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tv   France 24  LINKTV  January 27, 2017 5:30am-6:01am PST

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♪ stuart: 1:00 p.m. in the french capital, the headlines from around the world. theresa may is set to meet donald trump today, she already launched a charm offensive to secure a transatlantic trade deal. spat with trump's mexico intensifies, after he suggests tax and imports to pay for the wall. fighting to lay's worst ever wildfires.
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whole towns of an incinerated. -- have been incinerated. ♪ catherine: --anchor: thanks for joining us. meetsa may is set to donald trump, she called for the u.s. and u.k. to leave the world based on shared values and what she calls the special relationship tween the two nations. the u.k. is that to leave the european union, and they tend to forge ahead with the transatlantic trade deal. theresa may: we speak the same language, neil of the same altar, and to a very large extent, issue the same ideals. we havencreasingly,
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economic, commercial, defense, and political relationships as well. i'm delighted that the new administration has made a trade agreement between our countries, one of its earliest priorities. you must help to grow our respective economies and to provide the high skilled, high paid jobs of the future for working people across america, and across the u.k. it must work for those who have too often felt left behind by the forces of globalization. anchor: her lack of criticism of the trump administration has angered some of her domestic critics. with more on her visit, ireland and correspondence. reporter: theresa may, the first foreign minister to meet the newly installed president donald trump will have one hour with the man himself in the white office.n that oval that's a lot of time to be discussing an awful lot of things.
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mayspeech last night, mrs. praised the special relationship, she mentioned it eight times. she praised the president, but only mentioned his name once. and what is interesting about foreign policy, the close relationship, special relationship between london and washington is that the prime minister said the u.s. could not return, the u.k. could not return to what she calls the failed military interventions to remake the world in our own image. she is particularly referring to the failed intervention according to some, successful according to others, in iraq and afghanistan. clearly, there is concern about that kind of intervention. even if she then added, we cannot stand idly by when the threat is real. controversy here, a little queasiness from some politicians. suddenly one can say the very least, concern about whether
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mrs. may will be frank with president trump about their disagreements. not just lost them over and certainly, security and intelligence cooperation in the future for nato are likely feature very prominently in this meeting, possibly in the joint press conference they will hold. we'll have to see how frank mrs. may is, she has said that she will absolutely tell him to his face what she doesn't agree with , and that comes on the back of these very controversial statements he has made about torture, approving it, where is it is totally illegal here, that would pose a problem sharing intelligence. meanwhile, growing anger in mexico over donald trump's planned border wall, after the u.s. president proposed a 20% tax on mexican imports to pay for it. building the 3000 columnar structure was one of a slew of controversial campaign pledges made by trump.
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he is down to push through with it. -- valley to push through with it. a game ofget diplomatic over with united states, mexico has double down. after the president canceled a meeting with donald trump scheduled for tuesday, mexico's foreign minister center for message to the u.s. president. there are things that are not negotiable. things that cannot and will not be negotiated. the fact that it is being said that mexico should pay for the wall is something that is simply not negotiable. the white house says they plan to finance a wall on mexico's border by levying a 20% tax on mexican goods. it's a strategy deemed dangerous by trump's critics, who suggested could stem u.s. economic growth is mexico retaliates with its own levy.
