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tv   Democracy Now  LINKTV  April 14, 2017 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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04/14/17 04/14/17 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy:y: from pacifica, this is democracy now! >> it is a large, powerful gun accurately delivered weapon. united states took all precautions necessary to prevent civilian casualtieieand collllateral damage as a resuluf ththe operation. amy: the mother of all bombs. that is whwhat the u u.s. j just dropped on afghanistan. it is the most powerful nonnuclear bomb ever, unleashing an explosion equivalent to 11 tons of tnt with a mile-wide
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blast radius. we'll go to kabul to get reaction, and we'll speak with kathy kelly of voices for creative nonviolence about their campaign to end u.s. military and economic warfare. she's just back from afghanistan and is now among 20 peace activists who are on day five of a vigil and fast in front of the united nations to protest the ongoing u.s. support for the saudi bombing g of yemen. >> we're hoping g to this fast d vigil, people all across the united states will start to recognize we cannot t turn the other way and ignore what is happening in yemen. we also hope to bring people attention tobring south sudan, nigeria, somalia, countries nearby which a are alo nearing a trio of near famine conditions. amy: then hundreds of undocumented immigrants are
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on hunger strike to protest the conditions and extremely low wages at the for-profit northwest to tension center in tacoma, washington. rodriguez.s jonathan i would like people to know that i'm on a hunger strike, not just for me, but for everyone out there in the future. amy: the hunger strikers are demanding better food, hygiene, and medical care within the prison, which is owned by the major private prison corporation geo group. all that and more, coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. in afghanistan, the united states military on thursday dropped its most powerful nonnuclear bomb ever, the masses ordnance air blast or moab,
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nicknamed the mother of all bombs, on the achin district near the pakistan border. the 21,600-pound bomb reportedly unleleashed an explosionon equivalent to 11 t tons of tnt with a mile-wide b blast radius. bill rogoggio the f foundatioin for defefense of democraracies d the military times -- "what it does is basically suck out all of the oxygen and lights the air on fire." white house press secretary sean spicer acknowledged the attack. it is a large, powerful, accurately delivered weapon. we targeted system of tunnels and caves that isis fighters used to move around freely, making it easier for them to target u.s. military advisers and afghan forces in the area. the u.s. took all precautions necessary to prevent civilian casualties and collateral damage as a result of the operation. amy: thursday's blast was so powerful, it shook the ground in neneighboring districts. a parliamentarian from nangarhar province told the guardian the explosion kikilled a teacher and
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his young son. otheher afghan officials said 36 isisis fighters were killeled. the u.s.-b-backed former presidt of afghanistan hamid karzai denounced thursday's attack, saying -- "this is not the war on terror, but the inhuman and most brutal misuse of our country as testing ground for new and dangerous weapons." marc garlasco, a bush-era pentagon official, told the intercrcept the weapon was built for ususe in iraq but t never ud "due to collateral damage concerns." at the white house, president trump said he was very, very proud of those who carried out the bombing. pres. trump: everybody knows exactly what happened. myt i i do is i authorize military. we have the greatest military in the world and am done a job, as usual. we have given them total authorization. that is what they're doing. frankly,y, that is whyhy they he been so successful lately. amy: democratic commerce woman
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barbara lee -- congresswoman barbara lee of california said in a statement -- "president trump owes the american people an explanation about his escalation of military force in afghanistan and his long-term strategy to defeat isis." we'll have more on the attack in bulhanistan by going to ka and also speaking with kathy kelly. in syria, the pentagon says a u.s.-led coalition airstrike in tabqah killed 18 syrian rebels backed by the united states. u.s. central command said in a statement the attack accidentally targeted fighters with the u.s.-supported sdf rebel alliance who requested air support in a fight against isis. centcom offered condolences and called the deaths tragic. the attack f followed a seririef coalition raids that killed civilians. the journalistic monitoring group airwars cited four separate u.s. airstrikes in april alone that killed 24 noncombatants. meanwhile, syrian president bashar al-assad has denied his forces used poison gas to attack a rebel-held town in idlib,
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whicich killed 87 people, including more than 30 children. in an interview recorded wednesday with the afp news agency, assad said reports of the attack were 100% fabricated. >> there was noo order to mamake any attack. we don't t have any chemical weapons. we gave up our persosonal years ago. even if we had them, weweould not use them. we h have never used are chemicl arsenal in our history. amy: assad suggested that children seen in widely-circulated video of the incident were in fact child actors pretending to be dead. assad's interview was broadcast as inspectors with the organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons said thursday samples taken from the site tested positive for the nerve agent sarin. elsewhere in syria, rebel groups and syria plus government - -- syria's government have begun
