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tv   France 24  LINKTV  January 26, 2017 5:30am-6:01am PST

5:30 am
bot: calling all umis. team umizoomi! all: one, two, three, four. ♪ umi ♪ zoomi ♪ umi ♪ umizoomi, umizoomi bot: ♪ in a world that's not so far away ♪ all: ♪ umi city
5:31 am
bot: ♪ you can count on us to save the day ♪ kids: yay! ♪ umizoomi, umizoomi milli: ♪ we can measure geo: ♪ build it together milli: ♪ you can help us, you're so clever ♪ bot: ♪ we've got mighty math powers ♪ all: ♪ you can call us any hour ♪ ♪ bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪ ♪ we are a tiny team ♪ bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪ ♪ we go behind the scenes ♪ bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪ ♪ there's nothing we can't do milli. geo. bot. and you! ing provided by: mtv networks oh, hi, it's me, milli. i'm so happy to see you. geo: whoo-hoo you're here, all right. this is geo, my brother. we're blowing bubbles here in our secret headquarters. [giggling] do you like playing with bubbles?
5:32 am
we do too. i know. let's have a bubble race. bot: bubble race? i love bubble races. this is bot, our best robot friend. hello, hello. [clears throat] bubble racers, please report to the rug. a bubble race is about to begin. this end of the rug is where the bubble race starts. and the other end of the rug is the finish line. whoever blows their bubble to the other end of the rug first, wins. bot: all right, bubble racers. get your bubbles ready. [blowing...] we're gonna need your help to blow the bubbles. bot: on your marks, get set... blow the bubbles! [blowing...] geo: my blue bubble's in first place. milli: my pink bubble's in second place.
5:33 am
bot: and my green bubble is in third place. but the race isn't over yet. keep blowing the bubbles. [blowing] milli: now my pink bubble is catching up. bot: and now my green bubble's catching up too. [all blowing] bot: let's see who is going to win. milli: it's a tie. everybody won. all: yay! nice bubble racing, everyone. nice bubble racing indeed. let's pop 'em. yeah. yeah. [pop] [pop] [pop] [all laughing] [whirring] listen. [whirring] it's the umi alarm. that sound means someone needs our help. when someone has a problem in umi city we fix it with our... all: mighty math powers. we're team umizoomi. bot: we can find out who needs our help
5:34 am
on my belly, belly... all: belly screen! team umizoomi, it's me, sonya. i really need your help. hi, sonya. what's the problem? i'm at the park, and today's the big boat race. [♪...] sonya: i brought my sailboat so it can be in the race. but the wind is blowing my sailboat out of control. [gasps] now my boat's breaking. oh, no. my lucky gold star fell in the water. you can't be in the race with a broken boat. and you've gotta have your lucky gold star. i really wanna be in the boat race. team umizoomi, can you fix my broken boat? don't worry, sonya. we'll get your boat fixed and ready to race. thanks, team umizoomi. i knew i could count on you. we need to fix sonya's boat so she can be in the race.
5:35 am
we're really gonna need your help. will you help us fix sonya's boat? you will? umirific. yes! yeah! now you're on team umizoomi with us. we'll call you... umifriend. hello, umifriend. welcome to the team. it's time to get our mighty math powers ready. come on. [♪...] i'm milli! ♪ i can make any pattern ♪ with my dress pattern of... butterflies! ♪ pattern power [♪...] i'm geo. ♪ i can build anything ♪ with my shapes triangle. oval. ♪ super shapes [♪...] i'm bot. ♪ i can show you anything
5:36 am
♪ on my belly, belly, bellyscreen ♪ skyscraper. taxi. ♪ traffic light [whirring] umifriend, that's you. you've got mighty math powers too. let's see your mighty math powers. count down with me. start with five. five... four... three, two, one. ♪ you've got mighty math powers ♪ ♪ mighty, mighty math powers you got 'em. ♪ you've got mighty math powers ♪ team umizoomi, ready for action. now our mighty math powers are ready. we've gotta get to that boat race... and fast. come on, we'll take the umi car. [♪...] milli... geo... bot.
5:37 am
whoa... whee... hee-hee-hee. geo: whee! bot: whoo-hoo! singers: ♪ let's take the umi man: umicar. bot: ok team, seatbelts on. [seatbelts clicking] geo: to make the umicar zoom say umizoomi! all: umizoomi! bot: to the boat race. all: whoa! [horn honks] geo: hold on to your helmets. bot: whee. ♪ bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪ ♪ bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah, bah, bah-dah ♪ ok, we're in the park. now we have to find the pond where the boat race is happening. [ducks quacking] geo: hey, i bet those ducks know where the pond is. milli: follow those ducks.
