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tv   Global 3000  LINKTV  September 29, 2017 7:30am-8:01am PDT

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♪ >> this weweek on global 3000,e focus on marine life. sharks and rays s are falling sk of the adriatic coast.t. but w? animimal rights activists want dolphinariums banned - and ththey're outlaweded in many countries. but not in spain. whaling is banned worldwide. but only for larger species. we go to russia, where belugas are still being hunted. ♪ >> belugas, or white whales, are extremely sociable marine
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mammals that live together in pods. they communicate using a wide range of different sounds. that's earned them the n nickne "canaries ofof the ocean". but, their habitat is under threat. plastic trash and other toxins t mammals sick. underwater noiseevels ee increasing, due to heavy ship traffic and drilling for oil and gas. all thisis together withisinig water temperatures is making life tough for the whales.s. belugas live in the arctic waters, including those off russia. there though they are stilill t the mercy of hunters. ♪ in thehe black sea, two russin film journalists are documenting the fate of dolphins and white whales, or belugas -- known for their unusual singing. these
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filmmakers have been swimming with the whales since childhood - and have watched the whale population diminish over the years. belugas are being sold to dolphinariums in ever higher numbers. belugas live in arctic waters in large families. they are highly intelligent and social creatures. tatjana beley and gayane petrosyan say it's a crime to take them out of their native habitat and place them in pools. eir resear shows thathe nuer of dolpnariums alg the black sea coast is rising, in china too. so demand for belugas is growing rapididly. cacaptivity in a d dolphinariun thebe pure hell for belugas.g, iinstead of swimming hundreds of kilometers a day, they are reduced to doing tricks in a small pool. ththese intelllligent mammalse degradeded to littlele more tn remote-conontrolled toysys.
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>> it's just awful when you find out what is happening behind the closed doors and fences, how the dolphins and belugas are suffering. but what's even more terrible that you can't help them. ♪ >> haunted by the whales' plight, beley and petrosyan travelled across russia for four years, filming what they saw where belugas were kept in captivity. the resulting documentary has caused a stir in russia. >> the worst part for me was o o trip t to the far east. what i saw there was jusust unimaginable. the animals e re-educated, tortured; many of them die. especially when they are being transported. and the people involved dodont care. we were threatenened numerouous times while filmining. >> but the two did manage to film these images at the arctic
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circle. these men are catching the young, gray belugas. they can be trained. but the older ones, once they turn white, cannot. when the hunters come, the white belugas try to protect their young and often get caught in the nets. many die. >> t they get sent to china on these old, rusty boats. they spspend days i in little tububsn in the scorchihing heat. >> during loading or unloading, many belugas' necks break. amusement parks pay between 40 and 100 thousand euros for a young, gray beluga. the trade brings in millions. >> the problem is growing because there are more and more dolphinanariums. in russia theye being bubuilt all the time. they're lucrcrative. but e exps to china are also o increasis. it's as if an epidemic has broken out: every city wants its own dolphinanaum. so thehe business is booming - and the
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oceanariums s are gettg g biggr alall the me. the e chinese e as want to haveve the very bibigg. e ananimals for ththese aqua-pas are bought from russia. more and more people are getting involved jujust to get a pipiece of the action. ♪ >> the journalists have screened their film in russian cinemas, hoping to raise awareness. in europe and north america, animal prprotection laws are stroron, and importrting wildatchches isn many casases forbidden. ordinanary russians were shockd by the film. ♪ >> i'll never go to o a dolphinarium again. it's so sad. you never think about things like this. but when you see it, then you know how serious it all is. we have to fight against this practice. >> it's great that films like this are being made in russia, and that such offenses are being addressed. the big problem,
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though, is that there are no laws about how to keep whales in captivity. that is wrong. there should be clear regulations about that for such intelligent animals. >> the filmmakers' goal is a moratorium on the hunting of dolphins and whales until the introduction of legal guidelines for holding the whales in the aqua-parks. but they feel that animal rights aren't taken seriously in russian polilitics -- especialy when business is involved. for president vladimir putin, moscow's new dolphinarium amounts to a trophy object. he's ignored all l calls for beluga' rights here. >> it would be e easier if the beluga business wewere in the hands of just one person. but there is a whole network that stbusiness is part of a cocorrut bureaucrsysystem.em.m. this
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>> it could tatake years to deft this. but there's some progress: russian nenewspapers have published their first articles about the belugas' suffering. ♪ ♪ >> a total of 63 countries worldwide have marine mammal parks. they are particularly popular in japan, china, the us, russia and mexico. the majority of those in europe are in spain - where there are as many as 12. ♪ >> it's showtime in europe's largest dolphinarium. the marine aquarium in valencia, spain, is a tourist magnet. there's pop music, and the dolphins perform tricks in
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formatation. the aququarium saye dolphihin shows helplp promote environmental protection andnd education. some ildren he never en thocean. fofochildrenikike th, gettin to see anils u up cle is ver importan e emotional elemt t is als fundamtal totohe experience. e opportity y to see dolphins is a powerful educational tool. >> large groups of children come here on school outings, to learn about the underwater creatures. animal rights activists say such educational arguments are little more than window-dressing. the aquarium is a big busineness, d the animals s are part of ther profitit-making machchine.
