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tv   France 24  LINKTV  October 23, 2017 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT

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reaches six hundred thousand bangladesh's ambassador to the un calls on burma to end the violence in our time state. and allow the persecuted minority to return home. a freshh mandate for japan's shinzo abbe voters approved in his trademark ecoconomic policies now the prime minister says he will be focusing on education. child care and security. ndem threatening mass civil
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disobedience catalonia separatist leaders reject madrid's plan to dissolve their regional parliaments and call fresh elections. increasing tensions between spain's central government and the wealthy breakaway region . calling for a durable solution for from him refugees bangladesh is. says six hundred thousand men women and children have now fled their from burma since august twenty fifth. in total there are now one million rohingya muslims in bangladesh. and authorities are calling for burmese authorities to calm the situation and arakakan state to allow rohiningya refugees to return home. in thehe meantime countries and it's donors have pledged three hundred forty fivive million u. s. dollars to providede
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desperately n needed aid luxury go has more. annopol welcome in bangladesh's coup to prolong refugee camp for the queen of jordan. he not only spoke out of the injustice done to permits for him to he fled if safety but called out the international elite. heading to show this compassion swimming at a high price to the host community to the people of bangladesh. and they are sharing what little they have and that's general succeeding its equipment that's. some s six hundred thousand rohingya have fled bomber in less than two months. leaving nearly a a million cramammed into camps such as this one. it's the result of a decades long cycle of persecution against an ethnic group that burma considers stateless. when one person who use including killings own grazing inscribed villages that bring do says have been a response to attacks from
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muslim insurgents. with bangladesh is infrastructure and ngos badly stretched. the united nations appealed for four hundred and thirty four million dollars in aid. it's meant to help the rain get for the next six months. the the view and expects the situation to last much longer we have to be ready for the. strong possibility that's. and i'm. they will continue to be an made up in humanitarian assistance for. a period beyond they. and a fat free which is what we have got to stay out of it makes currently of the appeal. monday's conference in geneva netted pledges bringing the total a to some three hundred and forty million dollars. with more donations potentially to follow. a fresh mandate for japan's shinzo ave voters in sunday's general election renewed the prime minister's charm for another five years backing his signature. albin omics policies now ave says he plans on raising sales taxes and funneling that revenue toward education and childcare instead of paying down public debts. he also seeks to boost japan's
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military as tensions remain high with nearby north kore. thousand sergeant reports. japan's prime minister has won his bet shin so obvious liberal democratic party acquired a landslide victory in sunday's snap parliamentary election. despite pre election opinion polls which showed lackluster support for his policies. are they called sunday's elections a year in advance in hopes of gaining the two thirds parliamentary supermajority needed to revise the country's pacifist because to tuition. removing any doubt about the legitimacy of the country's armed forces. well the move hasn't sat well with the country's opposition abi says he's hoping to change that. i was justst looking for. a constitutional revision we are facing a high hurdle that requires the approval of it to the other as a parliament ida bututtons although the ruling coalition that did wings after the f first election y
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hooke neeeed to try and. gain wider support on this issue not just among your ruling coalition also from the opposition day and that will make efforts to gain the public's understananding of in order to win a majority. in the referendum which detect. abbe says that strengthening the military the country for any revisioe constitution to become official they have to be approved by majority of the japanese public in a nationwide referendum. after five months of urban warfare and airstririkes the philippines is announcing the end of the battle for my row we islamist militants had taken up weapons after security forces tried to arrest a man known as the local emir of. the islamic
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state group since then president rodrigo to tear tape place the island of mindanao home tomorrow. under martial rule in all more than one thousand people lost their lives in the battle. and another three hundred thousand residents fled their homes surely said bond has more. no no no no no militants inside my obesity. this time the battle of marawi seems to be completely over. authorities confirmed philippine troops stormed the last building were fighters had been holed up. there was a fight fight fight so they were finished. one of people post the forty third whatever's. vertical rig v via the l lie fifightinghe troops willee on t the look inteterests. slsliding in mararawi eruptd five months ago. southern city had become a stronghold for islamists. what security forces raided
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a building to rest one of the many leaders of a abu sayyaf whihich is affiliated with the islamic s state grp dedemand unexpected resista? and deadly clashes began. hundreds of man then sees districts of the city and its outskirts ransacking banks in shops and taking more than seventeen hundred hostages. they later used as human shields. authorities expected to route the militants out quickly but the battle lasted for months. in june the us deployed aerial and artillery forces to back philippines troops.. fearining the slavic state group may set a foothold and gainin influluence in the r. the battle has devastated the city forcing hundreds of thousands of residents to fleet. authorities are now setting up shelters to bring them back home.
