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tv   DW News  LINKTV  June 12, 2017 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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from berlin. a police crackdown on opposition rallies across russia. hundreds of a tie corruption protesters are arrested in moscow, st. petersburg and other cities. opposition leader alexei navalny is one of those detained. also, a promise to get them out of this mess. british prime minister theresa may chairs the first meeting of her reshuffled cabinet after a bruising election that saw her government loses majority. and at the g 20 africa conference in berlin, gentler
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angela merkel for fresh thinking to deal with africa's security issues. we will talk to the nigerian minister of industry for the prospects for the country -- continent. ♪ brent: i am brent goff. it is good to have you with us. hundreds have been arrested during anticorruption protests in cities across russia. the demonstrators are responding to the call of alexei navalny, a long-standing critic of vladimir putin. navalny was detained himself this morning, so his rally went ahead without him. the white house has condemned the crackdown. they called for the release of all those contained -- detained. reporter: sandbags inside the kremlin as things ground to a halt. at one end of the street come
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historical reenactments and celebrations. at the other, and unsanctioned street protests. amid tight security, thousands stood waiting before please eventually moved to close off access. the protest had been intended to take part at a location approved by the government further from the center. navalny alleges authorities put pressure on n contractors not to supply s sound. his response was to up the ante, returning to the center of moscow. russia without thieves, the protesters chant. navalny and his team are channeling anger at russian government. in a youtube video see more than 10 million times, -- among the protesters are many young people. navalny's savvy social media
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campaign has allowed him to overcome a defect of blackout on tv. >> we came because we don't like what is going on in the country. it is scary. you can't stay in power forever. you can't just a point successor. we were here in march. >> i'm sorry? >> we came out on the 26th of march. we think is a good idea to express our opinions. reporter: but for all the incongruity of the setting, the reality of unsanctioned protests in russia soon came home as right police appeared. >> putin is a thief. it is grace. reporter: despite the sudden arrests and right police, the mood is strangely calm, mixing in with the celebrations and festivities for rajai davis on me. -- russia day behind me.
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even more certainly been began, the protest is brought to an end as police move in. for hundreds of demonstrators, the night is likely to end in a cell. for alexei navalny, his future and his plan to challenge vladimir putin in the 2018 presidential election looks as uncertain as ever. brent: a russian activist whose one-man protest sent him to prison for more than a year is being honored here in germany for upholding freedom of expression. the war is named after the assassinated russian opposition politician. this year's recipient will not be here to pick up his prize, even after his release from prison. he still has problems with the law. reporter: putin's russia's disgrace, the poster reads.
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the one-man protester, testing the limits of russia's top protest law. authorities here rarely permit opposition demonstrations and when they do they are normally kept out of the public eye. he goes out anyway, citing the constitution. article 212 may protests like his a criminal offense. now there are prison terms of up to five years. late in 2015 was sentenced to three years in jail. although so far easy only p pern convteted under ththe legislati, criticics say this effect is already enough. he was sent to this prison in russia's frozen northwest. he alleges he was beaten, strung up by his wrists and threatened with rape. a campaign for his release game interaction. -- sprang into action. he was finally released after
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russia's suprememe court dismisd the case. there to greet him was his wife and sister. >> death was not what scared me. i was more scared of the horrors going on and on. they t tortured me with cold evy day. you are shivering all the timem. then at some point t the only thing that was saving me was the desire to tetell people the truh of what happens there. the t torture. it might sound silly, , but that is what made me go on fighting. reporter: a free man once again, and his protest continues. less than two weeks after his released he was again briefly in police custody. this time he was demanding the resignation of the prison officials he held responsible for his treatment. brent: the events across russia today show that he is not the only voice being raised against russia's political establishment. so why was he chosen for the prize? we asked the man presented the
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award. >> dadin is not the leader of a big political movement. he is not an economically powerful figure. he is a regular citizen. he is a regular citizen who wants to make use of the rights that are guaranteed under the constitution to him. the punishment was clearly disproportionate. in a way, the fact that the russian supreme court acquitted him and set him for he is a sign of hope for people across russia. hopefully it is a sign that the judiciary will now look after these people in a much more independent way that has done so in the past. as the americans would say, the jury is still out, but dadin is a courageous man, a simple man, a citizen who has used -- moved the supreme court to a very unusual decision. brent: here are some other stories making headlines around the world. a u.s. appeals court has ruled
