tv France 24 LINKTV July 18, 2017 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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you like a it's on frustrate the full on your sunday the top stories this hour. us president donald trump in danger of abandoning a key campaign pledge he says he's deeply disappointed after the senate voted against the republic. to replace the affordable care act. german chancellor angela merkel joins amnesty international including for the immediate release of human rights activists being held in turkey. six are in place custody accused of helping terrorist organizations. and it does them a full french authorities what to do with returning to harvest the french wife of an isis fighter. detained in baghdad someone with a for small children .
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first it was a major cow. pledge for us president donald trump repeal and replace the health care no no. obamacare the republican replacement for the affordable care act was featured in the senate last night's all the democrats. increasing for republicans voted against the bill president trump says he's deeply disappointed nor best picture has more. every member of my the republican healthcare bill may have collapsed. but that didn't stop senate majority leader mitch mcconnell from trying to repeal obama's signature la. without a replacement. in the coming days the sun will take up and vote on repeal of obamacare combine. with a stable. two year transition period.
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as we work toward patient centered healthcare. the proposal would take coverage away from thirty two million americans by twenty twenty six according to the congressional budget office. get the plan barely had time to get rolling. before falling flat again. hours after mcconnell's announcements three republican senators said they would not vote such a measure. they said repealing the law without a plan b. would leave millions of americans without access to healthcar. echoing concerns from the democratic camp. our healthcare system would implode. millions would lose coverag. coverage for millions more would be diminished. our healthcare system would be in such a deep hole. that repair. would be nearly impossible. john mccain the failure comes as another blow to donald trump who had made repealing the affordable care act a priority of his four year term. the u. s. president seem to give up on the idea
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wednesday. and said the new plan was now to let obamacare fail on its own. fifty. manitoba ministrations has slapped fresh sanctions on iran today. this just one day after that the trumpet ministration said tehran was complying with the terms of the nuclear deal at least sixteen individuals and entities. are being targeted over alleged links to terrorism and to iran's ballistic missile program. during his campaign trump promise to scrap the nuclear deal with iran altogether and analysts say today's move. is about showing that he still planning to be tough on tehran letter expect to raise a scion in tehran and he said iran's leaders. who finding washington's position ambiguous? the reaction is the people you're not surprise maybe they're a little disappointed certainly been used as. what it comes the mixed messages coming from washington you can't get me more makes them this yesterday? out washington the truck but ministrations to certify the nuclear deal. aside back in two thousand
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fifteen essentially saying anyone is abiding by the terms. you're dealing today to turn around. and impose new sanctions if this and it's this kind of seemingly a ratty. inconsistent. approach when it comes to you bought from washington that has a lot of analysts convinced that. trump administration is divided and struggling when it comes to figuring out how to deal with iran and its challenges and it's certainly an indication. is it we've had birds and sweetest. countries ever since. barack obama former president left office donald's. came into office of course recall throughout his campaign. but now president dominance what about blasted the steel saying it was the worst you ever. get up we obviously haven't seen that. here's what we have seen every ninety days the top administration has to go to congress. and say whether iran is. abiding by the terms of the deal they've done that twice certified it twice first of april. now yesterday but immediately after that come out and
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impose. sanctions on individuals and. tease with alleged ties to terrorist activity criminal activity. iran's missile program. its longest there's uncertainty within the top administration every ninety days you can expect. another round of of sanctions i should point out that the i aea to you and say nuclear watchdog foreign leaders world powers. they have all said that iran is abiding by the terms of deal it's just u. s. that has this really a radically. you can possession right then and it and. these are the latest anxious just sixteen now individuals and entities targeted at i mean this is really. a. you know it's nothing compared to the weight of the sanctions on iran was on debt before i depart two years with those sanctions lifted. how's that been impacting the lives of of ordinary people in iran can you really see the difference. why i think many people expected to see more of a big difference up and it simply has it? happens.
