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tv   DW News  LINKTV  July 27, 2017 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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berlin. another car company found cheating on its customers. the german government ordered porsche to recall vehicles after discovering emissions trading software. is there no end to the scandal? also coming up,, president trump's tweet to bar transgender people from the military starks outrage. the u.s.'s top generals say there will be no change until the tweet becomes official policy.
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venezuela's government bans protests after clashes and deaths during a two-day nationwide strike. opponents of president maduro have been protesting againinst n oncoming vote on plans to rewrite the constitution. we will go live to caracas. ♪ brent: it's good to have you with us. tonight a newborn for the german car industry, and another allegation of cheating and ripping off the customer. this time it's porsche, the german transport ministry has announced a recall of the luxury brand's suv's after questionable omissions controlling software was found in models with 3-liter diesel engines. the recall will affect 22,000 vehicles in europe. those vehicles will lose their certification until they get a software update. >reporter: porsche knocked off
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its pedestal. until now the luxury brand remained relatively unscathed and the admissions scandal. the latest revelation that it installed chief software in its cayenne model prompted a tough response from germany's transport minister. >> we are demanding that porsche recall this model. since an inadmissible defeat device has been found in a car, they are withdrawing the -- with trying this model. that means no further cars can be put on the market. reporter: a ban on three later cayennes and the recall of vehicles across europe. neither will come cheap for porsche. >> the recall will cost millions but i think the bigger damage is
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what kind of image porsche comes away with after this. and, also, of course possible damage claims by people who have these cars, their efforts to get damage claims through on the volkswagen side, with engines having cheat devices. reporter: porsche's addition to the ranks of those who cheated only adds to the mounting damage being done to germany's car industry. brent: it seems to be the never ending story. my colleague helena humphrey joins us from the business desk. we've been here before, it seems like. how damaging is this latest turn in the dieselgate scandal? >> hardly damaging for porsche. highly damaging for isabella group -- for its umbrella group as well. remember when the dieselgate scandal came to light. at that point the ceo was forced to resign, and another man came in. now, it's emerged that porsche
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was also part of this, so people will be asking what he knew and when he knew it as well. brent: what about the fact that the german government says it will deny permits for the porsche cayenne? how bad is that? >> this is huge. it's the first time the german transport authority has made the move to revoke a permit. at the same time, the transport authority has been trying to calm water slightly by saying it will be easier to do a software update to make sure the cayenne is in line with emissions level. that does mean for porsche, 22,000 vehicles to recall, to refit, and i will be a considerable expense to them. consumers have also found out that porsche owners have a car with an audi engine. audis are the luxurious car but perhaps not as luxurious as that ultimate porsche. that could be a bit damaging to the brand image as well.
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the german environment minister is very angry. she has said that all top german carmakers must clean up their act. let's take a look about more of what she had to say in this report. >> first, the diesel emission scandal and now, cartel allegations. volkswagen had a lot to answer for during a visit by the minister our breath and excrete you the entire aututo industry o task -- barbara hendrix. she took the entire auto industry to task. >> it appears politis and industry got to close in this case and that may have led the automobile industry to become too sure of itself. reporter: this is the last straw, said the minister, and it's time for a change. she's calling for increased monitoring of the automobile industry. vw is now promising to refit 4 million cars, more than previously announced, in order to reduce harmful emissions. >> the auto industry is a
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jojor turningg point. away from cars, and towards mobility. and we will continue to do everything we can to influence this transition and to win back the lost trust of our customers and citizens. the two sides will see each other again next week at an induststry government summit in berlin, where germany's major carmakers will have a lot of explaining to do. brent: it seems like this is a scandal that never stops is the german auto industry. is it out of control? >> it's fair to say the end isn't inside a at the moment. when the scandal first broke in 2015 it was only volkswagen that was involved, it seems on a monthly basis if not weekly we are learning about another carmaker, specifically under the vw group, which was involved,
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and that means that three years down the line they are still talking about it. that means that three years loan -- down the line as well, carmakers have continued to fit cars with ththis software devic, which means they haven't taken heed from the cautionary tale which should have been volkswagen. brent: we will be back to you in a few minutes for more business news. now we turn to the fallout over u.s. president donald trump's transgender ban, his twitter declaration barring transgender personnel from serving in the u.s. military has provoked strong criticism. transgender people identify themselves as being a different gender to the sex they are born with. trump says they are disruptive and calls the army huge medical costs straight his surprise announceme h has throwown thousands of transgender soldiers into uncertainty. america's top generals say there will be no change in policy until the tweet is made official . reporter: as trump addressed a