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us secretary of state rex tellers and made a short visit to afghanistan this monday where he discussed the strategy for ending. the us is longest war killers and met with afghan president ashraf ghani and other u. s. an afghan officials at the background air base the main. us military facility in the country. wrestlers and is currently in baghdad however where he's meeting with prime minister haidar al abadi the u. s. is seeking to counter. iran's presence in iraq and boost saudi arabia's role there luxury go reports. amid heavy sececurity and wh no warning us secretary of state rex to listen jetted into afghanistan for a surprise visit on his george across south asia.. on the agenda his nation's new strategy in the longest war in its history w. s. has made it clear in terms of our support for afghanistan charting a path to peace prosperity and self relianc. it is imperative at the end
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that we're. denying safe haven to any terrorist organization drainage stream missed. no to any any part of the show world. the u. s. announced a three thousand strong afgfghan troops urgent l list aftfter yeyears o of touring down f. sosomething that sparkeke a spatee off attacacks from te locacal talibiban in recent weeks. despite declaring that the moderates within the militant group could have a place in government if they came to the negotiating table. the us administration's plans go far further than just afghanistan. it wants to d'or in both india and neighboring pakistan two an overarching regional strategy of security dependence. hochstein the starting take a clear eyed view. the situation that they're confronted with in terms of. the number of terrorist organizations it. find safe haven inside a box storm so we will work closely with pakistan. to greater more stable and secure box down as well. ellison his meeting with pakistani officials on
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tuesday in islamabad when he'll likely face questions following in august warning he made that the nation could lose its status as a u. s. military ally. if they continue to support afghan insurgents. an accusation pakistan has long denied. the us secretary of state is currently in baghdad where he met with prime minister haidar al abadi the u. s. is seeking to counter iran's presence in iraq in boost saudi arabia's role there. but as international affairs editor douglas herbert i told us on set earlier it's quite unlikely that iraq is likely to listen. to secretary terrorism. the the factual matter is iran has been dominant arm in iraq. in the past you know especially several years you know ever since basically the iraqi army fled on the heels of the routing of the the islamic state taking all that northern territory. you had a lot of what's called rands and these militia he's popular mobilization forces. basically coming in and doing the brunt of the fighting.
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really. . actually defending iraq in many respects are they were incorporated these forces he's popular mobilization forces actually into the iraqi army itself not here's where it gets a little tricky. and here's where perhaps is a little confusion even rex two listens comments. a we talk about these popular mobilization forces we talk about these iranian shiite militias fighting in iraq in the neighboring country. however they're not all arabia a lot of them most of them are actually not. yes iranian sponsored iranian backed up a lot of them are iraqis iraqi citizens iraqi shiite militias which is why you could sort of understand. iran's response when rex to listen says go home aransas what do you mean you're telling me to go home iraqi citizens a lot of them. yes they might have leanings towards i iran t they mighte some allegiance to iran but it's very complicated equation here all say one thing a ram like i said has been dominant arm in iraq. on you'll remember that these two countries fought.