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joblessness is still a problem were still waiting for foreign investment. and mickey say it is the u. s.'s position and the sanctions yes they're not as heavy. a drastic is the international economics and. but the sanctions against individuals are putting you scared many analysts say on international banks who are technically free. i do business with iraq but they're very concerned about the u. s. treasury. fine and that's why many say they're waiting for more consistent policy. from the u. s.. for they can get involved in the rock. and that's when many say once the international basketball that's when. or foreign investment that's it he has. but many runs. they decided that reporting from tehran a short while ago now russian backed rebels in ukraine. announced plans to create a new state within ukraine which they want to cool little russia. the rebel leader alexander as a coaching co of the self
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proclaimed donetsk republic said he would join forces with the other rebel held regions of lugansk. cancer has ridiculed the idea calling it a show put on by the insurgents. by that kremlin puppet moss's well for the latest on that switch or by a regional correspondent got of a crack in and over. by the city's went so far as to put forward to and these proposals it will they call the constitution out what else were they coming full. the constitution i think is a word document zeds about team pages but the key point that they make in the constitution is that. the way they see it ukraine has completely discredited itself i don't to be replaced entirely by a new state which then once called little russia so they don't actually just talking about. creating and you stay within ukraine they want this little russia to take over the whole of what is now ukraine and obviously the name little russia. is the name that the russian empire used to give to the cause of you crying that it controlled so it's clearly
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something that is designed. to provoke and infuriates and ukrainians also interestingly though with the leader of the author and self proclaimed separatist statements that controls a little bit in eastern ukraine so that he had heard about this plan and he was on board. with its toll even though alexander a constant on who put forward the it's i'm. a lot of people have been reacting by just ridiculing it and saying that these people have no power at all but as you sai. and they also said that you know this guy's a puppet and that what he does is directed by his kremlin puppet must this. and that would suggest that we ought to be looking here are some kind of intentions of the kremlin behind and this idea is moscow. but getting the separatists to put forward
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this plan trying to destabilize the peace process trying to send a message to the west that is not on board with the peace process anymore. there are a lot of people speculating about what the moscow is behind this and has had some kind of flat intentions are yeah. but limit britain spokesman it to meet you prescott said is completely converts optical design idea we've got nothing to do with it. unknown people think that that is the case that this is just so hard jingo perhaps thinking that by coming taking it seriously e of a but what it does do is it draws attention to the fact that there are. still areas quite large areas of ukraine under rebel control not under. the control of key and. that's a big leanza according to the peace deal signed in is going to thousand fifteen these areas
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was supposed to be given a form of autonomy but sufficient combat under the control of ukraine. once i broke the ceasefire had been put in place and all the heavy weaponry had been withdrawn. and basically not a class how to cease fires consistently violated almost everyday by both sides and that's really been very very little price it progressed what's implementing this peace plan. right out of a thank you very much and they got a crack then a relativea three hour meeting at the u. s. state department. a top russian official said the row between moscow and washington over to diplomatic compounds head coach almost been resolved.
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russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov had earlier slammed any preconditions by washington as unacceptable. it's about who should do it now it's like daylight robbery. they act like bandits on the road. how can you seize property which is protected by a by last to ratify document your love will startling you? this is not the way to behave. for someone's restores access to to diplomatic compounds in new york ends marilyn's that was seized by the u. s. in december. at the same time that thirty five russian diplomats were expelled by then us president barack obama. over suspicions of meddling in the twenties steam presidential election. russian president vladimir putin did not retaliate at the time. saying he would wait to see how donald trump which reacts off to taking office. russia threatened last week however to blot facilities used by the us embassy in moscow. prompting fears of * for tat escalation. the row comes as donald
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trump's team is under investigation over alleged russian collusion in last year's election. the kremlin has denied any involvement. the german chancellor angela merkel has called for the immediate release all of the human rights activist pete to start now who's being held along with five others in turkey. stored now and amnesty international's tacky director are among those being accused of aiding terrorist organization. because in a stumble has just ruled they must stay in police custody as thomas would have starved hopes. the tool is shots once again on human rights in turkey. amnesty international's country director steps into this president is stumble. along with five other activists before being ordered to remain behind pause. the rights watchdog has slammed back court ruling saying the truth and justice have now become total strangers in turkey. the message to them is we will fight for you until you are free. we're going to keep
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continuing to work that's the most important the reason we're in turkey is not to talk about ourselves is to talk about the rights violations that have been pestering this country. for a long time. judges in istanbul also ruled that four other activists could be released pending the outcome of a trial. but that's still under judicial control. amnesty saves all tan all suspected without grounds of committing a quotes crime in the name of a terrorist organization. without being a member. we ask the court which organization mrs we couldn't get an answer. during the questioning we asked many times again. but we still couldn't get an answer. the group were arrested on july the fifth as they took part in a digital security and information management workshop on an island south of istanbul. the techies presidents is convinced the group had a very different agenda. more in fact working against the government's comparing them to those involved in last year's failed military punc.