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swapping p prisoners with h sy's government in an excngnge that could see as many as 10,000 nbc news is reporting ththe trup administstration is prepared to launch a preemptive atattack on north korea if it proceeds towards a nuclear weapons test. nbc cited multiple senior u.s. intelligence officials, who say a pair of u.s. naval destroyers are positioned near north korea's nuclear test site and prepared to fire tomahawk cruise ssiles. the pepentagon declined to commt on the nbc report. north korea on thursday condemned the u.s. for bringing an aircraft carrier group and other nuclear-armed assets into the region, threatening an assault on south korea, japan, and u.s. bases. in beijing, chinese foreign minister wang yiyi urged the u.. and north korea to de-escalate. >> on the issue of the korean peninsula, it is not about who can say the most hateful words, about who can raise the biggest fist, who will win. rather, once war breaks out, there will be losses on all
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sides. no one is the real winner. amy: u.s. intelligence officials claim m north korea is preparing what w would be its sixth nucler weapons test--possiblyly as eary as saturday, which mararks the 105th anniniversary of the b bih of the couount's foununder kimm ilil-sung. the anniversary comes as vice president mike pence i is scheduled to travel to seoul, south korea, sunday to kick off a 10-day trip to asia. president trump signed legislation thursday that will allow states to withhold federal funds to planned parenthood andd other women's health clinics that provide abortions. the bill narrowly passed the senate in march, when vice president pence cast a tie-breaking vote in favor of the bill. in a statement, planned parenthood vice president dawn laguens said the trump administration had launched the worst political attack on women's health in a generation, writing -- "people are sick and tired of politicians making it even harder for them to access health care, and thisis bill is just te latest example."
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in new york, police arrested 25 people in the lobby of trump tower as they staged a protest against president trump and his administration. the protesters chanted "no ban, no race, no wall" citing his ban and plan to expand the wall on the u.s.-mexico border. cia chief mike pompeo blasted wikileaks thursday as a "hostile intelligence service" in a stark reversal from his previous praise for the group. pompeo made the remarks at a washingtonon, d.c., think tank n his first public address as cia director. >> it is time to call that wikileaks for what it is, hostile intelligence service. in reality, they champion nothing at their own celebrity. their moral compass is nonexistent. their mission, personal self-aggrandizement through
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destruction of western values. amy: cia director pompeo went on to call wikileaks founder julian assangnga narcissisist and a frd who would have sided with dictators in the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's. last july, then-congressmember pompeo praised wikileaks for publishing emails hacked from the servers of the democratic national convention, writing in a tweet that has since been deleted -- "need further proof that the fix was in from pres. obama on down? busted: 19,252 emails from dnc leaked by wikileaks." in libya, at least 97 african migrants are missing and feared dead after their boat capsized thursday in the mediterranean near tripoli. libya's coastguard said it rescued 23 survivors. according to thehe international organization for migration, thte iom,m, at least 590 migrants hae died attemptpting the dangerous ocean voyage to italy so far this year. in brazil a supreme court judge , has launched a corruption probe into 98 politicians for
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allegedly taking bribes from a brazilian construction firm. among those under investigation are eight members of president michel temer's cabinet, the heads of both chambers of congress and dozens of senior , lawmakakers. this is political scientist geraldo tadeu of the state university of rio de janeiro. we are demonstrates that talking about a system that drdrains public resources. a corrupt system that needs to be -- these invevestigations hae to go deep so that we can reduce the level of corruption. amy: last month, a federal court sentenced brazil's former speaker of the lower house, eduardo cunha, to more than 15 years in prison for corruption. cunha was a key leader in the push to impeach dilma rousseff, who was brazil's first female president, in a process rousseff and others have called a coup. in arkansas, death penalty opponents are set toto rally at the state capitol in little rock today for a gogood friday protet ahead of the planned execution
