tv France 24 LINKTV February 22, 2017 5:30am-6:01am PST
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>> you are watching "france 24." these are the headlines. donald trump bows to deport millions of undocumented migrants living in the united states the giving immigration officers even more power to kick them out. the american president meanwhile gets a slap from amnesty international over what it calls toxic be mongering by antiestablishment politicians like donald trump. two new suspects wanted in ofstioning for the murder
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the half-brother of kim jong un. austria's controversial move to hiring companies for locals over people coming from outside the country. and life expectancy is on the rise with women here in france expected to live to 88 years old in 2030. americans continue to have one of the lowest life expectancies of any developed country. more on that and why.
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the new u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson is visiting mexico today. he's joined by the head of u.s. on an security, john kelly, on their first tour of latin .merica they're hoping for less criticism and more constructive conversation after months of being hammered by donald's promises of more tariffs, a border wall and deportations. on tuesday, the trump administration unveiled new plans targeting undocumented migrants living in the u.s.. this will make it easier to rest -- arrest people living in the regalis ofegally whether they have committed a crime. >> fears are rising that seems like these will become commonplace across the united states. the trump administration's new guidelines potentially make almost all of america's estimated 11 million illegal immigrants subject to deportation. thewhite house played down
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fears, saying the main targets are convicted criminals. who is here illegally is subject to removal es any time, but the prioriti the president late for is to make for those who pose a threat to our pubublic safety are the priority. >> the plans to implement the exact order immigration include making more immigrants subject to immediate deportation. stripping illegal immigrants of privacy protections. the department of homeland security will also hire 15,000 new immigration and border agents. convincedups are not by the explanation. calling the sweeping laws and all-out war on the immigrant community. >> these laws cast such a wide net that it will be impossible for them to not catch individuals who have not committed crimes and many others within it.
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this is not targeted enforcement. this is a prefer all. will keepinistration obama's program that protects those brought to the united states as a child. donald trump has been slammed by amnesty international for what it calls his poisonous rhetoric during the presidential campaign. the ngo has released its annual report saying human rights around the world are under attack like never before. the head of amnesty international was interviewed by france 24 in our studios earlier today. this year come amnesty international to the unusual step of unveiling its annual report in paris. >> that was my first question. it is very unusual. amnesty international is london-based. it's been releasing this annual
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report since 19 to q1. why france? -- since 1961. it's more than 400 pages, it covers 159 countries. every year come amnesty international chooses to highlight a particular issue. this year, it is very striking in the way it has slammed populist leaders. not just donald trump. an, the president erdog . we are seeing this rise of poisonous rhetoric of populist leaders who are minute relating economic and security fears in order to win votes. that is where france comes in. france will be heading to the polls in a few weeks to elect a new president. it is a very critical election. france is on the brink, really. farleading candidate is right candidate marine le pen.
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she's likely to get into the second round. what we are seeing is france also has a dynamic up all the issues that play here, not only does france have this populist wing, but we see a lot of terror attacks. the report talks about the response to terrorist attacks. state ofn under a emergency here in france which has been extended four times since the 2015 november paris attacks. typically, what human rights groups obvious one about is in order to keep the country safe, at what cost -- our civil liberties being scrapped? are we discriminating against groups? is it really making the country is safer place or is it just winning votes? france is the ideal place to unveil this report. >> the 2015 amnesty report focused on the refugee crisis.
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is that referred to at all in this year's report? >> tremendously. the eu comes into criticism is welcome or particularly the deal -- thestruck with turkey eu comes into criticism as well, particularly the deal the eu struck with turkey. the onus is on the eu to stand up for global human rights. the eu really has to stand up to the plate now. >> you can catch the entire interview at 4:40 p.m. french time.
