tv Democracy Now LINKTV August 15, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PDT
8:00 am
♪ paw patrol, paw patrol ♪ we'll be there on the double ♪ ♪ whenever there's a problem ♪ round adventure bay ♪ ryder and his team of pups ♪ will come and save the day ♪ ♪ marshall, rubble, chase rocky, zuma, skye ♪ ♪ yeah, they're on the way ♪ ♪ paw patrol, paw patrol ♪ whenever you're in trouble ♪ ♪ paw patrol, paw patrol ♪ we'll be there on the double ♪ ♪ no job's too big, no pup's too small ♪ ♪ paw patrol we're on a roll! ♪ ♪ so here we go, paw patrol whoa-oh-oh ♪ ♪ paw patrol whoa-oh-oh-oh, paw patrol ♪ ♪ what a day, what a day ♪ to put on a flowered lei
8:01 am
♪ we'll be singing on the beach ♪ ♪ ooh, making our hips sway ♪ while we all laugh and play oh, yes! ♪ oh, what a day, what a day ♪ for a luau in adventure bay wow, mayor goodway, those hula lessons really paid off! thanks, katie, but i still see a purse chicken not dancing. come on, chickaletta. (clucking) ♪ hula with mommy (clucking) nice outfit, but it's a bit early for halloween, isn't it? this is a traditional hula skirt, mayor humdinger-- the proper attire for our luau to celebrate the opening of adventure beach! a luau? a hawaiian party! beach party? hah! what a silly idea. well, fine then, i won't invite you. you'll miss all the music and dancing. and the food! food?! (stomach grumbling) well, i suppose i could attend...
8:02 am
if you say "please." please?! why, i-- fine, i accept. when's dinner? pups, mayor goodway has asked us to be adventure beach's lifeguard rescue team. from our new beach tower hq, we'll be the sea patrol. but before you can save anyone, you have to earn your lifeguard badge. (all howling happily) we're ready, ryder. okay, pups, lifeguards are in charge of keeping everyone safe on the beach and in the water. and if someone does get in trouble, it's up to us to rescue them quickly. ready, set, get wet! exactly. so, i'll need you to save that guy-- mr. prickly. guy? that's a pineapple. that's why he's called mr. prickly. save him before my pup pad buzzes and you'll earn your lifeguard badge. (all cheering) rubble: lifeguard badge, awesome! okay, chase, you're first. race through the markers to mr. prickly, then put him in your rescue buoy and bring him back here.
8:03 am
i'll bring that pineapple head back before he can say "help." (whistle blowing) (barking, howling) (pups cheering) chase is on the case. (barking) rescue buoy. hang on tight. zuma: you did it! yay, you did it! rubble: awesome! you finished with lots of time to spare. you've earned your sea patrol lifeguard badge. skye: wow, way to go, chase. rocky: way to go! okay, next pup. (cheering) marshall! oh, yeah! great! you made it just in time. rocky, you're the only one left. that's okay. i don't like getting wet. you can't be a lifeguard without getting wet, rocky. hmm. we'll see about that. ready?
8:04 am
(blowing whistle) oh! (barking) rescue buoy. see? nice and dry. cool rescue technique, but if you want to earn your lifeguard badge, you have to swim. how 'bout if i be a land guard instead? i know you can do this, rocky. but if you don't feel up to it now, you can try later. mr. prickly will be waiting for you. come on, pups. it's time to get out of uniform and go party at the luau. (all cheering) rubble: let's go! (wally barking) catch, wally! some choice chow for my cherished chum. great grab!