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of seven prisoners over an 11 day stretch. governor asa hutchinson has approved the plan, which would see bruce earl ward and don william davis put to death by lethal injection on monday in back-to-back executions. five more prisoners are scheduled to die before the end of april, when the state's supply of the sedative midazolam, one of three drugs used by arkansas to stop a prisoner's heartbeat, is set to expire. this is robert dununham of the death penalty information center. >> arkansas has a supply of the drug mend as a lamb. it expires on april 30. -- if you are shopping in the supermarket and there is a used by date, what arkansas has essentially done is taken the constant -- concept of that and used it as a killed by date. amy: on thursday, a pair of pharmaceutical companies whose filed suit in federal court seeking to prevent their drugs from being u used in the
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executions, saying arkanansas acququired its supplies of potassium chloride and midazolam from an unauthorized seller. the lawyer for a united airlines passenger who was beaten and dragged from a flight by airport security guards said thursday his client lost two teeth, suffered a broken nose and concussion, anand might need reconstructive surgery. dr. david dao sustained the injuries after the airline ordered him to leave his seat on a kentucky-bound flight last sunday, saying it was overbooked, and then called in chicago department of aviation security officers to forcibly remove the 69-year-old physician when he refused. at a news conference thursday, dr. dao's daughter, christal dao pepper, said the incident hass left her family scarred. >> it has been a very difficult time for our entire family, especially my dad. and we are truly grateful for your support. what happened to my dad should have neverer happepened t to ann
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being,g, regardlesess of the circumstanance. amy: dr. dao's lawyer said his client would prorobably sue unid and the city of chicago over the incident. and canada has taken a major step towards legalalizing the recreationalal use of marijuana. prime minister justin n trudeaun thurursday unveiled a bill that would allow adults to possess up to one ounce of the drug, while strictly licenensing and regulating growers. among those supporting the legislation is ralph goodale, canada's minister of public safety. r objective is to protect public safety and stop the flow of illegal profits to organized crime, then the law as it stands today has been an abject failure. police forces spend between $2 billion to $3 billion every year try to deal with cannabis, yet canadian teenagers are among the heaviest users in the western world. billioninals pocket $7
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to $8 billion in illicit proceeds. we simply have to do better. amy: if the bill is approved, canada would join uruguay as the only nations to fully legagalize recreational marijuana use. and thosose are some of the headlines. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. in afghanistan, the united states military on thursday dropped its most powerful nonnuclear bomb ever, the massive ordnanance air blast or mother ofnamed the all bombs. the u.s. military dropped it on the achin district near the pakistan border. the 21,600-pound bomomb repopory unleashed an explosion eqequivalent to 1111 tons of tnt with a mile-wide blast radius. bill roggio of the foundation for defense of democracies told the military times -- "what it does is basically suck out all of the oxygen and lights
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the air on fire." this is white house's press secretary spicer. >> it is a large, powerful, accurately delivered weapon. we targeted a system of tunnels and caves that isis fighters used to move around freely, making it easier for them to target u.s. military advisers and afghan forces in the area. the u.s. took all precautions necessary to prevent civilian casualties and collateral damage as a result of the operation. amy: thursday's blast was so powerful it shook k the ground n , neighboring districts. a parlrliamentarian from nangagr provovince told the guardian the explplosion killeded a teacher d his younung son. the u.s.-backefoformer presisidt of afghanistan hamid karzai denounced thursday's attack. he said -- "this is not the war on terror, but the inhuman and most brutal misuse of our country as testing ground for new and dangerous weapons." marc garlasco, a bush-era pentagon official, told the intercept the weapon was built
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for use inin iraq but never usud due to collateral damage concerns. at the white house, president trump said he was "very, very proud" of those who carried out the bombing. pres. trump: very, very proud of the people. really, another successful job. we are very, very proud of our military. just like we are proud of the folks in this room. we are so proud of our military. it was another successful event. >> did you authorize it? pres. trump: everyone knows exactly what happened. i authorize my military. we h have the greaeatest militan the world, and then done a job as usual. amy: democratic congresswoman barbara lee of california said in a statement -- "president trump owes the american people an explanation about his escalation of military force in afghanistan and his long-term strategy to defeat isis." the u.s.-backed former president of afghanistan hamid karzai denounced thursday's attack. he said -- "this is not the war on terror, but the inhuman and most brutal misuse of our country y as testg
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ground f for newew and dangerous weaponons." we're going to turn right now to our guests, both in studio and also we will be going to kabul after break to speak to people in afghanistan. we turn right now to kathy kelly , who is with voices for creative nonviolence. she was twice nominated for nobel peace prize post up also joined here in our studio byo, professor of media culture, communication at temple university. she's also a member of the afghan american artists and writers association and the co-proroducer r and co-directorf the documentary "postcards from tora bora." your response to what to laze? nonnuclear,bomb, was dropped on afghanistan, the largesest bomb in the history of the world outside the two atomic
