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tv   France 24  LINKTV  February 2, 2017 5:30am-6:01am PST

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genie: this is france 24. time for 60 minutes live around the world. i'm genie godula. these are the headlines. more official. parliament approves state one of the bill that gives parliament power to start pulling britain out of the eu. sworn in as the new secretary of state. the trunk administration's moves have antagonized muslim nations, european allies and mexico.
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dozens of hard-line jewish colonizers locked themselves policesynagogue as evacuate people from the occupied with tank. the mysterious disappearance of a chinese billionaire apparently taken from his hong kong hotel by chinese security agents. the latest on that story in our business update. the heated phone conversation between donald trump in the australian prime minister seems to show the new president is ready to fight with even america's most faithful allies. in the u.k. british mps overwhelmingly backs the brexit bill on wednesday.
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he gives the prime minister the power to trigger article 50 and start the process to pull written out of the eu. court ruled last week that parliament should have a say in the move. we will talk more about all of this. i'm joined by doug herbert. what more do we know about this white paper that's due to drop at any minute? >> it's all a matter of conjecture what the fine print is going to say. everybody has their own version of what they think brexit means. theresa may has given this very broad prescription. some hints of what we might find in that paper. brexit means out of the freedom of movement provisions of the european union. the campaigners was they wanted control of their borders again. movement forom of
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people within the european union. that really needs no entry in theory. they will opt out of the single market. also opting out of the customs union. they want to negotiate trade deals. make britain stronger and more prosperous by being sovereign. not in any pan-european customs union. we might see some element of trying to negotiate. when and ifations they start rights for britons living in the eu and the 27 other countries and rights for eu members who are based and working in britain. a lot of people say this is not going to be a choice between a soft brexit and a hard brexit. some are already saying it's a choice between hard exit and
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very hard brexit. others are saying perhaps they are looking to europe hoping for some concessions. genie: this was voted in by an overwhelming majority in the british parliament. there are significant levels of dissent. mps versus was 498 114 against. those numbers are significant when you break it down. the labor leader jeremy corbyn gave marking origins telling them you vote with the government on this. they're not voting for it. you've got the scottish nationalist party. all of them voting against this bill to trigger the brexit
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talks. on all sides they are vowing to table. this is not the beginning of brexit talks. this is simply giving the green light to more debate next week. brexit talksue from monday to wednesday. we can expect to see a lot of the dissenters tabling amendments to try to get softer terms. it's going to be very interesting how that shapes up. there's a lot of defiance and opposition. several hundred israeli colonizers have been evicted from the west bank out posted after the supreme court ruled it was billed illegally on privately owned palestinian land. --ice are evacuating cousins dozens of hard-line jewish colonizers occupying the west bank.
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jordana is in jerusalem. what is the latest on the situation? >> about an hour ago the israeli police started to bust into that house of worship to the synagogue where they say about 100 hardliners have indicated themselves. they have taken off the doors. this is the place for we expect to see some clashes. diehards the real fueled by religious belief who believe that this area in the west bank belongs to the j ews. they are refusing to leave. they will have to be carried out one by one. the buses are waiting to take them out. later today they will go into these homes. in the next couple days we will see this whole outpost
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demolished. that will happen sometime before february 8. genie: a new settlement for these evacuees is underway. >> that's right. it was a stunning announcement coming off of just two weeks since the president took office. we see how emboldened prime minister netanyahu and the ultranationalists have become announcing 6000 new housing units. now the prime minister is saying he will put these evacuees in a new jewish settlement in the west bank. the palestinians calling this another illegal move. rex tillerson has been sworn in as secretary of state. he was easily confirmed by the sat with all 56 republicans three democrats and one
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independent voting him in. the former head of exxon mobil has close ties to russia. that has raised some concerns. tillerson is an unconventional choice for secretary of state. the 64-year-old climbed to the top of the oil industry, becoming the ceo of exxon mobil in 2006. he has never worked in politics before until now. the former oil tycoon does have one thing going for him. his vast international experience. it's his ties to russia that worry many democrats. >> right now when we are trying to hold russia accountable for its illegal aggression in eastern europe, it's war crimes in aleppo and its interference in our own nation's election, how on earth can we trust someone with such a cozy relationship with the putin government to be our secretary of state? tillerson recently surprised