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honesty has describe the case is being a politically motivated witch hunts put shots a frightening future for rights in techie. well moving on to what has become a diplomatic headache full french authorities what to do with the jihadists fleeing the battlefield. after that defeat in mosul in iraq the french wife of a suspected isis fighter. has been arrested so we have four young children and the now being held in baghdad said there's no word on what happens to the next whether or not frogs will ask for their release most impala has the story. on the evening of july the eighth less than two days before the iraqi prime minister declared victory in mosul iraqi forces made a discovery in the hearts of the old city. the french wife of a suspected jihadists fall into and there for young children. that's according to an investigation by the french daily le monde. the french woman was found to have on her person photos
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a map of the battle and two phones including one belonging to her husband. his whereabouts are unknown. according to the mall and the woman known as m. said my husband was a tourist we thought that we could live in the islamic state caliphate without taking part in the war. it's true that he had a weapon but that's compulsory here. but no moaned also quoted a friend secret service sources saying they don't believe her story and they see her husband as a dangerous man. however the lawyer representing the family said the french government is chuci found to intervene. and i screwed up in the morning talk. she faces the death penalty in iraq frances abolished the death penalty and is calling for publishing across the world. the caldera few guarantees of a fair trial in arrived in that's not insulting baghdad to see this. five finally off to the absolute hell they've lived through the new these children would obviously be better off in
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front. absolutely. all false. last week the french foreign ministry said we do not question the possibility of iraqi authorities prosecuting french nationals involved in terrorist organizations in iraq. but no moaned understands that the french authorities working behind the scenes with a focus on getting the children out. if the family is extradited to france a similar case from earlier this year suggests the mother would likely face a. touch. would be taken into care. wildfires are continuing to rage across parts of europe and a particularly bad on the adriatic coast it today. and in southern france and north in portugal that strong winds and temperatures of up to forty degrees celsius. i'm making the fire is difficult to tell cats. all they can do is watch. as the flames lapped closer
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to their homes. these residents on the edge of the croatian city of splits were evacuated. as far as burning along the adriatic coast reached the suburbs of the popular tourist destination. the ministry and some civilians have joined in battling the flames. as the croatian prime minister called an emergency meeting. that are probably like to thank all of our firefighters and with those who are working day and night. we will activate additional reserves including the ministry to stop this wave of very unfortunate wild flies. in the middle of the tourist season one over. further along the adriatic coast neighboring montenegro has asked for international help to fight the blazes. has its own firefighters are hampered by strong winds. and across the adriatic sea some one thousand wildfires are burning around italy. including three close to the capitol. police in rome said they detained several people
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on suspicion of arson. meanwhile in southern france residents were evacuated from a village in the mountains above the coastal city of niece. and several hundred firefighters battled the flames. we don't get along with the but the fire brigade told us it wasn't over and even now it's flaring up again it's nerve racking. resorted to. in portugal to a wild fires burned around the northern city of the leisure all. roads were blocked as residents were evacuated and again hundreds of firefighters deployed. a quick one to know florence national headlines and they're fresh sanctions for iran today it's the trumpet ministration promises to get top on tehran but this comes just one day. after washington conceded iran was sticking to the terms of the nuclear deal signed to of the president obama. and so yes republicans are in danger of abandoning a key campaign pledge double trouble says he's deeply disappointed after the senate voted against.
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his plans to replace the affordable care act. and the dynamics of frogs what to do with it pretending jihadists the french wife of an isis fighter. it's being detained in fact at some of. cool young children. alright let's get you an update on the day's top this issue that i mean he's with the since you gotta kites home or i'm gonna start with nafta the north american. free trade agreement it's back on the table as a double trouble decides what he wants to do with it exactly gotten the seventeen page document unveiled. up by the u. s. traders at representative and in that list of of of priorities reducing the trade deficit with canada and mexico is top of the list. mexico has expressed concern about the focus on reducing that trade deficit but overall said the project contained no surprises. location coincided with the white house launching a buy america campaign. that's clear rush reports.
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is the trump administration gears up for nafta re negotiations the white house posted its first made in america week. we're here today to celebrate american manufacturing. and to showcase the amazing products from all fifty states. this showcase of american products is one way trump wants to boost u. s. manufacturing. but the white house is also looking further by reforming the nafta trade deal with canada and mexico. trump has called it the worst trade deal ever and promise to overhaul it. the documents and to lawmakers on monday by u. s. trade representative robert late heiser says the top priority is reducing the trade deficit with canada and mexico. but the renegotiation objectives outlined in the document would only make minor changes to the deal. among these would be a provision policing currency manipulation of first in the u. s. trade deals. inept arbitration panels would be given more power to oversee environmental and labor disputes. fine violators by imposing tariffs.