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group of scouts in the white house gardens, he probably thought it was the one place he'd be safe from questions about his latest policy announcement. [inaudible] reporter: the president's announcement made through a series of twitter posts as upended decades of effort to eliminate barriers to military service on the basis of gender identity. after consultation with generals and military experts, the united states government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the u.s. military. our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. reporter: trump's announcement is a reversal of barack obama's policy allowing transgender people to serve openly in the military. during trump's election campaign last y year, he had promised he
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would also support transgender rights. the white house spokesman was on the ropes. >> the president has expressed concerns since this obama policy came into effect but he's also voiced this is a very expensive and disruptive policy and based on consultation he's had with his national security team, came to the conclusion that it erodes military readiness and unit cohesion and made the decision based on that. reporter: but house democrat leader nancy pelosi contested claims the transgender service personnel were a source of great expense. >> the pentagon spends five times more on viagra than it does for transition related care. five times m more on viagra. reporter: neither trump nor the white house have specified how the ban would be implement it. brent: you want to find out how
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this is affecting the people targeted by the president's tweet. jennifer long as a transgender veteran who served in the u.s. army. she's in new jersey tonight. she joins us from there. jennifer, it's good to have you on the show. before i ask you about this announcement from the president, tell us why you decided to join the u.s. military. >> i joined the milititary, he s part of ththe legacy of my fami, many members of my f family had served. i did as a way of following in thatat lead. i i also did it as part of asserting a sense of masculinity. i questioned my gender identity from a very young age. brent: what went through your mind yesterday when you heard about the tweets from the president and this new ban on transgender people in the military? >> it first was utter shock. asas you can imagine, being a blow, right now too many of us
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is right now, 15,00000 u.s. service members across all branches who are affected by this decision that came out on the twitter feed today. brent: are you in touch with transgender military personnel who are currently on active duty? >> yes, i am. we are a smamall community, as u can imagine, and we are well connected and we talk often. in that, everybody is very concerned next and how this decision that wawas pushed out, and when it becomes official, but the impact is beyond their service. brent: what are they telling you? as you say, we've heard there's a ban, but it seems like there's a ban without a plan. >> it is a ban without a plan and that's what makes it heart-wrenching and unpredictable or the service members themselves, if the discharges are going to happen,
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you're looking almost overnight for the military to have a force reduction off 15,000 soldidiers. those soldiers themselves are worried. their careers are going to come to an abrupt end and may not end well. there may be discharges of less than honorable for service. that has far-reaching consequences in the civilian world for that. everybody right now is extremely worried, as you might imagine. brent: there has been a very impressive amount of support an outpouring of support across all realms of society for transgender military personnel. i know that's heartenening for you, but do you think it's going to make a difference? >> itt may. you k know, that's hohow the momovement s started in the beginning, to lift the ban. it went with many folks a across both aisles of the u.s. legislature, andnd within the
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service membmbers anand organizations, questioning the ban and trying to find a way for service, g getting that titimeih the obama administration, to lift the ban and allow open service, so there was a lot of work and a lot of folks that showed support and interest in that happening. the united states isn't really breaeaking ground h here. therere are right now 14 of thee nations thatat have open trans service. someme of our closest u.s. allis have open service. it's not an issue for their forces as far as readiness. brent: that was jennifer long, a transgender u.s. military veterans speaking to us earlier. here are some of the other stories making headlines around the world. muslims in jerusalem returned to pray in the al-aqsa mosque. for the first time in two weeks, but the situation rapidly turned into renewed unrest with israeli
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police using rubber bullets and stun grenades. dozens of people were injured in the clashes. russian president vladimir putin says russia would be forced to retaliate at some point if washington presses ahead with new sanctions. he says the respond -- response would depend on the text. putin, on a visit to vineland, described the u.s. sanctions as extremely cynical and attempt by the u.s. to safeguard its own geopolitical interests. a british judge has ordered the terminally ill infant charlie gard be transferred to a hospice and the ventilator that keeps him alive be turned off. the 11 month old an extremely rare genetic condition that causes progressive brain damage and muscle weakness. this and his parents' hope that he could be kept alive for a few more days. you are watching "dw news" live from berlin. still ahead, violence in