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we head for tenerife, one of the canary islands. teo lucas is an animal rights activist and elementary school teacher who is opposed to dolphinariums. soon after we set sail, a school of dolpipins begins fofollowinr boat. teo lucas tries to get some good shots. he would never take his students to a dolphin show. instead he organizes boat tours so that children can see the marine mammals in their natural environment, rather than in captivity. >> when you talk to children about freedom, or about family, they understand exactly what you mean. if you ask them: what if i removed you from your environment, your home, your family? do you think you would like that? all of them say, 'no'.
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>> the dolpin shows are a mainstay of spain's tourism industry. there are four dolphinariums on the canary islands already, and another one is being built -- on lanzarote. teo lucas says that dolphins suffer in the aquariums. constant stress makes the dolphins aggressive toward the weerer animalsls in the group. it's only huhunger t that makesm obey the trarainers.s. here in aquaualand, visisitors can pay a private show, whwhere they get. it's a lucrative sideline for the aquariumum, so they shrug f the didisease risk it t poses te animals. >> for marininmammals, t the canary islands arere a kind of guanantanamo. there are more tn 20 dolphins being held in captivity y here, just in this smsmall regi. . dolphins arered
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animals anand they love freedo. there're always on the move; they never stay still. how can we take an animal that normally travels greaeat distances in te ocean and hold it captive in a tank? >> t that's a questition aquad prefers s to avoid. asaspro, e company that operates the dolphinarium, won't grant inteterviews. the madrid-based company opoperates dozens of leisure parks across europe, with more than 2-thousand yein part to the controversialhe company dolphin shows.ns, thans another spanish dolphin-show operator, , parques rereunidos, became a publicly listed company in spring g last year. r revenus 580 million euros in 2016. the
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company owns 100 dolphins and six orcas. it turned down requesests for interviews. >> this business model is increasing the number of animals held in captivity. when a child visits a park like this and sees a dolphin or a parrot, they don't go home with a new appreciation for environmental protection. instead they ask their r father, 'buy a parrot oa hamster for me!' captivity just leads to more captivity. >> there are alternatives to theme parks. the waters around the canary islands are rich in marine life. like pilot whales. a boat tour usually costs less than admission to a theme park. for the visitors, it's a chance to see the animals in their natural environment. >> now it's time for global ideas - where we learn the
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bestst >> what do you think of dolphin arians? tell us -- dolphin area's -- dolphinariums? tell us on facebook. >> now it's time for global ideas - where we learn the plight of other marine life off the coast of bosnia and herzogovina. much of the country's limited coastline has been heavily developed. in the resort town of neum and the capital sarajevo marine biologists are tracking down the causes of disease among sharks and rays in the adriatic. >> marine biologist andrej gajic and his research team are gearing up for their next dive. they make dives like these only half-dozen times a year, so they're truly special opportunities. >> e expeditionsrere sometngng that i c consider as a perersl thing. w we usually plan every dive in n a minute we plplan ey
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activity, every species that we want to see, film, to take samples to analyze. >> they've come to observe the shark and ray populations, which have seen an eighty-five percent decline in the region. what they're learning is surprising. >> when we saw the first samples. we got ten dead sharks from the coast around this part of the adriatic sea. and we cut all the organs. and we did not believe to find anything suspicious. but they were all sick. and that was extremely surprising, not only for us, but for other colleagues all around the world who are cooperating with us. and not only surprising, but it made us very worried. >> on an ordinary dive, they descend up to about fifty meters. there's been relatively little research on the sea life here, and vitually no other studies on diseases affecting creatures like the leopard shark, or the shortfin mako shark.
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this is part of the pathological collection at the university of sarajevo. scientists here study fish such as rays or skates which end up as bycatch in fishing nets. the researchers x-ray them, take ct scans, and study tissue samples under the microscope. one image shows a healthy shark liver, another a unhealthy fatty liver. >> it is normal to have up to 50 per cent of the fat within the liver and what surprises most is that they have far more than the 50 per cent. and besides that you can see how the microvesicles actually destroy ththe cell. >> they've also found hepatitis and degenerative tissue changes. around ninety percent the tissue samples showed evidence of
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disease. the researchers have yet to uncover the cause. andrej gajic says it could take up to a decade to identify the environmental factors that contribute to these diseases. to do this, they'll need to systematically study sharks and stingrays along the entire adriatic coast, including croatia and montenegro. andrej gajic's research and environmental ngo, s sharklab adria, also includes technicians and students. today they're out studying sharks. >> i started with sharklab about a year and half ago. i've been on three expeditions so far and have really learned a lot.