8:05 am
8:06 am
no! slithering sea serpents! great gushing geysers! i need the paw patrol! aloha, friends! welcome to our adventure beach luau. okay, okay. when do we eat?! after the paw patrol gets here. look! here they come! (crowd cheering) sorry, we're late. we were doing lifeguard drills. okay, now can we eat? okay then. (chuckling) all: yum! yum! (beeping) ryder! hey, cap'n turbot. you're missing the luau. i've got more pressing problems. look! terrible tentacles are taking my tug! don't worry, cap'n. no sea monster's too big, no pup is too small! (beeping) sea patrol! to the beach tower! all: ryder needs us! (barking and howling)
8:07 am
ha-ha! close one. whoa! hey, where's marshall? look, i'm a floaty toy. (all laughing) (barking) sea patrol ready for action, captain ryder, sir. cap'n turbot's got big trouble, pups. cap'n turbot: no! (all gasping) what is that thing? i'm not sure, but i do know it'll sink the flounder if we don't do something fast. so, for this mission, i'll need zuma. i need you to use your new boat with its grabber arms to pull the tentacles off the flounder. ready, set, get wet! and i'll also need rubble. i need you to use your new construction boat's crane to grab cap'n turbot off the boat. rubble on the double. i'll also need lifeguards
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to make sure everyone is safely out of the water until we take of... whatever that thing is. i'd like to help, but i guess i can't. sorry, rocky, not till you've earned your lifeguard badge. chase? skye? sure thing. let's go, skye. all right! sea patrol is on a roll! uh, ryder, how are we gonna get out to the founder? ryder: watch this! pups: whoa! all aboard, pups! (powering up) what's that noise? (beeping) load 'er up, robo-dog. (barking) (beeping, alarm sounding) ♪ go, go, go ♪ go, go, go ♪ go, go, go ♪ go, go, go welcome to the sea patroller. (barking)
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he was falling behind on the growth curve. so his pediatrician recommended 2 pediasure per day for 8 weeks. each bottle has 7 grams of protein... ...and 25 essential vitamins and minerals. it fits now, right? yeah! pediasure. gain on. i will nevi will neverair again. never wash my hair again now, i fuel it pantene: the first shampoo and conditioner system with active pro-v nutrient blends that puts in what other shampoos just strip out.
8:12 am
fueling 100% stronger hair. don't just wash your hair fuel it because strong is beautiful. no wonder elle calls pantene "the biggest shampoo breakthrough in 30 years." it'samerica's #1 is a status earned in every wash. and one we re-earn, everyday. #1 trusted. #1 awarded. it's got to be tide. ♪ get on up, mama. ♪ get on up. ♪ do what you want. ♪ do you want, let the record hop. ♪ degree motionsense. ultimate freshness... with every move. the more you move, the more it works. degree, it won't let you down. ♪
8:13 am
whoa! baby: yum, yum, yum! (chattering) please be careful with my precious flounder. (air horn blaring) oh, thank goodness. it's the paw patrol with a super slick ship! cap'n turbot, we're here to save you! zuma, rubble, sea patrol, go! roger, ryder. you got it, ryder. ♪ go, go ♪ go, go, zuma! ♪ go, go, go, go ♪ go, rubble! ♪ go, go, go, go, go robo-dog, steer the sea patroller closer to the flounder. (barking)
8:14 am
they're coming from everywhere! look out! whoa! ryder: oh, no! oh, no! now the tentacles have the sea patroller too! i've got ryder. you rescue cap'n turbot. you got it! i'm coming, dudes! it's tickle time! (gasping) whoa! whoa! whoa! oh, no. it's gonna drop me in the water. (gasping) i'm coming! thanks, marshall. ryder, this is tough. these tentacles keep getting in the way! i can't get to cap'n turbot. maybe we can scare them off. robo-dog, give them a blast of the horn. (barking) (air horn blaring musically)
8:15 am
(air horn blaring musically) rubble: it worked! (all cheering) uh-oh! my boat is still sinking! hurry, rubble. use your crane to get him. you got it, ryder. (barking) crane! whoa! ah! it'll be okay, cap'n. the pups and i will do everything we can to raise the flounder back up. please, i can't bear to be without my boat. zuma, rubble, take cap'n turbot back to adventure beach. maybe the party will cheer him up. aye-aye, captain ryder. i'll try. though, i doubt my smile will come up until my boat does.
