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tv   DW News  LINKTV  August 29, 2017 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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from berlin. u.s. president trump in texas this a for himself the damage from hurricane harvey. >> i will tell you, this is historic. it is epic what happened, but it happened in texas and texas can handle anything. brent: despite his praise come after four days of rain despair is setting in. we will get an update. and monster rainstorms not only in texas, in india and
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bangladesh and nepal, more than 1000 have lost the lives in monsoon rains. mumbai paralyzed by all the water. and the un security council is due to meet shortly discussing the most provocative move from north korea yet. a missile designed to carry a nuclear weapon flew over northern japan today. and how deep is your love? a business that is worth billions. we will take a look at how far some o chinese couples are willing to go these days to show their commitment. ♪ brent: i'm brent goff. it is good to have you with us. we begin in the u.s. state of texas where president donald trump has arrived to assess the damage caused by hurricane, now tropical storm harvey. he has been meeting with local
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and state emergency officials. he promised federal assistance to parts of the state. large parts of the state now underwater. it is the biggest natural disaster of president trump's tenure. and more rain is in the forecast. officials believe that harvey has set a new rainfall record for the continental united states. over 125 centimeters have fallen on the region so far. the city of houston has borne the brunt of the deluge. correspondent: houston looking like a city fc. -- at sea. the depth now must be measured in meters in some places. the numbers of those stranded are increasing. these children, the latest be taken on the back of a dumb search check. -- dumpster truck. >> the kids, there was no light,
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it was too dark. it is not getting better. so time to go. correspondent: rescue workers are overwhelmed. emergency teams say even though more people are being rescued, they are still on and dated with calls -- inundated with calls. the national guard is sending air support to help with the national response. in the suburbs, some victims are returning to their homes, trying to salvage whatever they can. but they are fearing the worst. >> probably another 4 inches from when i was here a couple of hours ago. stuff is floating around. it is all lost on the bottom floors and you are trying to save anything you can. it is a heartache and something we will live with forever. correspondent: donald trump flanked d by his wife arrived in texas for a briefing with officials. though full of praise, the u.s. president was careful not to go
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too far before the crisis is over. >> this was of epic proportion. nobody has ever seen anything like this. i want to say that working with the governor and his entire team has been an honor for us. so governor, thank you very mumuch. we will not say congratulations, we do not want to do that. we will congratulate each oththr when it is all finished. correspondent: emergency shelters are filling up with the desperate and displaced, many elderly and vulnerable. >> he is disabled. we had to pull him on top of the house. correspondent: how is he doing? >> he is a little tired. we have not slept for at least 24 hours. but we are doing great. correspondent: more than 30 trillion liters of rainwater has fallen. enough to cover the entire united states. for the millions on the gulf coast, it is set to worsen. forecasters say the storm could
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last into friday. brent: we want to go to our correspondentalexandra von nahmen he was in houston. good afternoon. the president praising the rescue efforts. do the people in houston, do they share his enthusiasm? alexandra: well, some of them certainly do. i talked to some people who are glad with what they see on the ground with the state and county workers trying to rescue people with many rescue teams being around. but some are also very critical. naturally, i spoke with many volunteers who told me that they do not want to wait for the authorities to act. they just want to help their neighbors and people, even strangers. brent: we know authorities in houston have issued an
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evacuation order after a levy was breached south of the city. what can you tell us about that? alexandra: the authorities in the area about 80 kilometers to the south ordered a mandatory evacuations already on sunday, warning the people living there that they should get out, warning them in advanced that the levee could be breached. which has now happened. so they issued another immediate one in a couple of hours ago saying that all residents have to get out now. the problem is, many roads in the area, as we are hearing, are now flooded. so it is difficult to evacuate right now from the area. brent: and more rain is in the forecast. is it going to get worse? alexandra: well, it is certainly the biggest problem.