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bombs dropped on japan. your thoughts? >> ever since we found out about what happened yesterday, my and in dialogue with my family, we have been trying to wrap our brain around magnitudeomb of this would be dropped on a people that have already been traumatized and terrorized by almost four decades of war. it is partially because the war hawks are empowered by the trump administration. they call this psychological warfare. awe. back to the shock and but this will not subdue isis or the taliban. it will not subdue them into submission. it will kill more innocent people and enrage people and radicalize people to join the ranks of the isis and taliban. contrary to what they're saying that this i is a counterterrorim
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measure or strategy, this is actually creatining terrorism. ,t is a big setback for peace that is our mission, we want to make that clear. it is a big setback for peace not just in the region of afghanistan and pakistan, but globally. it is a huge win for the war hawks and warlords with afghanistan, pakistan, and the u.s. i think what people don't rerealize, isis and the televisn have been losing support, not that they had that much to begin with, but they have been losing tide of public opinion has been turning against them because they have been terrorizing people in the region with suicide bombs, publicly beheading journalists and all types of things. undoes that. it will turn people back toward supporting them and joining their ranks. and i think what is also mind, thiso keep in
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undoes all of the hard work that local reformers and progressive people have been doing on the ground there come as well is the international donor community. since 9/11, over 90 countries have invested in civic approaches as opposed to military approaches to rebuilding the nation with educational programs, economic programs, to give people some hope, people there just like your want peace and security and want a better future. thwarts the peace process that people have worked for, including the us government. the u.s. government has successfully initiated many nationbuilding projects, including building the media center training, media professionals, once again the economy and education and this was a big blow and a big step backward for everyonee has been working for peace in the region. amy: kathy kelly, you are here in new york because you are on a
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hunger fast against u.s. military's -- you are protesting outside the united nations. you just recently came back from afghanistan. first, your response to the dropping of this, well, with u.s. military has called the mother of all bombs, developed during the bush years, but not used by president bush or president obama because of the massive concern about civilian casualties. it has a mile blast radius. >> i think the mother of all bombs is really greed. it is greed on the part of thee people who are just itching to pull the trigger and try out their latest, but to try it out over afghanistan? a country where the air and the water are already so horribly contaminated? i mean, just having coming back from afghanistan, you wonder how people make it through those
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very harsh winters when the air is so terribly polluted. people brush 13th in their dealing with black saliva -- russian their teeth and their dealing with black saliva. people are going without reckless, lunch, and dinner sometimes. mothers cry and say t they cannt feed their children. now the ruby more refugees because who knows what that palm has done to the water. sure, it has had a psychological effect. people are terrified. it is a country that already has 1.5 million refugees. coble is so filled with people who are unemployed and have no food that it is the children who go out and do the labor. 1.8 million are going to be pushed back into afghahanistan f iran rent and pakistan and europe go ahead with plans to force people to go back. the united states has put $112 billion in a nonmilitary programs. a what can we see as the result of those progrgrams? don't we think this is going to feed, as well as she said, a
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desire for reza branc revenge? where are these weapons coming from? the united states. probably 700,000 pistols, assault rifles, weapons into afghanistan. that is where the jihadist groupsps get their weapons. amy: we're going to go to break and come back to this conversation with kathy kelly, nominated twice for a nobel peace prize, on hunger fast against violence and front of the u.n. right now, as well as wazhmah osman, who is a professor of media culture into medication at temple university. she is afghan american. and we're going to go to kabul to speak with guests in afafghanistan.n. stay with us. ♪ [music break]
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amy: this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. called the mother of all bombs. that is what the u.s. just dropped on afghanistan, the most powerful nonnuclear bomb ever released in the history of the woworld will stop it was unlnled an explosion eququivalent to o 1 to of f tnt. it's blast radius is one mile wide. kathy in studio with kelly of voices for creative nonviolence, just back from afghanistan. and wazhmah osman, temple univerersity professor of media, culture, and communication. we're joined in kabul by two guests. they are standing with their backs to the camera to conceal the identity. basir bita is a mentor with