8:16 am
(grumbling sadly) ♪ what a day, what a day ♪ for a luau in adventure bay ♪ what a day, what a day ♪ to put on a flowered lei you guys need any help? yeah, take my chair. i want to make sure everyone is still out of the water. can't be too careful with a sea creature on the loose. it sure is a beautiful buffet, but not as fetching as my poor flounder. yum, yum, yum! ♪ what a day, what a day ♪ for a free lunch in adventure bay ♪ come on, mayor humdinger. one hula won't hurt. no, no. humdinger doesn't boogie. the hula isn't just a dance. it's a fabulous fun way to exercise.
8:17 am
exercise?! (scoffing) please! i'm already in splendid shape. oh! yum, yum, yum! hey! what the-- (laughing) now you're getting it. no, i'm not! something is-- huh? hey! what happened to my dinner? okay, pups, we have to raise cap'n turbot's ship from the ocean floor. it's scuba time. yes! scuba? like in the water? you don't have to if you don't want to, rocky. thanks, ryder. marshall, you have the perfect tool for this job. dive down and use your air tanks to pump air into the flounder's hull. that should make it float back up. i'm ready for a blub-blub rescue! (chuckling) (barking) scuba! wow! cool new suit, marshall.
8:18 am
stay alert. the creature might still be down there. don't worry. i'll be careful. i sure wish i could help marshall, but the ocean is so... wet. ugh! come on, board, go faster! (barking) megaphone! alex, get out of the water. there's a giant sea creature on the loose. okay, chase! julia, julius, you come in, too. huh? whoa! (grunting) (grunting) whee! thanks, giant spaghetti monster. whoa! that was super quick.
8:19 am
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♪ yo♪ and you probably do. rt ♪ ♪ you're a beautiful thing. ♪ sc johnson. what do we want? catpacks! when do we want 'em? meow! everything you need to ready, set, go! back to school. ( ♪ ) (slamming) (dial clicking) (click) rubbermaid brilliance. 100% leak-proof, guaranteed. brilliance food containers from rubbermaid. 100% leak-proof, guaranteed. ♪ get on up, mama. ♪ get on up. ♪ do what you want. ♪ do you want, let the record hop. ♪ degree motionsense. ultimate freshness... with every move. the more you move, the more it works.
8:22 am
8:23 am
...are the clothes the you wear the most.he most... that's why snuggle infuses softness into fabrics, to slow down everyday wear and tear... ...and the appearance of fading. so you can love them longer. let's snuggle. we're going to seaworld! imagine a world, where reality beats magic. did you see that mom? where sharks swim and fly where screaming... is a form of speaking. and heros... don't wear capes this, is our world, and it's full of new adventures. we are for real. seaworld. real. amazing. see for yourself with great deals starting at $59.99. ♪ no artificial flavors, preservatives or colors.
8:24 am
and an excellent source of calcium. enjoy cheese dippers by the laughing cow. marshall did it! he's raising the boat! without my help. ryder: great job, marshall. (barking) (beeping) hi, rubble. everyone having fun at the luau? no! the only one having any fun is that... that thing! (people screaming) a giant octopus? (pup pad beeping) robo-dog, let's go back to the beach. (barking) (air horn blaring) oh, my! that's most magnificent ship i've ever seen! i'll say! welcome back, my fabulous flounder! listen up, pups. we need to distract the giant octopus so it will release our friends. skye, fly around its tentacles and try to confuse it.
8:25 am
roger! (barking) parasail! come on, this way! look at me! i'll stop bothering you if you let our friends go. whoa! (growling) (chuckling) hi. (grumbling) phew! over here, katie. i built this to protect everyone. one down, two to go. oh, my! (sighing) hey! chase, use your buoy launcher to catch farmer yumi! on it! (barking) buoy launcher! marshall, help mr. porter with your water cannons. (barking) water cannons. (barking) (laughing) woo-hoo! oh, no. not again!
