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tv   France 24  LINKTV  January 24, 2017 2:30pm-3:01pm PST

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and only parliament can make law in the country. laura: but if the government comes up with a bill that mps decide will hurt the country long-term, will hurt the economy, and will be bad for
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britain, are they not morally obliged to vote against it? >> to have a responsibility to their constituents to representative democracy. verynk the mps sitting on slim majorities will be very wary of alienating people within their constituencies who voted to leave. that seems to be the case there's a slim majority in favor of remaining within the house of commons, or at least there was at the time of the referendum, but not in the country at large. pe thatthink any in tries to argue against -- any mp tries to argue against brexit would find themselves having a very difficult attempt at reelection at the next general election. laura: professor, thank you very much indeed.
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in the united states, donald trump has been clashing with environmentalist after he for two plans controversial oil pipelines. the keystone project was put on hold by president obama because of concerns about the environment and about climate change. the dakota pipeline was shelved because it runs through native american cultural sites. president trump says they will go ahead and they will create jobs for americans. manufacturinging back to the united states and reducing taxes substantially and reducing unnecessary regulations. but we wantlation, real regulations that means something. two large extent i am an environmentalist, but it is out of control. laura: here's phil crowley in washington. very much a topic of
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serious contention between democrats and republicans and certainly between environmentalists and republicans, despite the fact that as you just heard, donald trump a few hours ago described himself as an environmentalist. what he is doing here is taking the obama legacy on the chopping president sawmer himself blocking the keystone xl pipeline very much as part of his environmental legacy. and one of the steps on the path toward a climate deal signed in much, obama saw this very as something that would be seen as a stumbling block if he were not to stop the keystone xl pipeline. them will not necessarily be built straight away, but this advance is the possibility of both pipelines being built. one going from candidate to the gulf coast and the other from north dakota to illinois. both of them had been opposed very strongly by environmentalists and by democrats as well.
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for example, bernie sanders, the former opponent of hillary clinton in the democratic primaries, has already tweeted and said he will do everything he can to stop the construction of those two pipelines. donald trump says he wants them to be built in order to be able to create more american jobs. and the women's rights campaign has slammed his decision to stop federal funding for international companies that perform abortions. the so-called global gag rule prevents foreign workers from assisting or advising women on termination of pregnancy. >> around it men, donald trump signs and antiabortion executive order, reinstating a policy that would undermine family planning around the world. >> the president has made it very clear that he is a pro-life president. he wants to stand up for all
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americans, including the unborn. the reinstatement of this policy is not just something that echoes that value, but respects taxpayer funding as well. >> u.s. low army bans the use of american taxpayer money for abortion service anywhere but this takes it even further. it freezes federal funding to thatin foreign countries even discuss abortion as an option in family planning. pro-choice advocates have oneemned the move with group calling at the beginning of the trump administration's agenda to punish women everywhere. it jeopardizes the health and well-being of the world's most vulnerable girls and women. this action will do more than change policy. it will make it more difficult for girls and women to access contraception and health care they need to determine their futures. now is the time to build on progress, not reverse it.
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the policy has gone back and forth under republican and democratic administrations. resident reagan first enacted the rule in 1984, though quickly repealed it, then george bush reenacted it, before barack obama again lifted the restrictions. laura: russia, turkey, and iran say they will observe and enforce an existing cease-fire in syria following international talks in causing stock. -- in kaz expand. >> a war of words has ended with a plan for peace. following two heated days of russia, turkey, and iran are in close talks on an agreement with the trilateral commission with a mandate to monitor and enforce the cease-fire in syria. the summit stressed the importance of international support. next we cannot allow a third
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becausere to be wasted of a lack of a political process. so now is time for the international community in all its dimensions to come together and support one integrated political negotiating process based on this remarkable moment that we have today and provided by resolution 2254. >> delegates from the syrian regime and opposition sparred over interpretation of the cease-fire. >> there is already a signed agreement in place. what we want israel implementation, a real cease-fire. of contention,t rebel fighters reject the plan for iran to play role in monitoring the cease-fire. >> the issue here is not about who is happy and who is not happy.