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the huge amounts of water that it is continuing to rain and the rivers are swelling with the water and dams are spilling over or breaching. it is a huge problem. here in houston, authorities are still focusing on saving lives. and then on providing those saved survivors with food and water. brent: ok. alexandra von nahmen on the story for us tonight in houston. thank you. and as americans grapple with the ongoing effects of tropical storm harvey, floodwaters also ravaging indiaia. relentless monsoon rains have killed over 350 people in bihar state in the east. the financial capital, mumbai, also hit hard along with other parts of the state of maharashtra. authorities have warned people
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in the line areas to evacuate. -- low-lying areas to a vacuum. forecasters say more downpours are in the forecast. correspondent: the prime minister narendra modi flew over bihar stateo see thee crisis himsmsf. many ordrdered to go t to relief camps. ththincessant rains h have also oughght mumbabai's slowow-moving traffic to a complete standstill, with mumuch of the metropolitan area underwater. nearly 20 million residents warned to stay indoors. it is too late for many already caught outside. >> we have been stranded, there is no way out. how can we go anywhere unless the water recedes? we cannot take any risk. i cannot take e the car into t e water. the bmw is stuck further down. correspopondent: normally packed train services have also been
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canceled, adding to the chaos and numbers stranded. many fear a repeat of the flooding that killed more than 1000 in mumbai in 2005. there is massive waterlogging. >> we appeal to people to only come out if there is something important to do. otherwise, stay inside. we have instructed offices to close down. people should only leave after tracking -- after checking traffic alerts. correspondent: with water still rising, the weather service warns more rain is likely to fall for at least another day. brent: extreme weather has also struck in russia, but this time it was not a hurricane. several tornadoes were spotted near the beach resort of sochi. the twisters are known to form over the black cecum often causing damage when they make landfall. sochi hosted the 2014 winter la picks -- winter olympics.
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you are watching "dw news." weather photos are big business in china. we will find out about the faraway places and great lengths that couples go to to get the perfect shot. no fake backdrops. the u.s. occur to counsel is to go into emergency session soon in response to the missile move by north korea. u.s. president donald trump says all options are now on the table after pyongyang fired a ballistic missile over japan earlier today. the japanese prime minister called the launch an unprecedented threat. correspondent: this was not just another missile test by north korea. on tuesday morning, police -- people across northern japan awoke to warnings. the missile took off from a location near the north korean capital of pyongyang. it flew over hokkaido in
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northern japan, travel and almost 3000 kilometers before coming down into the pacific. although the missile with high overhead, the japanese government urged people to take shelter. a crisis team scrambled to check on towns and villages under the trajectory. people across the country say they are stunned by the launch. some say the japanese government should take drastic measures to defend its citizens. >> i think the government should have shot down the missile when it entered japanese airspace. the japanese prime minister says the move by pyongyang iss unprecedented and a serious threat to his country. > japanan and the united stas agreed to further increase pressure on north h korea. presidenent trump also said the united states is 100% with itsts ally japan and expressed his
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commitment to defend japan. correspondent: president trump agrees. in a statement he declalared all options rema u under consideration. north korea defended the moveve, saying u.s. activity in the region justified countermeasures. >> we will continue to strengthen defense capabilities with nuclear force a as long as the u.s. maintains nuclearar threats and military threats. correspondent: the unsecure to counsel said to me in an emergency session -- and the u.n. s security council is saido me in emergency session. ththose in japan hope they will not have to get used to the sounds. [sirens] brent: with federal elections weeks away, angela merkel used her summer press conference to take a tough line on foreign policy. she hit at turkey in poland. she criticized the european
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union's handling of the migration crisis. correspondent: the mood was relaxed. angela merkel optimistic. no wonder, she is about 15 percentage points ahead of her main rival, the head of the social democrats. she faced criticism she has been ignoring attacks on her. >> today i have mentioned him at least once, so you do not ask in half an hour. correspondent: she presented herself as a powerful leader in control of foreign policy. she had to ford's on turkey ,-- she had to ford's on turkey. >> now we have to wait and see how things develop, but we clearly demand have people are being detained there should be set free. correspondent: turning toward the european union, she had words on poland, where ththe democratic institututions have been under increasing attack. >> they are our neighbor and i always do this in the spirit of our relationship, but we simply
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cannot remain quiet t and not sy anything for the sake of keeping the peace. correspondent: on domestic affairs, she expressed disappointment with german carmakers and their fraudulent activities, saying they will hold another diesel summit in the fall. one journalist said it that the citizens felt bored by her campaign. >> if some people's definition of a campaign is only good if people insult each other, that is not the idea of a campaign that i have. correspondent: on sunday, she faces her challenger in a televised debate. she has imposed strict conditions for the format. observers say that is to ensure she can stay in control of the debate and the election results. brent: we will have live coverage of the debate right here on "dw news." that is on sunday. now we have business news. >> today, the euro surged above