8:26 am
huh? (groaning) how will we ever stop this ferocious, rampaging water beast? you know, i don't think that octopus is ferocious, mayor. it's not really trying to hurt anyone. look how it's squinting. it's looking for something, but it just can't see very well. what's it looking for? well, keep it away from me! i don't want that on my head, too. oh, this nuisance won't let go. now, cut that out! (laughing) (gasping) that's it! this must be the big octopus' baby, and all the things it's checking out are pink and shaped like him. we need to get that baby back to it's mom. well, good luck getting him off.
8:27 am
maybe we can lure the baby off with a treat. good idea! wow, everything's almost gone. done look at me. yummy pineapple. come and get it! (belching) oh, great. now, it's full. i'll never shake this creature! shake? hey, i found this funny baby rattle made out of an old key in the water. maybe it's his. (rattling) (rattling) ah! what's it doing?! it's following its rattle. it's working! ah! careful, mayor humdinger! (grunting) we need that rattle. rocky: i can find it. huh? with my metal detector. are you sure, rocky? you'll have to swim and get wet. if getting wet will help that baby octopus get back to his mom, i can do it!
8:28 am
that's my sea patrol pup. i saw the rattle land around here. okay, i can do this! (barking) metal detector! (beeping) (beeping faster) (rattling) you found it! you're amazing! hey, it's just water. okay, pups, we still have a job to finish. i'll need a magnifying glass to make the baby look so big even it's mama can see it. but where are you going to find a magnifying glass? hmm... i'll start with this punch bowl. (grumbling) hey, mom, over here! (gasping) i hope mom isn't as hungry as this little guy. she's not hungry. she just misses her baby. okay, zuma, it's time to rattle and roll.
8:29 am
(rattling) that's it. come on. (rattling) (chattering) okay, zuma, we're out far enough. (rattling) now, that's a hug! oh, thank you, paw patrol! you saved the beach and the party! i think rocky deserves the biggest thank you. he got wet to save the day and earned this. my lifeguard badge? awesome! (all cheering) can we eat now? oh, now you're talking! but eat what? (air horn sounding) hey, friends! i brought some food as a thanks for fixing my favorite flounder! (barking and howling) (laughing)
8:30 am
but, ryder, what if that mama loses her baby again and returns? whenever there's a problem, mayor, just yelp for help and the sea patrol will be there. oh, ryder, we can always count on you. but i don't think she'll be back. i did a little octopus eye doctor work. (grumbling happily) (rattling, laughing) ♪ paw patrol, paw patrol ♪ we'll be there on the double ♪ ♪ whenever there's a problem ♪ 'round adventure bay ♪ ryder and his team of pups ♪ will come and save the day ♪ ♪ marshall, rubble, chase, ♪ rocky, zuma, skye ♪ yeah, they're on the way ♪ ♪ paw patrol, paw patrol ♪ whenever you're in trouble ♪
8:31 am
♪ paw patrol, paw patrol ♪ we'll be there on the double ♪ ♪ no job is too big, no pup is too small ♪ ♪ paw patrol, we're on a roll! ♪ ♪ so here we go paw patrol ♪ ♪ whoa-oh-oh ♪ paw patrol whoa-oh-oh-oh ♪ ♪ paw patrol chase: "pups save friendship day." another friendship day streamer all done. great job, pups. i love friendship day. it's just-- hmm... friendly. check it out, ryder. we're making friendship cards for everybody in town. paint cannon's ready. (barking) an ocean blue card for cap'n turbot. (barking) apple red for farmer yumi. (barking) broccoli green for mr. porter. and now the stamps. yuck. do we have any liver flavored stamps?