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afghan youth peace volunteers and dr. hakim is a medical dr. who has provided humanitarian relief in afghanistan for over a decade, working for afghan peace volunteers. we welcome you all to democracy now! i am sorry we cannot see your face list of in fact, dr. hakim, we have had you on an profile before. talk about what you don't want your face toto be seen. >> there are security concerns here. amy, thank you for having us on the show. my worries are really the worries shared by the association of federation of atomic scientists who for the year 2017 decided to turn the doomsday clock from four minutes to midnight to 3.5 minutes to midnight, precisely because .rump became the president
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the policies, including this dropping of the bomb over afghanistan, that caused me and others great concern about the safety not only of all of us on the planet, but of the earth as well. amy: can you talk about the effects of the bomb that was just dropped? what is called -- by the u.s. military, the mother of all bombs with this milewide radius? now, the pentagon just released the vivideo footage of the bomb. it i is not a bunker buster bom, bubut a bomb that explplodes abe grground. but they have not released the sualty figures. i will speak before bashir talks about some of the accounts heard from people in and around
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achin district. i think it is an insult to nickname the bomb "the mother of all bombs." this mororning as i was spspeakg toto a volunteer, he s said, wod any mother r who that doesn't do that -- would any mother do that to any children? the effect is what the u.s. military are what mimilitaries across the wldld want to inflict which isnary citizens, anger?anic, hunger, and i i think that is what they will get. global terrorism index, americans and people from all why?the world should ask the global terrororism index indicates whatever bonds the americans have dropped in
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afghanistan or anywhere else in the world that resulted in terrorism, increasing not decreasing. so why drop it? why drop this mother of all bombs? it is such an insult to all of us. amy: basir bita, if you can talk about what you have heard about bomb?eaction to this >> before speaking about the reactions of afghans regarding to the incident, i would like to speak about myself. i lost my grandparents. aunts,my uncles and close friends, niece, nephew's over the last two decades. speaking about the accounts, personally, i feel frustrated because the government claims it was an organized event. that the i heard
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president's national security advisor, several hours before the bomb was launched, he was on the ecb. he was assessing the area must myself,he other one is i don't want to lose any other afghans. i don't want to lose any other friends in the area. is an insult to all afghans , ashakim phrased it. amy: explain why it is an insult. >> it is an insult to us because losing relatives, losing friends. trump, imagine president who is now praising what the u.s. forces carried in achin diststrict, imagine relatitivesf president trumpmp were in achinn district.
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i don't believe this claim, but who claim local residents are around 100,000 people left the area a couple of hours before the bomb was launched. president's mother or daughter or son were there? about what people are saying on the ground. are saying different things. i mean, local activiststs, i me, therere is no onene rising hihie against what the u.s. government did to us. i memean, i can'n't find -- personally, i can't find any afghan acactivists or authoririo sortrt of condemn it. that the president karzai,
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ex-president c condemned by the ststrongest words, but i'm prety sure if he was the president now , the current president, he would supppport the idea. people condemn it. district ofof people from the same district living in kabul, they strongly condemn it. amy: i have to say, we are showing right now the backs of our guests, afraid to show their faces in afghanistan because of how dangerous it is there. and the f footage released of te pentagon. ththe latest fooootage of the b, what the military calls the mother of all bombs, this massive ordnance air bomb, moab, almost looks like a strange, distorted sonogram, extremely sterile, kathy kelly.
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of couourse, you don't see me people. yoyou don't se to o people dyin. we don't t know the actctual fis at this point. and the e same thing happened in sysyria last weeeek where t the pepentagon released immediately the cruise missile images as their taking off the warships, like we saw shock and awe, not the people running on the ground in 2003 in iraq, but the blast in the sky that almosost looked likeke fireworks. one also hasas to wonder aboboue timing of this attack that took place on thursday. the u.s. releasing the largest bomb in the history of the world outside of the two nuclear bombs dropped in hiriroshima and nagasaki. this coming just after the pentagon has released the information that they mistakenly 18 -- and killed 18 u.s.