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many by stating under oath that russia was a danger to europe and nato. despite the kremlin presenting him with a russian award of friendship in 2013. the highest prize for foreign citizens for his multibillion-dollar deals with russia's state oil company. so what game is tillerson playing at and will he be able to say no to donald trump? the senate was convinced and confirmed his nomination even though the democrats tried and failed to delay the vote because of trump's immigration ban on seven mostly muslim countries. on tuesday nearly 1000 diplomats signed a memo of dissent about it. one of tillerson's first challenges will be restoring relations for the countries affected by the ban. for decades australia and
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the united states have enjoyed the warmest of relationships collaborating on everything from military and intelligence to diplomacy and trade. and yet in a veritable tweet about australia and a dramatic report of an angry phone call between the nation could be changing all of that. roger maynard told us more from sydney. placing thelearly australian government in an australian -- embarrassing situation. the plan to send refugees to the united states was made with president obama at the end of last year. on the weekend australia's prime minister had a conversation with president trump in which he appeared to agree that that agreement would continue. now leaked details of that conversation have revealed the chat was far from cordial. the agreement could be politically
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embarrassing for him given his earlier announcement about immigration bans on muslims from several middle eastern countries. in fact relations became so strange during the call that the phone call ended after about 25 minutes when it was supposed to have continued for about an hour. afterwards mr. trump said it was the worst phone conversation he had had with any world leader that day. this morning he tweeted that the agreement with australia was a dumb deal. this has left genie: australia very embarrassed. genie: tell us about the details of this initial deal. who are these immigrants meant to be taken in by the u.s.? >> these are refugees that tried to enter australia by boat. most of them are from the middle east.
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under australia's border control they were forbidden from lynching in this country. they were sent to the remote island in the pacific. they have been held for the past two or three years. australia refuses to settle them here. the agreement with america seemed to be quite a godsend the australian government. now it has turned back to bite them and australia is a bit of a mess about this. just 300 30,000 inhabitants surrounded by volcanoes and glaciers, iceland is an unusual destination for refugees fleeing war in syria.
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over the past two years 118 syrians have found hope for a new and tranquil life in the nordic nation. being in iceland feels like winning the lottery. in october 2016 he and his family for given asylum in reykjavik. the public is very kind and nice. i expected there to be issues and problems like there were in lebanon. i feel mentally relaxed in iceland. my wife and children also do. there are fewer than 100 syrian refugees in iceland. many are given accommodation in a northern town less than 40 miles from the arctic circle. they have helped a lot to integrate the families.
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they feel that they are at home. >> this refugees fled damascus with his wife and five sons. the language is just a little bit difficult. syrians pick up icelandic faster. making friends at school and playing local sports has helped them to adjust to their new home. >> we like it. >> dozens more syrians are due to arrive on the island in the coming weeks. all are hoping for a warm welcome regardless of the weather. george orwell's novel 1984 has become a new best eller in the u.s. it has been reprinted nearly 70 years after it was first written.
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grappling with donald's defense of so-called alternative facts. haskell davis explains. for a copylooking of george orwell's 1984 classic you won't find it in this bookshop in new york. it has become so popular that it's out of stock here. the classic novel was first published in 1949. bigeatures a devious brother government that spies on its citizens and forces them into accepting contradictory versions of the truth. it's one of those great dystopian novels. it deals a lot of propaganda and with our current administration people are worried about that kind of thing and they want to ofinformed about the dangers getting too close to that kind of reality. since trump's inauguration
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sales of the novel have increased by 9005 hundred percent and it is now being reprinted as readers grapple with trumps administration's defense of alternative fact it has been described as a different take on what the media reports. for some people it has reminded them of orwell's classic. brexit becomes that much more official. rex tillerson is sworn in as the new u.s. secretary of state. he will have his hands full with the trump administrations moves that have antagonized muslim nations european allies and mexico. of hardline jewish colonizers lock themselves into a synagogue as police evacuate in colonizers from an outpost in the occupied west bank.
