies he will pursue. >> he also said the u.s. economy
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will remain strong driven by public spending on infrastructure projects and that will also boost the japanese economy. policy makers are also keeping an eye on trump's economic plans. the minutes of the latest meeting in december reveal that they discussed how his policies could effect the u.s. economy and almost all said it may get a boo boost. >> some of the policy makers noted considerable uncertainly about economic policies but almost all saw the possibility of higher economic growth in the u.s. they indicated the proposed measures such as infrastructure spending could boost the economy. raising interest rates and faster pace depending on economic conditions. investors will be watching for details to get a better idea about future rate hikes. they'll also have an eye on u.s.
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jobs data coming out on friday. auto industry officials say sales of new vehicles in japan reached a low not seen in years shares fell below 5 million units for the f first time sinc the 2011 earthquake impacted production. officials of the japan's automobile dealers association say domestic new vehicle sales last year stood at 4.97 million units. they contribute to the decline in a 9% drop in vehicles. it follows a tax increase for that class of car. domestic new car sales have decreased by 36% since 1990. analysts cite japan's shrinking population and less young people driving. this week experts are giving us their outlook for the global economy. today a distinguished academic
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tells us about prospects for china. he is dean of the university's institute for contemporary and china studies. he also advises the chinese government on policy. he's one of the members that drafted the c countries fivive plan.. he told nhnhk world what kind o growth can be expected this yearar. >> measures are in place. it's the most important case when assessing the economy. >> we expect that china's economic growth rate for 2017 will be 6.5% or higher. most likely betweenen 6.5 and 6 which i think is sufficient. i'm more focusused on what i ca three major deficiencies rather than the growth rarate. the first is the economic
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efficiency which is to see whether our labor productive has increased and whether consumption is boosting the economy. the second one is social efficiency which is to see i if more job versus been created which leads to social stability. the third one i wish to ememphasize is environmental efficiency. if all three are well come bienbie combined it will be all right even if the growth rate dips below 1.65%. >> one of the biggest concerns is trade. that's because officials haven't been able to meet their goals for several years now. from 2014 to 2015 the government wanted total trade volume to grow. in fact it droppeded from 2015 2016. falling nearly 7% by november.
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>> it's also unlikely to hit it in 2017. the slow down of our major trading partners is effecting the chinese economy. >> they raised concerns on the prices and the bubblble and allf the concerns. >> there are 1.4 billion people in china but only half of them live in big city. so china's potential demand for offices and buildings is great as people need them too start businesses in the world's largesttmarket. >> they'rere taking appropriate measures trying to reduce risks. there will not be a real bubble like the ones we saw in japan and the united states.
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>> he also talked about the new u.s. administration. >> they are the greatest currency manipulators ever. >> he has enforced it on chinese goods. >> translator: mr. trump is not a professional. the u.s. treasury department has already denied that china manipulated it's currency and if he imposes higher tariffs on all chininese goods the victim will not be china but american consumumers. such measures are 100% impossible. even if he decides to impose higher tariffs it would be limited only on steal and automobiles. >> this yeaear marks the 45th anniversary of normalized
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relations. >> translator: i want the japanese m media and prime minister shinznzo abe to first recognize that china's economic power has already overtaken japans and that china has surpassed japan in science technology, university's competence and in many other areas. if they'll realize china is an opportunity and not a threat that change of perception will be key. >> nhk world beijing. >> you can catch our report again online together with a full transcript.
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that's it for business news. we leave you with the markets. >> we're learning more about the most powerful dinosaur to roam, the t-rex. nhk news used data for a clear picturure of thehe t-rex. >> this is what north america might have looked like about 70
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million years ago. along with one of t the ininhabitants. but the risen findings is given the t-rex in this japanese computer animation a new look. feathers instead of scales. five years ago a fossil of a t-rex relative discovered in china included preserved feathers. now it's believed those feathers gave the t-rex an advantage. allowing it to hunt in cold weather. recent discoveries also suggest the dinosaur's bite was more powerful than previously thought. researchers say the jaws and the structure of a t-rex head were similar to a crocodiles.