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the issue here is that finally we have a consensual paper called a final declaration agreed upon by everybody. however, serious opposition delegation shot down claims they had agreed to the terms, playing down expectations that the final agreement is cohesive enough to form the groundwork for negotiations set to take place in geneva next month. israel has announced plans to build.500 new homes in the palestinian territories, the second time israel has made such an announcement since donald trump was sworn in as u.s. president on friday. ,he plo has condemned the move which is says will lead to more extremism and more terrorism. israel says the homes will be built in existing jewish communities, around 500,000 jews already live in the territory palestinians want as part of a future state.
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let's consider them in illegal under international law, but israel disputes this. president hollande under pressure from environmentalist and from germany and switzerland, he now looks set to do so after dealing with an energy giant. >> on paper, the nuclear plant is considered relatively safe. nuclear safety authority allows it to keep producing energy until 2022. an eds, the company that manages it, has spent 280 million euros to make it safer. but environmentalists say that is not enough. energy in nuclear general, they say this should be the first plant to shut down. it has been active for too long, almost 40 years, a record in france.
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thats located in an area is prone to flooding and potential earthquakes. say thosefukushima, opposed to the facility. an accident at the japanese nuclear plant claw -- caused an inironmental catastrophe 2011. france's neighbors have been pressing to shut it down. it's only a few kilometers from their border. >> we are very worried about it, and for good reason. if you compare it to what happen in chernobyl on its just a stones throw from here. if something really does happen here it starts leaking radioactivity in the right definitely bewill affected. >> people who work at the site or opposed to it shut down because about 1000 of them would lose their jobs. the state has reportedly offered 460 million euros as compensation. the workers union say that is
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too much and that the state should save money by keeping the factory open. oscar season and hollywood is not taking any chances this year, after last year searing criticism of an awards ceremony that was just deemed to be too white. this year several black and asian actors are in the running for gold. thes hear more about controversy in this year's big hit, lala land. >> after receiving backlash last definitely this year's oscars are sprinkled with a lot more color. moonlight, a movie about an receivedmerican boy eight nominations and there was a total of six african american actors that received, nations in different categories.
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and of course viola davis, the african-american actors who received best supporting actress receivedn for offenses her third oscar nomination, making her the first african american to receive three oscar nominations. so there was a lot more diversity this year and for example, the nomination for best supporting actor for lion, but there is still a lack of diversity as far as latino actors were concerned. -- there was criticism that there was a lack ,f more asian and latino faces but with six nominations for african-american actors, definitely a lot more color than last year. obviously the top of the town is loblaw land, it got 14 la la land. -- is
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this is a movie that is clear the front runner right now for various reasons. it's a story about a struggling actress pursuing her dream and it has hollywood sweetheart emma stone as its protagonist. also ryan gosling, who is a big hollywood darling as well. it has all the ingredients of hollywood, it has musicals, choreography, singing and dancing, and it has that story about dreaming and pursuing your dreams. so obviously a big front runner there, but it is also competing with a lot of sleeper movies that may take home the gold, like moonlight or manchester by the sea. so we will have to wait until february 26 to see who comes out la lanner, but obviously land is clearly on top of the game for this oscar season. laura: let's get to the business news now.