5:38 am
[car putters] [quacking...] geo: thanks, ducks. [duck quacks] geo: it's the boat race. we need to find sonya's boat quick. come on. remember, sonya's boat looks like this. umifriend, do you see sonya's boat? [gasps] there it is, you found it. we've got to find a way to catch that boat. umifriend, i know how we can catch that boat. we can build a speedboat with my shapes. let's do it. you figure out what shapes are on my blueprint. and then i'll make them with my shape belt. what shapes go here? triangles.
5:39 am
what shape goes here? a rectangle. to help me turn these shapes into a super speedboat, sing: [singing]: ♪ super shapes ♪ super shapes [♪...] umifriend, look what we built together. a super speedboat. i really like building with you, umifriend. nice boat building. thanks. now let's go catch sonya's boat. don't forget to put on your life vests. all: life vests, on. come on, let's go. [♪...] to make this speedboat zoom say: "umizoomi." all: umizoomi.
5:40 am
[♪...] milli: look, sonya's boat. geo: it's really moving. milli: bot, how fast do we have to go to catch up to sonya's boat? ooh, let me use my robo-speed radar to find out. [sonar pinging...] we need to go 45 to catch up to sonya's boat. our speed is 40. but we need to go faster to catch up to sonya's boat. our speed has to be 45. umifriend, you're really great at counting. we need your help to make the boat go faster. we need to count up to 45. let's start with 40. count with us. all: 40, 41... 42, 43... 44, 45.
5:41 am
geo: yes, we caught up with sonya's boat. milli: mighty good counting, umifriend. geo: let's grab that boat. bot: i can use my extendo arms. arms... extendo. milli and geo: yay, bot. geo: way to go, bot. let's take this boat to shore so we can fix it. [♪...] bot: ok, team. let's tell sonya we caught her boat. we can call her on my belly, belly... all: bellyscreen! sonya, guess what? we caught your boat. and now we're going to fix it. oh good, because the race is going to start soon. don't worry, sonya. we'll get your boat back to the race in time. it will be fixed, and it will be fantastic.
5:42 am
thanks, team umizoomi. bot: let's fix that boat. to fix sonya's boat... we need to know how a sailboat works. yeah, how does a sailboat work? ♪ how does it work? ♪ how does it work? ♪ how does it work ♪ how does it work? all: ♪ how does it work, work, work? ♪ how does a sailboat work? bot: a sailboat is a boat with a tall pole called a mast. the mast has a sail attached to it. when wind fills the sail it pushes the boat and makes it go. that's how a sailboat works. look. sonya's boat lost its sail. and the pole that holds the sail is broken too. so first let's make a sail. i've got something we can make a sail with right here in my... ♪ bot, bot, bot-o-mat [bot hums]
5:43 am
not that... [chuckles] not that. aha! you can make a sail out of this picnic blanket. super idea, bot. umifriend, what shape is this picnic blanket? a square, yeah. what shape is that sail? yeah, a triangle. so the blanket is a square but we need a triangle sail. i know, we can cut the blanket into a triangle. if we cut the blanket here... it will look like this. what shapes are those? yeah, they're rectangles. but we need triangles. now let's see what would happen if we cut it here...
5:44 am
what shapes are those? yeah, triangles. our sail needs to be a triangle. bot: here you go. [bell dings] milli, we made the sail. let's put it on the boat. hm... but we can't put the sail on without the pole. oh, yeah. we need to find a new pole. geo: i see something we can use. over there... come on. [♪...] geo, where are you? here i am. [gasps] [giggles] milli... we can use one of these bamboo sticks to make a pole for sonya's boat. mighty good idea, geo. we need to find a bamboo stick that's just as tall as the sail. bot: whoa, on my way. here's the sail.
5:45 am
i'll use my ponytail to measure the sail. to make my ponytails grow, sing: [singing]: ♪ milli measure ♪ milli measure count with me. one, two... three, four... five, six... seven, eight. the sail measures eight units tall. that means we have to find a bamboo stick that's also eight units tall. geo: let's measure this one. milli: umifriend, how tall is this stick? six units, right. but we need a stick that measures eight units. let's keep measuring. here's another one, milli. how tall is this stick? eight units, yeah.
5:46 am
this stick is eight units and our sail is eight units. this stick can be the new pole on sonya's boat. mighty good measuring, umifriend. come on. let's put the pole on the boat. [♪...] bot: the pole goes here. bot, now you can attach the sail. look what we did. we fixed sonya's sailboat. now we just need to find her lucky gold star. sonya's lucky gold star looks like this. geo: it fell into the water way out there. umifriend, you can use your umigoggles to look for sonya's gold star under the water. to put on your umigoggles hold your hands up to your eyes, like this. all: umigoggles on.
5:47 am
[splash] milli: whoa... now you can see underwater. when you see sonya's gold star... ...say: "star." all: star. milli: there it is. umifriend, you found it. great job. i can reach that gold star with my extendo arm. arm extendo. bot: got it. whoo-hoo. we got sonya's lucky gold star. let's put it on top of the mast. legs extendo. all: ooh... we fixed sonya's boat. she's going to be so happy.
