tv Democracy Now LINKTV August 1, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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[upbeat ukulele music] ♪ all: bubble guppies! - hi. it's me, molly. and it's time for... - [snoring] - hmm. do you hear someone snoring? - [snoring] i hear it too. come on. gil, are you in there? - [snoring] - gilly? - wha? who's there? - [giggles] gilly, it's me. it's time for-- - hang on. i'm coming out.
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uh-oh. - what's wrong? - i can't get out. i think the zipper's stuck. [grunting] i got it. whoa! - gilly, are you okay? - it's time for bubble guppies! ♪ bub-bub-bubble ♪ gup-gup-guppies ♪ bubble bubble bubble ♪ guppy guppy guppy - bubble! - bubble! - - guppy! - guppy! clap! clap! all: bubble guppies! - i'm molly. - i'm gil. - i'm goby. - i'm deema. - i'm oona. - i'm nonny. - arf! arf! both: bubble puppy! all: ♪ bub-bub-bubble ♪ gup-gup-guppies ♪ bubble bubble bubble ♪ guppy guppy guppy - bubble! - bubble! - guppy! - guppy! clap! clap! bubble guppies! clap! clap! bubble guppies!
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- hi, there. - [snoring] - who's sleeping? guppies: he is. - yeah, he's sleeping in a tent. he's waking up. come on. - [yawns] good morning, deema. - hi. did you sleep here all night? - we sure did. rise and shine, crab scouts. - good morning. - good morning. - good morning - why were you sleeping out here? - we're camping. - camping? - that's right. we set up our tents and ate dinner around the campfire. - yeah, then we all sat around the fire and heard the spooky story called
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the legend of pinkfoot. - pinkfoot. - i like spooky stories. - and we made s'mores. - s'mores are made with chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers. i love s'mores. do you? - oh, s'mores are delicious. - mm-hmm! - okay, crab scouts, line up. forward, march. hup-two-three-four-five-six. bye, deema. hup-two-three-four-five-six. - bye. i want to go camping. forward, march. hup-two-three-four-five-six. come on. hup-two-three-four-five-six. hup-two-three-four... - hello. - hi. - hello.
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- arf! - hi. [together] good morning, mr. grouper. - well, good morning, everyone. - hup-two-three-four-five-six. hup-two-three-four-five-six. [all giggling] - we saw the crab scouts. they were camping. - oh, i like to go camping. - what's camping? - it's like a sleepover outside. - i like sleepovers. - you also get to tell spooky stories around a campfire. - i like spooky stories. - me too. - mr. grouper, what else do you do when you go camping? - let's think about what you do when you go camping. well, you stay warm when you sleep inside a... - sleeping bag. - that's right, and you carry everything you need in your... - backpack. - yep, everything has to fit inside your backpack.
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and when you go camping, you gather around the campfire and roast... - marshmallows. - marshmallows; then you can make s'mores. mmm, there's nothing like camping outside. - ♪ get in the car, drive out of town ♪ ♪ head into the great outdoors ♪ where the sky's the roof, trees are the walls ♪ ♪ and the earth will be our floor ♪ ♪ where there's a trail instead of a street ♪ ♪ and we'll use our feet to get where we're goin' ♪ ♪ camping out, camping outside ♪ ♪ camping out ♪ where the world feels wide ♪ camping out ♪ we'll let nature be our guide ♪ ♪ when we're camping, camping outside ♪ ♪ take in the view from a canoe on a lake or a stream ♪ ♪ you can breathe fresh air, use a rock for a chair ♪ ♪ drink water from a canteen
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♪ cooking s'mores by the fire ♪ as the moon climbs higher and higher ♪ - we're gonna get in tents. - ♪ camping out, camping outside ♪ ♪ camping out ♪ where the world feels wide ♪ camping out ♪ we'll let nature be our guide ♪ ♪ when we're camping, camping outside ♪ ♪ sleep under the stars, play songs with guitars ♪ ♪ bring your flashlight 'cause it gets dark at night ♪ - ♪ all right - ♪ camping out, camping outside ♪ ♪ camping out ♪ where the world feels wide ♪ camping out ♪ we'll let nature be our guide ♪ ♪ when we're camping, camping outside ♪ [cheers and applause] - before we go camping, we have to get supplies. come with me to the outdoor store.