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so they used one to find out just how powerful the dinosaur's bite was. >> here we go. >> oh, gosh. >> 2,423 pounds. >> the measure meter measured more than 1 ton. >> as high as 18,000 pounds or more so again just incredible bite force. among the highest ever generated for any animal. >> based on the result of that test, researchers estimated the bite of a t-rex would top 8 tons. they use them to bite through wood and board. >> and then they crunched through a car door.
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>> the latest data shows a secret of the dinosaur's brain. related to the sense of smell was large. allowing it to catch pray in the dark at night. >> there's still more blanks to color in. nhk world. >> currently in tokyo it's fair and 7 degrees celsius or 44 degrees farenheit. here with the latest local world weatheher outltlook is jonathan
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>> we're going to see a downturn in the temperatures as we go through the next few days. highs are expected to be slightly below average as we go into friday and also into saturday but the big reason we're seeing the cool down is because an area of high pressure located up toward china is particularly interesting the way this air is pulling around the system. it is forcing air to come in from the siberian region of russia and really forcing down the temperatures and interestingly enough it's going to impact the central and northern portions of japan. also the p portions of the regi near osaka but that's about it. that will continunue to generat some snow to the northern areas on the sea of japan side of the country. as we go into friday things should start to dry out but we do have moisture back toward china and that's going to move
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it's way into western and central areas of japan as we go into sunday so you'll need to have the umbrella prepared as we go into the first part of next week. look at the overnight lows though. and also looking at rain on sunday. wet weather in the forecast as we go through the next three days so you want to have the umbrella handy. notice the high in tokyo. 8 degrees coming up on friday. our normal high is around 10 it's so going to be cooler than normal. 9 degrees and then you'll be dealing with hazy conditions with a high of 4. the air is going to remain relatively still and that's going to lead to the concerns for air pollution as you go into the last day of the work week. colder air taking place in north
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america and that's the high pressure system down through the ohio river valley bringing in a northerly flow. that's going to create danger s dangerously cold temperatures and for those with exposed skin areas. look at this. some areas could feel as cold as 20 degrees below zero wednesday night and into thursday morning and then looking at 37 degrees in terms of the wind chill factor. that will not only take place during the overnight hours but also thursday into thursday night also seeing fridged conditions. if you have to go outdoors please make sure that you cover as much as possible so that you don't deal with frostbite issues as you go forward in time. >> looking at heavy rainfall as you progress throughout the day on thursday. rain to los angeles and snow into denver and even into oklahoma city dealing with the possibility of snow through
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thursday and even in washington d.c. looking for a chance of some snow. that cold weather snap also impacting europe. we have a cold front that's been moving through the eastern portions of the conontinent ands that continues to move forward in time we're going to see a suppression of this temperature and looking at the possibility of seeing snowfall as we go forward in time. places like warsaw and moscow and into kiev wintry weather through thursday. hope you have a good day where ever you are. here's your extended outlook.
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>> if you're seeking for the new year, a 105-year-old man set the
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new world record for cycling. he made history by pedaling 22.5 kilometers in one hour on a track near paris. the former fireman was born in 1911 but only started cycling seriously in his late 60s at 102 he beat his own record in the over 100 category when he road nearly 27 kilometers an hour. he had this to say after his latest accomplishment. >> i didn't see the sign that said it was the last minute. if it was it would have been quicker. i have already managed to live to 105. it takes nine months to come into this world and only 30
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seconds to kick the bucket. >> the secret to his good health is eating lots of fruit and8úxúp
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>> talking europe on france 24 and france welcome to 60 minutes live around the world. i'm genie godula. here are the top stories. ♪ genie: france marks the second anniversary of the charlie hebdo attack. the first of a series of mass shootings in france. john mccain calls russia's meddling in the election an act of war. arelligence chiefs testifying in congress


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