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>> with what trump is promoting, we will all lose. mexico loses, the united states loses, investors and corporate america, the whole world loses. that is not what we want. nobody wants this. the mexican president faced intense pressure in regards to trump's aggressive stance. washingtonn to skip was met with skeptical praise. >> i think it's ok that the president chose not to go, because in the end, donald trump said he didn't like mexicans. they believe it was a humiliation and an insult to let trump several on mexican store -- mexican soil. reporter: is the biggest diplomatic rift between the two countries in decades. ,nchor: in chile international support arrives to help firefighters battle fires. the death toll for the blazes have been raging since september
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has risen to 10. this is what's left of the southern town of santa olga, one body was found amongst the wreckage. the rest of the towns 6000 residents were evacuated in time. the damage was done by wildfires, which she lay -- chile's president called worst in history. locals agree. >> we are used to fires, but a fire that goes on for more than 10 days, spreading to one village or another is completely unheard of. reporter: the u.s. and russia have lent chile planes that are sufficiently -- especially used to fight firefighters. the fire just you spreading across the central and southern regions of the country. they have so far affected on aggregate an area of around
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240,000 hectares, about three times the size of the city of new york. >> it is chaos. it is hell. we've been here for 11 days and it's time for it to stop. i still don't understand what's going on. there are so many versions, you know what to believe. we was wait for the colbert study be found, because people say their arsonist. reporter: investigations into possible arson are ongoing. meanwhile, the president is trying to show sympathy for people suffering. >> i understand there is pain and anger. it's part of what happens to anyone when on top of everything, they are scared that this will not end, as planes keep appearing, they feel lack of control. experts say the fires have been particularly bad because of a prolonged drought and high temperatures. in france, the race to
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become the socialist candidate in this friends presidential election is almost over. are the former prime and at of the second round of the primary to be held on sunday. the main left-wing party is not expected to do very well in the battle, but it's choice of candidate can have a big influence on increasingly unpredictable election. alexander has more. oit hamon says he embraces the nicknames may have given him. >> i want to say to those people who are supporting marine le pen's campaign, that i will fight to the second round of she is an a, or i will fight in the first round. i looked them in the eye and say -- proud that they call me as i would also be proud as they
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call me eli or david or whatever they want. >> what i like about him is that even after these years, he has the same freshness and energy, any real desire to change things. >> i need no more convincing. he's going to win, he's got to win. cutrter: he has his work out for him, trailing in the polls, he once again attacked the economic plans of his rival. >> i refuse to promise just anything to win. hold a lesson to highest steam for me to crash it into the wall of reality. i refuse an inconsistent plan that makes lavish promises, because he knows full well he will never have to back them up. reporter: his supporters were united behind him, but divided over what they will do if you loses on sunday. >> i will vote for hamon. reporter: if he goes to the second round, will you vote for
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him to be president? >> i don't know. his plans are too unrealistic. reporter: for the former prime minister, there only two days left to catch up. the mainstream rights pick for the presidency has been defending himself against fake job allegations. he says he has done nothing wrong after a story claimed his wife had earned hundreds of thousands of euros as a parliamentary aide, despite not having done any work. the embarrassment for a man standing on the platform of financial rigor, he says he will step down of prosecutors decide there's a case to answer. >> it was legal. and complete transparent. she received a payslip every month and declared her taxes. she was doing a job for me, a job that was crucial for my daily political work. plunging temperatures over the past couple of weeks have put the focus back on
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migrants sleeping rough in the french capital. charities say the system is not coping with the number of new arrivals. authorities say the situation has dramatically improved sense a series of street camps sprang up last year. reporters visited the reception center was opened in the north of paris. the road to this island begins here. in this bubble like building in northern paris. shelter, someary 50 single men are registered every day. >> we organize the paperwork by name and timeslot. reporter: some are from to xander eritrea -- are from sudan or eritrea. john wright arrived -- arrived in france after crossing serbia and india. sleeping outside, he has been welcomed in. the first steps, the basics. >> can you ask in his last name, first name, and data birth?