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hello? is anyone here? i'm going camping, and i need some supplies. - supplies! - [giggles] - hi, welcome to goby's outdoor store. may i help you? - yes, please. i'm going camping. - well, you're going to need something warm to sleep in. right this way. i have three things to choose from: a moose, a sleeping bag, and a towel. - hmm, which one do you think will keep me warm while i sleep outdoors: a moose, a sleeping bag, or a towel? - a sleeping bag. - right, the sleeping bag. - excellent choice. a sleeping bag keeps you warm while you sleep. [thunder booming] uh-oh, sounds like it might rain. you're going to need something to get inside of
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so you won't get wet. lucky for you, i have some great items to choose from: a doghouse, a raincoat, and a tent. - which one of these things is the best to get into if it rains while i'm camping: a doghouse, a raincoat, or a tent? - a tent. - right; if it rains, i can get inside the tent to keep me dry. - another excellent choice. - thank you, and thank you for helping me choose the right camping supplies. - supplies! what time is it? both: it's time for lunch. - ♪ what time is it? [together] ♪ it's time for lunch! - ♪ what time is it? - ♪ it's time for lunch! - ♪ what time is it? - ♪ it's time for lunch! - ♪ it's lunchtime! - ♪ hey, what's for lunch? - hey, oona, what did you get for lunch? - a turkey sandwich and a granola bar. yummy. what did you get, goby?
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- a cheese sandwich and trail mix. what about you, nonny? - i got... a sleeping bag of chips? [laughter] - [laughs] [laughter] - it's a bag of chips. - they're asleep. - when you go camping, it's important to bring the right camping supplies. first, you need to take something warm to sleep in, like a sleeping bag. - got my sleeping bag. - uh, gilly, why don't you roll up your sleeping bag? - roll it up? - yeah, like this. it makes it much easier to carry. - that's a good idea. molly, look out. there's a wild animal in my sleeping bag! - arf! - does that sound like a wild animal to you? - arf! - no, that sounds like bubble puppy. - be careful, molly. - arf! arf! - ahhhhh! [laughter]
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- come on, we're playing camping. - we're roasting marshmallows. - we're going to make s'mores. - mmm, s'mores. hey, have you told the legend of pinkfoot yet? - what's the legend of pinkfoot? - the legend of pinkfoot is a really good spooky story. - i like spooky stories. - it's the story of a giant pink shrimp who lives in the woods and likes to eat s'mores. his name is...pinkfoot. [together] pinkfoot. - tell us the story, goby. - no, don't tell it yet, goby. - how come? - i want you tell us the story tonight around a real campfire. [together] tonight? - anybody want to go camping tonight? [together] i do. yeah. - come on. let's go.
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[together] yeah. all right. come on. - uh... you got everything you need? - what do you mean? - well, we're gonna need to take some things with us on our camping trip. - we have our backpacks on. - yep, but you're going to need something in them. - like what? - let's think about what you need to take with you when you go camping. we're going to sleep outside in the woods tonight, so we'll need to bring... - a tent. - that's right. and we're going to eat outside tonight, so let's pack some... - hot dogs. - and tofu dogs. - mm-hmm. - and don't forget: it gets dark at night. - that's right, so you have to bring a... - flashlight. - come on, put on your backpack, and let's dance. ♪ out in the woods on a camping trip ♪
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♪ so grab your water bottle and take yourself a sip ♪ ♪ everyone take a sip. drink. ♪ ♪ everyone take a sip. drink. ♪ ♪ everyone take a sip. drink. ♪ ♪ what else have you got in your backpack? ♪ ♪ out in the woods, yeah, it gets dark at night ♪ ♪ so you've got the power, so shine your flashlight ♪ ♪ everyone shine your light. shine it. ♪ ♪ everyone shine your light. shine it. ♪ ♪ everyone shine your light. shine it. ♪ ♪ what else have you got in your backpack? ♪ ♪ out in the woods, there isn't a bed ♪ ♪ so roll out your sleeping bag so you can rest your head ♪ ♪ everyone roll out your bag. roll it out. ♪ ♪ everyone roll out your bag. roll it out. ♪ ♪ everyone roll out your bag. roll it out. ♪ ♪ so that's what you've got in your backpack ♪ [cheers and applause] - line up, everybody! it's time to go outside! - come on! - outside!
