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tv   France 24  LINKTV  March 15, 2017 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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♪ host: this is "france 24." time now for 60 minutes live around the world. these are the headlines. a new twist in the ongoing feud between the netherlands and turkey. several twitter accounts have now been hacked by a group that says it backs the turkish e-government. that comes as a rather is voting today and its general election hitting the center-right prime minister against an anti-muslim firebrand. that election could gauge the strength of the very ties holding the eu together.
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thethe white house confirms trump tax revelations leaked on u.s. station msnbc. that summary from over 10 years ago shows the president play close -- pay close to $38 million in taxes on $150 million in income. also coming up for you this hour, french carmaker renault denies report saying twos of its models refitted with defective devices. more details coming up in business. and a 21-year-old french girl with down syndrome breaks new ground for the disabled by presenting the weather on live tv. more on that coming up, but first, our top story live from paris. ♪ host: the days leading up to the vote in the netherlands today
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were marked by a growing feud between the country and turkey. that started when the dutch government banned turkish ministers from addressing a pro kara rallyly -- an and compared protesters to nazi germany. we are hearing that several twitter handles have reportedly been taken over by a hacker group that says it backs the turkish government. mnesty international and unicef usa are those hacked. we are joined now by jasper to talk about this life. this is not about the first time we have seen this thing. guest: know, it's not. his site got had by turkish nationalist. he says that such a large they attacked into
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websites in japan, europe, north ofrica -- would be the work hundreds of not thousands of private individuals. they could be based in europe, turkey, anywhere. they do not think they were paid and thought they were doing it for their own purposes and that they were enjoying it. this is anis that attempt by ultra turkish nationalist to get back at holland. production view is getting a lot of attention. today we had the president of the european council telling the european parliament that rotterdam was destroyed by nazi germany in the second world war and it now has a mayor born in morocco. he says that if anybody sees fascism and rotterdam, that they
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are completely detached from reality. the european commission president came out and said that he was scandalized by the turkish comment that the dutch were nazis. host: in addition to this harsh language, turkey is talking about economic sanctions against the netherlands. guest: there has been some throwing on that point here. turkey is demanding a written apology from the netherlands, but it saw yesterday the diplomatic sanctions were not going to make holland apologize. the dutch prime minister said the sanctions were "not too bad." last night, the turkish deputy prime minister said on television that the government is considering economic sanctions. the commercial ties between the two countries are very strong.
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today, and i got this wrong in my earlier broadcast, but the eu reutersminister told that turkey would not impose economic sanctions on the netherlands. he said turkey's quarrel was with the dutch government not with dutch business or dutch people. host: jasper, thank you. jasper mortimer reporting for us. dutch voters are casting their ballots today and that parliamentary election to take a new prime minister. the debate leading up to that vote has been dominated by immigration. current center-right prime minister has faced a big challenge from far right candidates. his election manifesto includes pledges to close dutch borders to immigrants from muslim nations or taking the netherlands out of the european union. nadia reports. reporter: pols have opened in the netherlands. anti-islam who
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voted in the hague. >> this is a mark on the election and so far, i think we are having big support from the dutch people. reporter: he plans to ban the koran, close mosques, and paul the netherlands out of the european union. his freedom party has been the largest, but the latest poll shows him finding behind the center-right party and perhaps as even as low as fifth-place. onn if he does come out top, he will struggle to form a government with major centrist party saying they will not going to coalition with him. while this has been involved in tussle withic turkey and it was seen as a chance for the prime minister to appear particular statesmanlike. even so, he is not taking any chances. for theis a chance
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netherlands to make a point to stop this toppling over of the domino stones. there is still a risk that we wake up thursday morning. reporter: a potential rising star is charismatic green party leader, who may claim as many as 18 seats. the first exit polls are expected soon after voting closes at 8:00 p.m. tonight. then we will have an idea of whether the resurgent nationalism that brought us brexit and president donald trump has also reached the netherlands. host: we are covering the dutch election and we are joined now live from the hague. you were out and about at the polls today. what did the voters you talk to have to say? howt: it's good to realize well attended these elections are. reporter: you can see the
