tv Global 3000 LINKTV February 3, 2017 7:30am-8:01am PST
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anchor: this week on "globobal 303000," we track k down a mystl creature whose habitat is under threat. in the philippines, we meet a chef transforming leftover food into tasty new dishes. but first, we're off to kenya to find out more about day-to-day life in the slums. today, over half of the world's population live in cities. that's almost 4 billion people. the u.n. estimates that there
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are up to 900 million people in the developing world living in slums. a figure which is likely to triple over the next few years. as a result, by 2025, over 1 billion new homes will need to be built at t a cost of around $650 billion u.s. dollars per year. mexico city is home to the world's largest slum. neza-chalco-itza has around 4 million residents. in dharavi in mumbai, over a million people are cramped together in under 2.6 square kilometers. kibera in nairobi is probably africa's largest slum. it's difficult to know how many people live there. but it's several hundred thousand at least. narrator: it's moving day in the
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kibera slum. everything is packed in plastic bags. patrick kiluzu can't afford moving boxes. patrick, his wife, and thrhree children have lived in africa's largest slum for the past 10 years. now, they're moving into a real apartment house across the way. kibera is a synonym for garbage. for crime. for terrible living conditions. but there's also a strong social network here where neighbors look out for each other, so patrick has mixed feelings about leaving. patrick: you know, there we've actually mixed up. because i don't know my friends -- we are still strangers. you know as a stranger, you cannot just move into a person's house that y you are not usesed. so i think it's good, but also it is very challenging a bit. but i know as time goes by, we'll make friends.
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narrator: slum-upgrading is the name of the kenyan government's project. the idea is that the slum should become more attractive. a few months previous in mathare, another nairobi slum, the streets were paved for the first time. the people in green t-shirts are working on a government contract. there are plans to build a medical clinic, a police station, and a poultry farm. those helping receive three euros a day -- much more than most in the area earn. the vegetable garden is new, too. clarice akinyi studied social sciences but couldn't find the right job. now she's planting kenyan cabbage -- known as "sukumawiki" -- in space-saving plastic sacks. this project was also financed by the kenyan government and not by one of the various aid organizations. clarice: i can say this is the unique one of all because i can say whoever invented whatever we
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are doing at the moment was the best in africa. because i've never heard about any country that is doing the same. narrator: they can sell the freshly harvested vegetables. the money they earn is in addition to their pay from the government. could it all be too good to be true? back in kibera, patrick kiluzu is still busy with moving. smart apartment blocks now stand in the place where tin huts used to be. the residents were relocated and promised their own apartment. but they had to pay a down payment equal to 1,000 euros. those who were able to pay are proud. [doorbell ringngs] anna: my life has changed. don't knock my door, just ring the bell. then i will hear, and i will welcome you to my house. narrator: anna wanjiru has been in the new flat for a week now. she was lucky. for her family of five, she was able to get a three-room
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apartment. and for the first time in her life, she has her own real kitchen. anna: before, if you come that day, even you can cry. i was using stuff, but now god have bring for me gas. i'm cooking with gas. i have water. i have somewhere to put my things. i'm feeling very well. narrator: but patrick kiluzu has a way to go yet. he still has to lug all his things up five flights of stairs. and his new apartment is not in great shape. there's water damage. it's supposed to be repaired, but patrick didn't want to wait any longer. like many people from the slum, he felt disadvantaged when the flats were being handed out. some were sold under the table. after taking so long to get the money for the deposit together, patrick didn't want to take any risks. patrick: at first, we used to
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say maybe our money can lost. so we were just saving little monieses, say 50 and in the course of the week, 1000. yoyou know, it took a lot of, so many years. narrator: it took him 10 years to save the money. some still haven't been able to raise enough and are hoping there will be a flat for them in the next apartment house. according to the government's plan, all of kibera will soon look like this. back in mathare. nine months after our first visit, the vegetable garden has seen better days. after a corruption scandal at the authority responsible for the project, the kenyan government halted all payments to the slum beautification initiative. a few young guys from the area are taking care of what plants are left. clarice akinyi is not working in the garden anymore.
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now, she's sweeping streets. for months, she didn't receive any payment. but at the moment, she's being paid again. still, she's not critical of the government. clarice: government has tried to help my life, to reach the day and to earn my living, whether it is little, but i have something that i depend on -- than just waking up early in the morning, you don't depend on anything. narrator: the police station and the medical clinic remain empty. the poultry farm didn't work out either. the hopes for a better life in mathare remain unfulfilled. clarice: the best thing, we need to be informed and involved in any planning that government might have plan to do, so that we work together. we be one thing, we involve each and every person. narrator: the people in the slums suffer most from the corruption of politicians and officials when money is misappropriated and promises go unfulfilled. the slum improvement program is
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one bitter example. still, patrick kiluzu is happy. patrick: now, i'm facing kibera. narrator: for him, it's a new perspective on africa's largest slum. anchor: for change to happen, two things are essential -- political willpower and economic investment. in 2009, brazil started its "my house, my life" program. despite the criticism it received, 3 million families benefited from this social building project. the costs, around 3 billion euros. of course, living space alone is not everythingng. medical care and good infrastructure are also key to improving the lives of those in poverty. but largely, it's the basics that arere missing in n the slu. clean drinking water, sanitary facilities, toilets.