8:32 am
(all laughing) here's our card for carlos and matea. um, how do you say "friend" in spanish? amigo. and here's one for francois. how do you say "friend" in french? ami. ♪ amigos, amis ♪ buddies and chums ♪ we'll all be friends forever ♪ no matter what comes ♪ friends, friends, friends ♪ we are all friends, yeah ♪ i'm a friend to you, you're a friend to me ♪ ♪ we're the best of friends, friends, friends ♪ ♪ compadre! ♪ comrade! ♪ bosom buddy of mine ♪ no matter how you say it ♪ friends have the best time ♪ filos ♪ sadiqi ♪ companion too ♪ there are all sorts of ways to say i'm a friend to you ♪ ♪ friends, friends, friends ♪ we are all friends, yeah
8:33 am
♪ i'm a friend to you, you're a friend to me ♪ ♪ we're the best of friends, friends, friends... ♪ (howling) (paint splattering) (gasping) oops. (all laughing) marshall... we got to hurry our cards to the post office to be delivered in time for friendship day. rubble, we picked the wrong road. this takes us past... (gasping) both: the spooky house! a friend of a friend of a friend told me that a creepy critter lives there. (chittering and snarling) both: whoa! (tires squealing) oh! chickaletta! look at all those friendship cards. (snoring, clucking) thanks, pups. it will be my delight to deliver them. those cards just go to prove that adventure bay
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is the friendliest town around. man: ha! huh? no place is as friendly as friendly foggy bottom. (laughing) mayor humdinger, i can't believe you'd make such a silly claim. why, just look at all those friendship cards being sent in adventure bay. we have some friendship cards that need delivering too. (meowing) whoa! whoa! ow! my ankle! oh, bad kitty-witty. you should learn to aim better. mr. postman! are you okay? ooh, i probably just twisted my ankle. but how am i going to de-liver all those cards to all those de-serving folks? well, that's just di-sastrous. i guess adventure bay isn't the friendliest town anymore. of course it is. it's-- it's best friend friendly.
8:35 am
yeah? well, foggy bottom is best friend forever friendly. oh! adventure bay is best friend forever plus 100 years friendly! no changies. hmph! i'll prove my town is friendlier. foggy bottom challenges adventure bay to a friend-off. (all gasping) wait, what's a friend-off? um... it's a contest! whichever town comes up with the ultimate friendship day gift wins. (chuckling) what do we do? what do we do? i need an ultimate friendship day gift. and we need to get these cards delivered. (gasping) ryder! mayor, we'll make sure everyone gets their cards. no job is too big, no pup is too small! oh, thank you, ryder. (beeping) paw patrol, to the lookout! pups: ryder needs us! (barking) (barking)
8:36 am
(howling) wait for me! whoa! whoa! that's our marshall, putting the "stamp" in "stampede." (all laughing) (elevator bell dinging) paw patrol ready for action, ryder, sir. (beeping) speedy delivery, pups. thanks. mr. postman fell and got hurt. my ankle! and we have to handle the mail. but that's a big job, especially on friendship day. so, we're going to need all paws on deck to get those friendship cards delivered. (all barking and cheering) all right! paw patrol is on a roll! (barking) woo-hoo! ♪ paw patrol ♪ go, go, go, go, go, go! whoa!
8:37 am
♪ paw patrol, go, go, go, go, go, go! ♪ ♪ marshall! ♪ go, go, go, go, go, go! ♪ go, go, go! ♪ go, go, go, go, go, go! (siren sounding) ♪ go, go, go, go, go, go! ♪ rubble! ♪ go, go, go, go, go, go! ♪ go, go, go, go, go, go! ♪ paw patrol, paw patrol (tires screeching) (sirens sounding) (sirens sounding)
8:38 am
on mi came across this housentry with water dripping from the ceiling. you never know when something like this will happen. so let the geico insurance agency help you with homeowners insurance and protect yourself from things like fire, theft, or in this case, water damage. cannonball! now if i had to guess, i'd say somewhere upstairs there's a broken pipe. let the geico insurance agency help you with homeowners insurance. call today to see how much you could save.
8:39 am
that's why new downy protect and refresh conditions fibers to... how your clothes smell can say a lot abut you. ...lock out odors. new downy protect and refresh. rok!y? we got pencils, yes we do! wide-ruled notebooks, scissors, glue! we've got ice cream... ...sprinkles, too! everything you need to ready, set, go! back to school.