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the dollar for the first time in 2.5 years. what is behind the rally and what does it mean for the export industry? we will have a look. correspondent: it has been a good year for the euro, despite expectations. 2017 started with some financial experts expected to fall to parity with the u.s. dollar. but the eu's currency has smashed expectations, climbing over 40% since the beginning -- 14% since the beginning of the year. fueling the rise is speculation that mario draghi could soon end the quantitative easing program at the ecb. and political disorder in the united states. the u.s. president donald trump's promises of tax reform have failed to materialize, which is waning on the dollar. it is not all good news. the german economy depends on exports and a strong euro makes
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the goods more expensive abroad. what about german exports? >> the increase in living standards far outweighs for the consumers the marginal cost to the producers who make high-end goods, so exports are not that sensitive to the fluctuation in currency. germany will still sell bmw's. correspondent: not analysts waiting to see -- now analysts waiting to see what the ecb will do later this year. >> now we go to our correspondent on wall street. the north korean missile launch did not only worry japan, but it moved markets today. how did the investors react? >> yes, investors were worried. they were looking at the conflict. it was surging again after it was flat within the last week's, because both north korea and
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u.s. had managed to calm everything down, but after the launch last night america basically went crazy when it comes to donald trump -- crazy. donald trump said on twitter, all options that on the table. now investors are worried. >> turning to the u.s., flooding there from tropical storm harvey proves to be one of the worst in u.s. history. what does it mean for u.s. insurance companies? >> yes, it is going to be really expensive. insurers could face as much as $20 billion in losses from hurricane harvey. and the extensive flooding has not stopped yet, so there is probably more to come. jpmorgan chase estimated that at minimum insurance company losses
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could mean $10 billion. that would make harvey one of the most expensive storms ever in the story of the united states. >> thank you, sophie. on wall street for us, thank you for your analysis. >> investors dropping stocks and its whopping safe havens because of north korean tensions, a survey says the german public is brimming with confidence. they see the domestic economy continuing on an excellent path. correspondent: despite the sunny weather, many people are going for the shopping districts around germany. it is not the latest fashionon filling the shopping b bags, consumers s are stocking up on high-tech gadgets, new furnitute
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into cars. consumer confidence is high and the research institutes in imate index to a 16 year despite geopolitical tensions around the world. >> we have seen ththe geopolitil ririsk in the u.s., turkey in rtrth korea is having little influence on consumer confidence. correspondent: that is true in france as well, business here improving and the cafes are full . consumer spending rose last month according to the french government. a sign that the shaky economy is finding its footing. >> opposition is growing for the german government support of air berlin. following ryan air's complaints, now they've asked the court to block the government loan to air berlin, aimed at keeping the airline aloft after it sold off to investors. rivals see it as unfaiair government a aid. the second-lalargest carrier of
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germany filed for bankruptcy this month. if you are touring europe this summer, you are likely to come across chinese couples posing for a wedding pictures, just like this in front of famous landmarks. it is a trend in china. and the industry is worth $11 billion. brent: amazing. the search for something unique is taking some, let's say it is taking people to unusual locations. >> here is more. correspondent: this bride holding her breath for her wedding photos. she had wanted something different, and she got it. a beijing studio shot her and heher fiance u underwater. >> it is not as hard as i thought. you do not have to do any special moves, you just have to
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be natural. correspondent: their wedding pictures will be something to remember. [laughter] correspondent: couples have to wait as long as three months further slot at golden ladies, a studio on the outskirts of beijing. as many as 75 customers at a time pose for photos involving camera systems my makeup artists, and glamororous backdrs paid anythingg from the 14th -- backdrops. anything from louis the 1 14th's bedroom - -- >> it is worthth it. we will put the photos on a screreen during the wedding itself. correspondent: these two traveled much further for their wedding photos. no fake backdrops, absolutely authentic central london. the u.k. wedding manages the
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shoot, costing $2400. xyn&1kit is one of seval comps aimed d at the chinese market exclusively. >> some people just want to photograph famous landmarkrks le a big ben, others mighght choosa really english style small towo, like near oxford. these scenes are being report -- are being repeated acroross eure at places like the eiffel tower or brandenburg gate in berlin. >> fascinating. and some sports news. brent: thank you. a new report on doping in athletics reveals at least 30% of athletes at the 2011 world championships admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs at some time in the past. researchers at harvard conducted the surveys. athletics has a long history of doping problems. russia is currently banned from international competition.