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allies, 18 syrian fighters who were fighting with the united states, alongside the united states. your thoughts? >> we have seen this many times. we have to recognize the united states has communicated to other people all around the world that u.s. lives matter and there is utter disregard for the lives of people who are bearing the brunt of our wars. this does not seem to stop the facility of the u.s. military to say we want to launch yet another war. your we are wondering, willoughby north korea? will it be a ran? i'm with a group of people focused on yemen. we're looking at the poorest country in the arab world and it is being subjected to seize, what kind of image does this communicate about the united states all around the world? i think we're looked upon as a fearful, menacing group of the warlords, theheed
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most expensive horrific weapons. it seems to me, we are sort of living for t the doorway, towara nuclear exchange when we cancel cavalierly drop this bomb in an area of the world where i suppose the military is chasing, as they would, because of the death of one united states military person -- a might be over a week now, but are we to say the life of one u.s. soldier is so much more than the lives of poor people? it costs $2 million to keep one u.s. soldier in afghanistan at the height of the war. the cost to put i diced salt into the diet of a child would have been five cents per child per year. i think about the tunnels they say that destroyed. how are we to know? we were told we had to go to 2003with our masks and because of weapons of mass
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destruction. but those were never found. how will we know if the tunnels were ever there? they have been exploded. what if we were to make tunnels through which the united states weapons would be moved? the transport said transport soldiers, the bulldozers, the apache helicopters, this huge moab on today. those tunnels to transport that weaponry would be the size of the grand canyon. yet we are to be deeply concerned because people dug tunnels in the area where this fighting is going on? the drone operators c call the people who run away from their bombs scorchers. you have to wonder, you know, when i read about the bombing in yemen, a families who lived at -- near the place for the special operations were going on, they were running for their lives. they may have well wished there were tunnels for which they may
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have run a disappeareded. amamy: i wanant to ask wazhmah n about your own family's history. it is not clear what these tunnels -- cnn says the mountains where isis made their base were the same ones used by bin laden as a whole and the same used by the cia backed group when they were fighting the soviets in the 1980's, maybe built by the u.s.-backed group. talk about this history. >> my family became refugees and we lived in the border areas between afghanistan, pakistan for four years. i am friendlier with the area. although i have not been to achin, i have lived in pressure jalalabad,nt time in the swat valley. those are big cities that are within an hour and a half radius of achin.
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i have been to other areas, smaller towns around achin. dust mediaedium mythology they create that theyy keep on saying it is remote, desolate, and it is isolated. it goes back to the mythology that they created earlier in the war on terror, smoke them out of their caves. in reality, those areas are bustling towns and villages. there are people living there. the idea of this bomb accurately targeting a few isis militants in the case is not correct. this impacts countless people, as i said, in areas that are youving with people -- know, they have hospitals and schools and other things. but the thing to also keep in area has beenhat created as a buffer zone or in
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between zone for the british during the anglo afghan wars. india to protect british back in a separate it from afghanistan. what that means for the people living in the area is that some parts are virtually under no laws, whereas other parts, people are living under contradictory, draconian laws from that era. so there is virtually no government oversight or protection for the population. they are vulnerable. this is part of the reason why this area has been targeted repeatedly by drones, is that nobody is standing up for these people. nobody is standing up for their rights to live peaceably. what happens is both the pakistani and the afghan government have been in collusion with the u.s. government to make this area essentially an experiential testing ground for these
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dangerous, destructive weapons of war. and it is essentially shrouded in secrecy, right? it is a perfect place for them to be judge, jury, and executioner of people without giving them any to process of the law because it is away from the international gaze in the news bureaus of the media. amy: i want to turn back to kabul, galveston, where dr. arem and basir bita standing with their backs to the camera, afraid of being identified in a very dangerous area. i want to ask you each about what you think the alternative is today. the alternative to the u.s. dropping bombs in afghanistan, dr. hakim? >> i will talk about two things that so many alternatives, amy, thank you for asking the
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question. as a humanwhy species we can't think of alternatives is because we are not imagining enough, we are not asking enough questions. one of the concrete things that can be done is for the afghan is to ask questions. wake up every day, educate one another, ask why? ask how? ask k what? that is educating ourselves. that is one of the ways we can address this disaster that the both for theng, planet and the human race. the second thing that we can do, i can learn from the peaeace volulunteers, is to do practical things for one another. outouth and use
