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tv   France 24  LINKTV  August 31, 2017 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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and welcome back the clocks it just struck nine pm here in the front. little these are the latest world headlines from france twenty four. the water levels in houston texas might well be receding on the grounds but up in the air it's going to filling with toxic smoke the softer series of explosions. at a flooded out chemical plants. cutting payouts unfair dismissals and giving businesses greater flexibility. the french government unveils its thirty six points grounds plan aimed at shaking up the country's strict laid the rules. as well as boosting the economy. round three of divorce talks wrapped up in brussels and it still notes full steam
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ahead for breaks it's. use the chief negotiator saves no decisive progress has been made. battle lines still drool on citizens rights and the cost what about separation . first and the white house has announced that president donald trump two will be returning to storm ravaged. this today vice president mike pence is already on the grounds to assess the damage caused by the consequence for. weather system which hits almost a week ago plans if the houston residents don't have enough problems to deal with already. series of overnights explosions of the flooded chemical plants. absent trillions of toxic smoke spewing about the
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region with more. is katherine betts government are being brought to bear. aerial footage shows a fire burning in the distance. two meters of water have flooded the houston area arkham a chemical plant. her keen harvey knocked out the plant's power and its backup generators. needed to run the cooling system that keeps the chemical compounds from come busting in high temperatures. a possibility arc among was worried about. on its website the company said it's prepared for a worst case scenario. that's why on tuesday local officials issued an evacuation order for the area surrounding the plant. we we've had a number of evacuations around arkham a chemical plant last night we proactively were able to evacuate about a mile and after eighty surround the argument chemical plant for example which is whether not we can actually get. in and assess the the the full. full scale of the impacts from an environmental standpoint to infrastructure standpoint so those are wrong going. the black smoke
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emitted from the burning chemicals is irritating to the eyes skin and lungs. so far ten people have been hospitalized including one policeman after inhaling the chemical fumes. officials say until they can get their refrigeration system back on line. they expect more explosions at the plant. well the risk of major flooding along the gulf coast there is still high with towns like bowie moans and sports author still struggling to cope. in houston flood water levels might well be receding but in certain neighborhoods the nightmare is only just beginning. previously drawing districts near two reservoirs split that this wednesday a reporter for the crown that visited residents there. as the water began gushing in. little did these people know that they were living in the shadow of the greatest threat. this water was released from to flood
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control reservoir dogs right next door. this is a rich so called a subdivision of houston. completely safe inferi from the floods in other parts of the city. marilu stone is one of the reluctant evacuees. five hundred year flood. right or not. i've been in this neighborhood forty years. never. it's no laughing matter though when soldiers from the national guard show up. the army corps of engineers decided to let out water from the nearby reservoir. to ease the pressure. a breach in the levee still deemed possible the dams our indicate. those who have come from further afield to get people out seem more aware of the gravity of the situation.
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natural dam breaks. yeah. everything everything out here underwater. everything's under. now you don't live down. they have. these homes are built on form of wetland. they although. residents here though trust that's a storm like harvey only comes along every five hundred or a thousand here. it can match and. houston. yeah if we haven't flooded now for not complying. she lives right here at the south lawn next door. and we are very blessed. yeah i can say that i have been so blessed and have electricity and cable as for the reasons for the extreme weather. one is swiftly excluded. lately not planned and now we've had hurricanes for years that yeah. this is the biggest flood houston has ever seen. only a broken dam could make it worse.