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lines snaking up behind me. there's also the debate last night that was viewed by 3.3 million viewers. that's almost twice as much as back as 2012 during the last election. i've been visiting polling stations around the city. what struck me is how people i've been able to find who opted for the party of the prime minister, who is projected to end of the top spot. there are some people saying i'm not going to go for them, but i'm going to go for another right wing party that actually has a chance to enter government and govern. the exclusion by wilders by other parties in the government will not leave him to the government. were toen if wilders get an incredible, successful win, he would still have a hard
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time putting together some sort of effective government. how do analysts see the future of the netherlands playing out? they for see an extremely lengthy formation as it is called. the president is called to form a coalition of the government. that is looking to take months, on average of three to seven months to form a government. that is when the whole trade starts when parties give up on certain promises in order to gain power. wilders seems to be excluded from the process, even if he does manage to achieve a huge election upset by winning big. the latest polls predict that victory will opt for the safe option rather than choose wilders and plunge netherlands into uncertainty. rnande, thank you. as both candidate and now president, donald trump has always broken with tradition,
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refusing to release his tax returns. now someone has been it for him. a two-page form from 2005 was leaked to an investigative journalist, who released it last night on msnbc. the white house has confirmed the return israel, saying trump earned 153 million dollars in income that year and paid roughly a quarter of that and tax. here are the details. reporter: showing up these documents, u.s. tv host rachel her showned with this information. >> what i have here is donald trump's copy of federal tax returns. this is one year for 2005. this is the only set of the president's federal taxes that reporters have ever gotten a hold of. reporter: the white house said it was illegal to release the forms and preempted maddow scoop by confirming the information that donald trump and $160 million in 2005 and paid $38 million in taxes.
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journalist david kay johnson, who received the forms and honestly in the mail, said there was nothing "improper" about showing the documents before adding -- >> is entirely possible that donald sent this to me. donald trump has over the years leaked several things. the electoralng campaign, hillary clinton constantly attacked him for his refusal to disclose his tax returns. >> maybe because you have not paid any federal income tax. reporter: last year, "the new york times" revealed a tax form that suggested that trump avoided hang federal income tax by using a loophole. say it shows he is a savvy businessman, but critics say he is dishonest. host: all that comes as trumps revised travel ban is due to go into effect tomorrow. it is already facing court challenges around the country today. several states are trying to
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derail the executive order affecting travelers from six muslim majority nations with a judge in maryland already hearing arguments in court from the american civil liberties union. hawaii's lawsuit is heading to federal court in honolulu while washington state, the one that successfully sued to block the original band, wants its own hearing before a federal judge in seattle. five other states have joined washington's challenge. in iraq, u.s. backed troops are continuing the push to get the islamic state group out of its .e facto iraqi capital iraq now says it has taken several key positions in the western half of mosul. as we explain now, hundreds of thousands of civilians are still caught in the crossfire. reporter: iraqi forces fighting say theyrn mosul have taken new key positions. these show them bombing buildings around the mosque. this is where the islamic state group relate leader declared a h
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that in 2014. a symbolic neighborhood that could soon fall to government hands. elite forces have recaptured station usedrain to link the north and south of iraq before being largely destroyed. their key target now is seizing a third bridge over the tigris river separating the east from the west of the city. we are defeating islamic state fighters and the surrounding buildings. as you can see, forces are advancing. god willing, we will continue advancing toward the bridge. iraqi troops control the east of mosul and now one third of the west where the last jihadists are fighting fiercely. iraq's prime minister says the battle is in its last stage. remainingl to all the
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i.s. fighters to surrender the iraqi territories. it is their last chance to surrender and i promise them a fair trial. if they do not surrender, they will be killed. authorities believe that up to 600,000 civilians are trapped in western mosul. more than 80,000 have fled in the past three weeks. last night in france, a young woman with down syndrome made her dream come true presenting the weather on live tv. theear-old melanie host of segment on national network france to after her facebook campaign was like by more than 200,000 people. melanie got four days of training from the weather to beforehand, getting tips like presenting in front of a green screen. here's how she did. >> france will be split in half. clouds and rain in the north.