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canada's foreign minister christy freelings of the country welcomed the opportunity to improve the existing nafta framework. formal talks between the us canada and mexico could begin in as little as thirty days. the us congress will need to approve any changes to the agreement before they can take a fact. inflation in the u. k. dropped unexpectedly in june for the first time since october. prices rose that two point six percent down from two point nine in may. defying predictions that inflation would continue to creep towards the three percent. britains inflation rate has risen sharply since last year's brags that vote which pushed down the value of the pound. made imports more expensive producing consumers purchasing power. data could add pressure on the bank of england to raise interest rates from record lows. all the economists expect inflation to pick up again and continue to outstrip weak wage growth. the chicken on the day's trading action now negative close to the major european indices. for the one hundred in london it with about two
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tenths of a percent in the losses. kekionga dax both down over one percent. swedish electronics group ericsson dropping about fifteen percent is it reported deeper than expected losses. wall street is a bit more muted at this session with scene at some of the major indices crossing back and forth across the flat line there. adjust the nasdaq up about point four percent at one of its main shares at netflix about fourteen percent on strong user growth. investors around the world are once again watching washington saved from administration will have the political capital to push group. the forms of financial regulations and taxes. moving on some of the day's other business headlines no. us banking shares are under pressure this tuesday after mixed data from. its biggest lenders. thank america reported stronger than expected profit of ten percent to five and a quarter billion dollars. although it's trading business took a hit. goldman sachs had similar problems it's trading revenue dropped forty percent in the second quarter. although overall profits topped expectations.
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the defense contractor lockheed martin has raised its outlook for the second time this year. saying it aeronautic unit drive business. net sales rose by nearly ten percent to twelve point seven billion dollars for the three months from april to june. firm which produces the f. thirty five fighter jet has been criticized by the trump administration being too expensive. but it's ramping up production of those planes with orders for over three thousand. both countries. but the german automaker daimler is recalling three million diesel cars across europe. parent company of the mercedes benz and smart brands said it will invest two hundred and twenty million euros. prepare those vehicles to reduce their pollution. regulators are reportedly looking into whether the company violated emission standards. nigeria's government is trying to crackdown on tax evasion entries desperately needed public funds. africa's largest economy is a major oil producer and a suffered from a slump in global prices. it's also among the lowest
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tax collectors in the world just six percent of its gdp. but many nigerians admit they don't trust the government to make good use of their tax money. making the task harder still alexander hurst has the story. nigeria's government is caught in a catch twenty tw. tax collection means it doesn't have enough money to provide the public services its citizens want. but average people see little point of paying taxe. when they get so little in return. well it's when it's wet wet wet it's great to sit there waiting for. death but that's it. it will be great anything o. i'm here because you put up one. that will be subaru. what are they allowed to money very well i agreed to talk to? public finances are also under pressure from falling oil revenues which have dropped by a third since two thousand and twelve. at the same time at night sn
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more taxes. it hopes to do that by offering individuals a time window in which to pay their back taxes interest free. which nigeria says will bring in one billion dollar. but with eighty percent of workers engaged in the informal economy analysts say that expanding the tax base could be tough with drug is a cleaner with accessories that we still. cleveland ages away quit attacks the guys we knew. the guys would do apples the table businesses and way before my sector web wouldn't tax them today it's because that you think we know. but there are countless with us all day before my sick don't. it's money the government says will be invested in basic services and infrastructure. but in a country that ranks high and global corruption indices many nigerians are still skeptical. okay has unveiled its new ten pound notes the latest of the new polymer notes which is said to be more durable and harder to forge. notes will go into
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circulation in september and the featured the nineteenth century novelist jane auste. they were officially unveiled on the two hundredth anniversary for death at winchester cathedral where she is buried. some of the authors fans were also present or to take a look at that new bank note there. bank of england governor mark carney said the new notes will serve as as a collective memory for a country and its people. and help to celebrate the breadth and depth of achievement across the uk. ten pounds would have meant a lot to jane austen. about the same as a thousand pounds would mean to us today. ten pounds was half the annual allowance she received from her father while he was alive. as it was the amount that she was paid for. paid by her publishers. crosby inco for her first novel. his plastic nets have already proved controversial because they contain animal fat and this ten pound note also raising eyebrows. his it features a quote from a character in pride and prejudice who does not in
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07/18/17 07/18/17 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! pres. trump: i decided rather than terminating nafta, which would be a pretty big shock to renegotiate.e will amy: the trump has released plans to renegotiate the north american free trade agreement. they look surprisingly like the transpacific partnership, which trump withdrew from in one of his first acts as president. as the white hououse kicks off s "made inri
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