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tv   France 24  LINKTV  July 7, 2017 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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>> welcome to france 24, you're watching live in paris, it is 1 p.m. in the french capital. the headlines this hour. the g 20 summit kicks off in hamburg, germany where authorities are bracing themselves for protesters. the world pass attention will focus on the later today -- on the meeting later today between donald trump and vladimir putin. the worst outbreak of prison violence in mexico in years. inmates found dead in the
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maximum-security prison in acapulco. -- clashinghell with the current administration over donald trump's conflicts. ♪ >> first, the eyes of the world had descended upon hamburg, germany as the g 20 summit gets underway. leaders of the world's most powerful nations are gathering to discuss issues ranging from trading climate change to counterterrorism. however north korea is bound to make its way onto the agenda with the leaders of japan, south korea, and china president. the focus will undoubtedly be the meeting between donald trump and the russian president vladimir putin. for more let's go across to robert parsons standing by in hamburg. good afternoon.
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what are we likely to get out of this meeting? our trump and putin likely to see i to eye on anything? >> that will be adjusting. we don't really know. this has to be one of the strangest meetings, a russian and a u.s. head of state, for many decades. bear in mind that donald trump himself has gone on record in at least two occasions saying he is never met vladimir putin before, to saying they got on fine. so what it is we don't know. it could be the first meeting between the two men but it may not be. issuesly the substantial -- at the back of everyone's mind is the question of to what extent did the russian government metal in the u.s. election? and how is trump going to deal with the? what will -- how is trump going to deal with vladimir putin?
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the body language will be strange. president trump has thrown mud at a series of domestic and international leaders. he is always withheld from criticizing president putin. despite the adversarial relationship between the united states and russia over the last year. the question is, why? does president putin have something on him or not? >> yesterday while in poland donald trump had tough words for moscow -- for warsaw. i think in part given the nature of the relationship between poland and russia, that is probably true. i don't think that would have been the main motive for donald trump during that meeting in warsaw. at thet important thing moment is how he is being received in the united states. the senate has recently called
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for more sanctions against russia by a huge majority. forng them into a corner what he does in relation to russia. that is much more important. how is being perceived in the united states. he cannot afford at this stage to make more concessions to russia. that is frustrating to vladimir putin who at hope that donald trump would be a much more amenable president than barack obama. theng for instance that united states would back away from sanctions on crimea in eastern ukraine. that won't happen at least because of what the senate has done and he was hoping for a much friendlier relationship on issues like national interest. it will be much tougher for donald trump to give any ground. whatever happens, for vladimir putin this is a win-win. he will look like a man who is more organized. he will propose suggestions on syria and north korea and it
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will be difficult for donald trump to concede to those suggestions without appearing week. >> thank you very much for that update. soldiers have 26 been reported killed in egypt's northeast peninsula. a car bomb went off at a military checkpoint and masked militants who were on foot opened fire. no group has claimed responsibility. hundreds of soldiers and police have been killed since 2013 in north sinai claimed by the islamic state. amnesty international calls it a grotesque abuse of power. 10 people including the local director of the rights group have been detained in turkey. they are suspected of belonging to a terrorist organization. since the failed coup, turkey has arrested thousands of people. hundreds of teachers and public servants have been dismissed. >> the director of amnesty international in turkey is being held within these walls at
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istanbul's police headquarters. on suspicion of belonging to a terrorist organization. staff andmbers of the others who were detained by turkish authorities while taking part in a training workshop on an island south of the capital. >> they decided to detain them and issue a ban on lawyers. she could not meet them during that time. we cannot get any information. today we learn that they extended the. of detention for another seven days. we were not told why. the organization is demanding the immediate release and that members raise the issue with erdogan. the g 20 liters is that he cannot be allowed to go scot-free. basically completely breaking every norm. and attending the leaders meeting as if nothing is happening in turkey. they are on trial. he has to be called to account. turkey remains under a state