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and that possibility is not being discarded. but it brother reporting that. while staying at states only the u. s. government's has ordered russia to shut down its consulates in san francisco was well this two annexes in washington dc and in new york city. the state department said that decision was made in quotes the spirits of parit. adding that both of those closures need to be made up by saturday at the latest all correspondence daniel hoffman has more now from new york. let's teach for attach responsive pay back from from washington because if you remember well just a month ago at moscow announced that it would. read use of the american diplomatic presence in russia's forcing more than seven hundred diplomats to leave the country and donald tramp actually have commented and clear that his band was actually. beneficial to the united states as it would use today the government's payroll so so they said this russian move after from last month
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was actually self response to new american sanctions. and i were overwhelmingly approved by the u. s. senate in order to condemn close you pose interference in last year's presidential election but also to protect against. the annexation of crimea in twenty fourteen that's a washington considers to be illegal in the state department just released a press statement where where it cool did the russian decision from last. month's at an action down and warranted in detrimental to the relationship between the two countries and it added that this. strict labels the head of the largest private sector trade unions say he's he's disappointed though. while the communist backed cgt house announced a
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strike action for later this month uncut willa has the details. good luck to tala you. the right to work is in the heart of the french social system and it will stay that way. thus begins the first real test of a manual microns presidency. on thursday his government unveiled in nearly two. overhauling france did labor regulate. the goal is to give french companies more power to negotiate working hours and pay. bus slashing the number of workers committees and limiting penalties for wrongful dismissal. michael says these reforms are vital to stamping out the country's rampant unemployment. which is stuck at nine point five percent. more than double that of the uk and germany. but he will face stiff opposition from hardline unions like the cgt. which is called for nationwide protests on september twelfth. will contact you from day heroes citron moos said to noah alfie is well founded. this is a law that
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will not fix the issue of unemployment. you there is no link between labor rights and decreasing unemployment a hopeful tone it's a law that will favor big business is not small and medium businesses. so that my car is not the first french president to attempt labor reform. his predecessors jacques chirac tried twice. but ended up blocking after mass protests. for so long tried to he was met with strikes fuel blockages and petrol shortages that effectively froze the entire country in two thousand sixteen. micron's advantages that this time trade unions have not put up a united front. the moderate cft t. union and the hard left forcibly ever. both expressed disappointment with the proposed changes but said they would not join in street protests. this week has provided some useful clarifications but still no decisive progress on the central issues. that's what the e. u.'s chief brags that negotiators said his round three of official divorce talks wrapped up. this thursday.
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michelle barnier sees the discussions are far from shifting to talks on the post brags that relationship between london on the block. the question cost of the divorce when the key sticking points. britain's brags that minister david davis is being in a more upbeat mood saying that concrete progress has. nevertheless been made this week. let's listen now to what both men have been saying. we'd like to read. at this point in time with far from being able to confirm sufficient progress is so that we can recommends to the european council. to start the discussion about the future relations between the uk and the european regional truck stricter horseshoe will close to what you may need. internal abandon this week we've had loan and detailed discussions. across a mobile areas but i think it's fair to say we've had so we've seen some concrete pro wrestling. in other world news the iraqi prime minister has
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vowed to continue to liberate every inch of the country. this after his forces retook the town of telephone and the surrounding province from the islamic state group this thursday. haider al abadi issued a statement to the jihadists who fled saying they now have a choice. between surrendering or dying simon harding explain. nnova victory which could signal the end of the so called islamic state group in iraq the iraqi prime minister said that forces besieging telefon had liberated the city. after a two week long operation. the loss is a major blow to the jihadists who had already yielded their iraqi defector capital in mosul. in july. currently the last area controlled by the eyes group in northeast iraq is around the time. yes of mosul with the rest of its territory mainly spread across the desert region around the border with syri. the strategic town of al came on the banks of the euphrates river remains in. have the extremists and
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further up the river into syria. government loyalists continue to resist abdera soul. civilians who fled to comes north of this region say the group has become so desperate for fighters. that has begun to conscripted local population. that territory maybe crumbling away but these latest defeats do not yet mean the end of the islamic state organization. many fighters have retreated to mountainous areas in iraq where they now use guerrilla tactics. others thought to be lying low in sleeper cells around the iraqi capital baghdad. this year's monsoon season in southern asia has left at least one thousand people dead. and close to forty million others affected by floodwaters in parts of india nepal and bangladesh. the deluge is led to the collapse of an apartment block this thursday in mom body which is left at least nineteen. well that and dozens more are believed to be still trapped in the rubble. nnamdi off to days of
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intense monsoonal down because. roads have turned into rivers in the densely populated indian city of mumbai. the widespread flooding has left president struggling to cope. dozens of people were trapped offer a full story visit. seen. agree to rescue those who s. solely to building a just came down. a person with a. thousands of images across the country have been because often left without food and clean water. the deluge also wreaked havoc in the eastern state of bihar. where hundreds have been killed? many residents were forced to leave their homes are makeshift waltz. thousands of been housed in relief camps across various states. officials say entire crop fields have been completely destroyed. ruining the livelihoods of local thomas.
