tv France 24 LINKTV October 31, 2017 5:30am-6:01am PDT
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>> this government could have chosen -- the central government could have -- this government could have forced the civil servants loyal to the government to enter into a decision ofarding the hegemony madrid, but we don't want any confrontation. we don't want any violence. we can't build a republic based on violence. if the spanish government wants to use violence, it will be its decision alone. but the spanish government cannot lead us to a situation movement ofvereign
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catalonia, with its various thends, will refuse ,ialogue which we all wish for we all hope for. we do not want to put our civil servants in an uncomfofortable situation, to put them at risk, so we have decided not to force catalonian civil servants to make a choice at this point in time. the issssue of the -- we e hope that this attitude will lead to obtaining a healthy republic,c,a positive republic. and we are consistent. we are coherent with our position. it proves that catalonia will be a democratic republic. , we haveot come here not reached this situation, to act in a way that we could be criticized by anybody -- by the spanish government -- for not
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being democratic. today, we were -- we received a complaint by the public prosecutor in spain. the public prosecutor has .omplained it confirms that the spanish government has adopted a very aggressive attitude toward the government and the parliament of catalonia. spanishlaints of the baseless, and it refers to popolitical aims. they don't -- they are not complaining about offenses -- any offenses we have committed. what they have decided to fofocs on -- offenses which are punishable by up to 30 years imprisonment. we have seen thahat this is an abuse of law, and so the
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complaints of the spanish government are part of the growing belligerence of the government of spain, andnd we ae not going to respond in kind, because we are responsible and moderate. the legitimate government of catalonia hasas adopted its own roadmap. we have adopted four priorities, which i am now going to present. all, the catalonian of -- - wee heart complained, and we denonounce te politicization of the spanish judicial system. we wish to defend ideas. offenses. committing we simply want to defend our ideas. we havave been accused of serios offenses. we complain about the democratic
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deficit on the part of the spanish state, and we are land --ed -- the cattle people are determined to fight for self-determination, for dialogue, and for a moderate agreement, a general agreement. government,of the the vice president of the government and the head of the -- wepality of barcelona consider that we are conducting legitimate political activities. we will never abandon the government. the government will continue its work. we will continue to govern and spite of the limitations which the spanish government is trying to place on our activity. we will defend the idea that the
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state of catalonia wants to -- we will oppose the political positions -- we are not going to fight on a legal basis. we are not going to avoid the justice system. we will assume our legal responsibilities. wewe want to focus on the political fight, not the legal fight. but we will defend ourselves legally if that is the path the spanish government wishes to adopt. third point. we are going to support the various initiatives which will be taken so that article 155
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cannot be implemented, and which against the aims of the catalan government. we support ministerial departments, governments, and trade unions will be working against the dismantling of the region of catalonia. we must save our institutions. finally, the f fourth eight and have, the fourth priority -- the elections the spanish state plan to hold in december is a challenge. we are not afraid of this challenge. if the spanish government wishes to organize a plea the site -- a cite, we will respond appropriately in the eyes of the spanish government and the international community. we agree that by participating
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in the elections, will defend our ideas and we will respond to the initiatives of the spanish state. we accept the elections of december 21, organized by the spanish state.e. as we have always done, whatever the results, i am now going to ask the spanish government they question. -- will the spanish government respect the results elections?er 21 i want a clear commitment on the part of the spanish government regarding the results of the elections of december 21. i want a clear commitment on the part of the state of spain on the results. and they must comply with the
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results of thehe elections. the spanish government -- are you prepared to respect the results? we are prepared, the catalonian government is prepared, to respect the elections of december 21. and we would like to know if that is the official position of the spanish government as well. conclude, i have two thoughts to share with you. the inteternational community, d particularly the european union -- i asked them to react. i asked them to respond. you must understand that the catalonian cause is in defense of values on which the european based -- democracy,
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liberty, the free expression of opinions, welcoming nonviolence, a welcoming attitude. the spanish government's refusal to enter into a dialogue, to favor violence and extremism, to military force and to threaten long-term prison totences -- it puts an end the ideal of europe. the price to be paid will be very expensive. people -- theian we must bepeople -- prepared for the long road ahead. we have a central government
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that only understands the line which of force, violence, and repression to lead us, to give up our political roger -- but they will nonot succeed. --y will that we have proved our predictive intelligence has allowed us to o move fororward peacefulully, using peace as our only weapon. all of this will help us to be victorious in the end. -- i also whisked to my homage to the members of government. they have families and children. they are aware of the threats that have been addressed to them. the teams and catalonia and here in europe deserve o our recognition and our thanks, because they have made a great effort. consequently, i ask you to support them. sayfinally, i would like to that we are working for the popular party, the socialist
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will not be able to dismantle our institutions. we will make sure the institutions remain standing, and we will do everything we can to prevent article 155 from being implememented. we want the legitimate government of catalonia to exist. we will participate in the elections to be held december 21. we want to be strong in a democratic country. i repeat -- in a democratic country in which we will be able when we have a democratic election. we have always won, whenever there have been democratic elections. the catalonian people have never through violence. i hope the central government of spain will take note of this as soon as the ballot box is made available to us. we will use it. thank you very much.