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against president d donald tru's rerevised travelel ban. it largely upheld a previous injunction that found the bill discriminatory. the proposal would stop people from six mainly muslim nations from entering the u.s. it also called for a 120 day ban on all refugees. people in orlando, florida had been commemorating the victims of the pulse nightclub -- gay nightclub shooting one year ago. 49 people were killed by a man who placed allegiance to the islamic state group. it was the u.s.'s deadliest mass shooting. it was called both a crime and terrorism. a magnitude 6 6.2 o or stronger eaearthquake has killed at least one and scored -- damaged scores of buiuildings in the e greek id of lesbos. the offshore quake also shook buildings along the turkish coast in was felt more than 300
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kilometers away in istanbul. british prime minister theresa may has told lawmakers in her own conservative party, i am the person who got us into this mess , i am the one who was going to get us out of it. the minister in charge of negotiating britain's exit from the european union has warned that formal talks which are to start on monday might be delayed because of this mess. despite the upheavals caused by losing her majority last week's election, members of theresa may's cabinet lane they are uniting around their prime minister. reporter: a party under strain. in public, boris johnson is rallying support for theresa may. this include a senior conservative who was once may's archrival. >> we are a team united by
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teresa. she is doing a fantastic job. reporter: the behind the scenes, may's problems are mounting. she has reportedly had to delay between speech -- the clean -- queen's speach. there's also brexit. >> we have said from the beginning what want a free trade area, a customs agreement and a special relationship on every aspect. the area of argument tends to be about what happens if we don't get a deal. our argument is under those circumstances you have to be willing to walk away. reporter: getting the support of the northern irish democratic unionist party will be key for the conservatives to stay in power. talks on a possible partnership will be on tuesday. brent: our correspondent is in
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the british capital for us tonight. we're the british prime ministers say i got us into this mess, i'm going to get us out of it. what are you hearing? among conservatives, how many are willing to give the prime minister the chance to prove she can get them out of this mess? oliver: those were very surprising and new words. a new sound of theresa may that we have heard here today when she had that meeting of her own party that took 1.5 hours, a lot longer than easy -- these meetings usually take. there was a lot to talk about, apparently. many lawmakers are furious about the outcome of this election. many have lost their seats. so she knowledged that she had made mistakes in her campaign. she also apologize for promising
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on the one hand a strong and stable government, but then also delivering exactly the opposite. she also said she will serve as the prime minister as long as you want me to. that is a completely new sound ofof theresa may. that is something that we have not heard from her before and it simply shows she's not call the shots anymore. mp's might be happy with that but the question now is for how long. brent: oliver, we know that tomorrow the prime minister is going to meet with the northern ireland d.u.p. leader about creating a new government. what does this party want in return? oliver: the d.u.p. is an ultra-conservative party. they stand for points and policies like antiabortion, they
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are against gay marriage. those are policies that they have down a long time ago and the majority of the party is not willing to put any of these things on the negotiating table. whatat is more likely is that ty will ask for money for investments in the local economy in ireland and local businesses. it is likely that theresa may will agree on that and invest money for northern ireland. it is an aspect that is not very easy. it might even risk thehe peace process is one of the architects of the good friday agreement called because there were two parties s involved. the catholic party would be in westminster, which makes the other side extremely unhappy. brent: oliver on the story for us tonight. thank you very much. in rome, the city's mayor has taken ventures to preserve and protect 40 of the city's
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historic fountains. a new decree imposes fines on tourists and residents. anyone caught taking a dip in the fountain will get hit with a 240 euro fine, no matter how hot it is outside. it even goes for even eating next to a fountain. the french open winner nadal h s been basking in the glorory of s 10th win. the e spanish player showed off his latatest trophy on a book tr -- boat tour. he then created a mold of his hand print to commemorate his 10th win. nadal won in straight sets on sunday. it is the so-called clay-court king's first grand slam win since 2014. he has been struggling with injuries for the past three years. you're watching "dw news," live
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from berlin. still to come, germany's chancellor calls for fresh thinking the deal with africa's security issues. we will talk to the nigerian minister of industry about the prospects for the continent. that and more after a 62nd break. we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ brent: welcome back. our top story, police in russia had detained hundreds of anticorruption protesters at rallies across the country. alexei navalny was taken into custody shortly before a big rally in moscow. javier is here with the latest business news. javier: we're focusing on africa , as is the current summit taking place here in germany. this year has been declared the african year in the european union in germany is currently
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residing, they have also put africa high on the agenda. the g 20 africa partnership to place today. its goal is fighting poverty as it sees it as a cause of migration to hear. opening the conference, angela merkel says more needs to be done to improve security to the african continent. >> the partnership with africa is about economic development, but also concerns from owning peace, stability and security. so this means first creating the recent conditions of that economic activities can even occur. and i must say we also have to learn new ways of thinking, because for many years, development policymakers did not adequately deal with security issues. javier: that all sounds very good, but how? let's focus on aid, but more money.