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homes that are sturdy, safe, and of a decent size. offering stability and permanence, because residents live in fear of being moved on. we head to manila, in the philippines, to a slum called "happyland." narrator: even at night, it's never quiet here. at 3:00 a.m., children and adults are hard at work sifting through garbage. the stench is overwhelming. this is 'happyland', a sprawling slum on the edge of manila. picking our way through rubbish, mud, and excrement, we find the most prized resource here -- discarded food straight from the rubbish tip. lucy bantillo: we don't have a proper job. but i can earn a bit of money from this leftover chicken. i couldn't just sit at home. my husband doesn't earn enough. at least in this way, i can help him.
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narrator: norberto lucion is just getting started for the day. his family runs a takeaway in the slum. norberto only got an elementary school education. he's had many jobs, including one as a cooking assistant. he buys his meat every morning - fresh -- so to speak. norberto goes to the rubbish collectors, buying up the leftovers of manila's middle class -- discacarded by fastst-d restaurants like kfc or jollibee. it's a battle for survival. norberto was orphaned at the age of seven. but you never hear a word of complaint. norberto: as soon as the leftovers have been sorted, i go and get some. if i've got money, i pay straightaway. otherwrwise, i owe it to them ad pay them in the afternoon with my takings.
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narrator: more than a quarter of the philippine population lives below the poverty line. happyland is home to the poorest of the poor. preserving your dignity in the mud is a struggle -- just like finding enough food to eat. norberto is in his early 60's. he's lived in happyland for more than 20 years. he used to live in the notorious smokey mountain garbage slum, which was officially closed in 1995. he was moved here by the government, supposedly on a temporary basis. buplans to resettle residents have failed. so happyland lives on, home to some 25,000 people. norberto has to buy clean water and then carry it back home. there's no running water here and only communal toilets. diarrhea and sickness are often a problem.
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if he didn't wash the food, things would probably be even worse. norberto: i wash the meat several times. after the first time, the water is still very murky. but after a second time, it's already looking a lot clearer. then i i can take it to the kitchen. narrator: the waste water soon joins all the other waste out in the street. thosose who have found themselvs on the rubbish dump of life have learned to live with it -- and even from it -- making a living from this doubtful form of recycling. norberto then leaves the putrid mountain of rubbish for a short while, taking only the aroma with him and the little money that he has. on the other side of the street, it's another world. a local market sells everything that the philippines' fertile soil has to offer. norberto comes here to buy fresh produce. his food has a good reputation, and he wants to keep it that
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way. he buys spices, lemongrass, peppers, onions, and garlic. >> norberto comes by every day. he's very friendly, not at all arrogant. he always pays immediately and never tries to rip you off. narrator: back in the shade of his smoky hut, norberto gets to work with a certain professional touch. his specialty goes by the name of "kaldereta" -- a colorful dish dating back to colonial times. the original version used goats' meat and was reserved for special occasions. norberto and his wife, rosamarie, have modified the recipe to save money. a little annatto from the achiote tree is added for color. norberto: i prefer to invest a
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little more in my ingredients. i want it to taste good. i paid 60 pesos for this. i think it's worth it. my family and my customers certainly like it that way. narrator: the leftover chicken was 80 pesos. that is a cost of 140 altogether - the equivalent of 2.60 euros. a portion of freshly garnished kaldereta with rice costs 20 pesos, just under 40 cents. so his maximum profit per day is 3.75 euros. the midday heat is intense. but the first customers are soon queuing up. after eight hours of sifting through rubbish, they're ready for a good helping. >> it tastes very good -- even if it is from the rubbish dump. it's the leftovers of the rich. that's all we can afford. at least we have something to eat. >> it doesn't bother me. as you can see, as long as people here can make use of something, they will do it.
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>> we're happy to have anything to eat -- even if it is from the garbage. narrator: norberto's food not only feeds his customers, it also provides a meager living for his six-member family. norberto: if i could change anything, i'd like the lord to bless us a little more. not much, just enough for my family and my y customers who et what i cook. narrator: life goes on in happyland, the garbage slum, wherere norberto is nonow cookig his second batch of kaldereta. anchor: life is substantially better in australia. we now head there in "global living rooms." trish: welcome..