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and a puzzling statiststic, 30%f athletes admitted to doping in the past, but only one half of a percent of competitors at the 2011 world championships in south korea tested positive. puzzling. let's talk about it. i am joined by our investigative sports journalist. good to have you. how do explain the specific -- the statistic that they tested positive, only one half of a percent, but 30% say they have been doping in the past. >> it is a system that has failed. if you test athletes out of competition, urine tests, blood tests, it does not mean you can automatically catch them. we have a gray zone of athletes that did not get caught. brent: what about random drug
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testing? is that not the answer? >> it is a better answer. it means you must improve the testing system out of competition. during training in winter for example when the athletes go to remote areas somewhere in the world are you usually do not get official tests. but it means you have to travel and is expensive. you have to afford more money to do the testing in an appropriate and effective way. brent: among the conclusions, doping appears widespread among the elite athletes and remains unchecked. so does the doping laboratories set up at the venues, are they not working? to the outsider looking at the story, it seems like the testing that we look at, it is a charade. it is not real. >> we will say it this way. we have testing and we have the
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analyzers and the labs. the analyzers and the people that ask the labs to do the work, they pay them. that means the labs have to do the whole range of possible substances. but they do not do that.t. that means for example, they ask them to do testing, but they do not do the whole range of substances. brent: do they do that on purpose? is it money? >> it is a question of money and it is a question of will. we have to improve the testing systems throughout the world and invest more money in testing, otherwise you will have the same situation we now face. we see it from 2011, the study from 2011. i do not think it is now much better. brent: why is this report from 2011 just now coming out in 2017? >> there was a big resistance
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from the world anti-doping agency. according to my knowledge, from the world athletics federation for years, they obviously did not want it released because it is embarrassing to say exactly those figures. so we had to wait for years. but my company for example, they already knew it in 2015, so the story is not very new but it is now officially released and it shows the whole world that we have a big lag in testing and it is the gray zone of doping that is much bigger than expected. brent: that is the case. talking to us again about doping, thank you very much. ok, the u.s. open where in the first round the defending champion is out already. japan's osaka cruised to a win to extend kerber's slump.
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she is the first champion eliminated in the first round in 12 years. here is a reminder of the top stories we are following. president trump has arrived in texas to assess the damage from hurricane harvey. the city of houston has suffered 4 days of heavy rain and the forecast is calling for more. after a break i will be back to take you through the day. stick around for that. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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. sit just stripped nine pm here in paris you watching france twenty four with me thomas waterhouse these the top stories we're covering for you at this hour. trump touches down where heartbeat maitland full view s. president begins toward storm ravaged texas. with water levels set to rise even further fresh evacuation orders had been issued. with thousands still in need of shelter. the un security council is scrambled together f for an emergency session to discuss pyongyang's. this after the regime in north korea fired yet another missile from it shows this time. packed japan. on day two of his first visits t


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