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these cards have to go to the mountain; that's your job, skye. marshall, these ones get delivered to the north side of town. and, chase, these ones go to the south. mayor goodway: oh, ryder! pups! i'm so glad you're here! chase: whoa. that is a gigantinormous cake! it's actually every cake in mr. porter's shop. i smushed them together to make the ultimate friendship day gift cake. it has to get to foggy bottom pronto. change of plans! chase takes the cake. yes, sir, ryder. marshall, you'll have to cover both the north and the south sides of town. (gasping) but the south side is where the spooky house is. i can do it. no matter what rain, or snow, or storms may brew, we pups will see the mail gets through. (all cheering and barking) skye: let's go! (chuckling)
8:43 am
♪ amigos, amis ♪ buddies and chums ♪ we'll all be friends forever ♪ no matter what comes ♪ tovarisch ♪ homie ♪ best mate too ♪ there are all sorts of ways to say i'm a friend to you ♪ ♪ friends, friends, friends ♪ we are all friends, yeah ♪ i'm a friend to you, you're a friend to me ♪ ♪ we're the best of friends, friends, friends ♪ (meowing) such good kitties. keep filling those balloons with helium. just look at all this delicious carrot and cabbage candy. what could be friendlier than sending a balloon basket full of teeth-tingling candies to every person in adventure bay? especially since foggy bottom has all the dentists.
8:44 am
(chuckling maliciously) wah! (meowing) what? a giant cake? that's diabolically friendly. you kitties keep working. you! come with me. we're going to stop mayor goodway's sickeningly sweet cake from getting delivered! (meowing) (meowing) this one is for hootie, and his nest address is just ahead. (gulping) (humming, siren sounding) (chuckling maliciously) time to make our point. (meowing) (siren sounding, tires popping) whoa!
8:45 am
this is a cake-tastrophe! and my tires are as flat as pancakes! there's no way i'm getting to foggy bottom now. (chuckling) let's get back to our balloon baskets; we have a friendship day contest to win. (chuckling maliciously) (squeaking) (meowing) (all meowing "uh-oh!") ♪ sneaky, quiet ♪ like a mouse (softly:) woof... uh... woof. oh... woof! ladder up. ♪ finish fast ♪ and drive away from the spooky house ♪ (hooting) whoa!
8:46 am
hootie, help! (hooting) you're welcome. (sighing) someone played a tacky trick, ryder. we'll have to let mayor goodway know about the cake. can you change those flat tires, rocky? greens means we'll get you go, go, going soon, chase. (barking) ratchet. (communicator ringing) skye: ryder. what's up, skye? i've got bunnies on the breeze, hares in the air. they're everywhere. the friendship cards will have to wait, skye. get those bunnies back to earth. i'm hopping to it. skye out. this is the craziest friendship day i can remember.
8:47 am
what else could go wrong? (whimpering) (chittering and snarling) whoa! (chittering and snarling) (gulping) what about my bagful of friendship cards? (gasping) whoa! (communicator beeping) come in! ryder? the cards are still in the mailbag, but it's on the other side of the fence. hang tight, marshall. i'll send rubble over to lift the bag out with his crane. (whimpering) (mewing, belching) what?! the baskets! the candy! what happened?! (squeaking) (meowing) (meowing) (gasping) come back! (meowing) oh, this is terrible! how can foggy bottom win friendship day now?
8:48 am
never leave itty-bitty kitties in charge of a big nogoodnik scheme. (meowing) almost got you, bunny. oh... this isn't working. (communicator beeping) ryder? ryder: how's it going, skye? not good. the wind from my 'copter blades is blowing bunnies all over the sky! we need another plan. hmm... (snapping) i think that is the plan. blow the bunnies towards us. we'll be ready. chase, i need your net between those two lampposts and those two trees. roger, ryder. (barking) net. great job, chase. is everyone all right? everyone except the friendship day cake. (gasping) it's ruined, wrecked, ravaged! don't look at it, chickaletta. rocky, got anything that can smooth out some smushiness?