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hello, my name is trtrish. please come into my living room. smsmell that o one. i like that one. >> not t too bad.e. trish: i make my own soap. and threreason whyhy i make my n soap is because i like to use cosmsmetics and prproducts on my skin -- morere natural. and a lot ofof the stuff that yo buy y the shopsps is just fullf chemicals, and they y are not wt they say on the labels. trish: my living room is my
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life. it's about what i treasure. it's got photos of my family, ,y friends. i like just having things s thai love around me.. i hahave a tendency to leave the backdoor open and they walk in. blue-tongue lizards. trish: these are a few of my special pieces that i keep in my cabinet here. this was a glass-blown, little wishing well that i got made up for our wedding cake. and these were the flowers. these were actually hand-made, these little r roses. but as the years gone by, they've gone discolored unfortunately. but that's still original.
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trtrish: i'd likike to say gooo, from myselelf and my husbaband,d fromom perth, ststern austraral. it's been an absolute pleaeasure haviving you here. you are welcome anytime.e. thank yoyou. bye. anchor: and now in "global ideas," we meet people dedicated to the protection of our planet's's wildlif this week, we head to colombia. many of the country's rainforests are under ththreat f deststruction. whilile the illegagal planting f coca crops was once the main culprit, it's now cattle farming. the legendary curassow birds live in the magdalena region, in the el paujil bird reserve. colombian coconservationisists e bought up onone of the fewew remaining lowland rainforests,s, hoping to protect the animals' last remaining place of refuge.
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narrator: this is one of the last of the unspoiled forests in the magdalena medio region of central colombia. rangers regularly patrol the area by boat, because the river is often used by smugglers to move illegally harvested tropical wood. the protected area is 4500 hectares in size. it's an important sanctuary for endangered specicies, like t ths brn spider m monkey. populatition has dropppped by 8. that's mostly because outside the sasanctuary their r habitais beining destroyeyed.
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alejejandro grajalales: there ae still giant trtrees here, lilike abarco and ceiba, as w well as othehers that are endangered.. this relatively intatact tropicl foforest offerfofood to mamany enendangered species, among them birds, mammals, and amphibians.. they find everything they need in this protected area. narrrrator: the memen are searcg for the rarest bird in colombia -- the blue-billed curassow. there are only between 300 and 500 0 left in the wiwild. and they can only be found in this region. the conservationists are in luck. they find a blue-billed curassow -- or crax alberti -- which is the scientific designation.
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for the indigegenous colombians, birds of this family were considered mystical creatures. they were reproduced many times over in gold sculptures. luis rubelio: you can only find the blue-billed curassow in this area, , and that's why proaves bought this land and committed themselves to protecting it. this species has been especially affected by deforestation, as well as unchecked huntining. that's how the population was drastically reduced to the point that the birirds are nowow almot extinct. narrator: outsidide the sanctua, the clear-cutting of t the tropical foresest continues unabated. according to estimates, half a hectare of forest disasappears every day in t the magdalena meo reregion.
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peopople here live from lumber d livestock. that has dire consequences for nature. this used to be dense vegetation with a rich biodiversity. today, it's just a series of pastures. the soil is eroding, prompting the farmers to encroach even more upon the ancient forest. the town of puerto pinzon is right nearar the protected area. peopople here make a a living fm dairiry and cattle f farming. a won'n's initiaiative in the villagage is trying toto find alternative sources s of income. handmamade jewelelry made of pam seeds isis the new busininess m. alalejandra castellon: this project is importantnt to us because e it helps us earn a little money on ththe side.
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up untilil now, everythihing was concenentrated on livevestock. but that destroys ththe forest d many animal species. we wananted to take another paph anand stop the dangerous exploitation of the forest. narrator: inside the protected area, the women plant the palm trees that produce the seeds they use to make their jewelry. the conservationonts are working together with the local people. proaves supports the women's efforts and sells their jewelry to tourists across the country. tourism offersrs a ray of hope r this region. new w accommodatioion has been t in the h hope of enticining bird lovers to this r remote part of cololombia. the protected area is cecertainy a paradise for bird watchers, boasting some 360 different
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species. alonsoueuevedo: ouour strate for preserving a and fundingng this protected d area is to i introde ececo-tourism, especially bird watchingng. in t this way, we hope to finane the e work in the e protected aa long-term and preserve it for generations to come. narrator: the rangers don't just protect the e birds. these monkeys have also found a refuge here. and there are e more than 80 different t species of repeptils and d amphibiaians.
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the e magdalalena medio forest a small natural paradisese. but every day, it gets just that bit smaller. anchor: "globabal 3000." on facebook, we're called "global l society." there you'll find web b videos d interesting repoports from our radio programs, "world link" and "world in progress." we tell moving and inspiring stories that cononnect us all. and we a ask, whatakakes a successful global society? follow us on facebook -- "dw global society." we look forwrward to hearing frm you. you can find all editions of "global 3000" in our media library at we're back next week. see you then. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy.
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02/03/17 02/03/17 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now!w! light that is needed, but a fire. we a gentle rain, but need the feeling the nation must be quickened. the conscience of the nation must be aroused. archive the month -- hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed
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