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saturday will be quite cloudy. what about sunday? >> there will be clouds and most of the country and rain. it will be sunny and marseille. it will be very chilly. at the moment, everybody is waiting for wednesday when we celebrate. everyone have a great evening. host: melanie says she hopes her tv appearance law also boost awareness for people with down syndrome. after the show, she tweeted, "i'm different, but i can do lots of things." time now for our business update. you are going to start out with a push for free trade from beijing this wednesday. guest: that's right. it was a call that came as china concluded its annual parliament session. -- comments, head of amusing come ahead of a meeting between the chinese president and his counterpart in the next month.
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the meeting could be contentious as during last year's campaign oft trump accused china manipulating its currency and dumping goods in the united states. this wednesday, beijing says it wants nothing but good relations with washington. take a listen. >> we don't want to see a trade war breaking out between the two countries. that would not make trade fair and that hurts both economies. the whole world is concerned about the china-u.s. relationship. china hopes that no matter what obstacles this relationship may run into, we hope it will continue in the right direction. guest: i spoke to our beijing correspondent and asked him if china's comments were simply laying the groundwork for what is poised to be a contentious meeting between mr. trump and she's in pain -- xi jingping. >> secretary a state rex tillerson will be a beijing this weekend. it's possible to interpret the comments in the light of
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regulatory united states. isalso mentioned that china hoping not to use the valuations as for exports and that economic ties created almost a million jobs in the u.s. last year. however, it's always tricky to read these initial pronouncements from beijing. trump has had harsh words for chinese economic practices in the past. while that has been toned down a little bit since he is coming to office, these words might be intended to assure the event states of no tension. if there was a trade war, the first to be hurt would be u.s. companies there. beijing may be trying to impress upon the u.s. hostile consequences of not participating. host: the scandal that push the president for power is only getting bigger. guest: prosecutors have begun investigating domestic
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conglomerates. both companies are suspected of improper dealings with former president part gun hey. the scandal roped in the country's biggest company. samsung's boss is facing trial for embezzlement and bribery -- charges both he and the company denied. time to get a check on the markets now. europe, investors are cautiously eyeing the outcome from the election over the netherlands. we are also expected federal reserve chair janet yellen to raise interest rates in the united states later this wednesday. the footie in london up 2/10 of 1%. 40 in paris the cac completely flat at this hour. the fed auto giant under pressure after denying that it fitted t to models with defective devices. they field emissions higher than the legal limit. rebecca reports.
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reporter: volkswagen is not the only automaker facing an emission scandal. rental is in hot water for allegedly lying about the results of its emission tests. this is according to a report from the french ministry of economy. >> it's the strategy aimed at distorting the results of the anti-pollution tests. reporter: the engines from her renault diesel tests were fitted to beat them. some cars far exceed the regulatory threshold for co2 emissions like the clio four or which admitted three times the amount of co2 than expected. the french manufacturer denies the allegations. renault reminds consumers that none of the company has
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violated any legal rules in relation to vehicle approval. reporter: an investigation was opened by the public prosecution office. if guilty, it faces a fine of 3.5 million euros. happen know this doesn't very often, but heinz ketchup says it will pick up an ad campaign from a tv show. campaign was a variously pitched by don draper in the hit series, "mad men." the ad was seen as controversial because it did not show the iconic ca ketchup bottle itself, but photos of food with the word past beh the heinz. the heinz brand now encompasses more than ketchup and includes barbecue sauce and mustard. since you are a fan of the show, you should note that sterling cooper draper pryce has been credited for the campaign. host: thank you so much for that and that look at the business news. now time for the press review.