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venezuela, clashes and deaths as the opposition stages a two day nationwide strike. they are protesting against an upcoming vote on plans to rewrite the constitution. you will go live to caracas. helena will go back with me for the latest business headlines. be back in 60 seconds. ♪
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brent: welcome back, you're watching "dw news tilde our top stories. the german luxury carmaker porsche becomes the latest company to make headlines in the dieselgate scandal. and now to venezuela. the government there has banned protests ahead of a controversial election at the weekend. anyone taking part in rallies could face up to 10 years in jail. the opposition says it will defy the ban. three people have been killed in the latest clalashes during an
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opposition led strike. the two day walkout was called to protest against president nicolas maduro's plan to hold elections for a constituent assembly on sunday. the assembly will rewrite the country has constitution. the opposition says that will strengthen the ruling socialist already's -- party's hold on power. let's get the latest from caracas. our reporter is standing by for us in the venezuelan capital. good evening to you. we have a country at a standstill, at least three more people killed in clashes. what can protesters rereally hoe to achieve with thisis latesest strike? reporter: basicalally what the opposition wants with yeststerdy and today's strike and tomorrow'ss march i ifor the governmentnt to cancel or suspsd the elections this weekend. but the opposition has been protesting for several months now, leading to more than 100 deaths and thousands of people detained. the oppppositioion has been protesting because of the food and medicine shortages, attttacs
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against congress, political prisonerers, and overdrdue elections. this constitution redraft would be the last straw for venezuela becoming a dictatotorship, but only in the eyes of the opposition, but also for many nations and international organizations as well. brent: we know medeiros is furious that the u.s. has sanctioned. will these punitive measures, will they influence the ououtcoe of the vote e over thehe weeken? reporter: that seems unlikelel i remember in 2015 the obama administration imposed sanctions on venezueuelan officialals as l and they were congrgratulated ad they were given high-ranking positions in maduro's government. the same thing happened yesterday. it w was in a televised event. publicly,, this is not affecectg it all the elelections on sundn. bubut it is a warning foror a looming natioionwide sanction on
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our oil revenenue and that w wod rereally affect everybody heree because it c compromises 75% of venezuela's income. the u.s. is still venezuela's biggest client. brent: if maduro succeeds in these elections -- you live there. you know how it is on the ground. a new dictatorship, what will that mean for the countrtry and the people?e? > well, it doesn't affect muh the crisis we are liliving right now. not only opposition, but also those critical to madururo said these measures will have little effect on the severe food and medicine shortages and the ininsecurity we're hing.g. itit's unlikely that will chang. this gives maduro more power in a movement t when his allllies e teaming upup with ththe oppositn to ensurure someme type of democracy, but expererts predic,
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and that could develop into nationwide sanctions that could really hurt people here in venezuela. brent: our correspondent reporting tonight from the venezuelan capital caracas. thank you very much. tonight police in pakistan have arrested the head of a village council for allegedly sanctioning the raping of a teenage girl. he is said to have allowed the action as retaliation for a rape committed previously by the victim's brother. making the retaliation is so-called honor rape. the police say they havee arrested 23 otother councill members in connection with the case. reporter: it was in this house where what has been called revenge rape took place. the village council leader allegedly permitted the rape of the 17-year-old victim as punishment for her brother's actions. he i is said to havave raped the neighbors daughter earlier in the month. police say they have made
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multiple arrests in recent days. >> there were about 28 or 29 culprits involved in the fafacilitation and m meetings.s. the main perpetrtrats s are noww behi barars. reporter: members of the village council were alleged to have gigiven permissision for t r ree rape in mid july. but the details of both rapes only came to light later when both families went to the police accusing the other family's son of rape. many local s say the council's actions were a a crime, but t ty also say pakistan'n's governmemt is partitiallyo blame.. >> whatever happened over there was wrong. it was because of illiteracy. there is no school or road around. it is the duty of the government toto bring educacation to thihia which would eliminate incidents such as these. reporter: but activist groups say a sanctioned rape and killings occur throughout pakistan and w while they are common in rural areas, they also
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take place in more developed urban areas too. >> we have seen thehem happening right t here in islamabad, this honor hkillings are done in islamabad and big cities like karachi. there are honor, dishonor killings happening everywhere. reporter: human rights groups are calling for a nationwide ban on formal and local councils. they want to see immediate improvement on an issue they see as a nationwide shame. brent: fancy ordering something online and receiving at that very day. if the latest in e-commerce and it's big and asia. is it realistic? helena: it's all about whether it actually works. amazon is introducing express delivery to singapore, it's the american e-commerce's giants first attempt into the searching online shopping market in southwest asia. it's a swipe at local competitor lozano which is backed by the chinese giant alibaba.