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a very very bloody worth each other back in the eighties are a horrible war iran has spent a lot of time basically winning the geo political political battle in a sense and and getting not just a toehold but its. entire foot. into iraqi society and its dominant across the spectrum whether we're talking in the economics weather talking politically whether we're talking economically even cultural affairs in the society. now rap will deny this iraq tries to underplay it iraq obviously wants to say it's calling the shots in its own country. but the fact of the matter is you will have a lot of iraqis admitting perhaps in private yes iran is very dominant in the country. thatat reportsn executions in a town recently retaken by thehe syrian army according to
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homes is provincial governo. more than sixty civilians were killed and another one hundred are missing and all korea tying. a syrian officials said that the number of dead was likely to rise as they continue to search for and identify bodies. in the three weeks during which the town was ruled by islamic state group fighters public employees pensioners and their families were mame to pay. a deadly price. a russian journalist is in serious condition after she was attacked with a knife titanosaur again how are was stabbedd in the neck at the echo o of moscow radio statn where shehe is a p psenter.n what seems to be a targeted attack her assailant earlier blinded a security guard of into the buildingg. anotherf security guardrd was a also injured. the echo of moscow radio is cited as a mouthpiece of russia's liberal opposition. threatening mass civil disobedience the separatists
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in catalonia warned majority against dissolving their regional parliaments and calling new elections. as the standoff with the central government intensified but spain's central authorities reminded catalans president he and his team may lose their seats as soon as this weekend. prez way for the hold you pre were reported earlier from barcelona she told us about catalonia's options at this point. thursday's plenary sessions of the catalan parliament sir i'd you to start on thursday may could drag on until friday. now the castle on a a leda callaspo's demo is g. to attend at that session on thursday but out to thursday afternoon at five pm he's expected to travel. to madrid to present his appointive due to the senate now that will be at the last chance the henry lee adds to a trying convince medrad. knots to impose direct rule on his region that catalonia one of seventeen here in spain now
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and he has a two options ready one of them. is a to. give up his drive for independence which we're told is highly unlikely another option would be a to a go ahead with the you know natural declaration of independence in which case. he could be arrested for rebellion and he could face up to thirty years behind bars now some of his allies are urging him to go flirt side option. which is to add tree guys snap early elections hey in catalonia o the streets and matt barcelona. well the population is a highly divided some people
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off for the independence and say they they will continue to a protest as as a not so sure we talked to a man he said that he. had voted in the referendum on the independence on the first of october and he said that. he voted for the independence back then just to defy the central government but now he says he has changed his mind because. he's not sure of what the future will look like they came in catalan we've also been talking. to civil servants have told us that they're very worried to lose that job we've talked to teachers who be arguing in front of children at school. and whether to become independent or not said this really have divided the catalan as population and our students already with told are planning another protest on
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a thursday afternoon. london officials are introducing a new measure dn london will now have to pay more. twelve your rose when they get behind the wheel of vehicles registered before two thousand and six. it's been dubbed the t. charged t. for taxes city. and its plans for approved the city's air quality. we've got a health crisis in london with a situation where the area that is a killer and makes makes people sick that's why we've got. the toughest vehicle emissions tied the and where the world. the mayor's office said the new tax will apply to about thirty four thousand vehicles a month. a small percentage of the traffic in the british capital. but these older vehicles are more likely to be bigger polluters. clinton drivers appear divided over the measure. what a new age the bay definitely because it is getting worse up paves i if
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us jenny why they can do it? just because i am afraid i cannot stand they try to make the air banks i'm about disagree with that but. get out the charges a little bit too much per paper when at. this new taxes also in addition to the congestion charge in place since two thousand and three. that means some drivers could end up paying twenty four euros a day just to drive in the capital. for some this latest levy goes too far. i think k that the. problem is is that it touch going to penalize the people who've been be. less the for today. meanwhile the british government has announced plans to ban the sales of new diesel and gas powered cars. by twenty forty. and now is time for the business news and giles telegram is back on set welcome back charles. fun at this time we starting with donald trump announcing a new contract for boeing absolutely.
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this happened during a visit by singaporean prime minister lee c. n. low. he put out pen on paper to by fourteen billion dollars worth of boeing aircraft for singapore airlines. this happened at the white house under the gaze of president donald trump. who claims this will create seventy thousand jobs in the u. s.? singapore singapore put in an order for forty aircraft. it's listen to president trump. we've. just signed an order with boeing for almlmost fourteen billion dollars worth of airplanenes. we do a lot of business with singapore the relationship now is at its highest point. and that it will continue. it's move on now and i take a look at how the markets are faring in this monday showed up. over in the u. s. the wall street is a getting ready for the busiest week of earnings season. of three indexes have reached record highs at one point in the session. they're all trading lower now however. and in a europe have a trading session finished
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slightly in the green for most major indexes as investors are momentarily distracted from the catalan crisis by earning season. critic knowledge sector was the top performance in the one point three percent jagex thirty five in spain finished in the red. though as madrid tries to impose its control on catalonia spanish banks are particularly hurt by the answer to uncertainty surrounding the situation. do you anti trust regulators are raided the offices of german car manufacturers this monday. that the commission released a statement later as saying that the inspectors are instructions are related to commission concerns that several german car manufacturers may have violated you antitrust rules that prohibit cartels. and restrictive business practices. so why they did not mention who they targeted both volkswagen and daimler the maker of mercedes benz have revealed they are under investigation. these raids following the publication of a report by german weekly der spiegel alleging that volkswagen daimler audi porsche and bmw secretly
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work togetheher. from the ninineteen nineties on in cr development construction and logistics something that put these companies clients and suppliers at a disadvantage. on the owner of the paper mill in eastern france has sabotaged his machinery so that it can be used by the competition. the decision has shocked locals who were hoping the mill could be taken over by a new buyer. the broken machinery is meant to be auctioned off on tuesday alexander hurst has more. this factory in france's eastern vosges region started producing paper in fourteen seventy eight. fourteen years before christopher columbus cross the atlantic. it's been closed since twenty fourteen and tomorrow it's machinery is set to be sold at an auction. dodot cry met de la. heavy machinery in that would interest profefessionals who might want to buy specificc parts. conveys skip about. the business.