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techniques to take care of mother earth. that is really taking care of the mother, you know, moving radically away from these deceptive narratives of the mother of all bombs and glorifying what we ought to not be glorifying. changing the whole little situation in her own individual lives. don't give any space to people like trump. behaving in an angry way. i have nothing against trump, he is a human and i resespect him, really actionons is something that i would be, as a memedical doctor, very a ashame. this is not based on evidence. it is not based on fact, it is really a show. we should question it. we should change our lives. don't submit to any leader of any country of the world if they do things without evidence and
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if they make decisions for 30 million people in afghanistan and his over there in the white house, so far away. another thing we can do is to talk to one another. tatalk to the people in achin district. find the current to talk to them. talk to the mother. just before this conversation, i had a class of afghan volunteers, street kids. i have to imagine the bombing of this bombing in achin districic. they closed their e eyes. they heard the story of this mother of all bombs been dropped in the district. they imagine themselves as a mother in that district. is, weponse from that are sad. we're so sad that we are being treated this way. amy: basir bita, we have 20 seconds before we lose our satellite connection to you. your thoughts? speaking very briefly, i
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think one is as dr. h hakim put it, public awareness, finding grassroooots and locally acceptabable ideas like conversation, establishing dialogue -- amy: we had just lost our guests in afghanistan. we had been speaking with basir bita as well as dr. hakim, both with afghan youth peace fell in tears -- volunteers in kabul, afghanistan, speaking to us with our backs to the camera to protect their identities. i want to thank our guests here, wazhmah osman corruptible university, professor of media, culture, communications, as well as kathy kelly. kathy, i want to speak with the after the broadcast about your protest here, particularly around yemen will stop we will post it online at
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when we come back from break, we're going to two,, washington, to talk about why hundreds of immigrant prisoners are staging a hunger strike and we will hear from ralph nader, the man who sued the airlines for overbooking and how that relates to the 69-year-old doctor who was beaten and dragged by airport security off of a united flight. this is dedemocracy now! stay with us. ♪ [music break]
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amy: this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. onon thursday, the lawyer for united airlines passenger who was beaten and dragged from a flflight by airport security guards said his client lost two teeth, suffered a broken nose, andd can cashin, and might need reconstructive surgery. dr. davidow sustain n the injnjs after united airlines ordered him off the airplane, leaving his paid seat on his chicagogo o louisville, kentucky flightht lt
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sundayay. ththe airline said they needed e seeds f for their ownwn employe. then called in chicago department of aviation security officers to forcrcibly remove te 69-year-old physician when he refused, and they drag him down the aisle off of the flight. we turn now to ralph nader, longtime consumer advocate, many time president of candidate, who back in the early 1970's, helped force airlines to begin compensating passengers bumped from their flights. i spoke to ralph nader last night and asked him to explain how he did this. in aprilright morning 1972, i want to national airport in washington to take a flight to address a large downtown rally in hartford, connecticut at noon. i got there with a confirmed ticket. they said, the plane is full, you can't get on the plane. i said, i have a confirmed
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ticket. i have a confirmed seat. "i'm sorry, the plane is full." behind he was an assistant to senator aruba cops whose name was john cost and income who is now the irs commissioner. he was bumped, too. i found myself a wonderful public interest lawyer, reuben robertson. he took it all the way up to the supreme court. , the corporaltion if you are bumped with a confirmed reservation, you have a case under the doctrine of fraudulent misrepresentation. so we went down to the lower court and they require the airlines to put a notice on the ticket counter and all of our tickets saying, if we are bumped, we are bumped, we're entitled to some form of compensation. byt form was to be decided the airlines. they decided to auction off the seas. it worked like a charm 99% of the time. where it does not work is where the airline gets chintzy and
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offers vououchers instead of ca. what united airlines did on the flight from chicago to louisville when they wanted to get four seats empty for four flight attendants that heading to louisville to get on another plane was offer vouchers that expire in one year. they got three out of the four, ,nd they picked a doctor ,dao and call the security when he objected and dragged him off the plane. a billion people have seen that. why did they do that? because they did not want to offer cash. and why didn't the customer have a right to stay on? because the contract of carriage, which is on the uaw website, is 67,000 words long and fine print and it takes away the rights to be a short that when you have a confirmed reservation and you're in the seat, you can stay in the seat.
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total unbridled discretion by the airline to throw you off the plane. so now the stage is set because so many people are outraged for getting the passenger bill of rights legislation through congress, which has been mired for decades because of the airline lobby. it all started with a lawsuit. amy: to see the whole interview with ralph nader, you can go to ralph nader is the founder of the american museum of tort law, which is located in his hometown of winstead, connecticut. it has been reported that all of the passengers on the united flight have been offered a refund by united if they sign on the dotted line that they will not sue the airlines. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. we go now to washington state, wherere hundreds of undocumented immigrants are on hunger strike to protest the conditions and extremely low wages at the for-profit immigrant prison, the northwest detention center in tacoma.