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♪ outside, everybody, outside ♪ line up, everybody ♪ line up, line up ♪ line up my gup-gup-gup-gup guppies ♪ ♪ everybody get out ♪ get, get, get up ♪ get out, get everybody ♪ ♪ go outside ♪ here we go here we go here we go ♪ ♪ everybody line up ♪ here we go outside ♪ everybody, let's go, g-go go g-get out out ♪ ♪ out, out, out, out, out, out, outside ♪ bubble guppies! - i'm a moon scout. - i'm a moon scout too. - i'm a moon scout three. - once upon a time, there were three moon scouts who went camping on the dark side of the moon. - this is moon scout 1 coming in for a landing. ahh, the moon, the best place for a moon scout to go on a camping trip. - it's dark. - it's the dark side of the moon. both: but we're scared of the dark. - that's why i brought these flashlights.
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both: thanks. - and here is a flashlight for you. - just keep your eye out for the moon bear. - yeah, he likes to take flashlights. - no one really knows why. - [growls] - okay, moon scouts. let's go find a good place to camp for the night. forward...bounce. - so the moon scouts headed across the moon to their campsite. - this looks like a good place to set up camp. let's unpack our backpacks. - hoo-hoo! - what was that? - it's the moon bear. - i don't think it's the moon bear. let's shine our flashlights and see what's making that sound. hold your flashlight out like this. ready? flashlights on. - hoo! - it's just a moon owl. - hoo-hoo!
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all: hoo-hoo. - make the moon owl sound with us. all: hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo. - hoo-hoo! [laughter] - now let's unpack our tents and sleeping bags and finish setting up camp. - so the moon scouts finished setting up their campsite. [raccoon chittering] - did you hear that? - it's the moon bear! - i don't think it's the moon bear. hold your flashlight out like this. ready? flashlights on. - [chittering] - it's just a little moon raccoon. - aww, he's cute. - come on, moon scouts, let's roast some moon marshmallows. all: mm-hmm. - [growls] - did you hear that? - i don't think that sound was a moon owl.
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- and i don't think that sound was a moon raccoon. both: it's the moon bear! - [growls] - there it is again. let's shine our flashlights and find out what's making that sound. hey, my flashlight's gone. - gone? w-what do you mean "gone"? - how could your flashlight just disappear? - my flashlight's gone too. - so is mine. - we can't go camping without our flashlights. you still have your flashlight. help us find the moon bear. - hold your flashlight out. - ready? flashlight on. - [growls] - do you see him? - [growls] - there he is! you found him. - and he has our flashlights. - thanks for your help. - excuse me, moon bear. may we have our flashlights back, please?
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- hmm-mm. - please let me have our flashlights, moon bear. we need them. - hmm-mm. - yeah, it's dark. - mm-hmm. - don't you like the dark? - mm-mm. - that's it. the moon bear took our flashlights because he's scared of the dark. - it's okay to be scared of the dark, moon bear. - you just need a flashlight of your own. - mm-hmm. - you can keep one flashlight, moon bear, but you have to share the others with us. - ohh. - thank you. - arr-hee-hee-hee-hee. - i think he feels better. - would you like to camp out with us tonight, moon bear? - mm-hmm. [together] yay! - and so the moon scouts and the moon bear sat by their moon campfire and roasted... [together] moon marshmallows. - and they lived happily ever after.