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reporter: for 20 minutes away from the prying eyes of the camera, john told the social worker and translator his story. and why he fled the war at home. the first devon paperwork completed, volunteers lead john to his room. first, they give him sheets and toiletries in this yellow car. a castigate in and out of the center. his room, or as they call it here, the cabin, will be shared with four others. all from different parts of the world. [indiscernible] one day, if peace comes to our -- [indiscernible] i will try to learn the language. it's very important. reporter: some 400 people or house to every day, they stay between five and 10 days or it since it opened in november, 3100 men have sought shelter here. 2400, who aresome
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then welcomed in a longer-term center across france. anchor: watching it live from paris, these the main stories. british prime mr. theresa may is set to meet donald trump, she is already launches charm offensive to secure a transatlantic trade deal. trumps that with mexico intensifies, growing anger south of the border and how it impacts -- and talk of taxing imports. worst evert chile's wildfires. 10 people have been killed, whole towns obliterated. time now for business. you start off with donald trump's proposed levy on mexican imports. reporter: it's a proposal that has been softened. white house press secretary sean spicer said trump's border wall by taxing imports from mexico.
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this proposal, which effectively rips up the nafta free trade agreements and risks a tit-for-tat response from mexico. 20%, which is in a fraction that 160 other countries do. flowx imports and let it easily. we do $10 million a year and easily pay for the wall just present them alone. donald trump boardwalk and cost of $25 billion and the proposal not only hurt illegal immigrants from mexico, some analysts argue american consumers will end up footing the bill as well. take a listen. economy will grow a little more slowly, the incomes of people who compete with illegal immigrants should climb a little faster. and the rest of us will pay higher prices for things like
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fruits and vegetables, inexpensive motel stays, other things produced by industries where legal immigrants -- illegal immigrants are important source of labor. reporter: the potential for a trade wall has global investors on edge, and it sent the mexican peso tumbling. stocks in europe are trading lower, and beyond seeing declines in paris, the ftse completely flat at this hour. investors are paying close attention to the british prime minister's meeting with u.s. president in washington later on friday. japan says it's preparing for any possible contingency regarding trade talks with the united states. the country was part of the transfers of a partnership free trade agreement, which donald trump withdrew from earlier this week. to friends -- japan's prime minister believed editing -- will be visiting washington and
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they are expected to put in place a bilateral trade agreement with japan in place of tpp. staying on the topic of u.s. trading relationships, shifting the focus to cuba. the small island nation hopes to to the unitedrts states. this follows the reopening of diplomatic relations and the easing of some trade restrictions under the obama administration. but they are starting small. the first product heading north is charcoal. this week, donald trump also announced the suspension of u.s. visas for citizens from several middle eastern and north african countries. among them, iran. the move is likely that the u.s. tourism sector as josh reports. reporter: some u.s. businesses say they are already suffering from the new and ministrations inward focused policy, including proposed resuspension plans. president trump's executive sign an executive order temporarily blocking visas from anyone from syria, iraq, iran, libya, sudan,
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and yemen. travel agents in the iranian american neighborhood of westwood mla say reservations of dropped off in expectation of the orders being signed. >> i can understand his concern because the entering of terrorists or something from those countries, but iran actually, because of our niche , we are suffering badly. ,ormal business from iran consider the business year and everybody on the internet, so our business is in bad shape because of that. ban won'tthe visa just hit travel, but it could affect the tourism industry. >> today, we have five cancellations because of the announcement on the radio. and the rule on regulations for iranian people and other
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countries that say they have been prohibited to come to the united states. therefore, they are afraid to go order, -- or to come. reporter: 1/9 of all jobs in the country or in the tourism sector. let's take a look at other stories where tracking for you. britain's largest supermarket chain says it's buying wholesaler booker from 3.7 million pounds. it will insert their domination in the pub market in the united kingdom. move, signaling tesco's intent and sense of purpose is back. swiss bank ubs has a four to 22% drop in net income for the fourth quarter of 2016, net -- compared toat monitor 49 million in the past years. improving investor confidence in the united states could boost its wealth management business this year.