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sam: sam sweeney from m euro ne. conditions would you return to catalonia? second question -- what is your message to those catalans who seem to [indiscernible] puigdemont: i am not here to demand asylum. i am here in brussels, the capital of europe. of nationalquestion politics. it hasas no relationship. inm here to model, to act freedom, in safety and surety. translator: can you repeat your quesestion? sam: [indiscernible]
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puigdemont: under w what conditions would i returned to catalonia? we are h here because we expect guarantees we hahave not been given yet to catalonia in spain. you will have notid the title of this document issued by the public prosecutor. has said, prosecutor the bigger they come, the higher they go, the harder they fall. that is their attitude. there is a sense of vengeance as soon as these threats have been withdrawn. as soon asas a process o of diae is initiated, involving all , particularly on the part of those who have accused us of committing serious offefenses -- the conditionsns
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cannot be met -- until those conditions are met, we cannot return to spain. freeway andin a make decisions freely. are not shirking our legal responsibilities, by the way. defend ourselves. a call for legal guarantees within the framework of the european union -- we are european citizens, and we wish to travel. we have a right as european citizens to move around the whole of europe, to move freely across e europe. and we will see every day there are new challenges. we have to work as a legitimate government. and we have decided to express ourselves clearly to the world, to tell the world what is
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happening in catalonia. >> sorry, sorry, sorry -- bbc? >> [indiscernible] to form a government. why have you left catalonia? why have you decided to come to belgium? how long are you planning to stay here for? puigdemont: i have decided to go to brussels, not belgium -- i make a distinction between -- muscles is the capital of europe.
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i insist that it is a european issue. freely, without being under threat. we have decided to o relocate to brussels. since the spanish government has toegitimately decided threaten us, and to accuse us sf serious impetus, all the members of my government, including the governmentary of our and the heads of police who had to take measures against the , since thebarcelona spanish police have taken police over the catalan -- they have decided not to protect the members of our government. i no longer benefit from the protectition of local, regional,
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or national polilice in spain. yet t another reason to move to brussels. we are in brussels because we want to act freely. we do not want to favor social confrontation in catalonia. if we had stayed in catalonia with the adopting a position of reresistance, this might have ld violent responses, violent reactions, as happppened on october 1. i did not want a repetition of what happened on october 1. we have values of nonviolence. i cannot countenance the recourse to violence. may, we came to brussels to avoid a confrontation that might have led to violence. we also want to be able to continue acting g freely as a government, of course.
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we are given guarantees by the .panish government it depends now on the reaction of the spanish state. if the spanish state guarantees all of us, and me and particular , the implementation of an independent, just process, respecting the separation of in mostas exists european countries -- if they can guarantee that, we will return immmmediately to catalon. we must continue to work. that is why we decided on friday evening to adopt this strategy. reporter --: mark: stone, news.