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of emergency imposed after a failed coup in july of last year. officials insist they are acting within the law but critics say it is an excuse to round up opponents of the regime. the u.s. state department and the european union have expressed concern over the arrests, saying turkey must respect the rule of law and the right to fair trials. >> time to take a look at other stories. over 2700 migrants living in the north of the french capital have been evacuated. they had been living there since last november. charity groups stoke -- charity groups took part in the evacuation. the most promising talks to reunify cyprus collapsed in the early hours of friday morning. the process was seen at the best chance to unify the island which was split between greece and
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turkey since 1974. according to the united nations, the week of talks failed after the two sides failed to overcome final obstacles. bahrain, the uae, and egypt have issued a fresh warning to qatar, promising to enact new measures against the state. this after qatar refused to give in to the diplomatic crisis. at least 28 inmates have died in acapulco, mexico after a fight broke out between rival gangs in the maximum security prison. corpses were found there the jail and according to authorities, four were decapitated. it was the worst case of prison violence in mexico in years. cruces prison,s the mexican army is in place
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with backup. two helicopters are in place betweenmutiny broke out rival gangs in the maximum-security wing. among the dead, several were decapitated. it was a fight between inmates resulting in 28 deaths in three different kitchen areas. the incident was started by rival groups in the prison. >> relatives of prisoners gathered outside. some toward an offense to gain access to try and find out what they could. want to know how our family members are doing. the authorities don't want to tell us a thing. , thee two brothers in jail situation is bad, they were supposedly safer here but they are not safe. >> acapulco is the biggest city in the state, one of mexico's lawless, and the center of mexico's opium
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production. the private attention centers are often hit by riots and new knees. violence sincest last year. --the u.s. government's x ethics chief has handed in his resignation. he repeatedly clashed with the current administration over donald trump's conflict of interest. towel onng in the being donald trump's ethics watchdog. the head of the ethics office explained in an interview why he is resigning. >> i feel like i have achieved all i can under the current circumstances. >> on thursday he sent this letter to his boss. he said it has been an honor. he was the government's top ethics watchdog.
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at an office that was created after watergate to help officials avoid conflicts of interest. the election of trump, he had his hands full. he encouraged the trump family to divest their business interest. an ethical gray area quickly made headlines when a trump advisors, kellyanne conway, urged the public to buy it longer-term posh shoes. this is not the sole issue. it is also a lack of transparency. >> i cannot know what their intention is. the effect is that there is an appearance that the businesses are profiting from his occupying the presidency. whethert doesn't matter they are profiting are not, america should have the right to know what the motivations of its leaders are. >> president trump may now name a new director of the ethics
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office or he may leave it unfilled. a move that could be seen as a quiet way to neutralize the government lobby. >> the paris chamber orchestra is headed outdoors for summer fun. paristion on a balcony in , they will be performing this friday in what is a stunning mix of sight and sound. classical instruments blending with the noises of the everyday. take a look. ♪ >> a concert in paris. stunning alchemy. -- balcony. is overworkede and has been building noises with classical tunes. as a dialogue between the building, the residents, and noises in the building. putting symphony violins with babies crying,
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clarinets with the lift going up and down, steps in the core door with the sound of the drum. radios being turned on. >> essential to the composition, illinois is mixed with words -- building noises mixed with words spoken by the residence. a challenge for the paris chamber orchestra musicians. >> there is difficulty doing this. we hear in our headset a clicking sound that set the tempo. there is no conductor. that makes it more difficult. >> this is pure joy for some. >> this has attracted so many people and at the same time it is high quality and really original. i love it or it i am a musician so i like it even more. >> the paris chamber orchestra next takes the gig to marseille in october before going to belgium, ouster, and the united
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, austria and the united states. composer electronic pierre, died at the age of 89. they will be celebrating his work in october. ♪ >> it rang like an anthem. 's mask for modern times became an instant hit. born in paris in 1927, henri learned the pno and the drums -- learned the piano and the drums very young. he was the first composer to use computers in his music. a revolution. >> i like the noise. i imagine in my head.