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in neighboring bangladesh at least a hundred people have died as more than six hundred thousand hectares of farmland were completely washed away. torrential rains also left streets submerged in pakistan's port city of karachi. local meteorologists say the adverse weather conditions are set to continue across the country. forty odd lives out of control people awaiting in waist high water vehicles of broken down people have to push their vehicles. traffic is gone now. seems to be now and so on is not. rains regularly trigger floods in south asian nations during the monsoon season. which runs from june through september. in the early hours of the thirty first of august twenty years ago newsreaders across the world broke the news that princess diana was dead. the thirty six year old died in hospital here in paris following a car crash in the capitals on my time. funds of the princess of come throughout the day this
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thursday to lay flowers on place messages. of the golden flame of liberty stunt she. on official memorial to diana. from the twenty fourth nearly takes a look back. work. the woman. then the british prime minister tony blair described as being. the people's princess. prince charles and lady diana spencer announced their engagement. but i i'm marries the cheeses. being brave enough to take me on. and i suppose in love. i was just nineteen fisheye aristocrat was thrust into the limelight. months later she would marry the activist during. she quickly became an international icon. that might that shin and for our extensive charity walk. but her life was cut short at the young age of thirty six. the princess of wales died in a car crash in a parisian tunnel.
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a mercedes was speeding to evade the paparazzi. and the drive its blood alcohol levels over the legal limit. lady di's boyfriend and that drive by with pronounced dead at the sight. she would die from her injuries alice later. a family tragedy for us on this then aged twelve and fifteen. that an event that also shocked the world. one million people descended on the streets of london to pay their respects. and millions more watched on television. i don't see the role from that's the realize how much we thought of her. until they decide it's not to publish a few normal not to make a big data perfume on them we all. decided that that wasn't a good thing. she represented the human side of the monarchy. because i think people in britain want to. continue the idea of the monarchy but maybe with a softer approach and i think she softens that approach. her two sons have taken on some of the causes that she champions. making sure that the legacy
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of the people's princess lived on. this chart. the officials in germany are preparing to carry out a major evacuation this sunday in order to defuse a world war two bom over sixty thousand people are being ordered out of their homes. in a one point five kilometer radius all that poem which was unearthed during construction work. who to borrow a bass brings you will? it's not everyday that a one point eight ton boom is discovered on a construction site. but in germany it's relatively common. on tuesday wet because on this location. so the go university in frankfurt came upon yet another legacy of the intense second world war bombing campaigns by the allied forces. the city's authority say the task of defusing the bushes explosive will involve the evacuation of up to seventy thousand residents. officials say the planned operation is germany's biggest yet less at the
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moment no danger for the people in front. but still the bomb has to be removed so we will disarm. the bomb on sunday. the unexploded device which has been nicknamed blockbuster is capable of wiping out entire street school buildings. the radius of one point five kilometers around the ball will have to be evacuated as a precaution. it will then be handled by bomb disposal experts. a process that is expected to take up to four hours. you're watching live from paris here in france twenty four with me thomas waterhouse these all the latest world headlines. water levels in houston texas might well be receding on the grounds but up in the air the stories are filling with toxic smoke. so after a series of explosions and applauded tiled chemical. i think payout stunned fed dismissals on giving businesses greater flexibility. french governments on violence it's thirty six point grand plan aimed at
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shaking up the country's strict labor rules. and boosting the economy. round three of divorce two weeks wrapped up in brussels and it's still not full steam ahead of breaks its. use chief negotiator say's no decisive progress has been made. with battle lines still drooling on do you citizens rights and of course the cost. all of that separation. it's time now for a look at some of the. other a business news i'm making headlines at this thursday with brian quinn who joins me now and set brian of course we had to in the headlines. of the main story here in france. this thursday is of course the unveiling of the government's plans to you. tweaking amends a labor laws and you have more on what they could mean for small and medium sized businesses with a small and medium size businesses really one of the crucial targets for these matters. under the new rules as we see in companies with fewer than fifty employees will be able to negotiate working conditions directly with
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their employees instead of three unions. also importantly damages awarded to former employees for unfair dismissal will be capped the idea there that if employers know the cost of laying off a worker. will be more likely to hire in the first place. the current employees are concerned that their job security is evaporating mara bear sticker takes a look in this report. who knows the see saw his company grow from eight to forty employees in a few years? and with business booming the entrepreneur plans to hire some more. he says he now has the flexibility to do so thanks to the government's overhaul of the country's labor code. and argues then you cap on severance pay will diminish the risk associated with hiring. they say your credentials up enormous computing class which trying to hire a farce because our business is growing quickly. we need to hire about fifty more people but we know that might be around ten who won't be a good fit. and snow that if we have to find them.