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the court in south africa has ruled that the government's plan to withdraw from the international criminal court is unconstitutional and invalid. the icc has been rocked by threats of withdrawal in recent months with complaints focusing on its alleged bias against africa. judges in the pretoria high court ruling that the decision was invalid and unconstitutional. the judges found that only parliament has the power to make this decision and not the executive. it has ordered that the decision the minister of international relations and the minister of justice withdraw their letter to the icc. >> why did south africa make this decision in the first place? in 2015 from of african union
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summit was held in south africa. omar was allowed to enter the country. the south african government they didhe time that not invite him and he was invited by the african union and therefore enjoyed immunity. south africa is involved in peacekeeping and remediation on the african continent. they find themselves in a catch-22 situation and dilemma in that on the one hand, it's involved in remediation while at the same time it is expected because of its membership of the international criminal court, it is expected to hand over these wanted by the south africa felt because of the dynamic it is facing come it would be better for them to withdraw from the icc in terms of carrying out these mandates
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to complete the peacekeeping and remediation. we've got the latest for you now on the murder of the half-brother of north korean leader kim jong-il and. -- north korean leader kim jong un. malaysia says it wants to question a top official at the north korean embassy and a staffer at north korean airlines . a stunning new allegation. malaysian police say a senior north korean diplomat is wanted for questioning over kim jong un's half-brother's killing. >> we have written to the
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embassy, we have requested the embassy, the north korean , to allow us to interview both of them. >> police are also seeking five other north koreans. all but one of them have left malaysia. am died almost two weeks ago after being attacked by two women at what a lump or -- att -- go on a lump or the airport. kim was killed in a poison attack. the police chief said the attackers wiped kim's face with a toxin, thinking they were part of a tv prank. something,not shooting movies or a plaything. no. >> and north korean national has
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been arrested. sinceons have soured ofhorities voiced suspicion .orth korea's involvement >> in the first round of the presidential election is just weeks away now. the two main candidates are embroiled in financial scandals. francois fillon is still plagued by our alleged fake jobs he gave his wife and marine le pen has denied allegations by the european union antifraud agency that she gave her parliament three assistance fake jobs. that's parliamentary assistants fake jobs. french judicial police questioned marine le pen's bodyguard.
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marine le pen was quick to draw a distinct and the fraud probe against francois fillon. >> the french know exactly the difference between real business and political cabal. despite everything you try, they know very well how to make a difference. >> we will take a look at a new report on life expectancy. inple are moving much longer many rich countries around the world except the united states. >> at the beginning of the 20th century, scientists dismissed the idea as fantasy. in many rich countries around the world except the united states. but, a new study predicts average life expectancy in the developed world will begin edging up of 90. most p people in rich countries will live significantly longer by 2030 with south korean women leading the charge.
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in average female baby born the country 17 years from now will live to an impressive 91 years old. francerls born in japan, come a spain and switzerland can expect to live to 88. women's life expectancies outstripped men in every country. the usa already lagging behind looks set to fall even further behind by 2030. the average american woman projected to live until 83 and the average american man for years less than that. -- three years less than that. the differences are more linked to environmental factors than genetic ones. america's figures can be attributed to the country's high child mortality and homicide rates as well is the fact that health care is far from universal. south korea has been championing
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health care for all. >> time for our business news. you are starting with a warningg from the european commission over france's economy. >> france along with italy is suffering from excessive and balances in its economy. mbalances in its economy. they need to reform and among wage and unemployment benefit systems. france is suffering from high public debt. they need to reform and among wage and unemployment benefit >> airbus with results that have been affected by problems with one of its planes. >> writing up 2.2 billion euros over its troubled a400m military plane. spain inem crashed in 2015. net profits fell 63% last year
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to just under one billion euros while revenues rose by 3%. >> the austrian government has introduced new hiring rules that would give preference to people who are already living inside the country. >> the measure was approved by austria's government on tuesday. it will give companies a payroll tax cut for hiring people resident in austria. it's an effort to curb foulloyment but could fall of the freedom of movement rules . >> austria wants to give priority to local workers by offering tax cuts to businesses. nonwage labor costs would be toved for three years encourage hiring unemployed people or employees currently in trading for a new job -- training for a new job who are austrian or already living in austria. --s incentive will not apply the government says this does not breach the eu principle of
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free movement. we believe we should be able to decide what happens on her labor markets. >> unemployment is fairly low in austria, sitting just under 6%. but the government says between 2013 and 2015, it was mostly non-eu and eu foreigners who were hired. austrians lost over 26,000 jobs. that's why unions and support the new hiring incentive. >> it's clear that eastern european countries like hungry, the czech republic export ununemployment over here. people who've been out of work for a long time one ever have a chance to find a job. hopes tovernment create 160,000 jobs for a cost of 2 billion euros. markets with a pretty flat picture.