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amazon says it will operate a distribution facility in thee wewealthy island nation. it promises to deliver tens of thousands of items within two hours for frfree of customers spend at leaeast 40 singapore dollars. that's around 30 u.s. dollars. amazon and the news once again. let's get more from new york and speak to our financial correspondent, jens korte. is there anything stopping amazon? reporter: in the past couple of weeks amazon announced so many initiatives to disrupt more parts, especially of the retail industry, fashion, food, appliances and that costs money. we have the earnings report from amazon after hours that he was a huge profit miss that came out, $.40 per share. analysts expected $1.42. you will see if wall street is
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forgiving. we know from amazon that profit is not everything, revenue and growth is much more important and also better anyhow, since the beginning of the year the stock of 42% and now the initial reaction was quite negative. reporter: forbes saying amazon's founder is now the world's richest man. tell us more about that. jens: at least briefly on thursday, he was worth about $90 billion. he has surpassed bill gates, being the richest person on the planet. it's quite astonishing a year ago jeff bezos was worth about $45 billion. he just doubled it. 20 years ago we had about 140 billionaires worldwide, with a wealth of roughly $900 billion. today we have more than 2000 billionaires on the planet with a net worth of almost a trillion
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dollars. i would say we have a problem with distribution of wealth all over the globe. helena: i would say. jens korte for us on wall street. thank you very much. u.s. president donald trump's tough new sanctions against russia has europe's business community on edge. joint energy projects are at stake, in particular a new gas pipeline from russia to germany. some believe there might be an alter your motive to the measures. -- alterior motive to the measures. reporter: german exports to central and eastern europe are on the rise again. industry representatives say the success is threatened by u.s. legislation that provides for new sanctions against russia. >> we condemn the sanctions as unacceptable, should they come into force in this form. they have written germany has energy supply. they weaken our common position in dealing with russia. reporter: the measures would
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allow penalties not only for russian energy companies, but also their european partners. even pipeline maintenance would be sanctionable. the legislation targets the controversial pipeline project, and tended t to transport t rusn natural gas to germany, bypassing poland and ukraine. the law says europeans should instead buy liquefied gas from the u.s. >> they are introducing sanctions to further foreign-policy goals. it's a a legitimate policy instruments. reporter: the european commission in brussels already announced it will take countermeasures, threatening to further damage trade relations between the u.s. and the eu. >> are we on the brink of a trade war if brussels r respons? >> i wouldn't go that far. let's see h h the law c comes io foforce anhow w it's i implemen. i dodon't want to rulee it out. >> but some analysts in germany
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favor the sanctions. ththey say it's ultimately not just about business, but above all about putting pressure on russia to conform to international law. brent: after a short break i will be back to take you through the day. tonight, translated been without a plan -- trump's ban without a plan. it's never become easier to become recruited to be a terrorist -- been easier to become recruited to be a terrorist. ♪
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. first that he's the former press. georgia but today he finds himself. wanted at home for allegedly abusing power me causar really lost georgian citizenship when he accepted the offer of a government post in ukraine back in twenty fifteen. now though he's been stripped of his ukrainian citizenship ukrainian authorities claim saakashvili provided them with false information when he applied. but it does come off to a very public spat with the president of ukraine pet


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