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♪ host: we are on the set now to take a look at the press review. a big story coming of the united states. there is news of president forp's leaked tax return 2005, showing he paid $38 million in taxes. guest: on an income of more than $150 million. in this piece in "usa today," those figures were conferred by the white house anticipation of rachel maddow diebold thing that information. trump was refusing to release his tax returns to journalists and opponents deducing he had something to hide. the real news seems to be that trump didn't avoid income taxes for nearly two decades after all. i'm quoting there. theeminds us that journalists who obtained the
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document has said that the return was mailed to him anonymously and that it may even have come for president trump himself. this tax return after all doesn't reflect too badly on president trump. host: let's come back now to france with the news that the conservative french president of candidate -- presidential candidate has been placed under formal investigation for misuse of public funds. read what headlights this is going to change or not. it is set against an image of a rather tense looking man. the latest events come just 40 days before the french head to the polls for the first round of voting. this situation is really unprecedented. the following article goes on to question just how much this is likely to affect the final weeks of the campaign. after all, the so-called penelope gate scandal -- where he stands accused of tank family
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members huge amounts of cash from wher jobs they never did hs been rumbling for weeks now. he has vowed to fight to the bitter end. host: you found a cartoon you want to show us from the same paper. guest: we see a rather smug looking fillon who is performing a judge of this investigation against him. fillon says, i will see you in 10 years at the end of my second term if i haven't shut you up before that. a subtle reference to the fact that fillon has been overtly critical of the judiciary in france. host: you have also been drawing together different reactions to the news that the european court of justice, the top court in the eu, has issued a new ruling now that allows employees to ban their employees wearing headscarves. start in france, a country that cherishes it separation of religion and state. along with belgian, it has banned women wearing the full
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face veil in public. this piece in slate calls the european court of justice's latest ruling a good compromise and phrases it for providing much-needed clarification on the matter for private businesses. it is worth remembering here in france that all religious symbols, everything from the situation and to muslim headscarves for women are outlawed in public spaces. host: in germany, what is happening there? guest: it's another country with a large muslim population. as you read, this ruling gives companies greater freedom than against a religion. that is not necessarily a good thing. we read the decision is an example of the victory of the minority, onee that is likely to result in muslim women refusing to take off their head jobs forced out of the working world. host: the reaction with one
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paper has gone a bit further in the u.k. guest: this piece is pretty unequivocal. this ruling is a way of legitimizing and prope propagating islam a phobia. it rejects any argument "that these policies will emancipate muslim women." they say it represents a discriminatory form of social engineering for muslim women to adopt a form of social identity. host: today marks the 60 year since the beginning of the syrian uprising. you found a very firs moving firsthand account of an immigrant living in france. a man whomeet recounts his experience of those first years of the syrian uprising. he addresses where the country finds itself. when trying to assess what is left of his country, it is like a dagger planted right in his heart. anyhim it was never really
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syrian spring, but rather in a an endless syrian winter or burningship summer of muslim extremism. that wasn't how it felt six years ago when syrians contracted what he calls the virus of hope, the hope that another life was possible and that syrians were able to invent it. he calls hope syria's original sin, a crime committed with passion and a crime the country continues to pay for. host: let's wrap up with something a little bit lighter. you might remember robert kelly, the famous protagonist of that youtube video. interviewing a life when he was gatecrashed by his children. guest: he was beating out about the impeachment of south korea's president on the bbc. he shot to stardom when his toddler and baby stormed into his office and started wrecking havoc.
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you won't remember what his wife first in. kelly has appeared again on the bbc with his family once more, this time intentionally. he talked about the minor mistake that turned his family into youtube statars > 120 wld leadersrs cooped up
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in one building.g. >> that big meeting going on in copenhagen,, i if there is goino be a deal on how to save the planet. >> which is what climate change poses to the world. >> world leaders are trying to work out some type of agreement.


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