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time for our business update with stephen carroll. you are starting with deutsche bank which has reported massive losses for last year. under 2 billion euros. that is worse than had been predicted. the six point 7 billion euros it had to pay over the mis-selling of mortgages. it lost 7 billion in 2015. that's actually seeing the frankfurt dax trade below the flat line. we had a decision from the bank of england couple of moments ago. they have raised their growth
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forecast. speaking company news is what is moving the markets once again. the story of a missing chinese tycoon believed to have been abducted from his luxury hotel residents. >> the world's richest man. according to reports he was taken from the four seasons hotel in hong kong last friday by chinese security agents. his whereabouts are currently unknown but clues keep popping up. hong kong is feeling a sense of deja vu over the disappearance of a man who was snatched by his hotel by mainland security agents. >> total disregard to the one
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country in the system. able to have migrated to hong kong from the mainland will become very concerned. mainlandllegal for agents to operate in semi-autonomous hong kong. the tycoon is said to have denied claims he was of doug did. some chinese newspapers have published a statement saying he was retrieving -- receiving medical treatment abroad. hong kong media reported the billionaire had been seeking to move some of his businesses to japan because of security concerns. the south china morning post said he was targeted by chinese authorities over the 2016 stock market crash. be linked to the president's ongoing anticorruption drive. conglomerate has holdings in banking, real estate and natural resources.
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>> facebook's virtual subsidiary oculus has been told to face $500 million in damages over breach of copyright. itsvideo maker claimed content was stolen to develop the virtual-reality headset. the social network more than doubled its process -- profits in the quarter of last year. 14% in the last months of 2016. the swiss watchmaker swatch saw its profits fall by nearly half last year. the whole industry had a bad year with sales down 10% in
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2016. there has been a panic from bacon lovers in the united states. apparently all is resolved. >> rumors raging on social media that america could be running short of bacon. frozen pork belly reserves were at their lowest level in 50 years. there was actually no cause for panic. these reserves don't directly impact on supply. no shortage of bacon at the breakfast table. genie: thank you for that look at the business news. time for the press review.
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we have allison sargent onset to take a look at the papers. in france the papers are going crazy over this penelope gate scandal surrounding the conservative presidential kit -- candidate. he is it an institutional coup d'etat. he says he will remain the candidate. you can see him on the front page today. his partyembers of have signed an editorial coming to his defense. say if he drops out of the race the country's entire future will be at stake. genie: most of the scandal is surrounding these allegations that he paid his wife for a job she never really did. >> i was never my husband's assistant. those were her words in this video.
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excerpts from this interview are set to air tonight on french television. genie: this is putting the conservative party incomplete turmoil. >> there is panic on the right. for 15 days to clear his name. many are already looking for plan b. for the newspaper the facts are all there and they say at all. he's not the only french politician with problems these days. expression in french which means to traverse the desert. it symbolizes a rough spot. there's a cartoon illustrating this today. you can see them standing on the edge of a desert already inhabited by his rival.
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hollande ist running over saying there is no more room. there's a flareup of fighting in east ukraine. we could be on the eve of a humanitarian disaster. 8000 people are without electricity. heating. running water. freezing temperatures. the paper says some evacuations have begun. they are worried nonetheless. no one is taking responsibility for provoking the fighting. some people see a coincidence in the timing of the fighting. says thescow times fighting flared up right after the first phone call between president donald trump and vladimir putin. headline says they are
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drifting into an alternative piece. the new president in the white house has so far refused to comment on the situation. he has put out a statement of concern that does not mention russia at all. the writer says the fighting seems like russia is trying to see what it can get away with under the new administration. >> it turns out the new .resident is at odds >> details of the call just came out in the washington post. not go did
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trump called it the worst phone call by far he has had with any other world leader. by as particularly upset deal the u.s. had made with australia to accept refugees from one of the detention centers. february is black history month. donald trump marks the beginning with a speech at the white house that did not go over very well. >> there has been lots of criticism of this speech. trumps black history month speech was not around -- about history and barely about black people. they are turning from their president to beyonce. she announced yesterday on instagram that she is pregnant with twins. there's a writer in the daily that found that to be a much more fitting kickoff.
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a says the announcement is rallying cry with women's rights and access to reproductive health care being called into question. she will be an advocate for report of hiñolfqo#qñ
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of our own making, and we're at [music] man: i said to a squirrel, what is that you're carrying?" and he said, "it's my lucky rock. isn't it pretty?" i held it and said, "indeed." i said to god, "what is this earth?" and he said, "it's my lucky rock. isn't it wondrous?" and i said, "yes, indeed." in our hunger for wealth and power, we impoverish our home--the earth that sustains us. we think there will be no consequences, but we're wrong.


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