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quarterly profits rise 3.6% at u.s. tech giant microsoft. revenues in the second quarter came in at $24 billion. the company says its acquisition of linkedin boosted revenue, but dragged on profits. microsoft has been shifting its dependence from software to broader services, including cloud computing. that's the business news. back to you, chris. chris: next up, the press review. time now for a look at what's making headlines in the papers in france. the presidential race is heating up, and the mainstream rights contender finds himself in hot water. reporter: he does. let's start with the front page or it. a rather clever jibe at the expense of the wife of the social right candidate. the phrase translates roughly as
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assisted by parliament, as opposed to parliamentary assistants. she claims to have undertaken the role in exchange for a rather hefty elementary salary. over .5 million euros, to be precise. another scandal centers around the question of whether she actually did any real work for her politician husband over the course of many years on the payroll. chris: another piece saying times of the essence, though he was the favorite. reporter: since the french centrist is pretty clear on this one, he has just two days to clear up all unanswered questions about his wife, and on sunday, he is set to hold a mass meeting to mark the official launch of his presidential campaign. previous campaign launches proved in hindsight to be crucial to the bid of any potential presidential hopeful. the rallyminded of
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and the meeting at versailles. suiter the stain on his will prove to be indelible or not. does that, the socialist mainstream left are choosing their presidential contender. reporter: they are. we managed to secure interviews with the two remaining hopefuls. the former prime minister and the more left-wing. the headline -- their final pitches. the main article is worth a read, but the part that really caught my eye was where each candidate is asked to answer a lighthearted q&a entitled if you were. he says if he were a tsonga, he would be turn the page. a little heavy-handed, but you can see what is getting at. if he were a tsonga -- eight song, he would be the black eagle. would bee a law, he
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the law of 1905 that establishes the separation of church and state are in a not-so-subtle defender ofthe arch french -- [indiscernible] chris: in french is. reporter: trumps assistance -- insistence that he will breathe -- he will build a wall between mexico and america and the mexico will pay for it. next goes as it will not happen. this piece in the wall street journal outlines how mexico's president canceled a meeting at the white house around the same time that trump appeared to endorse opposing a 20% tax rate on all imported goods from mexico. trumps press secretary later seem to downplay that particular course of action. we read that that rift between the u.s. and mexico had significantly widened. a dim look ons
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this. reporter: this paper saying letting unfit to serve, his anti-immigrant feelings slip over into foreign-policy decision-making, trump is setting up a disastrous consequence for workers and consumers in both countries. chris: the mexican press also laying into trump? reporter: this piece starts off by setting out that any 20% levy on imports would actually be very hard to implement. a complex supply chain throughout mexico, the u.s., and canada mean it is hard to pinpoint exactly where product comes from. and then come the simple fact that the additional cost of imports will most likely be passed on to american consumers. chris: on ongoing spat in which the american -- the mexico president canceled his visit to the u.s., one liter who is much
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keener to get there is theresa may. ahead of her meeting with trump, may sought to match elements of trumps controversial foreign policy. including criticism what she called china's increasingly assertive posture. she also used the opportunity to reassert the importance of nato and to call on trump to assume the mantle of leadership worldwide. also a nice cartoon on an upcoming meeting between trump and may in that same paper. they go to shake hands in the oval office, but rather than making for her hand, he goes for her crotch. his infamous -- grabbing contexts. chris: the daily telegraph also
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riffing on trump, and the ever present brexit. reporter: what we see here is to men walking through the house of commons, one says to the other i'm just saying, trickling -- triggering article 50 would be easier if we could torture the remainders. article 50, the mechanism that will trigger britain's exit from the, and torture being a method of intelligence gathering recently endorsed once again by donald trump himself. chris: thanks for that review of the papers. you can keep up on the press on , stay with us. i will be back with the headlines, shortly. xaxaks
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michchael: of f all the wonds of t the human body, therere'one that i thi isore myststious than any oth.. the veve sight makes so people int. losing h half will kilill you. and it permeates our culture as sely asas o bodies.s. blood, i it is said, is thick thahan war, but what do we reaeally know about thisis sticky red d subste and its mysterious, lifefe-givg forcrc fofor ceuries, is inspired r r darkt fligigs of i imaginati,, wi the promise that it will help us eaeat deh, recover our yoh.h.


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