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for those machines will never function again and can only be sold off for parts. because the finish owners sabotaged the equipment to prevent it from being used by the competition. a decision that scandalized the town's mayor. and been million been mission of the. idea that these beautiful paper making machines would b be rendnded on fununctional. le up quick setsts hard to take for a lt of people additional cross the whole region people assigned to see this happen sickle moon contest as the view of officer. the factory's one hundred and sixty former workers share that sense of outrage at what they say is unnecessary waste. that was artist doctor who i had hope to see the factory up and running again someday oakwood corbyn leisurely gale the majority of the workers hoped that this site would start producing paper again in the future. labastida offended but you. a sad end for the oldest factory in france. but look at the other stories making headlines this monday in the world of business merrill lynch
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international has been find a little over thirty eight millionn eurosos by the uk's financial watchdog. feeling to report close to sixty nine million transactions between twenty fourteen and twenty sixteen. this is the first such fine under the european markets infrastructure regulation which was introduced following the global financial crisis provide greater transparency. south africa state owned transport utility company trance that is investigating it supplies for possible kickback payments the third parties. this follows local media reports of leaks emails that allegedly showed evidence of influence peddling in the issue of lucrative tenders. many of those documents relate to the wealthy gupta family were accused of using their friendship with jacob zuma. to win state contracts. in america and around co the company that controls saudi arabia's energy assets will have its initial public offering in the second half of twenty eighteen this was confirmed by the sea o.. i mean nasser this monday dismissing reports that these plans would be shelved
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the ipo could be the largest in history. raising around a hundred billion dollars in revenue for the kingdom. and more cheese for the chinese whether it's blue cheese like clock far softer creamier cheeses like pre or camembert. there once again welcome. on the chinese market after being banned for two months chinese authorities had worried over the bacteria found in the rise of brie and camembert for. bacteria used produce blue cheese all good news for producers as the chinese market kyi's market is booming. sales are expecectd to increase by twenty. six. set. and we're wrapping up this business update with the story of the smiley happy face icon was actually trademarks by a frenchman. the family that patented it is still raking in the cash jennings has a story. around yellow in they go by many names i might use emoticons will smileys whatever you call them you
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might be surprised head that there french invention. smiley companies based in london. it was setup in nineteen seventy two by a young journalist writing for the french newspaper francois. to limit that every morning when you're reading the papers are listening to the radio watching tv it's only ever bad news so i wanted to point out the good news they told me i wasn't possible. power you meant to point out the good news user where there was an article with good news. i draw around smiley face next to it one. bush we saved me so. frankly f fnny parts intoo the s smiley and from a few designs can millions of avatars around the world. each with its own character quirks there's even a che guevara meiji. since then that becomes houses burned into. in the live from the smiley family because son has taken the helm and expands the company's reach. invest in twenty years he's popularized the inmost calm with mobile phones. just be online spite a movement and then it was reinvented in re developed by other companies it's
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something i'm pretty proud of. yes twenty companies now one of the world's top a hundred licensing. he's with more than two hundred sixteen licensees around the globe. its annual retail sales talk two hundred thirty million euros and it sells more than twenty three million products each year. penny back to you with my best impression of the smiley face heart thank you. know yellow. thank you so much for that business update will be back in just a few minutes we'll have more news coming up. i including african news in about twenty minutes to stay tuned there's more news coming up next on france
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10/23/17 10/23/17 [captioning made possible by democracy now!] amamy: from pacifica, this is democracy y now! views, andnal catalononia, there will also bet risk in e europe. practicacally decidingng the fue of a nation is not a crime. --sis goes against the nations through diversity. amy: spain is plunged into a politicr


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