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[cheers and applause] - when you go camping, it's important to bring a backpack to carry all the stuff you need. - yep, i packed all my stuff. got it right here in my backpack. - what did you pack, gil? - camping supplies: my tent, some hot dogs to eat, a flashlight. molly, i think there's something in there. it could be a raccoon. - [giggles] do you know what's inside gil's backpack? what? - arf! - a raccoon! ahhhhhh! there's a raccoon in my backpack! look out, bubble puppy, a rac... oh. - [giggles] - come on, you guys. we're going camping. - come on. all: hup-two-three-four-five-six. hup-two-three-four-five-six. - we're going to our campsite. march with us.
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all: hup-two-three-four-five-six. hup-two-three-four-five-six. ♪ when we're camping, camping outside ♪ yay! - ♪ and now it's time to roast some marshmallows ♪ ♪ so we can make s'mores all: mmm, s'mores. - yeah, and that means it's time to tell a spooky campfire story. all: spoooooky. - tell us your story, goby. - okay, this is the story of... pinkfoot. all: pinkfoot. - ahem... legend has it that when you go camping and the moon is full... [owl hooting] and if you make s'mores... then pinkfoot might come. and if he does... [crackling noise]
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- what was that?. - it's coming from over there. - maybe it's...pinkfoot. - everybody, get out your flashlights. help us find out what's making that sound. hold your flashlight out like this. ready? flashlight on. - it's the crab scouts. - hi, everybody. all: hi, crab scouts. - we thought you were pinkfoot. - whoo-hoo-hoo, that's our favorite spooky campfire story. sit down, crab scouts. - go ahead, goby/ finish the story. - well... and if you make s'mores on a night like tonight, when the moon is full, then you might get a visit from none other than... pinkfoot. isn't
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there a way to tell for sure whether that many people voted or not? is no way to tell for sure. the council is controlled by the government. one is from the opposition. -- there was a decision by the opposition to boycott. when you participate in an election, you have witnesses and you can contest the vote. all we have is an announcement of tururnout. we don't know how credible it is. we carried out independent exit polling and we got a turnout figure of about 19%. as with any polling, there is a conference --.
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the number could have been 42. assessment ofyour what has been happening in the last few days with this votote over the weekend? >> venezuela is in a deep and sustained economic and socialal and political crisis. venezuelan opposition took control of the national assembly. you have had deadlock between the executive, judiciary, and national assembly. we are talking about a situation in which a government was being asked to do something to break out of this crisis. to bring people to the table, to work on a revision of the constitution in a way that might help them break out of this crisis.
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the goal of the government was to put forwaward a legitimate process and the refusal of the opposition to participate in this election to boycott it, this is a strategy that has hurt them in the past. are trying toy delegitimize the process entirely. juan: the reports, most of the commercial press are showing what is going on, people protesting in the streets and scores of people being killed. reporting on who is being killed and who is doing the killing.
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many as 20 people have been publicly burned by opposition figures. orlando, on may 20, burned on the streets. thought to be a shop as supporter -- thought to be a chavez supporter. is it in some cases the protesters against the chav istas? some are dying at the hands of security forces, some are being cared -- killed around protesters. when people try to get to work, they are attacked. if you look poor or dark skinned, you are likely to be attacked. these cases, to be lynched, and you have had this campaign of sniper attacks which have cost several lives.