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there's a limit to what we must pay but yeah it's very reassuring. a secret us you only saw a gives us peace of mind and it makes the recruitment process. more fluid it was just sitting. but many employees here don't share their bosses enthusiasm. they say they'll have to wait and see how the reform's impacts their lives and work. some are already fearful that employers will abuse the new measures. excellent reporting gives full power to the boxes and makes things easier for them but even if an employee is in the right the boss can still find him everyone use. to offset those fears the government has offered to raise minimum damages for dismissals by twenty five percent. and while the cap on severance pay will not apply in cases of discrimination or harassment. the general feeling remains that the reforms championed by emmanuel michael. will ultimately benefit employer. tropical storm harvey has forced the closure of a key u. s. fuel pipeline. colonial pipeline says it's
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gasoline diesel and aviation fuel pipelines running from the gulf of mexico to the u. s. east coast have been shut down. due to outages at pumping locations and a lack of refined supply. the storm is already shut down nearly one third of u. s. oil refining come. the us department of energy today authorize the release of. a million barrels of crude from the country's strategic petroleum reserve. try and offset the loss. retail fuel prices are already up ten percent ten cents excuse me per gallon in the u. s. with the repercussions growing. flood damage lingers. well britain and japan planned to enact a bilateral trade deal as soon as bright it is complete. british prime minister theresa may is in tokyo meeting with politicians and business leaders she seeking to reassure them and breaks it. and to deepen trade ties between the two nations. the commitment from japan was heavily sought after by the british it would essentially take japan's trade agreement with the e. u. and institute a copycat arrangement for the uk.
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the development comes as the third round of breaks in negotiations wrapped in brussels with you negotiator michel barnier saying no decides progress had been made. may said the uk is looking to other partners for trade deals as it leaves europe. this is a formative period in shaping the future of my country. and as we leave the european union. so i am determined that we will seize the opportunity. to become ever more outward looking global person. deepening our trade relations with old friends and new allies around the world. and there are few places where the opportunities of doing so all greater. the japan the third largest economy in the world. time now for a check on the markets wall street rallying thursday as u. s. treasury secretary steven newton says the trumpet ministration is on track to execute tax reform by year end. united healthcare's helping push the snp five hundred up nearly six tenths of a percent with the dow up around three tents and the nasdaq up around nine tenth.
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european indexes also up french retailer car for losing thirteen percent on slowing sales but gains at week and pernod ricard help offset that. the cat carol here in paris closing up nearly six tenths of a percent. chosen lufthansa up over three percent that help the frankfurt dax along. onions with one hundred closing up nearly nine tenths of a percent. let's take a look at some of today's top business headlines. india's economy grew at its slowest pace since twenty fourteen for the three months ending in june. the country posted five point seven percent growth for the quarter that's down from six point one percent for the previous quarter. it's the fourth straight sets period of slowing growth. manufacturing seeing the sharpest deceleration analysts point to last year's can japan and. acts as possible factors. alors lafayette planned. wire locked a dude ba connick french department store has announced it will buy a fifty one percent. fashion and housewares retailer with an
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eye to eventually across acquiring the remainder. galleries chairman says the game is to establish a there are more than 32,000
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people currently in shelters in the state. we have approximately 30,000 beds that are available for sheltering as needed and we continue to work on additional backup plans in the evevent more than that is needed.


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