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u.s., donaldto the trump has had the comic industry in his sights today. >> in previous weeks, donald trump both encouraging and .hreatening the auto industry today he hosted a breakfast meeting at the white house with the ceos of general motors, ford, and fiat chrysler, donald trump promising to make big concessions in exchange for more carmakers make it a push to build new plants in america. >> president donald trump holding out a carrot to the u.s. automobile companies. corporate leaders from america's big three carmakers, general motors, ford, and fiat chrysler, met with trump on tuesday morning as he promised incentives for them to build their products in the u.s. >> reducing taxes substantially and reducing unnecessary regulations. we will make the process much
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more simple for auto companies and anyone else who wants to do business in the united states. you will find it to be very inhospitable to extremely hospitable. >> tuesday's meeting avoided mention of the stick, his frequent threat to companies that want to move out of the country. that threat lingering just be nice the cert -- just beneath the surface. he tweeted that ford would face import taxes if it went ahead with the plant in mexico. plans for the plant were scrapped in early january. following the meeting, ceos from the big three praised his push
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to revitalize american manufacturing. >> we are excited about working on tax policies, on regulation, and on trade, to really create a renaissance in american manufacturing. >> so the big three have already been on a roll. each one claims to have boosted u.s. employment by 25,000 jobs since 2009. laborh the cost of u.s. being higher, many analysts expect the cost of making a car in the u.s. means the company's cost of doing business will rise, but we are seeing shares of the big three up big today, up over 6% while ford and general motors were also up as well. signing has led to moving the markets. many saying the energy companies with trump reviving the two oil pipelines means that energy stocks will grow. the dow jones of .7%, the nasdaq up .9%. .8%.&p 500 up earlier in europe we saw indices closing in the red, only paris in the green.
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telecom dragging the london ftse down .01%. in an effort to combat growing europe,nequality across the european commission wants all eu member states to introduce and wages and minimum income for the unemployed. 22 out of the 28th eu member states already have national minimum wages. living standards and cost-of-living very widely across the eu. some parts of southern europe suffering from high levels of
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unemployment. the commission said that changes will help in corrosive actresses in european society. practicesd corrosive in european society. >> there is a level of dignity we have to respect. the minimum wage does not have to be the same in all our countries. claimld be absurd to that. but in all our national legislation, a minimum social salary and a minimum guaranteed wage is an addition we have to bring to europe's social dimension. >> here in france, big data coming out earlier in the day. the number of people looking for full-time work fell by more than 100,000 over the course of the year, enough to lower the amount , the firstorking annual drop since 2000 save -- since 2007. the slight rise in december. said he willlande not seek reelection unless he could bring down record high unemployment. -- after 50lone
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years of civil war, investors are eyeing colombia closely. french companies are setting up shop in our team on the ground reports. colombia the new el dorado for french companies? one will open its doors in bogotá. >> we decided to open the store with about 60 sports under the same roof in a layout we brought from france that is made in france. >> the french sporting goods giant is lowering prices and selling products not previously available in colombia. emerging from nearly 50 years of civil war, the country offers a promising market. >> colombia is changing. the middle class is growing every year, which wants to participate in sports and leisure activities and i think we will a good relationship with them. >> french companies are the main
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foreign investors in colombia. they generated 100,000 jobs, mainly in supermarkets, but individual onto burners from france are increasingly setting up shop. that is the case with pierre, who imports wind which he then sells to restaurants. >> it's a country with it norm's economic potential which has many similarities with our french culture, but it's also a very complicated country where there is still a lot of corruption. so either we have enough money , or we need a lot of connections. you have to be resourceful enough to get by. dorado is not so simple to conquer, but a success worth its weight in gold. the turnover of french subsidiaries in colombia last year was estimated at 15 billion euros.
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>> all be back in less than an hour with the closing u.s. markets. break were taking a short . stay with us, much more still to come. qwueeewep@1@1pxxxxxxdo#qñ
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01/24/17 01/24/17 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from the sundanceceilm festival in papark city, utatah, this is democracy now! >> the president, no sigrid, has made it clear he is a pro-life president. he wants to stand up for all americans, including the unborn. i think the reinstatement of this policy is not just something that echoes that value, but respects taxpayer funding as well. amy: in one of his first acts in office, president trump reinstates the controversial global gag rule, banning u.s. funding for any international


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