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we are talking about a battle in the streets. it i is not a matter of protests being lynched in the streets. that is whynt -- these protests have gone on for so long. if you ask people, they want the protest gone. political warlong in the streets. it requires a solution early. >> there is a confrontation. the violence is not one-sided. it is difficult to come up with tallies. there are snipers. who are these snipers? when there is political violence of this time, you cannot find
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out what happened until you have investigations and can understand the process that led to it. i don't disagree with that characterization. -- there aret allegations, serious allegations about torture. the whole district, a district of central caracas is a district in which opposition demonstrations cannot occur. becauses them to occur there is an opposition government there and they would have less authority. caracas, theyinto don't allow them to go into the city. haveimes the protests turned violent. the democracy and any well functioning society, people should be able to d demonstrate
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they are against the government. not just a is concern of security. there are serious limitations ' lives.t on venezuelans have the right to decide whether they want to revoke their president. faced that, hez went to the referendum and he won the referendum. maduro has not allowed the referendum to go through. there is nothing resembling a normally coherent argument about why it was that the referendum was stopped. the government alleges there was fraud, but they point to signatures which had already
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been accepted from the tally. there were enough signatures, thehe presumed fraud signatures, to move forward. maduro would lose a presidential election right now, according to every poll. the government knows that. that is why they don't want to hold elections. once we get restrictions on the ability to elect your leaders, we are talking about a -- of what we call democracy. it was a quick slide between the ability to recall your leaders, a rare phenomenon in the world. there has never been any restriction on the ability t to
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elect the venezuelan leader, but there has been an expansion of electoral freedoms. to have seen a recall referendum. the opposition was very halfhearted. the supreme court stopped the process on the basis of these claims of fraud. you don't slslide from t that io saying you have a dictatorship when i cannot recall trump, several leaders who are less popular than nicholas maduro. is r referring to the leaders of various other countries because their term has not been completed and maduro's term is completed next year. there will be electionsns. any reform that comes out of the assembly will go to a public vote. they have had more verified anywherections than
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large as venezuela, americaa has an interest in m making susure s stable. we are working hardd. i am careful when we talk about them. i wantnt to be carefeful with wi say. are h hopeful there can b be a transitionon in venezuela. the e cia is doing its b best to understand t the dynamicic s son commmmunicate to our state dedepartment and others. i was in mexico city and b bogo, talklking abouout this issssue,g help p them understand so they can get a better outcome for their part of the world. that was mike pompeo talking at the aspen institute last month. he has been talking with key leaders about what to do.
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thecisco, your sense of role of the united states in this. we seem to be portrayed as an observer rather than participant. >> the u.s. has taken an active role in the sense that the u.s. has been pushing for strong sanctions. we know from yesterday, the sanctions on president maduro, it is also imposed sanctions on a number of --. all of these things appear to be on the table. they are under discussion. the u.s. has been coordinating with other countries to make this a bit multilateral. sanctions imposed on government officials, these sanctions are not allolowing u.s. firms to do business with them.
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there were announcements by panama and colombia that they and they wouldte also frees the economy and individuals. up until now, individuals, it to the firm that generates most of the nation's. serious effect. >> your response to the world -- to the words of pompeo? >> it is unsurprising. this is nothing that changed dramatically. we have seen a desire to have an active role in removing the government from power, the question is how to do so effectively.
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bush was an attempt by the administration and it failed. the obama administration people into fund that. it is knows surprise to find this happening now. this has been the role for so long. any question of sanctions is only going to help maduro and stabilize the legitimacy of the government. it only burnish his the credentials. also, to be attacked by someone with low moral credibility such as trump is a gift to any political leader. you are being attacked by someone with no credibility or ability to say anything about anyone. arresests last the
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night? we see the video of them being taken out of their homes by venezuelan intelligence. >> these people were under arrest, they had been charged with a number of things, from conspiracy to inciting violence. whether the evidence is there for them to be held or convicted , it is a question. they have been charged with serious crimes. these are people who have been involved in mobilizations in the streets that have turned violent and continue to encourage these mobilizations. surprise to see this happening now. i am not sure it will help the but ital to waste and,
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is not as simple as the narrative being put forward. to talk about what is going on. the question is going to be how to deal with these questions and get people together to discuss these situations. i am sure these actions in the middle of the nigight will help. >> can you talk about the criticism of maduro from the left, not just the right? the attorney general who has now become an outspoken critic of the current policies of the maduro government. what is the nature of the criticism from the left? >> it isis wide range. some of these figures you have heard about and also, more
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importantly, we need to be clear about the fact this is a revolutionary process that has a range of social movements and revolutionary ggrassroots organizers. these are people who have not broken with the government, but are trying to figure out a way to press the government from the left. people are directing and managing the production on the local level. way toto figure out a leverage this government, to press it to the last and do it -- press it to the left. on the one hand, supporting , whileots organizers trying to ststabilize the political and econonomic systemn ways that are distasteful to foreignrning to
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corporations for investments. there is contradiction going on. many are dissatisfied. how toestion is stabilize the economy, how to deepen this process, create a venezuela canhich become more socialist and not less. thinkrancisco, how you the country should move forward. you are head of the congressional budget office. appointed by a bipartisan appointed -- appointment. you are critical of mandir. >> i tried too advise the maduro
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government to improve economic policies. as a venezuelan, the first thing i want to's the is to address these economic issues. been a a deteriorationn in living standards. there have been increases in mortality rates. a number of things are going wrong in venezuela. changes in policy could be carried out. we have a dysfunctional exchange rate system. the black market, these are sold for over -- for dollar. the government is trying to maintain an unrealistic price of foreign currency. with controlssive
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on any type of economic controls. been anyen't mechanisms. nothing was done in order to of the country. you didn't have international reserves, anything to use as a buffer. errors in terms of economic policy. withthank you for being us. we will continue this discussion. he headed the national assemblies economic and advisory office. this is democracy now. when we come back, we look at what is happening in korea and here at home with dr. jill stein.