8:49 am
you bet, ryder. (barking) spatula. i knew this would come in handy one day. oh, dear! what a disaster! don't worry, mayor. i'm rocking this recycle. oh! (clucking) i'll have those friendship cards scooped up as fast as a flea flips. almost there. he's got the cards! oh, no! now what? maybe we could... knock on the door and ask for them back? (both gulping) great job, skye. chase, tennis ball cannon. (barking) cannon! (barking) there you go, little bunny. huh? what's this? hmm... i know where these bunnies are coming from.
8:50 am
oh, no. ryder! i just saw two more bunny baskets heading over the bay. they'll drift out too far before i can get to them. i know who can help. (communicator beeping) zuma, you're up. i w-wonder who lives here. rubble: as long as it is a "who" and not a "what" or a sneaky, skulky, grabby, gotcha thing. (gasping) i'm sure it isn't though. (gulping) (knocking) (whimpering) (chuckling) (rattling) (gasping) (whimpering) ryder, i've got my eyes on two bunnies over the bay. ryder: they're flying pretty high above you, zuma. it's cool. i have a friend who's going to give me a lift. (meowing) a little wet jet please, mama blue.
8:51 am
(meowing) way to go, baby-o! (barking) buoy. (meowing) ryder, i think i know who's behind all this hare raising. ryder: thanks, zuma. i've got a pretty good idea myself. (clucking) oh, um... (balloon deflating loudly) (cats giggling) (chuckling nervously) hi, friends. ♪ get on up, mama. ♪ get on up. ♪ do what you want. ♪ do you want, let the record hop. ♪ degree motionsense. ultimate freshness... with every move. the more you move, the more it works.
8:52 am
degree, it won't let you down. tha...oh, burnt-on gravy?ie. ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. new cascade platinum powers through... even burnt-on gravy. nice. cascade. when we say "study"! you say "haul"! study! haul! everything you need to ready, set, go! back to school.
8:54 am
here at persil, the top notch team of stain experts has performed over 10,000 stain evaluations to prove persil delivers a premium clean. we've made a new stain with wasabi and goji berries. make that 10,001. persil pro clean. (gulping) make (door creaking) (both gasping) oh, hello, hello, hello! i'm miss margery. this must be my luckily day. first, i get a whole bag of friendship cards, and now i have visitors. this is your house?
8:55 am
you're not scary at all! what about the creepy critter that lives here? creepy critter? you mean maynard? oh, he's just a grouchy old raccoon. (chittering) both: whoa! maynard, stop it! (whimpering) he's just a big growler. maynard wouldn't hurt a fly... or a pup. (laughing) um, about those cards... oh, i know. they're not all for me. but it was nice to pretend i was so popular. maynard! bring those back! we got to stop him. (barking) mayor humdinger, perhaps you'd care to explain what you've been doing to those poor bunnies. bunnies? i don't see any bunnies. i was just, uh-- oh, i was just making you the world's biggest balloon bouquet. it's my ultimate friendship day gift to you and adventure bay. (popping, deflating) (chuckling nervously)
8:56 am
a balloon bouquet? of course! and i notice you don't have a gift in return. that means i win the friendship contest! (siren sounding) not so fast! why-- why that is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. (meowing) ah! shoo! get away from that gorgeous cake. no kitten fur on my frosting. wow! great job, rocky. thanks, ryder. oh, it's marvelous! what do you say now, mayor humdinger? i don't care how devastatingly handsome your cake is. i'll show you how incredible a foggy bottom gift can be! there! what do you think of that? what? help! oh, no! humdinger: my arm is tangled in the strings! what?! (yelping) oh, chickaletta, don't try to rescue me! (sighing) wow, what a day. (sighing) what a day.
8:57 am
oh, what a day! what are you looking at? you tried to save me. that's the nicest thing you or anyone has ever done for me. that's what friends do for each other. you mean, you and i are... friends? of course we are! though if you were a bit nicer, nice things might happen to you more often. maybe i'll try that... friend. (communicator beeping) skye, that's a lot of balloons. see if you can blow them back towards us. skye: will do, ryder!
9:00 am
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