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on thursday morning, activists say women imprisoned within the prison joined the strike, which now includes more than 700 immigrants -- or about half the population of the prison. hunger strikers are demanding better food, hygiene, and medical care within the prison, which is owned by the major private prison corporation geo group. organizers say prisoners have also launched work stoppages to protest the fact they are paid only $1 a day to cook, clean, and do the laundry necessary to keep the prison running. geo group is facing a class-action lawsuit arguing the company violates federal anti-slavery laws at its aurora, colorado, prison, where it also pays only $1 a day. this is an audio recording of hunger striker johnathan rodriguez guzman. listen closely. >> i name is johnathan rodriguez guzman. i would like to let people know that i'm doing a hunger strike,
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not just for me bufor everybody out there. y: the strike began ononday at noon th more th 100 prisons refusingo eat lunch. since en, activists have been supporting the hunger strikers with an ongoing 24-hour encampment outside the jail. the strikes comes as attorney general jeff sessions traveled to the u.s.-mexico border in the gallows, arizona, -- nogales, arizona this week, where he met with u.s. customs and border protection agents and vowed a major crackdown, calling immigration "an attack on our national security." immigration advocates say the trump administration's crackdown against immigration and immigrants living within the united states has led to more immigrants being imprisoned at jails, including at the northwest detention center. on thursday, "the new york times" reported in its scramble to find new places to house immigrants arrested in ice raids, the trump administration is trying to curtail protections for immigrants being held in county jails including doing , away with a requirement that immigrants have access to translation services.
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for more we're joined by two , guests. maru mora villalpando is an activist and undocumented immigrant with the group northwest detention center resistance and the group mijente. and alexis erickson is the partner of hunger striker cristian lopez. cristian was part of the hunger strike in the northwest detention center in tacoma, before he was transferred to a jail in nenew mexico where he is continuing the strike. he's facing deportation to mexico. we welcome you both to democracy now! let us begin with maru mora villalpando. tell us exactly what you understand is happening in tacoma. >> we have now hundreds of people deciding to stop eating since monday afternoon. people over from the week and a detention they were getting ready for the hunger strike. if you think about the maximum know it is675, we
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over capacity. when we heard about over 100 people, maybe more were getting ready to strike, we were there ensuring we would support that. throughout the week, we saw numbers increasing and increasing, more and more people start joining. yesterday morning, we heard from the women's section saying they were ready to also join me strike. we heard from one of the area [inaudible] they were being threatened of being transferred to a county jail in oregon will stop therefore, they decided to stop. but other parts continue joining. about 700ieve we have people, maybe more than that. it is difficult sometimes to get communication from the inside. in one, people decided to add a work stoppage, acknowledging their the backbone of the detention center. they also call for a boycott of
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the commissary and the telephones as well. amy: alexis erickson, tell us about cristian lopez, your partner, who is on hunger strike and has been transferred now from the geo prison to new mexico. >> well, he was transferred about three days ago. on his way over there, he was treated wrong. he asked one guard that was a ice guard on the bus with them if he speaks spanish. they were very rude to him. he was asking for another guy that spoke spanish only. when they got there, they said they lost a lot of people's property, which was not true. he ended up getting his property a coupuple of hours later, but e had to fight f for it. they have all been treated wrongly. they say there is a couple of people where he is that are still doing the hunger strike. amy: have you seen c changes in the prison?? how long has cristian lopez been held there and have you seen changes since the trump administration took over? >> he was put in oregon in
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february. he did his 20 days he had to do. he was still stuck for another month before he even got switched to tacoma. when he got switched to tacoma, he got off the bus the first time and they put him right back on and he ended up going back to oregon again because they said, your court date is revoked. he had to come back again. he came back for his court date on april 6. he finally got deported two days ago. he was treated really bad in the tacoma facility. amy: you have how many children together? are there american citizens? >> three. yes. i have a seven-year-old, a 2-year-old, and an eight-month-old. , canmaru mora villalpando you talk about the fact this is a for-profit prison and what difference you think this makes? they're being g sued under aurora.ery laws in
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what about tacoma? >> this is one of the largest detention centers in the nation. they make a lot of money out of engaging our families in the 165 per day per person. the jobs that people are getting paid to do inside is not everything they do inside. we have reports that people are asked to paint the walls or wash the floors in exchange for having a piece of chicken or a piece of candy. sometimes not even that. they're just promised and that doesn't happen. we have seen reports that the food is always bad, but sometimes it is not only that, it is the portions are getting smaller. when people complain about that, geo guards say, well, there are just too many of you, what do you want us to do? amy: we're going to continue the conversation after the show and post it at we're speaking with maru mora villalpando with northwest detention center resistance and
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the group mijente. and alexis erickson, whose partner is richard lopez come as a result, he was sent to a new mexico jail from tacoma. that does it for our broadcast. democracy now! is looking g for feedbaback f
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announcer: this is a production of china central television america. lee: leonardo da vinci once said that simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication. this week's "full frame," guests are proving that simple ideas to foster change can have the most profound impact. i'm may lee in los angeles. let's take it "full frame."


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