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amy: el zapateado by las cafeteras singing here at our democracy now studio. to see the interviews and their performances, you can go to juan: we turn now to the korean peninsula where tensions are again escalating between the u.s. and north korea. on friday, north korea tested an intercontinental ballistic missile that experts say may be capable of reaching the west coast of the united states. north korea says the test was a warning to the united states to stop imposing sanctions against
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north korea. in response to north korea's test, the u.s. flew two b-1 bombers over the korean peninsula and again tested its alaska-based thaad missile defense system. the u.s. has deployed a similar thaad missile defense system to south korea, despite objections from local residents. amy: joining us now is former green party presidential candidate jill stein. she just returned from a peace delegation to south korea that was sponsored in part by the task force to stop thaad in korea and militarism in asia. dr. jill stein was the green party's presidential nominee in 2016 and 2012. welcome back to democracy now! >> south korea had their candlelight uprising. they impeached a corrupt and conservative president and have , whichtheir uprising
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continues to focus on the impacts of militarism and the sad missile system. missile system. they are calling for a peace treaty. -- korean war is not beently, north korea has ring off t the intercontinental ballistic missile. it is very frightening to other countries around the world. they have developed their nuclear weapons capability. this provocation. doing mockeen attacks with nuclear weapons for decades.
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we also o have a policy of a fit strike of f a nuclear attack against north korea. north korea has felt they have -- avelop a nuclear rapine nuclear weapon to stand a chance. it is dangerous. korea is in the crosshairs of this conflict. limited exchange of nuclear weapons could result in nuclear is prededicted to cause hundreds of millions of death around the world. it is not rocket science about how to fix it. andnorth koreans, russians, chinese have been clear about what they want.
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juan: you mentioned the changing political system in south korea. is there a chance for them to take action in terms of moving forward? trump is the , are theytion predicated to trying to stop any reconciliation between the south and the north? dr. stein: the trump administration is doing what it does. they seem clueless about how to proceed and with the chaos going on, it is queststionable about what they can do. voices --s -- sane or
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saner voices are beginning to be heard. is voicing a freeze for a freeze. freeze the war games in exchange for north korea freezing its weapons program. we have done this before. negotiations have worked in the past. freeze thee to weapons development program by sitting down and talking with north korea. george bush came in with his of evil. at that point, instituted a first strike nuclear policy against north korea and destroyed the trust and negotiations. we need to go back to that. it is like the cold war. we need to learn those lessons. the instincts are to fire up the missiles and bring in more of
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them. missile defense system, it is like we are taking the regime change paradigm from the middle east and we are trying to apply it on the korean peninsula. if you think it was a disaster in the middle east, now, add nuclear weapons. this is not going to work. we are heading towards a mushroom cloud right now. this is not your regime change in the middle east, which has been catastrophic enough. this is on a nuclear dimension now. koreanen the new south thaaddent is against the missile system. he called for immediate negotiations with north korea. what happened? goodtein: it is a
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question. the people of south korea are disturbed by this. there are strong demonstrations going on against him. it feels like he has betrayed -- people because he was initially, as president, he did and he has done a real turn around since his summit with donald trump and he has backed off. what is exciting now, there is an international coalition developing among peace in democracy groups between south korea and the u.s. we are trying to work at both ends of the proroblem. it has been an occupied peninsula. it has been a battleground for
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the past century. by japan andupied immediately occupied by the soviet union and u.s. of how peoplese regard the role of china? nottrump administration has stopped saying china needs to step forward and now, china has failed to step forward. approachects the u.s. to north korea. china does not want to see north korea destroyed. want a failed ststate don'their border and they want a u.s. client state onon their borderer, either.