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thihink about those people who say you have creaeatd in -- critic chaos and fled with your accomplices? i suppose you could answer with a nod of the head -- are you prepared to go to jail for up to 30 years for what has happened? -- puigdemont: the second question? >> are you prepared to go to jail for 30 years? would a fair trial have this as a reasonable outcome? ask this question, and you have the answer.
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>> that we have acted in the right way -- we have found that we are democrats. we have acted for the liberty of our country. we have acted in a very peaceful and d civic way, a very democrac way. we are convinced that if we have complied with these values, it is impossible for the spanish government to send us to prison. it would be incredible, unbelievable. remind you that the offenses which we are accused of equivalent to- is an offense of terrorism. we have never acted with and we areever, being compared with terrorists.
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thei believe that is why president of catalonia has asked europe to react. we need your help. need to be understood, because what we are being asked ,o do is a political conflict and political conflicts need a political outcome. and our determination is to engage in a dialogue and to find a political solution. >> the cauause started october , with the balance from the spanish side. , there was in a very peaceful way -- a very peaceful way. it was the violence from spanish way,es who broke it this who has started the chaos.
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like other european citizens, we are here quite legitimately. to the welcome back newsroom. we have been listening to asked a catalan later carles puigdemont in brussels, a day after he fled there with five cabinet ministers. puigdemont said he hoped the dialogue with spain's central government would work, but it clearly failed. he also called his government both repressive and belligerent. on monday,left spain hours before the attorney general called for charges of rebellion and sedition to be brought against catalan leaders. toget the latest, we crossed our correspondent, who has been at that press conference. maeve, puigdemont speaking in a number of languages. clearly he wants nothing lost in translation. he called for the international community to t take on catalon's cause. reporter: absolutely. this was a direct plea to
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officials working right here in brussels, in the european parliament. -- he isean parliament just opposite the european council building. an absolutely packed press conference. a lot of the members of the spanish community who live here in brussels have come out as well, to waive the spanish flag and the european flag, and call for a united spain. they are shutttting things like espania," going for a political solution. we are hearing from carles puigdemont that he did not come to belelgium, hehe came to brus, because he wanted to be heard by -- he said he wasn't e.u. citizen and had the right to move freely. he said that by going to belgium , he was exercising his right as
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a european citizen. as you know, since october 1, when this referendum took p pla, e.u. hasas been taking a verery silent stance, and their rereaction was to say they weren susupport of t the madririd governmentnt, that the referendm s unlawfulul and illegal. when the declaration of independence took place, e.u. institutions did not recognize it. it is clear that that press conference today was really fofocusing on being heard by e.. institutions and getting some help and support from them for the fight of carles puigdemont and his five associates. you heard him say he faces up to 30 years in prison if he goes back to spain. anchor: our reporter just coming out of the press conference. that is where we leave it for now. a change in pace. let's go to business. stephen carroll joins me. we go to troubles with airbus. analyst: the aerospace giant says it has breached u.s. arms
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trafficking rules in the latest allegations overpayments to middlemen. it is under investigation in the u.k., france, germany, and austria. it says it has discovered inaccuracies in regulatory findings made in the united states. the company says it is cooperating fully with u.s. authorities. this news coming after the airbus ceo wrote to staff in warning of the possibility of significant penalties from those investigations. anchor: some good news we can say for the european economy. analyst: economic growth came in ahead of expectations, growing by 6%. the unemployment rate falling to under 9% for the first time since 2009. let's take a look at how the markets have been reacting to that. we are in the middle of earnings season. there is lots for investors to suggest. markets are relatively flat. german markets are closed for a public holiday. in london --iant
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>> this is a production of china central television americica. >> a barrier is something that can keep people apart. it can prevent communication or even progress in one's life, but breaking barriers is often where growth happens. this week on "full frame," we talk with those who are breaking barriers and taboos in the world of arts and culture, from embracing creative expression new to their society or building awareness around issues people just don't want to talk about. i'm mike walter coming to you from the heart of new york city's times square. let's take it full frame.
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