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that is germany's approach. encouraging private foreign investment will take a lot more than handouts from governments. standing in the way is a lack of understanding from outside the continent, as old and often inaccurate cliches of broken countries persist. that is something participants of the conference are hoping to change. africa is undergoing a boom and growth. after all, 10 of the fastest-grgrowing countries globally around the continent. so what is holding german -- back? >> the financial -- that is a burden the companies have to bear by themselves. and in a year or two, can rack up costs of half a million euros. that presents -- prevents firms from getting involved. they want nothing to do with it. javier: the german government wants to encourage more firms to make the first step in invest in africa. it says that striking special
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partnerships with individual countries will provide more financial security. >> we want to improve the macroeconomic, the entrepreneurial, and the financial conditions for investment. two create jobs and increase growth. -- to create jobs and increase growth. reporter: the finance minister says that is europe's interest in africa does well. the world bank and the international monetary fund are offering to pitch in. some firms say politicians don't understand them. >> creating good jobs is key and politicians have to strengthen their support for us rather than just saying do this project so we can curb migration. instead they have to say midsized firms, we will give you this kind of backing or support so you can do these projects. reporter: german firms a say they are ready but only if the conditions are right. javier: it is a very bold project. earlier i spoke to the nigerian
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minister of -- okechukwu enelamah. i asked him if betting on investments truly is the right approach to keep african economies growing. mr. enelamah: for the most part i'm a yes. -- most part, yes. i would say that if you look at investment flows in the private sector, you have to be much more relevant and significant compared to aid. in the case of nigeria, where we have a very viable and compelling economic story -- in any e event, we had made heartening with the private sector for developmement. this whole g 20 approach is very consistent with our own economic strategy and approach to development.
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javier: for this project to succeed come all g 20 nations have to work together. the question is will they agree? let's go now to jens korte on wall street. the u.s. has clashed with other g 20 members on a variety of issues. but this is supposed to be supported by private investments. do you see u.s. companies heavily supporting african nations? jens: you don't have to ask the current government for more aid. when it comes to u.s. cooperation there is a willingness from infrastructure companies, energy, oil, gas, some telecommunication, social media companies who are willing to spend. but if you look at general -- in general at u.s. and african trade relations, if you look at the sub sahara zone, roughly trade in the amount of $40
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billion. china come in comparison, is having -- china, in comparison, is $300 billion. the u.s. in general probably has not been that strong in africa in the past couple years. we will see that is going to change in the near future. javier: we certainly will. in the meantime, the second date in a row with a selloff of tech companies. what is happening there? jens: pressure continues. nobody knows for sure what is going on. yes, there has been a comment from goldman sachs on friday that maybe the run in tech stocks has been too high. nobody is really talking about a bubble or possible crash as wewe have seen around the year 2000. but for a second consecutive day, pressure continued.
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apple, by far the biggest loser in the dow jones industrial average. we have seen the two worst days for tech stocks since september. that is a big question, if this continues or if markets might ease in the next couple days. javier: jens, thank you much for the latest. that is all from the business desk. now back to brent with some tensions in the middle east. brent: that's right. international efforts are being stepped up to try to and the confrontation between the nation of qatar and other arab states. the un's secretary-general and the prime minister of pakistan are trying to help and the standoff. -- end the standoff. arab states have cut diplomatic protests for what they see as qatar's support for extremists. reporter: this is normally a bustling border betwtween qatar and saudi arabia.
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another day with hundreds of thousands crossing the only land border in qatar. frustration is growing. >> qataris and goaoal citizezene affected alike. qataris are affected because they are unable to maintain family ties with relatatives in saudi arabia and other countries. reporter: gas-rich qatar has been accused of funding terrorism by saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, and egypt. they have all caps ties. kuwait has been acting as a mediator. qatar has denied the charges and said restrictions violate international law. it'ss friendly relations with iran have also been a factor i n the blockade. in response to shortagages, tetn has someme food anopenenedts airspace to the national carrier, qatar airways.
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the qatari foreign minister is french counterpart in paris as part of a dramatic initiative -- diplomatic initiative. >> qatar is willing to sit and negotiate and discuss what the effects are on security of the gulf countries. if we are interfering -- this is something known has the right to discussion -- discuss. reporter: the crisis could have far-reaching effects in qatar. the construction of stadiums won't be affected for the world cup. fifa is hoping the situation will return to normal. brent: if you are a fan of football and golf, we have the perfect pastime for you. footgolf. it held his first major
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tournament of the season in the netherlands, the capital cup. reporter: for the fledglingng spsport of footgolf, this was the biggest event in its short history. men and women competing alongside each other. the hybrid sport sees players score points by kikicking regulation footballs into oversized golf holes. there was plenty of skill on show with foot golfers driving and putting their way up on the course. and the major came to a germanic close as two squareded off in aa plplayoff after r they both find 1111 under par.. he came out on top to claim the 3000 euro prize. while the course's green keeper
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will be pleased, for golfers and france will look forward to the next major in paris under this month. brent: you do have to wear those football golf socks. here's a reminder of top stories. police and russia have detained hundreds of anticorruption protesters across the country. opposition leader alexei navalny was taken into custody shortly before a big rally in moscow. after a short break i will be back to take you through the day. we will see you then. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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anchor: you are watching live from paris on france 24. french politics turned upside down as the party created less than a year ago -- with ,raditional parties across macron morning about the consequences of a weak opposition. asdreds arrested in russia towns and cities turn out to march against corruption. vowing to take on next year's elections. this mess andnto i will be the one to get us out. prime minister there m


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