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it is no longer noise, it is sound. noise is an ugly word. is sound brought him to bigger and bigger audiences. the beatles admired him and fat boy slim famously remixed is most popular song in 2000. electronic music has lost its founding father. ♪ stories -- the g 20 summit kicks off in hamburg, germany where authorities are bracing themselves for a hundred thousand protesters. the world's attention will focus on the meeting between donald trump and vladimir putin. the worst outbreak of prison violence in mexico in years. 28 inmates found dead. ethics. government's
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chief hands in his resignation. with they clashing administration over donald trump's conflicts of interest. time now for the business news. we are starting out with a top story at the g 20 summit, where international trade is a large part of the agenda. >> world leaders currently meeting every of their facing the difficult task of trying to find consensus on international trade at a time when the u.s. seems to be pulling further back from multilateral free trade agreements. while g 20 leaders fly the flags of free trade president donald trump is looking increasingly isolated. after turning his back on the international community by pulling out of the paris climate accord, his protectionist stance has been roundly criticized. >> strongest power wanting to be it is the strongest
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power saying only america, remaining the strongest power. it becomes more -- less important. >> in january trump abandon talks on the transpacific partnership, a deal which sought to tray or -- tear down barriers among the groups. own, has struck out on its seeking a free trade deal with the european union on thursday. ahead of an informal meeting with trump on the eve of the summit, german chancellor angela merkel reaffirmed the group's commitments. >> we have our agenda here. there are different ideas about globalization. we will now see what we can achieve together. i believe globalization can be shaped in a way that makes it a win-win situation. that doesn't necessarily have to be losers where there are winners. expected to break
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with tradition this year by not signing the anti-protectionist pledge routine at g 20 meetings. >> turning out to australia were tesla is set to build the world's largest lithium-ion battery in relation. tesla is partnering with french renewable entry -- renewable energy,-- renewable which will focus on renewable power. they have been pushing to fortify the power grid since a caused a massive blackout. energy crisis have led to soaring electricity prices. tesla ceo elon musk says his company will deliver the new system within 100 days or it will be free. he emphasized the massive scale of the project. largestwill be the factory installation in the world by a significant margin. this is a hundred megawatt battery, the next biggest is 30 watts.
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it is three times as powerful as the next biggest battery installation in the world. contracted during the that we be held to the 100 days where it is free. -- the 100 days or it is free. >> the european indexes trading down for the day. investors keeping a cautious eye on news coming out of the g 20. new data suggest a drop-off in industrial outlets and a widening u.k. trade deficit. our, --retail giant carf investors are skeptical. deutsche,ine maker down 15%. that is weighing on the frankfurt dax. of the business headlines. samsung is indicating rougher -- record profits for the quarter. from theose 72%
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previous year beating estimates at rising prices -- as rising prices help boost the margins. early in the week samsung said it would invest $19 million in south korea to expand memory chip production lines. ithaway energy announced will acquire encore delivery company, based in dallas texas, it is one of the largest power networks in the u.s. it says it will pay $9 billion in cash for encore's bankrupt parent company. the june cybertek could take a chunk out of profits. attack, italware could cut 3% out of the revenue growth for the second quarter. u.k. consumer goods make records, expected to take 110 million pound hit from the attack.
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for business and novel approaches, to collecting taxes in norway. the scandinavian country introduced a new option to its tax code. voluntary contributions. if you want to throw in a little extra, you are free to do so. norway has been hit by an economic shock with the recent humble in global crude prices. leaving the government to cut taxes and dip into the sovereign wealth fund. left wing politicians objected to the tax cut so the government added the optional extra tax for those who want to chip in more. norway already has some of the highest taxes in the world. so far they've collected the equivalent of around 1300 u.s. is abouthich in oslo the price of a large pizza. >> i'm sorry, who wants to pay extra taxes? >> you don't want to? >> no i don't. time now for the press review.