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people want to get rid of the thaad missile system because they see it as very provocative to china. they have a concrete sense of how they can begin a process, they had an economic development , a joint program with the north koreans. they want to go back to that, take a step-by-step approach, starting with the negotiations for a peace treaty. amy: tromped said it -- trump said it will be handled, we handle everything. that?ssessment of donald trump is a symptom of a sick political system.
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what we see going on in the white house now, hearing -- youay, he reported reported lindsey graham is now instructing trump that if he continues to harass jeff sessions or tries to get rid of him, essentially, a get ready for impeachment hearings. to hear that from staunch republicans, that they are threatening him, lindsey graham is writing a bill to stop trump from dismissing robert mueller at the fbi. is a liability. he is a disaster. sparks are flying out of the white house now with the dismissal of the chief of staff. the incredible comments of the communications director.
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they have really become the laughing stock of the world. they are becoming aa big liliability to republicans. donanald trump is digging his on grave. he has been a lame-duck president. a grave danger because of what the president can do. on his waym to be out, which is a wonderful thing. remember, he got elected by supporters who were not voting for him as much as they were voting against hillary clinton and the neoliberal legacy of the democrats that have been throwing people undeder the bus. the bottom line is we are in an unstable and transitional political moment. the democratic party not been able to step up to the plate and
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an internal self-assessmement. is an opepen book right now. potentially a liberating moment. the democratic party has been trying to reform itself. it has not gotten there. the efforts to reform the dnc did not work. nancy pelosi is staying the course against single-payer health care. this would be the perfect time for democrats to push it forward. we need a political change. amy: there is a photo of michael
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flynn and vladimir putin together at a dinner in moscow. you are at that dinner and you are in that photograph at that table. you had a birdseye view. what were you doing there? was there to deliver one of the main messages of my campaign, war has failed in the middle east and we need a piece of offensive comes -- a piece of offensive. at the time, russia had just begun to bomb syria. my message was russia was in the disastrous footsteps of u.s. foreign-policy in the middle east. amy: how did you end up at the head table? all be forereign diplomomats were seated at the head table.
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there was no interpreter and no introductions made. celebration of 10 years of russia today? it was a celebration and a conference. there was media there from all over the world. to lift up aance onferent point of view policy. juan: you didn't get a chance to talk with putin. there was no interpreter. he walkeked in with people i thought were his bodyguards and they were his head of communications and chief of staff. dinner talking to the german diplomat to my right. he was the only person who spoke english. assessment of what has
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been made of that? mike flynn has a many contacts to russia and was paid $40,000, which he accepted from the russian government. i was not paid a penny and declined sponsorship for my room and board. i went without any conflicts of interest. nothing happened at that dinner. michael flynn has his own issues going on witith russia. own part, that picture circulates withohout fact. i was there with peace advocates who, unfortunately, we have to turn to russian tv. there are very few stations that cover peace candidates. amy: we will do par two of this
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(female narrator) in britain today we consume more fast food than ever before. it's cheap,p, not only that, it keeps me going every day. (female narrator) but how mumuch do we really knw aabout the l lives of ththe pee thatat make our r food? (jess) i never really think about where my food comes from. if it looks nice to meme, i just grab it and shove it in a shopping trolley. (femamale narrator) from top-class restaurants to low-costst supermarkrkes we're demanding and consuming more and more food from all over the world. malaysian and thai and oriental cuisine i love it. (female narrrrator) but would we feel the same if wenew the huhuman price of produducing our f food? (stacey) we want food that's cheap, and we expect it. but obviously, it's gonna come at some cost. (female narrator) over the last three weeks
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