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>> they're planning to take another dive this evening. >> it is highly importantoto kn thahat weive dudung the night, because wcacan nd moree ra. >> aft severalours thefind a mber othese marbled eltric rays.t's populaon haalso decned dramically. >lomete a alonghe adrdriatic.fnv itit's aopular holiday deststinion fofobosnia a herzogovina. all of the town sewage flows, directly into the sea - some of it as unfiltered waste. >> the waste water that we need to deal with, and there is also need for better law regulations, which will help us to maintain our waste. >> one cause for the decline of species is overfishing. the
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biologists see sustainable fish farms as a possible solution. this one is owned by ivan kremek. his family fished here for generations until open-water catches declined. >> our forefathers fished, but it was different then. they fished for themselves, and even they didn't have enough to supply the market. that's why we've started these fish farms. today we can supply all of bosnia and herzegovina with fish. >> the findings of andrej gajic and his team have raised international concern. now gajic hopes to open an ocean research institute in his home country. and he hopes that one day, biodiversity will return to the adriatic -- so that it will be
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as rich in species as this marine aquarium. >> water is most valued where it's least present. peru's capital, lima, is located inina coastatal desert. but rivers supply the city with glacial water from the andes: and there's still a bountiful supply of it. in the settlements on the edge of the city, however, beyond the limits of its water system, things look very different. >> an unusual l project is ununderway. men are e carrying blue-green bundles up the hillside. they're also putting up many wooden posts. then the nylon nets go up, here on a hill overlooking lima, the capital of peru. a dense fog is blanketing the poor neighborhood below, but
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little rain falls on these dry hills. a tanker-truck is making its way slowly up the street. it's the o only source o of fh litwater for the hundreds ofry hthousands of people who liveng here. and it's expensive. abel cruz wants to change that. >> we started fog catching in this district four years ago, in order to supply water to the families who live here. >> fog catchers are an ingenious idea. during the winter, fog covers the entire area. abel cruz uses these nets to make water out of thin air. >> the fog condenses on the nets. the water gathers here and runs down the net, drop by drop, thousands of them. they all end up in this channel, which transports it to cisterns. on a good day, a single fog catcher can yield up to 200
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liters of water. >> we want to show the government that with a little intelligence, we can change the lives of people who live here. the lives of many families. in lima, about 2 million people have no access to drinking water. two million, that's a lot! >> people here in the villa lourdes neighbourhood are hoping that there w will soon be pleny of water in the tank and that their life will be that much easier. there is no running water in the shacks here. maria explains to us that sand does the job of water in the toilets. not only is the water delivered by truck very expensive, people never know if it is clean or has to be boiled before they drink it.
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>> m my dream is to have runnig wateter, hot a and cold, one dn our house. and sewerage and electricity. simply having water when you turn on the tap. >> the peruvians without water initiative has erected fog catchers in other neighborhoods and areas, and is planning more -- with the help of donations. now there is enough water for maria to grow vegetables on her little hillside plot. perhaps her dream of having her own water tap might yet come true. ♪ >> i am. >> a global teen.
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>> in our global teens series, we meet teenagers from around the world and find out what they're passionate about. today, we're in south africa. ♪ >> what's your name? >> my name is zinhle mkhize, im 13 years old, and i live in johannesburg in south africa. ♪ >> i crochet and i knit. and i also play with my nephew. i imagine being an optometrist or a fashion designer. i prefer being a fasion designer in london, because here in south africa most fasion designers dont really make it. ♪
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my mother, she sells la vivita products. ♪ >> well, i think somome places ththered be rural,l, so theyee very poor in education. anand se would be rich arareas. so, thee would be spoiled brats. thered be different types of food they taste and sweets and all these other things ive never tasted before. ♪ im afraid that other kids would grow up not knowing that there is school.
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♪ my hopes for the future are, that other kids would have better education, better toilet facilities and also have better places to stay. ♪ the big problems of the world are global wararming, animals dying and also politics. ♪ >> we're looking for teenagers who'd like to introduce themselves and their views. if you're interested, or know someone who is, write to us at or on facebook - dw global society. thanks for joining us today. take care, and see you soon! ♪ [captioning performed by the
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09/29/17 09/29/17 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amy: from pacifica, this is democracy now! hard storm tos a recover from, but the amount of progresess that has been made -- and i really would appreciate any support that we get. i know it is really a good news story in terms of our ability to reach people and the limited number of deaths thatave tan place in ch a a dastatiti hurricane. amy: god news fakee news?


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