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♪ studio.oined in the >> hello. >> you're starting out with the g 20 summit kicking off in hamburg. >> the violence is overshadowing the summit in the last few days. the summit kicks off today but in the german press all they are talking about is the violence we saw late on thursday. ports, you see this war language usage widely spread. sunshine, music, and a great panorama was transformed within minutes to a battlefield with pepper spray and water cannon. this before the g 20 summit even kicks off. yet it kicks off under a cloud of criticism, according to the german version of huffington post. the publication says the world finds itself in an awkward position. korea,e crises -- north
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a territorial dispute in the south china sea, amidst accusations of russian meddling in foreign elections. large world were a family, it is high time that everyone sits down at one table, even if they don't want to. even minimal consensus would be a success at this point. >> there will be different personalities at the summit. will have to try and blend together even if they don't see i tie. -- even if they don't see eye to eye. >> we don't know if it will turn out that way. we know if -- we know angela merkel met with donald trump early. the conference began on a high note when trump and merkel met, they didn't shake hands. they both looked like they would rather be anywhere else. yesterday the chancellor extended her hand to donald trump who answered with a firm grip, proof that if merkel and trump can shake hands then maybe
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anything is possible that the g 20. >> donald trump will be meeting vladimir putin in a whole world that -- in a meeting that the whole world will be watching. donald the first since trump became the president of the united states. it is being called a testosterone fueled face-off. yesterday in warsaw, trump set the tone for the future meeting. he criticized russia's for next entities like supporting hostile regimes. the cost of perceived weakness could be high for both combatants who have this image of masculinity. dominating the conversation will jong-un.korea and kim >> the showdown between trump and putin is a tradition between the u.s. and russia. >> this sets the tone for a new
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u.s. president and how he will deal with russia, they have a love-hate relationship. looking at past meetings with former presidents, bill clinton in june of 2000, was businesslike and congenial. , bush wase bush accused of being too friendly with putin and lastly in 2009 with barack obama where the pair met in a meeting that was described as amicable and cooperative. >> climate change will also be a hot topic at the summit. here in france there are is a lot of reaction to the government's announcement that they want to ban diesel cars by 2040. >> that has thrown everyone for a loop. that is what the ecology minister said yesterday. is it a realistic project? that is a question that we are
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asking. the newspapers are daring him to put his money where his mouth is. many association say they welcome the good intentions but they find his project lacking details. >> this decision is also drawing reaction across the channel. , a rathere telegraph sarcastic and scoffing tone, why don't you ban the compact disc while you're at it? claim should be taken with a grain of salt, he claims, but it raises questions. will it become illegal to unknowingly sell a petrol car? what about hybrid cars? that use electricity and petrol. these questions remain unanswered. the date is so far off that we
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might as will be in the next century. a lot can change between now and 2040. >> challenges faced in another profession. acting. >> hollywood continues to be plagued by its lack of diversity claims. two asian origin actors from the police show hawaii 50 have quit the show over an equal pay struggle. they will not be taking part in the show's eight season. they were reportedly earning 10% to 15% less than their white colleagues. salary raises were refused. the actors left of their own volition despite being act -- despite being offered handsome raises. facebook, offering solidarity. >> good for them. thank you very much for that. you can find previous editions of the press review on our
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website, , continues after a short break. stay with us. ♪
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carolina miranda: to many outsiders, culture in los angeles is something that begins and ends with the movies, but the city has always been home to radical voices and new ideas that have stirred things up in art, inin literaturure, in architecture a and urban life. in recent years, the city's artistic profile has grown bigger and brighter with new cultltural instititutions, n new approaches to art, and new ways of thinking about the landscape. join me as we hit some of the city's most important cultural nerve centers. i'm carolina miranda, culture writer for the "los angeles times," and this is "arrtbound." woman: los angeles is an infinitely inspiring city. it feels like you can n just e expe


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