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paris just below the flatline the small gains in london and frankfurt investors looking ahead to getting minutes from the federal reserve's latest meeting in the united states. the british bank has reported its highest annual profits in decades. , reducing% last year the amount of money it set aside with protection insurance. they can him a cow look for the u.k. remains uncertain as it prepares to leave the european union. -- the with protection outlook for the u.k. remains uncertain. the company which owns france -- in francek your for revenue was down 3%. joining thekozy
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board as an independent director. industry to start ofnging -- follow six months for use. -- following six months of for use. -- free use. menuampagne is back on the in ireland. >> the revised the basket of consumer goods that it used to measure inflation. champagne has made a return to the list five years after it was dropped. ireland forced into a bailout in 2010 after its banking sector collapsed. this update happens every five years. other new additions include e-readers, avocados and sweet potatoes. gone from the list are cds, disposable cameras and camcorders.
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, time for the pressor th review. let's start in the u.s. with papers reacting to president trump's new immigration policies. he directed his and ministration to enforce the nation's immigration laws even more aggressively. >> a new policy that is drawing mixed reaction. a good summary on fox news' website. those in favor of a stricter enforcement of these laws that praise donald trump for keeping his campaign promise to crack down on illegal immigration. some people want to go even further. then, you have civil rights groups who are alarmed by this new implementation of these laws, saying it will devastate families communities and hurt economies across the nine states. donald trump has said that these
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measures are not intended to produce mass deportations. a lot of liberal papers are not buying this. we take a look at the editorial of "the washington post" today. y are talking about how this is a blueprint for mass removals. yesterday, a soldier was sentenced to 18 months in prison for killing a badly wounded palestinian assailant as he lay on the ground in an incident that was caught on video and went viral. >> this landmark decision has also been drawing mixed reaction. reaction you can see on the front page of "the jerusalem post." calls for pardon after this indier received 18 months this ruling. an appeal is expected. you can also see on the front page here, this article talking about the assailant's parents. they were hoping for a harsher sentence.
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this is a comment piece in the jerusalem post that focuses on how polarizing this whole episode has been. they are talking about the trial that for the country apart. -- tore the country apart. the headline "justice is done." inside israel, a lot of people think the sentence is too long, too severe. a lot of people outside of israel say the sentence is just too short. >> many sing the sentence is too linear. -- lenient. >> very harsh words, saying this sentence is the equivalent of a prize for the soldier. the israeli justice system has given the green light to this policy of liquidating palestinians in cold blood. very harsh words there in that paper. >> the french presidential
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election is now just a few months away. an independent think tank has picked apart the economic programs of marine le pen. tank that a think tends to promote free-market capitalism. they are very critical of her program. it would be disastrous for france, according to this think tank. marine le pen wants to leave the eurozone did the institution has tried to figure out what would coming back to the frank cost? gdp would drop by 180 billion euros and 500,000 jobs would be lost. all eyes on a politician who has already run for president three times already. he is from the center. will he run again? >> this afternoon, he will say whether he is going to run again or back another centrist .andidate, emmanuel macron
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this is his last shot. they have this clever cartoon here on the front page. cron and thema other candidate the pigot as the nights to say -- depicted as the knights who say nee. who are these knights? >> the president of zimbabwe just celelebrated his 93rd birthday. accordingf surprises to the official press in zimbabwe. the birthday boy was treated to a number of surprises my very detailed article of his birthday yesterday.
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the big party is planned for this saturday. thousands of people have been invited to that party. anwill probably be outrageous party. guests feasted on elephant and kiloope meet and ate a 92 cake. the cost of this very outrageous birthday party sparked quite a scandal in this country were 90% of people don't have real jobs. he's the oldest and longest serving president in office and he's not retiring anytime soon despite rumors of ill health. and rumors that his wife has swept aside. people would even vote for his corpse. >> you have a story on a kung fu
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granny who has become an internet sensation. >> she's 94. you can see her in action. she can handle herself in a fight. she's been practicing martial arts since she was four years old and has recently become an internet celebrity. 5:00ets up every day at a.m. the practices kung fu before eating a breakfast of porridge and noodles. despite her old age, she wants to keep teaching and pass on her knowledge and wisdom. >> that is inspiring. i can barely get up at 5:00 a.m. to get out the front door. thank you for watching. you can get a closer look at the press review on our website, the academy awards are just four days away now. we will get an inside look at the studio using 3-d printing to help make the oscars.
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