5:48 am
[gasps] i know something we can do to make her even happier. we can change the color of the sail so it matches sonya's dress. she'll love that. i have a picture of sonya right here on my belly, belly... all: bellyscreen. milli: what color is sonya's dress? purple, right. purple plaid. pattern of... purple plaid. to put this pattern on the sail, sing: ♪ pattern power ♪ pattern power there, purple plaid. perfect [giggles]. indeed. nicely done, milli. thank you, bot. let's get this boat back to sonya so she can be in the boat race.
5:49 am
we need to blow at the sailboat so it gets over to sonya. we need your help, umifriend. take a deep breath and blow at the sail. [inhale and blowing...] milli: it's working. keep blowing. [inhale and blowing] [♪...] my sailboat, you fixed it. milli: we blew the boat to sonya. good job, umifriend. we make a great team. thanks, team umizoomi. it's better than before. the sail matches my dress. and you found my lucky gold star. we're happy to help, sonya. [musical fanfare]
5:50 am
milli, milli, milli. the boat race is about to start. ooh, i can't wait to see who wins. this is so exciting. kids: three, two, one, go! milli: there they go. [kids cheering] bot: ♪ look at all the boats in the big boat race ♪ team umizoomi: ♪ big boat race, big boat race ♪ ♪ let's find the boat that's in third place ♪ all: ♪ third place, third place ♪ milli and geo: count with us. all: one, two, three. bot: ♪ sonya's boat is number three ♪ bot: [as announcer]: sonya's boat is in third place. milli: whoa, sonya's boat is sailing really fast. geo: look, it's going even faster. milli: sonya's boat is trying to pass the pirate ship. you can do it. bot: ♪ look at all the boats in the big boat race ♪ all: ♪ big boat race, big boat race ♪
5:51 am
bot: ♪ let's find the boat in second place ♪ all: ♪ second place, second place ♪ milli and geo: count with us. all: one, two. bot: ♪ sonya's boat is number two ♪ bot: [as announcer]: sonya's boat is in second place. bot: great gizmos. now sonya's boat is in second place. milli: it's trying to pass that fire engine boat. go, sonya, go. bot: ♪ look at all the boats in the big boat race ♪ all: ♪ big boat race, big boat race ♪ bot: ♪ let's find the boat that's in first place ♪ all: ♪ first place, first place ♪ milli and geo: count with us. all: one. bot: ♪ sonya's boat is number one ♪ bot: sonya's boat is in first place. geo: now it's in front of all the boats. bot: that's right. sonya's boat is in first place. milli: and look... there's the finish line. if sonya's boat crosses that line first...
5:52 am
it wins. [kids cheering] all: hooray. milli: sonya's boat won. [kids cheering] your boat came in first. you win a trophy. thanks, everybody, it was so much fun. yay! yay! [clears throat] we made our friend sonya so happy. with our mighty math powers we can do anything. i feel a celebration coming on... all: two, four, six, eight. let's do the umishake. shake your hands high and low. let's go. ♪ shake your hands high to the sky! ♪ up high ♪ shake your hands low to your toes! ♪ down low ♪ up high, down low two, four, six, eight. everybody crazy shake. crazy shake with us. whaa! i'm shaking like crazy.
5:53 am
♪ team umizoomi, way to go. umifriend... you're mighty good at math. we're so glad you're on our team.
5:54 am
you fine but your passengers in your carsmell this...t smells eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip break out the febreze, and [inhale/exhale mnemonic] breathe happy.
5:55 am
your colorful side will come alive!ty, hey toucan, give it a spin! bring it! whoa, just winging it here! do whatever makes you happy. whatever froots your loops! part of this complete breakfast.
5:56 am
5:57 am
5:58 am
honey, aren't we having friends ovi know [goat noise]e. i stole the other team's mascot for good luck. we need to wash this room. wash it? yeah, wash it with febreze. for all the things you can't wash, use febreze fabric refresher wow [inhales] it really smells great in here. dog barks
5:59 am
and try pluggable febreze, with up to 4 times the freshness in one refill. pluggable febreze and fabric refresher [inhale + exhale mnemonic], two more ways to breathe happy
6:00 am
♪ paw patrol, paw patrol ♪ we'll be there on the double ♪ ♪ whenever there's a problem ♪ round adventure bay ♪ ryder and his team of pups ♪ will come and save the day ♪ ♪ marshall, rubble, chase ♪ rocky, zuma, skye ♪ yeah, they're on the way ♪ ♪ paw patrol, paw patrol ♪ whenever you're in trouble ♪ ♪ paw patrol, paw patrol ♪ we'll be there on the double ♪ ♪ no job's too big, no pup's too small ♪ ♪ paw patrol, we're on a roll! ♪ ♪ so here we go, paw patrol ♪ ♪ whoa-oh-oh ♪ paw patrol ♪ whoa-oh-oh-oh


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